Bloons TD 6 - 4-Player Random Category Scramble Challenge | JeromeASF

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well it's Thursday see know what that means randomized wheel time it blues tire defense six this time that we decided to make things a little more interesting and add a couple choices for us so the wheel has four different categories the primary Tower is the magic towers support towers and of course the military towers whichever one it lands on for you you get to pick your favorite one single tower from that category that's pretty much it it's up to the wheel to decide our fate dropsy we're gonna spend the wheel and she's going to be primary thieves spin the wheel and Steve gets to be the military Steve's but a wheel blade gets to be primary as well so we got two primaries one military hopefully I get supports I could be the banker for you guys let's see Eddie gets his wish support alright everyone so we already know what some of us are doing well played during the primary so what do you pick yeah the boomerang I like it alright boomerang and glue gunner nice you guys have any extra money I'm gonna be doing the banana farm so it's good to cuz I could be a support of any kind do you guys think that our spike probably the banana farm probably been in a farm alright well if anyone has any money they wanna has played up grants guys $945 people have this thank you Steve can I have your money there we go boom nice we got our first pen on a farm I'm also gonna use a banana farmer because I'm lazy so you only if you want but that's what's happening there we go go to old bananas say it's a good thing I'm here cuz Duffy didn't have Carosa good well I was dining drone get his farm I'm just here to slow him down for you what corrosive oh I mean yeah eventually she'll get any give her some time just got here man okay wait wait here blade wouldn't let his son watch young master chef all right I'm just kidding around I love master chef dude that shows so I don't know why it's so fun but it just is it's very [Music] I mean it's fun we have a we have a mana shield so cool but still well what's wrong we're just gonna let him know just let him uh terse fine I didn't like that I don't like that next way meadow if I get $1,275 I can get the helicopter a lot of money I was gonna do sniper but unfortunately there is no field of view on this everything's blocked off by these hedges oh and you can't delete these hedges for some reason can you yeah well I'm on my corner right so it would I don't know what is close to the middle as possible not having that range yeah versus being able to hit the entire map I feel like my best bet is going to be for the heli pilot 200 I'll have corrosive do you mean drummers the money man but I need it for a bank he really does need it for the bank get Jonas I got glaze will be fine with blade having the Gleaves now hopefully my hero bleed room whenever you get you know set to a certain point I wouldn't mind getting a little help getting my first tower but that's just yeah okay retro pronghorn it is truly whatever do a challenge of the banker it matt is just always surprised the money $30 gentleman a thousand dollars right now no retro blue right now drove I don't even have a thousand dollars I'm broke dead broke out here he ready you're a bad banker ooh you gonna take that drew it's fine Steve's the last one gonna get money anyway I was pulling a Matt yeah okay Steve okay boomer Aang that's not me that's blade ease mister boomerang I know I send me $1,000 blade I don't even have a tower yet well that sounds like a you problem I mean we're a team I think it's an everyone problem yeah if I don't get my tower down think that's an everyone problem now we're fun now she's got credit so quit now I've got my second but not for them but I'm still missing a lot of money's no no like I said you need to you do you just whenever you're set up I got to get those things going these guys out here are killing again I spoke too soon that's fine no drop see why do you have a piece of a stick of butter melted on your head splatter okay but like why do you have like butter stuck your head I don't know I'm not the monkey on TV I don't know man like I don't know what exactly that means but never repeat it drops is a butter head this mean blade oh it's just one and can't be calm people butter eggs out here don't tell me that thousand dollars people so do I if I had a million dollars what would you do then uh I don't remember the rest of it well you gotta make you had a million dollars you don't know what you do right this side pay off college there you go that's something find a substantial hole see that's something and be comfortable there is investing alligators I invest in my please and thank you how much do you need Steve four hundred dollars all right I might be able L like three hundred now I got three but not enough arms yeah keep up the good work I think the longer that we don't take money from you the better off we're gonna be yes you're still not giving out any money yep that's right regulator sides of this the person without a tower is like yeah I believe can we get another ninja a little further down we don't have benches but gave me some money I could literally have my Tower get bleed please and thank you but then I can't get ricochet all right how much do you want how much do you want Steve $300 it's all I know that's fine let's just disrupt all of our plans there you go I mean I'm just saying this is a team effort some of us aren't being a team today yeah I could be one slow I don't know that was weird [Music] and why do we not have the autoplay thing going oh yeah well I think only one of us has to have that on there you go auto start yeah