Bloons TD 6 - 4-Player Stealth Challenge | JeromeASF

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well today should be a super fun time because we are doing these stealth challenge which is one of my favorite challenges that we've done in a short little while a reason for it is because I absolutely love every single tower in here especially the one that I get to be take a look tonight and to make it even cooler we got some awesome other towers to play with that's Steve rocking the ninja munkee you got dropsy rocking the sniper monkey and last but not least we got Elon rocking over with the crossbow that's just Matt in our game yeah flavor my neighbor everyone it's in a different channel rainbow steve everyone remember everybody because of you out there we've had some awesome times getting on trending take a look let's keep it up show some love and support and let's get 10,000 likes in a single day if anyone can do it I know you guys can all right so banana farms are allowed only through the middle route so what do you guys think should we get like somebody at their first farm down a little bit to a bank and you want me just be the banker cuz I need to have super much because you're super expensive yes you promised to share yeah of course yeah they send your money you can trust me ah okay are you blind link with my faith in you this i betray my trust oh yeah you so pissed body please [Music] uncanny like I could see you guys have money thank you I was like I'm not pressing the start button till I get my monies gonna say do you mean elite sniper or elite defender he said elite sniper but affiliates if you leave the fingers the camo wondering I think that's the point is that you're like you're like doing the whole stealth thing right it's whatever your heart desires because we're just like that good I think it's gonna be an easy Doug cuz your crossbow masters you're gonna be like the key person here Ilan oh yes you're a key the door to my heart what you're suggesting yeah I do get indigestion quite often actually I was talking about the Halen guy sure - hey can someone send me cash crops right now what yeah Oh monkey knowledge cash points they I leave it in the game right now is like who's cheating out here yeah no I mean no one here has ever actually like hacked in the game no I would never do that angels well I am because I've never been man but oh so Eli by the way normally when we do cross semesters we go to the middle root and then the bottom so - to the middle and then all the way down to the bottom you got it boss thanks G that's all I got [Music] say nowadays is that how they say what is I know they say hello youngsters how do you do hello kids hang ten - a piece out or is that just me am I getting a let's really I don't know people now you say peace not peace out peace I am many phone conversations with peace out I have her you actually end the conversation if he's out yeah all right boylar about gnarly tubular what do you mean a joke why would it yeah do I look like the kind of guy for jokes right on my nose yeah just look deep into my nose can you put your now be hypnotized that's how that works just stare deeply is my nose no idea scares me because I know I'd fall for it really you know you don't think you'd fall for it I don't know like I feel like the only way it would really work is if someone truly believed and wanted it to work in the first place yeah well that's exactly what it is if you want snot truly hypnotizing hit true hypnotizing would be like it just works no matter what I think you're mistaken hypnotism with mind control this is good right here I mean I I think with your crossbow masters eventually me getting the night and with Steve getting master bomber and then drops you just kind of hanging out I think we can really make things don't lie I think we're gonna get this easy dubrow easy dub i dont get it whats the WR does that mean oh jeez your alert okay also why is it called w when it looks like a double V explain what in cursive which is what people did back in the time they made it a a you because cursive would be like smooth you know well we need to get with the times you use definitely look more like use than these were you guys forced to learn cursive and yeah of course did you guys also fail it like I did no no I swore no I don't read my name in cursive yeah I know how to like kind of do cursive but like I just like why what's why would i well there's no practical use for it anymore with computers and schools aren't doing it anymore okay I guess while we were there you know yeah we are in that transition period so you had to deal with a lot of stuff I remember when I was in elementary school I was trying to learn cursive and I would just keep giving up so like half of my words would be cursive and half wouldn't be my teacher would keep on forcing me to like redo this one paper and it literally took like half a semester to do sounds horrible yeah I kept acting so frustrated and she just like come up to me and be like do it again and I'd be like on the verge of tears like no on the same way where they're like in middle school you're gonna have to use pens so get used to it I was like it's like no you don't have to use pens where are you getting this information dude you you guys you guys remember what the teachers like yeah you guys gonna learn this specific math cuz you're not gonna just always have a couch we all have calculators in