Blender Tutorial: Create a Spaceship Corridor in Blender - Part 1 of 2

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ok guys this is Andrew price here from blender Google comm coming at you with a new tutorial and quite a big one this time we're going to be modeling this space corridor that you can see right here it's a very complex scene the tutorials going to be in two parts this part covering the modeling aspect and then in part 2 we're going to be getting into the materials the lighting the compositing you know all that extra final stuff to complete to complete the final image so yeah so in this tutorial it's going to be all about modeling there is quite a lot of modeling as you can probably see from looking at the final image this is what the actual what you should have by the end of this tutorial so you can sort of see the amount of work that is involved so we are using arrays so actually the only portion that we're going to be modeling is essentially this front portion here and then putting in a bunch of these electronic panels these panels are probably going to be the most time-consuming aspect of it so I might do a little bit of a time lapse there instead of recording the full thing just to make sure you guys don't get bored and so I'm not talking the entire time but yes we're going to be doing a whole bunch of stuff and having a bit of fun with it I've actually I guess attempted this type of scene in the past I've been wanting to do a tutorial on it for a while but um yeah it's always just I always deemed it far too time-consuming and yeah I never got around to it but now I'm finally taking the plunge so I'm hoping you guys are all strapped in and ready to come with me on the ride to put a really weird analogy to work um yeah anyway let's go ahead and and get started so open up now a new scene in blender now I should state that the first thing you need to know when you're creating something like this this this space corridor type scene it you need to be I have a very firm image in your mind of exactly what it is that you want to create so if you want to create this exact type of space corridor then um yeah great you're going to be following this tutorial you'll be fine there are other types there's like a clean you know sort of look that you can go for and essentially you need to be thinking about the actual practical use of what it is you're designing so in this instance I sort of had like a like an industrial type spaceship so this is like the interior maybe the engine room or something where the engineers or mechanics work so everything's dark everything is kind of very dirty there's some smoke coming out of the vents and stuff like that it's not very polished so it's the exact opposite of you know sort of a luxury kind of Cruiser or whatever so you don't want to make you don't want to confuse the two you don't want to add in some parts from other things so you always want to be thinking about the actual practical use of what it is you're designing so all this stuff here on the right hand side the panels and everything you need to be thinking about you know what's its actual practical use and then sort of going with that and then once you have that actual that idea in your head of you know what the actual use is then you can start thinking about the stuff that goes in there because if you just come at it from the point of view of hey it's a space corridor then you're going to be drawing blanks through the later stages when you're trying to fill in space and try and make it look realistic so you want to have that firm image from the very start what is the actual point of the scene what are you trying what what sort of message what sort of scene you're trying to trying to portray anyway now I've got that out the way let's go ahead and get cracking so I'm on a completely new scene right now I've the only thing that's there is a camera my default seems a little bit different to yours yours but that doesn't matter um so the first thing we're going to be modeling is actually what looks kind of like this doorframe it's kind of like a structure now you know the I suppose the practical implication behind having like this whiny kind of bendy type thing I mean there's not really all that much practical use for it like it would make a lot more sense if it was like a straight kind of structure because that would obviously have a lot more structural strength to it than something that is curvy like this however we also need to be thinking about the theme of it which is a sci-fi theme so I I realized through experimentation and having a look at references and stuff like that that curved objects and kind of like not basically anti real world objects they look more sci-fi more science fiction science fictiony then stuff that has are practical use so it needs to be practical but also needs to be you know sci-fi anyway okay so first we're going to do is I'm going to go ahead and I'm going to add a plane and I'm going to rotate that plane by 90 degrees so I'm just I just imagine that this door frame here is just having a look at the silhouette so we're just going to be modeling just from that sort of you know exact side view so I'm going to start by adding in some loop cuts and I'm going to go with let's say that many loop cuts that looks right you know that's not right um that many okay that'll be fine alright so first I'm going to do is grab these