Making A Sci Fi Movie - Part 1: Creating An Asteroid Field - Blender 2.8x

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hello and welcome to another exciting blender tutorial today we're starting the epic space battle series let's jump into it okay welcome I'm really excited to be kicking off this series it's gonna be a really really exciting one it's gonna be a lot of fun and we're gonna cover some pretty exciting stuff so I hope you're ready buckle up let's jump in I'm gonna be starting off here in blenders is 2.8 2a as of the recording pretty much in general 2.8 whatever comes after that will work fine for this if there's any major changes or anything in blender down the road I'll do my best to try and update and kind of keep your speed but generally speaking the stuff we're gonna focus on is gonna be straightforward enough that it's it's not gonna it's not going to cause problems this blender grows and increases over time alright so what's our objective today well so the big picture of this series what we're gonna be doing is we're gonna be making an epic space battle and the idea is let's come up with a way of I guess framing how you would approach doing something like this that's why it's plural epic epic space battles because I want to be able to think about okay how did you apply this to a lot of different battles or a lot of everything so we're gonna kind of cover like the main big things that you would run into when you wanted to do something like this so for example creating space we're gonna be creating asteroids we're gonna have laser blasts exhaust out the back of a spaceship explosions and some dynamic stuff how do you have things break apart stuff like that so that's kind of where we're going so the idea behind the series is by the end hopefully what we'll have is a really exciting scene with multiple camera shots multiple key moments a bit of narrative to it so a bit of a flow will talk about narrative we zoom as we make this because I think there it is really important for any kind of animation and yeah and we'll get into some dynamics and we'll do some other crazy stuff so it's gonna be really exciting um now if you're a patreon so you jump onto the patreon page you can check out things there I actually have a special mini-series running on the patreon that they've got access to which is how to make the spaceships we're gonna have a hero spaceship we're gonna have this bad guys spaceship which looks like a kind of like a spider thing and basically those two ships I'm gonna go through in this sort of side miniseries and make those there in this main series I'm bringing those already made already ready to go and so the idea is you can bring your own ship and we're going to cover things like how to make the you know the back end like exhaust stuff we're covering how to do lasers and stuff in this series but if the basic ship model to start with that's something you need to bring to the table or head over to patreon you can get it just the four dollar tier you can jump on and watch all of those and learn that or you can get it on blender market when it comes out there so anyways so this is gonna be a really fun fun fun exciting adventure and I am just I'm just really pumped so let's do it let's get started so what's our objective today well we're gonna create about a billion stars maybe a couple hundred thousand asteroids and maybe some suns and yeah and we'll do it all in 30 minutes why not okay cool let's jump in so first thing we want to do is the quintessential a to select all X to delete because it's blender and that's what we always do whenever we start a new project now if you're brand new to blender I'm gonna do my best to just kind of explain things as I go this is kind of an intermediate level all the tutorials I do tend to be kind of that intermediate level but I always try and bring along newbies so if you're brand new to this don't worry stick with me any questions pop them in the comments below and I'll do my best to answer alright first thing we want to do is create space so how we're gonna do that well I want to work a TV I've actually want to start off an Eevee so um I just switched over to render view by the way that's what this is these are the different view modes so if I go up to my little camera DSLR icon thing you can see that we've got Eevee workbench and cycles cycles is our really in-depth global illumination renderer which is slow but awesome mice not slow it's actually super fast compared to R it would renew used to be like but anyways Eevee is the real-time renderer sort of game game engine install rendering we're just gonna start with that and we're gonna mock some stuff up with that we're gonna create space on the world which the world is basically this gray mass that we see around us okay so what we can do is we just split our view and we're gonna open up the shader editor so just go up to the top left and we're gonna find shade or editor and here it is I'll just make it a little bit more room you know get rid of this for now now in the shader editor of course we can create shaders for objects we can also create shaders for the world itself so this big gray mass so we're gonna do is switch from object to world and that gives us what's generating this great background which is just this nothing really we can change the strength of its stuff I'll search the e V so we can see a live rendered update okay so stars how we're gonna do that well we're gonna create a noise node so if you just go shift a and then