Bloons TD 6 - 4-Player Exploding Vines Challenge | JeromeASF

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well today I'm super excited because there are ton of new things of Blue Star defense six that we have yet to actually take a look at now going back a few days ago they had a brand new update for balloons that change the game entirely I'm talking new Easter eggs new glitches galore even tower stacking but today we're actually it's gonna take a look at one of the things they added to the game intentionally and that is the brand new mochi dodge point that allows for exploding vines on the druid no seriously take a look and it blows up Oh ABS so you go to your knowledge points down to monkey knowledge it'll be added right here even if you have bought everything before you got to go back and add this one in it says great spirit of the forest root a new ability to burst all track vines doing big damage to all non lead balloons new vines will regrow after each rupture so today I assembled for my friends so we're gonna put to the test how far only using four of these with a monkey village can last will it be wave 100 what I do know is you guys are all awesome take a look wow you've been absolutely crushing it ever since this new blooms update keep it up keep the fire going and let's go for 10,000 likes in 24 hours okay one of us should put down the very first druid and then I'm gonna pull run money all over Steve there you go through it top left who's Pete oh jeez I'm doing the wrong challenge aren't I this is the blaster most challenge this is why explodes the druid explodes there you go this money that you just gave me getting maybe John Madden job on here you got some Benjamin money to pass it on over to Cappy be yeah can't be be you will be the next big job on and then after that we can make Matt the next Benjamin and then I could be realized Gary yeah no is it a touch you really not be able to attack currently more candy totes the islands are the worst but I got a candy corns kind of up there candy corn is great I do not like tootsie rolls I might be honest I mean yeah a little more good grades yeah will you stop stop yelling and put your tower down Oh what do you mean what's the okay what's wrong what's your old's your candy corn is a disgrace subpar your sub power your candy corn subpar its taffy dude it's just chocolate covered to have you how's that you know its path so I don't like it that's good I love I said happy I don't like taffy no I'm happy I gave you my money for some reason I'm very particular about my taffy and coaching roles the saddest piece for taffy Matt put down your tower but sorry saltwater taffy from the Jersey Shore's the best and so our boardwalk french fries from the Jersey yeah what was that I'm gonna be a I'm a bigger fan of Jersey Fred Street chick dude okay New Jersey fried street chicken shirts are on the website now Dromio safecom I have been waiting for mine to come for the last like five days it's taking a while because I have like the first sample coming out and and and I just can't wait I really want one like it's been years people don't know this but there's been years of me trying to get a free t-shirt from you like since I've known you you're not even lying it's not like either I think this is the one Jerome I need this shirt all right I'm gonna order you one I'm gonna order you one I'll do it I'll do it this time I order you do Jersey fried street chicken shirt okay it's just pigeons on a grill pets are mine that's the motto just pigeons on a grill hello I always do the clarified I just look at the Carey oh it's pigeons on a grill it's like no we know it's garbage also weirdly enough right now I'm at my parents house and they live in like a suburban like wooded kind of task Steve you better it's a smaller town as woods and and whatever but randomly a pigeon just flew towards the back door well I was looking at it yesterday's on the ground it was like it's a sign I was like there's no patience in like did like they're like you know you do with two fingers like I'm watching you I know your games will come with New Jersey fried street chicken gutter fries Oh what about our gutter fries gutter fries are like the fries at the boardwalk that like people meant to eat but then they like throw the whole cup of boardwalk fries on the ground because they're like terrible people so we repurposed them and we just take them out wait I'm gonna toaster oven for 20 seconds it's criminal who is out here wasting french fries yeah come on gusting tourists you know going off the hole being what it's not supposed to be I was thinking maybe rat tail for gutter fries oh god Steve you need to go you need to go sir Steve over your extinction stairs that's my party good room thank you Steve for support in your local farmer II no problem got her fries don't call me gutter fries hi I'm gonna fries wrestling so what we drew to the jungle yeah our seagulls ocean chicken yeah we have the ocean means Matt you should do me a favor and