The Vampire Diaries (Paul Wesley & Ian Somerhalder) Fan Expo Canada 2018 Full Panel

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Chester all right thank you for that introduce you if you were just doing this panel alone this room would be full but since I'm here Oh late these are the exact same set chairs we have oh these are way more comfortable there's the one I had you were too cheap I know I just think I bought this you bought one for yourself it's made out of bamboo you didn't offer me one I mean actually I had one of the ones that's low to the ground and I honestly prefer it yeah yeah so about director's chairs yeah glad we had this talk before I throw it to the audience just want to say look it's an exciting time because both you guys are working on some TV series and both on streaming platforms correct yeah yeah yes and we both shop like all night last yeah we did not so if we're saying if we say anything controversial or loopy you can't hold it again and and not to sound like a complete lunatic no but when you're this tired so this is twice this week I didn't sleep my baby didn't allow me to sleep for a 48 hour period with work and then I haven't slept now since when he says his babies not about me yeah so usually when we're this tired the only thing that kind of levels you out and get you straight again is carbohydrates in the form of beers and I don't know if anyone of you noticed there's no there's no beer in this entire building this is a dry facility this is a dry facility I don't like that I don't think it's ever gonna happen again and do you guys bring beer to the panel no oh there was a shot though so yeah just forgive us how are you guys over there how are you guys over there oh so obviously this is a not about us babbling we gotta get let's get some things going dive in right away hey there how are you how are you hi guys welcome to Toronto thank you or welcome back to Toronto and so I really enjoyed the end of The Vampire Diaries series like why because I died you sacrificed yourself for the good no he died they wrote it what he died I was wondering how happy you guys were with the ending of the series I was happy he died honestly I was happy I died ha ha ha just in case they ever came back and said oh actually contractually you can do we have to do like 10 more Paul's like nope I'm out yeah but McQueen died like 19 times yeah I killed him twice actually didn't Zack die everyone died like so many times what's her name Elena died yeah not only did Elena die but then alright whatever well you have I walk around with a casket for like two seasons were you happy with the end of the vampires yeah I thought it was very well I just think it should have been a two-hour episode I think you should have X no you wanted the bros to die together I wanted the bros to die together I thought it was crazy that they got to live after all that destruction and then Elena lived happily ever after with this guy who was effectively like a literal maniacal serial killer I mean you laugh but it's true he just happened to have like a little charm and like had a that could dance yeah I wish you to die together that'll take you far in life little charm and being able to dance so they Rock thank you thank you yeah this is about you guys asking questions not about us babbling cuz because we we can babble our asses off what's your question hi I love you both nope next question we adore you two men thank you what was your favorite season to film of The Vampire Diaries and like why yours is what three was selfishly the really three yeah mine was selfishly one I think I liked and then I think so selfishly three but then I think that what best quality show was the best quality was - don't you think - was pretty good no I think best quality was one yeah yeah man maybe one that was that whole yeah yeah we agreed on that like a hundred and fifty times we did yeah remember we watched that episode five in your dope house you had and it was for know it was lost girls it was five lost girls five yeah and we just said wow this is the first time you saw like Kathryn and the whole back story and it was just yeah I'm a little story telling yeah it's just it was just badass [Music] thank you thank you another question hi I was wondering what was your favorite part about being Damon and Stefan Salvatore on the Vampire Diaries what was our favorite what part of being Damon and Stefan my favorite part of being Stefan was that I wasn't Damon and my favorite part of being Damon was that I wasn't Stefan yeah there you go I cannot tell you the amount of hours that this dude and I have spent together bonding working yeah we only got it one oh it's a longest relationship I've ever had yeah eight years well now nine yeah you know how we met we met on a warm burbank afternoon we were getting our fangs fitted true true I was like oh this is the guy is gonna be my brother hope he's not a dick sure enough thank you for the question thank you hi there hi say you guys are amazing on the show and I love you Oh useless were amazing were that's why she doesn't love you anywhere were in what ways are you similar to your character and in what ways are you different I don't kill that many people anymore it's just too tiring now with technology and new forensics and stuff it's just I'm almost getting caught all the time what about you pee I don't cry as much as Stefan nobody could cry here bunch of Stefan my hair in real life is not nearly as good what else how am i different well you you have like more of a you have like the darker streak like you have more of a darker streak than your character when she said what's your problem dude wait what happened the RIP did you ever see the Ripper it get doesn't get it why do you think I have white why do you think I'm a darker guy I well we've had conversations before we because I punch you in the face the other day no wait no part of it no you've you even said that you kind of gravitate more towards the darker I am kind of I do yeah I think I'm a little bit God takes him a while to come around yeah listen yeah I'm complicated guys you're complicated guy piece is as complicated as they get but so thank you no wait I will tell you this in all seriousness one thing that makes us a lot like these characters was that these guys were brothers and they knew what it was like to be in love they know what it was like to be in a fight with your brother they knew what it was like to be alone you know all those human characteristics that you find in a character that you can layer those pieces in and so it really connects you who Handmaid's Tale that freaked me out by the way we're not far from that hand Mason yeah