Bloons TD6 - 4-Player Swuper Challenge | JeromeASF

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well tonight's gonna be a super fun day in the world of lists our defense because we're doing both the super challenge yeah you heard me right swooper so we got me a super bulky which was I can go ahead and get the dark night that eye drops his rocket a super storm as the druid living is not here today cat pee on his router I think he's gonna be gone for next few days sadly so it's Matt it's going to be the swooper mines and Vale as the important job of the swooper monkey fanclub right what's wrong okay fine Phil you can plant some more signs you can place the swoop reminds Matt you can do this one for monkey fanclub round one 2010 we hit it but do know you guys can hit that like button take a look oh you crushed it yet again your amazing list let's go for 10,000 likes and 5 so cuz they'd say anything about heroes so what do you thing about been jamming jamming our jam I'm thinking it been jamming been jamming alright thanks so I got one Benjamin alright cheap hero we can put down for now not me because I am in the top right corner and that is true Matt you can start on your fan club over there in the front yeah yeah Matt take Adam on nice there you go why'd you give him money for a free monkey bar no because I wanted them to get an upgrade well I guess he can still have you give him the money now though he could get a DJ that's true there we go we'll have two DJs and then we'll have three integers and a waffle and then I can work on farms or he can get more monkeys don't worry about it just go ahead and get that DJ now that you can afford it yeah yeah Matt we probably shouldn't have given maybe get a sucky suit what no no no that's not what it's doing or I got this we finally got the deal why did you hide him away I'm trying to find a better hiding spot don't worry about why I hide in ways my monkey and I want it now there you go veil now we'll give it to dropsy and we'll get drops hey speaking of Benjamin you know what else is jamming guys shirts the judge my shirt chicken shirts village roam a sitcom know what I was gonna say was all these people are jamming those people who commented within the first hour of the last balloons being up and you guys could be just like them comment the first hour this would be it up so I got tunnel of certifications and come on I always do that trying to start a revolution last video a revolution what are your vote against you I tried to gain support to take over I gotta get mine Congress yeah ever since you did that ever since you were the mayor of Louisville in one video yep oh oh that sort of campaign money no no I just okay did you guys see mad campaign to become mayor of Louisville after that one video why would he come what yeah it'll be very good what role diminish bail can't be the Mary can't just trash talk I hate Louisville by the way elect me as your mayor well maybe I hit this town a little less if you made me your mayor no way can I get one right here wait yes and wait could I not fit another there we go banana where's your farmer what sir I want to put down that second one there oh okay and now I've got two farms let's go I want to get at least I want to get up to like four farms maybe second I say I'm an online three up behind me so I can still put monkeys on the outer part here yeah cuz keep mine and that book what's making money is uh this might seem like an easy challenge but if we don't make enough money to spend on getting this super monkeys up in a stuff like that how we could get past 120 or the super vines or the super storm they're also expensive oh yes yes good that you're also doing for Easter I got it yeah don't worry a lot of expensive stuff here also all right well you're the boom boom balls right yeah boom boss okay just make it sure so fails got the boom balls dropsy can you get your super storm as far back as humanly possible because otherwise we're gonna be see yeah that's yeah I can put it like in that little crevice part at the third ring so that when it knocks them back it's not fall the way to the beginning hopefully but that's as far as it'll go now this is stretch I'm not going to do it but technically couldn't any darking the dart monkey be a part of the super monkey fan club I think that actually they have to be below astir yeah I better say they can't be above a certain point I don't remember what it is but they can't be that good if you read read the description for super much here too okay yeah yeah so Matt if you go above tier - they won't transform sadly yeah unless you're on that route a guy thanks veil can always count on veil I mean you're really Ken though male you're a very dependable guy on a scale from one to ten I put you out like at least the seven out of ten that's pretty good that's a pretty high number oh yeah I can't even count the high it's fine he is what arted rating our friends like that you're like a six out of ten Steve I think depending on who you're talking to your either hurt their feelings or make their day no matter the rating section attire is great yeah oh my god that's way better than average it's like it really depends on are you talking yeah yeah what oh wow you already have ceramic boom balls yes random walls they're the best boom balls you could never blast the best at all blasts ville yeah well you could name a town and one thing what would you name it alright hold on can I answer this fair okay drop see if you can name a town anything oh I didn't think I'd be getting the question ah hot tasting oh really that drama II went after a sneeze I'm gonna want to do that your own hottie sting really you