our pockets oh oh an ela why are you not buying crossbow when you have open send you money to get it and I'm like wait a minute he's just oh you're not doing it no no sorry sharpshooter I don't think I can trust you with with sharp things oh you think that I'll put down super monkeys instead yeah cuz you know that's like my thing that I do know I I think you're trying to steal my out no I I am the night Steve drop your Amelie your no like super monkey person because I say gnarly tubular is that what this is yeah you're home this is actually an intervention howdy there you have it there it is everyone it's just in a puddle of its own urine man it's all good Oh wrong so the inanimate object get your mind out of the gutter okay how did we pop some but not I'm so Lois sniper I don't get it I was like how are we strong for ruining I could get sharpshooter then it gets powerful crit shots every few seconds that do a lot more damage a little bit I still need 300 but oh yeah we drop see targeting strong you guys are you know you're killing it out yeah it's much better all right five should be enough so I'm gonna get all monkey banks from here and then I will be able to start dishing out money or putting down super monkeys or super mom season super monkeys actually I'll probably wait on the super monkey and this kitty Lana's crossbow master cuz that's what friends do Steven wait what did Steven do you know what he did also about wait 59 if I don't have the night I'm pretty sure we're gonna die to camo LED doing it's no pressure though you want okay look I'm gonna get sharpshooter and then we'll be okay you know Elon this just goes back to the whole thing where you told me that I'm enough and Jerome tells me I'm not enough yeah never told me that I'm enough you know what Jerome you are tough I don't want there you go very uncomfortable actually hey wasn't it was good feelings I thought it would be it yes you're uncomfortable it's because you went the expectations but Steve he never had expectations and then he got it I'm mr. Bevin buyer's remorse really by Hooser Meyer desperate yeah I've been Moe's in the in the chat dude go ahead $10 $10 for a compliment yeah yeah this is because I have a big nose and it's hard to compliment is that what you're saying I also have a big nose so you can't you can't rope that every doll in this group has big noses I mean speed have ginormous what's up what would you be able to hear I mean they could probably take our nose off and put it on Mount Rushmore it's that big my nose very legitimately like put your nose on the Sphinx and it look normal now my nose is very longest but you know people have like jungus noses yeah like why do you mean yeah youngest I mean I guess junkies wait where did that spike trap or those spikes go wait wait did someone put those down yeah someone decided that they wanted to be a cheater and so find out 40 who ever use powers so oh I'll take credit we're about a win guys we're literally three rounds away that's crazy yeah yeah you know we're going around one under over I need to ask who is in charge of the farms may can I ask what was going through your mind when he chose to go banks that's the fact that the challenge that I had to go banks okay can I ask you boys coders Hermione lon well you asked me what was going through mine yeah it was a concern for my close friend okay well that's very kind even guys 39 is coming up pretty quick in a and white oh we're not gonna have being a little bit of trouble whatever happen to you like coming playing out coming down here for like three months three weeks bro three months you want to be three but I think we would had a blast yeah but honestly man I think right now come down later though yeah I mean I already did visit but yeah yeah yeah how's everybody doing yeah I'm all right another monkey banks all have five monkey banks you know no really worried that 39 was camo LEDs but really it's 59 somehow it's actually brighter it is 50 we're all I do we can't put a village jump my flash bombs should hit camelids right I mean if I get crossbow my planet is I will be able to have a night by then to be able to the camel LEDs if that's your fear but you're not supposed to use a nitro yeah that's literally my goal my fingers like the night that's like the oh my goodness straight up is it literally has my name on it first time it's actually been meant for you bro no it's fine you got a mum wait wait why what happened wait we didn't really know what happened we got it how did we get them just now what happened what what do you put any down I'll put in a banana farmer but I okay okay I was just so I could be lazy but you know fine if you don't want to be he's very sad he's got Peters life you went home well you may follow cheese don't dunk on the guy after he leaves you make the bottom um he goes home crying like yeah we're gonna need him anyway I guess the worst I'm just saying that it's that's totally tubular bro I'm just saying that you know I think despite despite all the bad things that Steve says about you I think you're an all right guy you want yeah what that means a lot dude cuz I do know that Steve says bad things but I still ty has never said anything bad about you okay Steve I know and that's why I just said that you're still enough also by the way if you guys send me like 17 grand I'll be able to get crossbow master and we can already just hit every type of monkey and we don't have