0 Hits Taken - BloodBorne in its Entirety (All Bosses Including Old Hunters DLC)

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that is cool Oh God oh man hey fat princess bring us back that looks terrible oh that's a pretty shitty hit it's pretty shitty hit frauds the school left together school of brings a pulse in frost ass any letters for me at school says he got one from the bank for his office letters by the Hat Rose notes take that business of it school Russell way in the back okay okay I'll be pretty funny I don't think I could even be mad at that to be honest ki do DLC please I will once we get to the run sir fast typer on that control yes kind of cut Avia's occupy you really want Geodude is that what you want okay all right well we could use a stretch I guess don't say I never do anything for you I won't be able to read chat by the way so talk amongst yourselves all right I can't read you guys I can't I cannot how's your eye sight some cute to see this yeah I can see it seeking I can see it [Music] that forget you think I can't see that [ __ ] ah well frosting flowing yeah cause don't fall asleep all right thank you I'm stopped of trying to work it's hard to read messages that aren't in caps you are very distracting sorry take it take it where is Galactus you missed two pixels and he missed both cross your legs you can see right leg sorry is that better we're gonna do guest point like this what that's now the sweet blood oh it seems to me it's enough to make a mind sick [Applause] [Music] [Music] alright alright I'm done Geodude has been completed thank you we're back I bet he hasn't he I ate in front of you fam looking more like a happy T than a Geodude you lay on a bed or summat nope just assumed by Final Four okay I'm not reading all your [ __ ] but hey like 50 seconds no man welcome back daddy hey thanks MIDI thank you you come sanding it I was just like you know moving around in the stretching and stuff I don't know if you guys do this but I just like wiggle around sometimes you know it's kind of nice just to just to stretch lubricate all that spinal stuff you know the dogs after me hello hello hot pepper yes crews i Meyer ability to make your own strats well thank you so for me I routed most of the wrong I think most of the hall bosses I routed oh ok witty I guess we're doing dogs normal alright well it has a little bit risky I'm glad you like it I kind of do like making strats here they're preparing papa is the way the final move in Cal six frezzer is shopped for a nice backpack your fear friends birthday no take note of it wiggle and lubricate yeah exactly you know you gotta just it feels nice to just like you know yell out sometimes 100% quality [ __ ] content I'm glad you liked it glad you liked it it's really nice especially when you wake up exactly man you guys can't tell me that you've never done this tell for health good for us thank you yeah remind me to stand up every now and then okay getting food just isn't enough sometimes hi I'm a wolf I cheat at the game Kay witty did you see that [ __ ] hit that we took earlier on the parl split okay yeah just stop sweating chat he's just using us to feed is it oh boy oh boy you think you guys can feed my ego you think my ego isn't so big that you guys could actually feed it only my mind my how wrong you are oh my my Louise frost feet are just needs to get tired there we go hot sauce and hot sauce see I don't have pockets by the way it's gonna say that earlier what are you like you have hot sauce in your pockets yeah I don't have pockets not on these pants anyway wonderful helps me tremendously yeah but like I can't stand for eight hours at the same time I mean I could but it's like it has the same effect liar I heard hot sauce did you I'm sure you didn't hear hot sauce II don't have the strat making mine or I just have to go just haven't got to do anything quick you have to understand dopamine that these strats happen because I'm [ __ ] greedy you know they happen because I'm greedy that's it where I'm like I wonder if I can do this faster and there's a compulsion in me to do it faster or better and I try and do it better and I get hit nine out of ten times and the tenth time I find a strat that's all that that's all there is to it and like actual strap making like a British it took me like two hours to make that strap even though it's not consistent or I [ __ ] it up sometimes you know so it's not about having a strap making - about being nice a sick degenerate it's really bad actually I had a question I watched a stream earlier today of blood-borne and there's a lot of bosses in it that you don't fight that are in the base game as wondering why they aren't part of them they are part of the run Emin biotics if you're talking about cleric beast it's just later in the run you know we take on all bosses in this from bosses oh yeah there's probably chalice dungeon boss oh we don't do child dungeons in the speedrun community it's kind of just a thing where it's like understood the chalice dungeons aren't included because adding those to the runs would just make them [ __ ] tedious of [ __ ] and for no hit runs that would be bad like there's a lot there's a [ __ ] pig boss man like seriously you know it's not about like if we could add abhorrent beast and bloodletting beast into the run without the [ __ ] chalices like the areas himself now I think that'd be acceptable but the areas themselves are so littered with enemies and stuff like that it just becomes so bad you know it's just it's not it's just not good for us why don't you include the witches a hammock I mean it's just down there it's just witches right there it says witches those of the witches am wick fam else he's strong what's up welcome back Fras a strap making so fantastic Thank You Rita strap you don't do the bridge skip here now no reason to okay we don't get to get those I guess just wondering okay pic boss is really old p2 is he know I'm not seeing it I can't read what oh wait you do nevermind okay which is between hardest boss in mushroom Congress going to be ongoing no yeah they're gonna be ongoing you guys really like those streams huh I just wanted to get the run before I did any more you know we might do some today actually just depends I do have a lot of stuff to do though I got a pack and clean and get ready I want to visit this girl so I probably gonna look into some plane tickets for tomorrow [Music] wash on my clothes and stuff [Applause] but at the same time dopamine a lot of the runs came from speedrun strats so I can't take all credit and schoola came up with strats like it's a pig is easy he says which is down there Santa skip when's the drive again when's the drive I am either gonna leave on Wednesday or Friday visit a girl I'm five five I don't have to worry about girls okay I think my dad's like five five so that triggers me well we've been trying to visit for a very long time but she has a hectic work schedule you know it's rough so and things keep happening in her life which is oh yeah I don't need to do this yet I was like why do I have so few cocktails felt like I was on shadows before just on Amelia I gotta try a blood level 4 run I've already done a blow a low for run it's having a no hit run nestlé's get required to be in a relationship with you I feel like it has to be why what so you think she has to know hit the game to be in a relationship with me no she's much cooler than me guy didn't hotter doesn't say that she is so much cooler than me you guys don't even know would you recommend getting a blue Yeti for us I got a whisper on my phone this is how I see whispers now I just checked it I got a whisper on my phone um no I would not I would recommend getting the at2020 [ __ ] Jeannie Jenny Nell's it's up will you stream yourself driving no I don't have enough data need to expand your sexual boundaries there you go I might be dying probably although she ain't worthy oh that's not how it works you know no girls have done the zero run yet no girls have done it dad day for us but by PD thanks for tuning in sorry i streamed late today as always you are a stranger Am I will you stream yourself cleaning your apartment if you guys really want to I could I screw myself packing before I left six months ago you'll both be a Geodude form I can only hope so Ryan dear boy I can only also oh no I would watch that just gonna see a lot of my butt because I'm probably just gonna pack on the bed and stuff now take my green screen my green screen lights oh that's what I gotta take yeah that's something I'm gonna be transporting the green-screen equipment is actually there's a lot of it you know fold down and stuff but there's a lot of it for sure we're in the u.s. for an f1 visa Oh Jay one of these I have no idea I'm on a visitor's visa whatever Canada gets non cauldre do [Music] whoa hey what you can see a faster thing moved what in the [ __ ] he's illegal alien please