THE VAMPIRE DIARIES Comic Con Panel 2015

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Ian and Paul seem over this shit.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/melbournetup πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 13 2015 πŸ—«︎ replies

Ian misunderstood Mark as Paul at least twice lol. That was pretty awkward

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/peeinherbutt πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 13 2015 πŸ—«︎ replies

I love how someone asked why Damon would take the cure from Elena when Katherine aged rapidly from it and died. Julie and Caroline were both like -.-

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 14 2015 πŸ—«︎ replies

why go across the street when you can go across the hall

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Headphonesss πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 13 2015 πŸ—«︎ replies

Thanks so much for sharing this! I don't know why it doesn't have more upvotes. This was a good recording of it.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/MissyBee37 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 13 2015 πŸ—«︎ replies

Ian is kind of insufferable. Also, why is Bonnie not in the shots, man Julie hates Kat Graham.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/katnessugher πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 13 2015 πŸ—«︎ replies

Thanks for posting this!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/YoungRL πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 15 2015 πŸ—«︎ replies

Glad to see Ian Somerhalder seems to want Damon to go back to his season 1-2 self. I hope Julie Plec's taking notes.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/suss2it πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 15 2015 πŸ—«︎ replies
What was that? So Kaimon? Is that now the name of that ship that we're all sailing on into TVD-land? Um, how's everybody doing this morning? Excellent! My name is Jarett Wieselman And I have been covering this show for six years I've met a lot of you, I've tweeted with more of you And it's safe to say there is no more dedicated fandom than the Vampire Diaries fandom. You guys wait in line, and because of your intense devotion, we are in Hall H, for the very first time. So, are you guys ready for the biggest Vampire Diaries panel ever? Well, let's get it started, first up: star Michael Malarkey The lovely Candice Accola One half of all of our new favorite ships: Ian Somerhalder Executive producer Julie Plec Paul Wesley Executive producer Caroline Dries And last, but by no means least: Kat Graham Guys, give it up for the cast of The Vampire Diaries! I'm down there! Are we aloud to sit? It must be very early, it's extremely quiet in here! You guys gonna make s- How many of you guys slept over last night? Paul, let me go to you first, I'm curious, Back when Vampire Diaries actually featured diaries, did you ever envision that six years later you would be surrounded by five thousand of your closest fans in the biggest Comic Con ballroom there is? Um, I... I... Wait, what does that have to do with diaries? You used to write in diaries, it's fine, we can move on I just feel like when i wanna hear the fans go wild, I just need to say two words Jared & Jensen Don't worry, they're coming up, they're coming up, they're coming up Now, what was your question? What does it mean to see all of these people here, for the show that you guys worked so hard on? Oh, no, honestly guys, it's amazing This is the first time at Hall H, I can't see the end of the room I'm slightly intimidated That's 'cause you're drunk Um, i am also drunk I haven't slept, um, it means a lot, I know you guys woke up early, and I can speak on behalf of all of us We really appreciate it and, we love you guys So, that's the truth Thank you! Julie, it's been a very long journey, you've all been on in Hall H Is it in any way bitter sweet that, you know, someone is missing, who helped put the show on the map? Yeah, of course it's bitter, Jesus I can't talk Who? Yeah, what do you mean, no, of course Jesus! And, okay Of course it's bitter sweet, we miss Nina, she's been with us for six years, Uh, we miss Kevin, he's been with us for all that time too and both they're up back home in LA And hopefully sending us good love from home Absolutely The sleeping curse I think was a really interesting way to sort of tie up that storyline As a storyteller, what excites you about the opportunities afforded to you by having her sort of gone but not forgotten? Well, what's nice about it is there's still an intense core of romance, almost like in a fairytale way attached to it Damon, you know, has put the love of his life away And now he's got to figure out how- She's just taking a little nap a sixty-seven-year-nap Yeah, what's sixty-seven