Blessed Are those Who Have Not Seen But Believe - Bishop Tudor Bismark

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[Music] so [Music] [Music] oh [Music] uh [Music] now [Music] ah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey [Music] oh [Music] uh [Music] [Music] ah oh [Music] oh [Music] uh [Music] oh [Music] me [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] my [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] tv foreign give me money [Music] is [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] hallelujah thank you jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] oh [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] uh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] i [Music] [Applause] [Music] my [Music] oh [Applause] thank you jesus [Music] thank you jesus saying father [Music] in your holy presence [Music] lord [Music] before you [Music] [Music] results [Applause] yay [Music] [Applause] sing father [Music] [Music] [Music] i don't know [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] my today's message is entitled blessed are those who have not seen but believe the series uh is based on our theme for the year which is seeing the kingdom and the new life covenant theme is consolidate and expand and so we are consolidating just about everything we have as a ministry uh that's why we are addressing departments in the ways we are and so our anchor scripture for 2021 is john 3 verse 1 there was a man of the pharisees named nicodemus ruler of the jews who came to jesus by night and said rabbi we know you are a teacher come from god for no man can do these miracles except god be with him jesus answered and said to him zero counsel i say unto you except a man be born again he cannot see the kingdom of god i am now in john 20 24. we will execute the scripture towards the end but thomas one of the twelve named didimus not mutasa named diedoms was not with them when jesus came and i could preach a message when jesus comes verse 25 the other disciples therefore said to him we have seen the lord but he said to them except i shall see in his hands the print of the nails and put my finger in the print of the nails and thrust thrust my hands into his side can you imagine the gash that was in his side that the man will put his hand in i will not believe after eight days which is the day of new beginnings again his disciples were within and thomas was with them then came jesus the doors being shut and he stood in the midst of them and said peace be unto you turn to a few people say peace be unto you father grant us peace grant us peace grant us peace then he said to thomas reach year your finger which means that one of the the arts of seeing is to reach if you can't reach for something it's not worth seeing it so jesus says reach here your finger and behold my hand so you reach and then you behold and reach here your hand and so the finger which is the prophetic direction uh the hand then after the finger has been reached it has to be an intent by demonstrating your finger is reaching and then your hand following because there are certain times that people can point but they don't put their hands so you point in the direction you are going but you never make your hands build what you are pointing to and so he says uh and thrust which means once you start building something with your hands you have to apply bianca thrust which is effort on a scale of one to ten it must be more than seventy percent of thrust ask an aeroplane when when they put thrust to lift the plane thrust it into my side and be not faithless but believing and thomas said my lord and my god and jesus said to him thomas because you have seen me you have believed now here's the blessing blessed or blessed are they that have not seen yet yet have believed father had a blessing to your words there's a saying and the saying is simply seeing is believing don't let your wife say that to your husband because you are in trouble if he says that seeing is believing and generally it's around in action where an individual has shown that they are words and no action and so seeing then is believing in other words something has to come into literal manifestation for a person to believe and so uh the the gist of this message is is can you believe without seeing something can you believe and it's easier said than done and so there are negative implications that can develop uh around a major event such as this one we read some of these implications are basically in certain categories because if there's a family gathering and you aren't able to be there some of the family members depending on the family uh may not have been clued in as to why you are not there at the family meeting and so these implications are based in various categories and these challenges come in the categories of physical mental emotional spiritual in others and i my our boys could not be at my dad's funeral because they were in the united states there were challenges with paperwork trying to get back in and i was late getting to the wake when my dad died and so there are negative and positive implications that take place when you are not at a major event and what happens is uh when you are not at the event it really depends on who meets you first and the way they tell what happened at the event and so those that are at the event generally will leave the person that's not at the event behind because the person that is at an event they will number one progress in vision because they will see things that others are not seeing number two they were progress in revelation because up until this point they had not seen jesus in a resurrected form thomas had only heard but he'd not seen jesus so the others had progressed in revelation he was in the past they were already in the future forward they progress in experience there are times when a ceo is looking for an employee an md or somebody to fulfill the role of