The BEST GOD BOOSTED Dartling Gunner Path In Bloons TD6

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well today's gonna be a wild day in the world of blues tower defense because we're gonna be taking the blue exclusion zone and pushing it to the limits now everyone who plays balloons out there knows the darling gunner was released and because of that we have three new mega towers the ray of doom the mad and the blue exclusion zone now if you don't know what the blue exclusion zone looks like oh my gosh oh god guys i mean look at it it's just it's shooting bolts everywhere so we decided what happens if we take that and we god boost it alchemists monkey village totems toes those aren't going to help they will definitely help walking without toes bro yeah come on especially so make sure you click that like button or else the balloons are taking over oh guys what have to do with steve though doesn't have anything to do with steve well it always has to do with steve he always does that like button or steve will eat all right all right so first things first let's put down some benjamins and of course i put down the pontoon right there that way i can put down the big old darling gunner let's do it all right yeah did you put him in my area no he's in the middle steve that's the whole point right right right but he's totally on my side of the map so who's doing farms farms uh well first things first let's get someone else to getting the uh benjamin cappy needs it okay yeah there you go cappy and then i still need my benjamin and then we'll be all good before benjamin's rocking and rolling okay i only seen two benjamins where's the third okay i'm just trying to choose the perfect spot because i think i might end up doing the farms nice all right there we go pass on the money i need like 50 yeah all right now we're rocking and rolling okay so the rest of this time's gonna be spent trying to get enough money to upgrade this bad boy and believe me what i say he is cruz so let's go uh i'm guessing we want to go top root right because the bottom seems kind of lame um you seem kind of lame wow probably top roof you go on blue exclusion zone you need the middle rep so you can get advanced targeting well yes yeah but like in addition to that i'm saying oh then i would definitely get uh faster swivel and more powerful darts instead of focus firing okay hey wait no we gotta go through the bottom route and then faster barrel spin am i we're doing blue exclusions though yeah oh that is the bottom root okay sorry so should we go the middle root or the okay now wait we're going to middle okay middle root we'll do middle root then and then we'll do bottom okay there's no i was so confused i was like that's not an option to be fair there's no point anyway if you think about it in doing focus firing because the shotgun just kind of blasts everywhere anyway so solid 10 out of 10. oh yeah um upgrades hello someone gave me a bunch of money but do we need that right now i mean we need it for farms but i can't wait i'm farming i think we need more than one person farming because there's not a lot of space anywhere for farms okay we could do that then yeah if i had to guess like that's just my my personal guess won't be that bad then here let me see how many farms i can fit down here i bet you i can fit a handful of them there's one but you can fit another one right here there's two but you can fit another one right here that's three look at that i i would get powerful darts at least though okay okay okay what are we gonna do about leads we're gonna eat them no honestly that just means by wave 20 something we're gonna need to have the uh we're gonna have the mib building yeah okay so let me go ahead and all right there we go how do you like me now okay so we've got him is that is he outside the range i can't really tell no he's not we're good we're good okay [Music] just that you're not gonna hit that red one now yeah i will you gotta move no i don't know eventually yeah he will oh yeah it comes back that way okay yeah hold your horses and stop panicking all right this map is honestly perfect for the darling gunner because they just have to crisscross around so many times he gets so much opportunities to hit the other targets yeah you tell him i will tell him steve thank you man if the balloons go through those stumps they have to kiss because of the mistletoe oh no is there a mistletoe there yeah they're going for it right now oh no oh no cooties there's nowhere that i could put this engineer that i won't hit stuff yeah that's fair that's true i mean yeah but to be fair as well come round 100 is an engineer really gonna be doing anything you know that's fair all right there we go killing it i actually can't click on your oh there we go some reason i was struggling to click on your engineer there very difficult he's pretty i tried to get him up as high as i could but all right uh we are running low on it hey guys guess what what's that steve what was that what is that what i don't know already to be able to pop the uh the lead balloons so once we get my money there we go mib and jungle drums so now he's able to pop any type of balloon that comes his way so the lead balloons are going to be vaporized immediately and now we can focus on other things like powerful darts we probably could have gotten the focus firing and at least gotten laser shark the focus firing wouldn't have been useful but the laser a shock with the blue exclusion sound could have been interesting but a lot of it could be interesting but but but but but but faster