Bishop Eddie L Long Come up Higher III Jan 2010

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with your neighbor very quickly it's very quickly it's wonderful absolutely marvelous date when you see elder Powell he's out tonight because it's his it's his birthday and so when you see him you'd give him a nice hug and bless amend get a little something-something I let me know how much you appreciate him and I'm sure he'll be exceedingly glad so if you're watching by way of streaming faith or something no the Powell turn it off enjoy your night father we honor you bless you and thank you for this most holy and wonderful day we thank you for the birth of elder Tommy Powell as he celebrates his birthday today with his family and friends I thank you for all of our births with the assignment that you have given us to move in mighty things to extend the kingdom to the uttermost parts of the earth and so with that God we thank you for this moment speak to us father you increase and that which you have for me to say that I will speak it a confirming word to the wonderful Saints not only in this house but throughout this world it is in the mighty and wonderful name of Jesus we pray Holy Spirit have your way a man a man and a man put your hands together one more time before you seated I do want to give a special greeting and welcome one of our sons and through the new birth Church Association new birth in South Carolina Pastor sharone Gentry is here just wave your hand come on and bless God for him and for driving all the way from South Carolina to be with us tonight I thank God for him you may be seated in the presence of the Lord I want to continue and move with you from revelations for again and I think God for you and those of you I had an opportunity I've been up early this morning doing some of you may have seen me on 700 club this morning but I did several other tapings etc naw and ended up doing chapel for 300 employees over there this afternoon had a wonderful time and then got on a plane to fly back to be here with you and being able to promote the book and all of that and one of the things I do have announced I thank you for your support of that but most of all it is my desire that every member has a copy of that book I I believe it gives great great direction and as I went even into Norfolk today many of the staff had already read it and we're bringing testimonies to me we're going to announce something in the near future where I will come in grieving with you to help you be kind of a life coach give you some special instructions where you can follow and have access to me and a wealth of other resources to make sure that you move in the significant things that God is ordained I will not be signing books this evening only because we sold out Sunday and we have to get more in and the shipment will not be in until Thursday so Sunday I will some of you purchase a book and was waiting on me inside maybe tonight I will do it Sunday and but I do appreciate you and on all of you who put it on your face page or a book or whatever you call it tweeting it and and beating it and all of that stuff I appreciate that because I believe what God gave me in there is very valuable for such a time as now so I and I pray that when you read it and meditate on it it will guide you tremendously in your journey at this moment I talked to you about positioning and alignment assignment and all of that I believe thoroughly that this is a time that God is actually making adjustments and I would say adjustments for this dimension that we are entering into with him and so with that there's a lot of change that's the reason why I talked to you Sunday from the book of Rebecca where it talked about and out of the book how that name very name means to embrace and to cling say it with me to embrace and to clean so on this journey as God makes these shifts and adjustments that you might not quite understand that's the reason why in the back of verse 2 it said and the just I mean in chapter 2 it said and the just shall live by faith this is not a time to judge things by the way you see them in the natural it is a way to judge them by the way you discern them in the spirit it's not how I see it say whether it's not how I see it in a natural it's how I discern it in the spirit so with all of that we want you to understand that there's alignment going on there are things going on you're getting your assignment for this season you're being positioned for kingdom advancement that God's glory be revealed so with that I want to go back over to revelations 4 and 1 and I want to talk to you again revelations 4 and 1 says after these things I look and behold a door standing open in heaven and the first voice which I heard was like a trumpet speaking with me saying come up here and I will show you things which must take place after this second verse said immediately I was in the spirit and behold a throne set in heaven and one sat on the throne we understand at this moment as we ascend into the higher throne that we're moving into a place of authority repeat after me I am moving into a place of authority now now when you say that you got to act like you in charge now I realize two nights 8:10 we're not gonna be long but I need you to just deal just try to act like you in charge I used to share with you that story I used to used to after you know kind of put my put my wife in her place you know I don't even start sister handsome didn't go there because I used to have to tell her I was the man of the house you know and I'd go around let her know you look look look honey I'm sorry I'm the man of the house and just finally she said something she said evidently you're not sure that chilled me out real good I still haven't forgot that one however that there's a certain point that