years for a vampire? It'll go by like that You know By the way, I have no problem playing a 17-year old in my mid-sixties If I'm pulling it off at thirty-two Guys, you know What do you think? You don't look a day over fourty, Paul You don't look a day over fourty, buddy That's what they tell me So, I'm curious, Caroline With Bonnie and Elena sort of linked now, does the lovely Kat Graham have the best job security on this death crowned show? Uh, Bonnie dies like every season, so Yeah, it's like nine lives, I'm not sure, we're probably at six, maybe now Five or six Yeah, she's got at least three seasons left in her Nice I like it Kat, what was your reaction when you found out how Bonnie would play into the sleeping beauty curse for Elena? You know, it's very interesting because I, obviously I've known that Nina was leaving for a long time Um, but I thought it was a really clever way to, um, kind of keep Elena there And keep her presence there, um, and keep the door open in a lot of ways for her to be able to come back But it also created an interesting dynamic going into season seven for Bonnie and Damon and them to have to deal with the fact that, you know, Bonnie is alive and Elena's not and it's kind of on Bonnie to stay alive But it felt super earned, you know, by having Damon and Bonnie in the nineties together for so long It was such a rich relationship by the time we got to the finale I mean for both of you, what did you like about how that relationship sort of flourished last season? I was actually, I don't know That was my favorite stuff that we've ever done yes I think the beginning of season six for Bonnie and Damon was the best stuff ever What do you think? Uh, it was a lot of fun and it was very dynamic and these two people, you know, it's funny because they hate each other they love each other they resent each other, they're stuck together it's sort of an amazing recipe for a lot of cool drama yeah But Kat and I love to work together, because we work together with the same coach in the same way and we have a lot of really good fun Yeah, one of my favorite episodes is the episode that Ian directed And it was actually the first time that I'd ever been in a scene where the director is also the actor So we had some really cool stuff and I'm excited that Ian You're directing again in season seven, right? Is that the plan? Well, um, yeah, hopefully okay yes absolutely! Sorry! I didn't know, I don't know, I don't know! Yes, we're gonna do it again I don't know, but yeah, we had a lot of fun It was really great for us to shoot some scenes together and definitely when I got to come back it was great that one of my first scenes was definitely with Ian, it was great Julie, talk a little bit about sort of Damon post Elena sleeping beauty curse I mean, is he a munk now? Or do you just like yeah Munk my ass! You just put that energy in sort of different areas of that character I'm waiting for Ian to make an inappropriate about putting that energy in other places Just wait for it Um, yeah, no, i mean the challenge for Damon is obviously, Elena said to him please, live your life, and be who you are We know who Damon is So, I think for him it's who am I, without this girl right by my side? 'Cause she's the center, she's the one that grounds me and makes me want to make the right decision and walk the straight line So, for him, the line is gonna get a little crooked, you know and he's gonna kinda probably hopscotch over it 'cause, I know he loved Elena Hopscotch? So, he'll, you know, the struggle will be good, we'll get to see a lot of naughty Damon trying to not be naughty I love hopscotch Ian, what, I mean in some ways it's sort of like you're playing a new Damon this year that has to be exciting? or an old Damon Actually au contraitre, mon frère It's actually the exact opposite It's actually the opposite It's the old fucking Damon The Damon that we really fell in love with and that's the goal, it's that you know, let's bring that back that energy, that sexy, fun, scary, dangerous... All that shit that made you guys love him to begin with I'm bringing it back! Caroline, as writers What excites you guys about getting back to the root of Damon? Well, it's interesting, you know We've seen Damon, pining for Katherine, for a hundred and forty-five years Then he was pining for Elena you know, seasons two through six so it's fun for us as writers to think, who is Damon Salvatore when he's not pining after a girl? When he has his girl And, so it's interesting, I was just talking to Ian the other day Like, what does Damon do in his spare time? Like, what does he do when he's alone and, I I... I'm still waiting for Ian and Paul to make an inappropriate joke What else does he do when he's alone? So, um Oh my a lot of stuff So it's fun for writers to kinda get to dig a little deeper into the