The Originals Panel Nathaniel Buzolic and Phoebe Tonkin on Oz Comic-Con

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but just a reminder that you can only take photos for the first five minutes of this panel hello guys it's a packed house welcome to oz comic-con 2018 yes are you guys having a good time like I said this front row is very rowdy up here but I need to hear from all y'all are you guys having a good time anybody here a fan of the originals [Applause] you please welcome to the stage Phoebe talk and the Faneuil bazaar what's up you guys can cheer louder than that for them come on Phoebe is Nathaniel hi guys welcome welcome back home what does it feel like to be doing Comic Cons back where you guys grew up and started it's nice I never thought I would actually do it comic-con in Australia so it's really nice to come back home and and hopefully most people in this audience will understand our sense of humor and our accents you know so yeah it's a little bit easier than the Brazilian conventions you know well it's all the German conventions they never get our sense of humor ya know but they but your sense of style probably translates well they're your you do have that European look is this your first Australian convention second okay yeah it's my first and Phoebe this is your first yeah and have it filled me back home yeah it's so nice I think the same it's nice to do these q and A's and not have a delay where someone has to translate for five minutes and the last come like 20 minutes later or they just come at all yeah they generally don't come for me so couple people the front row that's what we got them it's a very rowdy front row well Phoebe you just actually came back and filmed your latest project safe harbor here is that right I did that actually I came back to Brisbane last year around April last year and did safe harbor so I got to know Brisbane really well and I loved it but I'd spend a lot of time in the Gold Coast cuz we shot h2o here many years ago but I didn't know Brisbane very well so it was cool to get to know you know another part of this place yeah that's awesome and let's go back to when you guys were originally cast on vampire diaries what did you know about Cole what did you know about the journey that he was going to go on and what was your first impression when you read the script yeah well actually I didn't audition for Cole I tested in the very beginning for Stefan and obviously didn't get that and then there was a couple of other auditions for the show so I was actually auditioning for a show called The Secret Circle which you worked on yeah and I got really close to a role on that and what ended up happening is because it was within the same family of Warner Brothers someone watched my tape and they were looking for people to play you know in this original family and they needed someone that kind of looked like Daniel Gillies and had some sort of resemblance to to Joseph in the family and I guess my tape was revisited and they sort of just offered me the job so I remember going in for : I had no idea about the character the show at that point so I wasn't watching it and I thought I had to be American so my first day on set I played American until the director was like oh no you're English and I was like ah but I'm Australian and they're like yeah it's the same accent and you're like no so I stressed out and I ran to Joseph and I was like you have to teach me an English accent and your Welsh summer let's just do this in three minutes and that's how it sort of started it was really weird that is weird and which is harder for you the American or the English accent I think English is harder just because it's probably closer to Australian like you don't want when you speak with an American accent everything goes to the back of your throat you know your your tongue drops you say better instead of better so I feel like it's an easier transition whereas when you speak with an English accent obviously everything goes to the front of your mouth and sometimes it can sound a little bit similar to Australian so it's finding that space I guess uh-huh it sounds very good and they apparently agree Phoebe how how was your audition process like for the Vampire Diaries I was sort of in the same boat by books a job now yeah you got it every time I obviously I was on Secret Circle and then when that got canceled oh I heard had nothing to do with you though and then Kevin Williamson who not he and I got on long very well when we did the Secret Circle and he you know spoke very highly of me I think to Julie Plec I think or at least I hope and then Julie offered me the role of Haley but I didn't know even the character's name when I signed on I signed a piece of paper not knowing what I was doing what I was playing who I was playing where it was going all I knew there was that I was going to do a few episodes of the vampire dies and then in January I would be part of a pilot for a spin-off how'd you know that you were gonna make love to Daniel where would you have turned the job down yeah okay good tonight that's amazing that you really they just really gave you you know a blank slate in a way yes I didn't think that for five years I would be a mother or the two of those years I'd be wearing a fat pregnant belly on my story yeah I didn't know what I didn't know anything about the character but I was you know I was in good hands and I trusted them and yeah so I knew I was gonna be you know challenged and given a character that you know meant something and yeah and how was it when there was the five-year time jump between the two seasons and you actually got to interact