Bloodborne All Bosses Speedrun in 1:45:01 IGT with Walkthrough Commentary

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hey everybody and welcome to a blood-borne speedrun yes that's right I started speedrunning blood-borne about a month ago and I finally got a run together that I was happy enough with definitely not as well optimized as my Dark Souls 3 run because I got a say running blood-borne like I I'm actually I like to think pretty go to blood-borne I'm probably probably the best of the you souls games or souls like games that I'm I'm good at but this run is [ __ ] hard it's pretty [ __ ] hard so I'm gonna do my best to walk you guys through it I do some pretty safe strats so hopefully that will help with it of course you want to start as a military veteran I got my notes down in the description I'm going to put a paste in there for you guys so if you want to follow along and look at the notes but yeah I'm going to do a walk-through commentary for blood-borne should be fun pretty much going to become a variety speedrunner on Twitch I'm not really going for world records anything like that I just like having fun speedrunning on Twitch with you guys those of you who are able to come over there and you on youtube we're able to watch these walkthroughs with me so better very nice now the thing is this game runs on in-game time the records or whatever judged on in-game time but because it's on ps4 you can only run real time split so as you're going to see like my timer won't stop on load screens and stuff like that but they don't actually count towards your time you look at your in-game time on the save file at the end so anyway you start obviously open the door you want to run out I like to let my stamina come back here before this wolf but I guess I didn't do it here for some reason and turn left and grab these two vials before you go and open the door now like in past like in the Dark Souls 3 run you want to let your stamina be managed properly if you've seen that video so basically the idea is to always have a little bit of stamina left when you're running except in blood-borne it actually is different in blood-borne they're startup frames to your sprint like there's this [ __ ] I started well yeah this runs a little a little clutch where they all right there's there's gonna be some rough stuff but that's that's the least of our worries anyway grab those four vials down there pull this lever it'll pull the ladder down grab the two vials right next to the lever and then as the ladder still coming down I'm going over here roll through this and grab these Molotov now what I was getting to is you can actually just hold circle and let your stamina fully run out because your stamina will come back and when it comes back you'll be at full sprint speed if you stop it you'll have to do the startup frames again so it's actually better to just hold circle the only time you really want to stop your stamina short of running out is if you know you're going to need a little bit more just like in Dark Souls 3 if you're going to take a fall or if you're going to grab an item and you know you're going to be getting some stamina back it's often good to cut your stamina short let's say the other the other thing is circle jumping but uh I don't don't worry I'll get to that so you want to go up the lamp like the lamp go to hunters dream now there's going to be a little glitch here I don't know if I get it in this so you get the saw cleaver as you can see right there if you go quickly to them if you go quickly to the little messenger guys the game it seems like it won't load out the weapon selection fast enough so you can actually if you're quick enough you can grab the saw cleaver if you menu to it and then you can grab a second weapon which you want to grab the threat of cane we actually use the thread of cane for a skip later in the game so we don't upgrade it or anything like that but I'm going to equip it on my second weapon slot so try to grab the threaded cane if you can't I'll point out in a little bit there's an area where you can grab the I think it's called saw hunters badge and then you can buy the threaded cane for 1200 1200 blood echoes and it's not too far out of the way so if you could see there you could actually see the start up frame now menu make in blood-borne is a little bit awkward because unlike ds3 it actually covers up the whole screen but the same principles work you can run but make sure you've gotten to full sprint speed otherwise you'll run in the startup speed and you can use r2 to switch through like as you saw there I didn't like go back and forth like I equip the saw cleaver press star to equip the threaded cane press star to equip the pistol and then I went down and equip the Molotov switch at this point we have 10 molotovs which is really nice usually an all boss you only grab for grab two extra blood vials there so that but yeah still have ten vials because we need some for later in the run and we need some for Gaskell and who's going to be the first boss who is I've got to say very heavy that's one of the rough things about running blood-borne in general is the first split is very difficult because it takes if you use my strats almost 5 minutes to get to Gascoigne and then when you do finally get to Gascoigne he's pretty rough so you might reset often to gas going anyway so I'm kind of glazing over what I'm grabbing in the run but you talk to I talk to Eileen there to get to extra bold hundred marks there is an area where you can grab to others but I get four there because there's a little bit I like to use them because there's some times in the run where you'd normally is a hunter mark but that is like the dark sign and Dark Souls and you'd lose all your blood echoes so I don't want that so this is um this is the area where I was talking about right in the sewer to the left there's actually a pig and next to the pig to the right is a saw hunter badge so typically what I'll do is if I don't get the if I don't get the threaded cane I'll go down there fist a good Pig and get myself some blood vials like it gives two to four extra blood vials and then you can grab the saw in revenge so it's just a little bit of extra you lose about 20 25 seconds if you do that but you know when you're starting up runs it's actually nice to have the extra vials so I would almost even recommend going down there and I'm pretty sure my notes use a little bit more safe strats than even this route does that I run in this stream so there's always the notes there to follow so now we're at the gas going fight so I definitely recommend healing the full you'll take damage from Falls now gas going what you want to do with him is you want to try to get gas going on these stairs because what you can do is you can parry him like that get a parry and then get them up against the wall throw a Molotov atom and the thing you want to use against gas going is transformation attack so r1 l1 l1 l1 is you know the standard transformation combo because as you can see our ones don't stagger Gascoigne but transformation attacks do and I found that you can get them in this weird cycle where you can get them to like keep shooting at you and you can kind of straight those shots and get them but I did a pretty poor job here you can actually keep hitting him and get yourself out of him going second phase which the second phase is pretty dangerous I mean you can parry it like any other phases but I struggle very badly with parrying that phase I'm honestly very sloppy at this fight still because I I find it to be very difficult there are better strats to use for this fight you can use backstabs there's a way you can throw a Molotov when he transforms it does bonus damage but yeah I had I had a pretty sloppy fight here this is pretty rough like I said this run is not the cleanest because I think I ran this game for about three weeks so but as long as you have four to five molotovs when you leave here it's fine you want to have at least four I would say five is good but if the f4 that's fine so you can use six Molotov on Gascoigne which is pretty generous it's a lot of extra extra damage but yeah that was a that was definitely a pretty rough fight but it's still 20 seconds ahead because like I said I ran this game for a short time so didn't get the the craziest of runs but I had a lot of fun with it that's one thing I will say this run is very difficult but it's also very rewarding I really enjoyed the run so anyway I go up the ladder and get the blood gem tool because you're going to of course want to cook blood gems later blood gems if you haven't played blood-borne or very very very important to damage in this game they essentially upgrade your damage by a certain percentage and you can fit three and your weapon by the end of the run you like the lamps there and go down and grab the hunter set and grab you six blood vials which is nice little extra blood vials I like to equip the hunters armor here you don't have to you can wait until after the Loadstar beast but I always just equip it here and then I heal twice because this area is a little annoying to run through these guys aren't so bad but but the dogs I mean [ __ ] souls born dogs am i right look jeez I hate dogs I actually don't I love dogs in real life [ __ ] souls more and ruin dogs for me no they didn't I still love dogs anyway you go through this door that door can actually be a problem if a dog can actually run in front of you and prevent you going for the through that door if that ever happens just spam r1 to hit it once or twice and then roll through you go down here to talk to Alfred because Alfred gives you three fire paper make sure you don't walk too far away from him otherwise it'll stop the dialogue make sure you got the fire paper first I go ahead and menu my bowls and remarks the fire paper two slots two and three here and then I go pull the lever and we're going to head down to old yharnam for those not quite familiar with how blood-borne routes grab the madman's knowledge there as well by the way which animation cancels aren't too hard in this game if you're sprinting there it's pretty easy to just kind of slide down the reason you kill blood start beast is to get to Amelia you have two options you can either kill the blood start beast and then you can go through the upper cathedral board or like the workshop area to Amelia or you can kill the cleric beast and then buy the hunter Street emblem for I think it's ten thousand blood echoes which is a lot slower so we kill cleric bees later in the run grab those three punch and blood cocktails they're going to be very useful for blood start beasts we're going to use another one later in the run and then we're going to go to old yharnam I'm gonna take a sub to you here really quick so never compensate any speedruns I'm gonna be drinking some tea Sue's my throat so we're going to talking for a while strapping boys and girls is going to be a bumpy ride clean up the streets of yharnam and as we do so we're going to be running down over here to these beasts and then if you run down these stairs that you'll see that I kind of slowed down here and I take this drop and then I roll backwards this is a skip and it's not too hard these roll backwards you roll here walk along the wall roll down and roll down it's a very easy skip it might require you a little bit of practice but I would rewind it and look at what I just did a couple times and I found it to actually be very consistent there is a different old yharnam skip but it has a jump make sure you grab the beasts blood pellets they're very very necessary for the run but my strats there which I can think a Haiti on Twitch for for showing to me are very safe because if you fall off you don't die you just have to run through the area where the charred hunter set is with a bunch of beasts and it just a timeloss instead of death which means you can still keep the run going if you've got not the best splits like if you're still going for if you have time saves later in your run now the reason you grab beef slug pellets is this is essentially what we're going to use for the rest of the run blood-borne the reason blood-borne I find to be much more difficult in Dark Souls 3 is these beasts blood which are kind of similar to read to your stone ring setups for Dark Souls basically what Abby's lab pellet does is it gives you increased damage but you also take increased damage for the more your beasts meter is built now you want to do transformation attacks because they build a beast beam or a lot faster I try to do one r1 and 3l ones and then I do one r1 and 2l ones and then I try to hit them two to three times with r1 that's enough to get them to transform you throw another view slug cocktail in the corner and then just keep spamming r1 as he keeps running into it I had a pretty bad fight here he jumped around a lot yes isn't a good fight what you want to do is once you've got him to the point where he's going to go third phase you want to hope to be behind him and then you want to backstab and the way backstabbing works in blood-borne is to charge our two to a charged r2 it hits them in the back and then you can do another charged r2 that that's better actually than reposting them because you're a post damage is based on the amount of skill you have at this point in the room we don't have that much skills to doing another charged r2 they take insane counter damage and it's really really good but all things considered that was still fun because he can be jumpy sometimes it's just rng that that's souls running in a nutshell souls running in a nutshell is very very rng dependent of course it's skill dependent as well but you kind of have to rely on the boss to agree with the strategies you're trying to use to defeat them to some extent much more so in blood-borne than in Dark Souls 3 Dark Souls 3 was very scripted I felt but this game not as much perhaps it's because I haven't run this one as long anyway you want to go up the elevator and make sure you send it back down because we're going to go to upper cathedral ward later and then we're gonna go down to the hunters workshop I always edge between like those two spots right there if you like that little plank of wood and you actually don't need to heal I know it really looks scary I know it looks really really scary but you don't need to heal I have never died on that fall it's very very consistent and what I do here I try to heal when I run out of stamina because I know that like I'm out of stamina I'm not going to have a spur in any way and by the time I'm done healing with the animation I'll have a stamina back to have my full health and you're going to want to heal now because you're going to take more drops here I take a safer path to save blood vials you can actually drop pretty much straight down and live if you're a full health but yeah I can serve vials because I'm still getting good all right so I go this way and I try to drop on this thing right here and that's a lot less health like oh we need to use one vial here to heal before Amelia this guy's seem scary but he's only ever hit me in one run I usually just roll it's pretty easy to get past them we're going to run around here and I guess I shouldn't blow so ver too much what I'm grabbing like I did grab the doll set and I grab the umbilical cord which I'm going to pop here on the elevator after I heal I kind of run over the button and then heal and then use the vocal cord you need three of those to get the moon presents which you need for the all bosses run the reason you grab the doll set in a cold blood like that is for souls we celled it all set because it's actually worth I think like thirty thousand blood echoes or so so it's very very good in the beginning the run at the halfway point miss there's there there's actually another cold blood you can grab if you want to I didn't grab it here I run up a grab the vials definitely do grab those it's just six free vials and the reason to not grab them and then we're going to head on to Amelia and I believe I have a gold split on Amelia here for those who aren't familiar with speedrunning lingo gold split essentially means the fastest I've ever completed this split between old skin flaps and by car so this should be a good fight to show you what you want to do here so you want to use the fire paper before the cut scene and then after the cut scene you want to use the beast blood pellet you're going to run it right over here to her arm and r1 l1 l1 staggers her then r1 l1 l1 don't wait too long to do that otherwise she'll move back make sure you have enough stamina for four hits and then r1 l1 l1 l1 run to her face you should try to hit with r1 once there and then repost but I didn't manage to get the hit then you render a right side and r1 l1 l1 I mean I won't keep saying that but it's to give you the idea that that's how you do on the controller you do transformation attacks so you go from one side of the other at this point your views