barrel spin blade blade you could be interesting wow there's a lot to wow dunk on them steve thanks that's hr for you over here all right let's keep popping them and popping them i have two monkey plantations now so we're moving on up i have none none you say wait none you said oh you're in the bottom left i'm gonna top left oh top left okay uh there you go jerome there's some money uh there you go cap there's some money you guys your farms and whatnot okay okay thank you steve thank you steve i guess i'll save up to get a research facility honestly though for a while at least like here let me switch to don't upgrade buckshot i'll just hold on for now till i have to we really don't need that much money though 51 000 for the top tier of this guy and a hundred thousand for the engineer all right here we go so i'm gonna upgrade a buck shot because things are actually starting to get through a little bit here so let's see the buckshot does much of a difference i think it's slightly more money and what else does it do does it just do slightly more damage and it doesn't seem to be quicker huh um i think it shoots mountain like bursts and that's that's about it i think it shoots more maybe more i don't know okay but hear me out hear me out i can just give you my money and you can upgrade again jerome or i can do it out of research facilities do that oh my goodness so you were afraid your tower all right all right i'll upgrade the tower i'll upgrade the tower but you guys were saying that apparently the one of these upgrades allows you to have access to a special type of balloon targeting system yeah you can get one where it's no longer just locked into one position it'll track the balloons so it'll constantly be moving around are you watching this do you do you guys see what i see right now [Music] i've seen a lot of lots of fires that guy is insane look at it it's just he's not even done yet that's a tier four that's literally a tearful bro he just crushed the moab oh my goodness jerome can you try that new uh the new swivel thing the other track instead of lock yeah yeah i can uh give it a shot give it a whirl it's called target independent i'm guessing yeah there we go oh my god look at that i've seen this episode of mandalorian dude this is crazy i think this is going to end up being at first when i did this i didn't think this would be that o.p of a tower i thought it'd probably be the worst out of all the dartling gunner tier fives but i might have to admit my answer i mean dude shoot in all directions like at any given time there's four barrels so like he could be shooting to the left to the right up top down at the bottom all at the same time it'd be perfectly fine all around sideways yeah yeah slides a little left across down right up left down right up i'm worried about what's happening in the bottom right over there oh no why danger of losing bananas but i think one research facility is enough no no we need to make sure that we can't lose the bananas forever same with the bees dude okay i could give me some money so i can get research facilities i really want a banana sandwich now wait wait wait wait what what else besides banana is on this sandwich oh thank you jerome you're such a kind guy a peanut butter banana sandwich okay okay i was just imagining sandwiches and the worst part is he leaves the shell on he just puts bread on each side of a banana unbeaten eats it like a taco seriously do you guys eat your bananas with a shell on or off off off okay but like banana in a hot dog bun that's illegal with the shell on that deserves to be illegal i think we need to i think we need to uh if we can find our money jerome can totally get to tier five now oh okay little blue exclusion zone is what you're saying yeah boom there he is oh my he is beautiful that's amazing and he's not even fully upgraded yet oh my we need to give him all the boosts in the world have you guys ever seen like a beehive get attacked before how it does the really weird like uh maneuvers with all the bees they they all shimmy at the same time to make different like patterns do you mean when the bees get angry yeah well that's that's kind of what that guy looks like right now look at his look at his body it's kind of just shimmying at different times oh what i'm most impressed about look at him right now he's just look at him he's not even close to being fully boosted like not even close okay let me draw it on a permanent brew because we're making money made way too quick there we go permit is done i need a hundred and two thousand so i can get the ultra boost i got you bud there we go targeting for oh it doesn't have the ability yet i can't even target it oopsies called arms all right so one of the next things we have to do is make sure that we link up all of our homeland defense boosts but that'll come with time and of course getting blade is ultra boost that'll be very important you got a lot like the prioritized blade so that we can get that over with and see how awesome it is smart very smart especially because it takes him a while because he has to boost him up to 10 total times and because of that you know so we need to make sure we do that sooner rather than later um it's a good call cap i gave i gave blade all my monies and i gave him all my money's again keep giving me all your money and i'll give him all my moneys keep giving me all your money jerome give him the money let's give him money oh he's already got it all right now that i have all your money i'm out of here no wait we need ultra boosts thank you i would lose it if he