Bloons TD 6 - 4-Player Jobs Towers ONLY Challenge | JeromeASF

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today we have an awesome challenge that one of you guys out there suggested to us Rowen Wickard said boom he wants to see the jobs challenge now we decided to roll with this and put in some of our own towers and what we decided on was that drops he was gonna be working at the spike factory he's gonna be working the farm Blaine's gonna be our team scientist brewing some potions as The Alchemist and I'll be the engineer with a nail gun so the whole point of this is the seat using towers that act as real-world jobs how far can we make it I'm thinking we could beat around 100 but we're gonna have to be smart and God knows I'm not good at that also we got a surprise this is Loki he's Ron's dog but he basically comes to the office all right let's start put some towers down who do we want to go with first I always wanting to find a spike Factory being first was generous in our Tower yet the team player yeah I'm gonna give some money to dropsy so that she can get the spike factory there you go and then yeah my towers cheap anyway I'll get enough money to place it down some money from whoever for a farm ASAP oh good point do you have all my money Steve there you go I'll just keep giving you the monies because my chief anyway I'm not too concerned about it and obviously we have no limit on the amount of towers right we're gonna play you can put down as many of those each as you want yes okay Jesus it's kind of a bad map for farm so hashtag blame bleed this is a fine map and Steve there you go you have enough here first pop yeah thanks I'm guessing we want perma spikes right oh yeah I would say promise spikes definitely now the other question is do I get white-hot spikes yes yes it won't kill DDT's otherwise cuz depending on what you get if you put it within the range of my tower and I get the acidic mixture dip I can make your towers be able to pop lows oh I like the sound of this wait really hot wait how are you able to help me popplets though I don't get it so the the second one for the top route yeah I throw caution that the other monkey's allowing them to pop let balloons and do extra damage to ceramics fine and bullet jeez alright play I did not realize that but you just have to have yours in range of mine so I can hit it with my potions I'm surprised you didn't want to go led the gold route I mean I can have more than one yeah and plus this like to to the top Steve he can do all okay yeah that wasn't Kathy though you know he can still do that we're killing it so far no real big worries I mean that spike factory alone will hold us down for a while no worries about camos because of that oh but in the future we're gonna have a big connection I really I have cleansing foam if we really care but I'm not too concerned because your spikes alrighty also can I don't I don't know can they Alchemist hit camos if you guys like an acid pool the acid white but my potions well ah I think we're gonna be fine yeah I think we're okay this is going swimmingly it is Steve you're right and three more dollars yes got him all right I'm gonna put them right next to your guy is that okay Lee sure you just go banks all banks I like the banks personally there's gonna be if they might not be the most profitable I don't but I'm not sure personally though I I do enjoy them it really depends on how quickly you can get them dad yeah Steve yes yeah Steve so get to work Steve I'm working on it I'm working on a drum now you can pop lip lips all right we ready we're already prepared for round 28 is it that comes in legs or 26 that was like oh wait no is 20 camo 24 is camera 24 all right um sensory guns which I do sentry guns first or do you think I should go Trat maybe trap I think trap tough call really I'm thinking maybe trap for the first like the closest one to the start I would go like the the sentries with cleansing foam or I can do that the century I mean the centuries themselves century expert will put down once again a camos see yes right if he goes bottom route he gets double guns and the trap and money and he slows them down so you can hit more with your potion yeah I like that Steve you're right you're right buddy we'll just I'm more interested in getting the sensory expert down to be able to pop all types so that we can get as many balloons like pot as many layers as we can before they get towards the middle or the end instead of letting them get so far with that many layers closer to the end I just upgraded a pin um I don't know I mean to be fair if we just keep leaving Steve alone or not borrowing or asking for money we're gonna be able to get everything anyway at some point soon so I don't know I think for now we're good I don't know I think for now I'm gonna do the trapper let's be honest for now things are going extremely smooth yes yes on this guy should I do the larger service area and then the deconstruction or should I go century guns on if this guy's can be my trap one probably larger surface area and deconstruction but me right I don't know I don't I don't know much about the engineer monkey all right what could do sense your gun instead then the first double guns double guns is so good I know right [Music] it's like a machine gunner look at that I wonder if they're ever gonna add in the Cobra from balloons tower defense battles the double guns maybe think of that that's why yeah either him or can you imagine if they added in the gallery gutter yeah Gatling gunner thank you how cool would that be also Steve a few woods if you think it's worth it and I can obviously supply hook you back I could get a trap going for $2,100 and I could give you the money back if you want that's how they're gonna be better than the banana forms bingo bango Bungo I'll start giving you some money bud banker yeah listen Olli do you think it would well as I say only if you think it would outpace the extra income you'd make from your farms look it's hard to say because like the balloon trap is a good generator of money yeah let's go for it and boom got it alright so I'll pay you back to such a bad literally the worst spot no is really I could do to resend it the worst oh my gosh I didn't even