you have to come to that you know you have authority that you ain't got to act like it so the reason why we have so many so much trouble with church folk is because they are hypocrites and they're they're like bulls and china shops because they're running around trying to push their weight around because they really don't believe that they have any power because if you knew who you are you can be polite and get much more than you can by Boston folk around because it's not by your power nor by your might but by and if favored and you have favor and favor ain't fair when you walk in places folk coming to you the Bible talks about walking in obedience and Deuteronomy and it says and all these blessings shall overtake you which means I got so much stuff planned for you if you ever sit still long enough and be where I'm supposed where you supposed to be that I got stuffed it's just gonna run up on you it's gonna be like a drive-by you're gonna be sitting up and calling somebody saying child it was a drive-by Drive Bible a drive-by shooting Oh drive-by blessing said I was sitting in all of a sudden it just came up on me and every time I turn around be singing that's night time I turn around God's blessing me say it's more than a song it can happen and so what we're doing is we're moving close to the throne that we understand that with with being with the head of the house I have authority as a true son and daughter I don't have to beg all I got to do is speaking and then a lot of people who will come into my presence please understand this is a time that you need to be able to conduct and carry yourself in such authority that when people walk in your presence certain things they just won't say if you walk into the crowd at work and you come around the corner and they're telling them little crazy jokes and you step up they shut up because they realize that we can't talk like this around that person and you didn't have to say nothing it is because you have found yourself at the feet of God is amazing what price you pay to get there but once you get there it's well worth what happens in your life so we're moving to a place of authority where you know with a blessed assurance that when I talk to God and when he talks to me I'm able to speak it to activate it in the atmosphere that that thing happens and I do it with a bold confidence now with all of that that's where we're headed we're headed to moving in authority and I'm gonna take two days next week to really lay some things down not just about thority about authority about the wealth that comes with it I want you to have a thorough understanding by the end of this month you know I have about 50 pages there's no way I can preach it so I got to put it in some kind of book for you so you can study it for yourself because if you understand how that authority and and and prosperity especially finances work together it will put you on the map and switch your bloodline and reposition you so I'm going to tell you do not miss next Tuesday and Wednesday night I'm with we're gonna be serious about what we're doing gonna lay it down line by line that you will have a great understanding because I don't want you just to know it I want you to have the ability after those few moments to teach it but not only teach it I don't want you to teach it without evidence so so that's the reason why we're taking the time of consecration that stuff will start happening in your life and this is a wonderful time for focal don't have a job to get a job and when they do get a job you're not just getting something they're getting something that is more than what they could imagine and all of that so while they're sitting there and everybody sitting ever talking about well child I hear what you're saying and tell me show me some evidence and you can hollow evidence let me give you my testimony let me tell you right now matter of fact I turned down five jobs the other day you want one I got about 10 folks to agree with that that's fine we'll go on and move in all of that I want to talk to you tonight that night about those first three words again say after these things now when we talk about that I hope you start bringing your pilsen paper or if you've got you put notes in your phone or whatever didn't do that but say after the things I want to talk about that what things were John's speaking of and John was primarily speaking of three things that are mentioned in the first three chapters of Revelation number one he's speaking on being on the Isle island called Patmos that's what he's talking about number one in Greek I've talked to you about this Patmos means my killing I'm on the island of my killing now I want you to look at me real quickly because I'm walking through scripture on this the first thing is he was on the Isle of Patmos after these things I think just about everyone in here has had this moment or this season some of you may still be in it where you feel like God puts you on an island he separated you you feel like Gilligan it's very difficult for you at this moment in your life or recently to even get into intimate relationships and what I mean by that - really fellowship deeply what anybody seems like God kind of just disconnected you there's nothing they can say that at this moment that that you want to talk about this you know there's some things that trouble you but you don't want to hear you don't want it you realize there's nobody who can talk to you now I feel like I'm alone and there things I want to talk about but I can't find anybody that I know that I can talk to him about it I keep coming here and I keep getting unction and feelings and and Bishop is giving me bits and pieces in it but I still feel isolated and and I don't feel like I'm coming alive because things that I used to do that bought