give Jerome all your moaning you should do me a favor oh Jesus there you go Jerome's got to get these farms up and running thanks guys we really need to get the ability to hit lead soon which is a lot of money yeah I mean this Steve's not wrong about that on the plus side we are about to start making huge money out here you know his first camo huge we're not even ready for it all right we're gonna have to you're right you're right cab so does anyone have the electric shock I do Oh all right so we got the leads covered it's just gonna be the we see the good old monkey village yeah well shouldn't the jungles bounty hit LEDs or camos uh I yeah I don't know if it could san a oe based attack so wouldn't hit camos yeah I don't think so but I think that applying the monkey villages may make the like vines hit'em retro actively well yeah the the bots the vines will hit if we hit the mochi intelligence bureau also I just realized a big well I guess you guys could put down your own villages there we got the leads yeah well we got the electroshocks it wasn't even with the electric wait what the vines look at the bribes goods do they just really his bread yeah isn't that crazy I didn't know that was a thing I don't know their fire game so we're just saying three to the mid with the huija bobber with the huija bobber yeah three to the mid and I did two to the top two maybe maybe to the top yeah three to the minute two to the top yeah I'm instead I'm just gonna give you my money cuz it seems like other people have the ability to hit canvas I don't need it right now I think we're gonna be just fine for now will it blend are we doing a bunch of druids with three of them in well actually my question is how we're gonna beat the the Moab that's about to come through I don't know because I have enough for nature's bounty but you said we're not doing that great what huh no three to the mid was four I apologize that we met the monkey village yeah the mug I think sorry I thought you I don't know why I thought you're talking monkey village Matt that was my fault good yeah I know the Drude you go all the way with him you can keep upgrading them all day away part of thunder out I can't wait I tested it out it could kill a Moab the exploding ability now come at you four of them I wonder how far we'll make it I I don't know I think reinforced DDT's is gonna be tough I think that's where we're really gonna pass ability what there's no pasta here mm-hmm there's no pasta abilities here yeah it's a spirit of forest ability yes of course yep I am getting kind of nervous I don't know how many true as it takes do we all have to at least two to the top on our druids how many turds it takes to screw in a lightbulb [Music] interesting choice before went heart of vengeance route yep that's me that's a bad choice are usually our bad choice guy I don't know if you realize this I'm gonna be honest that lightning strike is where it's at oh we're gonna be fine I'm gonna shred of that Moab oh geez I was not expecting that I got a macabre monkey I'm in sixth grade yeah while Ellie's got more oh you're already at spirit of the forest okay yeah jungles bounty zones bounty yeah the real jungle bounty is the jungle of banana farms he's building in the bottom right I've just been chucking all my money straight to Jerome so I recommend you guys do the same well my goodness a banana get the plant but and play a play playing some Mayan tations up do you alright so oh my gosh you guys had a load of money yeah I was saving from spirit of the forest but I figured you know what chicken needs the money yeah well hasn't got to give money to get money that I'm worried about what's that it I'm a like particularly like huge fan of anything but there cheesecake but Cheesecake Factory is about to go out of business because of the lockdown what my brother is actually a manager of a cheesecake factory store oh I'm sorry Wow I didn't babysit can't pay the rent this month there's a lot of places I think AMC down at least down here they did the same thing well it's because a lot of businesses like honestly lived like month-to-month well yeah you just did that the major stockpile it's crazy so you think the major franchises like the small businesses I get but you just assume that a major franchise would have cash on hand yeah it's crazy crazy stuff I'm gonna save up for monkey intelligence bureau I think that's monkey intelligent of you ah thank you I think think it's survival up in her if they just made cheesecake which is only cheese well they actually converted all their stores to actual Cheesecake Factory I actually agree with you man I think they can do it justice Oh oh my goodness ladies and gentlemen yeah alright okay is there the Dib did did everyone get all their thing is that the okay so this is just a we're just gonna need money I can get jungles bounty yeah but we're gonna need to get the Big Kahuna fast I could sell one of my spear I could sell some of my factories well let's combined up all our money see how