search and then type in noise we get this noise texture and now we want to do is we're gonna go actually do we want to texture corner I don't think we need it I will see if we need it sorry I'm just thinking out loud alright so we can plug this thing in straight into the background but first what I want to do is well I'll show you what it is so we'll just go straight in and there it is it's this bright colored you know disco party world that we've got here awesome all right cool now what we want to do is pipe this into a color ramp so we've got specific control over the colors so what we do is shift a search and type in color ramp and if you've watched all the way of tutorials you see we do this all the time we're always making color ramps and see if I can bring these down I can actually affect okay what's what's black what's white and what I can do here is I'll just drag this out a little bit so we're not losing so much I'm gonna change the scale so just bring this way up way up way way so we get this like really sharp noise and then what we can do is we can bring this up and suddenly we have space boom bring this in now the further these two apart we get more variation so you'll have this this gradation between black and white you're gonna have more stars of different types we could also make some like colors so if I could have another one in here and let go blue maybe and that's going to create stars that are blue in this mix as well and what we might want to do is just make another one here make this one white again we can go to the RGB and just take the RG and bead and actually make them all one and it'll be white it's naive like some blue stars you know not a lot and then we can make this a bit a bit of a darker gray so we can really refine that and then we can adjust the the scale here to get different sizes and get the right size now we've got to small we're gonna start getting weird shapes so our stars are gonna be like like oblong ovals and stuff which I don't think we really want so I like I like this idea of like a really really high scale I might even go all the way up to 500 okay I can crank the detail up as well but that's not really going to affect things on our level I mean we could we could maybe turn the detail off and that's gonna give us a ton that could be cool I'll just keep adjusting that so it looks about right alright that's good alright so we've got some we've got some stars I can turn off my grid here and just by hiding these guys it'll help us see just a little bit clearer okay so now we could make another pass of stars but I think this is gonna work for us this is all we're really gonna need but one thing would be great is just to give you a sense of where we're looking you can't really tell with this because it's just sort of this uniform star pattern so let's put in some nebula so how would we do nebula well the same kind of idea what we can do is we can even use a noise texture again we can use something else maybe like a Musgrave I don't know we'll just duplicate this we'll have a look at it first if you're not familiar with my tutorials as well I kind of do these a bit on the fly so you can you can see my thinking process I want you to be able to experience you know what's in my head as I'm coming up with stuff so anyways hope you don't mind all right we're gonna go mix shader' and i'm gonna pipe my background shader in here and I'm gonna get another background shader and pipe that into here and I'll turn that up to one and I will send my color into this one and then I'll pipe this one into this one so the mix shader' is like it's really it's another shader that allows you to mix multiple multiple shaders okay now at the moment we've lost their stars but that's alright you can see we get this like blah thing now I can I can expand this whoa there we go I can expand this out and we can get some you know cloud-like formations and this is the idea I'm just gonna delete these I might just keep the blue make it a bit brighter go for like a blue color maybe we could we could have a couple of colors in here you know maybe like a bit of a teal I'll also turn the strength down for this so it's not too intense i might try like point oh one something like that just so it's there may be 0.02 0.03 also take these and darken them a bit so if I go like 0.5 we could take this one and just dim it right down and this one too that's gonna achieve the same effect and probably give us a little bit more control and I might take this one make a new one in between and just dim that one right down just to kind of get a nice fall off there with those edges cool now I can take my detail up to get a ton of like really nice cloud like detail in there get distort it but that's not gonna look cool and we can take our scale and play with that but I think something like one is gonna actually be the best thing all right sweet now yeah we can mix these together appropriately now by using the factor of this pretty sure into here there we go so what that means is basically it's taking the information from this so this noise texture so if I was to look straight it this you know you saw it before it's basically just taking everything where there's white information and it's using that to say okay that's where we can show this cloud like stuff and everywhere there's black we won't show anything of this shader and so by using this as the factor it's basically filtering out everything except for the bits of the cloud or in you can see even even fades off because