me pleasure and I'm not talking about sinful things I'm just saying things I used to do it I don't interest me anymore I'm I'm I'm stuff that I used to get excited about going after I'm not excited about going out you know it used to be you know you happy I want this car I want this house I want this I want that I want that and now you just kind of gone to a place well you know what that really ain't all that you know there's something else I'm looking for and I just don't know exactly what it is you're on Isle of Patmos you're in a place of killing you're in a place that God is removing the stuff that don't matter you know I said this you know I read this before and I just really slapped myself and laughed you know I can't really remember the quote but it's talking about how life is so funny it says you know by the time you figure life out you're too old to enjoy it you know now that I'm over over 30 you know I'm really figuring out what life is all about now I'd like to be like 18 again because I wasted all that time being hard and stubborn and listen and telling for what I really need to go out I need a car I need this I need that need me a crib you know apartment you know rent you know all this kind of stuff going after stuff that at the end of the day domine jack and all that if you go out there right thing all that other stuff gonna come after you anyway and so with all of that by the time you figure out what it's all about you don't wasted so much time now I wish I was young again so I can enjoy that I done figured out what it's all about well I'm trying to help you right now trying to get you to a place Lord said let me let me kill all that let me kill all of it so I can put you in the right place after the right thing so so your desires will be right so I so when you delight yourself in me I can give you the desires of mine and and stop fighting me I said this Sunday I said I say this around the world to forget getting it to get the message God says I'm insulted what you insulted about God because because cuz everybody calls me the devil because while I'm killing them they rebuke him the devil calling Devils get behind me ain't the devil I am God I'm I'm in process with you I'm aligning you I'm I'm I'm answering your prayers god I want you know y'all don't even come in the church and start howling all them holy prayers if you ain't serious cuz he heard you the first time tell him you sorry tell my don't what I pray for forget it just let me going out here because if because it it cost when you said Lord I want to be used by you the first time you said it he said okay got you got you I've been waiting on that alright you show let's go and so he's answering your prayer you say thank God saying now thank God for answering my prayer now so I'm gonna talk about a little bit money the first thing is I'm in the place of my killing say that I'm in the place of my killing now please understand this the second thing when he was talking about after these things is is is seeing the resurrected Christ in Chapter 1 i'ma talk about that in a moment and the third thing is hearing from Christ about the terrible spiritual failures among the seven churches mentioned in revelations chapter two and three now I've talked for a moment about being on Patna it's it's it's John suffered great tribulation according to revelation 1:9 revelation 1:9 says I John both your brother and companion in tribulation and kingdom and patience of G of Jesus Christ who on this isle that is called Patmos for the word of the dut for the word of God and for the testimony of Jesus Christ and I told you that Patmos means the place of my killing now it is a small island Patmos it's place as a small island it's located in the agentic see it is rocky it is very barren which has made ideal place where they sent criminals they they they sent the Roman criminals and most people were sentenced to Patmos to die because of the harshness of its environment or suffering extreme psychological distress because of the punishing isolation and desolation now the apostle paul was banished there in in about 95 ad which is more than 60 years past the resurrection of Jesus Christ and we can easily a man imagine the tremendous challenges of health difficulty crushing sir come stance emotional isolation and the cruelty of prison life for a man of John's age in his he was in his 90s when this was going on now Patmos becomes the place of death to self to John and it became his killing the death of his a Demick you need to breathe fresh yourself called deliver me from Adam and it's talking about the the nature that we inherited from Adam now the impulse Apostle Paul he suffered in like manner now in in Romans 8 and 36 you can write this down it says as it is written for your sake we are killed all day long we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter now I'm taking this time to say this because the gospel needs to be balanced say with me say the gospel needs to be balanced somehow we have over tilted the scale and preached so much good stuff coming your way that we forgot to tell you there's a bill and we have raised up a society of saints that don't think this stuff cost salvation is free the rest of it you go have to leave a little payment now please understand that because I think that we have missed certain parts of the gospel that causes us to be upset with God and God is saying there are certain things that you got to get that you're gonna have to go through to get it because you've got to burn off flesh so we going to look at 2nd Corinthians write it down 6 4 5 and 6 but in all things we commend ourselves as ministers of God in much patience in tribulation in need and in distress now I say that look at me everybody wants to be like I just said so many folk God called me he