close we can get actually we can just look at how much is this 42,000 well I see okay we have 23,000 I could sell monkey intelligence bureaus all around would help I had to sell a couple of them but I got one okay that's that's more than enough for now yeah that'll help us out big time it is sad to see it go though it is let's everybody combined our money again and unite did somebody say explode exploit whoa that was total waste but that was so cool yeah Lenny regrows him anyway yeah like he's made edible plants or something monkey intelligence bureau good that would negate the camel let's see just grew vines everywhere you fall asleep and every morning you gotta like pick them out of the floor so come on yeah well the cool thing is once we have four of these guys we can kind of time it so that there's always vines on their glass placed no not yet there's no reason to plants gonna be cool except to show it off so I just wanted to feel like Vale you know having that power having that level of powers just a lot you know okay I should blanks that like button yeah there you go p2 oh when did I get so much money well you're the guy in the very front so I figured you make the most sense to get you upgraded give me all the go see I'm only at 37,000 it's a lot of way Wow geez Steve sorry I need forty two thousand five hundred there there we go I'm good bacteria what about a who we sweat cheesecake how much do you think the rent for a cheesecake factory is I think it all depends on you know a lot of like where it is location yeah it's all oak obviously rent of a Cheesecake Factory in New York City is gonna be different than Birmingham well I'm just saying like your average one that's it like a washed up strip fall still depends on what state but those Cheesecake Factory even like exist in strip malls usually yeah they do Oh attach the balls everything yeah the ones I know of have always been like solo buildings and stuff know where I grew up in Jersey there was one attached to the local mall yeah no I agree same I think fails because Texas is just big well yeah she was like ah just throw one down and plop them down pretty much everywhere you could fit it so should I save up for jungles bounty and all that or should I get monkey intelligence bureau chum glows bounty here you go cabbie be a I appreciate you all so I have a question for you it does blend your favorite restaurant pan Cheerios I paint the scenario okay business and they need a small donation to keep them afloat they offer that if you give them that small donation they'll put pictures of your face all over the wrappers that go around the burritos like your ugliest snapchats you say what you do it how much we talking I don't know they need like 10 grand yeah forever would they want to be on the wrapper forever yeah yeah I think I would do that for 10 grand that's solid advertise if I could do that and put MSF 2 underneath it draw myself calm buy your street chicken shirts today I would totally do that no it's just your face Jerome well you knows ugly shirts that they sell on facebook ads to have like the person's face just like em s painted like a thousand times yeah ah man if you ever open up the actual Jersey fried street chicken like food truck can you just have your face printed on all like the wax wrappers and stuff like that it's just gonna be like wait a minute we didn't make the joke up I just googled Street chicken and there's an urban dictionary post from 2009 about it's a city-dwelling bird known as a pigeon well yeah but it's the Jersey style and the fact that it's fried I think I just thought we made something special together guys yeah I heard seagulls were sky rats sky rats yeah because they eat like everything like rats Oh player 3 if you want to get your tower upgraded and player tubes want to get your tower upgraded yeah don't forget to to the top Steve on your under villager in Vail my ass they'll let vent vent what on your on your bill on your bill I already had two at the top on a druid I was like what are you talking about well now everyone we have everything that we could possibly need so we're just gonna see how long this can last and we're gonna use our blast the abilities and it should be good I have a feeling we're not have any problems to wave 90 all right we're getting into the DDT waves now it's gonna be a little bit extreme here but I think we got this coverage I mean Lois we haven't even had to really explore load now yeah we don't really have to stress about it please well that's hilarious though so without even exploding they're not able to make it past anything with exploding rock blast ya promise when we blast it really dooms us I have less the same I think blasting is the enemy right now I'm gonna be honest yeah on wave 95 I bet you we have to blast I think you're absolutely right wait the blast right now to be honest I always got a blast it's a problem blast well I worked all right I'll wave 95 did you did you just pay and one last until wave 95 okay oh my god that