Darkest Dungeon Trinket Tier List: Part 1/3 - Common and Uncommon

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what's up y'all shuffle and today we're doing a trinket tier list this is going to be the neutral green and white rarity trinkets and then over the next two videos we're going to make this a three-part series we're going to cover the more rare trinkets and boss trophies and class trinkets so today we're doing neutral ones to explain the tier structure so these will all be weighted against themselves in like their respect uh respective respective brackets there are some green trinkets that can be taken like at level six like surgical gloves uh but otherwise you know we're considering them in like their own little pocket dimension against each other because i think if you said like our green trinkets as good as orange ones usually no or blue ones you know it's usually the more rare trinkets are the more powerful ones so it's kind of you know not not the right way to do things if we do it as just some free-for-all giant pool of stuff so we have s tiers the best like these are universally just great in some cases like surgical gloves you can take them even at level six you can take them over class trinkets usually clash triggers are better than neutrals but there are some exceptions to this a are like they are good if you don't have good class trinkets so these are really good alternatives b are trinkets that if you find them and you don't have anything else that's really good yet they're okay to sit there and you know fill space same with the cell tier in a way but cell tier is pretty much like once you find enough trinkets to make these like outdated or like you never have to take them again you just sell them and to some extent you can start selling b-tier trinkets uh as well but i think a and s usually have either some kind of niche use or are just good like at all times so i'm gonna try and go quick on some of these and talk at length if i need to otherwise don't be surprised if i speed bump over these i have the trinket page open in a different tab here i will link it in the description or down below or something like that so you can follow along um i know a lot of these just by looking at them so i apologize for not like having the cool overlay showing you the stats actually we can just go over there right but so accuracy stone this is a solid a because it is a white trinket but you know losing one speed does suck and for accuracy it's pretty hard to get accuracy early in the game especially when you can't get access to uh the guild and stuff like that for the first few weeks so having some source of accuracy is pretty nice starting off so that's the same thing for the archer's ring it's one point more accuracy why is it not here oh it's a common right yeah so minus one speed five range accuracy same same thinking here bling amulet this is s uh bleed is the most common damage over time type by quite a bit usually blights hit harder but there are some very strong bleeds like arterial pinch out there and bleed is just way more common so having something that gives you bleed resist i should actually look at it i said i wasn't gonna do this and here i'm doing it so you get plus 20 bleed resist and then you get plus 20 bleed skill chance and minus 20 blight resist the blade resist is pretty negligible in there sorry about that i had to uh like pause my commentary for half a second the bleed chance is also really good and there are a lot of characters that make use of this so like jester flatulence uh houndmaster they all like this thing and resisting blade is never never ever bad it kind of goes for this too this is the like there's bleed charm or like bleed amulet blood charm bleed charm right it's just overlapping and stuff echo do not bother me now sir i think he just wants to look out the window but this is you know it's a white rarity trinket here but 20 bleed resist and two dodge that's not a really big trade-off and having bleed resist early is really nice it's pretty hard to uh get accuracy and resist early on there are trains that give it to you obviously but um finding like solid numbers of it is uh always welcome bleachstone this is a and that's because it's uh like the minus one speed is a way worse penalty than minus two dodge so we we don't like it that much but it is nice to have increased bleed chance i just wish it was a little higher if it was like 20 i might i might bump it up to s but obviously that'd be kind of busted next up is blight amulet so this is the mirrored equivalent of bleed amulet where it's plus twenty percent blight chance and blight resist while subtracting bleed resist the characters that can use blight usually have pretty solid class trinkets to give them more access to blight so that's why you know for instance jester doesn't have i don't think jester has like a bleed no he has like one bleed chance up trinket it's like okay so having something like this that's a lot better even in neutral is good for him but a lot of the characters like shield breaker grave robber and plague doctor like they have really good ways to get blights that they don't need this so it's not as good but like if you find it it's still usable