Speedrunning DARK SOULS 3 with BARE FIST - 3:33:21 ALL BOSSES

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the ankle ankle still is not as bad as the head ankle finger um top of the foot like face even i don't know uh i never got bit on your head but everywhere else okay fair yeah it's pretty bad i don't know a lot of people that have actually had that happen because they usually have hair so all right we're gonna start and see if we can get a run that is under 3 30 today so the run that we had last time it was 343 uh that was basically the entire run i think i had made it to gail and i almost finished it so it would have been like 3 45. i think we could beat that by like at least 15 minutes so we're going to try to do that i'm gonna pick this character this time this guy definitely doesn't get enough action uh will i do a dlc hit list for ds1 uh it's already on youtube if you want to see it shiv exclamation point youtube uh you can just scroll through there's tons of videos of that already i kind of just made the run slower by attacking then but yeah there's a lot of runs of the dlc on ds1 with uh there's a there's a damageless version of it i believe so i'd probably watch that it's a lot better but there's a pretty old hitless run too be with with uh barefoot oh that sucks yeah i've never actually been stung by a beast i don't know if i'm allergic to them i kind of like them though they're pretty cool just haven't gotten unlucky enough so i probably should have been done doing this from the beginning but at least i remembered that this is the better method to kill gun deer i think the other way is a little bit too slow oh nice you can also you can get more damage in phase one if you uh parry like in certain cases you get lucky so i think we got pretty lucky there so that was pretty good man 4 15 and the beginning was kind of slow uh caldera thank you so much for the brand new sub enjoy your mouths welcome i appreciate that hey hey time for another monthly spicy question would you rather live forever but be able to die of diseases and wounds or live a normal life but never get sick again and heal everything in a matter of seconds d uh definitely the second one light i don't know i don't understand why you picked the first one that's a pretty bad choice in my opinion uh thank you for the 21 or sorry 20 months my bad welcome back dude welcome to what the heck uh hi the timer starts when the clock in the game starts which is when the movement of the character is possible which is like after the first cutscene so when you can actually play the game uh caldwell thanks man i appreciate that thanks for watching i discovered ds3 i already played the other ones so i just knew it was coming out uh first dark souls game ah just people were talking about demon souls they told me not to play it ended up playing it anyways and i enjoyed it so just pre-ordered the first uh dark souls when it was available it's pretty simple oh yeah light i guess that's true i thought there was going to be some sort of loophole where you weren't able to choose that and that you were guaranteed to get all those bad things even so i feel like immortality be kind of overrated so i don't think i would want that but definitely the second one seems like a good option [Music] uh favorite weapon in bloodborne uh ludwig sword so pretty much either version of it or i guess both of them you can you can say they're two different weapons but yeah those are pretty cool did i do something with the commands no matter the permission you edit it to no mods can use them i never changed anything no i can check that and see like why that happened uh did davey say the same thing or is it only you this was uh just as of today wasn't yesterday or the last stream sorry only subs can use it that's so weird man i had that issue before but not with moderators doesn't make a lot of sense last three streams oh moderators are fine okay sorry okay then i think i know what's the problem is i'm not sure how it happens but i know how to fix it uh might take a while though so i'm gonna have to go through every single command pretty much uh rezno thank you so much for the brand new sub i hope you enjoy your remotes man welcome also we will fix the whole issue with the commands uh i just need a moment though because i won't be able to pause the run really i'm trying to do no quit outs on this one so like in between this one and the next one if we can do another then i will go over that stuff make sure it's saved properly because uh for some reason the permissions change on the bot um i don't know if it's a single setting though because i've never seen a setting for it i've just seen individual configurations per command and i don't really screw around with that so i have no idea why would ever change but it has twice so far which is pretty cool but not really it's a cool feature but not something i want to use fresno what are you doing dude 10 gift is a wow hey did you know that once you gift 20 subs in the stream that you can't stop and you're 10 more likely to go bankrupt but you do have the option to not do that which will save you real chat ski fits hell no i'm breaking the the bits man i appreciate it i really do appreciate when you guys do that but it's like the cost to buy the bits is so expensive it's just really not something i recommend so i probably sound really rude sometimes telling people not to use them but it really is not a good deal for you so i would not say it matters that much unless you got them for free but that's super rare though obviously you can't do that everywhere i mean i personally don't even buy i used to buy bits for people i don't even buy them for other streamers anymore either i just use the regular donations oh god what is happening here horde's trying to kill the uh the sub 13 minute kill the 1240 that's crazy where can you find the background music exclamation point rf in the chat and i'll give you a link to the playlist you think the uh character is definitely rigging the competition on this do fifth scale they do with uh strength and decks yep donkey so the best way to support the channel is to subscribe but um if you are going to go beyond that and even decide to use bits you're better off not doing that using the streamlabs link for tipping instead just because it's you don't spend any extra fee that's still not even recommended that's just that's unnecessary anyways but it's there instead of bits um if that is something that you convince yourself to do but no subscribing definitely is the number one uh best thing you can possibly do for any channel if anyone says otherwise they don't know what they're talking about they probably don't understand like what kind of contracts they're out there like what kind of opportunities you can get they're probably also a newer streamer or they just actually have no idea what they're talking about so should be the number one thing for pretty much any channel in my opinion until certain extent at least but even after that i'd say it's pretty important still so honorable i don't know man no clue i try playing with mouse and keyboard yep they could actually be pretty good at it now played enough uh pc games at this point now