with your daughter on a different level than just a just a baby you know what I mean how did that change the dynamics of the relationship and and your you know interpretation I guess of the character I mean it definitely was more challenging once Hope got older because you know even just the logistics of when she was a baby you could sort of put her in the corner and all this sort of horrible things horrible stuff could happen without her you know being conscious and aware of it when she was older we sort of had to find ways to go hope is at school or hope is not privy to this or but it was also just it was nice to be able to actually engage with my daughter and like have a have a relationship with her yeah and and Cole seemed a lot angrier in Vampire Diaries then maybe the originals they did yeah I mean he kind of mellowed out a little bit yeah was it the love what happened look I think once you feel a little bit of love you kind of see the world a little bit differently I actually preferred playing angry coal it was more enjoyable I was kicking more doors I was hitting more people you know I remember one funny time I was working with Ian and I had to choke him I had to have him in a headlock in a freezer and he said the strangest thing to me he said try not to touch me I'll sell it without touching it's like you're playing that game of doctor trying to put the you know you're like okay my sorry I touch to help you sell it I won't touch anyway and how do you how did you initially get into the bind frame of playing like the world one of the world's oldest vampires how did you approach the role I mean it's a unique situation absolutely I would just walk down dark streets in Los Angeles thinking I could destroy anybody you know I went very method until I realized wait a second I'm in Compton this is not safe leave and leave now that's amazing okay guys we're gonna open it up for questions if you have a question raise your hand and while they're getting themselves organized what do you guys I mean this audience is filled with people who love Vampire Diaries and the originals what do you guys kick out about what do you love what do you watch or read I love the Bible I know that's like not the coolest thing in you know Australia to say or the world but I actually really enjoy it I read it every day what's your favorite chapter Genesis is epic if you study it I spent like 150 hours studying it this year and like I don't know you just learn so much there's so much history and there's so much explanation about the human spirit and and like you know there's the big questions we kind of really struggle with like who who are we what's our purpose what's our value where do we come from and where we're going and I think at some point whether it's today 10 years or the last day of your life you're gonna ask yourself those questions and if you don't find the answers it's sometimes like I guess that's where fear anxiety and all that sort of stuff comes up so for me it's like I'm really passionate about that do you think there's a show on television or being produced right now that kind of reflects those values and that messaging absolutely I think like any story that you see in movies in you know in television they they will always bring up those themes because those themes are the things that we talk about all the time I remember watching Wonder Woman and seeing like really biblical themes about the brokenness of humanity and this you know this evil character who's constantly just trying to prove that that humans will inevitably choose the wrong thing or do evil you know and I think that's like a constant thing then when we look at our world like we're so fortunate to be here in Australia in this moment where we can see it and share stories and be in this place but then like you jump across the world and go into the Middle East and right now people are fighting for their lives you know so it's kind of like this really I don't know I'm very interested in humanity I'm very interested in spirituality so I guess that's the kind of thing so any any show that sort of touches on those themes and makes people stop and think like Who am I what do I want to be where am I going and who where did I come from I think they're really good questions for anyone to ask and I hope as actors and as you know people who create stories that we at least tap into that because I think that's what people really want at the end of the day mm-hmm and Phoebe what about you what are you watching or reading or listening to maybe there's shades of the Bible in this but um The Handmaid's Tale I love what else if I watched lately there's a show called Atlanta I think maybe it's on Stan here um I really love that show yeah I don't want you I haven't watched a lot of TV recently because I didn't have one yeah and I hate watching things on my laptop but yeah how many tell was definitely the one that I felt like I I don't know I just thought it was really beautifully shot beautifully written beautifully acted and it was very inspiring yeah and I think obviously that the themes in it are probably a little too relevant to some of the things that are happening in the world today but I I just really liked and I think Elizabeth Moss is an incredible actress yeah that's probably my favorite show right now that's that's awesome hi we'll start right here hi is the five minutes up with photo taking I think so bonus is that they're like oh no five minutes is up if anyone even like you're monitoring it I'm not monitoring I don't care like I mean look this one's like blatantly gone I'm joking I'm charging but there was a roll it was five minutes time