a coo and part of that is not just academic achievement they want at least 10 to 15 years of experience because experience then many times is better than one that has a college degree you can ask a midwife who's trying to help the gynae or the pediatrician who is delivering a child a midwife that's been doing this for 35 years can actually be eating a sandwich while the baby's being pushed out and the doctor is like fainting and because he's never seen a thing like this in his life and so yes the midwife may not have a college degree which she should pursue but the doctor then is going to need to accrue uh year day months years of experience and so when you are missing an event you are behind in experience those that are there have progressed in maturity they have progressed in maturity they have progressed in resources what has become available they have also progressed in relationships to the event because at an event you see people and you see them in ways you haven't seen them before i got a photograph of our aunt my mother sister that's older than my mom auntie amina you she was the deputy minister of transport serving the honourable great herbert oshiwakunzi and we would see her every year after she retired and moved to botswana living with her older son james and daughter-in-law sandra we would see on tm and she was always extremely proper and together and so on and uh the last time teacher and i because we go to the pacific the last time we saw on tm was like eight years ago and so what happens is that the mind logs in permanently the last view and so after eight years when you get a picture of somebody or you see the kids i'm seeing some kids that i haven't seen for over a year and a half and i'm shocked that a lot of these kids now their legs are coming up from under their arms they are so pro and so seeing a picture of auntie m was very stunning for me the comments that came around the room was oh she looks so well for me she has aged dramatically same picture different view and so thomas now is is behind in all these things number two those that are not present in the room will have to rely on second and third hand information number one is that you are left behind number two you now have to rely on second and third information therefore the messenger's view and viewpoints and interpretation of the event will influence a deduction or conclusion a matter a decision there are no reasons as to why thomas was absent in the first place there were no reasons they are legitimate reasons and they are not so legitimate reasons reasons could be uh you know they were domestic challenges the man said i married a wife another man said i bought a cow the other man said i've got to prove a piece of land all legitimate reasons legitimate reasons there could have been a health challenge i've been walking gingerly for a month because of an injury i incurred my mind was telling me i'm 24 my body was saying i did you are 60 something and so there could be health challenges there could have been a tragedy a death they could have been a roman quarantine a roadblock they could have been transportation issues somebody could not may not have filled up the donkey because of the donkey queue and so he could have had those child but the bible doesn't tell us why he was absent those are legitimate reasons he could have been exhausted and tired from running from house to house afraid to be arrested as the others were because of fear the illegitimate reasons regions that could have been added that uh he could have been uh irresponsible in that he is habitual sleeping late he sleeps late you know i'm not a morning person i'm a night person i go to sleep at four o'clock in the morning and i only wake up to obama or or at noon and so that's irresponsible uh he could be irresponsible because he's not known for keeping a journal or keeping an appointment book and so i get very very frustrated with people who don't keep an appointment book who just uh vegetate and sort of like try to merge their world in mind when i'm very meticulous about time and so they are habitual offenders coming late late late never trust the person that's hungry never trust a person that's hungry never trust a person that's tired and never trust the person that's continuously late because they do not respect your time time is money time is your life it doesn't mean much when you are 21 it means so much more when you are 82 because time is precious it's managed the time you spend with your children your loved one your friends he could have been a habitual procrastinator he may have had very little regard for somebody else's time and also he could have been this is also legitimate and maybe not so legitimate he could have been tied exhausted and burnt out which means that we're not taking care of ourselves let's deal with the reasons for thomas's skepticism reasons for thomas's skepticism first one maybe not taking the situation seriously we have we have people in our world that they don't take a situation seriously you know when something is actually serious they still want to be jovial and joking and and so on and so not taking the situation seriously i you know you peter you just want to be the spokesman you john you just think you are makwanya because you were you had his head or you had your head on on on his heart you know trying to get into his belly whatever the case might be and and you nathaniel you think you were something because you were sitting under the fig tree you were playing mcqueenerism over and above us uh and uh the list goes on you philip you were the one that jesus said i you've you don't even know me if you've seen me you've seen the father you were questioning his authenticity and you matthew you just want to tax us all the time you you think this is the old regime of taxing taxing and so on and so there are people that don't take the situation seriously number two they are people uh who don't take