Bloons TD6 - 4-Player Tech VS Ancient Challenge | JeromeASF

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well today we're going back in time and to the future it's a blue star defense six future versus ancient challenge Steve and I are gonna be on Team ancient which probably put us at a huge disadvantage played available air and get team futuristic blade avail are gonna have access to not a little bug case and the helicopter but also the Robo bump key and last but not least the boomerang Bionic monkey yeah it's sort of sad look we're gonna be do Steve and either their hand get pat fusty in the dark Moki yeah it's adds more doom oh wait a minute did I mention we else get monkey villages and banana farms so hopefully that evens out the playing field the only catch is after around 60 no one could buy or upgrade any more towers who's gonna win will be Steve and I will it be veil and blades are awesome Zuma that is that somebody likes of you guys gotta the last bloons tower defense you guys blow my mind every single day let's go for 10,000 likes oh did I mention yours right shrew chicken po po get some shirts today Jerome SF calm all right so because we it's fever of the ancient team can we go ahead and resurrect the caveman please yeah if you wanna waste your time and money sure go ahead you know what I will Steve put down your pack bus tees we're getting dangerous out here now put down your free monkey too you know I I will I'm gonna put them back right here whoa free monkey yeah you are getting a free dart monkey yeah crossbow master futuristic no crossbow business hours you don't get crossbow master but look at him he's all cyborg II know he's not just because he has a cool sunglasses yeah I think you're crazy my friend you are crazy cool sunglasses all right Steve have a couple dollars I want to get more turnover Steve can I get a couple dollars oh my god alright alright we go we good and boom we're gonna break through the caveman we're gonna free him don't you break through him I say you start working on farms sounds good do you want okay I was gonna say if you want give your money or crack the grass craft oh my goodness look at it I mean you guys get farms yeah we do oh my god okay my god we have backslid in dart monkeys is all we get that could damage do you know what you guys get you guys get super monkey you guys get everything cost money yeah and I deserve it okay stop complaining Steve that caveman placed in the best possible spot I've never seen him place there actually if you come I've checked I tested it out so I I knew he could because if you have you cover up different areas he'll spawn all around what really yeah so like normally goes in like right beneath the dart monkey where is now but because it's didn't have enough room it just said all right will spawn them over here but I might have like really not been paying attention and I already messed up this boomerang monkey really so I think this really is an interesting challenge because if we were able to go on forever you guys would obviously win cuz you guys have the more powerful towers but being it limits the wave sixty and you know there's all the least expensive upgrades for the dart monkey it makes me wonder if we can actually pull through you know I mean I think that like the round sixty buying limit actually makes us a fair challenge okay with that because they're gonna they're gonna struggle to make the money to get the cool stuff right yeah yeah all I heard was are gonna struggle with cool and that's very true tubular tubular exactly made Steve know the lingo before we get too far in this video I just want to give a quick shout-out to our sponsor Cove now you might remember is promoting Cove a couple times back a few months ago and now they're back better than ever honestly it may look like just a normal speaker but don't be fooled there is nothing quite like the commuter to out there at least none that I've seen now of course at face value it's a normal speaker right we'll go ahead and press play on some videos of mine superheroes and putting them into my favorite game in the world minecraft yeah okay but here's the best part you can actually separate them into just like that and then you have two wireless speakers that create a surround sound like effect let me show you see we're go from there order there it's awesome and then when you're done doing that all you have to do is simply go ahead reattach and boom you're back to normal I mean truly it's like you're eating two speakers for the price of one with the cove commuter to one of the cool features as well is that a single charge less seven hours which I don't know about you guys I very rarely run out seven hours of charge that's a lot of music you're listening to and even though when you run out of power it has to very easily access ports one right here and one right here another cool feature is that it's water-resistant and even has a built-in microphone yeah that on top of a 30-foot range now bear in mind water-resistant doesn't mean you should be throwing this in a pool or anything like that lot it's supposed to protect a little bit from water still if you want to get one for yourself and help support my channel there's a link down below the description on top of that if you go