to be kinda coordinated with the keyboard mouse so i think i'd be all right is a hundred bits a million dollars no it'd be pretty funny uh effie what's up how's it going dude i don't know probably like a few hours from now at least minimum just to get enough time to do at least one good run but i might go for two though if this one goes well right off the bat i will probably go for a second one if if it's not absolutely perfect fistius es1 can't do that unless you glitch the game so i'll probably not be doing a speed run on it but i might try it for fun uh just to like complete it why is ds3 most popular modern game for challenge runners uh it's actually not i think that's a misconception unless you're uh trying to ask a different question you didn't word it properly uh most popular game to run i think is sm-64 or like ocarina of time or something like that uh usually like the 90s games or the biggest ones yeah mario speedruns i think are still number one so this is like pretty low this is a fairly smaller challenge one community or speedrun community sorry i guess both but yeah it hasn't really been around for as long it didn't really have like a crazy crazy huge response compared to stuff like that wow two years i hope your future stays bright that all good things come to you yeah i'd say minecraft probably would be more popular than this for running uh david thanks for the 24 months welcome back the two year reset [Music] um thanks man i'm definitely gonna try my best to do some cool stuff for you guys and obviously for myself as well uh all beer thank you for the 33 months welcome back uh which boss i struggle with the most on the first playthrough of any from soft game probably nameless king i would say be sure to bring more souls [Music] [Music] come on [Music] bye uh dingle it's going pretty good how are you spent eight hours on demon of hatred uh that's pretty close to what i spent on it i think it's not too bad [Music] uh skiller rex how are you doing man that's a phantom of the stream welcome back uh could i see myself playing souls normally or would that be boring uh it depends on what your definition of normal is i think that's a subjective statement right basically i guess if you see me doing anything i'm enjoying it so anything you see me do is what i enjoy and then there still might be stuff i would enjoy but just less than the stuff i'm choosing to do it's a pretty big amount of things i would like to do there's just not a priority for certain things is as high as others right so there's just not enough time to do all of it um i mean even just in the last few days there's been other ideas i've come up with for games unrelated to this game in general just because you know give me enough time i'll figure something out it's just a matter of letting those ideas uh kind of get planned out and all that figure out how i'm gonna do them so not to say that the ideas i have are gonna be amazing but i mean i'm excited though so definitely give them a try but i think this comes down to a point where there's stuff that's like way way too exciting to pass up versus stuff that's like it would be cool but it's like why do that when you can do something better yeah so i just have too many superior ideas to most ideas that i hear about that exist or that i've thought of before they just keep getting replaced by better ones and then if i have one that's lesser that's a newer idea it probably doesn't make it to the final cut if it's not cool enough right so and with that being said you probably will only see things that are on the more challenging side or a little bit more unique just because that's what i find to be the most interesting to me so that might explain that at least a little bit better but i mean there might be time to play the game more normally or closer whatever your version of normal is i don't know uh see if we got a weapon uh which weapon did we forget uh still what's up how's it going dude [Music] heaviest weapons armor and rings that'd be pretty cool so i've seen someone do that before um i don't know if i would do it i just don't think it's much of a challenge in my opinion it's kind of just a novelty it's kind of like a funny idea to like just laugh that and see what happens but you you know you're going to complete it it's not like it's impossible it's been done many times so to me there's nothing interesting that's being salvaged there from actually doing it whereas like these things we're doing things that haven't been like we can't you can't just go and see a run like this it doesn't exist i'm i'm making it a thing basically so it will exist and then maybe other people will do it better than me and then you'll get to see really cool things but until then you will never see a run that's documented that's this fast with this which doesn't it's simply not on the internet so things that are overdone quite a bit are just not that um same level of enjoyment for everybody so i think that uh you can find uh a hundred times more of those than you'll ever find of this uh maybe just in my personal experience of even the ones i've seen that don't even have to let go and check for and i think i've even done a playthrough like that at points in other playthroughs just you know with the specifications of what we're doing at the time but uh like nothing against this just like i don't think it would be as cool as some of the other ideas conjures new ideas it's funny those damn crabs indeed idea maker i wouldn't say idea maker it's just inevitable that you will uh have x amount of things you can possibly do and that somebody's gonna do things that they enjoy that other people don't do as much that's just the case soon so instead of doing the things that everyone does why not do something or why not also have room for things that people just don't do as much and then also realize there's going to be people that want to do that stuff more than things that you just see too often right that's the way it works um and to be fair i'm not even trying to say anything wrong about anybody in chat but most of the ideas you guys come up with are literally things that i've seen like dozens of before they've been done like for a long time not even just like recent but years and years ago so um i have a pretty good idea of like most runs that have been done on the games in general so it's kind of like it's hard to come across many people that know more than that about me um and it's not even because of like it's not even a competition it's just purely from exposure and from the fact that it's been my full-time job for a long time right so it's like i have to actually know this stuff um so just yeah a lot of the things you guys suggested is things i've already either done already like a long time ago or i've considered didn't want to because of whatever reasons or um just other people have done them quite a bit in in 90 of the cases at least and then the other percent for the things that are on um you know aside from the things that are realistic are just unrealistic things you can't even really do anyways they're just kind of like jokes so then you're only left with so much that uh is uh possible right and that could be like super appealing versus