two loop cuts right here and I'm going to strewed them outwards I'll move them outwards like that and I'm going to grab this edge loop at the top there and I'm going to move that outwards to about there like so let's just look at it from here okay you can move that in a little bit more and then move these down so it's a little bit tighter I guess so something like that should be fine and then I'm going to create a loop cut right across there and I'm actually going to delete these points right there delete those vertices and now I'm going to add a mirror modifier like so and you can see if now mirrored it exactly as it should and see I'm going to apply the rotation of the of the plane and just so it's on the the right rotation which is the z-axis like that okay and now I'm just going to scale this inwards to be like so and I'm going to create a loop cut right across the middle there and then I'm going to delete that those vertices right there and now I'm going to use the axes on the other side as well as on the y-axis so now you've got it mirrored on both sides just like that so we're just saving time as we do this so now creating the the sort of width of the door I'm just going to extrude that outwards I'd say we're going to create a few little cuts so just somewhere about there and extrude that outwards to about here I'm just going to create an extra layer to the door so something it's a little bit too thick about there and then I'll create another layer say about here extrude that out to be about there so this is just a creative choice so having these kind of layers here again I had a look at some reference images I saw a trailer for a Star Wars game and they had a very similar space corridor and so a lot of my ideas were based off of that trailer and I noticed they had these kind of this this layering effect and stuff and I thought it'd look kind of cool so that's why I've incorporated into mine so something like that and the other thing I'm going to do is I'm going to create some little areas which have kind of been sort of indented into the design so I'm going to grab just that top face right there I'm going to hit extrude then cancel then I'm going to scale it inwards like so and then extrude it inwards to be just like that so we've just got kind of like this little cutaway area in there just like so and then I'll create another one right here scale it inwards and then extrude it like so and then this one here as well you want to make sure that it's some right sort of proportions there actually I might go ahead and delete that face at the bottom there and then I just move this one down turn on clipping okay and then I'll extrude that inwards like so and now what I'm going to do is just create a little handle just right here so again this is all just using an imagination so it's a little handle here so I guess it has some kind of practical use I don't know why there's a hand I mean it's a pillow like when I was modeling and I kind of thought oh this is a actual door you know like a door frame that you know the door could kind of swipe across but there's no door there's like a pathway in the way so I put a handle there I don't know it looks cool but I guess there's not really any practical use to that but anyway doesn't really matter all that much okay I should say that the hardest part of this tutorial is actually coming up with ideas for how to make something look science fictiony so if you've got a bit of background in concept art and stuff like that then that'll definitely help you in this tutorial I pretty much have no experience in that whatsoever so I just kind of winged it for for this thing I got out my little notepad and I just started sketching some things and I looked at reference images of like a bunch of real-world practical things like you know servers like a server rack or something like that and and just kind of went with it and try to make something as realistic as possible but yeah anyway my point is you don't need to be an expert you can just give it a go and learn as you go that's one of the best ways I think okay now for this area right here I'm just going to extrude this inwards like that I'm going to create a nice little cutaway area in here and it's kind of it's a little bit too close to that handle on the inside so I'll just create that a little bit thicker and move that back okay that's cool and what I'm going to do is put some what looks kind of like Power Cells or something else that's science fictiony type looking it's basically these are little cylinders look like these little pipes or something in there so I guess if you're an engineer or something you could come Pass and change one of those little things maybe like a fuse or something like that anyway that's the kind of the idea that I was going for I should state also when you're adding things in you want to make sure that you have the the minimal number of vertices as you can get or get away with I should say so I'm going to go with 12 vertices for this some particular use because once you get you know use the array modifier and stuff like that you can get far too many Poly's and your computer will have trouble rendering it so for my final scene I ended it with cycles and I wanted to render it using my graphics card because the graphics card is obviously a lot faster renderer than the CPU but I had far too many vertices so I had to use the CPU and it took