is up okay do that my god yeah it was amazing class from Brisbane I don't know if you guys know that it was really nice of Brisbane yeah where´s we're so used to America like if we say I've Detroit yeah Georgie where's the Chinese it's like yeah Brisbane whatever but it's so nice we're not used to these guys be patient with us self-deprecating Australian yes we're back yeah it was amazing it's it was really nice to know someone you know when you start a new show there's a lot of new faces and new people that you have to get to know and so it was nice to have someone there that had you know she and I knew each other very well and so it wasn't as scary when lunchtime came around and you had no one to see it with thank you hi how was with the originals recently ending and your character dying how was like to deal with like the whole crew since you guys have been working together for so long it was really sad I mean if you've seen the last season of the originals I you know kind of died midway through the season and then was sort of brought back a few times after so it was hard to sort of keep I kind of felt like I kept saying goodbye to people but the last day and the last shots that I ever shot on the originals I didn't think I was going to be as emotional because I don't see had time you know we only started in June we'd only been doing 13 episodes in the final season and so we'd had six months away whereas normally we'd be shooting ten months out of the year and it felt very much like that was my life but as soon as they called cut for that last time and I think I don't know if it's come out yet but I think that Julie had the camera keep rolling for everyone's last shot and I just lost it I fell to the ground I cried and it was also equally as sad because I was the last shot of the night it was one o'clock in the morning and the main crew who's the crew that I've been working with you know for five years they were on another set so as soon as they called cut I ran around screaming like Ian Matt is anyone still here so I can say goodbye and a lot of them had gone home so I didn't get to say goodbye properly to a lot of people which was really sad but I got to say you know goodbye to you know at least some people that was still there for my scene and but yeah I was very emotional were you happy with your last scene were you happy with the way that it sort of ended the culmination yeah I think it was important that the last moment we saw Haley was that you know from the get-go when we met Haley her priority was always family she finally found her own family even though it wasn't the parents that she'd been searching for but she created this family with the originals and with her daughter hope and so I really thought and maintained that her last scene should be about the protection and love for her daughter as opposed to fighting battles of you know evil I thought and and you know I had to have those creative conversations with the riders that I really believe that her last scene ever should be with her thank you hi like underwater okay you know what we'll come back to you let's go over here hi do you guys actually ever watch any of the TV shows or movies you've starred in that's a good question yes I have not watched the originals it's hot to watch yourself yeah but you don't want to do you hate myself your own choice smells like it's weird yeah yeah I don't like to watch myself I think once it's darkness nothing you can do about it either so if you watch the scene and you don't feel like you did what you wanted to do then you just get disappointed so it's better just to leave it and know that that's what it is now yeah thank you all right did we work it out okay we will stick over here do we have another question hi yeah my questions if you guys had a favorite movie you want to watch or work with which one would it be a favorite movie to watch or work with okay let's just do favorite movies couple doesn't have to be your number one favorite movie but a couple great movies that you guys enjoy hmm I love mrs. Doubtfire I love whatever movies if I watch recently Eternal Sunshine of the spotless mind such a good movie it's a good one yeah um what else I love Marie Antoinette I love anything that's just beautifully shot with some nice phoenix over the top of it that's sort of my yeah yeah movies that if I see them on TV I'll just keep watching till the end Braveheart Armageddon gosh what else Pirates of the Caribbean the first one you know I guess wrong with the second one I like the last one last one was pretty good I don't know I guess yeah what else I like World War 2 movies a lot Saving Private Ryan I like really really loved I'd love to do I will like another world war 2 movie if I could if I the chance you'd be great at that yeah you did hacksaw Ridge yes number one I didn't get to be in the army though I kind of just I wanted to be in like those war scenes so maybe another chance yeah oh definitely alright where are we going hi go ahead okay over here do you know if you'll be in legacies at all okay kid Cole maybe bein Legacy's we don't know if he's gonna be in legacies he's probably gonna be like a janitor at the school yeah I can show you my stuff if you're interested okay let's see this is the janitor mm-hmm I still don't believe it you could be like that Alfred Hitchcock and you know cameos that's very I'm very happy but don't look it wasn't the first time I've done and I've been practicing that for months so and you just finished filming something right no I'm in the middle of film okay I have massive dark circles under my eyes I'm shooting a show for Stan which is Australian right