something that i've already had planned out for a while but it's kind of the idea effie thanks for the tier three sub man i really appreciate that i hope you enjoy your melts welcome i actually want full armor on this whoa upside down speedrun [Music] uh [Music] fashion what the heck farewell ashen warning uh doug what's up dude how have you been uh which the hardest dark souls for noobs in your opinion uh it's all subjective to you man i have no idea there is no answer for that it's all up to the individual so i mean you tell me that's basically the way that we can answer you can tell me what your opinion is uh for me for mine it was probably demon souls um just because i it was the first one i played so i think a lot of people will have that as an experience but then there can be some divergency of that depending on which title we're talking about and the timing you played it and how you did it like if it was blind or if you had help or all these other factors so um not really a really easy way to answer that with one thing i think it should be more about preference right at the end of the day i mean it's like they're all pretty good in general just uh if some are good to you that's awesome there's still other ones that you can like and if you don't then well they tried they made quite a few don't have to like all of them but if you do that's even better [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] now [Music] [Music] man rich did pretty good there so [Music] [Music] and they just destroyed them so quickly no chance [Music] uh effie thank you for gifting two subs that's very nicey did not have to do that man mouse they do call for silly music the sillier the music the better i play i think we figured that out now it's a fact [Music] so [Music] so like getting the backstab on the thrust attack is the single hardest thing in the entire game to do backstab wise that's i don't even know how i did it the two times or three times in total or whatever it was it was crazy [Music] [Music] i remember the silver serpent ring every time [Music] uh effie thanks man i appreciate it hey honestly if it helps you sleep if it helps you relax that's more than i would actually bargain for so that's awesome nice man uh well i shouldn't want me uh worm what's up dude also knight when did i start today 46 minutes ago so [Music] ah the strength scale with fists uh well strength scales fisting as well as decks yeah [Music] time is it for me bobby uh should be around four or so getting close to four pm [Music] i love how that guy gets borderline stuck in the hallway every single time we come up with the spook that's funny uh ryan what's up how's it going uh genuinely amazed me how well you keep up with chat with the viewers you've seen so many high intensity runs and you still managed to keep your chat involved want to be kind i appreciate that thanks man sometimes it's not going to be like that though i definitely am starting to see the importance of trying to really focus on the game at certain points so like i mean on this one it's required definitely can't skimp on that or you're just not gonna have a run so but uh thank you yeah also joe what's up how's it going i am doing pretty good how are you ah sergeant kem thanks for using your promise up here man i greatly appreciate that that's super nice here and waldner gives us pretty good rng on a regular basis on this i'm not going to complain pretty damn good uh stein thank you for using your prime step as well man i appreciate that i hope you enjoy your notes welcome perfect uh why do the convergence mod runs with different builds yeah definitely dude definitely i want to try the uh blood priests oh we need the silver serpent ray couldn't get it in time can i still yes just barely dude a second before [Music] so cheap goal in the dark bracelets yeah those things are from ebay man like you can't trust the seller definitely imported from china wholesale like 40 million units per dollar well where the heck uh well i shouldn't want me uh speed i'm sure it'll be pretty cool i don't know if there's anything to really worry about but then again who knows games uh aren't perfect people have to make them and they have their own problems sometimes i think even the best ones have problems regardless so uh they tend to launch these games with minimal issues though that's what i've noticed they don't really have the same kind of scenario where they're trying to get the game out before it's actually finished being made they don't really have reasons to they also advertise the game um very close to when they actually release it so it's not like a crazy gap either it's pretty realistic foreign hi squealer love your streams and that your music keep up the good work and good luck on your runs today uh monty thank you so much for the three months welcome back i appreciate that and also i'm glad that you like the music too that's really important i'm going to be continuously updating it um just added some more stuff not super long ago i'm going to add another like 50 to 100 songs in the next week or so i want to try and get every single uh bit of music that exists on the website that is good because there isn't really a lot on there so i think i can get pretty much all of it so oh what time am i aiming for uh under 3 hours and 30 minutes in game time which is just on the save file for the character so not like the clock that you're seeing uh that'll always be a little bit higher than the actual run but around that time also uh googoo thank you for the four months welcome back how's it going uh humber bones action no i'm just missing a bit that sucks love that green mushroom cut uh admiral thank you for the two months welcome back dude i appreciate it i do too it's great how do i enjoy magic in ds3 uh not really no uh pyromancy is all right but everything else not really that's why i think convergence mod was pretty cool it made magic a little bit more uh involved overall and then just had a lot more variety of it kind of made um you know it created physical magic which is interesting too it's an attribute so like the builds are better for it but yeah never really i'm not a big fan of anything in general that requires you to be far away from an object and kill it unless the game's a shooting game i'd rather play like fighting or melee based games like hand-to-hand or like close range so if like there's a game that's supposed i mean it plays well like that but then it also has extra stuff that doesn't require you to be like hands-on then it's not as exciting to me auntie's owner well i know even in fighting games i play i usually like play a zoning character and then like one that's a little bit more aggressive just to have the flexibility because i've never really been like optimized when it comes to match-ups with every single character in every game um but yeah i know i'll play a zoning character then i'll play like a character that's the opposite of that just to have some more um uh you know and like covering more of the playing field with options and stuff like that that's a little bit different though zoning in a fighting game is a little bit less cheesy throughout the entirety of it because you're still playing