don't ban well I will be in like ten days so I gotta get out of here Doggett Riggs that dog was fast I had rabies what's really hot saucy did you actually it's interesting man it's quite interesting not dance on him dopamine you miss Canada I'm happy to get out of here I am happy to get out of this apartment I'm happy I'm gonna miss the weather was so nice man I go for a run I don't you don't you know like I don't you know just got all sweaty you don't have to wear shirt or anything you just go for a run run around come home you get food it's just like it's everything so easy here so [ __ ] easy people that complain here are ridiculous so easy even with all the sleep problems and stuff like that so fun but I will be quite happy to be able to sleep again that my frames are going gonna miss lost a little bit yeah it's not like I'm gonna see him again right Don Ravis squirrel in Central Park that attacked with five people Savage really I'm from SoCal I make sure to say goodbye to bucket baby I'm gonna coyote here on them pretty pretty hot percent I'm gonna coyote here in them it's been in the news Cali way more expensive cowgirl oh yeah oh yeah femme oh yeah but I'm moving back with my parents for a month just until I figure out if I'm gonna stay in Calgary well I'm gonna go to Canmore or I'm gonna go to Vancouver I haven't decided yet so instead of just going straight to one of those places I'm gonna take a month to just stop and assess and stuff see if I'm go to Japan when I'm going to Japan my dad wants me to open up a business or something and you know if that doesn't take away from swimming it's like why not but at the same time there's a lot in Calgary my trainer wants me to teach more Thai coz he's gonna be gone so then there's that and there's a little hot man there's just [ __ ] [ __ ] done and then this girl I just I just want to be with this girl I don't care about anything else all of that other stuff is second priority I don't care how the [ __ ] work it wherever if I have to just so I can chill with this girl even though I love it here are you founding the flames I don't like Hawk you know [Music] of course doesn't like hockey my what my peen is that penis woof every Canadian to you our few cereal arrives ok witty you have a godly yet oh my god I was excited for you because you seemed so happy about that I mean I'm sure you are so happy about that honestly I don't know what the [ __ ] waffle crisp is but maybe you should eat it on stream I think people would enjoy you eating it on stream I think that would be a wonderful thing I know I'd definitely enjoy that for sure well now you guys know the way to Kate widdy's heart you just buy him [ __ ] tons of waffle cruz koat can't wait he got a peel box the first thing I would send is waffle crisp cuz then I'd be like oh yeah there's no no way he won't enjoy this your pens are Canadian what part of Cali been staying at I'm in between Los Angeles and San Diego Kristen's racing but it sounds 10 out of 10 its serial mad cereal I can't eat it ok with you otherwise I'd be like oh I want to try it too but I'm allergic to wheat so I can't actually eat it yeah but you can't peel box of pizza you can peel box of waffle bowl a box of off Chris can't peel a box of pizza you know it's important can't wait I heard you were jacked I heard you talking about like you wake up you don't got work you go for a run something about lifting and stuff I don't know I'm half lifting for missing most of the time jacked up on that wall what's up casual it's of Asian nation hello what is really weird today just looking at some pictures it's not don't you got you got some beauty two months out of the year okay that's a deception the other the other [ __ ] ten months are snow and dirt and cold and badness okay don't let them lie to you don't get it twisted don't get it twisted what is going on what is going on why that I don't mean I played Resident Evil 7 I don't know if you wanted to watch that but apparently people really liked it what if they're talking about those types of pics hey what if man and see hot chicks in bikinis everyday god man yeah no what the [ __ ] huh Missourian YouTube's as well as mad don't mean [ __ ] so don't answer that what are you doing nice the city in Canada I'm thinking moving there after my PhD nice city in Canada you're probably gonna want to go for Calgary in Canada sorry I thought you've been out Berta don't know why thought over definite Calgary go to [ __ ] Montreal or Vancouver or Toronto if you want busy city called [ __ ] oh yeah Montreal or Vancouver I would say is where you should go or Toronto or perhaps if you really want to become an oil engineer and hate your life Calgary there instead come to Chile bro nice weather nice girls and [ __ ] yeah but those massive bugs and dictators I don't actually know crack major what's that visit the country in the future well you have to understand just because I'm from Canada doesn't mean I've seen all of it or even I'm interested in all of it or whatever but I suggest I've been to Vancouver I've been to Victoria I haven't been in Montreal or Toronto but based on what everybody says and based on where I've been do not go to Calgary but do go to bamp bamp is nice Banff is very nice so I guess that's right next Calgary so yeah go to Calgary and then BAM it's really expensive though like it's [ __ ] terribly expensive BAMF is really nice um vancouver victoria those are very nice places there they got better food to Calgary as [ __ ] food by the way um and Montreal I've heard is good don't go to Saskatchewan don't go to [ __ ] you know Manitoba don't go to don't go to Nova Scotia or any of those the PEI any of that stuff Quebec was dirty as [ __ ] don't go to Quebec City what are the other ones Manitoba Nova Scotia New Brunswick don't go there don't go up north Alaskan areas you know none of it the Yellowknife Northwest Territories you know just you stay away from that [ __ ] basically Beltline area and Calgary the Beltline area I don't know that is is that where the hotels are okay enjoy man some food die Tara sex [ __ ] colorblind is good nice job remembering that enjoy your food turns out I didn't even I needed one of these not three of these [ __ ] no we have extra extra two if I see you will you say hi I mean if someone came up to me and was like hey I'm this person cuz I don't know what you look like you know I'd be like oh hey nice to meet you I I wouldn't just be like oh you're from my stream get the [ __ ] away from me or anything like that but at the same time I don't really walk around aimlessly or randomly in Calgary or Banff and Calgary is a very big place which is why I don't mind revealing that I live there because you'll never find me there Nova Scotia is nice I friends they're nice so you see don't go to Canada don't go to Canada but you know don't go to a bunch of Canada bunch Canada sucks just like a bunch the u.s. sucks you know you just gotta go to the right places it was just a Haley Los Angeles okay I'll get your autograph oh my it's messy FRA Cruz have I followed you home with a knife with it would [ __ ] would you let me in oh dopamine would I let you in because dopamine here's the thing you don't understand you may come with a nice butt in my house man there's lots of [ __ ] in my house that are only accessible to me you're in my territory now man plus I got other people around there he won't recognize me I'll look for Lacoste shoes easy easy fix Cavs Pro cheaper all kind of definite cheaper than the well not really cata is actually very expensive in certain things foods expensive phone plans are [ __ ] expensive transportation is expensive parking is expensive all that shit's expensive we do have free health care though I'm a dirty boy I [ __ ] though come to Germany I'm no not go to Germany man Germany it scares me as the guerrilla warfare contraptions like in Rambo yeah I have a false House to lure people into who want to kill me right right in front of my real house hey South Asian mixture I'd be cheaper okay so food in the u.s. is well not in Cali honestly food and Cali is [ __ ] expensive but food in the US is cheaper in general produce stuff like that all [ __ ] cheap very cheap Canada is very expensive groceries compared to the US and that's taking the convert not very expensive a little bit more expensive you have to take the conversion factor into into it because like 80 cents or 80 cents u.s. is like a dollar Canadian right so I get paid in u.s. dollars I have so much more money in Canada than I do in the US but like for example like you can get better food in the u.s. like I think I could order order a nice steak for 20 bucks u.s. which would probably be about 27 bucks Canadian better sushi or this or that you know and there's there's a higher skill ceiling on the food so like you can get much better sushi in Los Angeles and surrounding here then you can in Calgary not