called me to preach he called me and they want to be on magazine covers and admitted and mega church and in all this we have more marketing preachers than we have preaching preachers we got more Hollywood preachers than we got do you know suffering preachers because everybody they think that you know it's the good life they don't realize what it costs Paul says look look look look look I went under to minister this word we got to do it through much patience tribulation in need and in distress this ain't no cakewalk this ain't no candy walk and and please don't tell people people tickle me said Bishop why you got to have security I don't any secure there here y'all be seeing me you see me over there tomorrow South the cab and all that I'll have no security him what y'all I need security if I tell you some stories and I'm not playing with you it ain't but you think I ain't trying to impress myself I want no I don't I don't need Tony somedays I want to be alone here he come hit clean head followed me [Applause] Tony Tony he says he's process in stripes and punishment in labor and sleeplessness and fasting as unknown and yet well known as dying behold we live as chastened and yet not killed that's ministry so nobody want pay that we want to be in tailored suits in air-conditioned and big choir with Posse that there is a price y'all and so so I understand in detail Church get over it stop sitting in thinking that you ain't gonna pay for nothing stop thinking that that you don't go in the army and you got to Train it's gonna be tough they gonna pull stuff out of you you didn't think you had in you the Lord always will put an enemy in front of you that you think is bigger than you because he wants to show you you're bigger than it but the only way he can show you you're bigger than that is put it in your face and then if you stand up minute call fewer chosen who's chose those who show up if you show up he'll take it down doesn't even say show you right number two not only that after these things that was the first thing he went through the second thing was the appearance of the resurrected Christ say the appearance of the resurrected Christ now in Revelation chapter 1 I talked about this in the second service the other Sunday John be holds the face of the resurrected Christ his appearance was so awesome and and I read it go over this for up to a chapter one revelation start with the 13th verse please hear this in the midst of the seven lampstands one like the Son of Man clothed with a garment down to the feet and girded about the chest with a golden band his head and his hair were white like wool and white as snow and his eyes were like flames of fire his feet were like fine brass and refiner in the furnace and his voice sounded as many waters he had in his right hand seven stars out of his mouth when sharp two-edged sword and his countenance was like the sun shining in strength please please understand this what's this please hear this John was so terrified that the next verse says and when he saw him I fell at his feet as dead but he laid his right hand on me saying to me do not be afraid I am the first and I am the last which means when he's when he saw Jesus the power the authority the majesty what came with him took his breath away to the point he fell as dead and God had to touch him and say look here get up I'm on your side see see most of us who operate in a spirit of fear would never operate in that if we ever got a vision a redemptive vision like John did of what Christ looks like now what was this I said this before him and said again well why is this drastic change in his appearance of the Son of God why did he not appear to John and human form as he did at the resurrection because he wanted to emphasize both to John and to us his true spiritual identity I said this before he's no longer a baby in the manger he's not the man of sorrow hanging from the cross he's no longer Jesus of Nazareth what good thing comes out of Nazareth so the church can stop worshipping and praying to a historic Jesus God wanted us to shift and start seeing Christ as he is now what's this his he is spirit he is eternal he is arisen conqueror the Christ the Anointed One in whose hands are the keys of hell death and the grave and if you can ever get a picture of what he looks like now there is no way that you can be afraid of where you're going and what you got to deal with in a moment because I am standing and and and he is so awesome that he makes me fall out when I look at them and the problem is we as the body do not recognize the power of the head and we have not paid the price to get a visual look okay we'll have an awards show tonight let's just say it's the Grammys you know and I I'm getting awarded for a video that I shot it was bootylicious and very provocative and all of that and we was shaking down and all that stuff and I come and I get the envelope and they read it and Eddie longed for his video bootylicious and I come up and I I want to thank God fourth foot for this opportunity they'd never seen them because there's no way you can do that and then thank him the way he is to do and so now because we have not many folks who have spent the time on the island they think they can do just about anything because they because they did for walking because the Bible says where there's no vision the people perish the true understanding where there is no redemptive revelation of God the people perish and go unrestrained so you got folk calling his name but never seen them because if you've seen them you would almost fall dead and there are certain things that you could not do there's certain things that you would not say there's certain things and then you wouldn't pimp yourself up on the stage and thank him because you were butt-naked and tricking