Bloons TD6 - 4 Player Recycling Challenge | JeromeASF

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well today we're going recycling it blues sound effect six recycle looks awesome you should do it too so what we're gonna be doing is one of us is going to be running necromancer towers that revive old balloons from the day the other of us is going to be the blues engineer who's gonna be trapping the old balloons and throw out Amalek gotta throw out your trash another one of us is gonna be running the banks but they have to go the banana recycle we can't be wasting those old bananas and last but not least we're gonna be using the alchemist who's gonna turn trash into gold chants available coming up with this challenge and shout to you guys because bow that's a lot of likes and you made it happen let's see if we can get 10,000 likes for another awesome blues challenge alright so player 2 is the very front you have a very important role because being you can see the Blues before anyone else it make the most sense if you were our monkey wizard that way you could go and reveal all the camos force using shiver ability you know I'm sorry wanted to be Alchemist sorry buddy but it makes the most sense for you to be the science blades oh yeah come it's fine I'll get over I'll tell you what though I'll be the engineer that makes it all better it doesn't really change anything but you know what a science there we go boom alright I'm gonna go ahead put down at ramps that's why wait everybody halt yeah do you see the axe on the right-hand side log oh my god BAM click it oh my god you ever wonder if Steve just clicks around over school I think is exactly what he does blade that's precisely what he'd like we're doing the intro he's not - wait they sparkle is their secret with them so like if you do the one right underneath the stump it sparkles ya Wiggles uh guys okay so we need what would you okay well honestly I believe banana farms give me your money also I just oh yeah good point good point good point good point but Steve I kind of want to upgrade my things whirring whose are your buns oh but you're I was thinking though honestly how cool is it this challenge it makes sense it's a recycling challenge because think about how many things are making us money from old broom scraps the engineers making extra money The Alchemist is making extra money the banana farm is making extra money the blades he's making extra weight blade you're not making extra money why I'm making dudes got zombies you really want to call them out yeah I don't want to do that but could you guys give me your money chop-chop here you go Steve I do mind it I need my money for fireball yeah I got a blue in traps I could make more money for us anyway and I just want to tell you that you're wrong he's giving me all his money and he doesn't even have a tower yet also Cappy this is your challenge you didn't put a wave limit on it we would do a hundred hundred first wait well we're gonna play forever okay I'm okay with this also do you guys want to get faster engineering or deconstruction deconstruction think you always think of that - yeah okay easy peasy also have you ever wondered why deconstruction which helps you do more damage to Moab is only $170 I find it to be one of the weirdest tier 2 upgrades in all of balloons in terms of pricing and I'm just being serious like think about it name another tier 2 upgrades $170 that's so important makes no sense valuable bananas in the middle around but that's $800 you know why you're right wow it's expensive so 170 bucks that's odd lychee even the one before the tier 1 is $465 have we just been sleeping on the engineer monkeys an engineer monkeys Oh Pete I would never slept on him we we never used the century Paragon though it's such a Paragon maybe comfortable to sleep on them actually it'd probably be really lumpy he's hard as a rock I think you might have to worry about him checking you for ticks what oh no doesn't a monkey yeah I got what you were saying captain so I thought he was safe you guys if he finds when he's only gonna nail them to take it out with but that too Steve you're looking good on your farms now buddy looking before is deep man Steve take my money look just take my money okay that's how you get money so what's the first tier five we want to get zombies also do I want to go top or bottom route with this hmm yes I mean you've already got three cycle so go top if you want marketplace will get us more lives so loop there cap I'm gonna be honest you told me to go top but marketplace is bottom route and you said but that would get us lives I'm the one who made the challenge and I'm giving you the freedom to do what you want bro I'll be the bottom route I would say marketplace Steve cuz other plant yeah I have a question about the challenge yeah is lighting them on fire and recycling them yeah blades the bad guy here making all the gas and hey hey no I recycle everything yeah I mean you are literally think of all the gasses that you're putting it yeah I think you're a bad yeah I think bait blades the bad guy you're a bad egg but I actually recycled like everything really yes that's good and they're only three different recycling bins I can make a mess you're not okay there you are you are no one got so far to do up here alright Steve Steve well you're not place blame is the most important role though with his shimmer ability that's gonna be huge for us when he gets it play Tiger you're the star of the show I'm a star of every show he's mr. show he is mr. show and Chris latex remembers you guys used to watch a wrestling I'm that guy The Big Show who's just a massive like 800 pound unit oh yeah serious now really yeah what does he do on it besides intimidate people it's one of those ones that's like full house and all those ones whereas he's retired from wrestling and now he's taking care of his family and going on crazy adventures yeah oh okay yeah do you guys see that banana farm placement it's like on the track you could tell it's glitchy cuz a blade of grass is glitching through the bottom of it you see that yeah sliver that just barely lit up and I had to sit there and shimmy it until it would finally let me place