not the same as Vancouver coz Vancouver's right by the water but much much much better in in Los Angeles or San Diego that's one place I want to go fat medical bill from bankruptcy am German I didn't know that me do I didn't know that the best German I know probably only one side for Disneyland I'll come there Disneyland it's [ __ ] bad don't get your hopes up man I've been to Disneyland a few times when we tell you it's nothing nothing worth traveling country's war oh I was close [ __ ] I shouldn't be running around this position here [Music] or maybe that's good that's something you can do you can hit them while these transformational counselors transform gives you a bunch of time that was really really really [ __ ] orangey he just wouldn't attack me if you get a dodge that's when it's like it's so annoying because you have to reposition yourself and you lose time that dog almost threw my eye that was a very difficult last little bit of the shadows very [ __ ] difficult ha ha fights Elaine and she's so close oh my god yeah that's a rough one huh is this the run yeah we got past the first split run time my friends by the way close one yeah that was pretty [ __ ] close that was rough like that's the only downside of that strat is if you get really really really bad rng where he just keeps [ __ ] dodging around you then you it's very it's very difficult because like since the audio cues don't always work for the pyro shadow and he can spam grenades in the second phase you have to kind of keep them both in view but it's difficult if you're running past one and the other ones in front of you you know what I mean what's up welcome back he-man hello right on those giant snakes pop up he didn't summon them this time usually does what's up Finn Stiles seems familiar we a near sixty dogs oh yeah it's definitely sixty dogs it's what 80 men it's worth like I'd say I'd probably pay $120 venir probably this guy seems a bit close yeah needs to readjust good and good okay I'm gonna take a piss after Rob okay all right okay huh splits them up to date splits are definitely up to date hotter percent up to date siggi what's up sigh oh thanks man good what is that but I've never actually looked at that what is that that of honey or something when I do it last because the certain the stats are important for it you just hunter to mark out of the fight it's one thing that's one thing I really regret about this man candle maybe candle wax I don't know so one thing I regret about having the moon presents fight in the middle of the run is I got so many questions every day so many so so so many hey hey hey blood-borne a lot harder than just three it depends you know I've explained this as well the DLC of blood-borne is quite a bit harder and the skill cap for blood-borne is higher so that makes it a little bit harder but it's also more consistent ds3 is less consistent so when you fight cinder cinder is gonna be hard every single [ __ ] time but for example with blood-borne Ludwig there's a quick kill method there's a lot of quick kill methods because because of limb staggers and mechanics that you can take advantage of right can't that you can't you can't do in ds3 so India say for example when you fight when you fight cinder right you're gonna have to kill cinder a hundred percent of time knowing his entire move set all of it right and there are a few bosses like that where you need to know the entire move set such as moon presence well not moving presence art Germann gurmann the way I fight them I know every single movie adds right a little bit consistent but like there's a lot more phase skips like you can skip ligarius the second phase you can quit kill at burritos celestial emissary you fail you skip the second phase you no good these [ __ ] I shouldn't be talking about this while I'm fighting this guy might be safe oh yeah let's just stick together forever doesn't orphan as well no orphan you can quit kill em I'm sure working off they're trying to do it hey you want to come attack me both at the same time huh I'll just puke using your shitty ranged attacks I can't attack him all right I swear to God romp stop what [ __ ] okay that's not good that's really [ __ ] bad actually [ __ ] Oh [Music] can't hunters mark out I don't have another fire paper [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you're that combo filthy combo [Music] this car [Music] I think it's safe after that try it Oh [Music] [Music] [ __ ] and holy [ __ ] I don't know why my are to hit his mask but it did so that's done [ __ ] man Jesus I need to take a piss ok hopefully you enjoyed the [ __ ] 30 minute ROM fight be right back god hi I'm back hey Ashley right Ashley right hey vac hi thanks penis will have 35 K followers definitely not because followers are about 30,000 followers you know stupid that is guess what last week I was at 25k week before that I think it was at 20k I'm getting over 5,000 followers a week which is really stupid because my numbers aren't getting big it's literally just that twitch app that's it the twitch app that inflates followers 30,000 followers holy [ __ ] no that's not okay it's not alright follower your numbers are not accurate anymore at all in the slightest are you kidding me now that no it's because you're hit oh yeah you dirty boy thanks for the hundred bits sir thank you very much you're a dirty boy so the caissons would be nice it would be I'd be able to do so much just go visit the girl hang out with her do some mobile streams or something you know it would be nice I know they do yeah like usually you could tell how your channel is doing or where it was or you know what happened but now it's like you gain like 10,000 followers all the time that's so shitty that's annoying to be honest like it doesn't do anything it doesn't increase your traffic it doesn't expose more people to your stream it's just like it's like bloated numbers that's it that's all there is to it morph what's up man how you doing go full up morph guys it's pretty cool pretty wonderful apparently he has a 36 inch dick apparently apparently didn't hear hear will there be pizza eating there will be eating of some kind yes I don't know if it'll be I got 800 Falls yeah it like district like newer channels not supposed to have that you know it's like that's not how it goes I think what it comes down is I think a lot of I don't know what it's basically a follow bot when you think about it that's basically what it is twitch basically like they tried to do something good I think and unless this is like a stepping stone to better programming or you know things they basically just implemented follow bots which is which is cool man call last most intense rom would have been cool to see B go sorry man this past broadcast if you want to see it there's the past broadcasts no stream go me there you go it's probably [ __ ] maybe leave Hart hello get or Tris always I don't know who the [ __ ] yen is I haven't played The Witcher 3 this random number is now higher than before yeah nice huh okay for guy leave me alone please this fork guy could be a problem okay dopamine this is where we got [ __ ] last time Taro's nice show for today after you finish probably me okay someone got it willow got a two days ago PV equals C's means I've taken three hits in this entire run hold Oh what in the [ __ ] say the cocktail I guess but what the [ __ ] that thing's scary this Fork man not getting cool [ __ ] today you know not getting [ __ ] out to get you yeah they are man they totally [ __ ] are cute cocktails his case for Paul right school got all bosses with dlc he did yeah he got it about two days ago which is insane because he'd really spent no time on the run Papa Carl has done dun dun how many subs do you have now what's your goal I have 523 subs now but that's a variable amount so it's probably between 520 and 530 because twitch prime subs you know they drop every every day and you have to manually renew them so a lot of the time that's you know it's like a variance which is kind of annoying to deal with and I've 577 sub points out of out of the 600 so where I don't need to go here we are 23 yeah so we fluctuate a lot that 10 that little bit of 10 between the fat princess he will not the fat princess Imam what is my goal my goal is to what my goal is honestly what my goal would be is to have probably about 400 viewers concurrently no matter what I do and the viewer numbers are lower right now because they're glitched out there's not much you can do about that which is glitched out viewer numbers for everybody is is low but if I have foreign of viewers regardless of what I do then I you're free you're pretty much free you're good that's that's the sign that you've made it on Twitch as a caster in real life streams but this streams without streams that is that is where it is you know so that's that's what I wanted yes hey this weekend I don't know what that is subsequent is 