had actually like left the game by accident like just messing around okay trim this coffee is pretty good thank you steve 8 000 left until homeland defense is upgraded let's go how much more do you need uh 4 000 now there you go all right there we go i just did homeland defense we're looking good we're looking good very nice three of those i think so too i think four usually overlaps yeah okay well we could work on that thing i should be able to time it now and i'm also gonna an engineer my own blade off to the side and that way i can help boost my guy whenever yours isn't able to boost because there's the permanent side of the boost that we all know and love but then there's also the just regular boost you get temporarily they're two separate things yes i think we did that last time right yeah we did it last time yep yep [Music] we're gonna be a-okay all right so mine's going off blade as soon as you think it's appropriate go ahead and well you know we need to get yours up here you go steve now you can actually get the real homeland defense and then yeah yeah yeah we'll find him funnel money over to blade as i play you get it there we go oh we also i just realized a submarine do you think you can put a submarine in there yeah i do i mean i could also just do this yeah i was trying to find a place that's exactly what i was trying to do blade but i don't want my spot here you go blade there's some more money to help you on your submarine adventures does the submarine have to be in range of him no no okay the last one is a global so it says uh where is it reduces ability cooldowns everywhere by 20 okay but won't that like hit the balloons with the radiation no because he's submerged i'm pretty sure it still hits him when it's submerged too well engineers though yeah i don't think there's anywhere that you can put that thing that it won't hit them um on this map yeah but look at it go look how fast it is dude that thing is shooting so much all right we might need to link up and time our uh our boost wait actually is it like i think we're good we are good wow never mind all right we don't need to do anything look at that so at this point in time he is more or less oh my god look how fast he's shooting well he's more or less as good i think as he's ever gonna be uh the only thing left to do really would be to keep on ultra boosting him even when he's past 10. which oh my gosh yeah it looks like there's got to be something else we can do that we're not thinking about right no dude there's a major one steve which is temple of the monkey god will give a boost but the problem is good luck setting that up so that he doesn't hit any other towers you know yeah i put a sticky trap out that'll help right yeah steve that's cheating that's cheating i like how the darling gunner has his own thing i didn't realize the target independent thing until like right before we hit this video everyone when blade told me i had no idea that was a thing i mean they still haven't gotten on the map yet but well i can't control that he's so good look at this oh my god guys bets do you think this is going to be better than when we god boosted the ray of doom or whatever i didn't at first but i do now yes i think this will be better than the ray of doom yeah and i think it's a cheaper cheaper tower too so i think the i think in order of coolness i think the ray of doom looks the coolest but might be the worst i think this is like middle and middle and then i think the mad is probably the best i would say mad looks the coolest over the ramp damn you oh oh my goodness the mad i forgot about him yeah yeah dude he is so good i completely forgot about that okay let's see how we're doing here 75 000 i'll take it oh right yeah does anyone need money no jerome go ahead and get your your research facility or whatever it is the uh banana central banana central okay okay we have the money why not um cappy here's some money for you bud here we go let's see how we fare against the zom and then after that wave oh my god he didn't even care he just didn't demolished that shredded that night all right well found away for around 90. all right so we're breezing on through the initial ddt's but wave 90 isn't really a test of anything wave 95 is a test of your abilities to pop those ddt's quick enough because the end of that round is kind of scary all right let's see no problems i'm going to say no problems i think this is going to go to wave 110 115 somewhere in there i think we might get to 120 dude i really wanna do but i want to see how he does against the b.a.d do you think he'll be able to shred the bad as quick as we think or do you think it'll be a little slower i mean look what he's doing to the z omg like you know the b80 is gone the ad is not even making it to the second turn i think we should take the engineer and try and get it to a technical 11 times boost by cycling the engineer boost on that specific tower oh i love where your heads at well i've got one automatically doing it i think blade has one automatically doing it cap here's some extra money so you can do it and then steve you already have the money okay everyone's got it all right go ahead let's do it let's do it okay all right good thank you what are we doing we're gonna do that let's get monkey engineers ultra boosting and we're gonna time it perfectly so that we can make sure he's always getting a 11th boost also i just can't realize during that rant that 95 happened and i just completely zoned out that is insane so he just he's that good he's too good like those are the reinforced ones so