Bloons TD 6 - 4-Player Medieval Times Challenge | JeromeASF

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today we have a very unique challenge of Lutz tower-defense six because we're bringing it back to medieval times that's right everybody you're gonna have me with two crossbow masters fail as the catapult on top of the monkey village dropsy I mean I mean I mean Steve Steve Z Steve Z as the wizard and then blade as the alchemist and of course huge Vega did bear boom for suggesting this challenge on top that as well it's gonna be difficult to get all the stuff we need nor to beat this and plus the map itself is an expert level map so we decided that we're gonna make it sort of like the old times and allow for marketplace stalls I mean I think that's fair and medieval times I did have marketplaces so you can get yourself anything in the bottom root of the banana farms let's do it alright so we made a weird realization literally during the loading screen probably nervous beforehand this could mean one of two towers I totally interpret it as the monkey village going all the way the topper because it literally has a castle with a catapult on top and everyone else besides me interpreted it as the catapult route of the dart monkey so veil we're just gonna say that you can do both pal I mean I am right it is fair like top monocle top all right okay so we have oh man everyone's got some good stuff going now that's right we also have camo I've got camo detection I'm sorry I meant free dart monkeys and all our guys can eat cameras except for your alchemists they're holed up where we put our free dart monkey down No well we got to dart monkeys down oh I need bail and drone yeah it's just me and bail yeah you thought you were oh you thought you were part of this real quick yes in order to do this map I had a hostess robes a high enough level okay okay mr. show-offs in the season yeah mr. show off season gingerbread man up on the castle he runs away oh poor gingerbread man that feels like all me bud no I think you're the one who got me was you're tricky dastardly lie so Vail where are you gonna put down cuz your monkey village is very important because you can get radar scanner which allow all of us to hit DDT's so you can do radar scanner root and pulley to the top with that yeah but there's really nowhere for him to put it to reach everything I mean you could put it right behind his yeah you know hey yeah you think I love sports ball what's your what's your favorite team in sport I love my favorite team scores point in sport yeah my favorite is the New England hand eggs yeah I really like with my team my favorite team of sport gets a lot of points in wins championship hey head Jerome yeah oh just one thing those upset your entire comment section what the Patriots oh he didn't mean it guys he didn't mean it unless you're from New England yeah he didn't mean it okay so do we need more DeHaven eights on the field or do we want to start getting banana farms ready I already started the whole banana farm de baak banana farms are pretty important and blade you're saying for the market root right it's top and bottom not middle and bottom right correct all right okay I've already got spike a pole there we go whoa my man Balak is out here yes I miss Eliquis what I am the great wizard of Eliquis here my use my magical powers we have ten more ways to worry about camos also what I'll pay about lens will blade be able his alpha is gonna be able to hit him in all the areas you doubt me well dude ouches power when do LEDs come through yes he is the great blade he'll five four eight seven how dare you muscle should I do quick shots or sharp shots sharp okay I've got camo on my spike a bolt over here so there we go swimmingly Steve we're about to loosen lines goodness swimmingly yeah we need a I don't know what dumpster you're swimming through pal let's turn off the fast-forward auto start here and let's see yeah my minds off oh I just I just so we basically worked our way up to the tivity tippity-top also uh somehow all those trees fell down plate didn't con cash crops and delete them so yeah we're doing good though we're back on wait 2000 what they're gonna think through I have a wizard hat now uh yeah we need we need more upgrades more thingies more the stuff yeah it's more of the stuff thingies also my crossbows are actually doing some work here now so that's always good nice The Alchemist is pretty cool ethers potions on each lane so it's like so we can have more than one of our towers right oh yes yes but you can only do that Tower though okay veil more on top of the cat on top of the cone of the castle in the very center there no you can't put something there can you you can't what WAIS so drive if you put your catapult right in the center right in the center it'll shoot down the lane and so it will hit everything in its path we need more LED powers I'll start working on that there we go so now as soon as it comes into range he'll just shoot down the line oh that Alchemist is maybe this some good cash there nice can I have 600 bucks Oh God uh yeah actually do you need it for real yeah I'm gonna get wall of fire so that I can help us with leads how's that I'll be the now marketplace vendor I'll get you all the money you need I was about to ask why you didn't know you couldn't put stuff up top on the couch the castle but then I remembered you don't have this map yeah waiter just rub it in there blade what blade meant to say is you basic Wow really hit him hard there well I don't ask how I asked how many that's true he's having internet problems which is why they're gonna ask how he got four crossbows or how many weight Noah is like the complete opposite of what he do so I'm gonna ask how he got four crossbows they're just gonna ask how many crossbows yeah okay I I know I might just be dumb but whenever the spike ball goes straight down the path into the castle like you think it's like a quick-moving Blum is an instant Jerome thing any sort of balloon makes it even close it's like panicking already I am I'm getting extremely worried you got let first they got through can your spike Capone's break lights pretty sure it has to be a gyro not break lips is there any way to switch which side your monkey bars on well there isn't if you click on somebody else who's got it over there and then you click on another monkey