and the other thing is you lose bleed resist on top of it and bleed resist is way more important than blade resist so it's okay to lose it here but it's not as okay to lose it here so that's why it's a right there and i can't remember this is disease or the blight resist thing i think it's the blight i think this one's disease let's see like blight amulet or something disease charm blight chart right yeah so 20 blight resist this is pretty solid if you need blade resist there you go you know minus two dodge again bleed is more important than blight resist so that's why bleeds always going to take precedent and that kind of makes this down well it's about the same actually it is nice to have your blade chance go up especially because some of the good blade chance trinkets for classes are harder to find like their higher rarities so uh like was it plague derb or diseased herb or whatever it is for plague doctor that increases her blight chance that's i think blue so it's a little harder to get shield breaker she gets one common one which is nice but then after that it's like crimson quartz set or special spear tip that's where she gets blight after that so having some common thing right here for 15 blight is pretty nice and a lot of characters that do blight have pretty good speed so losing one point isn't the end of the world for them this thing bleed charm or blood charm my goodness i i hate the naming system yeah blood charms there's bleach arm now there's blood charm but uh blood charm this is way strong like i i've brought this into level six dungeons just because the the flat bleed resist on it is so high comparatively like to uh like it's it's green power level so to speak so it's really nice you know until you find like cleansing crystal or fortifying garlic this thing does a pretty good job of supplementing you this bloodied fetish i want to make it s for a common i i'm going to make it i'm going to make it a so bloodied fetish so you get 20 blatant bleed resist and then you lose 20 disease resist the reason this is an s is because usually there are not like copious amounts of both damage over time effects in the same dungeon so this is just kind of a catch-all thing and losing 20 disease resist is pretty terrible there are a couple regions like the wheeled where disease is very prevalent and if you get hit with it early because you know this is a common tree you get hit with it early that's a few hundred gold you probably can't afford or you have to sit there with like the syphilis disease or the red plague or something like that which we don't like too much this ring that's coming up next okay this this thing's bad so it's you could this is actually seltier so the reason is the minus food consumed is nice so if you're running a party that has like arblessed healer or something not vessel healer so you need to like eat food more often that's where the minus food consumed comes in that's pretty cool but the fact that it's minus healing received by quite quite a serious cut minus 25 is a pretty big cut it's not like minus 10 where we just shave a point off like this could be like two or three points in some cases so that's pretty bad and then you get 10 hp on top of it so it's like if you got 25 hp then maybe so something like ancestors bottle i'm kind of looking at that but you don't even get that you just get um 10 hp that's like one no it's like two hit points or three hit points at uh at that level sometimes four so just not that good i i would actually sell this like every time i see it this book of constitution this is okay it's pretty solid for resist and the minus speed does suck but like i said blight isn't as common as bleeds so we can't put it higher this was bleeding disease we probably put it in a so what's coming up next book of holiness i did my best to keep these in order and this is going to be another cell tier trinket the minus 20 stress is pretty awesome so you could make the case from abb but the minus death blow this almost makes your death low 50 50 so you have a like a one and two chance to die every time you're on death store and that sucks so it's like if you're expecting a lot of stress and low damage then maybe but things like if you um are just doing a boss mission or something that has some hard mini bosses or like veteran when you first get there and you're fighting the stronger units the minus death low is a lot more threatening and there are ways to get stress resist that don't involve lowering your death low chance and like there there are quite a few and there are stress healers and stuff like that so it's not as important so that uh that minus death flow is pretty punishing and this thing is i think book of intuition i'm not trying to flex with that knowledge i just know these because i i did a practice i shouldn't even say practice right i tried to do this video before and i messed up so i uh i got to see all these at least once so minus 20 party surprise pretty good minus one speed sucks this would be a if it um had the effect like ancestors lantern where you get the chance to surprise the enemy as well but you don't so it it's okay like this is something that once you find a couple like resist trinkets or damaged trinkets