ahead and use code j65 you'll get 60% off for a limited time so go check it out and thanks again to our sponsor Cove audio totally should know this enough time to yet like a robo monkey uh probably ah maybe you're probably good you probably get just one it's like to survive like to have enough upgrades and survive long enough actually absolutely you can Robo monkeys are six grand yes seven grand hi sorry pluggy 2 grand a super monkey that's 9 grand you're telling you can't get 9 grand by way six miles upgrading current towers and surviving long enough to make that money yes about 7,000 monkey dollars yeah if you had said anything other than monkey dollars would be like listen I would I've complained about a non determinacy I allowed Jim charging me $70 when there's no gyms open sorry I actually did though and I got my money banging they were they were right though what do you mean they were right they were 100% right elaborate how a gym that is closed should charge me $70 I mean if I elaborate then the gym of name will be known so because the reasoning that they gave you was accurate B'Elanna this is like my argument of non tipping my god no there's not a bit is no be made blade that means all right I gotta go guys I need to go all right see we have six banana farms here they aren't really upgraded too nicely there are up great super super well but wait Steve you have $500 you can't go poo now I'm not going to I'm getting a crossbow oh nice yeah I figured things are getting a little far I might want to start investing a little bit of money okay cool cool yeah the caveman also he's I won't use the word major help but he's a miner help for sure he exists our sir well besides the mortar cause well the reason that a man's good is because he'll actually help us hit the lead balloons here you go Jerome take my money that's a nice tumblings as well yeah he's pretty awesome all right Steve so remember usually like the rule of thumb that I use it's not exact some people gonna be like you know oh it's actually 11 or 12 or 14 or depending on the upgrade but my rule of thumb I use for banana farm upgrades is that it takes you 13 rounds to get the money back that's just like I said the rule thumb I use so basically as long as we keep buying stuff out until wave 47 technically that's it the last wave we should be buying upgrades for him otherwise you won't make your money back okay yeah I'm down I'm down diggity dog no that was totally me too all right yeah yeah there we go just a heads up it really is though steve is a trash day I want to hear the I don't know actually I've been away so I've lost track of the okay I could think of that it sounds like it sounds like if you had a giant robot battle in a city and those were like the sound effects for the background like the buildings yeah that's exactly what it says Michael baby it's a Becker yeah I love it it's the background of a Michael Bay movie though you're right that's awesome I love it oh my gosh alright um else people making big bucks now if you want to keep your money for yourself and just keep upgrading stuff yeah I was gonna say do we even want to keep investing in banana farms because at this point in time like most teen thousand is a lot of money I know but it will make me happy and whatever makes you happy dog dog oh wow I don't want to alarm you but I'm pretty sure we're in a lot of trouble here oh geez what waiver you want we're about to hit around 40 but I'm not confident in their survival ability well remember a big ripcord you can always pull is if by round 40 you can afford a super monkey you can afford to beat round 40 so you can sell your stuff around 40 I'm concerned about survival later oh okay don't worry about it I'm playing it you're worried about nothing bleed want to get a support Chinook and we're gonna pick up your robot monkey butt placement is everything we got this blade uh see me I told you Steve we could get a banana research facility Wow I'm shocked actually luckily it took us a very long time but we did it I mean we still got it in time yeah my people even get two of them Steve I don't think we need to great three of them my goodness I think we should start saving up for the crossbone four of them we have two more waves you're not depriving me of this is the point forty five ask how we've been hitting leads and then I remembered the caveman yeah dude ooh get younger man so the night he's futuristic yeah ya know mm-hmm but he is the future you can't use the night the night is the future no the night is the night the morning is the morning the future is the Robo monkey yeah you heard it here kid the future is robo-monkeys yeah robot monkeys will take over the world this is you know I've heard this I just say why'd you say like monkey monkeys there we go Oh Steve good thinking there pal yeah getting yourself the old sure juggle nuts so I'm Kelly in the very expensive phase of this monkey here so any you're not putting any more money into those farms are you no I'm not okay good it's like I think I did it one wave too late but I wasn't really paying attention so this is what we get now okay Oh welcome I mean to be fair that theory isn't always entirely true that's how fast you make it back is 13 waves but considering we sell it at weight 59 it changes