of course it's going from black to white or from white to black so as it fades off it's it's blending more and more with the others so you get a nice a nice a nice effect there all right cool that looks good now we may add more to this in a bit but I think for right now I think this is what we really really need I might turn the strength up of my not that much of my stars just so they're a little brighter just trying to find a happy medium there we can tweak all these values once we get more stuff in the scene now if you turn bloom on and a TV you're gonna get a little bit of bloom around these guys which is gonna be nice we'll keep that on for now all right great well let's um let's add some asteroids to this scene why not hey so how do we do that well now that we're in space we need an emitter now we're gonna use a particle system but before we create the particle system let's create one asteroid okay now the idea what this scene is I want to try and make it work so that even here machine's not super fast you're still going to be able to make something cool now the speed of your machine and the amount of RAM you have so that the speed of your GPU how new your GPU is how much RAM you've got and the speed of your CPU and also the speed of your hard drive all of those things are gonna play into how much you can pull off so you just need to test with your machine and find a happy medium a nice spot where you know your machine thrives and just kind of begin to understand that you can try that by just you know adding in just a few particles and then more and then just seeing how it performs okay so let's say let's create an asteroid we're gonna hit shift a and we are going to add a sphere there we go and it's very very small there it is well zoom in so I hit the full-stop key on my number keypad this for focusing in on a new object very handy all right so this is gonna be our asteroid as you can see it looks it looks exactly like an asteroid no at all okay now with a lot of ways we could do this I'm gonna switch over to objects for materials we could use micro displacement with cycles and like the way it does that but but then that's gonna lock us into cycles and one of the ideas got for this series is to try experimenting a bit with rendering some things in a V some things in cycles depending on what's needed and so that kind of selective rendering I just want to make sure these guys will work because they're just they're just kind of background filler we can have some hero asteroids we might have some micro displacement on if we get to that but for this one we need something it's just gonna work here and be low poly so at the moment we've got right down here you can see we've got 512 phases in our scene if I hit tab to inter edit mode you can see all 512 of those phases are this object here we can't see it like you know unless you counted them all but just take my word for it all right this is this is how many bases are in the scene okay so we're gonna go down here to modifiers and we are gonna add a displacement modifier and where it says texture we're gonna click right here it says new alright now nothing happened except it got smaller why okay well the reason is because we haven't created a texture yet so let's click this little button show texture tab that will take us down to here the texture tab so you can click that or just do this now it's set the image or movie we don't want that because we're not going to bring anything in we're gonna just build it here within blender and it doesn't really matter what we grab I'll grab clouds because why not now as you can see what it does now is just using this texture to displace the object so it's using the black and white values here to change the height and the depth of each vertice of vertice or these little dots in our object okay now let's rename this texture let's call it let's see asteroid displacement and we could pretty much leave these the same I mean like we can change the size and stuff but it's all just sort of noise and you can see it's just gonna continue to affect the the asteroid in different ways that you know it's we don't really need to worry about it okay so let's go over here we're gonna add in a subdivision surface modifier if you want a good deep dive on modifiers check out my procedural sci-fi series one of the first series I did and that's a really good one for wrapping them around hopefully I'll put a card up here so you can easily find it now we got options we can put it first and that's going to subdivide and then that gives it more to work with with the displacement you know we could like to turn the strength down and stuff but what I want to do is I want to put it second so here we go put it right here now I'm going to make my render one in my viewport one now remember with modifiers if you've got this render and viewport options that they show up you got to be careful with that because the viewport is how many subdivisions is it going to do when you're looking at it and then when you hit render it's gonna look at okay how many do you have set for render and if you're looking at it and you've got like three here and then one here you're gonna render and it's gonna not look like this it's gonna look like this and that might be disappointing so it's mostly for like if you want to have a higher resolution at render time you could do that all right now we can just shade smooth by right-clicking and then clicking shade smooth and that's gonna tell it to interpret the normals differently