was terrifying I've never changed my mind so fast all right so me and who else wants to be the other one for like blab will do blast priority for 95 I think I'm gonna have to say that fails blast priority number one okay bail you're less priority one I'll be two Matt three Steve four okay hey when I Drive so what will shout it okay okay there we go whoo guys I'm nervous I'm nervous 95 so I can do a I hope we I think we're gonna lose it wave 100 Steve's a last breath glass priority yes here we go I'm the last line of defense though what is yes just stop to the start all of them I like how they just start in 5 2 SEC give it a sec it's about to happen blast all right and blast 5 3 5 3 4 Oh God I think Steve was right I don't I don't uh well someone who could afford it press the continue but I'm broke all right we're doing one more we don't need to put eight hours down so not spending any money we're all gonna blast at the same time once the DDT's are all on screen how about when it all get when they window when the first one hits my monkey village that's probably a good time right yeah yeah okay oh my gosh what so he's not fine now okay so just happy the blasting is the enemy is hurtful I guess my last thing only helps where they make it to the end of the track because it stuns them I guess nobody stop blasting excuse me I know I know not blessed I know but it's how's your hotel captain blessed I'm not too pleased are you gonna tell buzz light you're not the buzz what's new mail the moon not the shine you tell the Stars not the twinkle do you tie your chickens not delay eggs well you will lay in a forum at no this just got off yeah this is good out of quick and then I didn't mean for it to get that way I'm sorry Matt I didn't mean to tell you to go lay an egg it's okay I want you to know that your your way an egg has gotten out of hand message me it so they work in customer service and they told someone to lay an egg and hung up the phone no that's a good service and blast no no okay your blast no blast oh we've lost now that's not sure you saw two more blasts yeah blast blast e blasts what are you doing well your suffering is ruined uh Steve you have to eat those your fault continue yep sorry Steve that was your stuffing that was the fault of everyone who's lasted to begin with we would have been fine without the blast Steve Steve Steve all right Steve I'm joining team no blast just for this fine just for this wave but when you're wrong Steve you're getting an auntie and an anti discount you're gonna have to pay twenty percent more getting an up count every time you go to a New Jersey fried street chicken you got to pay 20% more it's a tough thing yeah you're getting an up count Steve plus gratuity yeah plus gratuity yeah up counts of thing yeah it's like you know what fam that was so bad you owe more like Steve can we blast now I should wait for them to become blue well someone blasted blast blast them somebody even with the blast it didn't matter to me blastin I don't think we compete I think that's it okay look give me just one try alright one blast at all no one blast Matt we woulda lost regardless they're our vines aren't even full like they were we still have full luscious head of vines but then I think they're all full now yeah these are definitely full I think maybe sort of owe money all right let me put down I got just the thing guys yeah [Music] tonight he'll save us yes oh no no no so so close close close there we go okay hold on half faith Wow actually Paige happy chemist no blasting cap blessed player blasting it was he did it guys he saved the day goes approved I don't think we'll be able to be I think 97's them no you really think we're gonna beat this no not at all no blast shames end no cat no blast oh wait well I blasted and that worked maybe should only blast when it's weak balloons towards the end and it should only be one person blasting not everyone guys I yeah I think it's all about the strategic blast we're gonna lose this one blasted we shouldn't have play all right we're gonna keep TV what you do is so let's go to mass for the DDT wave yes no blast let's see you be so thin we need some Rogaine real fat oh we have to but there's no beating the reinforced DDT's wave 99 with a new blast of ability
Channel: JeromeASF
Views: 354,398
Rating: 4.9580798 out of 5
Keywords: Jeromeasf, Jerome asf, pixelmon, bedwars, fortnite, battledome, doodle god, copes and robbers, galacticraft, sky factory 4, Minecraft, risk factions, cookie camp, crazy craft, bloons tower defense 6, bloons, btd battles, btd 6, btd6 tier 5, strategy, btd6, bloons td, btd6 round 100, btd6 gameplay, btd6 strategy, btd6 impoppable, btd6 5th tier, btd6 best hero, btd6 best strategy, bloons td battles, jeromee, jeromeasf, jeromeasf bloons, jeromeasf bloons td 6, hilarious gameplay
Id: 1mO5MMAFza8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 4sec (1384 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 15 2020
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