like an overnight job to render the scene which you know shouldn't happen it's yeah anyway so I'm just going to grab that little canister there because it's resting on that little origin point and I'm gonna selecting our main door here as well the main pillar I should say and I'm gonna hit ctrl J ok so now that cylinder is now part of it look a little versi there move that get rid of that let's go that down move that upwards and then extrude that move it extrude that so this is like a little plug I guess that's in the top there and then this is going to be the actual pipe and I want that pipe to be curling inwards to this this frame here so I'm going to move my cursor to the selected that selected rod vertices and like I was just going to click where it's going to be meeting that frame this or just that edge of that that wall right there and over here in the toolbar there's a function called spin so if you click on spin it now uses that 3d cursor as the pivot point and it spins it the number of degrees that you put there so you can use as many degrees as you want we're going to go with 90 and then you turn down the steps to be as least amount as possible I'm going to go with 4 and that should be fine I'm just going to hit ctrl L which is going to select that entire every vertice that's connected to that and I'm going to duplicate that twice or sorry once and both of those objects now and this is in edit mode you can if your go into object mode you can see you've got the shading you can select smooth or you can select flat but if you go into edit mode you can actually select one portion of the mesh to be smooth so that's what I'm going to do now just in edit mode selecting smooth and you'll notice the when you do that it's got this kind of weird smoothing effect there so you want to go ahead and use the edge split modifier and that has obviously then fixed that problem nicely ok cool so um to the rest of the mesh here I'm just going to extrude this upwards a little bit here this is going to create kind of like a footing for the ceiling and for the ground and at this point right here I'm going to add another little detail and this is going to be a lamp which is going to shine light on to you know the ceiling or the floor because it's now mirrored on both of those obviously I'm just going to create a little sort of casing like a little roof for this light so I've just duplicated those yeah duplicated those two vertices there and I'm just creating this little sort of cutaway there ok and select that like that and I'll delete that vertice right there ok cool so once we get into the next part of the tutorial where we're going to be actually adding in the materials I'll make that part that that that wall right there I'm going to make that a separate light so that's going to cast light inside that little area and it should look quite nice okay cool all right so the door frame is essentially essentially finished now so I'm just going to grab this this edge loop right there and I'm going to extrude this outwards and this is going to create the wall on the outside now actually this wall won't be that visible because if you have a look at the final image here you've got a whole bunch of stuff in the way you've got panels you've got pipes and everything like that but it of course helps you to kind of visualize where everything is going to go so I've extruded that outwards now what I'm going to do is actually move in edit mode I'm going to move everything to the right of that origin point right there and then over here in the mirror modifier I'm going to click on X which is now going to mirror it to the exact other side okay now I'm going to move the camera in and I'm going to start positioning it where I want everything now just grab both of them and I'm moving the entire scene just so that it's resting on that grid floor which will help you know with perspectives and stuff like that so now depending on how tight you want the corridor as well the people will depend on you know how far you should move them apart it will help you to visualize it if you add in the array modifier now so adding in that array modifier right here make sure that the edge split modifier is always lost so make sure that it's at the bottom and for this array modifier I'm going to make it from x-axis I'm going to make it Y instead and I'm going to increase the count to be about six I think she'd be fine and then at the end a we're going to have the door and you can you know make it wider or longer if you want I think for mine how many did I have what's that like eight maybe I don't know I think it would look a bit nicer if the door is actually closer to the camera so I'm just going to go with six that's fine okay cool now we're going to do is go ahead and model in the ground so the floor and then the ceiling so we're going to actually make separate objects for those so I'm going to just with snap my cursor to that location right there and I'm going to add a plane and I'm going to move this plane to the bottom and this is going to act as the floor obviously and I want to scale that up just so that it fits too the sort of dimensions of our our object right here so find out to select that plane then select control J you will now make it the rest of it we'll make it part of the rest of that you know the object whatever you can see it's now applied it to the roof as well so that's kind of good