I've never seen it I hear it's great we tried to start watching when my wife was pregnant bad mistake she was like I just said no we're both of us look at each other one day after like the fourth episode went what no more wait I should start watching that huh it's good you realize is that we're really literally not that far off yeah I'm that kind of behavior tell me let's stop listening to us babble what's your question it's nice to meet somebody that can make you laugh almost as much as Ian I know that you're an animal lover as are myself and my husband and we had two sad hungry little kittens arrived at our door the day before we left for Toronto and we're keeping them and I want you to name them it's a little boy and a little girl um Stephanie Damon and Stefania Stefania is the Italian version of Stephanie I'm trying to create a female name for Damon but I can't it's too masculine right but Stefan Damon and Damon and Stefan II like a little accent in there a little bit just there yeah what about milli and Vanilli it's gonna come to me and I'm gonna just jump up and blurt it out by the way congrats a million that's great we'll revisit the name thing soon hi are you guys bored over there can you hear us yes you are bored okay yes you are bored one person said they're bored they all right well why don't you get up and ask a question lazy if you're that bored she's got very quiet now what's your question you're at the microphone you have the power of the show sweet thank you this question is for both of you who did you enjoy playing more Damon and Stefan with humanity or without with what with your humanity we know your humanity oh so he loved it with no humanity because Stefan was I just started answering your question he loved it because Stefan was really such a kind loving gentle soul which is it it's like you have to volley between the two right like the hero isn't always the bad boy and the bad boy doesn't always get as much of the hero sympathy I mean the character I'm playing right now on my TV shows like so dark and so not shocking it's so much more fun you know it's more fun to play the bad guy you have to down at that yeah it is it is and I actually I am NOT playing the bad guy initially in my new Netflix show but the thing is is that you start finding common you know complexities to this man and you start wondering whoa it's just a person I thought he was but that's how I feel about you missed you Paul which room which room are you in you rock man sorry I'm sorry we didn't even answer your question but we talked about it for a little while and that's what I don't know humanity is my yeah for me when Damon didn't have humanity he kind of never really had humanity so not true he did sometimes like with rose and he was crying he's like stabbing her I mean you cried to me all the time I cried all the time and later I was taking after you I was Paul's understudy always will be it doesn't bother me I'm doing alright thank you hey there my question is if Damon had a doppelganger like Stefan and Elena what would you want him to be like if Damon had a had a doppelganger like Elena and Stefan what would you want him to be like what was your what was the guy's name kidding I would want him to be like great Mick Jagger I always wanted this character to be like you know Marlon Brando yet by way of like Cary Grant and Mick Jagger and I always had this like crazy thoughts that we would be able to put some much larger scope into the show and you could see like Damon and Stefan ended up at the same like Rolling Stones concert in 1967 they're on different sides of the auditorium or something but we never really got around to doing that kind of stuff yeah I'd say if he had a doppelganger wanted to be Mick or James Brown without the you know coke problem hi cue the 13 year old question sorry what's the craziest thing it has been since the Vampire Diaries became so popular and exploded okay what sorry like what the craziest thing that's happened to you guys since the Vampire Diaries craziest thing Oh craziest thing like like fanner just like in general fan encounters yeah sure fan encounters oh man there's a lot of them they have every day I don't have that many fans just my mom that's not sure I'm your fan well you're like my lover slash fan yeah your flan yeah well I will say because I'm gonna keep this really like on the up-and-up and happy and like happy-go-lucky because you are held are you twelve thirteen sixteen sixteen copy you it's dark I can't tell but they're all very slow these six eight 18 years old the fan you know we get to see a lot of interactions with people via social media but I mean the one really insane fan I think there was our first I'm sure you guys is this thing on Jirka when that Wonder Woman strangled me at the door when you were doing your hair in the bathroom we went in to the bathroom at comic-con together like Bros do I finished quicker wash my hands Paul had to do his hair and I walked out and this like six foot three Wonder Woman wanted to tell me how much he loved me but she did it by picking me up by my neck and holding me against the wall and I had to explain to her that once security walked out they probably throw her out maybe even arrest her and she dropped me like a bad habit and that's how he met Nikki and then I said will you marry me how I get stopped now they care of child happy ending and there you go there's there's your weird stuff our hey thank you thank you sweetheart what up guys Oh Michael first of all you guys are awesome in the Vampire Diaries and my question for you guys is was like working with Candace king or Accola Candice Candice anything she upgraded names yes my wife that's screwed yeah Somerhalder we love Candice Candice is like our sister this is great I didn't really get to know Candace that well for the first few years of shooting you know she'll even say that I didn't I didn't like bond with Candace until he towards the end I became such good fun so she was pregnant you guys are having to like make out yeah that was weird that was weird I was weird that was so weird we loved our cast so tight Candace is a very special woman who's married to a very special man in front of ours musician oh he's great guy you know when you know someone so well you can only hope that they have someone equal parts to their amazingness that they get to spend their lives with because yeah it's short so she's amazing yeah but they have a little bit of a crush on Candace thank you so much I just wanted to get it out of them yeah solid brother you and about 500 million other men hi I'm Hannah in this questions for Ian even though Pollak you're awesome so yes yeah Ian I love