that are in this pool like this never comes out of the the box after that so like you use this until you find something better book of rage i i remember not liking it let's take a look here so minus 10 bleeding blade resist and then you have a pretty big damage spike if you get under a third this would be better if it was like under 40 percent and maybe like if this was like 15 percent then five percent crit that'd be a little more fair but it's it's a pretty big boost but no one likes to sit under one third because at one third that's like a lot of attacks don't even have to crits if you're not leper or crusader or something like that to put you to death store so a lot of characters one-third hp is you know about 10 to 15. that's uh that's a pretty solid hit that's not even a crit in certain instances so i'm actually going to make this b here because i don't i don't want to have a power spike and then hit death store the next turn and then like have to deal with all the death star debuffs and all the shenanigans and the chance of losing someone at that point plus the minus resist means that you're going to be more prone to dying because you're gonna be trying to be low health to get the effects actually this cell tier this is actually bad i'm sure there's me like one comment where someone goes actually i did a pretty sick run where you know i went on this this boss mission and i i had this on and i was able to like get them to low health and then use guard with man at arms and now as i'm saying that out loud to myself maybe it is b but if you can if you can babysit this it's really good if you can't babysit it it's pretty bad so i'll leave it at that instead of going on my tangent this book of relaxation is actually pretty good there's a case to make this s it might actually be us so as we see here minus 10 stress pretty good especially in the uncommon pool for accuracy accuracy is pretty hard to get at lower uh trinket rarities minus four dodge isn't the end of the world a lot of characters just don't care about that so it's actually really strong calming crystal minus 15 stress minus one speed i like this one a lot it's a pretty big boost of minus stress and minus one speed isn't as impactful like it it matters but once you start getting into trains that are like plus or minus two speed or some cases four those hurt a lot more to have those swings but minus one speed isn't exactly back breaking the only person that wouldn't really want this is like plague doctor because she just wants to go first so she needs as much speed as possible but even then you can still put it on here so it's it's good camo cloak most players are probably playing in high torch i should have put this in my sims video about why a camouflage cloak which relies on shadows and being stealthy gets stronger when there's more light maybe the enemies don't perceive light like the living do or something but since most of us are playing in highlight most of the time the 15 dodge is pretty strong it's basically just no no conditional thing at that point so unless you're fighting a certain mini boss that likes to knock out the lights then this thing is usually on and the minus stress or not stress the minus stun chant or resist isn't isn't a big deal honestly because you have a chance of dodging said stuns but also a lot of the enemies that have stuns to be worried about don't start appearing until veteran so if you get this in like an early dungeon you know in your like level zero to two area this actually pretty much has no downside but even then stuns aren't super common but obviously be aware if you know who is going to be stunning have some kind of plan or just don't take this caution cloak i wanted to put this in cell tier but the reason i haven't so this is plus 10 scouting chance and then -10 speed on the first round there are some characters that just don't care about speed at all in like turn one like leopard doesn't care about going first crusader will never go first vestal some people like to run slow vessel i don't but if you like that this might be applicable so there are a lot of slow characters out there and it's only for one turn and the flip side is you get 10 scouting scouting is very powerful and very helpful so having access to it very early in the the white pole is pretty nice and sadly it does have a pretty crappy trade-off but it's not the end of the world i hear one of my cats coming in but we're going to talk about cherry ridge's charm this thing is zest here it's just a solid source of big healing early on oh my god echo yeah it's a solid source of healing early on and has no downside i'm able to take a cat break my goodness sorry about that i have more cat shenanigans i can't remember where i was at here i think i saw my chair virgins so just really good source of uh healing early on feels a little harder to get to than some of the other green triggers but it's it's good if you find it it's pretty much like an auto use on all healers until like late game so really good drink here this is i think the crit stone this is cell tier 4 sure man it is just one thing after another today so the critical stone this thing is seltier i had it open here it's three crit one speed penalty