don't want to bring ID because every time I hear people like Oh hottie and I'm like ah ha ha ha it has to live with that I don't you're giving a gift dropsy power can I do not put it this stupid wheelbarrows in my way do you not realize how much this raises your power level drops II know I can't count that guy I already been over this so I'm computer science computers count for me haha there we go I put down a dart monkey there our smoker monkey I mean no bad area what do you mean bad area what because my super monkey fanclub might extend over to there it's fine hey can't you Matt there's a block out you can't put things where I put things plus the super monkeys nice he wants to visit his fan club oh I got it oh we're gonna need the boom ball stat I don't think about it once they hit the boom balls uh there's all they hit the thing again I think we're okay let's go up one super monkey fan club doesn't it slightly pain you all to say boom balls I'm not a pain but it's like I have to say it with the accent and that's hard oh I'm sorry yeah if I had a town I think I want to be like up in the mountains they've called pronghorn Valley it'd be like a nice little nice mountain ski behind it it sounds like it'd have a nice like River area yeah and we go back to old school names wouldn't be the Dollar General there's to be like the general store Oh like we're done everything would have to be family-owned yeah yeah yeah exactly the name of the grocery store is grocery store well welcome to shop yeah why are you buying clothes I just like that cousin you're like I'm going to the shop and everyone knows what other soup would you like to buy items at shop I love buying items at shop that's life oh that's a good thing as we got sales on items at shop fat them coming don't forget to check clearance items at shop store comm shop shop shop shop shop that play dot store that you know is that when you look up at domain and people have the audacity to charge like a bazillion dollars yeah yeah and you're like pronghorn dot something and they're like premium domain $7,000 and I was like yeah whatever what who's selling pronghorns out here that they need to pay that much money for a website I don't know but can I have a little bit of money so I can jump skip nice cup you're gonna have to explain my drop about I I can get it I've only heard it away from swoop along Keith back no I'm just saving up a little bit of money right now so I could eventually get actually you you got camel popping on lock we might be good with this plasma vision things might be a-okay from here a little LEDs early just jinxed it drone it's gonna be awful no no don't push push push push applesauce all right well we got wave 65 now and I have a bunch of the battle research facilities online you know what that's it but I will save the day for us Oh what we're doing good here actually we have loads of money saved up here so we have super monkey fanclub there Matt you're killing it we got almost super swarm and we got blah blah but not almost supervise well Matt you got a second cluster going nice do ya no still transform nice we're killing it out here now nice alright the question is will I mean I guess by the time wave 90 comes we should have a ton think I never been out of central something make an even more money we should have enough money my wave 90 to beat the DDT is that for that point the hardest thing is wave 120 is gonna be fighting reinforce be a DS those guys I don't care how much firepower you have you just never know if it's gonna be enough or not you know they're they're kind of mean and sometimes they even call you bad names what yep yep yep yeah they have some nice things to say about people we will destroy them yeah I know a bunch of bullies is what I thinks I am a theory oh you had a game theory well if you notice watch my super monkeys right yeah they go right but then watch as soon as it runs out watch one of them stays because the bottom one transforms okay if I could time it perfectly in theory if I got enough of these super monkeys I can always have a compressive monkeys but the question is at that point what it just makes more sense to actually buy super monkeys mmm you know I I don't really know the answer that question but super mad super sorry super storm thank you drops s thank you for amending the answer yes thank God don't worry I see what you're saying Matt you could probably in theory have at all times especially BTech bought time it perfectly you could probably have it mmm-hmm that super storm drops is gonna kill it I'm in the DDPs it won't be able to stop but everything else it will nag goodness but a couple of ease yeah Ferb H is gonna be but saving up for The Legend of the night people have the legend of the night by DVTs ah yeah probably yeah all right well time to get a legend of the night and Matt you need some money for some plasma monkey fan clubs yeah how much you thinkin buddy 40 80 there you go least eighty there you go thank you so much and here you go male get some boom balls for yourself ah the biggest boom balls so we got the night we got the super mines we got the super storm we got plasma monkey fan clubs going now we are gonna be stacking and also my just says swooper monkey so I could do all the words if I wanted to and you know what do want son avatar I will do some temples I don't to sacrifice your people Matt joke is just this once they'll get a free pass all right there we go and now I can just go ahead and I love how he's just like got the guns right around that other monkey's heads well of course it's called teamwork huh and can I put I can put another night nice but around that circle area you can probably fit