now in Melbourne what oh oh it's gonna come out at the end of this year I think on Boxing Day and it's really cool I've been really fortunate I get to work with some wicked actors I play a young Jacki Weaver and it's sort of a grounded sort of sci-fi supernatural show but we're in the middle of filming it right now so yeah that's why my voice is gone and why I look very tired you don't look tired at all you look fantastic yeah so okay great hi so you guys are clearly in your own projects right now but did you have any future projects you are interested in I think as an actor that's it I mean you're always interested in interesting stories and characters right love to work again yeah love to get a job yeah it's an interesting time in Hollywood at the moment so I don't know that the industry is changing a lot cuz you're a boy because I'm a male yeah yeah a lot of the shows are now becoming really female driven which i think is great but it just means that there's less opportunity for look honestly you saw my Jannetty work that's yeah yeah it's a it's always I think that you know like I was saying as an actor you're attracted to interesting stories interesting characters would that be fair to say yeah yeah okay thank you well just well-paying characters oh you know let's be honest that's ooh I'll play a dad on ABC Family really but I was wondering Phoebe how is that transition from just a shy little werewolf with Hailey and then turning into a hybrid with you know a daughter for them as the most powerful witch in the world it was just wondering how was that transition as an actor yeah I mean that's a great question thank you you know I think when the great thing about a long-running show is that you have the time to you know build a character and see the character go through a journey and it doesn't feel so abrupt when a character suddenly changes overnight you know we really got to see why haley built her strength and where she was getting that strength from and so for me it was just a natural progression in the writing and then it was very easy to kind of grow from where we met Haley initially to where she ended up thank you hi hello sorry if for Beth with you if you could work with any actress or actor in the future who would it be any actress or actor hmm what are you gonna say was I gonna say anything I just was I was actually thinking about it who would I like to work with you want to take this first part of it um there's a director I love quad Reed marina she's a she doesn't have me still actually and amongst other really great films and yeah I would love to work with Sofia Coppola I'd love to work with Wes Anderson yeah there's it's more probably directors that I want to work with in specific actors yeah those would be like two of my bucket list or Terrence Malick mm-hmm I don't know if I have any to be honest so I don't mind really like you'd never know like you could name like amazing actors in this industry and you could work with them and it could be a great experience or it could be a horrible experience or it could be just a very different thing to what you expect they'll be like so I don't know I just think I don't really think that like I'd be great to work with this person I just like I think that the most important thing is the story so I just think if you have a good story you can tell a good story thank you do either of you guys want to ever direct speaking of story and putting your artistic impression on more than just a performance hmm yeah I think directing would be like I think because we've been actors and we understand the you know the process of putting something together and I've got a huge passion for photography and I've started to also shoot stuff just to sort of tell stories I think I would like directing in the sense that it's amazing how you can see how moving images can really affect someone on the inside in a really unique way and and also just like I think it's always been fun working on sets and seeing how a director will take a script and find a moment in in a scene where he goes I'm gonna do something different here and and and almost force an audience down the direction that they didn't think they were gonna go so I would love to maybe one day direct but you know it's who knows it's like so competitive so alright hi so this one's for Phoebe but I was just wondering when you film tomorrow when the war begin back in to tell you what was it like doing that and whatever happened to those seconds that was a really awesome experience and I met you know some of my closest friends on that job and I was super young I was 19 when I did it and it was just a really incredible learning experience I've gone from kind of doing only television going from school to television to this massive big-budget film and yeah I just I really learned a lot you know Rachel heard would he played Cory's still one of my closest friends and I caught up with her in London and she has a baby now which is wild he's beautiful yeah it was a really nice experience and you know yeah in terms of the second the second movie I think it just kind of got hard I mean obviously the timeline of it we all have to stay the same age and movies like that don't just kind of get made they take take time to get funding and it was a big-budget movie that won and I think by the time they sort of maybe thought they could do it we didn't look the same anymore and technically in the second book it needed to be 12 hours later and we were all a good few years older and hadn't hit puberty a little lash no I just think yeah she was like 14 when she started she was a baby and now she's doing so well but yeah I