meters full now that you've done transformation attacks on both sides again and then use kind of spam our one on the right side and she should die she can be jumpy sometimes it won't always go perfectly like that but but is pretty consistent to kill her that way but if I can be very scary if you don't get the strat right because you're using an upgraded weapon so it very much relies on the beast meter and she just was a lot of damage she does a lot of damage with her heads and she has some pretty scary combos so she was a sticking point for me for awhile and runs and the other thing about the blood-borne run that's very difficult is you can't really you can't really [ __ ] up because if you do you won't have the materials you need to win the fights like in Dark Souls 3 you just might not have a resident or something like that but in this game you rely on beasts blood pellets to be able to win these fights in an effective manner so if you die it gets pretty hard to not reset so lights like the grand cathedral ward lamp run down pull the lever grab that we're going to go up to the right here behind the scary-ass brainsucker [ __ ] hate brain suckers and stab this so we can grab the tuned bloodstone shards but yea blood-borne it's very very reset heavy in the beginning but but you get consistent I recommended and grab the gem there I recommended that you make save States and I still do but save states are very tedious to make in blood-borne because to do it you need a USB Drive and you have to copy the files from USB Drive and you have to make a save folder on your PC to copy the different saves too you have to close the application talk to that guy to get a madman's knowledge it's just very very very tedious so I didn't do it I just kept doing runs until I got good and I think this was like my 50th or so run of blood-borne so I I did quite a few runs I think I completed like seven or eight runs across the last couple weeks out of those 50 so I completed maybe like I don't know 13 percent runs Thank You ancient dragon I'm going to be running so level one dark souls 2 soon on my channel on twitch because I'm going to do dark souls 2 speedruns next for souls and ancient dragons talking [ __ ] it's all good there's toast rats for him but we're not focused on that we're focused on blood-borne stress any way you fall down grab that twin bloodstone shard you get the lamp because we're going to need to go back there jump down here get one of your Molotov is ready and then you should be able to lock on to this guy and one shot I guess we'll call them lizards they're not I'm pretty sure they're called wandering nightmares but I'm pretty sure the notes are first of them is the lizard because the Dark Souls boy run here to the right I want to note on these guys it's really good to run like into their body Oh God salty gestures we'll talk about that in a minute so I can't believe I lived I'm just going to say that you want to grab the beef lapels there but there's a bucket in front so you have to hit the bucket or roll into the bucket and then grab it but okay so on ps4 they [ __ ] they made it so motion controls or pressing X can use a gesture that we call them salty gestures because they ruin runs like I took a seat in front of that [ __ ] guy are you kidding me I can't believe I didn't die there and it's turned into a my personal best but Soviet you run fast here you grab the blue elixir I grabbed a cold blood back there because I'm a little [ __ ] and like extra blood echoes you guys have loot elixirs be careful the dogs can't do much more than just run past them you don't want to fight them and then we're going to run down into here the reason we're running this route you want the blue elixirs for a couple different points in the run that's one reason and the second is because we want the shortcut to USF because clinics because we're going to grab the cane her summons and the cord from her later when the Blood Moon Falls excuse me because we need to get to cane her ligarius and we need the cord for the moon presence and it's the easier cord to get there are four chords in the game but one of them requires doing an NPC quest line that you don't really want to bother to do in a speedrun it's just faster stress now one thing I want to note here about this poison is if you're poisoned here and have I'm pretty sure poison takes about 90 percent of your health bar here so if you've taken basically any damage make sure you yield a full you can heal at the top of that ladder if you want to at the top of the first ladder I would just make sure that before you go into the poison Lake just make sure your full health because you don't want to risk dying on one of these ladders that would be catastrophic Lee tragic which has happened to me before which is why I'm saying it anyway you pull this lever here and then go ahead and use a bowl of hunter's mark and we're going to go back to the hunter's dream now and for the first time since we got our weapon so yeah it's kind of crazy you don't really do much in a hunter's dream until this point in the run now I run a different route than the current meta route as I've said I try to make routes that are easier for you guys to pick up I really want these to be routes and runs that you guys can jump in on if you want to and have fun with because too many games are about having fun the speedruns to me or challenge runs they're not a competition with the community they're a competition with myself I respect the hell out of the runners in the souls community to grind the tough skips and all that stuff but this just not for me and probably not for most of you guys either I think you guys just want to have fun but if you want a grind those toughs give speed souls is a great place to start with that they have a great discord in a great website so go ahead and sell the doll clothes I grab the silencing blank there because that's the same place though the five of love-drunk hunters going to be now I know you're getting mad at me right now but all right speed strats boys and girls we got we got to kill the doll okay because basically killing the killing the waifu skips our dialogue and it's faster over the course of the run so I know it's really painful you don't want to pimp-slap the doll but I'm sorry speedrunners gotta gotta bring up that backhand because you gotta go fast all right just just [ __ ] do it you got to do it power through I believe in you anyway you want to grab died of blunt drug hunter then go to Cathedral Ward you want to level 218 vitality 25 strength and you should get 14 to 15 skill and then for the rest of the run we're only going to be leveling vitality and skill and I think by the end of the run I have 33 vitality 35 skill and 25 strength which will vary depending on how it goes for you anyway we travel to cathedral ward and as i run to the entrance to the dlc which is this spot right here we're making a little grab you i pop the gold pendant typically in a run wouldn't be useful but I go to parle earlier in the run than usual and I just put it on because there's no other gem to go in that place until after parle and it just gives you bonus damage there so I split therefore enter the nightmare and then as I said we're going to do a run through the DLC and the reason we're going to do a run through the DLC is because we can get a lot of twin bloodstone shards and a bloodstone a couple of stone chunks here and those are going to let us get a +7 weapon so after fighting only 3 bosses we're going to have a plus 7 out of 10 weapon which is pretty [ __ ] good normally in the run you have a +4 weapon for fighting the shadows the yharnam ROM and all that stuff and it's just it's a lot harder that way for new runners so you like the lamps grab the first one bloodstone shard right there out of the gate Thank You Larry for some very generous man I'm gonna lie I'm thinking I think I think you and I was on stream you did enough for me as a mod I'm just kidding I think you turn around here these dogs I've never been hit by those dogs so I just grab bloodstone shards I saw the route that does this actually use the blue elixir here but I've never had to try not to redone your stamina there because those guys will jump you stick to the left here and you should have no trouble dodging the boulder it hangs to the right I never really get hit by these guys either except for [ __ ] ten sighs Santa Claus up here he sometimes can hit me so I try to run really far to the right and then you want to run in here because we're grabbing Laurence's a pendant and the reason we're essentially doing this is I'm going to grab the lamp that's very close to Ludwig that way we can just teleport to the nightmare Church which is the lamp later so I'm doing the beginning of the dlc run now because if it's a speedrun I'm not just going to come here and grab the materials I need and then just you know bold hunter mark out now if I remember correctly this buck blocks me he does I'm pretty sure I died here I think I do so what I would recommend you do there which I did very poorly in the moment is let him keep walking because I'm pretty sure if I hadn't attacked him or gotten near him he would have just kept walking but yeah I was way too focused on going fast and I was pretty annoyed because it was like [ __ ] man we're on such a good run and actually a time to save on this split because I actually died on the split before for a different reason so I was pretty it's pretty annoyed but that wasn't us I mean it's not a not costly death but it's not the worst so I think I died quite a few times across this run because as I said I still haven't optimized the completely I think if I were to get a deathless run of this game I could probably get in the 130 range with these strats but yeah I don't I just don't want to grind the same speed run too much I want to try to do as many different speedruns and playthroughs on Twitter as I can because I want to you know get to play a variety games with you guys so as Peter I'm working on right now is actually breath of the wild that's going to be the next one I'll upload and then after that it should be dark souls 2 i believe is the plan grab a six blood vials right there if you were coming out of the church you just hang a left there and that's where you'd end up now i cook blue blue looks there's a little late here but yeah you want those in your six slot now stand behind this then run forward stand on this wait until the second gun shoots and then run to the left and you should be good to just run straight past the guns because the one on the far left shouldn't shoot you that's something that if you want to see the timing on again i would just recommend watching that back because it's very safe it's very consistent but kind of scary here I actually thought would be scarier because of this big boom hammer dude but you can actually just run past them there run down and grab this one bloodstone shard and then just run behind them and you're good I ready my Molotov here because I'm going to run back to this area where you may know is where the Blood star visas and the amygdalin arm and then we're going to throw two molotovs at him I believe yeah I throw two molotovs and then go here because I want to save two for later in the runs that's what I typically try to do here I try to save two so if you had four there you just use one on him and then attack him the only reason it's better use more molotov on him is because obviously the molotov to do way more damage it takes three to fully kill them but that's only if you have six molotovs when you kill gas going because already use one in the forest and that other lizard so what I do there I grabbed the bloodstone junk before I go down I hang a right and walk around the Blood star beef I have never in any run been hit by the Blood star beats using those strats you hang it right around you run just a little like loop around his butt and then you go up and grab the shards the two shards the two shards and then grab the shard on the way out and at that at this point we have everything we need so I use a blue elixir right before we come around the corner so that will be invisible and a blue elixir makes you invisible kind of it basically I think it would be I don't know if this is what's call it's like the obscuring ring and Dark Souls it just makes it so enemies don't get alerted to your presence quite as quickly now this guy is a little scary what you want to do here typically your blue elixir will run out mine ran out a little light there the reason I looped around his butt is because he'll typically shoot his gun if he sees you and if you loop around him like that he'll shoot it and then he won't get hit off the ladder it's pretty consistent I think I only died there like maybe once or twice so running through the DLC here actually isn't super scary running through ashes of aerion Diller Lee was a little bit scarier than this but this is pretty good you can run to the left there and this is the reason the save time there are blood vials over there and there's a little guy clinging on the gate who has blood vials but at this point I wasn't using safe strats quite as much so I was like I have 17 vials here that's more than enough plus I had died so I still managed to save time because in the other run I went over there and I got the vials from the little gate food and the witch [ __ ] followed me to that [ __ ] lamp and scooped my eyes out after I lit it fortunately but I was not pleased with that so anyway you want to go up here we're going to buy 16 bloodstone shards within sight that way that's that's how many you need to upgrade to each tier 16 of each so we're going to upgrade our weapon all the way up to +5 I think before I realized that I ran out of [ __ ] blood echoes at first I thought I missed a shard and then I realized [ __ ] I don't have blood echoes so I was like [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] what do I do if this happens to you don't panic like I did and go to purchase item go to sell items and what do I even sell here I go and sell my [ __ ] start in armor and then I go down and I'm like I can't sell my mad man's knowledge because you need that later because we use our insight to get a Bloodrock later in the run so it's like no I can't do that I'm like this better [ __ ] be enough and fortunately it was just enough would've been scary otherwise and then you want to slot the two blood gems that we picked up the tempering when we picked up and the gold blood gem as I said will be useful floral so yeah upgrading our weapon 2+7 after buying the sixteen shard and then you want to swap the two blood gems hopefully you'll have souls the only reason I didn't have enough blood echoes I call them souls sometimes the only reason I didn't have enough blood echoes is because I died in the dlc normally I'd be fine but I lost some of my blood echoes when I died too hence I Santa Claus so it flux me up but it's alright that shows that like like I said this run could be optimized more there's mistakes I made I there's some deaths there's some you know fumbling around like that but it's no biggie so we're going to do a small skip here it's a pretty easy skip to learn I didn't include too many skips but I included a few that are really easy this one is running and then you kind of hug the left wall and then jump to the right and I fail miserably with some crazy a baby jump but you kind of hug the left wall and then jump to the right and then you can roll up here and this is a nice little skip through the area you see blood thorns load-times there you roll through the barrels run out here this is where that cannon guy is you run into the left and run behind this guy it's very rare that he ever does an attack that would get you so you should be pretty safe there grab those be flood pellets and then we're going to run all the way to the shadows of yharnam because I don't need to grab anything here in the normal run you would need to grab twin bloodstone shards and some other stuff here but I don't need to grab anything because I've already got my weapon 2+7 and we are good to go see this is probably a good time to talk about circle jumping I said I'd talk about it earlier in the run and I didn't I [ __ ] hate circle jumping I'm just going to put that out there like I know some people like it they've told me in my streams that they like it what I don't like about it is the fact that I don't mind a circle and present circle to jump that's fine I can I can deal with that I prefer using l3 but that's fine what I have an issue with is the fact that you can't roll when sprinting because it's mapped to circle you have to stop sprinting for a second and then roll and sometimes you'll get what's called a store jump you'll stop sprinting for a second or two but you'll jump anyway and the real problem that I have with that is bloodborne has 200% counter damage on the player and there are times where you'll try to just be sprinting around a boss or