Bloons TD 6 - 4-Player Star Wars Tower Challenge | JeromeASF

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guys I'm so excited because today we're doing these Star Wars blues out of head 6 challenge and everyone knows that well everyone not just me loves Star Wars by that I mean I just love this little critter baby Yoda no I pointed to the screen and kind just hope that Adam magically made a picture come out of my finger like he does sometimes oh I forgot the noise sorry oh there oh now it worked see so here's the challenge oh hey a big event I'd be a baby Yoda and not the challenge yeah I know right so I'm gonna be the Prince of Darkness is Emperor Palpatine because well it's been a while since I played as the monkey wizard seems gonna be the monkey ace playing as an x-wing Bale is gonna be Chewbacca as The Alchemist go to the middle root and last but not least we have blade being Darth Vader oh that doesn't say a lot wait a minute I remember hit that like button so we can hit trending alright so what should we do first okay okay I'll put down the monkey wizard first you guys twisted my arm enough there you go I need lots of money yeah but we even if we all gave you actually be fairly all Steve's playing monkey Aysen was that just a play and I heard the noises that come out of Steve's backyard is just a sound effect thing that just like he pushes every once in a while I mean it honestly it's crazy so I'm guessing I should do fireball root if I'm gonna be using the monkey wizard right problem I mean fire Palpatine doesn't really shoot fire sure he does are you sure about that you never were lightning have you seen episode 10 of Star Wars you've seen Star Wars rebels because he shoots blue fire their dad blue fire it's it's light runway that beautiful yeah it's lightning yeah but have you seen have you seen spongebob because I know you haven't wait have you actually ever given spongebob a chance blade or did you just always write it oh I have said this before I have seen one full episode a spongebob so basically he just wrote it off he wrote it off okay and I refuse to watch anymore well that makes me sad so what's the strategy here I think early game getting me to wall fire and getting me shimmer is a good idea I think that then mid game is all gonna be about blade super-monkey and then I think a late game is gonna be about the specter bale disagrees with you I gave him my money so ok that's fine I'm not saying we should give me that I'm not saying like give the money to me I've I'm just saying like I think that's a good strategy like you know that's just like the fact that you were saying everything you want to do and then bail just said he'll at least get the thing on the board Oh felt you're too nice to people sometimes I can't help it it's my neuroses in my way I feel like if someone walked up and kicked Vail in one of his shins he would kick himself in the other one what was that he's Chewbacca so believe the garbage disposal on yeah I could never make the noise neither could I wait Steve how come you never made the noise didn't you it wasn't your nickname as a kid wookie crisp wookie yeah he used to have a user name called wookie crisps oh you know if some people wanted to share them on it I might be out to get a a sore monkey ad we could pop more these balloons I hear what you're saying but I could get a wall of fire literally an entire wall of fire why is he not on wingman I said I'm doing man there we go now you're almost there bullet and they haven't scored any lives on us yet so that's good normally when we don't have Benjamin we owe our banks we do bad you can buy it right now dude yeah I'm trying to get a good placement more than middle so we can get stuff at the end hit that's really not working out dude the super monkey is chunga's don't even worry about it yeah kill what I'm out here there we go so blade are you gonna be going the bottom route so you can hit camos okay I'll mate you to get the yeah the DDT's yeah that a turtle vetted through vetted through and veil I would highly recommend you go the middle route for camos to get the specter to because we're gonna need your help on DDT on avail sorry stiva kiss in the plane I would highly suggest you go the camo route yeah yeah I got spy plane because you already good person I noticed that nobody could hit that camo that was coming through side just quickly upgraded thank you Steve there you go now I could hit it too I'm in adult oh wait I just realize the problem here what's that okay I'm Darth Vader yeah yeah Jerome's emperor palpatine mmm-hmm yeah which makes him my teacher hey I mean I got glasses can you see I'm a t-shirt I'm super smart yeah glasses make you smarter confirmed you heard it here I have concerns oh come on I got tons to teach you okay by geography what's the capital of Djibouti played see I could teach played things now I'm curious as to what the actual capital of Djibouti is the capital the country of Djibouti is the city of Djibouti I'm serious it just does this so much better answer than the Republic Seabee my concern now right what I taught you why is the concern because I taught you a country's