so that they're smooth shaded if you don't know about normals you can check out another tutorial somewhere that I've talked about that and let's see anything else we need to set now this is pretty good alright we'll keep it for now now we do have this sort of round shape to it and asteroids tend to be a bit more and I elongated maybe so I'll do is we'll just hit s to scale and Zed just to lock on to the Z direction we're just gonna scale it like that that's pretty cool now we've got this pinching effect that's happening up here we could get rid of that by just going like this will actually switch to switch to face mode hit C to switch to brush selection remember with brush section once you have it selected you can't like do anything else and you wear until you hit escape so just you know be aware of that don't get frustrated and we can delete these faces and though we can do is go to edge mode and hold down the Alt key the Alt key is great for you know selecting a loop so if you hold down alt and collect any edge you're gonna get the whole loop so that's just a really handy tool and then what we can do is type in f3 and then type in grid fill again f3 is the it's the the menu for finding anything in blender so you type in any kind of tool name it's ready to flight fine stuff when I was getting started I used it a lot just to kind of look for things alright so now so let's grab this Center vertice right there and this one actually don't grab both I'll just grab the top one for now so right in the middle and I'm gonna turn on this here proportional editing and I'm gonna hit G to grab Zed to lock it on the Zed I'll move it up and then I'll roll my mouse wheel and that's going to expand my selection out and then I can just kind of find a nice sort of rounded shape to that and I'll do the same for here grabs it and there we go it kinda helps but you know alright so there you go asteroid bits doesn't have to be perfect now how do we get this thing to emit through our scene well before we do that let's get some asteroid texture happening on this because we want it to look like an asteroid right that's that's important okay so let's go over to the materials and that's the tab here you get all the different tabs for controlling our scene just right down the side everything you need for object controls and stuff we're just hiding here now we're gonna click new to create a new material we'll call this asteroid asteroid and we are going to get to work in our material editor so again make sure you switched from world to object so because we're not editing our space scene we're just going to the object itself now we're creating a material here you can see which one it is right up here asteroid and we would just want to create some kind of pockmarked you know asteroid looking stuff so let's let's grab a Verona shader besson you can also find them if you just hit shift day they're all here as well see if we wanted to look at what your options were you could do it that way and I'll switch over to rendered view and we're gonna pipe this stuff first into the emission now the emission is basically text your property that emits light into the same but it's also just a great way just to see what things are looking like so if we pipe the emission and you can see that's what the Verona eye does now we've got a lot of different options I'm gonna try smooth f1 and I'm gonna create a color ramp color utter ramp pop that down there so that I've got control of my colors and I'm just gonna drag these around just so they're a bit more you can see that bloom starting to take effect there which is cool all right now I want to these this may not be the right option for us it does create cool stuff but I'm gonna actually check another one as well so if you go under texture it Musgrave let's have a look at that one this is what the Musgrave looks like I'll just drag this back out so we can actually see it it's a similar kind of thing now one thing we can do let's let's also try this you can plug these into each other into the vector to change to change things well that's something I forgot to we need to have we need to go ahead and do a texture coordinate node right here and this tells basically we'll just tell blender how to position it on the object it's doing it already for us because it's using generated automatically but this will give us a little extra control if we need to use a mapping node which is another node allows us to move a texture around again this is all stuff that you know we do all the time so you get quite used to it if this is all new to you all right so let's now pipe this into the color and see what that looks like all right that's kind of cool now we're getting some interesting interesting looking stuff I changed the scale one of these and maybe get rid of the randomness what's that do ya know we like that randomness it's kind of nice not quite what I'm after yet though let's try and what if I plug the distance in is that gonna hey that's cool all right let's do all right let's see what this is gonna do in the bump because that's that's actually when I'm kind of building up to I'm gonna grab this guy and I'm gonna grab a mix RGB node the mix RGB node basically mixes two colors together I'm gonna grab the generated pipe it into the vector vector is basically like how to position where things are positioned on an object that's that's what's going on with using a vector and then we're going to pipe that in so now we've mixed these two sets together so now you can see we