just think it was a bit of a logistical thing and just a timing thing thank you sometimes that happens it's just not there's not any particular reason a film doesn't get made at a certain time or a character does it you know doesn't go the same way it's it's just there's a lot of extenuating circumstances hi hi this this questions for Phoebe when you in first got the part as Fiona did you have to read the book first so you could understand what the character is going through and also to put your own spin on it 100% yeah I read the book as I was auditioning for it and then kind of kept it as a handbook this is a few years ago so I can't remember exactly but I do feel like stuart beattie was the director sort of told us not to rely too much on the book because obviously a film is a different medium but Ashley Cummings actually did something amazing that I would never have the patience to do she rewrote the book from her character's perspective which is so amazing and again she was like a child when she did this she's a really incredible actress but yeah we we had it as a you know a guide but it didn't necessarily dictate entirely our performances thank you Hey hi guys Nathaniel this one's for you so cold eyes he's resurrected into a new actors body and brought back as a witch in the originals how do you how do you deal with that like watching as an actor and thinking to yourself no no that's not Colm you've just done something that is not cold like at all just surprised how good-looking he got and I was like oh they did that Wow and he was taller it was funny I didn't watch much of Daniel Sharman stuff but I do remember a funny moment when I came back to the show and I just come back no one remembered you know I remembered me I was reintroducing myself it was fine you know I reprinted all my head shots and obviously handed them out to everyone just so they could be familiar but I was doing I was about to do a scene and this a new wardrobe girl come up who I hadn't worked with before because she came on after and she said all you have to put your collar up and I was like why she's like because Daniel Sharman hoodies Colorado and I was like but I was before Daniel Sullivan so he should have put his collar down so spike yes I was a bit of that you know anything a little bit of a pride but it was good I think he did a great job he's I don't know what accent he did though he did like a really interesting I sent for it didn't he no I think he did like a like a northern accent or something like a hybrid yeah yeah and I was like oh I should have done a different accent for coal but I didn't have time remember I had one minute so do an accent but I think about my time again I probably would have done like but straight off the streets of London my name is Cole Michaelson but your shoes for you comes now Klaus house what's going on like what's the problem with hope in it you know look at oh she's been I pop it I pop it I just thought I don't know what about different now you have to go over to legacies yeah in the school time miss school stay in schools go for it isn't it in it don't do drugs all right we'll end up like uncle Cole Cole didn't do drugs hey cut that out cut that out hi you mentioned beforehand about how you read Genesis from the Bible and Phoebe from a hands base hell they Deborah Harkness is book flip discovery which is coming into a TV series now other which I uh I would because one of my best friend's is playing Diana she's the guide time yes so I would just so I get to hang out with Teresa everyday but I'm dying to see that I just heard that it came out and I've been kind of it hinting that I want her to send me a link is it coming out in Australia it probably will but it looks amazing but I haven't read it but I would like to be on it for tourism thank you hi hi Phoebe excuse my accent please um is there any kind of rule or character you would like to play one time I don't know if there's a specific character I always like the challenge of like diving into something or a world that I don't know very much I love history and so I've always wanted to do something in the kind of period world I just want to be on like BBC with a bonnet I've always said that I would always hop on Julie and be like everyone in this show gets to put on a bonnet and I don't dare to do any flashbacks but I would love to do something that required me to really kind of understand and research a period in time and the way a character talks and the world they live in and the social structure of that period I find that aspect really exciting yeah thank you Hey Oh stay over there okay hello how was it to work on supernatural yeah it was it was amazing you know when I first booked that job I was so so excited because you know the supernatural world is just like it's got its own culture it's like super popular you know those guys have been doing the show for I think 13 years now so I really thought that was gonna be like a massive shift in my career and I was you know I obviously signed on to that and we were hoping that it would get picked up to series but unfortunately I just think the CW sort of read into like what a lot of people on Twitter was saying about the show which is not necessarily the true opinion of the or you know the people watching it but they're just people that like to be really really vocal and negative so it was sad that it didn't go further but it was great to work with Jensen and Jo they're extremely tall like Daniel Sharman so yeah I had like minor neck issues at the end of the shoot just because you're always like looking up at them but yeah it was really fun and disappointed that it