folk to move in the flesh and not the spirit we have a nation that has not seen him they just heard about them and so they flick in his name around unauthorized I want to announce to you that there's a whole lot of identity theft going on and we need to snatch back Jesus name put it in the right perspective and make sure that the glory of the Lord is revealed in and through us it's bigger than just number three after these things not only I have a new vision of Christ not only it I had to pay for it but then it talked about the conditions of the church I'm almost through once appear the President of the United States will get up and deliver an address called the State of the Union before a joint session of Congress in this address the president report from the highest possible perspective on the state of the nation analyzing his strengths as weaknesses and then laying out a plan or a strategy of moving forward to a healthier and better position or future revelations chapter two and three he addressed the seven churches of Asia Minor which is modern-day Turkey and when you look at that Christ's ascent assignment in these churches is as not historic nor limited to these individual churches at the end of the first century rather Christ's evaluation of the seven churches is universal touching the spiritual conditions of any and all segments of the body of Christ without historic limitations and beyond its geographical restriction so it is it is bigger than just talking about Asia Minor and and it's talking about seven conditions of the church all of the spiritual ailments the shortcomings the failures the errors the carnality or the idolatry of any and any Church at any time past present or future has entered into and engaged into all these spiritual ailments plainly stated in revelations chapter two and three seven churches the number seven represents the totality of the church universal out of the seven churches you'll find that God had problems with five of them which means over seventy one percent of the church God had problem with three out of every four churches failed divine evaluation and here's these very strong words that he said to the five churches as he set up and started talking about him and saying some of the things that were being done he would always end up nevertheless I have this against you or I have a few things against you only the church of Samara and Philadelphia that were not rebuked by Christ Samara no Samara was to persecute it and Philadelphia we first finds faithfulness now what's this what's this it is a death to self and revealing of Christ a place where John was banished called Patmos not accidentally a on the hill Jesus was crucified was called Golgotha which is the skull it is not accidentally in this in the scriptures you'll find that didn't call patmans by accident nor did it call go Gotha by accident every name chosen is strategic because the literal tool to bring forth the revelation that opens up the spiritual mysteries the challenge we have ladies and gentlemen is is in sons and daughters we have not pushed far enough to get the secret things we have not dug deep enough that now we operate in the things that others wish they could have seen and/or heard now in order to receive the grand vision of the book of Revelation John had to qualify through the most rigorous and punishing circumstance is a process called again of my killing now all of that who placed John through the suffering and qualification process the one woman the book revelation is called Christ the Lord revealed and stated in verse 1 chapter 1 the revelation of Jesus Christ now it is the unsearchable depth of the revelation of Christ we are open to John to never being revealed to another human before John went before us paid the price to report back to us what Christ looks like what the conditions of the church are and what kind of price you have to pay to walk in or to be able to be a door to lead others so they won't get lost or left behind now to qualify to receive such a grand noted uh knowledge of MIT and the mysteries of Christ of God's throne and kingdom is to glimpse into eternity come up here there is a door standing open and I want to show you things that must take place I'm looking God said for folk who want a glimpse of eternity I'm not looking for tail church folk I'm looking for folk who want to be the head I need tour guides I need folk who have gone ahead in the spirit went through the door who is Jesus Christ who can come back and tell somebody what's going to go down how it's gonna go down where you need to be what your position need to be already wrote the book before they got into trouble here is the answer I've already got it in print I'm already ready like Peter to interpret what's going on when you think everybody's lost their mind and it's because I took the time to pray and to get in his face and to pay the price which means I separated myself from certain things Sunday we're gonna announce to you give you some information on a 7 day fast look at your neighbor your neighbor gonna have problems with that cuz fasting is not a part of their everyday living I was going to go 21 days and the Holy Ghost said don't kill him long don't kill him I need him he said break it in because let's look at me because most of us are not talking about you your neighbor is not used to consecrating themselves and separating themselves to pay the price for deeper revelation you got to talk over bad eating and sleeping in and this and over TV and this and stuff and instead of getting a clear slate then we wonder why were always in a jam and in a mess but we never took time in all thy ways and he will direct you but I spent time Sunday saying if you ever take the time to set yourself up he'll talk to you please understand I don't