character And figure out, like, you know, what makes him tick, and we're gonna see a lot of bromance between Stefan and Damon And see how the dynamic works, now that their mom is kind of becoming part of Mystic Falls absolutely as sort of Delena moved into a crypt, as you were there was the rising of another relationship on The Vampire Diaries one that goes by the name of Steroline By the way can we change that Doesn't it sound- By the way, guys No, I was gonna say, doesn't it sound so clean? Sounds like something in a hospital We're actually gonna make a hand sanitizer called Steroline We're gonna-, we trademarked it and sell it at Hall H Paul, can you guys come up with a different name though? Dude, you got, you're like, what are you, Delena? Like that's any better? Or Bamon? At least it doesn't sound like it's in a hospital Delena sounds like it could potentially be a disease Steroline sounds like the cure for the disease Wauw That was That was actually good and witty Well, I... Did you just come up with that right now? I'm impressed Was that like on the spot? Yeah it was It's not like I thought of this last night or anything You weren't staying up thinking about what you were gonna say? I can't wait to pull that one out Paul for a lot of fans this relationship has been a long time coming What excites you about seeing it come to fruition? I just love making Candice feel awkward on the set um candice is married um I'm friends with her husband um I love when we have to do make out scenes Because it's so uncomfortable um and so funny and um But you-, we love each other, don't we love each other? oh, yeah Don't you love me? Don' t you just love me? Just so much Yeah! Yeah! What are we-, no honestly, it's, if I'm gonna answer the question sincerely I personally, my opinion is, I do like the fact that there is so much history between these two characters It obviously was very platonic It was that little, kind of those little moments, those moments were you sort of zoom in on the eyes and there's something going on It could happen between anyone I feel like Ian and I have had those moments But, you know, it's been a-, yeah, right? There's a couple of shippers there that's what I'm talking about You know, I am my brothers keeper Based on that There it is why cross the street when you can cross a hall? So hey! relax relax I taught him that one, by the way You did In more ways than one So, what are we doing here? Um, anyway, I really like Steroline What do you think, Candice? Oh, well, after that No, in all seriousness, I love a good slow-burning relationship in a televisionseries, where you get to watch build and, um I really like the characters together So I'm excited to see what happens in season seven, the few scripts that we have read I'm really excited for you guys to see And I don't wanna say anything else, otherwise I'll get in trouble for spoilers, but That's okay Well, before we look ahead, I wanna keep talking, Candice, about Caroline this season When she turned her humanity off Because That was one of my absolute favorite things that has ever been on The Vampire Diaries handsdown That ark, watching you go from the devastation to the complete ripping people's throats out to like falling against Stefan, against sodamachines and making out, like it was al very It was al wonderful What did you- If you wanna ever try something really disturbing Put a lot of fake blood in your mouth and have to make out with someone else It definitely I'm glad it al worked out on television But that was definitely an awkward day at work I mean, over the years, you've taken her to such different extremes You know, from human, to vampire, now to this What excited you about what you got to play Through that humanity free version of this character this year? Um, it was really fun! You know, it was such a tragicstoryline And i kind of knew, or was clued in that sheriff Forbes was going to pass this season and how it was going to happen and I thought it was just such a human, you know, obstacle That these characters hadn't really faced And there was no supernatural spell that could break the fact that she had cancer, and I thought that was really powerful So, from all that grief, and all that sadness You just go from, you know, heartless, badass Caroline And that was really, really fun and a really cool change for the character Don't you love the fact that like Caroline has like murdered and like done all this crazy shit and now she's like gonna be like probably planning a dance and like episode eight, she's gonna be like coordinating She's a multitasker it's really amazing! It's a lot done, at all times we're all sociopathic murderers Julie, when you, you know, we look ahead for this couple What can you sort of tease about What lies in store for them in season seven? a lot of very unexpected twists