against somebody that's like very good right whereas the game like you can kind of like take advantage of stuff that makes it more trivial since the ai can't really adapt to the zoning if we're gonna call it zoning in this favorite music time signature i never have heard anybody that's ever said that they have a favorite time signature before that's the weirdest question i've ever got in my life i don't think there even as relevance of a single time signature without the context of other ones so you pretty much need every single one for other ones that have relevance um most important obviously is 4-4 just because people write a lot of stuff in it we're used to that but i mean i would even argue that that's less important if you accent things a certain way or you kind of write the music to cater to the four-form um type of person um in like a six-eight format or something like that or a three-three whatever uh but yeah like the other time signatures don't like they don't really like make any sense unless you have all of them in my opinion so plus like a full-on song in just one when you can have a variety is always less interesting to me i mean it works i mean it has this place there's definitely songs where i feel like if you threw weird uh you know odd meter and it wouldn't work but just definitely has a place still for trying to you know utilize those things to make dynamics in the music to play fighting games i used to played uh marvel vs capcom both of the injustices soul calibur uh and street fighter 4 ultra just a little bit of that actually a lot of the older street fighter 2 more so original for and then before that like alpha 3 and stuff like that getting sketchy i feel where you can't even make it back to the bonfire safely imagine through the staircase i still can't get out of there uh well thank you for gifting super shadow nova sub i appreciate that uh nova i hope you enjoy your remotes man please say thank you to uh to will if you haven't yet if you can catch that in time that was very nice why are you doing this stuff dude just got your paycheck cell phone with that hey yo take the money from your paycheck and make more money with it or do something nice for somebody you care about that's not me that you care about more than me there you go two better choices already uh shivx it's all a secret you will never know the answer that question if you do then i've it's it's over i've failed myself i failed the master plan so yeah i mean within reason i'm going to tell you what we're doing tomorrow probably if i have an idea of that and i i if we don't get a good run on this we will be doing this if we if sorry if we get a good run on this we won't be doing this i'll have an idea of what we're doing and i'll tell you um within the 24 hour time frame but i'm not going to tell you stuff beyond that though if that makes any sense i don't see a point hmm [Music] mmm [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so so all right that was really good we saved both the skulls too so we can do patches later again not bad i'll take it oh ah silver serpent's on okay we're good we're good nice i was worried about that [Music] ever thought about doing the ds2 ascension mod uh i probably will do that at some point i just haven't taken a look at it yet wanted to try uh auger of darkness but it wasn't working for me so i gotta get that fix first and then and maybe go through that before we do the ascension uh rusted what's up how's it going dude so so probably would have been a good idea to use spook on this part just to see if you could decrease some of the aggro range maybe i don't know i think of things that would help this part seems like it might that's actually a really good rng there nice i love it probably the best thing that can possibly happen well i just watched the first part of getting getting over it that game was so fun dude i love that game i almost want to play it again but maybe like once they release the second one we'll play it if rng was a food what would it be a black licorice man i don't know why just black licorice ah check discord after a stream cause you know i will yeah no worries man also i hope you're having a good day so far what's up dude i come to see the best and that's what you are squealing thank you for continuing to bring skill patience and appreciation to this space it's an honor to support you and be a part of this source and community thank you moody those are some some pretty serious words you're throwing around there thanks man it's very nice you thanks for the five months [Music] uh alpaca thank you so much for the prime sub i hope you enjoy your remotes man and thanks for uh deciding to use your prime here as well best story uh probably ds1 uh atrium yeah just type in exclamation point youtube [Music] squealer remember that one night in the woods we had you me and the stars you told me how cute i look in this red dress that was the night i fell in love with you i love you squealer three kazoo don't say that we already went through this three times stop playing with me thanks for the 16 months dude welcome back that was a good one man some of the best reset messages of all time right there foreign [Music] so all right that's a pretty good pontiff he gave me a decent rng on that so so [Music] so farewell actually want me uh sky it should say in the title so welcome what's up dude this is a focus run it's a there's definitely a decent amount of focus we have to put into this here no splits no i'm not using splits for this [Music] i think splits are kind of unnecessary especially if you're just having fun like it's not like something that's um you're not trying to beat an existing record you don't need to see like where all the the micro saves are or whatever you know so probably repeating myself but even though i like 99 look these days i still love you man's creel oh salty thank you very much for the 45 months man i appreciate that uh and honestly hey you're allowed to like if you're busy you want to lurk or you don't even want to be here because you've got stuff to do that's fine as long as you're uh you're happy man thank you very much for the reset oh yeah i should probably ah should have sold these would have been faster that's all right though oh well i shouldn't want me to flip so so [Music] uh is it worth to take uh knight in hunter rings uh so i actually was calculating that the other day it's not um since we can level so quickly uh hunter's ring definitely no 100 no because we already have the stats at the end anyways and then uh knights ring five levels for a trade-off of a few minutes roughly uh which those five levels at that point we would already have the 40 strength so we wouldn't be able to use it past the hard cap so i don't think that actually either of them could be made useful at all yeah i was thinking about that the other day though i think it's because we uh we level so quickly we get to 40 40 so fast on this uh since i'm not putting levels into other stuff if i was playing really conservative maybe it'd be worth it if you want to kill bosses quicker you should consider using a weapon i really should you're right you are right jailers might be the most impossible enemies in each