think about that happening either it's not gonna reset is it not astonishing that was that was tragically bad that was really really stretch it's like comically bad I'm gonna start paying you back there you go Steve thanks bud I'm sorry my business venture face well least you got your first bank yeah I guess that's so hilarious I can't believe that just happy I got a business plan for you bankrupt good one day later Steve it's all gone we lost everything you know the old saying we bet the farm what we literally bet your farm there's nothing you're not wrong look at all that money bleh just got there from the legs I like it Blaine some beautiful earth dropsy good work thank you I'm really liking the spike ball you're making yeah looks pretty cool well we're popping about here now we're making the big bucks first balloon is coming in I think dropsy will definitely be able to destroy the Moab but it's just something to keep them on come in here and it's like I'll be pretty I think that thing's gonna be all up to dropsy though it will be very much so I agree maybe you'll get to use your trap here if I get 1500 I can get I'm stable caution to coat it with but oh that could be fun all right well we're doing good yeah no don't pop for the trap they wouldn't like to would it hit your trap and it wouldn't have made a difference why I get an achievement unsung monkeys and whatever that is nope not a clue it honest things them oh okay good that's good that's very very effective hey Steve 51 grand I can get an exit look man I haven't even gotten my Third Bank yet I've been giving everybody to money I mean for 2,000 get rubber to gold I just gave Steve $1700 for 2,000 or 3,000 rocking it deadly spikes I don't have any money sir I'll start supply how can you blade because I are Steve will you actually be able to get him that rubber to gold cuz we'll be making the big bucks there trust me I know my last business venture didn't go so well but rubber to gold oh yeah so now what does it give us like double money on those converts all balloon harshly into gold getting more cash per pop from effective balloons oh let's keep it up it's going great you say my income is definitely gone up so no same oh no your trap didn't even hit the camos oh my gosh that's right they evil eat the camos oh we tested it on those the the XXL trap it doesn't care about camos right it's DDT's even yeah I think so yeah well we're making big money now that blades uh you know got all that gold oh yeah there be golden these uh guys this ain't gonna be pretty we're gonna need you're gonna start dishing out money to drop C for more spiked thingies or already did okay I was gonna say or I could get my next engineer down with cleansing foam yeah in a panic I just sent it out a drop C do I want same question for this do I want oversized nails and pin or faster engineering probably oversized nails and pin on this guy there we go well the cleansing flow help us out oh great place for that cleansing foam and that log that no one's ever gotten to my goodness Jerome have your cleansing foam is going there to my engineers have the worst placement choices [Music] alright I'll put down another one right up here this guy will be focused on being the century expert your trap is getting some used room I know isn't it great there we go own out to get the ability to get more loans nice Megadeth Megadeth you're gonna be our golden man Steve wait does my balloon trap gets super mega money if you goal to fly them and then I eat them maybe actually don't know the shame is not a very good spot yeah soon Blade one day it'll fill up there we go century expert he now oh my gosh so that when he's shooting out the the juggernaut balls wait what who is my century I see him up there now literally shoot out the juggernaut balls that's crazy [Music] so right now that tier 5 is 27,000 this guy's not even near to your 5 the other guys 305 51,000 be a lot of tier 5 money flowing everywhere yeah I'm about to have all my tier fours I tier fives only 25 it's okay I believe in us okay I am a big believer in us even steven which was a great show by the way even students yeah yeah I want a reboot they are oh really good yes that and Lizzie McGuire and another show lazy McGuire who knows Lizzie McGuire yeah lazy McGuire hey Suzie McGuire ace reporter Lizzie McGuire oh is that what she's known for that alchemists have laser eyes yes transforming tonic that doesn't say yeah you got the transformer yeah oh man well all we can do now is really wait it out for Steve to dish out the cash all right so dropsy just got enough for permanent spikes we've been supply hooking her like cabeza me and blade and in that time Steve's also been accumulating quite the amount of money Scott actually Steve you almost have much Walsh Rios so close but how much is thirty five thousand in debt man oh man I think we're good for now steve is you get that monkey Wall Street then maybe Edition out the money yeah I would say start dishing it out then yep that's the game plan my friend unless you want to get monkey nom it's go like mega ultra money money money maddie-winkie Wall Street will help me keep my debt down low enough yeah that's true that I can constantly take out the loan oh man oh man we're killing it out here we'll pop and like monkeys oh yeah we are all right so who wants money first uh probably a me drops here two got permanent spikes so that's right you've done I don't I mean blue master Alchemist will get us more money or XXL traps so I don't care either one whatever one gets us more money maybe blue master Alchemist alchemists will shrink the boys it's not really gonna guess what might make things easier ah really yeah I don't think it makes any extra money from them tell me who I think would make it less it's just a matter of meat converting like that balloon into a one red balloon okay so we would tend to get less because we were not popping it as much all right then maybe we'll give it yeah I'll take it Steven get XXL trap then okay well I already gave blade like 20 grand so geez okay well oh there's the money oh that's yours I yeah I gave you a very little amount or do we want century Paragon 420 now money money money money money money money money for me I feel