is kind of saved us time I guess but we want to now apply the mirror modifier so that we can make altercation so that the ceiling and the floor have different things anyway we want to turn off the mirror so it's not mirroring the floor in the ground I need the floor and the ceiling but first of all I'm just going to make sure that this is actually matching so you know what it doesn't matter all right I'm just I'm trying to make sure I do everything well but also fast and I'm kind of tripping over myself here anyway I'm gonna apply that mirror modifier now I'm going to add them in and modify it again I see hang on what I do no wrong one Z okay there we go so I want to apply that mirror modifier like that now add in the mirror modifier again make sure that it's placed at the top and then add the X&Y again I think it should be X Y Z X yes excellent okay cool all right now for this we can pull that plane to be back so that it's in line with where because obviously we're dealing with mirror modifier it's only half of it so we've pulled them back so that it's snapped into location and we want these these two planes here we want them to actually be in the exact same line along that edge loop there because you can see there's actually a gap between where everything meets you've got like overlaying stuff and stuff like that so that's what happens if you have something that sticks out further than something else because we're dealing with a ray modifiers so we just want to make sure that everything is in the same place so I'm selecting all of those vertices right there I'm hitting s then Y and then zero and that's going to slightly move everything to make sure everything is in exactly in line as it should be all right now can actually move this plane because of course we're dealing with the mirror modifier so it's half like that okay now dealing with the floor what I'm going to do is just create a loop cut and I'm going to leave it to be about there and then grab that face and I'm going to extrude that downwards just like that I'm going to delete both of these vertices and now we have a floor that has cut away and in that floor we're going to be placing in some fluorescent lighting in the in part two but for now what we can do is actually place a metal grate across this area here so the flashing lights are underneath it we'll do the metal grate towards the edge sort of one of the I guess final touches or whatever we can just leave it as is for now now for the ceiling I mean you can add as much detail as you want for this sort of thing but what I want to do is just create sort of like a hollowed out part or sort of like the ceiling is like for my final image I made it so that it was bulging inwards sort of downwards towards the corridor but in this example I'm gonna make it so that it's pointing upwards just to go for a sort of a different look see how it see how it goes so I'm going to turn on the proportional fall-off tool make it set to sphere and then let's just go like that just like so and then I'll make this a smooth shader and then for this vertice right there I'm going to make that that line there because I want it to actually be sharp I'm going to hit ctrl E and then select mark sharp and then you've now got a nice crease or a sharp area just down that line right there and then if you want also you can go ahead and add in a little indent here into the ceiling oops turn off proportional editing extrude that upwards and I'll delete both of these vertices here as well okay they're gone and what I'm going to do is in that area I'm going to go ahead and drop in a pipe so I'm adding in a cylinder just like so I'm scaling that down just like this and I'm going to cut it in half obviously because we're dealing with a mirror modifier I'll make that part of the mesh and let's move those inwards just like that okay cool so just going to extrude this outwards so that it fits and now what you can do actually is create a little area where there's like a bulge in the pipe and this is something that I saw again in that little Star Wars trailer something that I noticed I'll link to that trailer by the way if you wanted to have a look at it it's kind of cool but anyway the ceiling had like this kind of bulge where the pipe was you know bulging or whatever and yeah it was kind of like a cool effect it sort of made it look like you know there's something else going on the more complexity you can add to add to the scene the better basically and the more realistic in whatever it's going to look so it's just something to keep a keep them yeah keep a note of in the back of your mind now to scale that up is going to be difficult because we're dealing with the mirror modifier so what you can do is just snap let's go snap to that location right there actually no that's going to be a little bit tricky actually you know what I'll just leave that as is I'm just going to make that a smooth smooth thing right here I mean you can go ahead and you know play with it if you want to like bulge that out but that was essentially the kind of effect that I was going to go for and then make it more vertical as well um but you get the kind of thing I was trying to go for anyway looks kind of weird kind of like a snake that's eaten something and I shouldn't have um anyway it's kind of weird alright that's looking pretty ugly actually I'm just gonna control the all of that I want to go back I