in the game um possible in which way like to avoid damage from they're definitely up there for sure i would rank them near the top because you need like usually the environment to help you so unless you're very quick on getting a backstab it's the music uh and then i met you by matt large is the current song uh if you want the full playlist exclamation point rf in chat [Music] so so [Music] [Music] [Music] all right that was a much much better room than before that was actually kind of good nice i will take that [Music] uh so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] i think we're gonna do the leveling now actually just use this bonfire uh nom thank you so much for the prime sub i hope you enjoy your remotes man uh josh thank you for the prime sub as well dude how are you doing also sea of ash how's it going what inspired the fist run i did one before i just didn't really want it to be slow so i kind of just was like hey what if we did this really fast and almost perfect that'd be pretty cool uh also i think it was requested quite a bit like years ago even uh flying if i get bored i don't do things i'm very selective and i have a very short attention span for anything in general so um if i'm doing it it's probably really hard for me to not do in general that's just the idea so i it's almost that if i can't i would not be able to not do it this isn't really a question for me i just get it done do it or i'll be very unhappy congrats on the last few runs uh if you had to ask the question and i've been abducted i don't have time for being bored dude my life cannot uh afford to be bored it's too much of a waste in my opinion also ela thanks for the 20 months welcome back also salty thank you man uh matt thank you so much for the brand new sub i hope you enjoy your milkman [Music] so so so the glitchy uh little wall there again that's funny it's the second time i've seen that in the last while also the game might crash here just a warning it tends to do that on this part and then at the dlc as well so consumables only i probably won't do that there's the crash okay yeah i don't think i'll be doing consumable only there's plenty of them out there if you want to watch it though tons of runs like that i recommend uh deck he did new game plus seven consumables only on this should be a link to his video if you just search up my top five craziest runs i think he's he's in that video also uh sweatshirt thanks for the the prime set i hope you enjoy your melts welcome it's gonna fix some commands uh i am just gonna continue this first though before we're done i was going to do it before we finish the run because it's going to take a while to go through all the commands so i'm going to do that when i come back from a break see how long it's going to take if it's too long then i'll finish the rest of it after the stream if it's quick enough then i'll just do it when we come back from a break if we do another run depending on how this one goes i appreciate the reminder though just in case i might have forgot about that but thank you for the reminder what's going on rex how are you doing uh meaning of pog pog is a short form of an emote that is uh goo texts his face while he's surprised so it's basically just a surprise demo but it's like zoomed in a little bit more so just like a dude's mouth being like whoa that's crazy kind of thing yeah he got cancelled so i don't think he can be on the emotes anymore that's why if you see it it's probably in like a bttv or ffc emote that someone made uh sweatshirt that's that's awesome man thank you for letting me know that that's that's really cool uh cat what's up how's it going hope everyone's going great it's going pretty good thank you for asking how are you [Music] so oh dear brother mark [Music] all right not the greatest princes but i think that was like the only fight that was bad so far like one of the only ones it's pretty good news that a hiccup on the face change it's a thing you can do normally i just didn't get in a position to do it properly before so just usually take it when i get it uh it doesn't save too much time so i mean like what we did the combination of both of them was probably better but yeah it's a good method probably a bit better if he had a weapon that was fast uh how are you this channel is your new eye bleach do you mean because of the character oh man [Music] so uh so so so now [Music] [Music] so all right i gotta remember what we're doing i think we're leveling up a little bit farewell [Music] uh we're the stats for this character nether uh one second there you go so 40 strength 40 dax 15 bigger and then everything else is base [Music] uh chicken i probably will in the future just can't really tell you one though man definitely not like in the need to like i'm not looking for run city right now or anything i definitely have like a lot of plans so but uh if i can fit in between that maybe we'll see i'll let you know also i appreciate the heads up too [Music] hey food [Music] the balls take less damage per punch than soc dude it's kind of weird actually [Music] uh least favorite boston ds3 uh probably sage you i'm gonna get the skulls now just in case we need them honestly don't think we do but i'm going to get them anyways uh king draw it looks really good man uh what about you what do you think [Music] said yeah this one this one probably wouldn't be the nicest to be in it wouldn't be the worst either though there is a lot of characters and fire links so it's like you wouldn't be bored necessarily do you need to use fists on your me yes that is what we do all right so we got the stuff for half light as well that's good and actually one more level for the health too [Music] it's a nice song uh zershiba thinks i really like this playlist if you want the full thing type in exclamation point rf in chat ah dear little ocelot where have you gone are you hiding from me come out come out don't be afraid you were born a child of dragons what could you possibly fear now now show yourself ocelot my dear little ocelot [Applause] so poggers [Music] we're doing dlc bosses on this uh we're doing everything on this one uh honda thank you so much for the prime sub i hope you enjoy your remotes man uh do you need to hit the hit the head for the riposte on osiris you do yeah best voice in souls uh probably wilhelm or uh the dude that does osiros and whoever else whoever the voice actor is for those characters also wookie yeah no worries dude i hope that you have a good uh good rest man also congrats for being that committed to your uh your schedule for your your fitness stuff that's cool man i will see you soon [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] okay to be kicked off of the ground not really sure how that makes any sense but okay wasn't sure what that was never seen that before so [Music] so so so so not sure how i can really transform a lot of stuff not making sense on this fight right now i will be honest lots of stuff being pretty fishy so so that was spooky bad dude that was so bad thank god this runs good before that point now it's kind of average but it was pretty good we had the uh the time to spend uh bachelor thanks man oh we gotta get the shard too okay i'm