the entire formula so it's probably worth it it's I just too lazy to do the math on no I understand what yeah it changes the formula because then at that point if you're getting like eighty percent of your money back and technically you only need to have it for like one wave but I think we're fine anyway Steve yeah let's go crossbow masters out I like have to survive even around seventy six we're gonna need to get about 19 grand don't forget a little tip for the other team don't forget to turn your auto start off well okay well I won't get you know what yeah fair I won't give them a tip don't you tip them off no but don't forget to turn your auto start off slide I wave 59 you can buy a bunch of stuff it's all off you know anything you don't want well we don't have anything that we don't want okay okay let's glad I tried job farms are we Jerome doesn't mean you didn't misplace a tower don't want to tower anymore as how might our placements are perfect then why did they'll just say he might need to get a helicopter a helicopter yes but for the purpose of moving your truth no I just want exact pick it up and hold on - he's not gonna place it down again and that might be too expensive the place there you go Steve can I have some more money yeah I'm giving you all the money I gots there you go you got one crossbow mess we'll get you to crossbow masters we could both get crossbow masters and the juggernaut guy also turn off your auto start all the part oh good point yeah yep yep yep although start us off we're good all right we good good good good oh my goodness just a ching ching ching ching ching ching no his side all right it's our main man the cave man Ivan get one more wave in there there we go and Steve we're gonna get you that crossbow master buddy yeah we'll hit the crossbow master oh we're so close oh yeah we can sell off the farms too yeah exactly so there you go and now we have to sell the fires away 59 so remember everyone we can no longer buy any more towers what we get is what we get Wowz we're done with this round at least ultra juggernaut there you go Steve yeah all right now for the rest of these probably a bunch of crossbows honestly what if we just did super monkey fan club or the clump of them or oh my I didn't oh do you think about okay let's just carry on this yeah turbocharged and I think maybe we just get a bunch of these yeah it turned out what do you think I I think that's genius my friend you are an absolute unit there's no chance oh I just totally what the wrong way with that one yeah it's okay we have extra money yeah it's not like we're startling you you lost all right yeah yeah yeah how's it feel to lose huh oh wow losing feels like I don't like this one bit no I love the feeling of losing him I'm feeling kind of down can you give me some words of encouragement well no oh well you heard it here first hello I want to win bro so well all the money you have is all the money we got yeah and I mean they want to do with that we could sell this hello pilots for another four grand and get a different helicopter that does more damage what's that wave sixty Steve yeah dude they're not even gone on the screen right now no this is this is just bad this is this is really bad man doesn't even get the hit right now it's like blue moon to say buddy this this is not not pretty not pretty one bit I'm be honest I didn't think we were gonna get all four crossbow masters no I didn't either that monstrosity that you put down yeah that thinks uh yeah I have a strong feeling were gonna be alright how far are you guys along 62 nice okay we're at the same point where 63 so we're basically the exact same point how are you guys holding up over there we're doing pretty good I'm wage 77 they look good we just got Moab grab for our uh Pat bus tease so that's good well you know upgraded well he's doing it himself who stopped him I can't he's pretty big guy have you seen the size of that man you what do you want me to how you want me to wrestle Pat fusty no unit can you imagine trying to wrestle Pat busty I mean rude we're doing okay I had to stay on my abilities pretty pretty thoroughly to really survive all right now do you guys for any of the monkeys on this screen here any the mug time what would you be I I think I think I I'd be the pirate caveman monkey pirate monkey caveman but why the oh god I'm a savage dude I'm going to be the pirate monkey I want to be the wizard oh oh oh do you think about that why are you talking to me I like the sound of that see ya around 76 I called it how's that one you lost yeah Oh JJ I'm not even getting on our script like barely we're always 79 right now well I guess think that means at the ancient times were the winners on this people are always sleeping on the crossbow masters the ultra juggernauts but the reality is those towers are very very good my friend
Channel: JeromeASF
Views: 367,264
Rating: 4.9491138 out of 5
Keywords: Jeromeasf, Jerome asf, pixelmon, bedwars, fortnite, battledome, doodle god, copes and robbers, galacticraft, sky factory 4, Minecraft, risk factions, cookie camp, crazy craft
Id: _glC5a3OKZg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 32sec (1052 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 24 2020
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