and turns actually what the fun of this couple is that they're just coming together they're just getting really cemented in the romantic status and so you know, that's where we left it off, you had sort of said "I will be here when you're ready" and so she's trying really really really really hard not to be ready um but she can't resist shirtless Stef every episode that's not gonna happen a lot-, I think, yeah, more sh- Do you guys want more shirtless scenes from Stefan? Oh no! I think this is a formal request That was season one, when I was a youngster you guys Times have changed Well, in this show's grand tradition of like semi-disfunctional relationships they would be remissed if i didn't talk about Enzo and Lily and whatever is happening there Uh, Michael Are you gonna bone our mom? Oh my God! Let's just get it out on the table morning everyone! she'd be Enzo's first no, It's a joke this is some of my character research coming out no, carry on Enzo definitely got to sort of be a part of a lot of the action this year in terms of propelling the story forward, with Lily And what she brought to Mystic Falls What excites you about sort of his role in all of that more screen time I'm playing No, I'm not Yes, I am No, I'm not um Um, I love the fact that there's a really kind of succinct dilemma for Enzo this season Which is about choosing his allegiance and um You know, does he go with Lily and the heretics, or does he go with Damon or hang out with this chick You know and um I think it's a very clear struggle for him and uh It's going to be interesting to see where where it goes absolutely I'm gonna open it up for fan questions in a minute, 'cause I know you guys have a lot of them So I think there's a line there, and there But before I do that Julie and Caroline, working of what he just said What can you sort of tease about the heretics and season seven, and sort of what the fans in this room can expect? when the show comes back Oh, well, the challenge for the writers season seven is constantly topping the villain from the previous year and we thought Kai was one of the best villains we've ever had on the show And so we were thinking, you know, how do we do that? and so by bringing in Lily's family it's these six Villains who can do magic, and they're vampires and it's the first time we ever see our characters try, you know, to go up against them And just kind of react and be like, oh, like, we don't know what we're doing Like, this is very very hard So, I think it's gonna be really kind of exciting and grusome and violent when we start But the real mystery will be: how did Mystic Falls get to be the way we saw it at the end of season six? which is runned down and um You know, polluted and borded up so there are some really great new characters, three women especially Valerie, who we have just casted this weekend and we'll anounce, as soon as our deal closes and and then a new couple: Nora and Mary-Louise who have been together for what? about hundred and twenty years i think? so... It's gonna be fun they're nasty, nasty, nasty girls but they're gonna be good Yeah! nasty girls! here it is nice Well, let's turn it over to you guys I've talked plenty We're gonna go to our first fan question, right over here Hello! Hi! Khaleesi! Yeah that's me Yeah that's me! What's your question? Um my question is for Ian It's a big room, be nice to me guys Will you marry me? She's the mother of dragons Ian I don't think I can I'm a happily married man I understand But... You can always move to Utah But... Paul, we're no longer married Who? But I'm sure if you asked anyone else They'd be all over it Have an amazing amazing Con! Thank you so much Next question Great question by the way Hi Hi! Um, I have a question for Ian Oh shit Will you marry me? If Damon If season-six-Damon could give season-one-Damon advice, what would it be? Never change Um Well Look This guy makes a lot of bad decisions all the time and I think after Being a hundred and seventy-four years old You would probably think to start thinking before you act and do things which he doesn't Which is why we kind of love the guy So if season-six-Damon could actually talk to season-one-Damon I think season-six-Damon would say... Hey man... Remind me how i used to be And take me back to that place So never change Never change Awesome Thank you! Next question Hi, my name is Catherine I'm nicer than Katherine Prove it! I just look nice, alright Okay So my question is for the two hottest brothers uhm How did you capture the mentality of a 17-year old teenager Or a 24-year old young adult When you're actually... old? No! No, no, no, no! How much is 15 years? I... I mean... I don't like to... I can't really speak subjectively But I can speak objectively, looking at Ian That he has the mentality of a 12-year old so... He... For him the challenge