gonna do that one uh royal flame that's awesome dude i appreciate you uh letting me know that i wouldn't have i wouldn't have guessed otherwise but uh thanks for watching the man thanks for supporting them they definitely wouldn't be the same if people didn't enjoy them obviously right goal time sub 3 30 would be good for in-game time on this but i mean i'll take like a 345 i just don't really think that we're running it at a pace of 345 and gets a little bit slow it's on the sloppier side now 330 is pretty good say slightly above average uh kpi i appreciate it man that's that's awesome that you think that also uh school thank you for giving tino's up tino enjoy your remotes welcome ah beasts what's up how's it going dude so [Music] [Music] so [Music] morning all right nemos is done it makes you me feel some kind of way if it's him and you fought him for uh half an hour that's not too bad half an hour is pretty low for attempts oh yeah we're not supposed to go this way [Music] still haven't figured that out yet finally human uh brandy thank you so much for the six months welcome back thank you for using your prime as well okay game crashed again second crash that should be the last one i think there's usually only two when we're doing those [Music] do [Music] uh will have a good sleep thanks for hanging out man i appreciate it [Music] [Music] ah julia what's up how's it going the game can't understand it that's just about the speed of which he completed and it happens on any run in general on pc if you don't have the exe that doesn't crash unless you play really slow we've done many tests on this before to prove it as such i just forgot to when i reinstalled the game after doing slower runs on it i didn't put the crash safe exe back in [Music] uh why do you take serpent off it's too heavy gotta keep the equip load under 30 if we're not using uh heavy defense also skull thank you for gifting five subs man i appreciate it oh got the glitch but it didn't get me thank god it was really annoying it's about to be a scenario there oh man straight fiascos so uh savage take care by the way you have to go sorry i didn't i didn't see that until now i appreciate you chilling and enjoying the stream dude okay these dogs we need to be very careful this whole entire fight is is trash man so bad like just design wise obviously for like the speed running not necessarily like my gameplay my gameplay is pretty bad on it but like not the worst just it's really hard to get a good middle ground so so uh so hello squealer how's it going uh tentacles thank you for the three months welcome back dude it's going pretty good how are you oh that's the wrong and no that's the right bonfire i never mind i forgot we didn't do bill yet i was like what is going on [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] uh pancake this one is the highest i'm pretty sure [Music] [Music] uh last week i think it was the original was only like three point something gigs on pc so i mean like it being like double the original size doesn't surprise me too much but unless you assume the game was already like really big by default but yeah i think i think the original one was only like 3.54 gigs i'm not sure how optimized the compression was on that but uh it's pretty good i think it should be that that big i'm sure this one could have been compressed a bit more but i'm not sure exactly what they did for it [Music] so uh oh me so [Music] um should have probably gone to the shrine to get health on this one it doesn't matter though i guess um that's only 82 yeah it doesn't matter [Music] yeah we want hornet on this don't we damn it how do we do that then i have to play this fight with that horn ring i guess for the sake of safety [Music] i was really lucky uh [Music] so [Music] [Music] uh [Music] oh i [Music] us ugh all right that's a pretty good fight that wasn't too bad i think i did that well i'm just gonna go get some levels now really quick then we should be pretty good for the rest of the game farewell i shown one [Music] uh jack thanks man i appreciate it that was that was actually a pretty good fight that wasn't too bad i will take that one um [Music] um [Music] um hmm almost did it [Music] uh natty mike thank you very much for the prime sub i hope you enjoy your remotes welcome [Music] um so [Music] okay honestly i'm just gonna homework bone on this one that that's just that's just an unplayable start to the fight can't can't say it would be worth continuing like i'm just going to screw the entire run if i if i play off of that that's trash and a half so we're not even going to try that one it was embarrassing [Music] so uh uh hey thank you very much for the brand new sub man i appreciate that so oh hey thank you for gifting relevance up i appreciate that man that is super nice you you just you just subbed who is this guy how dare they gift in other people's subs they just sub didn't even last 10 seconds he's gifting duffman a sub 2. who is this guy seriously dude that's actually really nice you did not have to do that at all it's extremely unnecessary and kind of crazy i hope it was your lifelong mission to sub because you did it all right that was actually a decent fight i can't believe we started off with such a bad one oh my god that was the worst rng too oh my god at least we saved it like i think collectively both of them made about an average fight [Music] like definitely combined still quicker than some of the ones we've done as i've been following for like three seconds gif's 500 subs what plan to put uh more points into offense as you get more comfortable with the run uh it's already maxed out you can't get more damage on this it's been maxed out for like most of the run pretty much it's the only way to do it in my opinion i don't think there's a point of doing this run if you're not gonna get max damage with your face at least at least you're trying to be speedy that'd be kind of weird i can't really uh do one without the other claw grip on left hand uh yep especially if i'm doing runs i would say that's pretty important kind of needed yeah i've been at 40 40 for uh i'd say the last hour plus maybe last hour 20 hour hour 10. like right around the end of any percentage is when we get the uh the 40 40. and then uh we do put every single point in offense before health now too so it's the most min max you can possibly get for stats certain time goal i want to get under 3 hours and 30 minutes in game time that is my goal uh you don't get more damage keldar so there's the stats not doing anything which is no good why not out splits i don't really feel like him kind of too much effort for no reason especially on a run like this there's no record so there's no way to see the micro saves because i am the quickest on this so we were setting the groundwork i guess in a way therefore splits have like very little uh significance plus it's not even a category it doesn't matter anyways i bet you no one will take it seriously so uh it wouldn't matter even if it came down to it being unbeatable right [Music] [Music] brandon that actually is a good suggestion i just haven't had water since uh the last like 30 minutes so i need to need to actually get more but i'm going to finish this