it you glitch the game Steve congratulations pal there's proud of yourself yes we're all there I actually grew up watching wrestling and I would lose my mind every time the Undertaker showed up oh I know right and we'll give you deconstruction no going god more or less gone well that was embarrassing all right well let's always turn money and hopefully with the deconstruction I think we'll be fine I got to brand from that once I gotta throw that away somehow yeah I got 2 grands as well just know where there's no one yeah I'm not really sure I have me actually wait uh give me your money right there in the middle yeah I can't put it in the middle whoever can't just give me your money okay Steve there you go that's all my money okay Oh everybody did cover the track oh wow I didn't even matter cuz deconstruction ate it anyway alright so Steve I need to give you to Greg you wasted the money for us I can try my best yeah hit me with it all right there you go that was two grand you honored the money restored they're gonna $33 my name so everyone gave him the money to waste yeah yep all right let's keep going to move around then so now that we officially lost there I think it's safe to say we need a lot more money if that could be my necromancer we might not have lost or lost well maybe we need a better way to pop Moab's somehow some way I don't really know what that way is but yes well I can get a siddik mixture dip but I don't think anybody's closer to me a cynic mixture dip yeah yeah yeah I don't know if you'll reach me or not with that I am now recycling all these balloons I could put them probably another trap yeah I'm okay with multiples oh we're gonna have multiples oh definitely yeah I think right otherwise yeah no way we're gonna beat this mmm-hmm mmm played take my money put another wizard down for necro your bottom right no see if you can do blade maybe spaced them out as far as you can up the track is that way when you shimmer you'll make sure you hit them you know well I mean well that's how my second one is gonna it could be well I did I making so much more money now from these things as well this is good like my traps I might be able to start work on a third one already no you might want to place a trap on the bottom loop okay just in case it's like a backup just yeah because your your engineers right now are pretty far up there right like yeah okay board up then Steve I'll I'll work on getting another one after this weird up at the mothership yeah Steve can I have two grand please of course because that gets me rubber to gold isn't that easy to ask for money like why is this let's never work for me yeah nobody's really asked me for money he asked for specific amounts I gave it to him yeah Steve can I have beef cow twenty thousand four hundred for Prince of Darkness forty nine thousand for XXL trap nope you know what the secret ingredient you guys are missing is crying you believe yeah please Pinkerton ingredient is you asked for a reasonable amount and they asked for like a million dollars please you know Steve are oh no I don't think whereas before unreasonable amounts of money maybe a little bit that I simply did you just wait Steve just nope there goes any bad put down I put that can I have some money Steve because I put down on the track where you told me to put it down I think we're all missing what Steve just did no it's just I didn't see anything I never see anything right then another trip Steve you get away with that I'll check this out look at the man and away with mah reader all right I'm gonna be done putting down all my traps oh this is the last trap I'm gonna get honestly cuz I already have way too many and that was save up for XXL traps from there which is pretty much could be largely out of Steve can give us the mod nice yeah of course I'd also fail with a 34,000 one lay the 20 I mean I do think are gonna be able to make us enough money Steve yeah of course I'm gonna honestly start giving you money for more central markets Steve of course supply hook you up there you go buddy boy I played you got a long I need a lot of money there and I need a lot of money say we use that money towards upgrading my farms look you haven't given me and darling what give you money huh Wow hey blade can I have $2,000 yeah I just gave you somebody Steve there you go there you go that's 2000 hey blade can I have $2,000 you see that gosh I should be able to keep giving you some good money Steve because as my traps catch things I'm cashing them out for a good chunk of change fashioned out the money's yeah buddy let's get you all central markets at least today there I'm not sure if this is accurate but it could be where you're capturing vales gold once you might be wasting it ah I mean it's possible I don't I don't know if it works that way might take that value still but I don't know Oh Kathy if you give him your money he can upgrade his thingy real quick to central market before the end of the round and then he gets a super felony there you go now get a little bit extra money to you nice let it go Kathy way to go cap cap I pressed a button damn cap you did it proud of you Kathy Noel presses buttons like you do yeah I'm a gamer and oh my gosh those Moab's they're getting quite far honestly I don't like it one bit I think I really need the Prince of Darkness actually yeah maybe we save up to get played that Steve do you want to pass him your money quick no okay well pleased yeah not really in please uh there we go blade Prince of Darkness hahahahahahaha nice dude I actually think that might make a huge difference for us I was sure really alright good good good good good good did you try getting good Lulu so next up we have thirty four thousand four veil and eighty one thousand for me a lot of money it's a lot of change that is a lot of money but it's okay Steve we get you more central markets in the meantime if we get blue master Alchemist the game's over i'ma be honest we need villages though like just in case what you can't change up the challenge now you can change it up okay fine we're gonna we're gonna rely entirely on blade for camos okay sounds good Oh God yep no that's not true he has shimmer yes shimmer that's fair that's fair