was playing a 17-year old The maturity He had to actually learn how to mature uhm and, uh... absolutely that's acting and I I think you did an okay job uhm yeah uhm yeah Ian? Some of the smartest people in the world are twelve, Paul Listen We were fortunate enough to be able to play these characters Stefan had the earnest capabilities the beauty-, like the beautiful soft side of a 17-year old But also, two, the same type of angst and confusion And Damon was It's like arrested development Damon was 23 You know Not the tv-show guys! arrested development great show though, great show as in meaning his development was stopped! uh, at 23 But he didn't learn that much uhm... it was very cool, actually, being able to play these guys But the reality of it is, is that look We still act like kids and we will forever act like kids And the day any of us stop acting like kids It is no bueno and guys... They make some really- I mean, we live in 2015 and there's some great moisturizers out there! and... two words sun block We apply them daily it's a great question though, actually thank you it is a good question thank you sorry for being an idiot Hi, what's your question Hi, my name is Ashley and, uh, my question is for Paul and Candice A few seasons back Klaus vouched his love for Caroline Could we expect him to come back and fight for her, now that we have... He's gonna have to get trough me, babe And he'll probably kick my ass I don't know if Caroline really wants him back in Mystic Falls Oooh, you heard it! But that's a question for Julie You heard it here, folks Julie and Caroline Oh, I'm not going there okay Thank you very much Hi they're here That felt flat moving on Can we hear you? Hello hello There you are! Oh, hi guys! Um, so my name is Courtney my favorite episode Hi courtney My favorite episode is 'Lost girls' Me too! Me too! 'Cause Damon's dancing shirtless Am i right ladies? yes! It's a good episode I wondered what your guys' favorite episode is Well, mine is lost girls Yeah, mine is lost girls Paul just likes to see me dancing half naked I also think the most brilliant episodes are the ones that I direct I don't know why That's just Lost girls, honestly, for me, and Julie and I have had this conversation a million times encapsulated What that season one Vampire Diaries was It was fun It was sexy It was vollidle It was Kayla Ewell running around for five days in her underwear It was us, drinking from each others wrists Being drunk in blood and happiness and decadence and fun and that was that smarmy, awesome fun stuff, that we are bringing back, so... But wasn't that also the flashback episodes, lost girls? yeah It was the first flashback wasn't it? Yeah, it was the first time we did flashbacks First time we saw Katherine First time we saw... Yeah, I love- I thought-, I mean I think the flashback episodes on Vampire Diaries are the most powerful episodes What do you guys think? Yeah What are your favorites? For sentimental reasons, the pilot But that's just because I'm being sentimental Stop being sentimental I know I don't have a cool answer Malarkey's actually never seen an episode Yeah I just started watching the show since I'm in it No, I'm just playing I-, you know what, I really liked the hundredth episode I thought that was a pretty banging episode yeah Kat Oh, uhm eh season three, episode five the reckoning oh yeah That's my favorite episode, I mean- Which one? The reckoning ah! ehm That was actually when Bonnie had lost her powers think it was like one of the first times she'd lost her powers And, eh... She went in-, we had a scene with She had a scene with Matt Bonnie had a scene with Matt Donovan And he had strapped weights onto himself And that, he actually did And he was actually at the bottom of the pool And I had to dive in, 'cause Bonnie couldn't use her magic There was nothing she had to rely on You know kind of the character had to rely on what she was made of So I love that about her And it was kind of one of the first times I got to see the character really She became I think a hero for herself Because she didn't have any magic, she couldn't use magic as a crutch She had to go in and just do the human thing and, to save his life So that was cool when we got to dive in fully clothed and pull up Zach Roerig which was totally light totally easy to do It was great awesome thank you for your question thank you Guys, are you having fun? They're warming up Okay, I was just checking Are you guys cold? It's cold in here It's cold and it's Sunday morning But you're having fun, that's good Sorry What is your guys' plan for after Vampire Diaries? You're like-, they're like "We're on tv!' Sorry, what was the question? Oh, what is your guys' plan for after Vampire Diaries? It's never ending I'm gonna sink into a deep depression ehm Stare at Ian Somerhalders headshots