didn't go further people still asked like is like bloodlines happening I'm like it was three years ago I'm pretty certain that is no longer gonna ever happen you know I know but there's hope there's hope there is I've given up on that yeah yeah yeah I got legacy I'll focus on legacy now yeah focus on that but manifest that you you believe in manifesting jobs a little bit I do yes yeah I noticed that for safe harbor you sort of had like you put it out there what you wanted and the project sort of came to you yeah I even the job that I'm doing now I definitely think I manifested sort of only applies to my work life it doesn't really apply it my personal manifest Ryan Gosling and he just starts walking down this aisle hey what's Ryan Gosling doing here single now I yeah I definitely manifested that actually the last three jobs is very weird I you know I definitely felt like a benefits to safe harbor and then when I was coming off the originals I said to my agents I would love to do a show like the affair the affair would be a show I would like to do or something like that and then I booked the affair and then I said that I wanted to do period and then this job that I'm doing now without giving anything away it has you know touches of period I at least got to put on a red lip and put my hair in curlers for a couple of days no bonnet though no bonnet yet that's future goals just wear it on set and save you just no one if no one asks you to take it off you know it's on yeah there you go the couple's continuity hey this one annual do you speak Croatian and I'm part Serbian and I speak Serbian and do like yeah Davao Miami Tata my mom's Croatian yeah some omalo I don't speak a lot just because I haven't really spend a lot of time over there but I do speak a little bit I understand more than I speak I don't even know where you are yeah oh there she is oh there you wanna thank you thank you for sharing that yes you have a question or no it's more of a statement I like that yes very Serbian of you good job okay bye over here hi my questions for Nathaniel what was it like going from a show like the original to a big-screen movie like hack storage you know what the best thing about hack Sauvage is well first of all I auditioned for a different character on hack so region when they looked at myself and they looked at Andrew Garfield they realized that I had no chance but but to play his brother so it was great I've been honestly working with Mel Gibson was like a dream come true because I've always really looked up to him as a storyteller so it was just like a bit of a surreal moment for me I had this interesting moment in Los Angeles a few years ago where I was at this shopping complex called the Grove which is out like an outdoor shopping complex and this little boy had run up to me and he was like haha can I get a photo can I get a photo and I was like yeah and I thought there's no way this kid watches The Vampire Diaries originals because he was like you know seven and then his teenage sister ran around the corner she's like oh my gosh I'm so sorry we saw you from across the street and we just wanted to get a photo with you is that okay and I was like okay obviously she's the fan of the show that's fine everything's back to normal the world is okay and the little kid came up and took the photo and then as he was leaving is like Thank You spider-man and I was like he thinks I'm Andrew Garfield and in a moment again like my accent I had to make a decision so I was like do I break this kid's heart that he hasn't met his hero Andrew Garfield who plays spider-man or do I tell him the truth and as a Christian I felt like truth is a very important thing but I eventually just went no worries I just quickly walked away yeah I hope he doesn't show anyone that photo that's amazing I think you did the right thing yeah oh yeah you know it's if you don't want to crush his little spirit yeah dreams or hers so yeah yes hi what's a good old funny memory you've had while on set a good a funny memory from Vampire Diaries or the originals yeah joseph Morgan one day scratched someone's car that was in the crew we working that day was Daniels car 9:00 scratch this guy and the guy was huge he was like I don't know mammoth he was like the biggest person ever seen like big as the guy here for the convention is the wrestler that sort of size big guy so the whole day we were just joking with Joseph telling like the guy that was on the crew that Joseph wants to fight you now because the Joseph feels like it doesn't have to pay for the damage it was more your fault for where you parked it and it was just this whole ongoing thing that me and Daniel like he's really mad now we've kind of said some stuff that kind of got it more angry so I was a sign it was a fun moment just annoying Joseph this whole day because he felt horribly guilty that he scratched this mammoth of a man's car and you know yeah obviously you had to be there let's talk about this time when this young little boy came up to me [Laughter] Charlie was spoken okay hi hi this is for both of you as actors and a photographer a third Nathaniel what some stories that you want to tell there's a million thousand trillion answers to that um I've always gravitated towards I love movies that show other countries especially countries that I don't know much about I would love to keep making I will not keep I would love to have the opportunity to make movies that really show a country as another character and a culture that maybe people on it's so familiar with it's such a baby it's a silly reference but I remember watching Beyond Borders when I was younger even like Tomb Raider