everything that you do to like create positive change and with the in Somerhalder foundation I just I love it and like guys not Chaves that's just like so inspiring so why is it important to you to like use your huge platform for good and to make a difference and how do you think like my generation can change the world yeah sorry this is like really do you know it's an amazing question and it's very well thought out and it's very very cool I paid her a lot of money to say that all right everybody get comfortable no no some say I'm gonna keep it quick shut up Paul here's the deal we have a lot of crazy things that we're facing in the world right now right how old are you 15 okay so here's the deal I'm just gonna cut through all the [ __ ] your generation is screwed yeah they're literally screwed you know why see that little device you're holding right there yes in a time where climate disruption and things are happening around us where we need our feet on the ground or in the mud more than ever in history we're buried in these devices that's why you're screwed and until in schools or parents take the initiatives themselves to pull their heads out of their own asses with their devices and start showing their young people that their world does not revolve or begin and end in this device that it's actually this stuck well not yet as hard not that hard but it's this stuff that really is what makes the world go round until we become more human again we're never gonna change so thank you mom it's true though right you feel it you see it every day now it is true people sitting at dinner as families and all they're doing is this you know what's interesting is like a lot of times people want to meet someone but they don't really want to meet someone that just wants one photo you know when I get it but you're like but you know what that photo represents Wow validation because they then get to post that on their social channels so if you think about it we're chasing a dragon right depression is higher now than it's ever been and yet we have more money more menace more food more everything ever teenage depression he's higher than it was in 1944 in England they were being bombed by the Nazis that is a scary thing so just the last thing I'll say and I'll go through it fast but if Sally Jane down the road from your house wakes up in the morning and she's got like five sets she just got fired from her job her dog just died and her dad just said oh I have cancer and I'm gonna live for like another three months that's a bad day what did Sally Jane do best day ever post that on Instagram guess what you see that you're having a shitty day and you look at that and you go why is her life so good and mines such [ __ ] these are all false representations that we're putting out there guys guys they're not real so next time you find yourself feeling like [ __ ] because someone down the road seems to have a much better life than you on Instagram think twice because it's all smoke and mirrors seriously [Music] so I mean I'm sure you have an upbeat question yeah please him mozi sweet 37 [Laughter] hold you got them you know when we first made our show you were two years old you just come out we started making it we went through eight seasons now this would be nine to nine years you didn't even know how to speak you know that and you watch the show at ten years old you cry do you have nightmares you didn't have nightmares you're cool with all the you know vampire stuff yeah yeah okay that's what I'm talking about what was your question oh yeah yeah the coos deserves the Delana yeah well we decided we decided either one of us none of us we should have died together we should have never been allowed to live because we had just created so much destruction for Humanity you know when you take a test and then a B C and D and D is none of the above we're taking D none of the above none of the two people here deserves her she deserves to have her memories wiped and then supernatural powers taken away and her starting a whole fresh new life right human being and Stefan and Damon Stefan and Damon should have gone to a beach in the Caribbean and just sort of it's like drinking a bottle of like sixty year old rum and then when the Sun came up on the beach they could just look at each other hug each other take off their rings throw them into the water and then and that's it I think that would be a poetic amazing story because the end of the day the human beings deserved to not be heard you know sweet dreams [Laughter] an all-new Nightmare on Elm Street Stefan thank you rock in you want to tell her her generation is screwed - no I'm going to a kid guys we only have time for like two more sorry we're gonna go fast go action hi thank you I understand the lack of sleep being that being a parent the best thing to do is to embarrass your child could you wish my daughter happy 17th birthday hey you're screwed happy birthday you're screwed thank you you got nothing to look forward to for me that's from Paul you're a good mom action happy birthday poor Paul finally okay so I just met you and this is crazy but here's my number so call me maybe this was a dare that's pretty good nice job sold well so go one more go one more high thank you so much for coming to Toronto and I love you guys if you were not vampires what would you be if there was if you were not a vampire my werewolf hybrid which or any other supernatural entity I'd be a witch okay yeah which is good thank you some people ride the broomstick brah yeah they also appear to be normal and [ __ ] and they don't like it it's like twinkle their nose and then you disappear yeah what would you be I'll be a witch although you'd be a hybrid a Prius I'd be a Prius I'd be a Prius with a Hybrid Synergy Drive yeah an all-new front wheel anti-lock braking system like a TMP geez thank you yeah thank you hey keep an eye out for tell me a story coming up on CBS all access and also be Wars on Netflix you guys are the best thank you thank you for watching the convention junkies coverage of Fan Expo Canada 2018 join the conversation below over the comment and don't forget to Like and subscribe to see more if you would like to help us with future project please visit our patreon page [Music]
Channel: Convention Junkies
Views: 480,469
Rating: 4.9671884 out of 5
Keywords: Paul Wesley, Stefan Salvatore, Ian Somerhalder, Damon Salvatore, The Vampire Diaries, The CW, The Originals, The Convention Junkies, Fan Expo Canada, 2018, Panel
Id: U51Xf4_qZsY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 34sec (1714 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 02 2018
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