want to go back smooth alright don't worry about it for now that's gonna be fine that's gonna be fine I just keep telling myself that okay I'm just going to select these edges right here and then these ones here as well and that's of course so that we don't have any gaps in the mesh okay so we've got the ceiling now we've got the floor in place now we're going to do is get onto modeling those panels for the wall now that's actually going to be probably the hardest part of this whole this whole tutorial so what I mean by that is these actual wall panels right here so modeling these individual electronics and all that kind of stuff that's just really time consuming and it's kind of annoying if you as I said don't have a history and you know concept art or whatever because you just have to come up with creative stuff to sort of imagine because you're creating a world here it doesn't actually exist what sort of stuff could be in there so it helps if you have a look at reference images and go on Flickr and Google whenever and Google stuff like fuse boxes server racks things like that and that'll definitely help make something that looks believable and it also sort of reduce the stress for yourself because you're not trying to think up everything you've actually got something to model off of I accidentally hit ctrl s there but why not I'm going to go ahead and save that scene right now so it's a good idea okay so for the actual panels themselves what I'm going to do is actually just I'm going to model one of our with that thing go that image it's gone now let me pull that up again um so I'm just going to be modeling this one area right here and then we're going to be duplicating that and contribute our distributing it throughout the rest of the scene so we're going to get away with modeling very little and then sort of duplicating it around everything else so that's just giving you an idea of what we're going to do so with this cube here I'm going to scale this down and I'm just going to make it so that it fits just sort of from the from that portion to that portion right there and I'm going to move that face all the way back and I'm actually going to delete that back face there and then move the origin point to that point and I think looking pretty good so far okay and I'm just going to extrude this inwards here and this is just going to act like a little sort of border around the outside and then this whole part here I'm going to move this to a separate layer and this is we're going to be doing everything all the fancy stuff okay so this stuff isn't hard as I said it's coming up with creative ideas sort of racking your brain for stuff like that it's essentially just modeling really basic stuff cables cord stuff like that it's very easy very very basic so what I'm going to do is I'm going to show you how to model a small portion of it and then I'm going to do something I haven't done in a tutorial before and that is to use a time lapse so I'm going to model you know one small portion here and then I'm going to speed up the footage and I'm going to talk over and explain what I'm doing and it's just going to make it so that this tutorial isn't three hours long and it's brief because I know you guys aren't idiots I know you can figure out how to add a cylinder and move it around so it looks like a cord you know you don't need to see it 300 times so I'm gonna yea save a bit of pain for all of us and I'm going to speed it up so anyway I'm going to model one small portion right here and then I'm just going to put it on speed time-lapse and you can see how the rest of it is done because as I said this tutorial would be incredibly long if I didn't do that okay so I'm just sort of creating like a beveled edge right there and that's just going to help that so anyway first thing I'm going to do right here is I'm going to be extruding that inwards like so and this whole portion right here is going to act as kind of like a fuse box so I'm going to add in some boxes some cables and pipes and everything else like that so first thing I'm going to do just add in a cube like so and you want to remove the back face of that cube just like that okay let's push that in and then I want to make some chords that are coming out of that so I'm going to select that face right there move the cursor to that exact location and then I'm going to add in a cylinder I'm going to make the vertice count for that eight needs to be you know fairly low-resolution because the camera is not going to be very close to this so you want to cut down on that and I'm just going to move it about you know how it goes that's going to be sort of a little you know the plug when it connects to the box so this is acting as I guess kind of like a switch box or something and then you've got cables that are running out of that box just to sort of give you an idea of it might actually just move this to the other side for now like so and I'm just going to duplicate that three times so it looks like you've got kind of wires coming out of those boxes there and now I'm going to duplicate that move it to the exact other side just like so and then for this portion what I want these wires to do is to kind of run up the edge there like that so I'm going to position the cursor to this point about here I'd say about there and then I'm going to in the toolbar click spin make it minus 90 degrees so it's going in the direction