70/30 yeah but I don't think I'm allowed to reveal that information what the [ __ ] is going on today man [ __ ] okay that was bad I skidded instead instead of turned i skid but we still did it that's okay playing what are you playing as it just money from subs because that is the upper echelon so if you can if you that's when you start influencing directorís right so if you look at the twitch directories list and you go to so if you go to the twitch directory list and you just go to games and you browse the games and just like you'll see League of Legends a top dota the table overwatch player on those battlegrounds at the top that's all fine and good but then there's a lot of lesser games with like a thousand 2,000 maybe 3,000 viewers once you have 400 you're gonna be at the top of those directories pretty much no matter what all the time and not only that but when a new game comes out and there's the biggest streamers playing the game the 20 thousands of ten thousands etc you're gonna be the next big thing at four hundred five hundred right that's important like it's a huge jump but that's where it's safe you're not safe at a hundred you know save it two hundred you're safer at three hundred the four hundred is where you want to be it's just kind of how it is so right now I think I'm in between 200 and 300 regardless of what I play like obviously I can't just do [ __ ] and get 200 300 I can talk at the beginning of the stream and I usually can get between 100 and 200 so that's a good sign but it needs to go further and basically I have to figure out Khan content to make it go further something something unique you know not often styles I don't really care about that the only Ron I washed and sgdq was Megaman X 2 what do you say really said don't worry okay how come you think you have more European viewers my viewers my viewership is higher well that's when I would always stream out all this string between 4 a.m. and 7 a.m. I'd start between my time my viewership is higher at 4 a.m. 7 a.m. than it is at 10 are 10 a.m. 11 a.m. 2 p.m. right my viewers was a lot lower that I think just Europeans just like me better I don't know I like them better - I [ __ ] hate North American [ __ ] sometimes not all North Americans of course but there's a high ratio of a [ __ ] babies president around 3 p.m. 4 p.m. that's when they all come out craziness and perience dreams thank you can I check with my sub earners uh yeah you can just go into your if there's a subscriptions tab on Twitch that you check how many followers we get well I get followers while I'm not even offline and then I get followers from YouTube videos and stuff - your tread near Tom's oh yeah a hundred percent of that must worse than na I don't know maybe the European souls crowd is just better you know happen to love you there we go congratulations Mabel how she get the zero at all bosses all DLC of course I did yeah I guess it was less than a week ago was it okay but speaking of player in loans nanogram launce is actually really really really good at that game now he's winning non-stop he's ridiculously good second you'll see after school that's correct DLC bosses do present a problem yeah of course they do they're hard sir pretty easy just want to say thanks did a nice job Asian make sure game is significally harder it's harder in different areas but not in all areas you know it's easier in some places harder in some places [ __ ] man this little fly thing hello good mr. look at this thing is that your evo Reviva wow that looks just like you you're so cute you have dots for eyes hollow rubaba go check out rubaba she's a cute little dot I think that's very cute and a little bit creepy honestly but nice job getting an emo very very well done I am a big happy and the way she talks is really funny hope you're feeling good today I feel all right dead doll eyes my fav yeah I can tell fast pace well maybe they give us a shot do it this is a lot more fast-paced than other souls games same for ds3 but again it has more mechanics I think darkest dungeon oh my god rubaba oh my god darkest dungeon what are you doing in there what are you doing in that dark dungeon what are you doing you're getting violated in that dark dungeon rubaba are you winning you winning the thing I mean kind of I'm on split number three of [ __ ] 50 oh [ __ ] Faraz yes Baba what is it did you see my package no I did not see your package tell me about this package please rubaba what is this we don't need this yet oh we don't have the cane [ __ ] well I haven't strop I got penises for my birthday wonderful Oh is your birthday at it knows your birthday I didn't know this for Baba it's not okay why didn't I know this your Baba what are you doing Rob Abba Jesus Jesus bah-bah-bah I guess we just spend this I'm gonna I don't want to waste the level let's just do this we don't have enough [ __ ] it using it getting them Souls shame 24/7 oh god I got two levels out of that that's not what I wanted oh that's really not what I wanted mmm shouldn't have done that whatever here we go I guess I spend the rest on Molotov [ __ ] man I gotta kill that thing honestly it's causing me a lot of problems now one soul left one echo left start after moon presents no it does not you can you can hunter's mark out love in darkness hi Fras I'm so happy what's up Steve why are you so happy shame so what are you gonna do with the dicks rubaba Nica Chris a Jake calves and milk sent me a whole box with full penis related stuff oh you're Wonder that's okay so it's not just like straight-up dicks it's like dick gummies and stuff Chris said you would have loved it when does this end you want I don't know I don't I'm moving can send it to Lance if anybody wants rubaba dick stand ok she's offering but as for me I'm quiet like gummies gummies are cool it's caddies des can DS [ __ ] candies okay maybe that's kind of cool guess I'll just get over there oh my god k witty did you get your you get your waffle Chris man I demand a v-log I demand a snapchat story demanda k witty eats wall for Chris day one dealio I work in a candy shop do you really hot sauces my friend my friend used to do that he's Japanese Japanese Bob I got a waffle Chris just a waffle Chris alright congratulations I feel like it's it's important pertinent that you describe taste okay over 600 types of candy rubaba you here this here this rubaba what's your least favorite mob boss I don't know what a mob bosses I love waffle crisps nice a skewed right you better eat some with Kay witty Fras moving into that twitch mansion boy thick pillars outside like the White House which mansion why am i moving to a twitch mansion who told you that okay [ __ ] seriously bug I'm gonna I'm gonna [ __ ] you I do really hot sauce he was your favorite type of candy are you sick of it now [ __ ] a mob boss Oh what's my least favorite probably witches sort of say Forex Anna if you're gonna if you can send the I wanna I want to see what you got yeah send it I'm sick of candy yes but do you have a favorite do you have a favorite yo hot saucy after eating two years of candies are you sick of it man you bought a candy yo man you bought a candy yo can you compare the your your first favorite candy to your second favorite cat hey man hey listen okay I need to know out of the candies you have which is the most sugary which is the most gummy with which one which one which candies the most gummy yo have you ever have you ever dreamt of candies how many how many hours do you have eating candies I want to know how many hours how many hours I said [ __ ] feel how is that [ __ ] feel get [ __ ] [ __ ] man God Jesus bug this thing is ridiculous - its one reborn time yes give it your blood I will not how many hours you haven't darks let's see yeah how many huh how many hours I'm just gonna say that how many hours does hot sauce you have in the candy shop will he let you lick the lollipop has he turned into 50-cent jizz is the candy rubaba where is it Rabab why haven't you looked it ship a bag of dicks page not found row baba you sent me to a page not found 100% anonymous I sent it it doesn't get me anywhere what I don't know I don't know revolver kentley you're just making [ __ ] up now remove the a come on now rubaba well I can't do it cuz I have to not get hit here cuz I'm a brown boy playing a brown game what wanna go to the candy shop you want to see how it's Aussie is that what you're asking man I missed a message from an hour ago I got a message though I got I got I got a message I'll slap you with my [ __ ] pop Wow don't do that I don't want that I don't want that well well little respond to her reread her message read her message after so we don't get memes K widdy's got his waffle waffle waffle crisp gababa has got her dicks Hot Sauce he's got his candy please all those things bless bless the one reborn for nomemes like this yeah okay [ __ ] [Applause] [Music] ba-ba-ba-ba ha ha ha ready to