it stays on the synchros MacPhail could we get you to have the juggernaut one because you're not popping lids and there we go nice dude uh Publix we also need mold you let one led through Oh guys we need it what whatever happened never happened that never ever happened nobody saw anything I think we might was wrong I'm trying to think of what do we put more crossbow guys right maybe maybe dragon's breath I get if I get $43 which is a 2501 but I get more crossbow guys for us and the issue with the crossbows is you need the master yeah if I can get more crossbow guys let me just try it out let me just ride out late okay how much want to see how much I'm broke all right let's see no this isn't gonna wait but it does work you know yes so it's just crossbow master solving you know that was a close one all right well let's keep playing but we need to get wit Steve by the time wait safety comes around we are getting you the our Ark like that the top guy but you know it okay it spike yes oh yes multiple of those though yeah so it's the top route for the monkey village right yes yes there we go but oh man that was unnecessarily close I don't need to get these guys Cambodian right because most of them will be covered by yeah well archmagi automatically gets like the effects to hit camos the best place for the monkey village hitting two people well that's gonna be said for any place on the map though just kick the man while he's down I was just I was just thinking I'm sorry I'm sorry I won't think again you anymore all right good that's some good thinking Jerome if I get a 34 grand I can get the balloon master Alchemist uh yeah listen bleep we got like 60 G's right now and we were gonna give it a steep of the Arcana Spiker rooney's uh-huh and I mean I got like 4 grand on me so love it yes sir not for a while Oh player 4 what is that like lately it just like yeah it's like right when this goes to load to a new round sometimes thanks Jerome yeah got you pally oh you mean it yeah yes that's a lot of acid on the floor yeah I'm really getting scared here guys like we uh we're having a rough go of the medieval challenge I don't know how this is a really tough map it's just short and they come from everywhere and it's just well you only get half the amount of towers to impact with yeah it makes you wonder how a medieval times do they stop the balloons from killing them I wish I knew to be honest apparently they just had a wizard to help you know I feel like my crossbow guys aren't doing half bad either to be honest there we go uh to Rome who are you planning to have be across webmasters the two guys that are like the gatekeepers like at the I don't know how to to the right or left of my in the monkey village for me Tom Tunney know what the monkey people that are touching your alchemists it doesn't really help at all to the left of your Alchemist honest right underneath your banks yes okay those two or lie got one on each side one on each side okay I'm trying to put down another Alchemist and I for the top route and I was hoping to be able to put my tonics on both of them but I don't think I'll be able to so guys I'm saving up the money we're starting to actually make big bucks here we we're going on the riving village with eight marketplaces which you know what do you expect of course you're making the big bucks and we got more arcane spiked mages eventually that's what I'm working on and by eventually I mean like in two waves yeah if you don't give me $8,000 yeah I mean I kind of do to be honest with you I'm like very scared of the the PFP is gonna be coming through there you go dude Thanks do they have central marker places in medieval time to think yeah definitely I'm saving up for the central market as soon as I can okay none of yours have it so I was just wondering yeah I know I did they ate cheaper ones for not guys look how many monkeys I've gotten next to my monkey village guys we might lose here maybe another well I was very close though I didn't like that love it great so regardless things got through three but if that's just indicative of a problem I think we need more arcade spice or do we need one it's so hard to tell what we need we need a hug music Ross we need masters is what we need I promise you you get your crossbow masters and we'll make these different but do I want to Central Market first I mean how much are you making can you get I mean I would spend money getting at least the Sharpshooter right definitely the less she we don't have that right sharpshooters online alright I'll skip over Central Market just go straight for the crossbow master also we have nowhere else for Vale to really put down any monkey villages I mean I can put some up on the castle yeah but I mean like to affect the the the main strip you know I mean we've got we kind of cluttered it all up yeah we've got these two in the middle unlock it's just like those ones on the outside better a problem mm-hmm this map is just a problem this map is just a problem they don't call an expert level map for nothing I mean this is yes they're very difficult so the crossbow master Scott is he like genuine okay is he the one is slicked hair and those things of shreds probably that's awesome cuz he was just ripping through them dude and say if you can get the other one now two gospel master will be looking pretty expensive game to play I don't know if I can afford that one yet those are cheapest tier 5 so yeah but if we get central markets I agree and just whatever priority you want to put it that I don't know I don't know dude this match I'm freaking out here man game over man zoic Scooby I would get the other crossbow master before getting a central market yes I agree I second that motion alright then we'll save up but I I'm not looking at how much money you're making how quickly what I would guess a crossbow master ok central market you did get the Central Market I haven't been making enough money quickly I just I want to get us all a bunch of good stuff for the later rounds we are in the later rounds drum this is around 73 and we're still broke Steve getting real hard out here man I'm scared old V blade you chose this mat I mean I didn't you ask me what map is most like medieval and I said this one shows this hair drum can I have 16,000 no what do you think this is like do you think we invented the loan we're in the medieval times hey