the reason we don't like the critical stone i was gonna say crit stone the critical stone is just because at low level you're trying to find accuracy and resist and maybe like some plus healing or minus stress or something like that you do not need crit that early especially when all your weapons and skills are like low rank level one level two stuff like that um this thing is just never good in my eyes anyway dodge stone there's another one i think that is yeah minus one speed for four dodge is a pretty bad trade-off although dodge does scale pretty well early on losing one speed for like four dodge is just not worth it damaged stone i think this is hey where is it is it a very common no i'm in very common is it a common it must be yeah 10 damage for uh for dodge this you could argue this is s it's really good it's really good early on like i said dodge does scale the hardest early game so obviously any sources of gaining or losing it are somewhat impactful but it's it's good you can put this on a crusader lap or something like that get them one or two extra points of damage and it is nice let me tell you so the next thing i think it's what dark racer yeah so okay this thing is just bad yeah uh in low lights you are more worried about surviving in a lot of cases and in like a torchless run i would rather have access to this might be b honestly but i would have i'd rather have access to like more accuracy more speed anti surprise plus scouting there's so many things i'd rather have than like 8 crit and 5 dodge the torch penalty for enemy accuracy is much higher than this i think it's like 12 so this doesn't even offset that i mean it helps against it but like you're you're giving up a fair amount here so eight crit five dodge as a trinket it's actually not too bad it's just the condition that it's in is uh kind of crappy so there are usually other things you want to take over this in my experience i always have to qualify my statements with in my opinion just in case dazzling charm this thing is zestier um it's it's just really good you can even use this at high levels if you don't have like good stun trinkets or in the case of hallie and she doesn't get stun trinkets so having some neutral stunt shrink in the pool is awesome and again we're comparing this to its fellow common trinkets so it's just way good in the common pool and it actually stands up pretty well in the green pool but obviously there are stun amulets so that's something else debuff amulets is it's nice debuffs are pretty common like it's it's surprising how many debuffs are just out there there are a lot of enemies that just put random you know plus 10 stress minus 10 bleed resist minus two speed right there's just a lot of random debuffs out there so being able to block them is pretty nice and there are a few fights where you can put this on a cultist and you can spam weakening curse and it just completely neuters them so that makes it really cool so this does have a place it's just the fact that debose strategies for the player aren't that common or powerful but when you get to use them they are pretty nice so this debuff resist charm like i said this thing what is it is it just literally debuff charm it's our very common pool yeah so 20 debuff resist at the costa 2 dodge pretty good trade-off and like i said debuffs are pretty common so if you get this early you know you just put it on people like in every dungeon it will block stuff like every single dungeon run this will block stuff which is pretty nice at the same time though like once you like debuffs are common but they're not oppressive like bleed can be or stress is right so it's not as important to block them and it's like once you get other stuff this thing just gets sold or just sits in your box for the rest of the game this is cell tier so this is the other end of that coin so this is plus um debuff skill chance at -1 speed the only person you really stack debuff chance on is a cultist and he has other ways to get it he has class trinkets he has diva family later on this thing is just bad at the cost of one speed and occultist really wants speed there's i can't think of anyone else that would want this what else what's next i was trying to think there for a second but i just i realized i need to move deteriorating bracelets is this yeah we're very common why is this a common i passed it a bracer so when you're over 75 life 10 dodge when you're under 75 life which is what you should be paying attention to as well minus 10 dodge when you're under half another minus six so if you're under half it's actually minus 16 dodge from where you started that is really bad so like maybe grave robber can pull this off or uh like guard spam houndmaster early on but this is still just bad because you get hit once you're under 75 you get hit twice you're under 50. you get crit once you're probably under 50 as well so this thing becomes garbage and dead weight very easily and very soon so i don't think it's good at all disease resist if you have nothing else to help you for this disease charm here so plus 20 disease resist minus two dodge pretty good trade-off if you have nothing else you're going to like the warrens this thing is actually cool especially