can see all of this one and then if I go down to zero you can see all of this one or we can come kind of in the middle and this just gives us a little bit more variation I can change the scale of this as well and change the detail which is probably a good idea all right let's try something like this and now let's pipe this into I want to pipe it into the bump so I'm gonna I need to go through the normal channel so let's go search and bump grab the bump and this bump node is what helps us create a bump texture and it uses what's called a normal map which is complicated but I can explain it probably that under the height I've talked about it a few times I can find the videos for it actually and just um link them through so you can see how to do that or understand it at least but basically normals the longest short of is it's like where is the face of your object facing where where is each polygon facing in the scene it's a way of getting like sort of an appearance of more geometry all right isn't really dark we can't see it so we need to get light in this scene so we could see what this is looking like so I'm gonna hit shift a and I'm gonna go light and I'm gonna create a Sun light they're my favorite there we go I'm gonna see what this thing's looking like I'm gonna change the angle of my light so it's bigger and that'll help it kind of wrap around a little bit I can just see things a bit clearer all right cool it's looking pretty good it's uh it's maybe a little too I don't know those ridges kind of I feel like we need something else we need something else let's see let's change this to multiply and turn the factor all the way out and that's going to combine them a little bit and then I want to go to let's create a noise texture in this noise texture we're gonna grab the generated plug it into the vector again this isn't doing anything when I plugged that generated into vector it's his default that always just uses generated and generated it means that blender is basically just cooking up where to position this thing on its own but I'm doing all this so that if I want to I can put like a mapping node in between these and that allows me to move the texture around a little bit all right let's grab all this hit beat a box select and then G to grab it's the same when you're doing modeling you can use the same commands and I'm gonna grab these guys just organize myself a little bit let's take this noise texture and we're gonna I'll duplicate that node with shift D plug that one into the first color and I'll plug this one into the second color and then I'll plug this into the factor here we'll keep it at multiply and I'll turn it all the way up and I'm gonna increase the scale a whole lot and you can see it's just gonna create some actual kind of bump sort of you know texture increase my detail and I'll switch the position of the two because I want this this one to kind of be the priority I think so if I turn this down it's gonna basically get less and less of that weird carving look that's pretty nice alright now let's see I want to take I'm actually not loving this so I'm gonna I'm just going to go straight in and we'll get rid of this and just see what this does for us yeah that's a bit more natural that's a bit better change the scale of this one maybe yeah I don't know if that Musgrave is helping us now that we've gotten rid of the other thing it's just kind of it's a bit blah so let's plug this one straight in there and just get rid of that get rid of that give you a chance to catch up yeah that looks better that's heaps better that spits way more asteroid alright cool I might even try we could take this color ramp and put it in between these two and then crunch it down so that this run texture is a bit more contrast to it that could be nice okay now with our bump as well it could change our distance value and that will either make the bump larger or smaller and then also the strength value which increases the relative strength I think that distance looks pretty good all right so right now we're using the same thing for our base color and the normal map and we don't want to do that necessarily so I'm gonna create a new one and I'm gonna pipe this color into that just like we're doing there and this is the one I'm gonna use for the color now instead of black and white I'm gonna go with maybe kind of like a Spacey blue color and I'll take this one and get it off white as well kind of darken it up maybe don't get too saturated cuz that's not gonna help with the realism and this one enough we need to go a bit Brown alright that's pretty good okay now next up we want to take the roughness of our object we're going to pull it right up roughness is where you get transparent so if I go zero roughness it's gonna start reflecting we could do that if they're like ice asteroids that could be kind of cool well I think I'm gonna simplify it and just go all the way up and metallic is what it sounds like it makes it look more and more like it's made of metal but I don't think that's that's kind of a cool effect maybe we'll keep that we might tweak these values a bit more as we go in fact I'm just kind of as I'm looking at I'm like a purple purple rocks maybe I'm gonna cool alright anything else we need I think we'll keep all these for now it's nothing else I could think of that I really do we could play with the subsurface scattering that could be fun that's when light bounces inside something and moves around and you just turn that up a bit and you also have to turn it