something or an enemy and you'll press circle to roll to try to dodge and you'll just jump in air like a dumbass and you'll get counter hit and killed it's pretty miserable that's a tiny skip there you run behind those little snakes at the end and then I typically fist this pig this is the safe strat just to get some extra vials you don't need to do this if you're good on vials here definitely don't recommend it cuz it's not that fast but I got lucky there that can drop two to four vials and it gave me four so I was like [ __ ] yeah alright I got 19 vials here good to go and now for the shadows of yharnam use one beast blood pellet and the goal here is to kill the fire thrower first the katana user second and the flamethrower guy last I'm not great at this fight I'm going to be honest about that I'm still not really good at it I try to run to the right and stack them there at first and use transformation attacks they hit both and build it up you really really got to be careful the fire breasts guy though because if he hits you with that it'll stun lock you and it's just really scary and honestly they can kill you in about two hits so this fight is pretty nuts but once you get them that one to loan up health they all transform so that went pretty well I managed to kill them pretty quickly those are the attacks in the second phase you want to watch out for these guys can do these long distance stabs and it's pretty scary doing parries isn't great you really do want to build beast meter and hit them but like I said I'm not the best at this fight in the run so I like to play it as safe as possible and there's a pretty e once you've killed the katana guy though there's a pretty easy strap here really making me work for it though so what you want to do here is if you keep doing this pressing r1 he'll keep dodging to the left is a is programmed to dodge to the left so he'll just keep dodging to the left it's a very very safe strat so basically once you've gotten it up out of the fight it's one unless you get some crazy RNG render tree there because I was so scared about what happened I saved a ton of time there because I died in the previous PV to the to the ring race I think I died and it was like five minutes behind but I ended up he being because I died to Lawrence so many times like but the DLC is art as far as run for sure and he would grab the madman's now let's grab that lamp try to get away from the tinkerer called garden of eyes but I just call them [ __ ] mosquito bastards I hate these things and you just run past them now there is a skip here but I don't do it because it's a pretty difficult skip in my opinion so I just won't even glaze over it if you want to know what it is look for loon REM skip on speed souls or some people might call it ROM skip the thing that's scary about it though is the real boss of Bergen worth that [ __ ] hunter that mm that [ __ ] hunter just just watch just just [ __ ] watch please tell me this this runnable not that I want it look at this [ __ ] look at boom you're dead [ __ ] you are dead son and here's some [ __ ] crop dusting for your troubles my god dude I hate that [ __ ] that a call beyond like there's nothing I could do there there's nothing I could do there I see something saying I'm you two things with the time there's there's nothing I can do there there's nothing I can't like slide down the elevator to dodge it I can't get to the top of the elevator faster you use that the Yolo it you Yolo that [ __ ] and that's what I mean sometimes you're just going to give that RNG alright it happens to all of us if it upsets you I feel your pain and I understand completely but if this the nature of the run and I was disappointed because I actually died to rhom on these splits as well and had to go back to Hunter's dreams upgrade my weapon because I had a +5 because I forgot to grab a twin bloodstone char like a [ __ ] so I have a time save here as well as you can see at the bottom I have four minutes time save and I was like alright [ __ ] you the other thing is I need to grab my blood echoes here because I have a shadow of yharnam that goes in there and then I'm like okay whatever we'll make it work and then I get [ __ ] hit again i yeah you can see it you can see you you got to be [ __ ] kidding me I'm pretty sure I said something like that I honestly have fun with it it's whatever like [ __ ] [ __ ] like this happens I can't get upset about it because it's just you can see what I'm smiling like it's how like it does it's it's annoying like I could have saved a good bit of time here for later in the run but it just happens this is this is why you have to grind runs for these games if you want to get a good time because sometimes things like that are just going to happen to you and when you have better times than I do you won't be able to withstand death like that if something like that happens to you in a run you just have to reset people going for world records and stuff like that or people down in like the 120 range and stuff like that they're not going to be able to deal with those kind of problems now granted they would probably use the ROM skip but still they're not gonna be able to deal with that kind of stuff because that'll just ruin it'll be too much of a time loss basically fortunately no enemies ever took my blood echoes be wary of that if you die an enemy can in this game take your blood echoes and you'll know that because they'll have glowing eyes fortunately the third time's a charm and this [ __ ] leaves me be the reason you go up here is because there's a key the lone REM key there is a tiny skip here where you can actually get on that railing but I've never been able to do it so just just run faster loader crop-dust you a little bit and then just get the [ __ ] out just get the absolute [ __ ] out talk to Grandpa really quick so you can get some insight and then get the [ __ ] and like get away from that [ __ ] ah and now we're going to fight ROM which I know everybody loves potato mashing alright everybody loves it well I I also love it so you shoot rom and the reason you do that is just activate the fight that we are not up close to her and you can start having the spiders now typically you would use fire paper here and also a b.split pellet but I only use a beast blood pellet and I only do so after killing a decent majority of the spiders and my reasoning for that is after you've done one transformation attack on the spiders you'll kill them in one hour one you're not really building beast meter so you're going to see what I do here I'm going to use the beast slug pellet and I'm going to run up to this one and use rolling r1 if you roll in that are sorry rollin L ones if you press roll in l1 you'll do a transformation attack and again the extending transformation attack really builds your beast meter so it's great to use I try to hit both there and didn't manage to get that one but it's it's fine hit it a little bit and build to be smear now typically I'll do an r1 and 2l ones that rom moves back if rom moves backgrounds not going to teleport out yet which is pretty good so I got pretty good RNG here now you hit three times with a regular r1 and then you charge in r2 that'll knock rum out of teleporting and then try to get three our ones and then a transformation attack so you can't actually get a one cycle I've gotten it before and killed rum and one go but if you don't just you still have plenty of each meter you can go up and get rom into it's at this point pretty much there is a trick to actually finding out where ROM is - if you saw there's you know the moonlight you actually want to go to the back right of where the moonlight is so opposite of the moonlight to the right is where roms going to teleport for Phase three and for Phase two it's to the left to the back left of the moon and I never found out where she is I guess she used to the to the left back left of the moon - like directly to the back lift from what I just saw there so now that was a decent ROM fight like it could it could have been worse it could have been a lot worse so no complaints for me other than that [ __ ] the real boss the Bergin worth god well just unpleasant but totally fun it's whatever I'm pretty sure the rest of this run goes fairly smoothly except for one part I know there's one part in this run that really does not go smoothly but we'll uh we'll get there when we get there so you get teleported after killing rom to Yoda Google which this area man my first playthrough this game this area was so [ __ ] hard I died so many times in this fricking area but fortunately it's not too hard after having done it before you're gonna see how I do it grab that lamp and then we're going to go to kill portal so I do different strats lower strats but slower but definitely gets the job done in terms of safety which is again the goal here so runs run through there run past all the enemies make sure you kind of manage your stamina and dodge the guns effectively grab the bolt paper because now we're going to use bolt paper for the rest of the run because we're finally out of actually no we're not excuse me we still have one fire paper because we didn't use on a rom we're going to use it on part excuse me that [ __ ] hit me and holy [ __ ] she does a lot of damage that's part of the reason blood-borne so hard honestly is they just do so much damage grab the chunk then we're fall down here and we're gonna grab the upper cathedral ward key now in a regular run you'd bolt hunter mark out here but I don't do that I'm going to actually run back up and go to paarl there is a skip that would allow you to get to Paro but I don't like the skip because I suck dick at it so yeah I don't bother with it twice I only want to do a once and going this way we can actually get some extra chunks which will let us get our weapon upgraded even faster which is the goal basically the higher the faster we can get our weapon upgraded the better is is my opinion because we're trying to make the run easier essentially so more damage more damage means easy and if this going to speedrun they typically have +4 and I've got +7 and I'm going to skip the lamp here but I recommend you grab that if you're new to this run grab that lamp because these witches can and will sneak up on you and if they hit you you will likely die and having that lamp is very helpful for that and you want to kill that guy that's what we're going to use our second-to-last Molotov and he will give to bloodstone chunks at this point we have plus seven and five bloodstone chunks so you can actually after you kill par oh I won't do it in this run note that I grabbed the frenzy cold blood in the blood vials really just peach strats and then we're going to pin the door now note that after you kill paarl you could go back and upgrade your weapon a +8 I don't find it to be necessary it really doesn't make that much of a difference on this next boss the one reborn but as I said if you're new to the run there's no reason not to take every concession and then as I said in the ds3 video remove those strats slowly like once we feel like you don't need +8 anymore and you're fine with +7 you can do it and if you want to go for world records you can always go for the world record route after you've run my route and you feel comfortable with it now I grab the blood vials and blood so chunk there and then I use the be split pellet now let's see if I get this right yeah I don't get it so you want to try to run into an r1 and then transformation attack on the leg and that's enough to knock portal down but I missed the leg so it's kind of weird right sorry the neck alone ROM poor old moves backward when he does that attack but really after that you kind of just strafe around and transform the legs and knock and yes it's pretty straightforward I'll just call him transformational attacks from here on out I keep calling them r1 l1 I think I've hammered it in enough I think some of you who even would want to run blood-borne and probably played blood-borne enough to know what it is so transformation attack we're going to see those there's a lot of bosses in this run that are trivialized more so even than Dark Souls 3 like there there are a couple bosses in Dark Souls 3 that you kill quickly but there's a lot of bosses in this run that you just annihilate anyway I used the bold hunter's mark there because I didn't grab the second lamp and then I go back to that one that's a decent time save and then I grab the bloodstone chunk there as I said I don't go back and upgrade to +8 I think it may say that in my notes but I don't I kill that guy with transformation attack and then this guy takes for our ones to kill if it's +7 it takes 3 if it's +8 and then here's the skip skips a little scary basically what you want to do is you want to stand about where I'm standing you want to charge an r2 essentially if you charge it in the right spot it's going to let us go through this gate I completely [ __ ] it up and this kills me so is the foot placement is a little tricky you I never I never mastered this skip if you look up your goal skip on speed souls you'll probably find better tutorials and watching me fail at miserably but I could never find a consistent spot to stand because like I said I didn't practice skips I just kind of did it in live runs instead [ __ ] it so I never really found a consistent place to stand but but the goal is that you want to charge in r2 it'll Clippy through the sense if you do it perfectly then you'll drop straight down to where you want to drop to if not you need to use the bow gesture and it'll edge you forward just enough because it's a pretty fine movement like you don't want to move forward too quickly because if you do you'll do what I just did and you'll fall on your [ __ ] face all the way down to help and we don't want that so here I get it nicely and as you're going to see like I said you just barely tip off I do a drop attack there to make sure that I stick the landing and then roll down onto here roll down onto this and then we use blue elixir because [ __ ] is scary because we're gonna have to grab this so you're gonna have to run forward enough that this bucket comes out so I'm going to call them buckets buckets of skulls grab the bloodstone chunk I aggro the other guy normally he doesn't get AG but that was pretty [ __ ] scary you want to grab the bolt paper in the blood so in chunks he should be relatively safe with the blue elixir but that's why I don't use the blue elixir until I get down there because I don't know how long it's gonna take me to do this skip and in the videos for the skip if you do decide to watch some other skip videos they typically use the blue elixir before they go down but I think it's best to wait if you're not perfect with the Skip I grab all three of the madman's knowledge there and then we're going to need to grab a blood gem here a very very good blood gem that we'll use for the rest of the run it's a 15% attack up blood gem so what you're going to want to do is run in here stand here wait for him to attack and move out of the way grab it and then get the [ __ ] out of there I don't know how I dodged that [ __ ] skills boy and then the bucket of skulls here there's two that will spit these like blood darts at you and they hurt a lot so you're going to want to run diagonally back and forth here to try to get those out of here you want to get the bolt paper on a lot earlier than I did here this is not a good spot to menu it but I said [ __ ] it I need it because you need it for this fight go to the right behind the wall where they can't hit you with those blood darts get your bolt paper and beef blood and then we are going to run to the right side of the one reborn make sure you run so you dodged that well dark now you can just do three our ones here and then it'll not come down and I get stuck but what you want to do is go up to this guy and use transformation attacks and you will basically do a lot more damage when hitting him this fight can be a little scary just because of the fireballs but like I said my damage here is pretty outrageous and you can just really keep knocking him down now one thing I want to note that was a really good fight if you don't knock him down the second time he's going to do the AoE attack he's going to do the big AoE like thanking sure you enjoyed that and he you can run to his but I always tell you to smack the booty I always tell you to go for the booty so what you can do is run to his hind legs and start hitting his hind leg if you're hugging his hind leg you are safe from the AoE attack so if you hear the roar go for the booty more specifically his legs don't need to think you has a but honestly I'm not going to look for it because he's [ __ ] disgusting anywho touch me galoshes face go to the lecture building and then we're going to light the lamp because we're going to come back here later for a McDonough and then just run into the nightmare commences here's we're going to use the punch and