Bloody Night Con Europe 2018 - The Originals Panel

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[Music] okay guys I mean I spiked one of these waters by the end of the Q&A we'll find out who yes good morning thank you thank you yes mistress first question question yes hi hi so first of all I just want to I just want to say thank you so much do you have any projects after the original switcher and acting-wise no one violently unemployed I have a house don't think I was trouble trying to trick me dead I'm writing my own material but I died haven't planned anything yet and I'm enjoying not working almost too much I have to say but but I'm not I'm gonna go a little crazy soon and then desperately need to and then you know hopefully at some point someone will employ me thank you so much thank you thank you [Music] what's the best advice you've ever given which is if I sacrifice it's a nice question and system love God with all your heart all your mind and all your strength and love your neighbor as yourself it's a tough one I just quoted Jesus Jesus no I don't think I can do that yeah I mean I couldn't afford you look like a little hippie but skinny but he had long reach so hit goodbye grab a little beard yeah for each of my element of great loans away the other day oh he wanted to the podcast said that oh and Charlie Kaufman and he said this really big thing at one point like he's just talking about writing any sins this is desperate and lonely fear that you have as a writer than what you're gonna say is going to be boring he said just take that off the table just assume that you are boring no matter what you're right he said but what's the one thing what to do investments the one thing that you care you want to do as an artist I need to sit saver you are just no matter what you do say who you are and make that signature I think that's the most important piece of that least recent advice that I've heard from that podcast say that you are one thing that comes to mind I had I worked with an actress named Linda gray who was on a show called Dallas and she was just stunning talented woman and I kind of disaster what her secret was and it sounds really simple I'm kind of silly but she said honestly think it's just be happy and sometimes you just you choose to be happy even in hard circumstances and it just it showed in her that that she had all this energy and glow about her and that she just chose to be happy and be grateful for everything you have don't play their circumstances and don't fear which is of course easier said than done and they all go through it but those here what about this amazing fashion sense you always look amazing check we're gonna think we're in a room predominately full of women I'm sure there's something you can give in here few men but gillies and I will address that later why we were just a man-to-man heart-to-heart what advice would you give to a young woman today [Laughter] [Music] live anyway beauty vision is it had to say Game of Thrones pretty bad I mean be scary but depends what character you are I guess or anything in the like 50s or 60s I love the music and the style so the times weren't necessarily the best but I do love the music in the stop I think it's a really good question right do you think even answer me - I'm really kind take - I was like River Nile dollar I'm living in that world do I get to pick the person I mean that one or just I'm a part of that world okay okay all that makes a complicated I obviously like Wes Anderson movies have like a charming place to live anyone in those movies they will look like they're part of one another there's not too much difficulty say I don't think I would choose the Simpsons yeah it's a great place to live that's brief little dry you know I just want to see what I look like as a you know Simpsons character yeah it's not pretty from the inside thank you knowledge I can stay to me I am so sad because about it but I managed to come this morning before leaving because I wanted to thank you I wish you are there is is better and I love you something in here what miss you [Music] when I first you know few people who love rest assured do you like he's our favorite character yeah we'd love to we don't working with him too we're not Casper Casper does incredible human baby he rode from California to Hawaii I believe right yeah I was at the correct so he rode with three other guys across the ocean yeah a road bike and it took me days days days in the middle the ocean he said it was one of the most profound experiences he's ever had it's one of the craziest it's universitaire but the photographs when he gets off with me he looks like an adult but yeah he's gonna recognize anybody's lost everything this amazing thing yeah he's an amazing person yeah incredibly intelligent yeah really really really funny very funny funny as head of a little bit of a naughty history which makes it even more oh so much character it's technology yeah I like them so easy the only are you the only person at most fin know we all love it Freya loved yeah yeah yeah yeah thank you it doesn't give a lot they should win at the narrative assembly above all unless you'll see that is amazing for the wall here [Music] [Music] oh yeah that's right [Music] yeah I mean like what we like that the whole universe we live in is just nothing