Matt discovered that none of us had autoplay on Tim I mean you don't really want it sometimes yeah we want it now oh well now we don't well that's deep you're the only one not think about camos oh my goodness I'm lagging so bad tonight my jet is not like that's what we wanted to hear when we just found out that he's the only one who Capas camos yeah I'm sorry you're gonna have to get pursuit in the camo thing it whenever you can and a half - yeah because like my helicopter is not following my cursor properly I mean there's some latency it doesn't follow it exactly just have it stay in a spot you can yeah set a target that's true actually I reckon so easy yeah Steve you can just set your target if that's becoming an issue let's what I'm gonna have to do [Music] all right keep getting the money farmer guy more monies please my target on farm work I get the banana farms yeah farm farm farm farm farm that's the song right fun fun fun fun fun alright kill the game out here well okay cuz I think the last time we did the randomize challenge we didn't make it that far feel like we struggled a bit my being I think we very expensive towers all right well the good news is leave Lord if you guys can hold out before wave 39 for that moab then I should be able to dish off a bunch of money I'm trying to get Moab blue yeah with our current placements for drops and I if she can get the moai blue and I made this one a grave Lord in this position to the star there's gonna be a really strong you mean it yeah it's gonna be a better pursuit bus gonna be pretty strong do you think you'll be able to take out that moment probably right like we're the current stuff I'm a thousand away from getting Moab please so less than wait Moab plate oh wow I know it's more Gleaves that's an already and I'd be alright I don't think that says what you think it says there now does oh okay this is whatever I wanted to say to us Howard isn't that kind of like what parenting is okay so slow uh Steve here you go I poured I gave you a ton of money Steve just get whatever you can to make this not be a problem whatever you need to make this not be a problem anymore I think he's got it let's go good save well back to not panicking about anything I didn't learn a thing I now have Moab margulies I finally had the ability to borrow money some to borrow money get central market gem can I have 34 grand no we're not at that stage yet but I need 34 grand we have a booming economy right now we got to keep reinvesting okay booming as in like boomerang you know fair play but no but you get an A for effort that was that was pretty good oh man even with the loan I'm making a ton of money still mmm-hmm yeah I mean I think this is I think we have a pretty solid team going right now not gonna lie I I really wish you would lie sometimes though all right we're gonna crash and burn Thank You Steven was that so hard happened last time crash yeah we're gonna talk about that like crash this is know what happened last time yeah it did no like literally yesterday oh no yeah we lost an entire balloons video yesterday because someone summoned like 18 phoenixes and crashed the game we won't talk about that so therefore you crashed and burned yeah the footage is gone and no one will ever know what happened and it was the craziest one - we made it to Round 295 I'm yeah that was such a good round - I'm totally making everything up we didn't know but we did crash we didn't lose footage we like that was such a good one - we legitimately did crush round one on like no troubles that part is true but no one will ever know no one will ever know it's all blades fault I mean they know now mmm and it wasn't my fault that was even in it I played it's okay just accept responsibility for what you did man yeah dude by not being in it yeah played Blakely if you were in it you could have stopped us for being dumb you know what we're liable to do we're left alone I wasn't invited very true you know what happens when you leave us oh do we need to start dishing out cash I think I really would be happy if she's got a candle coverage it'll Steve has that if you've got an Apache dart ship that had that camo hole man oh man I said there is nothing that jothee and I can do to cameras at all so so this is all on me like loose strike and glue storm will hit camos when you activate it but like general attacks won't touch them there you go Steve for whenever you can get Apache dart what the Chinook but the Apache dart ship so we don't die I know you're almost there mudding all the money I'm so close I'm like a thousand away I know I've been I dished like everything I had to you I know it's been insane there you go now 300 somebody give me money here you go honey go big or go home Steve but please just go big don't go home played sitting on two thousand dollars we could have lost there but he refused to give up he's been so greedy bad Steve huh you weren't even halfway through the map yet the greedy man also I'm surprised you chose the boomerang as your favorite primary why not wearing so good he's good but I don't know just I mean they're all pretty good but I feel like boomerang is extra good he is very very very very very very good so the drum can I have the D for grant no I want to get monkey Wall Street I have 24 grand but I really wanna get that monkey Wall Street so I mean not to be that guy but glaive Lord would be pretty Oh P right now how come whenever people say not to be that guy it's gonna be followed up with them being that guy that's how it works I mean clearly they're not trying to be that guy not trying to be that guy do you really think believe Lord though above dropsy super glue I mean do you see where my first guys at I will literally just hit