responsibility for their share of the work they don't take responsibility of the work they let the same individuals burrito the twenty percent who let uh the eighty percent who let the twenty percent do all the work and put all the money so they buy the groceries they transport the groceries they cook the food they set the table and then those that haven't done any of that are the first to eat at the table and they dish up so much and they cause a famine in the land so number three they are individuals who do not push beyond the pain barrier you should only get paid for what you do in the extra mile you shouldn't be thanked for what you have to do and ought to do and if you are a person that expects to be thanked for what you ought to do we are stagnant pay only comes in the extra mile life will tell you that and number three there are people that are too emotional you cannot be a first world leader in anything if you are emotional i'm not saying don't have emotions but you can't be emotional there are times when you must not cry there are times when you must not laugh with people who are stupid and foolish and frivolous and immature and there are times when you share a joke and you laugh but there's a time for things and places you cannot be an emotional person where you rejoice when an enemy loses a wife or a business never ever ever celebrate your enemies demise never ever you must pray for those who despitefully use you baby naughty love your enemies you know why because you are somebody's enemy and they could be trying to find uh uh tj and i were having this discussion you know trying to find the chocolati from chilochio or somewhere to come and be with you you think you don't have enemies you have enemies that you don't even know you have and you'll be surprised who they are judas they are the only ones that in the bible besides a woman that a woman was kissing jesus feet this man came to kiss jesus on the cheek so you can't be too emotional you have to be balanced you have to keep your emotions in check at all times especially tutor when you're driving home in an orange car and traffic is bad because there's somebody sitting there you say oh bishop it's so good to see you and they saw you manifesting a body part that i can't mention let me go into part two of this message which is what i call the mirror effect the mirror effect so when you're looking at a mirror into a murray you see your reflection and so if you lie down in a mirror with your feet against the mirror the feet are the nearest part and the head is the furthest part so let's look at the mirror now and we'll use the tabernacle which is the holiest of holies the courtyard iowa the holiest of all is the holy place and the courtyard so the holiest of holies then is where the head sits the courtyard is where the abdominal area sits of the sensitive organs the neck is the veil the neck is the veil from your shoulders down right here to your reproductive system is the holy place where vital organs are housed and then from there the legs the shins the feet thighs shins feet that now is the courtyard which has the brazen altar and has the lava which are the water works and so when god created adam in his codistic way let there be schwa then he says let us make so when god creates the heavens and the earth when he starts with the earth he is going to start with the feet the feet building up and uh of course what happens is that as he starts with the feet he's then going to end with the head the first shall be lost allah shall be first so when a baby is formed in a mother's womb the first thing that begins to show definition is the head and the last thing that are generally formed are the feet but when a baby is born the feet don't come out first the baby was said to be in breach and generally with uh modern medicine and gynecologists and so on they have a way in which they can turn the baby and so when a baby is born it's head first the bigger the head the greater the pain the bigger the head the more blessing it is because the baby is easier to handle after birth and so what god does he starts with the feet so that when adam comes the whole body is in place and he only is dealing with headship issues and it's easy for him to walk because the feet and everything has been put in place all the sensitive organs are functioning and so adam is in the holiest of holies he only sees the good part of god he doesn't know there's a devil lucifer he doesn't know there's a hell that's been created for the devil and his angels he doesn't know that there's evil he doesn't know that there's bad he doesn't know emotional imbalance he's walking in a realm of of a level just below infinite intelligence he had such brilliance he was functioning generally with close to 75 to 80 percent of his brain power where he could use his brain and he could move at the speed of thought he had the power to speak things into existence and he would get to a fruit tree and say mango and it would form in his hand that's how powerful he was he was a being of absolute light and moved at that speed when needed he could also move at the speed of light he would also move at the speed of sound he was a ubiquitous being an amphibious being all things to all men and all creation at all times is his almost infinite intelligence he named all the animals those in the air those on the grounds those in the sea so we could swim and identify them he could fly and identify them and name them and he could move on the ground and identify them in their respective habitats and he was a zoologist he was an etymologist a primatologist he knew exactly what was there he was in the head he was in god's head he was messing with god's head and god would come to him every day in the evening time for the evening sacrifice the oblation the worship and he would give god the sacrifice of his the sacrifice of praise the fruit of his lips giving praise unto god oh this is good