blood cocktail that we've been saving this whole time I definitely only want to use the two on blood start beast which should be more than enough the blood the blood start Beast rats aren't very hard like I think I've pretty consistently gotten that since the beginning but anyway moving on to actual run we're going to go to nightmare here and the reason we use the blood cocktail is because as you're going to see here there's a one of the low werewolf skies I'm just standing up werewolf dudes and you don't want him to sneak up on you because we're gonna kill a lizard here or a laundering nightmare for the last bloodstone chunks that we need in this run we'll have enough to get +9 at that point so you want to throw it further than I did I didn't do a very good throw if you throw it further you kind of want them to run away from you because otherwise he will lose interest in it and will come sneak up on you which may happen to me here because ideally you could have two molotovs here to make that go faster but I didn't grab bloodstone chunks grab the frenzy cold blood and then I do not grab the lamp here I would recommend grabbing a lamp there because this area is pretty easy to get killed in because these guys can do like a Yolo jump attack they can one-shot you I don't grab the lamp because I'm going to grab a different lamp I actually talked to I was talking to my chat about completely just doing yolo strats here and like going straight to my collage but there is a easy way to get the shortcut for me collage so I will show you guys how to do that because I'm fairly positive I do it here so just continue to run shouldn't really have any problems once you pass the bridge and then open this door and if you're afraid of spiders well I'm sorry for what's about to happen because you're not going to like what's about to happen if you've never played blood-borne because its roots [ __ ] horrifying look at that [ __ ] yeah fortunately I'm not that afraid of spiders but um yeah it's in the loo so anyway run just run past them run a little bit to the left on that staircase because that spider on the right has a tendency to jump the one the end right next to the stairs so then just run to the right around this guy I've never been hit by I'm doing that so it should be consistent you can pop that guy with r1 if you want to to get them out of the way but I just kind of leave them and run past them now run down here and get this elevator because this is a faster way to the lamp that is a shortcut for the mikolaj shortcut so going down the elevator light this lamp and then if you want to you can go back to on your dream here which do I go back to Hunter dream here I do I do I go back and level up because I have about 130,000 blood echoes and I can get my weapon to +9 now so that's why I don't upgrade for +7 because if I go to one of the lamps here in the nightmare then I can level up here and get my weapon up if you don't want to grab them you galosh shortcut you should grab the first lamp and go back to hunters dream but you know that's the choice is up to you I have gram of a 9 I put the new blood gem the 15% attack one over the gold blood gem because we're not facing any more beasts and then run anytime soon and the 15 attack 1 is better than I think the gold blood gem is like I think it's like 13% attack or something anyway you want to level up after that and then go to Mario's loft the souls you have blood it goes you have very sometimes I managed to get I think 24 vigor and 23 skill there but that is ahead of what you'd normally have in the speedrun so as long as you have like 26 kill by the time you've killed wet-nurse that's pretty good anything else can go in vitality and you want to get 35 skill by the time you get to Lawrence so I kind of just level vitality and skill equally until I get about 28 vitality and then I just start leveling skill after that and then if I have if I do get to 35 skills and I just you know go ham I will mention I ran to the left there if after you get that shortcut you run to the right there is a beef blood pellet behind some mirrors over there so if you are short of these blood pellet because you died at any point that is a place where you can grab one beast blood pellet also note that in hunter's dream and your storage you can only carry 10 items and they don't replenish from the lamps so there's actually I think four if you don't died all I think there's four beasts blood pellets in your storage as well so just take note of that and you do that by going up to the area where you upgrade your weapon like before you get to the area where you upgrade your weapon there's a little like chest where you can grab items you're in your stores so that's the me collage shortcut right there I've done that elevator down if we didn't take that earlier elevator we've had to ride that elevator all the way down and it's a lot longer so I just step on it let it go down and then run to me collage me galoshes hardcore me Murr we all love me collage they'll deny it he's our favorite blood-borne boss so we're going to enjoy this clocking greatly and I'm pretty sure I get [ __ ] RNG here as well I grab those bullets because they're there and why the [ __ ] not and then run up me Kailash will sometimes run to the right but he typically doesn't what you want to do here is just route me galosh the room so this is typically how most fights will go he'll run up there force them to run and then push them into the room now what you want to do here get them all the way into the room use your bolt paper there used to be slipped eyelet here and then we're going to turn around and walk out of the room usually there will only be one puppet here but I got two puppets and they give you that there's a shitty attacking where they jump down as you can see this is going [ __ ] incredible and I'm just like panicking panicking an eagle Austin's [ __ ] standing there and he Bluffs me thank God I healed yeah dick a lot fabulous you're [ __ ] right and okay so what you wanted to do there you want to kill the one puppet to build beasts meter essentially the goal as you're going to see here this is where you want and he'll come in this room you walk back in here and you can pin him up against the wall treat do transformation attacks to build your beast meter and then just keep popping him and you can just strength because pretty much every time he's going to do the augur of a breach ass attack and it's pretty easy peasy but the puppets were scary man scary ass puppets be afraid of double puppet RNG because that that is what it will make happen and uh grab the blood vials there I think it's eight six or eight run like a madman to try to dodge that arrow because it does like 70% of your health and then let's see if you know he doesn't okay he can't actually run to the left there but he didn't do it here if he doesn't you run up get there now this is a tricky strat I don't think I get it here do I I don't remember use another beast blood pellet and another another bold paper here what we're going to do roll down and try to slam him I've missed there I wasn't fast enough what you want to do if you can actually like slam him with the extended attack he'll fall on the ground basically like a fall flat on his face which is [ __ ] delicious to watch and then you can actually roll in front of him in the door and you will stop him from running away basically you'll stick him in the room that way you don't have to run around and do this it's just a little skip I try to drop a sack in there because I don't want to music all be on like a little prick and pretty much try to get him in a corner because because it just helps but he goes ham with the [ __ ] punches they're like this is [ __ ] punchouts [ __ ] blood-borne [ __ ] but fortunately I didn't used to call beyond I know a lot of people struggle with a call beyond myself included to some extent the best way to handle a call beyond when he does it I've heard that you can shoot him to stagger him out of it I've never tested it myself but that may be the case and another way to handle it is if he gets it off you can actually quick step through it but you need to time it properly and it's pretty scary because if you get hit you're going to die if you get hit by a call beyond you were dead so it's much better to stay close to him because he uses a lot less sweets I close to all things considered even though I didn't go to skip that was still pretty good it wasn't gonna be a gold but it was still you know forty three second time save I will definitely take that you want to run up and grab the lamp and then here suicide mission is just a short little spot I have because we're gonna go grab a cursed blood gem here which is the best blood gem we get in this run it's an 18% gem but it's a little scary because you have to run past three of the scariest enemies in these games not these games sorry maybe it is maybe they are the scariest enemy in the soul series I don't know maybe they are the [ __ ] the brains the brains man I like them brain Maiden's scariest [ __ ] so I got bad rng on that one and she got some frenzy off on me you can typically run to the left but their placements are weird this like is RNG where they're placed but you can just kind of run here grab this and then go around use a bowl donors mark you can take frenzy once but you can't take it a second time it's just a little bit of a balancing act you're going to have to judge it for yourself I can't tell you every sin riyo's it's going to play out there but you're just going to have to judge for yourself where you're able to grab it and where you're able to use the bold owners mark and it went pretty well the reason I have a split there is because I do sometimes die and I also suck it rolling out of that elevator kind of glaze over that fact you you need to not roll out of that elevator early it seems like you can roll out of that elevator earlier than you can but there's this overhang that gets in your way so try to wait a little bit longer before you roll out of that elevator and standing in the back of the elevator helps to anyway moving on run past those guys run up here I'm going to fist this pig you can if you want to just Yolo and use a blue elixir and run through here but I always fist the pig because it gives you some extra vile Souls and it's just a little bit safer and if you want to play it really really safe here for some extra souls and stuff you can like play it safe and kill these pigs you can hang right here and hide behind the wall and wait and backstab the pigs but I don't bother with it I don't use the blue elixir here I just grab the blood gem that we need that's the last blood gem we need and then I run past the pigs now another safe strat here would be you can put those blood gems on to make wet-nurse easier because you got I just picked up a 15% gem and an 18% gem right now we're only using 15% and 7.3 percent on our weapon so it's a pretty significant boost to your attack damage but I didn't hear because I was like I have a really good run I want to save time here I think I can do this it'll be totally fine wet nurse isn't hard wet nurse just has a lot of health but as you're going to see I'm just going to just kind of just going to spoil because I'm a filthy spoiler this doesn't go well I really in hindsight wish that I had gone back and upgraded it because I would have killed her but yeah something happens here in this fight that's pretty scary but what you want to do is try to get behind her and use transformation attacks your beefier builds pretty damn quick on her so just try to stay behind her after that and spam r1 basically and just keep moving behind her keep dodging minor attacks and just stay behind her I mean that's the standard strategy for this fight anyway and as you can see is going decently like she's I'm doing a bit of a poor job of but it's going okay she's giving me decent attacks I'm getting decent damage on her back and everything's fine staggering or nicely pretty much almost dead so this isn't a great fight but it's going alright if that attacker happens you can literally just strafe it by running or striking to the left there but eyes are going to see here she normally has a tell for that attack and maybe I saw it there a little bit she usually raises her arms for a good second or two and then starts doing that attack but she just kind of yellowed it in my face and as you can see I'm a little blown back by that because I would have saved time there that was actually a decent fight and everything I would have been ahead probably or at least on pace so after that I said [ __ ] it I'm going back to hunters dream and I'm upgrading or I'm putting the blood gems on because I was like [ __ ] man I was pretty upset because I was on a really good run and I still had time saves in this run in the DLC so I was pretty sad so it was like [ __ ] cuz not only that like I mentioned when I died there you have to consider the fact that I lost a bolt paper and I lost AV flood pellet so that is bad anyway as I said you want to cook the cursed gem in your third slot and you want to replace the 7.3% gem with the 15% gem so now I have a 15 to 15 an 18 which is very good for new game like that's more than enough for new game the blood gems really are for more meant for new game+ there's better ones in the dungeons you can in the chalice dungeons you can get like a set 27.6% cursed gem for physical attack and those things are insane I had them on like a level 60 twink character once and it was godly anyway not much else to say during this time so I guess this is time where I can talk about other things for the run because it's just going to be running back and fighting wet-nurse again and there's not much to say about the wet nurse I tie it's really not a difficult fight it's basically smack that booty and you know it's pretty straightforward but apparently a chat told me that I guess that attack that she has sometimes has lined up and sometimes doesn't and I didn't know that I thought it always had a wind-up so this is this is what I mean you learn new things every time you and that's and that's why you have to keep doing runs because you'll learn more and I was very annoyed there because that's my second sitting salty gesture you can't actually reorganize your gestures when you're getting off the bed and the beginning of the game to prevent that from happening like it'll give you a different gesture maybe like joy or conviction or something but yeah anyway on the bright side and this is the reason I end up with more levels on the end of this run I'm getting more Souls here because those pigs will fight the shadows and I'm just collecting extra Souls but I was pretty worried here because I was like [ __ ] dude I'm gonna like this is a sloppy run I'm running out of bolt paper and d-flat pellets and I also knew this was one of my last days running blood-borne on Twitch and I was like if I get a PB like this is going to be the one that I upload to YouTube this is going to be the walkthrough and I want to make sure it's a clean clean enough run like I can't expect no that's what I want to make sure it's clean so people know what to do in the run and I was pretty disappointed that I was having such a good run and then it went a little poopy because I'm gonna I'm gonna spoil again here when I talk about bad rng and runs like it can honestly be annoying actually like see there was a bit of a wind up there maybe I didn't read her a rest time I don't really know it can be annoying me here runners talk about RNG all the time especially in a series like souls where you know it's based on skill like you want a runner to be honest in the fact that they're getting good RNG bad rng and whether it's just them doing a bad job and the last time I honestly think even like I just did a bad job even if it was like a Yolo attack I should have known that that was possible and been more careful but as you're going to see here even though I'm having a good fight I get really early nightmare phase there maybe she does it when she gets 20% but it's just RNG there's really nothing you can do about it so if it ever happens what I do is I run around and circles around the map because it typically dodges the attacks but as you can see here does not pan out and pretty disappointing pretty disappointing this is easily I'll tell you now this is easily the biggest time loss in the run I do die I think maybe like two or three more times on the run but they the most costly deaths but these are pretty costly because the run back is pretty far it's not a very short fight and this is the point in the run run running out of bolt paper and be sled pellets because when you go to blue goobers you pick up a cosmic eye badge I think it's called and it allows you to buy bolt paper and after that point you can I mean you can also use insight on beasts blood pellets because you bought the blood rock so at that's up at that point once you have all that stuff you can buy bolt