capital so so is Djibouti a city and a country more or less yeah okay boy I don't see what the concern is I just taught you a very valuable geography lesson where am I gonna need to know this but the capital of Djibouti is yes you might need to know any yeah what is gonna happen in my life I wanted to know that what if you have to have butt surgery I don't did you just say that because they have booty in the name of Djibouti yeah what what others joke what I Victor oh I'm gonna let it pass cuz that was very that was good be very proud of yourself I am I got a shimmer by the way so we can now see camos which is good I got never if you do that I don't need ultra vision oh yeah so you can get a plasma guys yeah I didn't even need spy plane yeah wha-wha-wha you do need spy plane because there's one big thing keep in mind shimmer although rare does have the chance to let some camos pass like a round like wave like for instance 95 we're just gonna be stream of all Camel LEDs and all DDT's there's a good chance I'm a chance a very good chance there will be some that pass by Steve so you do have a purpose you have purpose in this too what would Steve do you think I wouldn't be it's a tough call I would say yours is a 50/50 because your plasma blasts will help us out tremendously leading up to it and also to kill the DDT that do get shimmered so I don't know so get knocked back though if I go too far ultravision true okay then go for it go big bud I think that that you know I said I think you make an argument either way and I don't know I'm gonna leave it up to you you're a smart baka sometimes you have to teach the teacher blade now that I'm your damn confirmed blade boy else can you lady what $20,000 for spectres a lot of money do you do you know the Pythagorean theorem blade yes I'm running out of things I can teach them do you know how to make an omelet I do know how to make an omelet now they're very tasty oh yeah I love putting like good cheese and an omelet I I like not like not like this shredded mozzarella I like any fresh slabs of mozzarella and for labs that's what it's about yeah you gotta get the slabs you know all this time we've talked about cartoons we've loved as a kid how did Courage the Cowardly Dog never come up dude courage was the man I loved it you didn't like Courage the Cowardly Dog I never understood the point it was a dog remember little old and he was very courageous what's funny when that show came out blade no he was very courageous because he stood up to his fears and always protected his family yeah acted the woman well yeah but the guy was me yeah come on play honey-nut played it's a good show I never saw the point of it Steve I got I got a proposition for you hit me with it I'll give you my money to help you get to Spector but then you got to give me your money a Fed to help me get the prints of smartness because I don't think I'm ever gonna get Flying Fortress that's so much you're never going to get it yeah I mean it did say everyone could use banana farms did it say that in the challenge yeah no everyone can use it up tussin and at the bottom of the challenge well maybe we're we're too far gone the rabbit hole I think we'll be fine also Oh Steve stop you're wasted all the hard-earned money no not Oh Steve that's valuable I gave you five great how are you worse off now than when I gave you five and a half grand Steve you were so close to Spectre just cat Spectre dude but the farm oh my God if we Steve they are gonna push through if you give me the five grand I can get Steve I'm not trying to call you a Chinese but they're pushing through and we could have Spectre soon or I get Robo monkey and shoot both I can't trust anyone I'm gonna do that you're gonna put that banana farm and if you give me the money I'm just gonna buy the night I'll be straight with you so really there's no hope okay can we all just give Steve is the money we can actually fix the situation guys guys we need to get him the money you're breaking up cry you're making veiled cry keep turning into a monster I don't understand I can get Robo mochi make the difference [Applause] they'll won't stop crying what do you mean it's okay it's okay you only so much money Steve I'm back oh yeah you want $5,000 I don't know I ended up giving you a seven and a half G's I'd say plus interest at this point yeah interest has never been a thing before like 10% per round and heart attack medications you just scared me half to death there heart attack medicine it's blade for not being a team player and hogging all his money because I was different can you yes you you think I wonder what is better super monkey or a wall road a 3-2 I don't know three two Robo monkey or Spectre I'd rather have a Spectre personally but I could have been hitting both the front and back at the same time I can hit anywhere on the map I don't know what you're talking about yeah I'm literally anywhere on the map meanwhile now we have both hmm likely story but we don't have a Prince of Darkness but I want a Prince of Darkness here's $5,000 thank you it'll help me get closer to getting Emperor Palpatine once I get this look to your five never