they're not making the turn wave 99 has reinforced ddt's that's this this right here is about to be a test how are we going to time this though um let's see is it we might actually already just have it timed accidentally just because of how long their abilities last yeah let's do it yeah it looks like i don't know it's still jerome you just missed the bat oh my goodness what what is going on why is this tower so good all right guys we're going to be going on into round 110 here which i'm pretty sure the way it works is every 10 waves on this you get a bad so i think we're gonna have our next bad which should be stronger than the first one we encountered oh god someone's lagging steve what's too much i think we lost him again all right wave one ted come on i think he's gonna be just fine no they're not making the turn dude i'm really curious now i maybe one maybe 150 is not even too small of a guess i i'm thinking 150. like it can track all the balloons throughout the entire course right yeah yeah think about the range that this thing covers like it's preposterous well time will tell loons log day 73 we've yet to see a balloon cross the great glue zone i also pooed myself not again where do you think the guy inside that dartling gunner is going to the bathroom do you think he's just sitting in his own poop i think what do you think the buckshot's made out of steve he was about to be like where do you think the pooh goes oh you know you thought those are cannonballs there's at the bottom of the towers is dung beetles getting ready to roll i'll be part of my side of the map hey the green tribe's gone yeah all right gotta put a new one up nope bloon's log day 94 the poop is still there and the balloons are slowly making it further but not even at the halfway point i'm regretting this decision who chose this map you did why did i choose this map because you're smart so guys guys i have an idea okay yeah i put down a second balloon exclusion sound no where wait where did he actually like i don't see him oh i see him at the very front wait what get down here wait get that out of here you're ruining the integrity of the challenge blade balloon's log day 974. i'm losing my mind that's all i've got how is it still alive this is ridiculous dude they are making it very far though in all fairness everyone i think 150 it's going to go downhill quick you'll see by the end of this wave they've been able to make it around the bend over to the second half of the match so there's there's not much time left for our savior here i still think we're gonna break 175 jerome 175 you think yeah this is this is not gonna end anytime soon i'm thinking 150 dude i really think 150. but i think you're wrong well i think you're wrong oh this b.a.d oh he's going to make it not that far i know oh jump yeah he's kind of a chump did he just lag for a second he stopped shooting yeah i saw that too did someone use that benchmark i think that corner might be just out of range maybe oh no even though the mobs don't go under the log it processes them as under the log makes sense oh okay yeah that's smart well we'll probably cut back in at round 150 yi and i cannot express this enough all right so we're nearing on route 150 and they are getting very very far but we're still gonna be able to beat this wave i'm quite sure but they they've been able to make it through about what i would say is two-thirds of the track at least according to last wave so we'll see we'll see i think that right there is gonna be the punisher it's gonna be when we get to rounds so there's more than one b.a.d at a time thing and there's two of them there he is yeah i think this might be where things start getting nice three bags oh steve i don't know man this might be where we lose do i hear a fourth oh my god i don't think these four unless okay there we go there we go we're looking good we're looking good play the bds doing pretty good on damage there yeah and once the first one pops it's gonna have to divert its attention away to all those ddt's that come out oh my god he might accidentally pop that b.a.d because he's getting hit by the what he did he wasn't even targeting that it wasn't even the one in the front he just accidentally popped it up it shooted the front the back and the mid at the same time oh is that how that works yeah yeah oh okay makes sense it doesn't make sense well let me perfect for him you can see it right now like it's shooting different areas at the same time guys this is getting ridiculous can we just can i have lunch yeah i'm obviously yeah at this point yeah this is yeah all right we'll keep going till we lose guys i think we're about to lose finally oh my goodness that is wild 152 waves everyone that tower i don't want to say it's the best in the game but i'm gonna say it's a top five tower in all of this continuum
Channel: undefined
Views: 140,152
Rating: 4.9455934 out of 5
Keywords: Jeromeasf, Jerome asf, pixelmon, bedwars, fortnite, battledome, doodle god, copes and robbers, galacticraft, sky factory 4, Minecraft, risk factions, cookie camp, crazy craft, bloons tower defense 6, bloons, btd battles, btd 6, btd6 tier 5, strategy, btd6, bloons td, btd6 round 100, btd6 gameplay, btd6 strategy, btd6 impoppable, btd6 5th tier, btd6 best hero, btd6 best strategy, bloons td battles, jeromee, jeromeasf, jeromeasf bloons, jeromeasf bloons td 6, hilarious gameplay
Id: kvpXvR8fDWQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 47sec (1487 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 19 2020
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