paper and beast blood pellets with in sight and it's pretty safe but here I saw that I had three bolt paper and I think I have what I think I have to be split pellets you need be flood pellets and bolt paper for wet-nurse you need it for amygdala which is lanky Kong and you need them for blue goobers and you need them for a brief toss so I needed four of each and at this point I was running out so I knew already that I was going to have to fight amygdala without any buffs which isn't too bad honestly you'll see when I get there like the fight is pretty pretty easy with this weapon at this level but it was it was still pretty disappointing because if I hadn't lost if I hadn't lost that first fight which I was pretty close to finishing like the the real time would have probably been about I don't know I think I lose about seven minutes total here maybe more I don't know I'm off to say but yeah it was pretty disappointing my in-game time probably would have been closer like 140 had I not had these deaths at wet-nurse like the the rest of the run could have gone the same so these were the only really disappointing deaths on the run like the rest of the stuff is my fault bad fights you know whatever but this this one was a little bit hard to swallow and as you're gonna see here I talking about RNG before like this getting nightmare phase isn't great RNG but this RNG is really meant to like this is great so far this is this is great she's gonna be great attacks everything's going nicely like this is great I'm like yes I'm gonna be able to get behind her I'm gonna get some good but I need healed to be safe at this point and then she goes nightmare phase again the one thing is you can't actually stagger her out of it which is what I'm trying to do I'm desperately just like please please I want to stagger out and then I thought like okay I'm just going to try and yo lo an attack and I was like well [ __ ] I don't want to die like I can't die and I don't I don't want to lose the run here but I said [ __ ] it like I'm gonna lose the run if I have to wait too much longer so I need to kill her because the thing is unfortunately I do pull it off the DLC is the hardest part of the run I never know how well I'm going to do in the DLC because the three difficult bosses are Maria Lawrence and orphan and they're all in a row and since I never know how it's going to go I'm like I can't be this far behind like I could die a couple times each of those bosses who knows I haven't practiced them enough cuz like I said I don't do practice splits so scary stuff but you have to wait a long time to get the lamp to pop up here so you use whatever you have if you have any chords if you have any mad man's knowledge cold Bloods whatever now is the time to use them because you got to wait there for like 30 seconds so yeah I lost about seven minutes there is pretty bad but we are going to we are going to get it back don't you worry we're going to get our time back well I think we'll get most of our time back we'll see we'll see how much time we get back we're going to I mean spoiler alert this is a PV I wouldn't be posting it for a while so I managed to get 29 or I think I go for 28 and 32 here like I said I always go for 28 and then try to get skilled at 35 after I get 28 vitality I could tell just by my menuing there though that I'm like I was just distracted from how the wet-nurse fight went and I talked about this in my blood curtain on my blood souls my Dark Souls 3 video just try to try to try to forget when stuff like that happens don't let it get you down like I I was super stoked in this run and I remember I watched some of the vaad back before I watched this so I could remember what happened in the run and my tone shifts completely like I just felt so disappointed after that I felt so down because I just really wanted to go out with like a really good like blow it out of the water PB for me and for everyone watching and for you guys on YouTube and it didn't happen but I'm still I'm still really happy I only speed around the game for a couple weeks and I got a pretty pretty nice time I was also pretty upset there because that guy never does this he never attacks but he just decided to I'm sorry I mean you yeah KITT yakking I grabbed my beasts blood pellet which he only had one I guess I grabbed the one beast blood pellet I had I guess it's not for I grabbed the one I had and that guy attacked me you want you want to run down the ladder there is a skip here but I don't do it because it's pretty difficult and it only saves fifteen seconds or so so if you don't get it right away it's not worth it but yeah at this point I was like [ __ ] [ __ ] are you [ __ ] kidding me but not just basically I was saying inside my head but God my [ __ ] chair and stay down yeah thanks Dovahkiin thanks for that man thanks man and we don't talk about a sloppy run in the game will deliver yeah I'm pretty sure I was talking about of being sloppy at this well anyway you go down here we talked about to the spider and the reason we do this is because another safe strata doing this run which honestly you could probably remove is getting runes through the three runes I end up using in the run the only one that I think really makes a difference because I don't parry that much is this room that gives you extra stamina but I also use the Blood rapture room that you get from the shadows of yharnam and we're going to use a claw mark room that we get from a guy in central yharnam which is why do the witches early typically in the run you do the witches the fourth the last boss because you just run straight to ligarius and caters from there but I don't do that also because I just want to note if you do decide to change that in your route because I talk to Eileen in the beginning of the game and get those four bowls and remarks from her I start her quest line and she will block off the Cathedral the grand Cathedral lamp after you kill ROM so that's why I open the shortcut in Cathedral Ward it's not necessarily just a safety strap for Amelia it's also because you can't go to the grand Cathedral if you talk to her which is a downside of getting the two extra bold hundred marks in the beginning of the run which I'm pretty sure is one of the reasons why runners know through the other is that it's slower than grabbing the other two that you can grab in since you're on them anyway you go through there you get the rune you run all the way through and run to here and there's really nothing to grab here other than one mad man's knowledge and it's right before amygdalas room so just go on and run through the lake here there is a faster way to get through this lake a slightly faster way but I don't run that way because it's a bit more dangerous you have to take a long jump and a lot of damage [ __ ] that noise and I'm just going to stick to the left side here because there's enemies in the middle of the in the middle of the lake and we're just gonna keep running Jesus we're an hour and eight minutes in and I feel depressed man I feel depressed after watching it I feel depressed after watching it it brings me down brings me down sorry I don't mean to be disappointed it's a very good run and I'm very happy with this run I'm very proud of what I was able to do I just I always I'm a perfectionist I like to do I want to do the best any way you run run down here sometimes the rain main won't hit you sometimes she does if she does make sure you're like good health that way like I probably would have been okay there but I wanted to make sure I didn't die because a little bit bad sometimes you can get you again if you're not fast enough to be careful like I said you grab that mad man's knowledge now I'm going to I think I show the strat here but I only have to bolt paper in to be slab pellets which I'm going to use on blue goobers in debris sauce so you don't really get to see the strat and I'm not very good at the strat what you want to do is use a bolt paper here mega will jump down and then you want to run too straight to the door and use a beef blood pellet and then as the Megillah comes down you can hit amygdalas head and it should do this it should repost them you don't want to take the rope oh so I did here because I was like well [ __ ] it I'm just going to take it but you want to hit his head you can take like your weapon extend it out and do attacks on his head but here I just kind of Yolo it and I'm like just give me your [ __ ] arms [ __ ] so let me attack your arms die die and I can't manage to get the last bit of damage on it was like [ __ ] his arms and then I go to my safety strat which is going for the tail the reason the tail is a safety strap not because you do damage to the tail like the damage of the tail is trash but what you do want to do if amygdala ever jumps I think I've said this before in a video if the Megillah ever jumps his head is always going to be where his tail was when he jumped so I use that as a way to get damage on the head but unfortunately didn't get it but oh well it was a fine fight I had such a bad fight even with the Buffs in my other PV that I actually saved time there which is pretty nice use the madman's knowledge there and I think there's a better place to use that cord but I just use it there cuz I I think that's the one you get from wet-nurse so I guess maybe there's no better place to use but I don't I don't [ __ ] know I use it there anyway it goes straight essentially yharnam don't worry about leveling up or anything like that at this point in the game with the blood because you have I think you could only get like one maybe two levels at best there's no point in leveling anymore at this point really until later one of wait so you can get a couple levels and then we're gonna need reward because we're going to get first they cane her summons in the last chord and then we're going to go kill cleric piece which is lol really which elbow really is my thing it's going to be in every single one of my runs because there's always an lol really boss which honestly there's a couple lol really bosses like I said in this run like a Migdal uh you saw how I did it without buffs if you can actually get the strap for amygdala you kill him in like six seconds it's [ __ ] absurd anyway respect the fact the blood-borne has like a certainly low fall damage and just yellow jump all the way down I grab these bullets because I'm like [ __ ] it I want the bullets and then I think I say here I'm not healing and if I die to this brain sucker it's completely my fault so I love my stay I'm gonna come back there cuz I'm like I'm not gonna tie this [ __ ] brain sucker though it's not going to happen he actually runs for me he actually [ __ ] does but fortunately doesn't run all the way over would have scared the [ __ ] out of me and you climb up the ladder no heels cuz full balls and we're going to run to the right when we get in here so we get the cane her summoned and then we're going to turn immediately around and we're going to grab the cord from the fake youssef and it will use a bolt owner's mark to go back to the lamp that we just came from and then we'll run to cleric beast the reason you wait for this for those who don't know is before here if you go here before you actually has a fight you cefco which she's actually one of the hardest NPC's in the game right up there with the real boss of Bergen worth and the bloody crow pain Hurst she's pretty [ __ ] tough but if you go after the Blood Moon she's giving birth to [ __ ] insanity and craziness so you can just run up here smack that booty take it bolder mark out and at that point we have the three chords now I just want to note make sure you consume the chords make sure you consume the chords because if you don't you uh you will not get to fight moon presence and your run for all bosses will not be valid so that would be bad because after you fight gehrman you'll just get the other ending and that would be very very disappointing so make sure you consume those chords you need to anyway in my route because after LLL really you should have enough stamina you should have enough [ __ ] well done Dima you should have enough insight to be able to buy the blood Rocky 62 by the blood rock which just a random note about blood-borne eat 60 incites to buy a blood rock which is totally fair like that's it's a something easy a +10 it's like a titanite slab in souls it should be pretty rare it takes 20 to buy a blood chunk though it takes 1 for a shard 2 for twin shards and then it goes to [ __ ] 20 for a chunk wire why why are they so expensive so I'm crazy anyway face tank that attack from the dog because you don't give a [ __ ] you've got so much health now that you can is low on its face and then run up to the store and then run through and then we're going to run to the left and you will see that cleric piece is truly lol really because they keep this in mind we're fighting cleric beast with a +9 weapon this is why we leave him for later in the run it's because there's there's no reason to kill him earlier he's just a boss that needs to die because this is all bosses so we go here when we get the summons to kill him and yeah as you can see the damage is just yeah 6 are ones try to hug is the his right side your left and just hit that leg and it should take 6 hits and he said I popped the last cord while I'm waiting for the lamp and then as you can see here I have 62 in sight and I think I want to say I might actually forget to upgrade my weapon here I think that I do think that I do it's not like you really need it for the horrifying archdemons of hem wick probably my favorite split name most clever definitely true 100% sorry drinketh you again and as I said you want to go to the cathedral ward lamp here and we're going to use the shortcut route to get to the hemic area because cathedral ward is currently blocked off by Eileen because we got her quest line started her quest line goes basically either you fight the bloody crow of cainhurst if you do her quest line and help her kill I can't quite remember his name I'm sure someone can let me know in the comments if there's a guy you fight after you kill gas going in Gascoigne's arena what is his name he's the dew that gives you the thunder resistant armor from the inside shop I can't remember it off the top my head freeze up fight but if yell help eileen with that fight then i think that's it but maybe there maybe there's more to request i don't know i'm just spitballin here because really there's there's not much to talk about like this is just one of the points in the run like a Dark Souls 3 we're just running and running and running a running running in the 90s which has been donated in my stream a lot lately as a speed running song and it's a lot of fun like that song a lot I grabbed three Extra Bold owner marks here because they can be useful later in the run and they're not far out of the way at all and then we're just going to run through and one of the reasons you want to use the insight for the Blood Rock though like you really don't need the extra damage but one of the reasons it is very nice is because if you use the insight you won't have to deal with the mad ones I think they're called which you can see coming out of the ground there cuz you need 15 insight for them to appear like they will appear in the witches fight because the only way to keep them out of the witches fight is that zero insight and even if you did have zero insight here you would still have them pop up because you get insight for just starting a boss fight in this game you always get an insight at least one insight for starting it and then you get insight when you beat it so the first time you face the witches there will always be mad ones but a trick if you for whatever reason want to make the witches fight easier you can go spend all your insight after you get in there use a ball donors Marco spend all your insight and then it'll be no mad ones and there's just two witches but I'm sure I'm sure as most of us can agree here it's a very very easy fight so really really just running through not much to say there's no items we're grabbing here I don't know that there's many I don't know if there's any items we even grab with the rest of the run because at this point we have the insight to get the bold rock they call it bold rock that's a type of hard cider they sell in Virginia that's pretty tasty show my true colors here that's right I'd like for a few drinks come at me [ __ ] I like beer too I like whiskey I like tons of [ __ ] I like alcohol this is a totally random subject and I'm pretty sure there's people to watch my channel that are underage so don't drink it till you're 21 kids it's not good for you drink in moderation all that good stuff I'm drinking tea right now I'm drinking green tea like the [ __ ] hipster that I am Lowell for making jokes twice in speedrun commentaries not green teas healthy man it's great I'm honestly just don't know what the [ __ ] I'm talking about because this is one of