that I want and then I'm going to turn up the step so that it's a little bit smoother and then extrude upwards like so and then for a little bit of added realism as well I'm going to add in a cube like so scale that down scale that inwards move that down make it flatter and then move that down to there as well and these are acting as sort of little brackets you know if you can serve if you look at reference images of pipes and stuff like that they want to make sure the pipes don't move around and shake and whatever else so they add these little brackets and that helps everything sort of stay in place okay let's just shake everything there is selected there we go and then I'll move everything just so that's a little bit more snug and then with these pipes I'm going to select one vertice from each of them then select them all then hit smooth shading just like that and then if you wanted you could also go into the edge loop selection like this whoops not that one and then hit ctrl e mark sharp and then when you add in a edge split modifier like that turnoff edge angle then you've got a sharpened sort of point there where it's um where it's meeting so that's something that you should do when you add the pipes I've kind of now I'm kind of against using the edge angle because it's really finicky and it's really annoying and I always were just kind of like really angry whenever I use the edge split modifier because that angle is never right and then I found out the the sharp edges things you can actually put in where you want there to be an edge and it's brilliant and now I've used it I just love it and I use it all the time and then it's a it's essentially coming up with more details so if I just duplicate that box scale that right down and then move this across just like so let's not duplicate that one right across and then this one here something on the edge there so these are kind of like little feet where it's kind of sticking to the wall just a little bit more detail and then again if you wanted to go more you can add a bevel and stuff like that anyway I've modeled one portion there I'm sure you get the gist of it guys so I'm going to put it on to speed time-lapse now so you can see how the rest of it is done because it's just adding geometry and then going with it and it's pretty easy so now you can just watch really quickly how it's done and then you guys can go for it so here we go alright so here we go add about ten times the speed we're now looking at the completion of this little wall panel here so we're adding in a whole bunch of electronics stuff that you might see on a spaceship I mean you can get creative with it because obviously the spaceship doesn't exist but yeah you want to find stuff that looks at least plausible so down here I'm creating a whole bunch of little tiny light switches and I kind of thought you know what about like an earphone jack I mean not for not for phones but you know some kind of like plug in port above the light switch you know completely random just place it above it and then here I'm just sort of changing the which ones wrong which ones are off and then I'm just duplicating one portion and reusing it and that's something that you should do a lot of I remember I watched a making on video for Pixar I think The Incredibles and they were talking about during the making of it around the office they had a model which was based off like an old Indian saying which was used every part of the bull meaning that if you create a model if you create something try and reuse it later on basically and and so they had that like printed and like stuck to the wall and it was like a big model and I when I first heard it I thought that's kind of like a strange model I can't really see like why that would be necessary but after undertaking on this this little project here this little spaceship Codel thing it makes a lot of sense I mean if you are if you're not duplicating things and reusing it then you are wasting a lot of time like you know to the naked eye you can't tell I mean on this large scales in so long as you do it well you can't tell if something is repeating that well so I mean that easily so you can get away with a lot of repeating stuff and people won't really notice so here this was kind of based off like a server rack so I'm going to put a whole bunch of stuff there with air vents and I put little switches next to it try and make it look a little bit practical and here I'm making a set of drawers or panels or something to that effect and I gave them curved edges you can see right there so that curved edge I think I said at the start but I'll say again it really helps to sell the the overall kind of sci-fi type imagery look so um yeah that's why I went ahead and and did that I kind of botched up the modeling here it's a little bit messy doesn't look all that fantastic but you know it's a as I said it's it's a large scene and um you know you can get away with little mistakes like that if we were doing like a you know full-on close-up shot or something like that we'd probably try and fix it but you know you don't want to waste your time doing things that aren't really going to be seen so yeah so that's why we're just messing it up and going with it and yeah they over here we're just making another one of these little panels I guess I mean I'm just watching at the same time you do I must say I like ah speed modeling