THE ORIGINALS Comic Con Panel 2015

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Thank you for posting this! :D

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/YoungRL 📅︎︎ Jul 15 2015 🗫︎ replies
Starting with the newest edition--one of the newest editions, Yusuf Gatewood The newest regent of New Orleans, Danielle Campbell As Davina The unofficial Mikaelson brother; Charles Michael Davis I actually allotted extra time for screaming, so actually just go for it Creator and executive producer, Julie Plec The man who will break your heart, rip it out and probably eat it; Joseph Morgan The brother with a suit for every occasion, Daniel Gillies as Elijah Nice jacket. Yeah give it up for that jacket! Out of a suit and into a smokin' hot jacket! Yeah, the one time he's not wearing a suit. The she-wolf who is currently more wolf than she, Phoebe Tonkin Executive producer, Michael Narducci And everybody's favourite token human, Leah Pipes Now I do have a lot of questions about the past season that we all enjoyed But I think I need to address something that we just saw in that video which was new I believe Julie, Michael who the hell were those two people and how can we make them dead? They actually you know, it was a scene that we shot for the season finale Uh, at the end of last year, we wanted to kind of have a little tag at the end that said, "Oh there's danger coming in a new form" And then we we saw the episode we preferred the ending of Klaus's emotional moment Sort of stewing up that there were new enemies to come , and then we hadn't started shooting this year yet Uh, you love to come to comic con and show off new footage but we didn't have any And we thought, hmm how can we show the audience like what is in the works? And we thought, "Oh! There's that scene!" And it's just a hint of--Narducci it's just a hint of uh what's to come in terms of the new villians maybe. Well yeah, we've talked a lot about how the Mikaelsons have been around for 1000 years and somewhere along the way they probably turned a bunch of people into vampires
Channel: Flicks And The City
Views: 3,298,603
Rating: 4.9755425 out of 5
Keywords: The Originals, Comic Con, Panel, The Originals Comic Con Panel, Joseph Morgan, Danielle Campbell, Daniel Gillies, Phoebe Tonkin, The Originals Comic Con, The Originals season 3, season 3, footage, preview, trailer, teaser, sneak peek, Danielle Campbell interview, Joseph Morgan interview, The Vampire Diaries, Daniel Gillies interview, Phoebe Tonkin interview, Leah Pipes, Charles Michael Davis, San Diego, official, SDCC, The Originals season 2, season 2, funny, Flicks And The City
Id: vQtc8srKApA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 2sec (3122 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 11 2015
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