talk in a normal voice I mean if you want to yeah the video I'm just making every time I do it well so far we're crushing through these guys with almost no problem blade you chef enough for that tech terror right cuz we've been a supply Oken you for a bit father and Vale what a total transformation we can probably get him on that right oh man yeah weekend [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] I've ripped out the keyboard I can't I ripped the Prince keynote screen key off and why is it broken oh that's gonna be a wrap for the day boys let's uh everybody have a good weekend well you get Prince of Darkness already oh yeah sorry I was too busy I think my keyboard took like a hundred print screen screenshots you're gonna have it like 150 print screens fail are you still being Chewbacca are you grunting at us I think he's bad I think he's bad I've a feeling that if we go any more rounds it might destroy we've got nine more waves to prove ourselves do you think we'll be able to get the anti balloon or Flying Fortress by that time or now I don't think we're going to get fortress I don't yeah before that though no we're not losing we're not losing out here yeah think we're losing is Vails voice exactly oh sorry Cathy be we should've thought through this the band's just be allowed to be any wookies you should be allowed to have a bunch of the total transformation just tons of wookies No why would you want so many of me well yeah you didn't like that one bit p1 Durham is that me I might like it out you were uh huh I don't know if it's gonna be possible to get oh my gosh and we're not cool down what do you mean it was a use it once let's see let's see I think right there yeah cool down well you only need to do that whenever you just use your abilities yeah just wait till 95 next time so then that way we just get the DDT's we have lost so long ago if I had of a music yeah that's a lie false C fail agrees whose side are you on huh see told you told you played he's with us I think that was a home oh wow also we actually almost do have blade at the anti balloon not activated my ability don't wanna you know risk anything good very great call uh uh Cappy be if you send over your money and then Steve you sell your farms we're gonna be yeah I was planning on selling my farms but I don't think it's gonna be enough yet it's gonna be enough yet Gary go give him the money I'm workin on it man you got it hey Angie blue 5 4 3 2 1 impact DDT oh my gosh they're just getting swamped now cuz the ante balloon [Applause] that a vacuum cleaner imitating the noises that come out of my front yard what do you have in your front over that yeah I mean everything what don't you wait why don't you 201 lives where'd that Oh your marketplace yeah I was like where'd that one life come from how did how did we not have more than that didn't wise yeah they're killing it out here Steve you're killing it I think bales killing it his boys yeah he's killing his voice that's they don't they held on your chest at the same time thank you for speeding up that round it was over anyways oh we're killing it out here now crushing it I think the Prince of Darkness is really the greatest warrior I hate that you're Prince of Darkness is sending them all all the like zombies ohm jeez off the side of the screen like they never reach the balloons if you've noticed yeah a lot of times they don't breed force abilities it's on cooldown oh oh we got it we saved it that was a surprise I thought we were done there I thought we were toast to Reno yeah exactly you got any pizza or you just uh out here so off your Super Monkey blade and give me the money and I'll get Flying Fortress I actually don't know if that'd be a bad idea to be honest after use your ability next so use your ability one more time then sell it off and let's get that's gonna fly fortress I was trying to wait see I could get it to pop and then blend I really think you should've give me your flying for I really think you should have given him the pliability would reach Oh blade all right there we go so just use the ability and then I would just you know once he passes just yeah I would just sell to get Steve that fly for there we go Steve get that Flying Fortress tag them out at the x-wing oh come on but then I'm out gate no plate who's giving me money back put down your monkey oh yeah oh we didn't even need it that was leftover money there we go
Channel: JeromeASF
Views: 303,201
Rating: 4.957654 out of 5
Keywords: Jeromeasf, Jerome asf, pixelmon, bedwars, fortnite, battledome, doodle god, copes and robbers, galacticraft, sky factory 4, Minecraft, risk factions, cookie camp, crazy craft, bloons tower defense 6, bloons, btd battles, btd 6, btd6 tier 5, strategy, btd6, bloons td, btd6 round 100, btd6 gameplay, btd6 strategy, btd6 impoppable, btd6 5th tier, btd6 best hero, btd6 best strategy, bloons td battles, jeromee, jeromeasf, jeromeasf bloons, jeromeasf bloons td 6, hilarious gameplay
Id: ifcTrW37yGY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 28sec (1288 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 26 2020
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