on here will turn screen space reflections on as well oh no it's already turned on so if I was to turn this right up you can see that light kind of goes inside of it now and it looks a bit a bit waxy which is actually kind of a nice look for this so maybe we'll keep it the only thing is it'll kill us if we go and do cycles it'll just take forever to render that's not bad it's fine okay so now that we've got our asteroid let's let's create our particle system and then we'll wrap us up for today so first up let's hit shift date and we're gonna create a UV sphere and this is gonna be our emitter for the asteroids okay so we'll just scale this thing right up now you can see one big problem is of course now it's blocking our view so we need to figure out a way to get rid of that all right so first up let's let's take go to the particle tab right down here we're gonna hit plus to create a new particle system right here it says particle settings will call this asteroids now we're gonna have different groups of asteroids later but for now it's all good now I'm going to keep it on emitter we're not gonna use hair and we want all of our asteroids to emit right at the beginning of our scene so at the moment we're set we're gonna have a thousand particles and we're gonna they're gonna start a meeting at frame one so all the way over here and they're gonna stop emitting it frame 200 which is right here so it's gonna spread a thousand particles out over that whole period which we don't want that we want all of them to be there when the scene begins so we want our frame start to be negative one let's say in our frame in to be zero so now it's going to emit everything between one and zero and our frames our scene starts at frame 1 so this is actually even before our scene begins and we can crank this right up to however many we want we'll keep that at a thousand for now I'm gonna go down to render I'm gonna open up this and we're gonna select object now we'll probably do a collection in a bit but for now it is do object and we're gonna select our or asteroid which is sphere very very poorly unnamed fact let's fix that now asteroid would emit her emitter emitter now let's select object we've got asteroid selected and now what we can do is we can change the scale randomness crank that all the way up you could start to see they're they're emitting over there we can scale them up so now you can see we've got a bunch of these guys now we want to turn on rotation and we're going to turn on randomize and just drink that all the way up so now they're gonna have a random rotation and let's see we give a dynamic rotation as well so that's gonna cause them to kind of dynamically rotate now if we hit play right now you can see they're all gonna basically fall out of our scene and they're not gonna live very long either because their lifetime is set to 50 so at frame 50 they all disappear so let's fix that well so they're a lifetime to 600 for now I don't know how long our shots gonna be but 600 sounds good and now but not can all die but now we don't want them to fall so let's go to physics all right now we're set to Newtonian actually we want to go all the way down not physics but field weights and we're gonna take the gravity and we're gonna turn it all the way to zero so now there's not gonna be any gravity acting on the scene which is good now you can see all the asteroids are emitting on the surface of our object and they're kind of slowly drifting out so we want it to be different when actually emit inside the volume so back up at the top we can sink our right up here under our mission there's this tab here called source and we come to that and we can say we can see it's emitting from the faces but we want to emit from the volume okay now we changed it but you don't see anything update that's because with particles you kind of have to refresh things to see it so a good trick is just to click that button there which takes you back to your first frame and that will kind of update the same for so now they're all emitting inside this sphere which is good because we want to have these sort of like fields of particles emitting and be able to control them so I'm gonna turn this down to like 500 and come down here and I want to kind of create a nice subtle drift which is good actually there they're going to go nicely I'm gonna create some random velocity I think so I'm gonna open up my velocity and I want to click randomize and I'm just gonna turn that up so now some of these are gonna be moving faster than others so I might turn that down to 3 let's see let's see I'm gonna take the size of these guys I'm going to shrink them down a bit so I'm going to take the scale down and I'm going to go ahead and maybe increase the count back up to a thousand now that we have less and I'm gonna slow them down a bit they're a bit too fast all right I get a nice random drift with point two for randomized velocity I think that's pretty nice yeah that'll be good now what we want to do next is we could take our hero part of our hero asteroid and we can actually we can just get it out of the scene so I'm just gonna grab it on the zetas just drag it right down and that's gonna just kind of help get rid of it so it's not the way here because we don't need to see it we've got all these here that we can see all right now we need to make our sphere disappears so it's kind of tricky in doing this in a Navy but that's alright let's go asteroid emitter let's go down our arterial tab we're gonna click new and right