get [ __ ] by mickeleh yes my character is ready literally an hour ago okay all right we sexton his big last wish for the run no just my class has been meeting me recently belly rub her from us you know she actually did ask for belly rubs Obama it's almost like he nor that I just died up in your arms tonight oh my god she's the one marry right now or Senate you again you get away from our Bobby you get away you don't you tell you nothing no Baba I will I will dissect you don't you even it's not ok Rabab my belly rub myself so hard I mean you can you totally can you just gotta you know do it it's completely fine Oh commit commit galosh I love caterers I said I wish there was more of cainhurst honestly I do I do [Music] are you a vile blood role-players of my own blood yeah name of Al blood come to me young hearty let me smell you and take your blood yah yah yah diddly deee potatoes ah what in the [ __ ] was that I've literally never seen that before that was like an instant thing to like [ __ ] me he's already like throwing it's not a viola that's quite that's what they sound like man kavita's entire curve eater without damn tire oh we got super dad day what's up Kenji how are you doing oh I got super dad day yeah what did I miss you missed everything beagle be go have you ever sound have you ever heard the sound of a seal are you [ __ ] serious right now I don't know if that guy could ever hit you he's scary though every one of a puzzle thing I don't need to take that hot saucy there's so funny man you're so funny oh man god I wish I had some candy can you recommend some dog just didn't do [ __ ] see the bottle would again Wow bag of dicks is on sale llevaba and there's just gummies Magnum bag of dicks what in the [ __ ] are those popsicles 35 bucks in a bag of dicks mug here bag of dicks giant gummy dick dildo hop that's Magnum dick candle and they have a goat though I don't know what I have a goat in there but that's cool the ultimate bag of dicks has Justin Bieber glitter bomb there y'all the glitter bombs good IRA kind of walk gummies now honestly I got the Mex what okay what is it what are the Magnum ones ribama what is that enlighten enlighten us Oh baby's got what's up positive person welcome back sir sparkly decks or deck all right extra source lino bail thanks for tuning in see you later thanks for being here see you later enjoy yourself doing what you do I'm gonna try not to get beamed on Nicholas Cage nice time with a girl thank you thank you thank you she might be at work right now I'm not I don't think she's at work right now she might be she sassed your boss if she can visit [ __ ] pop big gummy pecker comes to Wow Magnum and a sticker that's a lot it's quite a bit friends how the runs are going to Robin granted they've been going a little bit better there all right get ad dicted huh it's a wonderful birthday for you it's a very nice birthday happy birthday rubaba happy birthday dear Rabab are the best friends yet they're nice that [ __ ] emo adi mode is a very good personification of you it's very well done oh ho [ __ ] you Mikkel ash I hate Mikkel ash so much that first phase is so sketchy now since I've been hit on twice I've seen squeal I get hit on it twice it's just not okay Oh soon aha [ __ ] actually didn't consult you guys want to sing to rubaba okay you you type happy birthday lyrics and chat one at a time and also sing from ababa okay but only if you guys cooperate if you don't she doesn't get a good song and you guys are [ __ ] gggg Nicolas Cage is done migdal oh what are the seven of them yeah a lot of them Jota Gigi huh happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday dear Rabab ah happy birthday to you yeah hey you guys did it nice job everybody who cooperated the rest of you [ __ ] suck man Jesus happy birthday Obama there you go my chat saying you happy birthday using me as a [ __ ] puppet wasn't quick enough we did a chat think we'll make that a thing dude yes one no it not [ __ ] man it looks so boring not many use there we type lyrics you singing them well I need to know the song you know and happy birthday it's very easy to pause and keep going I can't just do rap God incrementally you know gosh tie chat those [ __ ] where she got bad whatever Bob got bad on her birthday twitch works let's get the rap god lyrics oh we won't it's gonna be so embarrassing it's not gonna happen it's not gonna work it's not how it works you know alright time for the wet nurse I think it alive anaconda sir go for it my character wants it too apparently my anaconda don't my anaconda don't my anaconda don't want none unless you got buns on so I don't nope really cows are not gonna do it I used to be able to do it but I I'm not gonna be able to do it not now not like this little Barbie Carl come on Barbie let's go party come on Barbie let's go party [Music] edit Barbie go once hey Bobby I've assaulted those [ __ ] those [ __ ] banham all hello Sophie hi thank you you make elevator music I make no I make elevating music you make elevator music that's the only part of rap God that I remember because I thought he was just saying elevator twice ladies not I'm beginning to feel like a rap God rap God slapbox slapbox elevate me for us you never answered any of my candy questions hot saucy not a lot also where are you from yo do you speak the language of candy is that where you're from candy language okay witty you never told me about that waffle fridge how is that waffle Chris man gg I won't missile launcher because you saw some being on the internet okay gggg oh man a loyal man oh man Amy G dalla she's so [ __ ] hot greetings sir hello mystic DLC - yeah yeah rng rng oh boy ABG on Iguodala the hottest one around God we got stats today right when she means doing the nightmare it's an old red strat you do the things man what you do is you go and you dog twice at a specific point and her nightmare phase will not go will not happen strats for days stats for days hired but he was obsessed diabolo hi they can very much no problem Adam toid us he's got cool fire hands that princess ain't no [ __ ] does anyone know if I just kill him do I still get the clockwise anti-clockwise metamorphosis rune kill him no we leave him alive when the event pcs alive here in this game hmm hard-ass enemies ready to get down there pretty rough schooler kills him like does he kill her before he gets the thing and does he just drop the thing or does he kill him after I did I saw this girl again I thought that was kind of funny thought I was pretty funny in addition if you kill him apples yeah you dropped some wisdom wisdom who dat I really like your comment and you deserve it to get support thank you very much missing for the two months man it's only been two months with mystic thank you sir thanks for the wreath up here hold on thank you very much [ __ ] that thing probably should have had sedatives out just in case although it doesn't really build that fast read that yeah Jax how are you doing what's going on man thank you thank you very much mystic thank you how many for Fat Princess emo we need 23 now so we fluctuate between like 13 and 23 get her got him Hey Jude Allah [ __ ] ain't nothing slow down okay I do that actually this role yes I remember that GG sir GG but we're going to get a 47 before which is we have to make sure we don't go above a certain a certain level though how the runs been ah we got one run to parle and I got memed by wolf and then this is the second run we've done so the runs have been pretty decent although both the rom and the shadows fight this run we're really hard rom I didn't get the quick kill I didn't get like I had yes yeah how does HP left it's that high by the way prettiest what's up man thank you how do you sir going to get a new phone hopefully tonight you got it all night hopefully you're a little bit more cheered up than when you came here at the beginning sucks that you smashed your phone and yeah good luck with the new one I hope you get a deal or something something nice as a better voice for you someone - it doesn't really matter Genji the only difference is with twitch Prime they have to auto renew it and so my sub numbers do fluctuate so if I'm close to an e mail slot it's a little bit like oh I do have enough sobs but they just people haven't renewed yet you know what I mean but it's it's support its work so I don't mind either way what does that guy can throw is brick that would [ __ ] suck I'm just waiting for one day just the brick throw orangey from that man okay hey Fras in chat I could not continue watching so yesterday so I watched a lot today your frantic beard rubbing an imitation of a fog with every vision you really cracked me up thank you that hey thanks man you know I just I wasn't aware but the girl the girl was watching me doing that punk [ __ ] and then I got really embarrassed after she's making fun of me and I was like oh [ __ ] she's very incognito I'm glad