everything constantly and what drops you slowing them down there okay I was gonna get bloom liquefier next so I'm only saving up to 4,000 or well almost 5,000 like all right blade a kiss alright I know they just needed casual 30 grand well it's gonna take me some time to come up with the cash okay the let's not enough player to fine but I just took out a loan for you Hey look look shiny and spinny yeah I like the spinny see now when drunkest dropsies uh relentless glue and she gets that super glue put right there with them all in the clave Lord now question why didn't you do permit charge that's always your favorite with the boomerang I mean that's what my second one is ah cause you wouldn't give me another 30 no no more money never picked up Moab shoves so that it just stops them there as well it's now they're slowed and just kidding pushed back into it so if you guys can hold out I want to get monkey na mcc's I mean I don't think we're on a pretty good path yeah oh yeah I think quite a while yeah I don't even need to hold that for that I have 25 grand but I'm making it pretty quick now so so what we think they will be able to get 200 I mean that's the goal right all right we're on wave 80 now and I think it's about time I start dishing out the money so who needs it most I think for the most part normal moons were pretty good I think it's just worrying about the camo so we should probably just hook Steve up all right Steve you I've been hook aside oh geez I didn't need that much money oh my gosh well pass it around then yeah can I have or just get you get all your tier 5 Steve thank you thank you okay I sent a little bit of money over to other peeps I get your Comanche defense up get a Comanche commander can you get that to Comanche commander that's a $30,000 there's 25 and I'll get the other five to you right now there we go yeah look at that guy and oh you need special popper ations to Steve and then you're all maxed buddy guys we're gonna kill the game those those are enough drop me in some cash thank you there you go see someone get your Special Operations and then I guess we'll start dishing some money off to operations - I don't know it sends him like a machine gunner or something sounds cool Oh played you can get your uh you can get your permit charge yep in just a little bit and then drop see do you want to get your balloon solver yes please all right let's get all the tier fives going and then what do you need to get your ability one hold on oh I have the basic one right now but another mm and I get glue storm oh you only need another two grand okay uh what I need there you go all right so now you have tier five so you all have tier five everything except blade right yeah I'm working on my last one right now so cool I sent you a bunch of monies now I'm just gonna start placing down more towers there you go Boyd uh still need more foot oh it's 50 wow that's an expensive one okay you've got to pay a layout-- boom All Right see y'all of tier 5 that's insane Oh Steve that was bad the DDT's are gonna be a problem can you get more Apache Apache thingies that's what I'm working on right now Apache Dart shift yeah there you go Steve make us proud out there Steve more cattle Apache don't ships also did your a guy throw out his machine gunner is that an active ability you need to use that's an active ability more Apache Guard ship Steve we need them to make sure we make it all the way Oh drop see your ghost or might also a camos oh my gosh big-time big-time we need more Apache churches more yeah cuz there's other ways where those are gonna come a lot more and a lot faster Steve as for camel hunting Apache dart ships and they're still able to pump through that's wild well that should be enough for another one Steve I'm just literally constantly giving you all the money we got Steve we're winning this though we're wooded today oh I'm out of space I mean you're at us but oh my gosh you're right cuz you have a certain area oh my gosh and the DVDs are the only problem we have no no no my gosh wow dude that's what I use my special ability on that way so is there legit no more space Steve there's legit I don't think I can yeah I can't place any more anywhere that's it what we got is what we got we might lose then unless is there anything at all we're forgetting that can hit those things give me two grand room yeah then I'll get another Apache dart chip because I have one more that I can upgrade other than that I can sell off the ones that aren't Apache dark ship yeah boomerangs also won't fit in that middle path there so all right well now I can't give money to Steve who wants money nowadays 99 I got four one way boss we're one wave off Steve all together say politics oh my goodness so close so close but everybody as you guys know already you know what I'm gonna say a majority of you watching aren't subscribed what's going on hit that subscribe button hit that like button and I hope to see you tomorrow for some more balloons fun
Channel: JeromeASF
Views: 654,487
Rating: 4.9194589 out of 5
Keywords: Jeromeasf, Jerome asf, pixelmon, bedwars, fortnite, battledome, doodle god, copes and robbers, galacticraft, sky factory 4, Minecraft, risk factions, cookie camp, crazy craft, bloons tower defense 6, bloons, btd battles, btd 6, btd6 tier 5, strategy, btd6, bloons td, btd, btd6 round 100, btd6 gameplay, btd6 strategy, btd6 impoppable, btd6 5th tier, btd6 best hero, btd6 best strategy, bloons td battles, jeromee, jeromeasf, jeromeasf bloons, jeromeasf bloons td 6, hilarious gameplay
Id: D_J1j6y-R_A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 26sec (1406 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 28 2019
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