over here in the materials we can delete this principle be SDF all right we're gonna use a shader called the transparent shader trying to Center be SDF grab that here and we can just plug that right in to surface and now we need to do is we need to change this color to black and what that's gonna do is nothing yet yes that's if it's were a TV so a transparent shader makes things transparent oh it's a really cheap way of doing transparency actually it's not a really it's not like for realistic glass and stuff white means it's gonna be fully opaque and black means it's gonna be fully transparent but it doesn't work in a V unless you do one little thing come over here this side mini that pops out you can also hit it by typing in on the in on the keyboard and you come down to options and right here blend mode and shadow mode this is hiding from you but it's it's really great so blend mode we can set this to alpha blend and now what it's gonna do is it's going to blend the alpha and we can keep the shadow mode to opaque we actually set it to none and what that's gonna do is now it's not gonna cast a shadow in the scene anymore now if we take this color and make it white it's gonna be fully transparent of his backwards on my white in black so white is fully transparent black is fully opaque there we go gotcha now we can see through it and we've got our cool asteroids kind of floating in space doing their thing alright well let's finish things off with dropping the angle here of our light and let's turn it right up and to get to the full sense of our scene let's go ahead and make a camera all right so let's go shift a and go down here to camera and we go ahead hit zero to pop into the camera view so now we're inside of an asteroid looks like somebody's gut and it's pretty gross subsurf scattering quite an effect anyways let's go to view and we're gonna lock the camera to the view and we're just gonna pull back and just find a nice little shot and we also want to change the aspect ratio because as in all my tutorials we're going for cinematic we want this to look like a movie so the best way to do that is to come over here where it says 1920 1080 and we're just gonna make it the two three five aspect ratios so we just need to multiply this by oh no wait we want to keep that I want to keep it 1080 so it's multiplied the I always always forget about this at one point two three five yeah that's right cool great so now it's a cinematic simple alright let's go over here and let's take camera view on ticket and just zoom in so we can kind of get that a bit bit more of a full-screen view and then I liked as well kind of isolate my view a little bit in the camera settings go to the camera tab so select the camera come to the camera tab and we're just gonna go to viewport display and past part two which is right here and we're gonna just turn that right up so that we can't really see what's beyond it we've go all the way up to max and that helps us really frame our shot and then let's just come over here and go ahead and just do a little bit of polish on these asteroids I feel like our bump is just a tad too intense so if I click on our asteroid it's gonna bring up our asteroid material and I'll just come down here and I might change the distance back down to one and I might back the strength right off these guys just so it's not so intense Oh point 0.5 looks pretty good and I think I'm gonna pull back the subsurface scattering is well I think that's also a little intense maybe just a little bit like 0.3 is probably all we really need and then what I want to do is let's see I'll about an unlock the camera from the view so I can move around freely and just go to our particle settings and let's just come back down to the size scale randomness that's good ona untaken Mitter that's important for our render so what we've set up with our asteroid emitter with that transparent shader that's actually just we can see this in the viewport so by taking this off when we do our actual final render it won't render the emitter at all so that's just a little side note I might pull my number down like this and then just something like that I think I'll grab my emitter and I'll grab it on the X and I'll just drag the whole system just away from the camera a little bit like this and then I'm gonna actually click it and hit shift D to duplicate so I've got two of them and instead of keeping the same particle settings actually why not let's let's keep the same particle settings but this time I'm gonna scale my emitter down on the Zed and that's gonna give us this kind of flat pattern I will increase the number the total number for us and I'll grab that on the X and just pull that right out and just grab that over here rotate it on the Zed last thing I want to do is add a Sun into our scene so let's just create a new mesh UV sphere and we're just going to insert right here in the middle of the screen we're gonna just add in a new material and we're gonna change it from principle be SDF we're going to change it to an emission shader so changing it here like we're doing in this little drop out menu is exactly the same is if we were to come over here and just create a new shader node so if we created like a glossy shader node for example and got rid of the emission pipe that and you can see it changes here as well so that's just what's going on there so different ways of doing the same thing so if I grab that emission shader again pipe it in but we gonna see it changes there alright so the color