first though because we can't really stop but we are almost done though so or i guess i don't know kind of almost done like in terms of content we're almost done in terms of time getting close [Music] my hype for alden ring danny line i don't really get hype for any games to be honest dude i haven't since uh 2015 for bloodborne and then i think i realized after that that it was kind of dangerous the amount of hype that i had for it so i just stopped caring about stuff like that it was much happier foreign so oh you pre-ordered biomutant pentagram damn man had you already seen the gameplay and everything i heard people are pretty disappointed by that glad i didn't really get it ahead of time i think i still have a code but didn't pre-order it though although i didn't really know what it was so i don't think i'd play it even if it was good just because the objective but um it's pretty cool though like it looked cool so i'm surprised surprised people didn't like it too much yeah after cyberpunk kind of situations like it's like that's just a general rule of thumb for the public like don't get too excited about anything like most things that release these days you don't even know if they're finished so there's no point of even really taking it uh with any kind of idea in mind other than what you get from playing it that's pretty much it otherwise nothing changes right there's no difference you just have a higher chance of being disappointed every single time no matter what and i'll never change unless you remove all the other politics of development and stuff like that and you just make it purely about making someone happy then i guess that'd be a bit different but even that has its uh problems too with fan servicing constant increasing demand caldar uh what had what do you mean by that like how do you relate that to the quality of the game oh thankfully i interrupted that that was good save us a little bit of time people kept getting pissy when they delay the launch yeah but that's not really like that doesn't really mean anything though that's kind of that's kind of a silly reason to that's that's like one of the worst reasons i could ever imagine releasing a game that's bad is because people got upset that it didn't come out when they wanted it to that's just doesn't really like matter in the grand scheme of things right the game's not good the game's not good can't sell a bad game to anybody but you can sell a good game to less people and still have more success at least that's that's my opinion on it so i mean take it for what you will uh i think that like it there's no there's no amount of pressure at all in general with the time frame they had to develop it that equates to that result it's just a matter of they didn't handle this [ __ ] well they had uh many many years so there is no excuses really i think the reason maybe is that they also try to prioritize previous gen too much the point of not even really like trying to build a game that's modern so there's also that kind of stuff but again that's my opinion so take it for what you will action one yeah i don't think people uh wanting to play something should be the reason that something's released on un unfinished right that's like i mean maybe to make money because you can like put early access and then perpetually just leave it there and then just continuously keep making sales even though you didn't finish the game but then it keeps you unaccountable for the problems at least so there is that whole method but they're bigger games they could probably have to just get it out like you know it's not really like something that's been updated as much so we're not talking like multiplayer kind of stuff where you see that happen more often didn't delays they wouldn't miss the christmas sales regard well regard i guess regardless of that it's kind of it's like it's more of just uh wasn't a product that was uh complete anyway so no matter what what what happens it's just still finished so sales are irrelevant again if the product's not finished the degree that uh is promised or at least like respected right for the the price so uh iron thank you for gifting six subs you do not have to do that what are you even trying to do here we're trying to kill me you're trying to give me a heart attack apparently okay apparently telling inazura to not give subs is a mistake it just means more okay so just continue to that yeah just give me give me up give me a million subs why not i guess that's the method we just have to tell people to give us stuff and then it'll stop just be like a meta streamer hey by the way while you're here you could subscribe for five dollars yo give me some money it's the truth the true way to actually get what you want get people to stop doing stuff you like even numbers well i really appreciate that's that's super nice i just punched my deer on the on the nose for you right there on a very dangerous attack to profess the respect or the respect sorry not the respect you don't use ts over here wonder if horner ring works on this part also hollow thanks for the three months man so i think bender we got super unlucky with them but i guess uh at least not no mistakes on my behalf that were too bad really unfortunate though super super unlucky i'm not sure leveling would even matter at this point so we're just going to continue i really don't think it'd make any sense would i have madeira as a pet i probably would if i had like a cave like a nice big cave of some sort [Music] [Music] all right so we're on pace to do uh 310 on this which is really good so that'll be like without getting deathless that'll be like probably one of the best rounds i can possibly put down on this without like a lot of grinding so it's pretty damn good man if we can close it off [Music] especially with the dev too or was there there might have been two or no there's one and then like the reset on uh [Music] tomorrow we're doing this in bloodborne dude it'd be awesome to do that in bloodborne as well i'm i'm down i don't know if it would be a speedrun though i tried fists only on bloodborne and then uh didn't go back to it because we were doing something else it's just like a random day that i try to do don't you dare try to heal don't you dare no no no none of that first dude are you kidding me i he ah she sorry not he they got their health back uh dude that's crazy what is this riposte apparently that's a thing dude are you kidding me and then [ __ ] yo i swear to god if it heals again i'm gonna cry this is like the worst of the worst can we just get a situation where half white is not here that'd be nice should bone out now i'm boning i wouldn't matter too i have enough health left it's just like this is really annoying for very specific small reasons that are bad reasons to be annoying i don't like the reasons for this one because it could go like way worse and i could just play bad but i played really good and they went pretty bad so that's really annoying i would say i played exceptionally [Music] okay so dude this is actually such a bad fight for too many reasons it just keeps getting worse there's just nothing that like it every time i push a button it gets worse dude literally i have no stamina