to I mean yeah he's gonna turn on around guys he starts taking them out so that we don't have to spend a bunch of money on the super monkey to be able to hit stuff you see I hear what you're saying but as the gatekeeper of the money I just I I don't know because I should just request money over and over again God noon is probably the best idea all right no sorry sorry request denied but you know you can get you can you can hit these like buttons right here thumbs up hit those thumbs up button I know yeah you know you could just you could just you could just I'm just kidding seriously hit that like yeah seriously hit that one right there just like that I subscribe turn on notifications cuz if you don't turn on notifications you know I even get the videos and you sell boxes now and if you'll get your son boxes and Steve cries oh he's been enough lately he's always what is the view you and your enough it's just already a consistent thing I gotta keep it going girl so the audience will be disappointed yeah and Steve maybe he won't know he's enough but guys what about this cymbal fine um it makes me feel chaos and how does this make you feel which one are you I did I didn't actually do anything I just oh yeah I was like what is it what are you talking about yeah yeah you yeah so you get no no okay not much to me okay all right then that's good good good drop see here now dropsy just completely left okay yeah oh no like I'm asking what she needed was her role she's gonna be the elite sniper oh there it is I didn't even know Moore was it's down there leading the monkey bags yeah dropsy my bad bro I want to give you money afk put afk down Oh how much more money do you need you on I need 14k oh wow really that's it yeah that's it room okay there you go can you just like start tearing them to shreds just in time for that moab there I like it out just in time dude I dig it you wanna start getting another one ready to go that's totally tubular bro Dex you get two crossbow masters thanks to the monkey knowledge points that we have oh yeah let's do it well thank you Steve that's what I'm known for doing is knowing things I see you're fired speaker drum yeah I'm a fart smeller I mean a smart fellow that's yeah yeah I mean both whatever yeah thanks yeah yeah all right dude I just need more cash again I need like 20k no 22 K and then I'll be able to get it again again it's a lot yeah you just I can just upgrade the guy hey no well I'll leave them in the banks for now because they accrue more interest but yes I I will I will eventually take that out and give you some you say a crew a crew yes a crew yeah a crew interest you've never heard of that you say accumulate no accrue interest oh okay well I guess I've learned something who's that spooky guy next my monkeys stay away from me that as me that's Tina that's the master ball be my guide that's be hi I'm Steve baack a someone like dropsy was here then she just vanished I think she got insulted from something oh hang on I think she's actually just listening Spotify we thought you died yeah wait actually thought you were in trouble Wow dropsy you've actually gotten $6,000 here geez oh you can get what you get supply drops already why drop season yeah I haven't had a meal yet I had one scoop of peanut butter and one fork full of rice yeah it's just it's it's it's weird mix up - I didn't I didn't really loading cheeses what does of you mix peanut butter and rice oh good thing no is that why well the peanut sauce not just me that's like a Thai peanut sauce yeah after this I'm gonna try it I'm gonna get some crunchy peanut butter mix it in with some rice hey Steven how do you feel about lending me like you know 20 kids and then sending that to me I'm kidding Dark Knight there you go you want here you go yeah me for things cuz I'm pretty sure we would win ray now if we didn't nothing oh yeah for sure I mean there's a very good chance which is those yeah sure brother thank you here you go drop see if you can you want to get your tier five let's make sure we get everyone to their tier 5 just because I wanted to give drop see buddy alright now we're gonna give it a listen you start making more money yeah now we'll just give all the rest of our money to Steve a kiss all right Steve a kiss max let me worry about me okay we'll get around to my guy eventually Steve so Wayne who am i sending money to Steve a kiss Maximus alright Steve here you go scary guy that's scary yeah all right you know wait the the top fortnight's streamer player guy is here that's crazy easy whoo ninja oh hi man Elon Musk Oh drops you got to pick up the container or else it vanishes forever okay all right think she got it so she's not afk so she lied drops here you a liar liar pants on fire Wow Lancer they're on fire okay it's just test room it's just me and you against the world just the two of you it's just the two of us cheese and stuff wait what's that song to us why is it that is a song right wrong yeah this pharmacist on it actually so question for you guys what happens if I delete the plant pontoon in the middle of the map Steve we can't talk about this on camera dude wait I actually need to find out do it do it do it let's find out I just got rid of all that did it sell the tax you ready to get the money I think it's just straight deleted my money all right guys I got good news and good news I have loads and loads of money so many at the dark champion Steve you can go ahead