Try to get another job What are you gonna do Ian? Guys I thought-, I was told this was never ending? That's true Is it? Isn't this never ending? I tell you what Ask us that next year Maybe We're just trying to survive now Actually, I'm gonna get on one of Julies other nine shows I wouldn't worry, we have a great relationship You'll hire me No, no Done! Kat-, Kat and I will go do a show Yeah, we could go do a show Love it Alright, thank you for your question Hi Hi Thank you guys so much for being here So my question is At the end of season five, the other side vanished along with the people inside it What happens now to the supernatural creatures that die in the series? Dunzo Julie? dead? Caroline? Well We did that on purpose so death meant something So now if they die they die And they go to one of Julie Plecs other shows yeah also true Which I think is a solid way to do it You die, you die logical If he dies, he dies He dies, he dies Here's a reference Thank you for your question Pulling a little rocky reference there, Paul I like it Hi, how are you? Hello, I'm Ashley Good morning, guys Morning My question is for Paul Just wanted to let you know I've loved you since season 1 But I wanted to know if you and your character Have, like, similar characteristics in real life? No What do you mean no? Stefan's like all lovely Stefan's so sweet though Charismatic, positive... Hair fanatic Doesn't complain about dancing The hair is similar That's what I was gonna say! The hair is very similar Loves decade dances Thank you for loving me since season one That's- That's- I just would like to address that I... Literally have nothing in common with Stefan Therefor you probably wouldn't like me in real life But... But... I do my own hair And I feel really good about it Thank you, thank you, thank you That deserves a round of applause And I-, look I cry over women a lot And Stefan is constantly crying over women And I constantly cry over women So that's what I have in common I'm about to start crying over you, right now That's good yeah Thank you for your question Hi Hi My name is Valerie Paul, I'm glad you comb your own hair Thank you My question's for Julie You came back off of Ians answer Do you foresee the show ending next season? And if so, do you know how it will end? Oooh We're all like hmmm This better be good I'm like, I don't even know how to answer this No, I actually do not foresee the show ending after next season I think that- I think that we've got a more story to tell and I think that we've built this kind of gorgeous family That I'm not quite ready to split up yet, so You know, circumstances and other things may intervene, but But as far as I'm concerned We've got lots of stuff to- However Can I just ask you a question? If it were to end, how would it end? Oh Oh Oh I know how it ends Ooh, she knows how it ends, folks I know how it ends, Caroline knows how it ends And no matter what happens between now and when it ends, I believe it will remain ending that way, so Oh yeah okay Thank you Hi Who's got the truth serum guys? Hi! I'm Taylor Hey Taylor Hi Okay, so Oh my God This screen is so big okay Holy shit! She's not lying It's very big It's the truth Okay, so my question is basically In, or at the end of season 5, when Katherine took the cure, and then Or got forced the cure And in season 6 she, like, her death progressed really quickly Why is Damon planning on taking the cure With Elena And planning on, like, having a long extended life, if that's just gonna happen to him? Katherine didn't start to disintegrate until Silas took it from her So you can be a carrier of the cure Yeah, once the cure is sucked out of you That's when you start to disintegrate I don't know why you can't follow these very easy rules Then you can use Steroline to fix the cure I can't hear you I can't hear you either I have no idea what you guys are talking about We can't hear anything up here by the way We literally can't hear anything I just hear laughter, it's gotta be great Thank you for your question Can you guys hear us back there? No Holy cow! Wauw, it goes really far back Okay, I just want you guys to know that we love you I didn't know it went that far back! I haven't really been able to see you or hear you, so... Wow! We love you Hey, how's it going? That goes far back That's amazing! Hi Hi Hey! How's it going, guys? Hello What's up man? Not much, you guys enjoying Comic Con? Yeah clearly What have you checked out since you've been here? I checked out Paul I checked out Ian checking himself out Oh yeah As in like, the...