already any time oh this is bad all right yeah we'll have to reset this one most likely so the run is like pretty bad now no matter what unless i'm like legendary which i don't know if we can do be super lucky if we do it's unfortunate though there's nothing i could have done i played really good on this the game was super annoying so sometimes you can't beat that because i could have afforded all those mistakes i actually did make if i didn't have all the stupid [ __ ] in the beginning so it's like you kind of have to just be really good and then expect to get screwed anyways you can't be bad and then expect to be okay it's usually just do really good because you're not going to get off the hook anyways so that means that's your little safety net is just being perfect because you're still screwed either way all right honestly dude are you kidding me what's this about so yeah what painting guardian with like half health at this point are you serious i mean if like as long as the painting guardian dies i can do this but it's like is it going to though i don't know like can we even guarantee that half-life's pretty far that's what like it's good news [Music] [Music] uh [Music] uh thank god okay we have a chance i have to be so careful though these have to be perfect oh we don't have horn ring on either dammit let's do that see if i don't even have do i have enough items i don't even know we have to like make him input read some other way oh yeah i guess we can get backstabs if we need to it's fine song name cl by arden forrest c-i-e-l that's someone do whatever just happened there is complete garbage i've never seen that that's a glitch but i got lucky with the uh on the ground thing that's absolutely terrible that is you can't even explain that it can't be explained literally like i wish try to have three of these left too that's so rough man he's like he's doing some crazy [ __ ] right now this is like some un real aggression uh joselino thank you for the prime sub i hope you enjoy your melts man welcome it's being a jerk face he is being a drink what is that i find that so funny that's genuinely entertaining are you serious that whole the that entire situation was just like if you took trash and you aged it finally it's like you can't even it's it wouldn't be enough still it wouldn't be enough i don't even feel bad about that i played pretty good dude that was that didn't make sense that literally made no sense so no time to wait for an explanation there that's good though at least we can do another run like i was actually kind of ready to give this one up but uh now we actually have a reason to play again so you can get like an actual perfect run now oh garbage man so bad finally aged trash dude it wouldn't be enough there's just no way that's just it's inexplainable great boss from soft squirrel nerd 10 of 10 would recommend without actually speaking of which we still have to go back to fireworks no buffs no the fire bombs i'm not sure if these work i'm going to get those as well just because then we'll get skulls because we have to get those too where the firebombs for uh they're four input readings so he'll do like a running attack if i use them also uh lefty jack thanks for the 30 months too thanks good comp here you got killed by soc oh nice i wouldn't say that makes me feel better but thank you for sharing that that's footy that fight takes so [ __ ] long dude it's a shame and we might not even be able to get 30 now just because of that one thing in general let's or like any any silly thing you can basically attribute in that situation any of the mistakes i actually made that were straight up weren't enough to actually lose the fight so that's uh it's really unfortunate foolishness shall deliver the justice spear of the church sworn defender of our princess have a good sleep thanks for hanging out man i appreciate it on the charge by the sacred decree protection [Music] so much quicker see like imagine it went like that the first time how crazy that would be so much better [Music] so ugh dude he actually got his health back that's so annoying uh [Music] so so [Music] excuse me oh victory sneeze wait i don't even need several silver serpent what what even matters with that nothing all right if i can do an eight minute gale i can do an eight minute gale probably can't but we'll see it'd be amazing actually i don't think you can really sucks though we would have got sub 330 on that run by quite a bit where's the point down no time for a point down dude you gotta keep moving eight minute game with fist i know that sounds ridiculous right maybe maybe but that's so risky though 330 was the goal yeah i want to get less than 3 30 yeah this is the goal oh actually you know what wait before we even get into a scenario here let's make sure we actually did this right so so uh so so foreign so uh uh um uh ah uh ah ah uh [Applause] uh um so [Applause] uh [Applause] ah uh huh uh uh huh uh oh man that was close that sucks three minutes over 3 30. all right so 3 33 was the time three minutes yeah unfortunately i'm not sure if we could have played good enough in that fight to get those three minutes i don't think it would have been possible anyways i think we could have probably got it got an extra minute and a half at least i don't know about three though it's a lot um let me see yeah 333 21 okay cool all right so we'll keep this as like something to work off of as a pb but definitely want to get under 330 at some point i think we can get like closer to three hours as well um what's the world record this would technically be the record if there was such a thing uh previous one was i think like 4 30ish or something like that but uh yeah hopefully you guys enjoyed that it was cool i'm glad we got it done at least uh i'll probably take a break from this for now and then go back to it soon so tomorrow we'll do something different actually sorry tomorrow tomorrow we will not be streaming um wednesday we'll be doing something a little bit different but yeah that playing this kind of if i was to explain it it kind of feels like you're doing twice as much stuff as you're actually doing so it feels like we've been going for like at least seven eight hours now even though we haven't uh so like as much as i do want to beat this time i don't even know if i could i think like we could but it would be pretty hard to hear back to back because my focus gets pretty pretty slim after just even towards the end
Channel: SquillaKilla
Views: 371,810
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dark Souls 3, Lets Play Dark Souls 3, Reacting to Dark Souls 3, Dark Souls 3 Speedrun, Dark Souls 3 Speedrunning, Dark Souls Speedrun World Record, Dark Souls No Hit Run, Squillakilla 0 Hit Run, Squillakilla speedrun, Speedrun World Record, Dark Souls Trilogy, The Happy hob God Run, Worlds First 0 Hit Run, World Record Fist Only, Fist Only Speedrun, Dark Souls fist Only, Dark Souls Fist Run, Dark Souls Bare fist, Dark Souls Fist Weapons, Elden Ring vs Dark Souls, Dist Dks3
Id: EzpNagx3ZV0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 231min 31sec (13891 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 22 2021
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