and you can get yourself here you go spend it all in one place get yourself the master I feel like this challenge is a lot easier than this guy thought it would be like this is cool thanks for sending me more money can I get another Dark champion of thanks why don't you get the legend of the night good night I don't have the money for that I'm broke well we could have if he didn't buy that no I I don't think you I think you're a liar so liar liar plants on fire that's 50,000 I have 45,000 right now we could get it me $100,000 in 13 waves yeah we're think that's gonna come from do it I think money just grows on on okay oh my god Mikey money grows on trees in us all right all right well save up only because the right is my best friend okay I can just sell my monkeys and get 40k out of them no no no no we need yours yours are very important not if you get legend of the night man they're very imported a lot please all right 12 ways to make a hundred grand we've just get harder which is more money yeah the banana farms like when you make them thanks they're just big nothing in the later rounds oh my goodness but I didn't have choice Ilan no I know man I know you did have a choice but I'm not judging you I'm judging the farms they're mr. musk I'm just mr. musk just a legend of the night alone key get some what like wave like 110 just by himself yeah that's what I'm saying so I was like if I just sell my guys this is a principle thing anyone know you're right bro you're right and then if we sell the ninja is 30k that's 70k total already let us vaporize those DDT's yeah they were not even a problem now we're just gonna win bro get that dub easy get that bread gamers for that cemetry even going for the one-way the who enters perfect symmetry with her with her sniper monkeys and stuff yeah led to the symmetry there we go don't you do it I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry your video challenge soiled it soiled monkey down bro I think you should do whatever you think you should do really yes I mean actually wait that depends what you think you should do [Music] I don't have the cash to do whatever I wanted to do anyways doesn't matter okay we kill them dude I think it's still my crossbow guys that are killing it bro four just got deleted each one I was like 400,000 pops right I was crazy Oh yours is already at 50,000 you're super monkey yeah I know dude and he came down real late game that's nutty bro that's cuz the night is the man I think we could pretty easily handle oh sorry I lied to say he's the bat he's the bat yes what's not talking about that dude what yo real fast his hands moved yeah I've never even noticed yeah his head was super quick it's like a flash same universe no but he's okay actually no it isn't sorry that's the legend of the night or the dark night sorry there's nothing to do with the DC Universe at all well Iron Man's Iron Man's in DC no no he says I mean like I mean like the like that the location Iron Man's a DC character he's in Washington DC yeah he's not a DC character is the Justice Avengers yes oh you're right yeah yeah Avengers League you're right yeah a vendor's league you know um yeah I know you're right you're a my bed I know would ruin everything but I kind of wish one day that they would do a mash-up Justice League in Avengers I think that'd ruin it just because Loki Justice League is garbage let me clarify the movie was dirty I died you need to just leave themselves and the heroes in it are cool but the movie was garbage Ilana I think I better know if we'll gonna be friends anymore because I can't be friends with someone that truly thinks Justice League was better than any Avengers stuff Ilana I probably just angered so many people the combats new just a bunny I'm just I I want to be clear on this you might have 10 grand pass it over this league as people are great the movie was just noncoherent bro it was directed horrible you're not incoherent thank you dude you only need like another 50k I'll sell my monkeys nope we are nowhere we have enough you alright promise Oh cuz your banks huh there is there is the shredder himself we weren't gonna win but now we will bro any episode that has the knight in it it automatically just bakes by date how does it I'm glad mam glad that it made your day thank you Thank You doc fastest pops her cold oh my goodness bro he just like oh he's just mowing the lawn right now and then wave 99 for the reinforced DDT's if they could stay to change so embarrassing come on legend to the knight do yo thing let's go BA D we all those ba DS got nothing on us no literally nothing bro yeah just say it come on get out of here come on baby and shredded there is another challenge in the bag
Channel: JeromeASF
Views: 227,036
Rating: 4.9571142 out of 5
Keywords: Jeromeasf, Jerome asf, pixelmon, bedwars, fortnite, battledome, doodle god, copes and robbers, galacticraft, sky factory 4, Minecraft, risk factions, cookie camp, crazy craft, bloons tower defense 6, bloons, btd battles, btd 6, btd6 tier 5, strategy, btd6, bloons td, btd6 round 100, btd6 gameplay, btd6 strategy, btd6 impoppable, btd6 5th tier, btd6 best hero, btd6 best strategy, bloons td battles, jeromee, jeromeasf, jeromeasf bloons, jeromeasf bloons td 6, hilarious gameplay
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 52sec (1672 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 21 2020
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