- We lost you, buddy We lost your mic We've had like no time We spent the entire day yesterday, literally bouncing from interview to interview And taking silly photos And all that stuff Did we have any good, like, party interactions with other actors, or anything? Ooh! I met uhm- We both did! Christian Slater and Rami Malek last night, from Mr Robot yes And I geeked over them like a fangirl for five minutes! Like a stalker Julie and I had a fangirl moment together last night Where I told her that I had met uhm... Rami and Christian I physically grabbed him! yes I did! I was like: 'You're spectacular!' 'Your show is spectacular!' And then I went on and on and he just stared at me like 'Oh my God, what's happening?' security It's my favorite show right now so we geek out too, that's why I can't meet people that I'm a fan of 'Cause I geek- I don't know how to act I really don't What do you bring to your characters, like your own personality Well, Paul doesn't have a personality that really... He's got the hair for Paul The hair What do you guys bring to your characters? I don't want to answer this question Kat? Well, not the fashion I'm kidding I'm kidding We have very different styles obviously She's much more earthy and uhm... Hippie Bonnie's crunchy Like Granola-crunchy Like she's Granola Spells, and... like, sauces and shit Yeah, that's more gummybear I don't know Definitely the determination I'm hoping the loyalty, the kind of... I don't know, what do you think Ian? Bonnie and Kat are badass They both want the best for the world and the people around them They're super duper duper sincere and loving Uhm But But When you piss either one of them off Run That's accurate Candice, what about you? What do you feel like you bring to Caroline? You are Caroline She is Caroline. I think she is She is Caroline The most likely character- Am I? I feel like maybe the party planning And the, like, obnoxious high pitched voice stressful... She's the same Like all the obnoxious... Blaah No, you're, you're lovely Oh, geez Steroline! Stero- Sorry She doesn't need you to tell her that I'm probably the least like my character I think I am friendlier And more, uh... approachable Probably I don't know, man, Enzo's pretty damn approachable I think you bring the animalistic side out of him Before we do scenes, he always, like, stretches He, like, warms up Yeah, I have this kind of animal work-out thing Well, not work-out Animal work-out I do kind of animal noises Careful man, you're back in the US, that's illegal To kind of loosen myself up You know, sometimes, when you're doing a scene you kind of realize you're kind of stuck in this one zone you're playing it like a certain way And for me, what helps is just to do something like completely stupid, like you know, like a horse noise No, he literally Yeah, he literally That's awesome And all was well He does He goes like this He goes Before his takes Before he starts shooting I can't do it right now My voice is, like, 10 decibels lower than it was yesterday Are you trying to sound sexy? No, man I'm just I My coffee hasn't kicked in yet I think it was decaf I don't know what's going on Oh, did you get it from the one on the right? That's decaf Man, I don't know my right from left It's uh... None of these are an R! Like, how are you supposed to figure that out? God dammit Malarkey just woke up Thank you for your question Hi Hello Hi! Hi! Hello I'm Alex Hi, guys! First of all, I love you Ian, you have amazing eyes! Love you, love you, love you! Um But In one of the episodes we see Caroline sing, and you're amazing! Aw, thanks! How was it? And are we gonna see more? I don't know if I'm gonna- I was very surprised that I sang as much this year Um But I was completely terrified But it was pretty fun Kind of felt like We shot the, like, karaoke stuff very early in the morning So, when It's like You know, seven A.M. on a Monday, and... You're dancing around a Pat Benatar, up on a little crickety stage You definitely feel like a- You wanna sing right now? No, I don't Paul, thanks though I really appreciate it No, but thank you! Thanks guys After you, Paul Uh No No You don't want to hear me sing But thank you Thanks Next question? Hi guys, I'm Corina And I'm Sofia And our question is for you Is, now that Elena's gone How do you think the show's gonna change? Things are really gonna be fantastic I'm just kidding It was a joke! Oh God! They turned on you! Headline It's just an evolution of the story, guys Everything changes Stories come Stories go And this is evol- This is an evolution of the story This is Mystic Falls, without Elena Gilbert And also Yesterday I mean, the fact is that she's not dead And what's beautiful is that you still feel the essence and, like, the spirit of Elena As we come back into season seven Ode to Elena The writers did You guys did a great job of incorporating that I think that when a show is on for seven years Obviously it was Nina's choice It hasn't been on for seven years Dude, it's been on for six years It's literally Oh, Lord You act like my brother sometimes No, it's, when a show has been on for