the most residentsleeper areas to run through because there's just like no threat at all other than maybe this spot where there's a bunch of dogs like I can jump you think I'm yeah I do get hit a little bit here and if I got hit by that Molotov I would have got a lot [ __ ] scarier it's a scarier [ __ ] Jersey now I'm probably offending people anyway this is a problem we just need to get here if you have a suggestion for how to run through here better on all [ __ ] ears because I got hit pretty much every time I go through and I almost died you can see the the scare on my face right now and that dog if you hit me like that would have been it I was giving the [ __ ] boss room please heal up because we know the witch is going to be a tough fight run around and then what you want to do is you want to try to get behind her ass but she's got such a fat booty that it's kind of hard and then you want to get behind her now I [ __ ] up the thing about doing the r2 thing I talked about with Perry's like you need to are too quickly you need to r2 and then r2 immediately if you don't have the stamina for it just take the riposte because to get the counter damage you have to r2 immediately anyway the second which is here I failed a backstab because she turns because she don't need to listen to me at all and she teleports away which is like [ __ ] you [ __ ] and then I think I almost died here if I remember correctly I'm like oh look at that pitiful damage I'll be fine I'll be fine and then look at this [ __ ] look at that ah like there's something too something to be said about yellowing things in speedruns but don't like this is [ __ ] Souls and blood-borne all right don't ever just be that cocky like I was right there like that will get you killed I just I deserve to die for that I deserve I mean I did make a calculated decision I saw the damage and I was like I'll be fine I'll just yellow through an attack and I'll be fine but obviously that was barely the case so be careful be [ __ ] careful may who go down grab yourself the rune tool which is why we bother to do this I lost time because that was the horrendous fight and then go back to hunters dream and cower in shame for the horrible fight that you just had against the witches I mean like the witches did maybe Lisa was the spammy ass and bad ones but still all right now I was confused because I was like normally I'd already gotten the blood rock here but I was like oh I got to get the runes on and then go out wait do I do I not get the blood Rock all right where am I going the [ __ ] am i doing oh I'm buying blood vial 69 hello the mean um okay yeah obviously I'm [ __ ] disorganized here and my whole chat is clenching right now gee uh yes there Deamonte clenching though and then after that I didn't have enough blood echoes to buy the upgrade so this was just a horrible menuing sequence all together I sold some items that used to get to the chalice dungeons and I was like oh [ __ ] fine now I have enough is why you tend to fortify your weapon before you level or anything like that or spend things on blood vials for example those 69 blood vials if I just about 68 we would have been fine but I had to go for the 69 because I loved a 69 probably wasn't a good time to drink say it prolly wasn't a good time there just be quiet and say not my CC hello I just realized I just looked over in my audio and it looks like I'm I'm such a loud [ __ ] I'm looking at it and like I think some of my audio throughout this video my clip if I've ate does throughout the video a little bit I'm sorry I'll do my best - quiet quiet down the mod relax stop being excited it's [ __ ] what time is it it's [ __ ] 452 a.m. right now I woke up two hours ago and it was like I'm gonna record this blood-borne commentary and get it out for everybody because I'm being a responsible youtuber and I'm going to upload more frequently like I said I mean it I have like a solid schedule in mind for what I'm going to do for YouTube I was just confused for a while about what I wanted to do on YouTube beyond souls rankings and stuff but if you watch the recent video on the criticism and Dark Souls 2 stuff I have a very very good idea for what I want to do and you for YouTube and I'm really excited about our new 10 things I love and hate series I forgot about stats you I couldn't even do anything but laugh what the [ __ ] was that [ __ ] okay let's uh let's do a mental replay of that first of all first of all never been hit by that [ __ ] dude ever in any run second not only does this do drop the [ __ ] bass cannon so hard that I get hit backward but it's just enough just enough to knock me off the [ __ ] map and the icing on the [ __ ] sandwich this dude this last dude who must have followed me from the other area before he does a drop attack for a good measure I forgot about that death I've completely forgot about that what the [ __ ] is is run dude oh god this is what I mean I like for Dark Souls 3 I ran Dark Souls 3 for I think like 3 months and then I took 3 months off and then I ran it for like another one and a half maybe two so yeah that and as you're gonna see here drop the base Canada kid thank God I didn't [ __ ] fall off that time but I can't believe it I got shot again what the flick sit the [ __ ] up I'm not even playing and I'm just like stop all right on down D mod it's all going to be fine the blue goobers are next ok ok it's gonna be fine guys all right and then after that we have hentai funtime everybody likes untie fun time okay it's going to be super fun it's going to be fun time for everybody involved it's going to be amazing now when you run up these stairs I glaze over the whole thing but really there's not much to say you're running up to upper cathedral ward if you play blood-borne you know how to get there just don't get don't get the [ __ ] base can and drops on you now grab that blue elixir if you want to you don't really need to it just gives you extra blue elixir for later which I honestly I don't think there's any point in grabbing it but if you're doing safe stress there's no reason not to if you want you can grab that lamp there but I don't grab it and then when you go up here there's a scythe dude he can do two things you can either point at you like a [ __ ] or will do this I'm attack you try not to get it by it because it does like your entire health bar pretty much and if he does do the little oh where he points that you than just to them with r1 and kill that [ __ ] now what you want to do this is the thread Cain skip I was talking about take it transform it and do a jumping R to walk slowly back to the wall like that take out your stuck Weaver and then do two charged Artoo's I think if you get the right RNG you can actually do a charged r2 into an l1 which will extend out far enough to hit him I got to skip really well there basically what you're trying to do you're a growing the brain sucker so that he'll come close enough to the door so you can kill them and that's the guy who drops the orphanage key it's just a skip but it's pretty inconsistent if you don't get it speed souls doesn't allow quit outs and runs like they do in Dark Souls 3 and I certainly understand it it's because blood where now is really long load times and they didn't want to allow them to quit out at every door and everything would save in game time but it'd be really tedious like I'll be honest with you and I just want to know I grabbed that badge and that's a scary place that that brain sucker can be in a random spot and he can be scary but I never liked putting out in Dark Souls 3 I didn't I just did it because it got better in game time and that's what it ran on and that's what all the runners did but I think it's boring but if you don't get that skip quit out and it'll reset his position and let you hit him again because he can back off too far so you can't reach him I just say quit out there if you're not doing this for world records or whatever [ __ ] it like it's it's not worth resetting a run over or running through brain sucker village anyway useable a boat paper an abuse led pellet just use transformation attacks kill these things and then you should be able to one two he should jump back and then just BAM r1 and he will die it varies depending on how much B's meter you get billed I think I've killed him in five hits before but five or six I take this lamp because of a pre toss funny enough actually if you do the strat is not a hard boss in this run but she can I'm pretty sure anyone who's played blood-borne can agree of rethought can just one shot you make sure you can just absolutely one shot you so even at this point am i running like I still wanted to do that safe of a strat but I'll I'll shut up because so we can see what we do here so in a second year might be split Pell it's going to run out and what we're going to do the reason this is so good is because the first fight with a breach has the second one she won't let you do this with the first one you have to a Grove recess you have to hit a retest for her to fight you so what I'm going to do is use the V fly pellet one two three use two transformation attacks then use your bolt paper wait until she's about to wait social her health bar comes up you won't be able to damage her until your health bar comes up I actually did it a little bit early and missed the hit which is why the strat didn't work but basically if that does happen just go to right side and hitter keep knocking her down and just beat the [ __ ] out of her head as you can see that was very clean like I didn't even get the strat completely and it was very very clean the reason is because you build beast meter on her body hit her head and then you just that head just takes so much damage and what the transformation attacks you're able to get it one tip is that the brief a breach has his head it's all the way up like if she's fully upright you can use the transformed r1 like when your weapon is extended the r1 swings up above and it will hit her head which is pretty useful if you need one more hit to just stagger her but you'll you also play that by ear and that stride has never been too bad I've pretty sure I've only died to every test in a couple runs it works pretty well it wasn't too hard to figure out the real thing is timing you really don't want to start hitting her until her health bar comes up I've actually had it before where I've staggered her without her health bar coming up because I sit her too early here I spend all my insight on B slug pellets and bull paper to try to equally spend them out I bought an extra bolt paper so I'd have an equal I think I have seven East 1,007 bulb paper now because now we're going to DLC and this is like the rest of the run there's the five DLC bosses there's the then there's ligarius and the two final bosses that's all that's left in the game at this point but this is the hard part of the run like this the run is challenging don't get me wrong but this is the hard part of the run the old hunters every single boss can kill you even Ludwig and blue goobers who are pretty easy in this run still have the potential to kill you because they do absurd damage you may grab these blood vials if you want to you can run to the right there and there's that doo doo smacking the gate if you kill him he'll be there every time you respawn and he always gives five vials so it's a tip to anybody always gives five vials very nice they put him there because they knew he was hard remember to Menu on your stuff here you want to use a bolt paper before the fight then we're going to use a beast blood after and then dodge the opener there is a strap for Ludwig but I don't do it because I'm not consistent with it I can tell you what the shot is while I do this I really just go for damage like that was very [ __ ] close as I said this fight can go poorly I did a bad job in this fight typically I had good ludwig fights it was weird when I first started running I had good ludwig fights and then I started having bad ones but if you want to try for the strat the Stratis to hit his back leg with two are ones his back left leg then hit his front right leg with three are ones and hit his head with three are ones and then just spam r1 and you go second phase but and then after that you really just spam r1 in this phase pretty much and yeah it's it's pretty straightforward like this this is a bad Ludwig fight like this this is one of the worst ones I've ever had but still I definitely played it a little ballsy cuz I at this point I was like okay I'm five minutes ahead that's still a good time and everything but you know I'm not going to not going to play it not risky but the Vice not too bad my recommendation personally you can try to get consistent with the strategy savestates but I'd really recommend just playing the fight with our ones and transformation attacks and playing it safely because it works for me make sure you send down the elevator after you grab the skull you need to send that elevator down you need to light the lamp to do both of those things and then you want to use a blue elixir and we're going to run through here we use the blue elixir in this area it just has a [ __ ] ton of enemies like you'll see when I turn the corner left here there's just absolute shitload of these brain things so forget about all that and go into the door here roll because you're scared like crazy because that guy is hitting you and they do a shitload of damage which is why we use a little luck sir go up this ladder and then after this there's two of these dudes and you have to run pass and these dudes are kind of scary they can hit and combo and stagger you um you'll see what I'm talking about in a second there's dudes that are carrying these like IVs and they'll beat the [ __ ] out you of them but he fortunately I got good RNG and you just like kind of ran over to the right so it's good enemy placement come out here be careful because sometimes these guys will block this path they didn't do it this time so you can just run past but you got grandpa there this [ __ ] Gatling gun so that's scary and then you're going to run up here and this is where the second duties of the IV typically he hits me once but it's usually not too much of a problem I just roll and then we're good to go I don't think I've ever been killed by either those guys go up the ladder and then this is where we are able to how do how do I say this I'm having a brain fart you oh you you like elevate the arena or what the arena the [ __ ] research all it's what it's called and then you're able to get to the living failures because before that you can't get to them but when you change this it kind of moves the centerpiece and then there's a staircase that allows you to go to the door so you doin the run this is a bit of a skip you jump down here go ahead and he'll jump down to the next area and be very careful because there's a hunter that's down here you can't see them because hasn't loaded yet but yeah you just saw the tail end of his coat and then I heal twice because the living failures can seriously they can smack the [ __ ] out of you and there is it scared the [ __ ] out of me I was like no no no no no pretty shirt so I'm saying anyway the use use the bulb paper UV flood pellet builds your beats meter on the first one and just be careful cuz like I said just dobby two balls because there's a tax they're pretty rough and then the second one by this time you can just spam our one I took a break there just to see if he was going to do an attack but after this is literally just wait for this one to spawn and spam our one on it I got pretty lucky here normally there will be a living failure across from you shooting magic but like over to your left like there is he's like popped out of the [ __ ] nowhere they're like you just need to make sure you're not to agree and dodge that like I was a little bit too greedy there I should have gone for one hit not to because you could get in a bad cycle where that would [ __ ] you up but yeah the fight was really good at that point and then this guy you sweetie sweetie I want your [ __ ] booty like geez man where the hell I've never seen that happen normally the ones over there don't bother you but that dude came in hot dude he wanted a piece but it doesn't matter because I killed him anyway and then I like this lamp you can actually do a safe strat if you were really good at the DLC where you don't grab any of the lamps after the research hall one I use a bold hunter mark after orphan but [ __ ] that noise dude these are the three hardest splits on the run bar none for sure I would say lady Maria's the easiest of the three which is funny because I'm going to die to lady Maria I'm pretty sure so use both paper activate the spy use of these flood pellet now you can parry in this fight and that's fine pairings okay but really what you want to do is build beast meter as I'm doing here you're just like with gehrman art starting out with gehrman with gas going I mean it works on Girma - but