this is so good and so there are things that only gods can eat you can eat of everything but they are only things that gods eat these things pertain to things that exist in sovereign uh dimensions and even in sovereign dimensions the beings that live in the sovereign dimension i.e the angels and other glorious beings they are things that they are forbidden to eat which lucifer discovered that you cannot eat of god's portion my first official date with chichi we had gone to her friends across the road her friend was wilma knight and so uh i dressed as i was those years dressed with a tie and so on so we went next door opposite and because chichi's mom still does today would cook and the food would be ready and uh we have that practice today uh when you get home you eat it's only sundays that we now set the table and eat but because our skills you get home you eat so i got there and so gigi took me across to the night and so we were there and rama said oh geez this is your boyfriend so i thought okay do you have a girlfriend and teacher was like are you my boyfriend so she said yes and so we had ditched up by jesus very modestly you know don't eat too much at other people's houses because they'll talk about you when you leave and you never get an invitation again eat at home and then just come and eat like the queen just nibble here you know three beans half a carrot and a small piece of meat and don't be you know uh uh molesting a bone in somebody's house it's like you're drawing the bone and so i teased up very modestly and so as i'm eating huh chichi put the fork in my plate and took something out of my plate and so generally and our son benson is like that now if you eat out of his plate he won't eat and so generally i would just put the plate but it was trying to be manly try to impress trying to be gentleman trying to be you know the man i very very painstakingly ate and swallowed the food with water like i was taking a tablet i can't remember why i told that story because the one i was talking about is sure to appear what are they saying about eating so they are yeah and so so uh lucifer could not should not be taken out of god's plate because because there are things that god can handle that even a superstar angel can never handle before you eat out of the president's plate and tell him how we should run the country you should have information as to all kinds of things that are happening around the world in terms of contracts trade deals things that they are still paying the british for stuff pre-independence they are still paying a debt and so before you tell the bishop how to run the church before you tell your father how he should manage family affairs there are certain family secrets that he can't tell you because it will hurt you destroy you and you won't be able to stand far more it is more blessed to see than to speak so now we leave adam and eve when eve is eating a god fruit she eats a god fruit and then she tore the veil she leaves the head eats the god fruit and the neck the veil tore and the first thing that happened was that abel is the author of incense he was raising a sacrifice that god was pleased with the demonic world hated that sacrifice and raised up an agent to kill abel so agent smith tried to kill neil and so cain killed abel and destroyed the incense of pure worship but what the devil didn't know is that even though he killed abel he could not silence abel because abel speaks today of better things and so you might not have an offering you might not have your chi gummy which we highly recommend you might not give to kingdom cathedral you might not have given your time to uh initiatives to help people and so on but what you have to give is an able a b l e not a b e l you have to give god an able offering in worship when you leave incense you then come when you leave incense you then come to the table of showbread which is abraham it was abraham that gave god human food because god had been eating dear tea food and so abram then presents to god the table of show bread and in so doing prophesying the three dimensions of his family isaac jacob and put the twelve loaves the twelve sons the twelve tribes of israel on the table and so when god saw it on the table and ate of that what he ate of he said you shall be because you are what you eat from there we then turn and we come to the candlesticks who is moses he is the first one to shed lights on the things and in the books of moses he predicts this is the law but there's something coming which is the church seven candlesticks spoken of in book of revelation chapter one two and three and moses was in the midst of the candlesticks and didn't even know it the candlesticks were made of one piece of gold that was beaten into seven branches it's the only work that was not molded it was the work that was beaten because the boulder church you have to beat people's will into conformity for a person to repent you have to beat your will and humble yourself and repent for you to be a decent husband wife child you have to beat your will into submission wives submit husbands submit children submit congregant submit bishop submit and it's a and work if your light is going to shine it's because you have submitted submit to advice people that do not submit their light never shines ask korra datham and abayam ask balaam wundzak kane they are just a passing wind after you leave moses shedding light you go further now in the murray effect you then leave the holy place and you come to water and the first one you see in water is going to be samuel whose son is elijah it was samuel who took water at misbah and poured water on the sacrifice and it was elijah who stopped the heavens and opened the heavens by pouring water on the sacrifice and drowned it and ended the drought and so when you now come to the water you're now dealing with the prophetic the prophets the prophetic is a very tricky ministry because it's like