seven years Shut up Um You... You... You know, Nina obviously decided to leave Um It's a... It's... It's kind of... You need a shift in dynamic And I think it created a new sort of swirl In a way And so, I think it's... a fresh take on a show that's been on for over half a decade You know what I mean? Okay? Okay? Okay? We've time for a couple more questions There you are, kiddo, you're in the spotlight now, girl Hi, I'm Samantha And, just wanna let you know, I'm a huge Steroline fan! Like, that's just what I need to happen! I just wanted to know if you guys will be having , uh, the Pop Funko, any figures released? For the show? It needs to happen! Those little collector items That they make Where do we get them? What are they? Are they bobbleheads? I want one What are they? are they dolls? the wobbly car head thingies you guys are the worst Oh yeah! No! they're not- No! they're just, like, little figures! I feel old We're gonna get right on that I don't know what you're talking about, but that sounds great! Yeah! Pop Funko! Let's do it Let's do it Very cute This is gonna be our last question So make it good Hi Hi, my name is- They're ready for us to get off stage anyway They're all waiting for something else I'm a huge fan of you guys And I was wondering... What did you say? Hi, my name is Alexis Hi Alexis! Um I was wondering, what is your guys' favorite OTP throughout the whole show What's an OTP? That would be a One True Pair A one true pair! One True pair So who's your favorite couple on the show, of all times? Hey, I was gonna start, dude! Do it! Go! Denzo Denzo! Yeah Gay marriage is legal now Yeah, I love Denzo I was gonna say Steroline But now after seeing Kai and Damon I don't know anymore Kaimon! Kaimon rules Denzo Amen Stelijah Elijah Stefan It's really more just I really, really like Daniel Gillies I'm very attracted to him -You have a crush Um, I'm Dalaric All day long absolutely One hundred percent Dalaric? Damon and Alaric Well, I guess that's the end of Denzo then No No, I love 'em all, man Dalaric Denzo My boys They're my boys Now it's Kaimon I mean These are my brothers What if Kai, Enzo and Alaric Oh God And Damon all got together And just crushed a weekend in Vegas That'd be a good episode Would you guys leave the hotel room? That's what I'm talking about Sometimes there's no need to leave the hotelroom, doug! Um, no, there have been so many incredible pairings and groupings and... Ships, as we now call it Um That I just, there's to many of them, there's six years of them And I love them all I'm grateful for all of them Shut up Paul! I would say, for me, it's Katherine and Stefan Oh yeah Um I don't even know Such a dangerous question Um Bonnie and Damon fucking rock They do They do really rock Bonnie and Kai Yeah, there's been some really fun stuff, I mean You know, the show's-, there's so much That goes on on the show You know, from the action to the romance And Um It's easy for people to just get so exited about all the ships But it's, there's so many different dynamics on the show, so It just depends on what mood I'm in that day You know, if you kinda want that volatile thing, then you know I really liked, um, ... Um, I think the Katherine and the Damon-character I think that was really cool for a while I, I liked, um... I liked Klaus and Caroline I liked, yes I mean, obviously Bonnie with everyone I'm kidding You know, I could go on forever That's kinda the thing, It's that we all adore working with each other so much That we can't really differentiate And for me, I joined late, and I feel very Um Um Lucky and happy to be a part of this wonderful family, you know And I feel like I've been welcomed in the family Liv and Tyler It's, I'll keep going if you want Liv, Tyler, are you still going on? Sorry Matt and Damon would make Matt Damon! Matt Damon! Is my mic on? Sorry I'll shut up That's alright, cool Guys, well, listen Thank you so much for today! Thank you for six amazing years Very much looking forward to season 7 Thank you guys so much! And thank you all so much for coming out today! Thank you guys so so so much!
Channel: Flicks And The City
Views: 1,765,679
Rating: 4.9609141 out of 5
Keywords: The Vampire Diaries, comic con, panel, The Vampire Diaries comic con, Ian Somerhalder, Vampire Diaries, The Vampire Diaries Season 7, Paul Wesley, Michael Malarkey, Candice Accola, Kat Graham, season 7, Nina Dobrev, season 6, The Vampire Diaries comic con panel, sneak peek, trailer, teaser, preview, footage, San Diego, official, SDCC, Kat Graham interview, Candice Accola interview, Ian Somerhalder interview, Vampire Diaries comic con, TVD, Steroline, shipping, TV, Flicks And The City
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 10sec (2650 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 12 2015
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