think let me tell you what it costs let me be real practical I think I've turned on Scripture right here let me just be real practical I've challenged you several times to change your lifestyle the food we eat and the water we drink is killing us whatever affects your body affects your spirit so so so your attention span you know I please understand I came up in the and you know back in the day we didn't have a whole bunch of a DD we just did we had grandmama you gonna pay attention and that's it that was the drug our kids weren't dope addicts why because my kid ain't oh yeah your your kid is stuck on sugar which in a bite by 2000 2010 by 2015 they're predicting over a third of us what we'll be diabetic because you are kids everything we're eating the canned goods all it's full of sugar we're height we can you know Bishop and hurry up I got going what causes you to go home and send it to him pop like that fall right of sleep is because you are on a high and you're high went there's no nutrients there's nothing and and then well you say well my mom and him used to fried chicken in lard and stuff and I used peanut oil and they lived long but see but they worked they sweat it out they didn't sit in the house and let the Lord God up all this stuff they were out there planting tomatoes and doing stuff we sittin up in the house flicking our children are obese because they sitting up with two ants eating Froot Loops for dinner if you don't if you don't understand that we gonna miss God because we got so many chemicals that go in the ground into our underground wells etc and all of this stuff you know I can go off on this kind of stuff cuz yeah but I'm trying to get us to a point of understanding that there's a price that you got to pay that you got to wear bad that you got to get wisdom you got to be prepared you got to see things as they come you got to be able to be clear in your body so you can CERN in your spirit they are connected that's coming up Iran this young lady the other day Sunday and she's from she was from Newark I was raised in Montclair and so we just started to celebrate in white castle's you know because because they better than crystals but please understand we got to go to white castles once a month yeah y'all miss whisset I said once a month it was a treat fast food was never intended to be your diet the best reason why Daniel pleaded for for the three boys because he said look don't make them eat your stuff don't make them deal with yourself let's let's do a test let me let me take care of them let me feed them let me let me do this with them and I guarantee you that they gonna be better than yours because if I'm not dealing with the mind and the body and the spirit at the same time but if I can if I can just have these three they will be able to discern they will be able to to be able to read they will be able to do things that you could not imagine the challenge we're having with our children a challenge that we're having today with our culture is that we're not taking care of mind body and spirit and understand that now you got to take time to shop I can't throw everything in well I don't want to buy hopefully a little bit more expensive well wouldn't you want to pay it a funeral's expensive what my runners somebody has to willingly step up like a John and endure the suffering of Patmos and Christ would have been revealed to him first if if he didn't do it consequently what which brings us to the seriousness of revelation of the principle of death to self Patmos inter illustrates the death to self on one side of a coin and the other side of a coin is the unveiling of Christ when I die to me stop just feeding myself and stop feeding my desires and stop feeding my soul is this and sup just going after what tastes good that might not be good once I do that I'm also at the same time on the other side of coin getting a deeper revelation of who Christ is Patmos my killing is God serious about my killing or my death to self absolutely most definitely no and God will not kill your flesh or your carnal identity God wants us to die to self the human will is part of the soul along with the mind and heart once we die to self which is a life long process then God supernaturally intervenes expedites the process and help us to reach greater heights and spiritual knowledge through Christ in the case of John he's telling us to come on up God crowned that spiritual growth process by subjecting him to the ultimate catalyst God subjected John to bat mas' he didn't send everybody to Patmos but there are certain places that God will send you that he realized you can handle because I want to get you to see something that you would not normally see we are constantly trying to get folk to preach us out of our destiny why would I want to send you to Iraq and not train you give you a gun put a uniform on you and then put you out there in the middle of a war without strategic understanding without strategic training without training you for the environment that you would be in a dry desert climate I'm not going to do it have you noticed even even even even in the football games lately Satan Satan Lewis or whoever was cutting the Cardinals were playing the other night they have the dome and everybody has a dome like the Cowboys they they closed the top they closed the top because they didn't want any air to get in the stadium because they realized their opponents couldn't only function at a certain temperature so they closed the top because they weren't trained in that environment and it gave them an advantage and then also if I close the top it elevates the noise level which now gives us an extra man on the field because they have not been trained in this dome this is our dome and we've been trained how to play with the cop closed why did Moses