videos to be honest like whenever I see them on Vimeo I just like I love them I think that regardless of like this skill of yourself as an artist if you make a speed modeling video and you know you speed yourself up making something you always look really good so so I love them like I wish I could use them more often to be honest it's just kind of like it just always looks really cool but ya always have to do a tutorial I guess so I don't really get all that much time to do it and here these are these little floppy disk drive or I don't know smaller ports or whatever but yeah anyway guys let me know if you like this kind of method of speeding up bunch of stuff that is you know a little bit boring and repetitive because I know some people like to be handheld through the entire thing but you know I know you guys aren't idiots I know you guys can you know catch the drift it's just you know creating geometric shapes and then just doing the same thing repeating over and over so I figured you know I could do a speed modeling bed video and and it'll be fine so but anyway let me know if you if you if you like the the format or not but yeah anyway that's it so now let's get back on to the tutorial so we are at normal speed right now I'm not speeding anything up we are now back at normal speed so before we move on the first thing we need to do is to make sure that all of these separate objects are now all as one so we're going to be then using it obviously in the main scene so we don't want to have a whole bunch of little tiny objects together one will be one thing but before you do that you need to make sure that you apply all of the modifiers so if you've got any arrays systems or mirror modifier set up like I have right here then you go ahead and make sure that you apply all of them because otherwise if you go ahead and just make it all one solid object you'll notice that you lose a whole bunch of stuff because um because you forgot to apply the mirrors and and all that stuff so that's what I'm doing right here yeah so I've got a whole bunch of stuff I need to apply I'm just going through it one by one these little mirrors these pesky mirror objects okay and and once you are confident that you've gotten everything all of them at once then you can go ahead select all the objects making sure that you select this this chest or whatever the panel last then hit ctrl J and that's not gonna make it one big solid object just like that and it can also help at this stage too in the tool bar go ahead and click on remove doubles there you go you can see it's it's removed two thousand three hundred and fifty three vertices so I'm not sure how it got like that maybe it was some overlapping mirrors or some arrays or whatever but oftentimes there are you know repeating arm vertices that are on top of each other so just go ahead and do that and then go ahead and recalculate the normals as well if you like and other than that we now have one solid object one solid panel and it looks great and we can go ahead and start using this in our scene so the corridor I've strangely got on the very last layer so I'll move that to layer 1 and I'll put my camera on that layer which is a habit I like to do ok and where is the panel it is right there excellent ok cool all right so what I'm going to do is I'm going to duplicate it actually photo just going to place it over here so I should state these panels aren't going to be used in this you know this tunnel array so I'm not going to make it part of this object so that it's then duplicated throughout the whole thing I'm actually just going to place it by hand and the reason we're doing that is we want to save on computer space or sorry um save on rendering memory because I want to render it using the graphics card not the CPU so it helps to cut down on as much Polly's as possible so because you can see from just the view from the camera up until the second part there like that you know you can kind of see a little bit there but the wall isn't visible for the rest of it so if you made it part of the tunnel then it would just be putting all of that high detail all the way to the back there and it would be a complete waste because you wouldn't see it and the computer would be you know calculating it anyway and it would just be a it's just bad practice so don't do it ok all right good all right so I'm going to duplicate this now I'm going to hit alt D and that has now duplicated it now the reason I use alt D instead of shift D is that I want them to be multi I want them to be matched so if you go to the object data up here you can see there is now a number 2 next to it which means that if I now make an edit over here and I go like that for example you can see that this one now has the exact same change so that is really helpful because now if I was to you know wanting to change something in there or I wanted to apply a material to it or something like that it would automatically apply it to any other object which is linked to it so it definitely helps to do that now you know rather than suffer the consequences later or whatever is as ominous as that sounds yeah it's just good practice I guess ok um alright so that's looking pretty good now one thing I will do and this will help with the whole repeating pattern kind of thing I'm going to rotate this one by 90 degrees like that and for the other side I'm going to excuse me for the other side