and I was super young and I didn't know much about Cambodia and I remember watching Tomb Raider and and immediately planned and dreamt that I would go to Cambodia one day just because I saw Angelina Jolie just like you know hanging from the roof in the castle or something in Cambodia yeah I just I I love I love movies that yeah just really get to explore other other places that you don't necessary that Stu me what movies are so great for like it really does feel like you can you know delve into something that isn't your reality and I think you know even in a grounded sense of delving into a film that's set in a country that you've never been to that's escapism as much as fantasy is escapism I think for me if anybody follows me on my social media it's don't do it it's pretty clear that I'm fascinated with the story of who Jesus was I think what I found really interesting because I wasn't always a Christian I didn't really ever believed in the story but at 27 I sort of got confronted with this this idea and this book and this theme and I've kind of been on a journey of a sense but I think so many people have misinterpreted and misunderstood who he actually was what he actually said what he actually did and why he actually came and I think it's been really fascinating to see when you have one-on-one conversations with people about what their understanding of you know Jesus is and not from I think Christians have really messed that up and and and the church and and like the interpretation of you know what's come across is not really what it is and I spent three died on three different occasions I've gone to the Middle East and I spent a lot of time in Israel and all the places when and when you start digging deeper into the story you actually start finding there's so many layers that are so unbelievable that no human could ever write that story and it's it's fascinating if I had more time I could spend 45 minutes talking about just certain things but obviously don't and the other story that I think is really important is you know what else is like happening in this world in 2016 I was fortunate enough to go to Iraq and I took photos I went to certain places that had just been liberated from Isis and you know I guess it was interesting because I went to Iraq in the middle of filming originals I didn't tell Warner Brothers where I was going and I asked for nine days off because I had a personal commitment and I flew to Iraq and it was a fascinating experience because on one hand were actors and we have this awesome life where we're having fun and telling stories and we're looked-after we getting paid really really good money and then I went to the absolute extreme which was you know places where young children had been confronted with possibly the worst evil that the world has seen in this century and you know it was kind of like very surreal for me to spend time with refugees and meet kids that had been captured by Isis tortured by Isis and then gone back to my my reality which was acting and trying to fit back into that world you know so I think that kind of really changed me a lot and I realized that like the world probably doesn't need another actor you know for the world to be a better place so I really would love to use as much as the influence that I get given from this show to actually start sort of telling those sort of stories and at least so people are aware that you know yes we have a beautiful world but it is a very very broken place that's very well said very well said we have time for two more questions so let's take them hi hey guys um I have a interesting question for you not really interesting um on the set of Vampire Diaries and the originals who was the biggest prankster why is Daniel played a lot of pranks on each other for sure yeah yeah if you followed Joseph and Daniel while they were filming the show they're actually really funny Joseph Morgan is a extremely funny guy and when he does these videos I mean he's just got this really dry sense of humor that I think works in Australia doesn't work so much in America but in Australia like I thought I thought he was one of the funniest guys I ever met so yeah I would say Joseph thank you and last question hi hi my name is Sarah and I'm from Brazil and I love you and I just want to ask what's our favorite since you film favorites Amy did you guys have a favorite scene from either series Vampire Diaries or the originals I loved any of the scenes where we were all together that was always the most fun I think on set there were the the episode where we all went to the masquerade ball and a lot of us were all in that scene that was Olly it was Daniel Joe Charles it was the kind of whole gang and that was really fun you want that yeah I wasn't hey I was in Iraqis hanging out you know talking in like Navy SEALs and snipers and stuff you wouldn't get it I think wipe some of my favorite scenes to shoot with probably with Danielle you know it was kind of fun working with her you know I think saying goodbye to her and having that big sort of storyline come to an end was like cool so you know and for her look lucky her got to kiss two guys one really good-looking and one average guy like me that's not true I don't know very good I'm just trying to be self-deprecating right guys yes did you guys enjoy this hour one more big round of applause for Nathaniel and Phoebe news [Applause]
Channel: Kristina Fox
Views: 11,450
Rating: 4.9475408 out of 5
Id: upp86hw0oEg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 11sec (2651 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 22 2018
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