transformation attacks always stagger so there's only one attack Maria has it doesn't stagger it's the one where she pulls her swords over her right shoulder that one she won't get staggered if right away on one transformation it takes two transformations and stack her out of that one so just be careful about that but I got pretty bad luck here I think it actually isn't bad luck when I'm thought about it more basically you don't want her to jump away you want to be able to stagger her with transformation attacks and then just keep spamming them but she jumped back a lot and I think the reason she jumped back a lot I think if you're on her side or find her I think she's programmed to jump back so just take note of that I complained about it a lot instead of about RNG but honestly I think it was just bad practice on my part and at this point it's really bad like I had such a bad first phase which she went second phase really late she's supposed to go at 70 and she didn't I got lucky there I promise you bud but that's okay because she cleans me up right there yeah I just I had a horrible first phase there I wasn't getting my beast meter built at all and it just was not going well for me so like I said the thing to focus on here is you really want to build beast meter I guess you have to dodge around her and hope that she doesn't dodge away like maybe you want to strafe in front of her before you start doing the attacks maybe that'll be better I haven't done the runs enough to know for sure but I guess that would be my recommendation but I haven't tested it so I'm getting back in front of her my just end up getting you hit I don't really know I've had fights where I've done it and just dodged behind her and she's stayed there to try to follow up attack me and it's been fine so it it's somewhat orangey related but I think you could find a more consistent way to fight her without the jumping because I'm pretty sure her jumpiness is just as bad here like I don't think it's any better in this fight like there she jumps away I kind of want to see and talk as we go through this see I'm on her side and she jumps away again before the transformation he or she turns to me so that I think there's something to that I think there is something to that because it seems like she turns toward me and when she does that she doesn't jump away because then she can attack but if I'm behind her she can't like turn around or anything so there's a little jump away so that makes a lot of sense that's pretty good but even so still my beasts meter is really not built very high so it's not great you really don't want to transform attack there I usually go for three are ones when she's transforming maybe four try to pair that in fail miserably it's pretty heart attacks parry I never really know the timing on it so I just played it safe here instead [ __ ] it I'm backing off healing and that's that's always fine to do better to it better to live and have to do the fight all over again of course as I said that is the one attack that takes two transformation attacks to stagger so that was not great and then I was like alright [ __ ] I was doing fine in the first days and then I just started to [ __ ] up the second pace you really want to stay in her face you want to do the transformation that's access center keep using the beast meter and just basically second phase shouldn't last long at all you don't want second phase to last any time I'm not totally sure how that hit me but that I'm pretty sure that attack guys range there's the lady freed attacks that she stole from Maria and I managed to get her it was a horrible fight it really was I I do once again I'll reiterate I think there is something to her being in front of you being important and her not jumping away from you so you can use that to your advantage to try to make this fight better than it was for me in hindsight now knowing that I would probably be a lot better at this fight in the speedrun but a it helps you since all worthwhile so I grabbed my souls there of course my blood echoes and after this loss filled out if you have to wait a minute before you're able to run through here and now we got five bosses left everybody we got orphan we got Lawrence we got ligarius we got gehrman and we have moon presents oh boy so I think here do I go back 200 you dream I don't know if I do or not I don't know if I do because I don't know if I thought it was worth it or not because the app like you you have to go back and grab Lawrence's skull before you fight Lawrence I guess I don't I don't even grab the lamp I'm gonna I'll definitely grab the lighthouse Hut lamp I definitely do safe strats whorfin a lot of people ask me like because I've said that my opinions all bosses have changed over time if I still think orphans are disposed in the series and my answer is yes I still think orphan is ours boss in the series or if and it's very very difficult even after getting better at the fight through speedrunning this I still I have never completed a speedrun out of the eight or so runs that I completed where I didn't die to orphan at least once and I believe this run is included in that statement oh I don't know why I wouldn't be or finish the tough fight it's a really tough fight to be honest to be what I struggle with so much in the orphan fight is the second phase the first phase I've gotten quite good at at this point for the most part and barring maybe one or two attacks and I'm not the best at dodging I'm pretty good but the second phase I just find so difficult to punish and that's that's on me it's not that he's unpunished alive seen other speedrunners do it and I've seen them do perfectly fine but me personally I just struggled greatly with the second phase so I only do really well when I'm able to have my beast meter high in the fight and I'm able to get through the second phase pretty quickly and it also depends somewhat on RNG like it you don't want them calling the Thunder and [ __ ] like that like it's pretty annoying if he does that kind of stuff we'll see how the fight scale worried about it when we get there but I mean it's this point is self-explanatory like again if you play blood-borne you generally know how to run through these areas like of course I'm just running past enemies and stuff like that but there's not much to say about my movement like I'm turning left around this corner and then up here I'm going to turn right but watch out for that guy who jumps to you you don't need a dodge because it just doesn't hurt you even though it runs into you for some reason and then you fall down here fall down toward the left because we're going to grab the lever for the elevator then I'm going to go out for the shortcut that I was talking about and I'm going to take a breath because I've been talking for too long but that guy's going to drop down so make sure you attack them alright what's up yeah hey nice job nice job guy anyway go up the elevator and we're gonna grab the shortcut it's kind of annoying that you have to go up to celebrator there's a door here you have to open to the lamp you can't just have the elevator be set up so then we go back down the elevator and then you want to make sure I don't know if I do it here or not but you want to make sure that you stun the elevator back up because there's no point in taking the shortcut if you're going to have to grab the elevator again like it only takes an extra second or two so if you're gonna do the safe strat you may as well send the elevator back up to there's no reason not to be doing that anyway heal to full go in skip the extremely disgusting cutscene and then I'm gonna do the fight I always walk to the right over here and then use my [ __ ] now there's two opening attacks there's really good one which is not that one that's the bad opener there is a good attack you can get for Morphin which I did not get here and it wow this is not a good start is it I got lucky there I would have died if I danced a grim that was very lucky really what you want to do for orphan like I'll just talk about the strategy is you want to backstab fish you want to do what I talked about before you don't want to riposte him you want to charge an r2 and then you want to charge an hour to again if you like you should see it here I should get a backstab here and then charge another r2 and you can see that does very big damage you can't see it fully because it's my big-ass head but it does like almost 3000 damage backstabbing him like that like that was good so that's 11 yeah see you get it it's about 2600 it looks like compared to riposte which I think does like I want to say maybe like 800 less I have to when you transforms there you have to delay a little bit on the backstab because it won't work unless you delete just take note of that and honestly the fight hadn't gone horrible to this point like it was a bit sloppy on my part for sure but yeah maybe it was bad I ran out of my visa l'Italia okay I wasn't good it wasn't good and then he called lightning I tried you to salvage it and make the best of it because I mean I mean even if I played it safe here it could be fun like I said I've never not died to orphan so if I kill him here it'd still be a big time save but I completely wish to Java dodging that attack fortunately I managed to get through here then he goes absolutely ham like he likes to do try to get a some kind of backstab like I do so much backstab fishing but I'm just not great at strafing and punishing the attacks if I was better at it it would be different but yeah at this point I have no vials I'm trying to just get something to happen and I'm just not doing a good job cuz like I said I really am mediocre at fighting his second phase in the run good and on speedrun it doesn't matter like you don't have to worry about speed you can take all the time in the world and you know take the windows you want to but in a speedrun you want to do it somewhat quickly like it's obviously I've said it's better to play it safe and die but yeah that this is bad you got at some point you got to hit him you know but uh that's alright it happens sometimes we die it happens it's no biggie no big deal so as I said you want to send the elevator back up I could have saved myself a good amount of time here if I had probably like 10 seconds but I didn't cuz I'm a dummy either that or I thought I was like I'm gonna get I'm gonna get on my first run to be fair he didn't give me a lot of great attacks in the first phase yeah I think I gets a good opener here which you'll what you'll see the reason it's so good is what orphan does is he jumps over your head and you actually don't even have to dodge like you literally just let him jump over your head turn around and backstab him it's [ __ ] amazing please tell me I got a good opener so I'm not talking out of my ass give it to me baby give me out opener give it to me that's right see he just jumps over your head and then the game doesn't give me the backstab I guarantee you I was upset about that his backstab hitbox is a little fishy do you get that I'm an official joke this attacks pretty good you can simply get behind him I don't do it perfect they're extra to route that a little bit better this is another good attack just make sure you back up enough again I don't know why that was in the backstab whenever he does that attack it's pretty good too quick step forward to the left [Music] and then really just trying to get something going here like I said quick step four to the left and then I'm doing a lot better here I mean my beats meters full the one thing that sucked was this he has a tendency not to go second phase right away all the time but he did for some reason but you know what I'll [ __ ] allow it cuz look what he does here he just stands there I broke his [ __ ] eye I don't know what that'll happen but I'm not complaining you're dead son get the [ __ ] out of here it did he does the gold split but I think it's only a gold buy like I want to say maybe 20 seconds because I've had other fight like I I think I had another gold before this where I had like a pretty bad fight the first time but then I went back and have like an amazing like no hit orphan but at this point after how wet-nurse has gone and everything I was like I don't care I'll [ __ ] take it thank you game thank you for letting me smack that booty you just laid down for me and let me touch that sweet sweet ass and this is exactly what I wanted and my chap freaked out finally the good orange the memes work in my favor and as I said this is my last leveling right here I got my skill to 35 before Lawrence and then I get 33 and definitely need to buy more bolt paper and b.split pellets by 14 of each I guess by 15 and then just that because it doesn't matter I only have I only have four bosses left and at this point like I can only afford maybe one death and even then if I die again it's going to barely be a PB because it just just for the record I don't know why didn't say this until this point my previous PB was 149 oh seven in game time and you can see on the screen that my real time was 203 39 so what's what I was running against and that was a pretty good time for me at this point in the running like my previous PV before that I think was like 206 and my previous one before that was like 225 and my creepy Somme before that was like 253 or something like so I improved pretty quickly and if I did like if I did grind this run for another month on Twitch I really do think I could get like a sub 130 run but and maybe even further honestly like I think I could remove some of the [ __ ] strats and really get good at the run but I just want to do other stuff too like it's fun running these games but I'm starting to run breath as a wild we're going to play neo again I'm finally going to get to go back and play that which I'm really excited about I'm looking at doing horizon zero dawn speed runs I'm looking at doing a dark souls2 so level one I'm looking at dark souls 2 speedruns after that I'm considering vs1 speedruns in the future I want to run hyper light drifter and play that game too I want to run near automata and play that game too we played portal the other day on stream which was totally random but it was super [ __ ] fun like I just have fun doing different things I like doing speedruns and playthroughs on Twitch so it'll be nice sorry I was blabbing and talked over that the trick there to get the skull you want to call up the elevator and I'm pretty sure you could see it for yourself but you want to jump about halfway down and then roll again grab the skull and then after that you can like run behind use the bullet hunter mark and then you have it take a quick chug of that water and then go to hunters nightmare and then we're going to run to Lawrence and I will warn you orphan orphan is a very very difficult sight but I honestly think Lawrence may be the hardest boss in the run like I still think orphans a more difficult boss overall but when it comes to the speedrun I think Lawrence is worse because when I'm doing a normal run I can get all that juicy juicy [ __ ] vigor and have like 50 [ __ ] vitality with the with the HP runes and stuff here but even with 33 vitality Lawrence can to shot you and questionably one shot you I've had him and I know when I say one shot sometimes I'm like 80% HP no like one shot one shot no I mean full [ __ ] force 100% HP to 0% HP this man is a damaged god and we all need to respect him for it but I like my first run I like my I like 253 PB I was talking about I think I'd die to Lawrence like 15 times in the run and I only died like three times elsewhere I'm not even joking anyway that aside use your peaceful appellate and paper before get up here and transform attack this man let him punch you and look at that god damage look at that god damage dude look at that [ __ ] I I don't have any big advice for this fight other than try to do this you want to get the staggers on the side but they're random like sometimes you get them sometimes you don't it's just potato potato tomato tomahto Lawrence is going to [ __ ] you in the bottom Oh like it's [ __ ] annoying man luckily I got in a good attack here after you staggered one side go to the other side and I was like aw aw Perry that man repost that man yeah boy go get him I've already got him down to like 30% HP before he's even transformed and then he falls on my [ __ ] face so I was like yo look at this I have like a third of my beast meter and I was like okay do you mind [ __ ] calm down you're getting too ballsy chill your [ __ ] okay smack that face because there's no booty left and that honestly could have killed me if I had rolled at the like just a second later it would have killed me because it would've gotten counter hit and would the one shot the god shot I was talking about luckily he shits the bed and I don't and finally kill this man this is the first time I'd ever killed Lawrence on my first try in the run I killed him in two goes before but that was the first time