have to suffer in the desert for 40 years was because God knew that a hard-headed folk was about to come out that he's gonna use Moses to bring out and he had to train Moses what the desert was like for 40 years so he when he went to get him he can keep them for 40 years because he already been there there are certain places that God will take you that your pain is not for you your pain is for somebody else God just trusts you with the process and if you can stay in the process long enough he's gonna show you the process or and when you see the process or you'll know that I'm okay I must be training Special Ops for an assignment and God trusts me to train me in the most adverse circumstance this is just a temporary thing come on now and advance me Timaeus [Applause] we need more folk who can sit up like veterans and say oh I seen that I'll sit up and tell elder little stuff and I said I need you to help me with this Perl help me with this help me there and I give him a few this and she'll just smile she's a so quiet she smile and then she'll open up my mouth and give me a resume off of what I said it's like I've been there I've done that I've seen this before oh you know and that's what that is that's what I got I need more folk who can discern and I realized she didn't get that free she paid for it I see but but you know what she never pulled me aside and said let me tell you what I had to go through she's just using what God has given her to help other people get through if they want to we need more Saints than to pay a price and not sit up and try to tell everybody what I have to do to get here and just be glad that you're there and you're looking around so I seen that oh I realize that oh I know that oh I got that to the point that the body of Christ is not so scattered we're killing preachers why would kill him preachers we killing preachers because everybody wants to come get the answer from me when I go out and shake hands like at least 10 notes please call me only you can talk to me only me be dead calling you it's too many of you do you know the first church I passed it the first stairs I passed in spring rapture sincere town would not what date of the patent rim I was ripping long rim long stay with me Anthony rim long all you need to do is come preach I said no I'm believing past it it's okay I set up office hours and I it was so funny I got up announced I'm being the office remember they never used to that so I'm sitting up there I pick up the phone make sure it was working because I was you know I'm pastor I'm waiting on an appointment and nobody would come I asked the dick chairman dick boy he said well nobody coming because we doesn't handle them he said we'd go around and visit we got all that covered we weren't here here and the chairman give me a piece of paper we went visit these folk they all right we took some money out benevolence we did that we did this they I told him you was glad to hear from them and stuff and if you want to go see some of them Sunday after church I'll Drive you over there to see them but they all right preach [Applause] now we got leaders to get mad if you don't come see him and they need to realize the price they paid was that JR to make me free please hear that please hear that there's something God wants to show us Jesus died that Christ would be revealed did you hear what I said Jesus died that Christ be revealed that's why they couldn't find Jesus because he was totally human and totally divided human had to die so divine could be found don't go to Colossians and say it is the Christ in me the hope of glory and not realize what you just said what you just said is me got to die so the hope can come forward because my Jesus can't stay alive if I want my Christ out who say that one more time I like that myself my Jesus that's why the guy he wanted he showed him a whole new limit I don't want you to see him as Jesus I want you to see him as Christ strong in battle which means Jesus the flesh part had to die so the Christ can be revealed that's the reason why I talked your Sunday the vision is for an appointed time and when that time comes it will not lie it will not tarry what what is the point of time it is the time when the flesh part of you the jesus party you die that the Christ part of you comes forth and just as soon as you allow yourself 10 which means Gaza I don't want nobody going off doing something prematurely and all they're gonna do is show flesh and call my name I don't want you to call my name I want to show my name I want folks to be able to look at you the way you walk just like they do in the natural they can look at my sons and my daughter said no that's Bishop Bishop chilled look at me all slewfoot it and all that the way if you listen to Jarrett talk the way Jared talk he talking his hands he talk just like me yeah yeah yeah I don't know all the names every word has but I'm just the last name I think he had I think he all the way back to Edward yeah he just just like me but if we are in the image of him then the stuff we picked up that ain't him got to die so that's I don't want you up front now there's still some stuff I got to show you I I need to get you through some church mess and I need to get you out of judgmental because you know what each one of those churches got dealt wetting the five that wasn't right he gave them time to get straight that's what's that's what's bad about church folk church folk catch you in something and and and you did now O Lord you your life is oh no I don't even know why he coming to church oh look he got a nerve to step up in had to all he did God will always give you time to get it right he doesn't drop the bomb on you like we drop it on each other and he says if I can get you to ante up a little bit to move in the things that I've