yeah that was why I played was so important to us because uh with shimmer that's why it's important for me to be in the front there my only use for you nothing else yes pretty much it just just use me and that's it yeah yeah can I have your money yeah bill hasn't asked for any money I'm giving him my money they all can I have your money I'm giving skin I have hmm I only need one more central market okay five five five here you go all right I never get save up to get veil his thing right I mean monkey Wall Street Stevie boy doc we don't need that much money I'm giving Vale my money I'm gonna help you out babe no you give me my money oh wow Val you're getting the big bucks now buddy oh man it's almost like you're giving me the money you're making the big bucks there we go look at us go get Vale blue master Alchemist we don't mean look at all pretty mama oh yeah more money here you go you are Hamels there yeah actually after this round Steve spread probably like nine how much do you make per ounce tea probably there are you six-and-a-half grant at the end of the round alone G yeah well there's a lot of Ronnie's fancy gotta leave mister Alchemist gotta love heaven 513 why yeah buddy see you at the good I think a much better one for you at the Exorcist true very true whoops cap could you send that to Jerome Rami salami to you actually I got just sent him like $8,000 mr. Chetty a SETI here you go thank you sir more money please oh wait no that's the that's the ASIC game plan I want to press the givemoney button well buddy please provide host your buddy upon me is once again asking for your support no but I am let's get asking for ba-ba-boom your comments come over the first hour of the video going live you have a chance to be featured on the next video all you gotta do is turn on those notifications makes it set you have a better chance and coming to the video first yeah the one actor off my comment oh they're pretty good I've never gonna throw up your comment so you should just you yelling at fans I don't yell at anybody I just simply inform them that they are wrong I get notifications every time blade comments on my videos and they are always just yelling at supporting don't yell I am never raising my voice this would be a good idea you're like this is why the idea is trash let me tell you I hope you know by the way I'm like angry typing whomp sound like a geeky I hope you know that you have well over the amount okay there you go yeah I was just waiting to put up the pressure you know just putting the pressure on everybody that's all well I think we're good for now hi guys I'm now eating - dude I forgot the round yeah round 90 degrees god what a joke hmm German here yes sorry honey you have over 500 you're giving money I was trying to eat cashews you're giving me money to spam things down I'll chop so much cash I putting them down I'll take I'll taste some money sorry germ got it okay we get on his trap so I'm literally making no money at all cashews blade cash would you guys I make money if I travel yes yeah they're gonna bleed I love it his response is more trips yeah I hear what you're saying but it sounds like you need more traps oh my god the DVDs will set a chance they just got destroyed demolished I mean Zoop to be fair the real test is gonna be 95 because the XXL isn't large enough to capture all the disease so that's gonna be the real test of that every other wave except for wave 100 it's gonna be a joke 100 I think will be trouble yes unless all with all these engineers though deconstruction will do a lot yeah okay thank you for getting about all the zombies I'd stroke with round 100 you don't get the zombies and you forget about the zombies well that makes Excel trap eight more than I was expecting to be honest wow that actually ate a good majority wave 95 easy peasy lemon squeezy he's peasy lemon squeezy look you guys are great you're great you're phenomenal I'm gonna hug you guys so hard if you keep this up those room if you put a monkey farmer down there you probably collect all those traps automatically money they click themselves yeah I don't actually click on them well it'd be faster if you did but boys you know if you spent your money that you keep asking for or do I have nowhere to put them anymore what are you what are you using so much room not really above there is this kind of pointless played Hey I was gonna offer to share some cashews with you I don't like cashews who doesn't like cashews me man you know what this needs is more traps what happened blade forgot to put down more things my guys were gonna kill those let me just run it back was my XSL trap just being a chunga's it may have been filled okay was managed I don't know I just pressed run it back and it just takes excuse me explain yourself please what I still don't think we're gonna beat this wave I don't think so either but I still want an answer Steve cap put down some things what happened that last wave oh my god we haven't even done 20% of the damage to it this is ridiculous I told you I think this is gonna be horrible 20% yeah hey guys this is going terribly [Music] asking for your continued support and funding the zombie apocalypse going as fast as I can my god 40% I don't even know blade yeah take the rest of the money uh what the recycling challenge impossible question mark impossible improbable there's 60% well there it is everyone wheat I don't lose anything else we could really do I think you can't win with the recycling challenge against the P ad
Channel: JeromeASF
Views: 456,880
Rating: 4.9509215 out of 5
Keywords: Jeromeasf, Jerome asf, pixelmon, bedwars, fortnite, battledome, doodle god, copes and robbers, galacticraft, sky factory 4, Minecraft, risk factions, cookie camp, crazy craft, bloons tower defense 6, bloons, btd battles, btd 6, btd6 tier 5, strategy, btd6, bloons td, btd6 round 100, btd6 gameplay, btd6 strategy, btd6 impoppable, btd6 5th tier, btd6 best hero, btd6 best strategy, bloons td battles, jeromee, jeromeasf, jeromeasf bloons, jeromeasf bloons td 6, hilarious gameplay
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 28sec (1348 seconds)
Published: Thu May 14 2020
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