a super monkey in there too I just barely can't I checked but I can sneak another super monkey down there can then even at the track Jerome just shake it's barely there but yet all the big chunks is that leaned over the track also I just realized they're supposed to be DDT's aren't there oh no I don't think so I think so trunks I think them actually oh they remove DDT okay yeah yeah they were like yeah this is just isn't worth our time anymore so you're sick oh yeah I didn't read the newest patch notes clearly oh yeah that's okay yeah change hogs give me long go got another dark champion no guys I'm Andy the swooper challenge is breezy they normally don't allow us to just go this hard with the banks and uh usually well back in the day we used to get easy challenges like that really go have fun with the banks but nowadays people usually learned the lesson mm-hmm but clearly we can still sneak on by sometimes you still got to get the 120 though so it could get dicey okay all right there we go can I fit anymore I literally can't unless they selva well if I have to I'll start selling the factories off to do it but otherwise I think we're gray okay oh my 109 and still not much trouble at all I mean the reinforced be a zombies aren't really even getting close I don't know I don't know that we're gonna have any problems here guys I think this might just be easy street I have half a million dollars nice the reinforced DDT's are making it decently far cuz once they break past us dropsy can't hit them at all and then they just straight up go for vales super mines or five to go through the super mines and super monkey alley true and I apologize I let me say boom balls fail I didn't mean to do that - no worries no worries can I put down more though or yeah of course you or pool balls well I didn't have super in the name so I was like you know million has gotta be the balls boom-boom balls really appreciate you guys getting on the boom ball hype I'm really really appreciated plus what they're called bail I don't know what else I'd call it there we go and let's go put down that guy right there perfect you could put a pontoon in the river thank like oh wait have you wanted to buy a get more room up there what is that your zone drop see no I just checked on the pontoon I got some more dark champions for you got you guys liked our champions like the night sure home yeah your home how many of these do you have uh eight are you planning on getting more yeah look all those forms more to the Knights more nights but I have I sell the farms that I can't afford more nights I'm it strategically do you want worship hold on I have to find my mouse boy do you have more money for our super-monkey drone just look at my money oh no do you I have money Jerome do I have maybe you do just gonna send a hundred thousand this way oh thank you so much you can have this yay you can have fun with that and more subrogee and we'll sell this one off and it won't stop okay I think we win no fair I think we lose we need more super-monkey my games starting the lag yeah my - a little bit probably the boom balls I'm sorry no it's definitely the super monkeys did somebody say more super we now have 13 nights that's an unlucky number drum Oh need one more 13 I can't fit anymore what do you mean not in that corner over there like in the bottom right no he won't fit down oh that's a shame this is awkward well now we're gonna lose drum no not okay lose more weight just sit yeah 13 you jinxed it I'm sorry oh the robo-monkeys ability didn't even do anything we cool it probably did but we can't tell I should have just put down more dark nights tell them oh my god tell them to make room for more nights oh no no drop see that would be a reckless decision that I don't think anyone you're hovering over the cell button right now yeah there he goes but I and who needs a Sun avatar where you can just get the night there we go oh my god it's really starting to lag it's lagging up baked up if we crash at 119 or one way before the challenge is Oh who's giving me money I don't need it I'll take it I don't really have anything to spend it on but I just gave it to somebody here you go there's a little bit it's just constantly hearing that so yeah cheering yeah that's what I was talking about all right one more wave guys one more wave it's at the very end that kills me cuz it goes oh there's one more wave a kiss you're just spamming it now man I'm trying it's like yeah what of it Vail and one time try remember this has a reinforced ba-dee right I think or is it just a big VAD oh it's not it's just a powerful one okay all right I thought we've won twenty it's something special about it but maybe not big jump yeah oh man big big chump wave well once these are dead right here I don't think oh yeah oh I so spawning oh my gosh goin oh my gosh the wave it literally is still going going I thought that was it okay still going not gonna stop there and GZ another challenge in the bag
Channel: JeromeASF
Views: 450,601
Rating: 4.9588284 out of 5
Keywords: Jeromeasf, Jerome asf, pixelmon, bedwars, fortnite, battledome, doodle god, copes and robbers, galacticraft, sky factory 4, Minecraft, risk factions, cookie camp, crazy craft, bloons tower defense 6, bloons, btd battles, btd 6, btd6 tier 5, strategy, btd6, bloons td, btd6 round 100, btd6 gameplay, btd6 strategy, btd6 impoppable, btd6 5th tier, btd6 best hero, btd6 best strategy, bloons td battles, jeromee, jeromeasf, jeromeasf bloons, jeromeasf bloons td 6, hilarious gameplay
Id: 0WYqrRUQaZ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 7sec (1267 seconds)
Published: Mon May 04 2020
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