I killed him in one go and I was pretty [ __ ] stoked so it's going to be a decent time save and that's one of the things that helps secure the very nice tasty PB and yeah really for that fight like I said you want to focus on staggering both sides that's really my only piece of advice other than that there are certain attacks that are punishable like the ones where he punches the ground and like doesn't AoE fire thing like you can kind of just get behind and smack that booty but it's really something that's gonna come with practice it's like orphan like you want to you know do those back stabs on orphan but it just takes practice to get good at it it really does maybe you're better at that fight than I may be maybe you'll have an easier time but I really struggled with those two fights in particular in the speedrun and the final three aren't so bad gehrman is a little iffy sometimes but that's because more my skill level not the gehrman's inconsistent fight anywho here you go - witch's abode because that's where you grab the lamp or the witch's room and that's the fastest way to Lukas and we're pushing hard for that sub to our real time I mean you can you can even see it hold on sorry drinking some more let's see you can see it all my splits - if you look at some of us segments for any unfamiliar with what that might mean I mean I guess the self-explanatory sorry I'm not trying to talk down to anybody just try to be descriptive it just some of that segments basically means it's a sum of all my gold splits so it's the sum of all the fastest times that I've completed each segment so if I were to have basically my perfect run at this point it would mean my run would be a 1 for you in a real time which would probably be like a 130 something in-game time like a 1 it would do a little definitely would be but it probably like a 130 for 133 something like that I would guess maybe know maybe more than that maybe it would be sub 1:30 actually probably would be so and I think I get that time down because like I said some of my gold so it's like I've never had an orphan fight where I haven't died and things like that and I and I know there's times because you can even see in this run like even in this run that hasn't been perfect like I've been getting gold splits and at a decent amount so I definitely think it's possible to get it down but like I said gonna move on after this one maybe I'll go back and do a run every now and again for fun because I do like this run it is very fun my only gripe with this run at all is that you can't easily make safe states I really wish ps4 had an easier way to use safe states because on PC with the speed souls save organizer it's like it takes like 5 seconds too low to save but on ps4 to load saves off your USB it takes you like just to close the application start it up all that [ __ ] just takes forever alright one last big run this is really it because after this you go back to energy dream and then the final two bosses are right there so run through cainhurst there are two shortcuts and gainers one you have to grab so I guess it's not really a shortcut I guess it's just part of the level but the the first shortcut you don't have to grab it I do I grabbed it here because I was just like [ __ ] it like if I somehow die like I want a way to get back and secure this PV even if at that point it'll end up being like a one-minute PV I still want a way I still want a way to do it so the shortcut is up here through on the left you just need to be quick about it because once you press the button that gate shuts and you don't wanna get shut in there and then you're going to run through here you just need to be careful because that guy at the end over there is going to shoot darts which instead of a roll I got a circle jump and you shot me with a dart but it's fine because we're going to run up here and then we're going to do small skips this is a very easy skip to do like I said I really only wanted to add an easy skips just like with the Dark Souls 3 is from up these stairs jump over that boom and then nice you're down on the lever right here it's not you skip it saves probably like 30 seconds or something like that like I think otherwise you have to run around the roofs back behind me where I am right now but yeah I wait for the thing to go all the way over because you can't climb it until it's all the way there and that lady ran around the corner like a crazy person but you just want to get shot by the dart guy again you get shot by the dark guy again then the least weeks would be coming for that booty and you don't want that so then you who head up here till garius pretty much it but skips like that hopefully are useful for people wanted to play the game to it allow you to skip some of the areas because like you don't need to be a pro runner and practice a ton to get these skips like there's a new skip actually in this game called sewer skip I've seen some of the runners on Twitch running it and again I respect the hell out of those dudes grinding runs with skips that are so inconsistent it's like a 10% so far it looks like 10% with the current setup to get the skip or lively it's only like two and a half minutes into the run but still to reset runs like I it just gets so tedious to me to constantly reset runs like even when I was running this game if i reset like five or six times without getting a run going I just changed games because that I don't want to let it get me tilted I want to have fun with my stream so I'll just change it something else like there's no point running if I'm not having fun that day you know anyway use bold a boat paper before be still at after and then let him tosses big spirit bomb or whatever don't [ __ ] up the dodge like an idiot and then really all you want to do for him is transforms like you really should just do one transformation attack on and let him jump back I got greedy there and tried not to but it's really just this I start hitting him more because I see like oh he's gonna already go second phase and then get some it's on him get the backstab and ligarius is dead it's pretty easy in the run like he's really not a hard I he's not hard boss on the run but I'm not too bad at fighting ligarius anyway because I really really love blood-tinged builds so I've done a couple different runs of this game where I've killed him at like level twenty to thirty with only like a +4 saw cleaver or something like that so I've just gotten good at that fight over time somehow I lost time there though I'm not really sure why I lost so much time I don't know what I did but that wasn't okay fight like it wasn't perfect but it was fine you want to spend all your insight here it's written in the notes for the speedrun now I actually don't know why for sure I think because in the normal speed run you actually have a lot more insight here and if you have more insight it means you have a smaller beast meter basically so that might be why I just do it to be safe like I don't know if it'll make this fight harder so I'm like I don't want the fight to be harder for me so I just by all to be slow I was like and use one before the fight smack that [ __ ] in his wheelchair and then get the bolt paper on you can dodge that attack usually you can like he has a lot of two combos you can dodge the first one and shoot the second one like it just backs up the first one shoot the second one I [ __ ] it up there and tried there and as you can see it's going [ __ ] swimmingly I really am NOT great at the gehrman fight in the speedrun it's yet again I'm actually pretty good at blood-borne but I'm good when I take my time and stuff like that like and can balance my aggression I feel like the blood-borne speedrun is very much about getting in their face constantly which it may be insane coming for me saying it's too much aggression it's not it's just it takes a good a better amount of skill than I completely have at this point to do that level of aggression and do the stress it just takes more practice honestly practice makes perfect but definitely try to get damage on him as you saw during that like buffets you can actually do a backstab there but I was too early it's just like or Finley get to wait for the backstab and those too early I probably could have killed him during that phase but I didn't which would have been a nice little time save but that's okay because I'm pretty sure I kill him here and some like if you do this fight efficiently you can actually get through gehrman and the moon presence with the same bolt paper and beast blood pellet but yeah I wasn't too quick and even though it was a gold so whatever man and then moon presents pretty easy but you just got to be careful moon presence even though it's an easy boss it does really high damage like you'll see here I get smacked around like an almost killed you just you don't to be two balls yeah I get lucky because it does that attack that is actually good if you do two charged Artoo's then you can stagger it most of the time not always but it's a good strat there and if you don't get the stagger then I recommend healing immediately and then really after this it was just stand still and die please start jumping around more but welcome he's about to die and boom run over well almost what you do here is you cook you want to quit out but you need to wait until you get the souls from the moon presence that's when the run is officially over so you'll see I wait and then quit then BOOM [ __ ] pump that fist boy you got a sub to our I was [ __ ] stoked I honestly like I said I was disappointed with what happened at wet-nurse like this probably would have been like 6 minutes faster and about like a 140 run if I hadn't but I'm totally ok with it I'm really happy with completing this run I'm really proud that I was able to take the blood-borne run because I actually tried speedrunning this on Twitch a couple months ago and I couldn't get the run like I just couldn't I couldn't do it and it was because I was doing the speedrun route that was the first time I realized that I don't think it's the best thing in the world to start with the current metal route and that's because they use very optimized stress these are runners who run this game and had practice with this game and they do use the best stress but for someone new to the game you're going on an uphill slope like it's better to not like walk up a wall than it is to you know I like going on a nice little incline something that's manageable something that's challenging but not something that is going to be overly frustrating or anything like that so anyway look look at all the beautiful people enjoy them I hope you guys found this commentary entertaining fun I hope you find it useful for you I did my best I don't know as much about this run to be honest like I'm not the most informed on this run in comparison to something like Dark Souls 3 but I still hopefully can give you guys a good vaulting point to start running blood-borne if you want to because like I said very very rewarding run my only recommendation is use [ __ ] straps like I said in the beginning and just try not to get me frustrated because blood-borne I feel like was really hard like Dark Souls 3 I was able to kind of jump into and get fairly quickly back in the day not as much because of the honoré strats like Honore killed a lot of runs for me but other than that it wasn't so bad but blood-borne gasoline is pretty difficult in the beginning and if you don't get the vai car strat she can be pretty reset heavy as well the Blood star beast 1 isn't so bad and if you're not used to running past enemies and souls I could see the DLC being a challenging thing for you even ringwraith even with the +7 weapon yes you do a lot of damage but they do a lot of damage to you too rom challenging camera beast [ __ ] joke wondering born even like wonder born if you don't do the strap perfectly it can drop a lot of bodies on you and be very difficult me Kailash is all about building the beast meter trying to get them in that room like getting the skip like you can hit you with the thing I mean I would say that what nurse is a joke but I look what happened to me in this run I mean normally I think what nurse is a joke but you can see that even speedrunners even people who practice to some extent these things and have played blood-borne plenty can still when going full balls make dumb mistakes and die omegle is not that hard cleric beast you're not going to die to which is a hem wick unless you're a god like me you're not going to die to blue goobers probably not a Bri sauce if you don't get the strat you know I could see people having trouble with because like I've had runs where I've not gotten the strat and then it gets totally [ __ ] rough and then I can't see my splits beyond here anymore because I'm staring at the screen but I think after that it's the DLC like Ludwig obviously Ludwig is a challenging boss I fought him plenty because he's my [ __ ] favorite and yes he's still my favorite I [ __ ] love Ludwig but honestly like I'll say this is a treat for people who actually watch through this entire [ __ ] video and are still listening to me and I really [ __ ] appreciate you if you listen this whole thing I really really genuinely do thank you so much MIDI or might actually be my second favorite boss now I kind of talked him up a little bit in the original review but was kind of like an but the more I think about that fight the more I think about that boss fight the more I think to myself it's like the perfect example of a Dark Souls boss fight like he has really rough attacks they do a lot of damage and he has a really big HP bar and it's an endurance fight for that reason but every single one of his attacks is very very punishable if you know how to punish it if you know where he's going to be where his head's going to land if you know where to walk at the right time it's such a rewarding fight because if you watch the reason in defense of Dark Souls 2 video id' the first site I put in there was a meteor fight where I don't even think I healed and that's because once I practiced it it wasn't that hard anymore even though I ranked him as my hardest boss be like I remember people got really weirded out about why put dancer number three and I honestly just kind of ranked them like hey if I was to do like a run with a weapon I've never done before which bosses would I be most likely to struggle with that was what that that's basically how I ranked him because honestly I've practiced that game is so much at this point that none of the ds3 bosses are really challenging for me anymore because I'm too practiced in the game basically not because they're not challenging bosses just because they're not challenging for me personally anyway getting off that random Segway I bought Ludwick plenty and he's not too hard in the speedrun but obviously I had a kind of sloppy fight with him blue goobers you know they can they can one-shot you if you're too greedy they can one-shot you I've dyed to blue goobers once or twice and then little blue goobers - excuse me I've never dyed to the [ __ ] let me blink with I've never dyed to the left celestial emissary what the no never not once not even once and that's a lie I totally died to them when I did the boss foot a drink and I'm pretty sure I say that in the blood board ranking video anyway then there's lady Maria who after today's developments what we what we discovered together what we discovered together I think might make her an easier fight but still very challenging orphan and Lawrence don't even get me started I already talked about aplenty they're [ __ ] really hard glue Gary is not very challenging gehrman could could be more challenging like I've died to get him before and funny enough I've actually dyed the moon presents before I know moon presence is an easy boss but I mean you saw it in the run I almost died anyway I think for one day I have yakked your ear off enough I very much appreciate it if you've watched at this point in the video I hope you enjoyed the run I hope this helps you guys with any runs that you want to do anything you want to do and if you just watch because you like watching my videos like supporting what I do like watching me speedrun games in a somewhat pretty damn fast way then I appreciate the hell out of you thank you very much I will see you in the next video very soon myself to you
Channel: theDeModcracy
Views: 924,613
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bloodborne, bloodborne speedrun, bloodborne all bosses, bloodborne all bosses speedrun, bloodborne walkthrough, bloodborne guide, dark souls 3, bloodborne funny, dark souls 3 speedrun, hardest boss in bloodborne, easiest boss in bloodborne, bloodborne bosses ranked, orphan of kos guide, ludwig guide, lady maria guide, the old hunters guide
Id: uHpFMr2NND4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 126min 8sec (7568 seconds)
Published: Mon May 01 2017
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