but raw environments so I don't know how it you would even find toxicity and then compared to what like like for breakfast any much for what murder 19 Liverpool mighty sorry vampires you know so I don't know what what their what their normal wants do you know that me but but I guess I understand if he was on a rampage looking like he wanted to kill her that there was something metaphorical about the episode it did look like domestic there was the obvious violence but there was some kind of psychological quality to it we couldn't immediately get back together that was for sure after after because you know call me kind of killed them you know allegedly let's not forget that he always gloomy and Fran tortured Kiva allegedly are you talking about [Music] that's the advice is my advice you're tall if you think that the whole point of life is to be successful you've already failed imagine finding that down right now you said there's a funny chocolate output with each other I would marry Dan kiss TV and I would [Laughter] it depends on the day [Music] is this like what would you do this to us this is just cruel I said it depends on the day the day today I would not kill you that's most beautiful thing anybody's ever said to have to say I'm gonna die alright I'm gonna kiss TV so it's very good it's pretty you can we can only [Laughter] trying to create an advanced processes he want us all to leave here lovely one what no more questions like this but we'll do this one to choose one person that you don't get to piggyback and the whole question till another wait what's happening we're taking one person to a digital yeah character and real life you already killed me could you choose me kill me I [Laughter] [Music] feel like one of them at least one you would murder me just keep my head like Wilson that the Tom Hanks said and passed away at my hate would just be like the volleyball name I'm thinking about I'm taking some serious thought and what I take I take Phoebe she's Australia and I'm Australian invader it wasn't gonna freak out about spiders be good for that or is these two my Achilles but I do reason so you would be just fine on our Island what character what I take look I just don't think Elijah would survive without suits on the island so yeah I guess I just have to take Freya because the magic tricks it'd be kind of cool you know I feel like I might foil you know we have a little body we'd have a party because they define as rule oh good that's my answer that's the best you get it's really your instrument looks like a magazine that's so beautiful lazy she watches [Music] tell us his name hey how you doing darling I'm swimming daddy get well soon we miss him get medication [Applause] the auditorium in silence a costume a huge deal policy belt it's very popular I would produce commercial for very oaky machine that makes your voice into Eliza's voice when you sing like you know you used to always used to make him like on set but I do the logic voice you'd be like who let the dogs out [Music] that's how the scripture goes well that's right exactly it would teach your point into that she was doing in her Elijah's yelling Joseph it's great okay I've got one if you want to take a puppet think about it right okay picture this okay see what he's doing it take your favorites for women women who are voting walking the fragrance they don't it's a fragrance for women it's this carrier yes that is a little futuristic feel like this sounds familiar now yes absolutely we should actually do that I'm into it I don't want to struggling with a name thing like I guess it would be something's you were always taking your shirt off for a while so it's thinking of like a calendar of things it's like a shirtless but you're fine and I think with that I don't make it but just just different seasonal pictures of you like but you know but just doing various things oh great photos but like because you need because you didn't take them all this that's where I can make money you took all your photos through your own calendar yeah so fortunate RISM just different types of you being shirtless around the world its various poses that we do with fans languages oh yeah we said the wizard the part that's the cover to think this is beautiful phantom the Phantom yeah I like this stuff I buy this step back to back yeah but you're you're a beautiful put your degree they have been doing the middle pyramids and then you sort of doing them if there's beautiful likes three steps in Bali and and it doesn't look super posed at all it was totally was good but they make it around the wingspan [Music]
Channel: Conmose
Views: 25,610
Rating: 4.9655766 out of 5
Keywords: bloody night con 2018, bloody night con brussels 2018, klz events, The Vampire Diaries, The Originals, Elijah, elijah mikaelson, daniel gillies, freya mikaelson, riley voelkel, nate buzolic, nate buzz, kol mikaelson, phoebe tonkin, hayley marshall, haylijah, The originals Panel, Nate buzolic daniel gillies, Bloody Night Con Originals Panel, Bloody Night Con Nate Buzolic, Bloody Night Con Riley Voelkel, Bloody Night Con Phoebe Tonkin, Bloody Night Con Europe 2018 Brussels
Id: 5j9RDbk2jc8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 5sec (1625 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 25 2018
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