of this let's make it like an orange and I'll pop the vibrancy up to try five maybe with bloom turned on you can see automatically we get this really cool Sun now it's really tiny and right the middle screen so I'm just gonna make it huge supernova bad Monday and we're gonna grab this on the X and just drag it right out now it's gonna disappear and that's because our camera view is not set to go very far so I just need to up here in the the view pop out menu it's gonna clip everything that's past a thousand-meter so I'm just gonna have a zero to this and it's gonna come back I'll seem to do that in my camera so if I jump back into my camera view it's the same issue but instead it's gonna be down here so the clip end just extend that out as well so grab that sphere and drag it around so it's in our actual camera view and we'll grab it on the X just keep pulling it right out alright and let's play with this sun's position just a little bit we rotate on the Zed and then on the X we kind of just line it up so it's in the same general direction as the Sun itself and let's go to our sinks and let's play with the if we drop this the angle down and really drop down the strength pull that up a little bit maybe just play with the settings really give it a little bit of a cold space blue tint and just pull that up and then I'm gonna duplicate it so click the Sun and then shift D to duplicate and you can always turn this stuff back on if it's a little easier to see let's see I'm gonna rotate on the Zed and bring this one around so it's kind of the opposite angle rotated on the X and it's kind of firing up underneath turn the strength of this one down a bit just a bit of a highlight we may have over lit this one I may just take this one and see what it looks like if it's just going to be a little bit yellow maybe a little bit orange let's go all the way red actually that's cool alright so two lights we don't need this one so we got rid of that last one we made just got the two so the soft one but the software I'm just made a bit orange and now you giving this nice soft highlight and the last thing I think we do probably is come over to the material now for our asteroids and we could play with just these values a little bit bring them but the metallic down and the specular down now that camera I could just like rotate our view a little bit go to a nice angle like that and we consume around and try and find a nice a nice of you to end on for this episode because I'm sorry but we're at that time add in another zero there so you've got infinite amount of space okay so I just decided here to just start tweaking I guess the values a little bit more and I'm just playing around with the position of all the asteroids so placing in the different asteroid fields further away from camera I'm scaling them down on the Zed just to can make them flatter more like a disk of asteroids and just play out the composition this is the real power of working in V's you can actually see what your render looks like live it's very very very cool so now I'm just changing the focal length of my camera and just setting it to 24 to get more of a wider angle of view and yeah it's kind of arbitrary what I'm doing and we're just playing around and trying to find stuff that I think looks cool but that's really all I've done here is I've just moved the asteroids move the Sun change the scale widened up the lens a little bit and just found a frame that I finally really liked brightened up my lights and change the angle some just played around with it until things really started to come together that's pretty good to start so the plan from here what we're gonna be doing is we're gonna basically use this sort of ambient asteroid field and we're going to start to fill it with sort of custom-built Hero asteroids and then we're gonna kind of bake all the particles outs that they're moving and there's a bit of dynamic motion in the scene like we've already got here we've got a little bit of dynamic motion going on and what we're gonna do then is we're gonna plan out some shots how we're gonna reduce the scene how we're gonna bring in our hero characters how we're gonna bring in the bad guys and once we do that we're gonna kind of begin to block out the different shots how they're gonna animate how they're gonna move and then we'll start doing some fun action with lasers and explosions I hope you're super excited about where we're going with this and I hope you're along for the ride please hit that subscribe button ring and the bell so you get notifications when they come out join our discord the link is in the comments below it's a great community love to have you a part of it check out the patreon and don't forget to check out the blender market story as well we've got the great stuff over there really really excited to be putting this one out here so it's been a long time coming here we are let's do some epic space battle together all right thanks so much for watching I will catch you in the next tutorial see ya bye [Music]
Channel: CBaileyFilm
Views: 38,553
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, blender 2.8, blender 2.8x, asteroids, explosions, fire, lasers, space ships, space, sci-fi, tutorial, 3d, 3d animation, animation, computer animation, short film, how to make a short film, how to make an animated film, dynamics, stars
Id: IB1vP2MzCcM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 55sec (2695 seconds)
Published: Tue May 19 2020
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