you like the punch oh I got another message from her speaking of which yeah it's true and I just died nanananananana and hey you don't you think it's kind of cute that I just died up in your arms tonight give us the girl oh boy oh boy but Baba using you threatened me you threatened me with violence you come here you you threaten my people you disrespect my queen and then you're like this is madness like there's worse how does that feel was something the cow permit of hug daddy nice kaga daddy hey we said hi I mean I can she might be watching I don't know if she is you never know when she's watching you never know what she sees you never know what she knows about you guys she knows about you not specifically but she's like oh it's that guy you know very perceptive she is hello girl okay ba ba ba we need to go to the thing sage ward we need to go to the woods I feel like it's the third or fourth time you sit out of it I might have been in the kale because every time you're like oh he just ignores me he's such a mean person why do brown people be racist towards Australian [ __ ] who suck spiders dicks and I'm like hey McHale it's not gonna forget you cuz I don't always remember when I say hi to people you know it's hard I have a huge makeup desk want to share I've never heard anyone say that that's a very nice thing of you to say to her if she doesn't hear that I will I'll pass on the message or a Baba it's a very kind thing at you however you cannot have her and if you try to take her I will do terrible terrible things to you I'll roll you off a cliff less views I could rack with or more viewers and less interaction prettiest I'd rather have quality beers iced I'll share my belly too you may not you may not you may not rubaba you may know she could choose odd I don't care if she could choose for herself no no uh-uh not a [ __ ] chance I will I will carve your belly out you will have no belly to give to her I like when you you're talking using mystery tone what is my mystery tone let me belly says you will not know you get out of here you have to get through me and the cliff before you get anywhere near thank God I didn't tell anyone who it was unacceptable ro Baba dude who's such a placeholder name I love when you talk to him the pirate voice higher rank or Demeter I like honey and dimples come feed me candy candy Dix please they're delicious yeah I'm a Swede what does that mean that means nothing means nothing the only I know a few Swedes and one of them was a betrayer the other one is Pony punch and he's really cool so I guess it kind of evens out but not really I'll pack my backpack and climb in that damn mountain Oh God the cliff isn't something you're gonna survive rubato pick her up means nothing and bring her home I want a core vita is a suite he's a hot sauce Ian though he's a hot sauce he and it's a little bit different bring her home you will not touch her you're not gonna touch it I'm in rubaba you want to fight me on this you are not gonna win you're not gonna win you can fight me on tortillas and Gio do ting and bags dicks and stuff and yeah sure maybe you have a chance but this huh not a [ __ ] chance you have you have no power here bah bah bah I fight dirty ok I'll fight dirtier I will crush you I will I will I will take you out I will throw my my chat at you I will I'll say chats dirty boys assemble and I will I will say dirty boys this is for the best the Baba must die wait wait wait we are the dirty boys there you go and I will whisper no God would move he is that and I will whisper oh that's a really cool moment - I don't know what movie that is though about fairness no fairness get [ __ ] [ __ ] dirty boy dad slough no you didn't you're getting destroyed by the dirty boys dirty boys are gonna wash over you like a tsunami washes over like a little [ __ ] like did a seaweed dirty boys that comes there you go he go sirrah bhava new delicious new delicious school I did two days ago watchman watchman oh there we go don't remember exactly what it was I just remember the chainsaw guy was a [ __ ] is it a loofah is it a bar soap no it's the dirty voice yeah exactly good luck today Thanks enjoy the squid Pappas I don't want the dirty boys to go out and kill for Baba but their gun I have to do it huh rip up my FK you got it seeking so dirty you're quite the dirty boy yes throw candy at her it was you will look at me and ask for help and I will whisper no okay who who said that though I'm not backing up that you're gonna get crushed you're gonna get destroyed like Rorschach Rorschach's got exploded that's that's Rabab oval right there you know that is that is rubaba Ville cancer candy it her I don't know if she likes candy I don't think she does I don't think your minds candy but I don't know if she likes candy I already got a +10 seven that's good to go dirty boys for life from the box and I whispered no okay yeah but who said it man who was it which which character was it the perfect interaction hello monkey dear le hello it was a mask guy who says why that was Rorschach it was Rorschach who said that why won't work Shack help isn't Rorschach like hey I'm gonna help everybody you know Rorschach just [ __ ] everybody else he's so ridiculous Rorschach ISM as a mofo Oh [Music] yeah he's got that growly voice to Ovilus where shock becomes disillusioned by humanity what do you mean tell me more are you moving yeah I'm um it's a by that his meek weak I'm leaving Baba leaving the us back to Canadia Canadian Canada and Canadian s three hits I just whipped three things her dad two cocktails whatever he fantasizes about taking off the bass and walk away call her visiting where she's gonna ask her he's gonna ask her boss she asked her boss last night the boss was very cryptic she's gonna ask me to other boss to see if she can come see me that's what she's gonna do if he says yeah she's probably gonna fly out tomorrow or day after so who knows man hot sauce do whatever you type that it makes me think of rot residue was seven because the wisdom dog kinda is shaped like a seven yeah so last night her she asked her boss and she has two bosses but he was like you know like you need more notice I'll see what I can do and she's like I need to know by like tomorrow and he's like no no I'm like I'll see what I can do you know our policy and so she didn't really give her an answer which meant she didn't really care to be honest he might be seeing what she's gonna do but maybe not so she wanted to ask the other boss but he's not working on the same schedule as she is today so she's gonna try and go in early and see him and ask if she can come see me and if she's not gonna if she if she can't she can't come see me if her boss like know that I'm just gonna fly out there risk getting deported but fly out there and and hopefully that goes okay make your dreams come true do it Susie oh my god that's a huge dialog Susie where where is this huge dioxane key for the reefs up go follow up slippery Susie guys how are you doing Susie action is extremely well welcome back hey go check her out she's cool thank you for the seven months thank you very very very very very much thank you how are you doing Susie cuz I can't I will destroy you rubella send the dirty boys to the boss will make him say yes yeah okay I actually did offer I was like do you want you want me to try and seduce him can you show me can you show them me can I show them my stomach and you know like what's going on I could send the dirty boys I even offered to say that like hey I'll tell everybody what a nice establishment you guys have if you you know let her come visit me all right hammock tunnel lane witches here we go which is the bitch's done to the bar you're already ready to leave yeah but I won't be able to take my stuff with me Atreus revenge if I get deported they'll like escort me to the border and be like okay you gotta go you know isn't it like that I'm assuming this was like course to myself okay who are you doing in England how was England which has got stitches there you go they might beat you a bit for extra security - you know didn't know that thanks for seppius I do believe you saucy you got a seeking sleep omen dunno LeBron thoughts it's possible I don't know they're in a really weird pattern there that's really not good because they stagger each other's movements that's okay though which is red Eugene mushroom Congress of Reedus glitch SATA flubber - does coming are you gonna blind run it I don't know how I've been every first run has to be a blind run doesn't oh I guess maybe media blackout or something yeah I'm probably in a media blackout I do that for games I want to play I don't watch trailers 5 if I'm like I'm gonna play this game I don't look at anything about it trailers nothing I doubted opposite no worries okay thanks for staff yes so that yesterday Wow [ __ ] that's a boss it gets really hard this is a boss if that's variable on insight