water it takes on any shape that is put in that's why profits must be submitted to apostles if a property is not submitted to an apostle he will take on a shape that is very concerning because they then will take on the shape of flavor of the week and it's easy to become a force than to be a true you become a false but you have to be a true which takes a lot of effort once you leave moses once you leave the prophets the era of the prophets and so on you then come to the altar of sacrifice the brazen altar and that order of sacrifice which at the feet are the minor prophets that now lead us to another veil which is going to be the new testament and so when you come to the new testament now it's fit against the murder okay we have left the head now it's feet so the first thing you are going to see when you enter the new testament is not the messiah you are going to see the feet therefore john the baptist a prophet a minor one at that that jesus said was the greatest and so now we are walking in from the murder we are now coming what was john's message repent the brazen altar for the kingdom of heaven is at hand the brazen altar when you leave john you then come to the level chapter number two verse 37 of acts what shall we do to be saved after preacher peace that message peter said repent and be baptized so the apostles then baptized which was a circumcision a cutting of the flesh removing of the flesh and naming the child and so the apostles then were the lever now when you leave the courtyard and you enter into the holy place the first thing you will see are the candlesticks that's why you have to be a member of a church when you leave the candlesticks the next thing you have to have is the bread which is this is the dispensing of the word you have to be in the church to be legal to dispense the word people that are not in the church that dispense the word are in serious problems stan when you leave that the tables the the bread which is we are both on the foundation of the apostles 12 of them then and only then can you now come to the altar of incense and offer pure worship of course you can worship at home you can worship in your car you can even be an israelite listening to israel in your car when you come to the water of incense it's here that you serve everybody that's in the church the candlesticks that's eating the bread here you have to show your worship by the way you serve everybody in this church has to serve in one way or another you can't just come and take and eat bread and eat bread and eat bread you have to be on the altar of incense where all of the ingredients are burnt together they lose their identity individually and they become a corporate aroma where your service makes the church smell good then we come to the veil we cross over into the veil we then come into headshop gifts we see the ark of the covenant the first thing you will see on the ark of the covenant are the two angels that were in the garden one guarding the tree and one guiding the entry so the first thing that happened when jesus died his blood was for repentance water came out of his side the level he was birthing his church finding his wife the side when he slept on the cross he slept eve was being pulled out which is the second eve of the church he then legitimized the preaching of the word through his apostles the bread and his sacrifice became the ultimate expression of worship and when god received that worship the perfect blood the perfect sacrifice the perfect prayer the veil was torn the neck opened and now all man has access to headship you don't have to go to sing christopher pray for us saint thomas pray for us martin de porus pray no straight straight let us come boldly to the throne of grace straight into headship it's the mirror effect so now we come to the message sisters and brothers there's great responsibility placed on on us on you on what you see especially if you're the first one to see and so my sister bernie is here she'll never be the oldest no matter how she tries she'll never be the oldest but i'll never be the oldest of the girls i'm the oldest i saw things that she never saw the twins are 12 years younger than me and so the responsibility i have as the oldest is to say the right thing of what i've seen and not to destroy people's belief if you can't say something good about your father don't say anything allow your siblings that are younger than you to always have respect and honor for your father or your mother every family has secrets that's why they are secrets because if you if you as a leader say things in the wrong way of what you have all seen you can cost a nation 40 years 12 of them saw the same thing unfortunately joshua and caleb were late not because they were not punctual people it's because of the empower they were caring they weren't like those people there uh i can't say names because of pc but they weren't like those people from a certain neighborhood in in in briar when you're in school they've always come to you to school and during break they never had lunch and so they were always coming to take our sandwiches and then there were certain groups that were so wealthy they always had polonius and then there were those uh that had cheese and tomato sandwiches i didn't like them because the tomato makes the bread soggy and then there were us that's why even today i do not eat apricot jam because every day there was apricot jam on my lunch i don't eat apricot jam so joshua and caleb are late because they are carrying the the fruit of the land they are they are bringing they are advertising the land the ten that got there spoke what they saw they saw but they spoke irresponsibly and they changed belief the people could not believe number one in god they could not believe in moses their leader they want to destroy him they could not believe joshua and caleb they believed an evil report and damned themselves blessed is he that believes even though