ordained I said this Sunday John spiritual journey was quickened when he heard the voice of God we failed to grow because many of us have not really heard the voice of God we've never been taught the crucial and indispensable fundamental essential and the highest priority is to hear the voice of God for yourself it is the key to spiritual life they heard the voice of a pastor but that ain't good enough y'all that's why we got so much mess in the church I'm not belittling pastors or myself but this there's this this you got to hear him if the only time you hear him if I open my mouth you in trouble because I can take this last Sunday CD and and give it to two people let them listen to it privately and then bring them back together and both of them will talk about different things and some things I didn't even say cuz they heard God's voice through it and they know what God sounds like Bishop I'm so confused cuz you never heard his voice you never set yourself up and before you can go up through an open door you got to accept Lord I'm willing to pay for it Lord I realize there's some things that I didn't got messed up in the church that you're giving me time to straighten out and god I realize that you're trying to show me not a historic Jesus you're trying to show me who he is now I'm a slow my little self down stop being in such a hurry open myself up not fight you cuz it's tough it's tough to not be in charge but for some of us we have become God to us because we're not listening to him we're listening to us Lord I don't want to do that I'm not gonna do this I'm not that's too hard and the Lord said there's Christ on the other side of that there's something on the other side of giving up something can I say this I've said this before the promise is always bigger than the problem big problem big promise God always gives an incentive to push through David was about to kill the Giant and he got to throwing his sling and I told you that and then he just stopped in the middle of the track said hold on ain't gonna waste my rock sending scripts he said wait a minute what am I gonna get when I take him down I ain't I ain't wasting nothing when I take this down when I get this victory something got to be on the other side of my trouble and God listed three things that he would get by taking that giant down Jesus agonized in the Garden of Gethsemane I ain't wanting to die like this notice I said Jesus agonized not Christ Jesus didn't want to leave the scene Christ was ready to cover he - they started bleeding sweat like blood and I can imagine somewhere his daddy said to him sir this son let's chill out tonight is that I know this and stuff I don't even want to look at it I got turned my back for a moment because you my son but he said you know what after these three days at your name every knee got the bow in heaven and earth and beneath the earth and every tongue got to confess that you are Lord and Jesus Roberts fire and that's only going to cost me three days so actually a couple of those days you know ain't gonna be too bad first one's gonna be pretty rough but when I roll the stone away and Jesus said well if that's all that's gonna cost me let's go nevertheless not my will but your will be done there is no problem asking God what's on the other side of this problem what kind of promise you got for me Lord what you gonna give me if I stay with this crazy man [Music] what's on the other side of this challenge and the Lord is sit down Dale and they'll give you enough of the picture that you say okay nevertheless not mine but your will be done every head bowed in this place after these things after my suffering after seeing him after witnessing what's going on in the church but yet there's time to correct it I looked and there's a door standing open in the heavens that door is Jesus not historic Jesus but power might strength glory warrior God says I want to give you something I want to show you things that must take place you're so close and the higher you ascend the greater the reward doors will open gates will be unlocked wealth will come with your authority that's Healey in my wings I'll put you on the strategic cutting edge things you're worried about you'll laugh at some of you have already paid a dear price God says what you it's time to look and see I'm unveiling myself you don't have to wait and die to be in my presence they don't have to have your home go going to walk with me just surrender take a moment to make your commitment with God and what you heard him say to you tonight affirm it back to him Lord I hear you Lord I surrender [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] come on if you believe it's done and so put those hands together [Applause] as our elders are getting in place and everyone's standing there's a sweet spirit in this place and we're not going to belabor the moment no one leaving if you don't have a church home or if you want to receive Christ as your personal Lord and Savior tonight we're not going to beg or plea but our elders are down front bishop long would love to be your pastor and the Lord Jesus Christ is calling you unto Him come on you can come now we'll receive you now amen amen [Applause] bless you sir [Applause] how many were blessed by that word tonight new birth if I were you I would not leave this place without getting either the CD or the DVD or the mp3 whatever you get faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God touch a neighbor and tell them don't run from your process don't run from your process
Channel: michael enjoy life green
Views: 10,021
Rating: 4.7818184 out of 5
Id: zI17KS7hxC4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 46sec (3946 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 08 2017
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