if you run into the spitters otherwise again you get other sources of disease resist and it's also that disease is not as common and in just any point in the game like it it it's there and when it happens it sucks but by the time you have to worry about it a lot uh you have other ways to get around you have camp skills you have um upgraded facilities stuff like that so it's not as detrimental but early on it's good and so yeah like fortifying garlic gambler's charm this is an instant cell to me this is i think we talked about something else that had death blow resist drop so this one is better than the the book of holiness because the extra hp will help you not die but still anything that's minus 10 death blow puts you down to i think uh 57 chance base that is crap we don't want to have to roll death blow and even if it takes us an extra hit to get there we still don't want that threat because it's literally just like a crit away you're almost a crit away at all times from death's door especially if you're like half health sucks this is the health stone so where are you hellstone man i should have organized these by color but i was too lazy and i am paying for it so yeah 10 hp for one speed pretty good on a lot of characters early on i think even at level 0 on grave robber i think this is 2 hp you know it's not a huge amount obviously for her but 2 hp is 2 hp so this will find use early on until obviously start finding better stuff heavy boots i do not actually like these i don't like heavy boots but my discord loves heavy boots so 20 pro minus 2 speed plus 40 move resist all those are actually very relevant and surprisingly good stats so the reason the protection is good obviously it shaves off a couple points and it's not 10 which would just shave off one point it's 20 percent so i could shave off two three points sometimes which is really nice the move resist isn't a huge issue although it does seem pretty cool for leper but like i said before in other videos you can get people pushed and pulled in front of you so the move resist doesn't matter as much but the -2 speed is actually pretty cool so normally speed is a penalty but having some access or i should say minus two speed is a penalty but having access to a minus two speed in the the green pool of trinkets means you can pull off uh speed reliance strategies like if you have dancing teams where someone has to go first you put the heavy boots on the person that has to go second arboles can make good use of these so there are a lot of instances where heavy boots are actually really good if you can be creative enough so i i do think they're pretty strong i just don't usually use them the life crystal is like an upgraded hellstone i think it's b as well the 20 is pretty strong though it might it might be a but the the reason of i don't think i'm gonna put it in a is because once you start finding green trinkets consistently this thing has to fight against class trinkets so all of these can actually be taken over class trinkets in like a variety of circumstances these struggle to find spots once you have class trinkets and i think life crystal struggles for that but it is good if you don't have anything like else to use so i accidentally started to do like a spoiler when i started talking about this so i'm just not going to but the move amulet i am going to put into b the reason is the move skill chance is pretty good the move resist is pretty worthless to me but there are some enemies that just straight up lose if they get pulled or pushed so if you can have like damon's pull occultist or uppercut come hither bounty hunter to move people around consistently then this thing can actually do a lot of uh indirect damage so to speak like it can just win games you know you pull someone up and then the frontliner goes to rank three or four and they just get to do nothing which is pretty awesome so this thing does have some use so if you have some kind of move dependent strategy it's worth using this thing and we're gonna look at these together so we have the foot like the hermes foot and then we have this move stone i think they're right next to each other in the trinket list which is why i put them together like that which is why i did them at the same time so move stone is -1 speed plus move skill chance so we like uh proactive approaches in darkest dungeon so having our chances to do things increase is great so having same thing as the the amulet so if you have a move strategy then this pretty much enables it and on the same foot foot uh movers this is bad losing one speed forward is even more so this is just garbage protect stone i want to say it's saltier but i i don't think it quite is so plus five prod even this miniscule amount of prod does shave off one damage so shaving off one damage when your hp max is like 24 is actually pretty good you had hit like two or three times that's like three damage right that you just blocked so it it's nice it's it's better than nothing but this gets outdated pretty quickly reckless charm this thing is amazing i can find it so this only comes from the wheels you have to like actually go there and try and get it but five accuracy minus two dodge very hard to get accuracy early on