like the better one of the total transformation but you think that's better than getting the Oh for you for like when you're yeah for free f-for my neck like for my first tier 5 at the end total transformation is better to get the other two but the XXL trap I think there's a good ah found another spot oh my gosh Steve a whole nother Bank I found another spot Steve you're gonna be filthy rich I'm sorry I had to put that down oh my gosh drops these permit spikes are awesome smart smart yeah well I don't get it oh why does that make it better like what makes that so smart it's the earliest point that it hits the spike factories radius so it's the earliest and the track that I can hit them interesting well everything's still going I'm happy with this I'm happy with where things are at Steve what do you think you can pass over and I get the XXL trap how much is that 81 packing I can get you that now I think okay cool cool let's go let's go get that XXL trap hopefully you'll put it in a bare spot yeah I know right and you're kidding me right now dude it'll save us if yeah but it's not not ideal but you know yeah I don't think things are getting through for a while oh my gosh all right drop see you are like killing a game out here but I'm getting very good that was all the permanent spikes that was well century Paragon go it's not really it doesn't make it oh there we go that's the difference oh man oh man that was okay that was good all right I'm gonna save up now for my next one which is ultra boost for a hundred two thousand dollars and what did you get your five flame I had this absolutely love it guys kill the game out here I'm the real super monkey I say I'm dirty Dan no okay fine yeah it could be dirty Dan all right all right good doing good I think next thing on the list is maybe get carpet of spikes for dropsy yeah yeah my big trap is finally gobbling things up look it eats the Moab's I'm getting like big money for it now if you look I have 53 like have you give me any money Steve cuz I'm 54 grand I don't think so I think I've been giving blade my money so I'm just straight up getting money yeah that's Excel that trap is like a really good money maker Jim Kane I can get carpet of spikes but I'm like mom I got it I got it I got it yay thank you okay yeah multiple super monkeys where oh whoa how did that happen oh it's his ability okay I was like one the world was that deluna's go 80 foot we're gonna be trial one hundred easy with the jobs challenge I actually kind of want to supply hook dropsy not just get carpet of spikes but also to get her the the super bombs of doom have you seen those at work yeah there's they're pretty good drops you haven't seen those yet No for 100 it's 148 grand so chump change here's 80 mm yeah and here's the rest of the money I think you need 61 I'm temporarily boosting your permanent spiked our drop see just get more things down yeah you have enough drops 250 grand and you are worried blade I'm gonna keep on using my Boostability it's not permanent but I'm gonna keep using it to put down more permanent spikes oh let's keep it up we're killing it out here thank you for duck ash my gosh guys why do I get cash so much quicker late I know the traps good but this is kind of insane I'm in this the devil trap well hundred percent dude look I have twenty nine thousand now again dropsy do you have a spare hundred and forty three thousand dollars no I need 5k more okay hey um if you didn't hook me up with 51k I could make your monkey even stronger I just totally accidentally gave that all the Steve sorry just give it to blade I sent it all I was sending money over to blade so it all got sent to him anyways okay good good good good blade I'll keep on giving you monies and what was the offer I can't give you money for sacred brew oh nice so I'll be able to permanently make you stronger very good how much more do you need that was it more power and dropsy super deadly explosive spikes oh we won there is no doubt in my mind limit net by DDT's see you never yeah we won we have tier five of everyone's Tower except for uh well we don't have it of everyone's I don't have a balloon master Alchemist yet blade would you like the blue master Alchemist just for the fun of it just get tier five of all of them so there's that you need you have okay so you of all your tier five shops use all our tier fives I am short 70 grand for and I'm short a lot for mine which ones do you need the 85004 monkey nah mix and the 85004 banana central oh yes I boosted your wallstreet and I really know if that did anything but oh wow I didn't even notice that do you want me to we might not get it by around 100 it's okay yeah let's make sure that we at least get all the damaging Tower tier fives yeah buddy all right all right four more waves we're gonna do it we're gonna hold out I feel it I feel it in my bones we're gonna beat this challenge I mean 99s the only less real I guess actually to be fair my trap can't kill the BA DS so maybe the BA D might be harder in this particular round we're gonna find out soon but how much do you need room I need like ten eight grand or 10 grand more Thank You Steven ultra boos welcome buddy and incoming final wave wave 100 let's do it let's do it oh my gosh it's it's working for now it's working but that thing is making some distance how it is it's being sneaky come on come on it's going but oh it definitely won't get past dropsy dropsies gonna make a joke out of this thing yeah there we go she G another challenge in the bags
Channel: JeromeASF
Views: 701,146
Rating: 4.9183273 out of 5
Keywords: Jeromeasf, Jerome asf, pixelmon, bedwars, fortnite, battledome, doodle god, copes and robbers, galacticraft, sky factory 4, Minecraft, risk factions, cookie camp, crazy craft, bloons tower defense 6, bloons, btd battles, btd 6, btd6 tier 5, strategy, btd6, bloons td, btd6 round 100, btd6 gameplay, btd6 strategy, btd6 impoppable, btd6 5th tier, btd6 best hero, btd6 best strategy, bloons td battles, jeromee, jeromeasf, jeromeasf bloons, jeromeasf bloons td 6, hilarious gameplay
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 55sec (1495 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 16 2019
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