morph so you gotta you gotta be very very careful two of these how about gotta be very careful with how you how you do things no runs life who dat couch jockey oh my god couch chuckles ooh yeah pretty pretty big host thank you so much man welcome back go fall couch Chuck you guys he does pyro only and miracle only know it runs and he's really strong and he climbs he's nice and that's it that's a good couch Chuck yes as a horse emo it's kind of scary thank you very much Chuck you were the host afraid we wrote a decent run no pepper only salt man yeah go check out Kawasaki can get a stream of strimmer come and pick up Chucky here I think the monster slips slip streamer lucky couch Chuck have you runs Ben and Susie as well you call colored pencils cut my pencil crayons yeah I do actually with a man bun true story I would agree with that Sasuke TV hello okay I'm gonna focus I'm gonna start focusing I need to focus more and the urn okay do you have like a key B for how far you've gotten without a hit I'm assuming you have if you want everyone's now oh boy don don and Don now Brutus this is where I [ __ ] up apparently I think I have a higher [ __ ] rate of a breeze than mcGarry's potentially look at the run goodbye Sigrid e'en have fun at work 15 splat okay it's not bad actually other than that you you have a one hit run right couch jockey fire under correctly get me a Brie I'm gonna change and breathe is his name - it's just me a breathe oh that's not good okay this is gonna be tight I also don't have runes oh [ __ ] she moved me hater breed is sometimes man I really do her tentacles go all over the place and that that time she moved me she legit [ __ ] move me who the Viper Baba we'll see you later thank you for tuning in happy birthday Congrats on the dicks sleep well she's scary yeah that was [ __ ] scary as [ __ ] gamma no it's not okay told you you could do it I know but still God that sketch me out we don't want to modify stats in any way not for these fights because they're very stat specific yes I have a [ __ ] choose get there three three let's get another one of these I guess all right here we go hello my sweet boys was a tsunami poppy something me so nervous man [ __ ] AB Reedus was not good you got a Jim Athens whoa this is the run it's never the run so let's the run you know you never know it's a lot of hard [ __ ] coming up a [ __ ] ton a hardship like the DLC is very difficult do not forget how difficult the DLC is not only that but we got Garmin and moon presence and moon presence like the Flex two likes to [ __ ] with me man he loves he loves to [ __ ] with me Lawrence isn't an easy fight like none of them are easy fights orphans not you know they're all very difficult fights so we've got a lot of execution out of us basically when it comes down to it three straight days that doesn't matter does not matter I've never been there on a real round you know see I almost got [ __ ] they're going to set the record on no squill has got it already got it two days ago I do believe Lots we'll do our best I have a bit hungry I am hungry Nels Gallardo see you later man Dark Souls 3 no hit run fallout Jack hello welcome to the stream with the mither mither included we did doom it or included we did all bosses man all of them including the two DLCs knitter isn't that hard but it was actually one of the easier bosses all right he said displace a tough mom it is actually one of the more consistent easier bosses in any run Tolono sprinted Mitter no role no blocking no sprinting you kill emitter like that so I was open that chest for no reason a lot of love yes cool did a two days ago one blue licks for last I don't know actually I've never counted positive mercy pretty decently long time I think okay Papa ligarius man mr. ligarius glitch Santa himself beat his time time doesn't matter not for know he runs I'm the fastest no hit runner I think maybe not for blood-borne because there was some speedrunners for that e % but I'm generally the fastest runner in all the runs but time does not matter all you [ __ ] hey hey hey hey guess what [ __ ] you didn't remind me forgot to use runes I forgot the roots we gotta do that again la la la la la la Oh what [ __ ] you tell you all it's okay you don't have to seesee but everybody else knows that I forget rules sometimes you gotta tell me like that could have ended the run you know if I didn't stop there and be like huh do I got everything I need do i do I got this do I got that don't got rules you know now we got a run-through cainhurst again there we go oh no he got a doctor stinker friendly competition guess results that's true it does strimmer relies on chat old boy Sam oh boy you gonna start this you're gonna start this I'm just kidding I totally do I have send you oh yeah I do how could I not okay so we got a run through here again I don't know how it is running through the second time I hope it's okay to be honest otherwise he's gonna get [ __ ] that's scary quite terrifying to be honest I'm gonna take the route we always take we're not gonna change anything we're not gonna go through this shortcut cuz I don't want to get shot by the [ __ ] gun [ __ ] no it's ok obsessional I'm just kidding I'm not upset at you guys for not providing me don't worry I'm not actually upset I was joking people take what I say serious quite a bit and it's just you know you don't have to worry I'm all right I'm just kidding it's my fault don't worry old man blowgun okay every boss she won't read our messages and chat Jaap complete with winky face I like his style oh well thank you smooch placenta for a second I'm gonna change it to smoochy placenta now think we're good Oh which Santa's done Garmin and presents are all we have to do before we get into the DLC so not bad not bad it's like I don't on the rooftop he's protecting that or he's making it so no one ever reaches the mile but clean roll off the edge I don't think you can you roll off the edge I don't know if you can I just stay away from it you [ __ ] you Santa stop talking you make me nervous okay I have to concentrate like I get nervous too you know I do get nervous it is a nerve-wracking thing Gannon so we can't go beyond 26 kill for this or 26 strength even though he told he can yeah you can die huh where the crowd I don't [ __ ] up the stats and stuff I've rolled off the heads hey I didn't know you could do that honestly or spell Pontiff that's it good question to the yes okay either way we're doing a no reset run yeah we're gonna finish this run for sure no more can see you know we got three hits we can still PB if anything so don't worry about a thing young chumps alright hard fights and wait for a rebuff because we missed a few attacks [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what the [ __ ] Baba [Music] did you yeah that's a problem because now we have a buffed cleaver very buff cleaver presents [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] bosses right there missus alright all bosses is done all bosses is done we are now on the DLC so we got a good run God thank God oh that's tense whoo Oh Roy oh man tough stuff man there's some tough stuff for sure now this now this stuff gets intense all right now this is not as stuff gets intense for sure need to buy another hunter mark gonna see we go there up there hunter's mark hunter's mark there there we only we're good to 300 marks oh boy okay five five I guess alright here we go notebook okay I'm gonna I'm gonna do something specific here or actually I can just check if I have it where is it yeah we got it okay we're gonna make sure that that's there that that me blue lick sirs need cocktails and I think that's good before Ludwig we need to fire paper all right here we go we're gonna do the dlc dlc like we've never done it with zero hits I've never done it with zero hits so again no guarantee that we're gonna get it here so as much as I'd like to say we're gonna get the run do not get your hopes up ruins thank you remind me after Lawrence you can do it problem for you in the DLC areas uh oh yeah DLC is tough like DLC is [ __ ] tough a hundred Mahon oh that's a very very tough thing Donnie rekt here what's up Donnie rekt doesn't turn the gun okay here we go you do a deal missiles run probably not let's remastered okay okay here we go I'm probably not gonna look at chat to be honest probably not gonna look at chat everything scares me even though I know it's not gonna hit me a [ __ ] scares me oh don't look at us still looking it's still looking at still look it's okay oh nice good gesture whispers Fat Princess is a [ __ ] oh my god dibs how dare you you should [ __ ] staying in your corner forever there's a fly a small fly trying to bug me it's just punch I think he just punched okay I thought he was still alive fix the roads after Lawrence all right here we go Oh [Applause] [Music] did you just crit his dick some biscuits thanks for the bits I almost forgot