like we've been talking about losing two dodge is probably the best downside to a common trinket and it's not even like accuracy stone or archer's ring where it's like accuracy for speed or ranged accuracy like this is just all accuracy for like almost no trade-off and it's five instead of four in this case so this is super good so like if this is a tier then power creep of uh same thing is also s tier i'm talking way too fast i'm starting to like trip over my own words i need to slow down normally i would edit something like that out but you know what we're just going to appreciate my my beauty for who i am this thing see your stone this is s so scouting chance very hard to get and getting a large amount of it early is really nice losing one speed not the end of the world you put this on vestal or crusader whoever your support is and then you get like try virgins if you have it so you have like healing and then you have support i do like to run healing and then like support trinket on my support character so like at high level i will run salacious diary and then ancestors map for uh instance so having that combo at lower levels is really nice one of these two cloaks sucks i think it's this one yes it is this one it's a shimmering cloak minus eight dodge or plus a dodge not bad minus a third healing that can get out of my face that's that's just not that good i'd rather have max hp i would rather have uh i don't know protection i do like dodge as a defensive stat it does scale better early game but losing a third minus thirty three percent healing you're fighting against like chirogens which is only plus fifteen percent junior's head is thirty percent so losing thirty three percent effective healing on someone for eight dodge is just bad like camouflage cloak is just better it has a stronger benefit the condition just is whatever and then the downside is way more manageable so this thing is just crap slippery boots if you find these early like week two or something like that they can be used so this is dodge for uh move resist like movers this is basically just non-existent to me i just don't consider it in a lot of things so if you find these they are useful snake oil is zestier this is just minus 10 stress for free no downside this is just a smaller book of sanity really no other commentary needed uh solar bracer i think this is where dark bracer gives us four percent more crit um we are more likely to be playing in highlights so this actually does have some some merit so i think this is more applicable to more play styles like people doing torchless are just doing it for the challenge and i'm not shaming that by any means i'm not saying like huh you're just doing torchless to do it like that's pretty much what it is but otherwise most of us are playing highlights i think this finds a lot more use and it doesn't have to fight as hard for trinket slots against darkness mechanics so like the dark racer has to fight against scouting and anti-surprise or recovery and protection like in highlight you can just go ham so having something that gives you some crit and some dodgers is pretty good speedstone this is just plus one speed i don't even know why i'm going to scroll to it but we're just being consistent plus one speed just good no downside no conditional plus one speed we like that steady bracer i think this is i think it is s right yeah 10 accuracy for ranged which is pretty nice at the cost of two dodge range accuracy is not as big of an issue as melee accuracy but like houndmaster specifically really enjoys having this so having a big plus 10 accuracy for basically no downside is good there's no negative to it stun amulet this is also s this thing used to be more busted where are you stun amulet right here in my face so 10 stun skill i think this used to be 30. they put it to 10 which is fine it was just busted uh stun resist and the minus four dodge pretty small downside for a lot of big uh upsides this thing is celtir this is the stun charm you know i just need to grab the slider i think he passed it yeah so 20 stun resist for two dodge stun is not common at zero to two there are only a few enemies that have it i'm on the the wrong thing here but there are only a few enemies that have it so having something that gives it to you at like level zero you honestly don't need it i'd rather just sell this for gold stun stone this is dazzling charm that has been power crept so this is stun chance for minus one speed so minus one speed not the end of the world obviously we want no downsides so if this is s that means this is probably a surgical gloves are busted like surgical gloves could like they are itemized to be a blue trinket at minimum so you have eight percent melee crit five percent melee accuracy move resist we said we don't care about and then d buffers this this does kind of suck but it's only ten percent there are so many upsides to this like i use this at level six i use this in uh endless harvest i use this in endgame missions i use these things everywhere they're so powerful so like you can use these alongside class trinkets like bounty hunter you can use hunter's talon for uh the accuracy and the crit chance and then use these for more accuracy and more