they have not seen blessed easy the youngsters 20 years and under they believed they had ambition they wanted the the range rovers the highways the skyscrapers they didn't want the portals of the wilderness they didn't want that they they didn't want the old stories of the way we used to be in egypt our our organization of what we did they appreciated the liberation struggle for those years to deliver egypt they appreciated that but this young group they they want university they want the car they want money they want the sneakers they want the tight jeans and a doctor that can deal with the tonsils as a result of tight jeans they want travel they want high-speed internet it's not like the the internet here you know is like uh uh is so slow and then when you're trying to change your page it's like a person coming on on your screen and then changing the page i should do stand up let's deal with self-belief you must believe in yourself because there are things you in you that you have not seen but you have to believe you are blessed when you believe and you have not seen thomas blessed is the person who believes and hasn't seen you must believe you know it's their music you know it's there the circumstances in the country tell you you won't reach that 10 million that million but you believe even though you haven't seen it you are blessed blessed when you believe in your future and you haven't seen your future and your destiny but you believe and you have learned that you can't share that with everybody because there are 10 10 which is 80 that do not believe only two believe and so you share your future with those that believe ah bishop it's okay i got a message from a young lady it started before they were babies i knew the parents when they were dating from before they were dating she's now in her late teens and i hadn't seen them now in 18 months she sent me a message day before yesterday that made me cry hi bishop it's i just wanted to say that everything is going to be all right you are going to build kingdom cathedral it's going to be manifest we are going to worship in there and we will dedicate our children in there and uh please be encouraged so those are the ones who have not seen but they believe and they are those that have left this church because they they can't believe what they have not seen they are like thomas i accept i see it i believe it's been sitting there for how many years there's nothing happening there you know and did you see the chick of it the cash is driving you know that one they call uh watichi what but there's a core that have not seen but believe thank god for the for the anti-alias the grace the seniors here uh for for a mother-in-law that believes you haven't seen it but you believe when i look at the twins i already buzz alone i've already opened accounts for them and i'm already putting money into their college fund from when they were born i got a message from the bank yesterday to give me a thumbs up i have not seen but i believe you are blessed when you believe even though you have not seen oh yes you you you haven't seen what's in your children it doesn't come into manifestation but you believe i believe in zimbabwe that's why we are still here we haven't seen it but i believe something is coming somewhere i believe i believe she's zero i believe i believe something something so great is under the surface that's going to manifest you are blessed when you see in your ministry what others do not see you are blessed when you see in your company growth and and profit margins and in the country at gdp you are blessed when you see that when dr portable was here for the conference uh the last time we had gone to see number one and uh dr audible had been sharing around the world and in places that uh it's possible for african countries to have a gdp of 20 and the prezi was saying you know that they were projecting a 7.5 7.8 gdp i think ethiopia was like 11 or something and the prison said oh and so dr audible then began to expand how that could be and how that was possible and so so he said i believe i believe but but you have to believe when you don't see it's easy to believe when you see but you are blessed when you believe and you don't see and so so in in your hand your hand your finger will touch what you believe thomas you will believe but for me i will put my finger there even though i wasn't in the room i will believe and and what you are going to do you are going to activate blessings in your life from things you did not sow you are going to activate blessings in your future for work you didn't do you are going to activate things in your future for prayers you have not prayed you are going to activate things in your future for anointing you have not earned because you are blessed because you believe even though you have not seen i have not seen but i believe i believe i believe in you i believe in this church i believe in our future i believe in our children and so with bernstein who generally has a challenge we have a mother-in-law that believes a mother that believes uncles are undies that believe a father that believes that some great miracle is going to happen in his life we haven't seen it but we believe we have nurses around him that believe blessed are those who believe even though they have not seen ambition bismarck the pastor of the great church new life covenant church in the greatest capital of the world harare god bless you we'll see you next time [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign you
Channel: Tudor Bismark
Views: 4,904
Rating: 4.878788 out of 5
Keywords: Bishop Tudor Bismark, Bishop Bismark, Tudor Bismark Sermons, Bishop Bismarck, Chi Chi Bismarck, ChiChi Bismarck, Chi Chi Bismark, ChiChi, Bismarck
Id: 3S_wP-t1Qv8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 32sec (4472 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 04 2021
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