germs can I take a loan how much money does the central market give you is it like the app around effect or something can they give you money the same rate as the other thing so to just give you money at the end of the round or something well it is a 10% merchants get percent more income wow did I just make a ton of money there okay I should be able to go see I got the two central markets and I might be able to get that crossbow master in time for wave 80 see you guys nice big noggin stuff we could still use more stock traders okay well you're gonna have to wait I was like how can I just say that I think this might be the hardest challenge we've ever had to do I think you mean that because the hardest map we've ever done yeah can be the hardest map and hardest challenge I don't know also I think immediately upon DDT's we're all dead probably yep unless your arcane guys if we can get a bunch more of those guys see or another sharpshooter or another master I'm getting the crossbow master but I don't know I think you're under estimating the power of the cross webmasters I think you're overestimating the power of the crossbow master there is though second one up now I would definitely hook Steve up for an art mage all right Steve here you go buddy get more arc meat oh wait the actual big boy yeah all right 27000 smiles and he'll be the one that's like right in the middle that can hit all the lanes pretty much or should I make him one that doesn't have the shimmer or the he'll be able to hit what's called camos without shimmer oh God easy Wow but I just don't know how you can say easy with such conviction all the time it's easy you just say easy okay all my guys are now sharpshooters except for these two in the back here but they're about to be upgraded and the rest of my mother's gonna be funneled to Steve unless there's any objections here we go woody no I'd say you just either fun vana gift escape let me I'll keep giving you money buddy still not enough wait where's the night good night why is it the other map anywhere the night is not medieval I mean a night is medieval but the night is not medieval the dark night could be a thousand dollars no you can have seven fever you're gonna be able to get more art majors man no I can only have one girl I mean not arcade spiked guys yeah I just bought one okay you just keep spamming them whenever I give you the money better you bought a hawk Steve not a hawk the hawk see what I did there I know I'm actually like I'm kind of running out of space here if I can get $30,000 I can get total transformation and the DPS I put out will be put up I have a lot yeah how much money if we also get to another twenty-one we can get that primary expertise for bail well that will do a lot 21,000 for me yeah yeah got eleven thousand right now yes almost there already I'll get you there real put the whole okay let's do my stuff over the veil there you go man there we go primary expertise all right back to blade let's start working on blades total transformation also we got to get ready here bail and people I don't know why specifically only said bail but we got to get the wave as wave 9 he's coming DDT's inbound well we did it beauties and bound it looks so crazy with the UM with the four lanes having like everything coming down at once four different paths yeah it kind of scares me yeah you know why Pro doesn't scare me I still have tiny balloons enabled then it is we know we got our they actually showing up is party pretty yeah glad I gave you 25 G's buddy you're 13 short I know but lasers I'm really scared of wave 95 played you got a time your total transformation at the right time buddy okay well we get that unless I'm still 10 grand short so I know wait everyone gives us money ever will give the money now we can get it will be ready there we go all right now Steve I'm gonna keep feeding money to you now to get more arc mages okay I guess so what do you what is it attitude oh my god we got it that was close that was really close gotta say you're forgetting about this back line on the castle over your dude all right now blade I want you to remember don't immediately use total transformation the beginning around 295 it's like counseling right now counts like eight nine ten seconds somewhere around there no Jerome as soon as you say go I'll hit it yeah five four three two one go apparently was even more than that geez there they are there they are let's go team let's go oh my god oh wow we did it alright told you I gave you more money Steve get him ready getting ready for $90 buddy now he seemed oh we did it ba-ba-ba-ba you were worried and I told you I'm extremely worried still man anyone got six grand yeah for what ultra juggernaut yeah so there's actually better for that one cuz it gives them bigger range the unit hey jumbo oh yeah yeah unique yeah you've never let us down ball my goodness guys this is not good steve-o you got money to put that another thing buddy I just upgraded I'm going I'm going all right wait 99 the last of the DDT's brand bars Oh is there anything we could have done I don't think guys this is it I don't know what to say besides if we can't do it here then I don't know this challenge is possible but this is the best lineup we could think up for the medieval challenge though is it that was it why is it I was way easier okay so all we need to do is just solve our banks then all right GG so it is the doable challenge well we still gotta beat this guy right oh that's true actually yeah wait a minute it's such a short track Wow with the track this short that is hard but we didn't Jiji everyone the medieval challenge GG
Channel: JeromeASF
Views: 517,476
Rating: 4.9171619 out of 5
Keywords: Jeromeasf, Jerome asf, pixelmon, bedwars, fortnite, battledome, doodle god, copes and robbers, galacticraft, sky factory 4, Minecraft, risk factions, cookie camp, crazy craft, bloons tower defense 6, bloons, btd battles, btd 6, btd6 tier 5, strategy, btd6, bloons td, btd6 round 100, btd6 gameplay, btd6 strategy, btd6 impoppable, btd6 5th tier, btd6 best hero, btd6 best strategy, bloons td battles, jeromee, jeromeasf, jeromeasf bloons, jeromeasf bloons td 6, hilarious gameplay
Id: GmLCDhkaric
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 13sec (1513 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 03 2020
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