crit chance if you don't have gestures stuff like that there's just not enough good things i can say about this like i have no how would i say that no shortage of good stuff i don't know i can praise this for like 10 minutes so if you can find these i would actually buy these out of the nomad wagon it's one of like two trinkets i would buy from the nomad wagon if i had to like i would spend like 5000 gold or whatever it is these things are amazing survival guide is s this is just ancestors mini map oh my god that's such a funny way to say it too i'm laughing at my own jokes so 10 scouting 10 traps sorry minus one speed minus one speed not a big penalty but being able to potentially have your vestal disarm traps or just having access to extra scouting is amazing especially early on the shimmering cloak still scrolling through stuff oh swift cloak that's what it is two speed at the cost of move resist not a big deal so plus two speed for basically no downside and if you really need to you just play in your team to dance to fix positioning but this is these are good or this uh this looks really good i like using this tenacity ring is that b that's b so tenacity ring i don't like it that much because losing five crit is a pretty big deal and the five dodge is kind of negligible so you're really just getting the 10 death blow out of this which is nice you know like if you have nothing else and you have some weak gear but you found this you know maybe you got it from a lucky loot drop and you have to fight like a low level boss then having death blowers this is better than not having it so i still think it's okay warriors bracer is this s it may be it may not be it might be it's definitely a at the earliest so minus four dodge for 10 melee damage it's a okay so here's why i'd say so you get 10 melee damage which is nice the melee damage dealers do naturally hit harder than range so having percentage increase helps them more than range damage dealers and the -4 dodge is pretty negligible but the reason this is an s is because in level zero to two you're fighting for accuracy harder than anything else so if you can get your accuracy in check this is s if you cannot get your accuracy capped this is a until then it's just good overall you know like you can use this into probably like level three sometimes you don't have good class trinkets but uh it's it's solid and warrior's cap which is right under it so no surprise no downside for five melee accuracy melee characters do have lower accuracy naturally in most instances so giving them five accuracy for no downside is incredible especially early let's see worry stone yeah this is this is probably us it could be it might be a it's a so you do lose one speed it's kind of weird because snake oil is a common trinket and it's probably better than this because you have minus stressors or no plus stress resist which means you are not going to be getting afflicted as often so the virtue doesn't come into play it may never come into play but you're also trading one speed for it so i think snake oil is actually better surprisingly in a lot of circumstances but these are pretty equivalent in terms of power level it's just like you trade one speed for 10 virtue which which isn't bad so it's it's nice all right i guess that's it for this right so we're out of common trinkets and uncommon ones so thanks for watching next time we're going to do the blue and orange ones and boss trophies and then after that we'll do class trinkets so this was pretty fun i know it went a little fast i had to take a couple breaks and uh i actually probably didn't go fast at all i still talked i was trying to not talk too long about stuff i still did i had to deal with my cats a couple times so i apologize about that otherwise like i said pretty fun to do uh in the future i am going to be doing like i said the two more videos of this i'm working on the arbless guide i'm also working on a new player guide i just i literally just started typing it i haven't even typed it yet i just lied i have not even opened a word document to start scripting it but i will i'm gonna do that like right after this so the arbalest guide is also coming it just took a backseat to all the other stuff i wanted to do and uh join discord if you haven't already let me know what you think let me know your opinions and all of that i will try to remember to link the trinket page and the tier list maker and stuff like that in the description or down below so thanks for watching and i'll see you later
Channel: ShuffleFM
Views: 33,265
Rating: 4.9559364 out of 5
Keywords: Let's Play, Darkest Dungeon 2, guide, tips, help, playthrough, walkthrough, gameplay, ending, last boss, moonmoon, filthyrobot, speedrun, cohhcarnage, wayne june, ancestor, lore, optimized, best, challenge, hard mode, stygian, blood moon, baertaffy, dlc, crimson court, color of madness, ost, tier list, analysis, big daddy berkut, hidden squidz, bloodmoon, mods, christopherodd, admiral bahroo, pvp, butcher's circus, butchers circus, review
Id: Utch-but13U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 31sec (2311 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 07 2021
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