about that guy [Applause] what are they doing that's really weird he didn't kill any of them one of them fell off there's three up there he's still shooting as well the pets dependent on camera angles that guy keeps turning around they're so stupid he's so bad to do that I didn't have to do that but I did okay she was so bad there like he just sucked I've never had to miss that many times okay all right got past this terrible terrible part you know now we're on something better something better hate it that part it's a tough part oh [ __ ] you suppose okay not to kill but only scare really ho boy stop looking at us yo man I just need to calm my nerves a bit you guys need to come [ __ ] now man calm the [ __ ] down all right technically boss rush jamming away very insight we might as well okay here we go Lawrence time Lawrence is a tough one once is a tough one man because I got my cereal how was that cutie you enjoy cereal man it's a good [ __ ] waffle Chris for whatever the [ __ ] stay plus hello thank you for the singing message message all right here we go [Applause] [Applause] Oh Louis the Sun we got really good our energy on him so no big deal no problem oh man Bruins yeah I got it okay come on is Mark just in case all right so we might have to haul more honors mark I does fight a bunch like a bunch school should be watching at schools always watching man high school is always watching he was asleep school is watching high schooler again excuse me [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] feelings is done very good rng in that fight no oh my balls nothing good two spots left this is gonna be the hardest one thanks for the bits some biscuits I had a close chat for this fight because I can't get distracted okay I think I'm also gonna close OBS alright here we go huh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh man [Music] thank God I almost got [ __ ] up in that corner oh I almost got [ __ ] up in that corner that corner almost hard [ __ ] me who that corner almost hard [ __ ] me alright I can open this again one spliff to go one split to go one split to go that princess is acceptable good luck bro you got this thanks Willa one swift to go dippy thanks for the sub man thank you for something thank you very much I appreciate that I'll tell you some story later if you don't mind just thanks man there we go okay that that's elixirs cocktails okay let's [ __ ] fly man I swear to God if this causes me the run [Music] close us okay Oh okay I'm gonna go spend my insight just in case we don't need to it doesn't make a [ __ ] difference but you know you never know there we go last split last boss this is it that's or if it is tough orphan is tough at the zero of these orphan is tough man gamma know I could probably get a level with my pops good hunter let's see gamma no okay let's go Oh and have Hondas marks just in case he goes to face three early and I don't want to deal with it all right guys here we go I sweat last split here we go last [ __ ] split last [ __ ] sweat [Music] [Music] [Music] hmm [Applause] [Applause] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] yes [ __ ] this game man [ __ ] this game that's that's that's the run that's that's the [ __ ] run [ __ ] that boss bad [ __ ] that boss off shaky holy [ __ ] [ __ ] GG [ __ ] GG [ __ ] that's it that's the run that's the run not bad not [ __ ] bad holy [ __ ] man holy [ __ ] [ __ ] man [ __ ] this [ __ ] this [ __ ] [ __ ] this [ __ ] this [ __ ] this oh it's done oh it's done oh my god it's [ __ ] done okay guys thank you for the subs that was hard that was hard holy [ __ ] that was a difficult run that was a difficult run I got a she's watching she she saw it she saw it man that's it that's that's the run that's that's it that's it that is it that's they're honest that is that is the run get out of here let's go let's go finish it let's go finish it sir Lee thinks his twenty bucks man found Mike Bianchi thanks for the business of them some biscuits thanks for the bits 20v bits evey us [ __ ] that's it we did its power the CEO man thank God for K witty cereal thank [ __ ] god for K widdy's cereal holy [ __ ] we did it we did it we did it we did it David Thank You Vicker the host thanks for the five months we [ __ ] did it oh god that was hard that was hard know that second school of got it two days ago two days ago so I'm happy because we gave you know we gave herself well gave herself like reso squill up beat it like just a set of days so I beat I beat the all bosses two days after school ax and within that realm of timeframe I've beaten the DLC two days within school so all its eat it works out well in that way you know what I mean [ __ ] this game [ __ ] this game it's a good game it's a good game it's a good game and it's Kate Wheaties cereal and I'm I'm a slug thing I'm a great one now we did it this is this is the true foundation into great one ship this is we did it we did it we did it actually I don't know what the hold on that's the credits that's it we're done we're done we're done we're done we're done man we're [ __ ] done hard target that's the first time I've zero at the deal see to five bucks man that's that's it we are done you want to do residue so we could do residue seven for a couple of hours if you really want if you really really really want just as like a little like a victory laughs I guess that was that was that was that was that that was it Don and Don and don don and Don this character's name is Fat Princess this character's name is Fat Princess man Fat Princess ain't no [ __ ] bog toggle thanks to the 10 bucks Thank You Man Fat Princess 8 no [ __ ] man there we go that's good that's good man that's good do we have like a time thing in here can we check the time or anything that's good that's good that's good that's good ain't no [ __ ] yes you don't [ __ ] man she don't [ __ ] [ __ ] we did it we did it but that's the run man that is the run it run it run hooray ten bucks man thank you guys for all the money and stuff like that times on the save file we'll check it's gonna be a little bit longer because the credits and stuff like that but you know fat EP there we go sorry I had to close chat during that man that was a tough orphan fight I did not want to go in with the swingy thing cuz my hands were so shaky my hands were so shaky during that fight so three hours that's a three hour up five minutes from for sitting and yelling and and all that stuff like that Gee Gee Gee Gee Gee [ __ ] G Man G [ __ ] D G [ __ ] G oh man no Kappa seriously G [ __ ] G buddy wait what are you are you at work did you ask are you free oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god what's next apart from Reza do seven I mean next I don't know man I don't [ __ ] know dark souls to probably school is routing that right now breath thanks for tuning in man yeah DG that's cool man keep it all the other skills Sousa God like thank you couch jockey that's like honestly I was shaking I did not like I did not want to go in on that man I did not want to go in on that man rinder MA thanks for the Risa [ __ ] [ __ ] man oh my god I got a sub from dibs dibs on everything thank you for the sub hi told you this is the run yeah hi throats tomorrow I'll do it I can do it seeking I'll do it right after this man all right so I got a question we're gonna play a little bit more cuz you know I think I think we're gonna play a little tiny bit more a tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny bit more but do you guys want to do more blood bore you guys want to Resident Evil 7 1 1 4 blood-borne 2 to 4 Resident Evil 7 because [ __ ] man [ __ ] yet [Music] thanks to the entertainment thanks the a ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii resonable 7 it is residue residue 7 it is residue 7 it is okay let's do it man let's [ __ ] do it okay but i don't care i don't care right now that was a hard orphan fight he threw so much [ __ ] at me he refused to jump he would only jump when i buffed and I'm so scared cuz i don't bother at fight so i have not used the muscle memory for buffing so i was just playing a super [ __ ] safe oh the lux ization thank you guys for that man thanks for waiting on the sublights and the donation alerts too as well I was so tense I was so [ __ ] jumpy man I was I was completely jumpy jumpy when it came down to it I'm happy we got that before before I moved I think thanks everybody thanks for all the people who do the runs to you know squill up dopamine coach rocky david tanker ha cool [ __ ] man this is cool [ __ ] we did it i work i
Channel: Faraaz Khan
Views: 1,448,746
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games, Bloodborne, 0 hit run, all bosses, DLC, Old Hunters
Id: 9VXUW495f1g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 207min 30sec (12450 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 25 2017
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