I'm going to rotate it by again 90 degrees like that and then 180 as well so it should now I will look at it from there yeah it should be looking looking pretty random so if you look at it from the view of the camera you shouldn't really be able to notice too much repetitiveness like it should look kind of like you know this panel here doesn't look as though it matches that side because it's not an exact mirror things are switched up and it looks it looks pretty cool so what we're going to be doing next is I'm going to create some panels that are along the bottom here just along this bottom railing there and we're going to do that by just taking parts out of this mesh and then placing it in making a new object from it you know reusing parts and then putting it down there before I do that though I'm going to apply some materials now I said we're going to be doing the materials in the next tutorial and that is true however if I was to do that if I was to just do the modeling now and take parts from this and you know do all that extra stuff it would make more work in part two because we would have to be applying the materials to all different parts of the panel's and it would just be silly so rather now that we've got it all as one object and they're all linked together if I create some placeholder materials then it will make our life a lot easier in the second part so placeholder I mean I'm just going to create a whole bunch of materials that you know stuff here needs to be I'm not going to change any of the settings they're just going to be placeholders so that everything is all ready to go and then we can start filling with the details in the next tutorial so this first one I'm just going to make that steel that's going to be the main material this one here let's call this one red plastic so let's just select all that whole part right there this one is red plastic let's just make that red just so we can see which part is red and these little handles here as well I'm going to make all of those handles I can select them all control L I'm going to make them black plastic black plastic make a black assign good a little light switch got it as well it's okay and let's say make this one here make it chrome or I don't know shiny steel shiny steel and I'll make that a kind of a blue color this is the viewport color change by the way it won't actually affect the material itself but it helps to be able to see it in the viewport only which ones have got the material and which ones happen and then so down here it's going to be selecting a whole bunch of stuff this is kind of one of those annoying tasks as well I guess cuz we've got so many different objects here it can be a little bit time-consuming to have to go through it all but you know one of those things I guess it's got to do it steel shiny steel I've selected all that stuff out there as well okay alright one by one then you know what I'm going to put this one on a time lapse as well good good good everything's going well just applying the materials so this is obviously going to help you uh yeah later on and I guess the more materials you have in the more sort of objects you apply different materials to then obviously that's going to add a lot to the realism as well and now that's going to help to sell the final image anyway I'm going to cut it off there that's fine okay alright well that's good that we've got that sorted I'm really glad I did the speed time-lapse because that was a lot longer than I expected okay okay so now that we've color-coded everything all sort of put in material I don't know if you have place placeholders as I said now we can do is uh yeah create those panels to go along the bottom there so what are we going to do just go to layer 2 again I'm going to select a portion of this let's just go the front view like this you know I'll have to get rid of these have to hide them okay all right so I'm gonna select a portion let's say this one right there looks pretty good to be about there okay and then I gotta hit shift D and then I'm going to hit P to make it a separate object and I'm going to move that out the way and now what I want to do is just create some I guess some rounded off corner I've got some little extra pieces in here that shouldn't be there I'll just get rid of them okay so that edge that edge okay or good so I'm just going to extrude that outwards like so to about there so I've now got kind of like a little mini version of that one so I'm not going to do the exact same thing for this one right here so just select that there duplicate hit P make it a separate object then select that outer edge again extrude that outwards extrude it outwards again just create a little border and then extrude it to about there as well okay and then I might create another one here just for these little server rack things because they look kind of cool as well and if you're wondering why I'm doing this if you're a little bit confused it'll all make sense in a minute stick move that there and then that one to about there as well and I think you know what I'll do another one for that one as well so if now just essentially just created a duplicate but in portions or in pieces of the original like that I'll select that outer edge again okay extrude it outwards let's treat it again just a little bit more create that beveled edge and then there we go excellent okay cool so I'm now going to just set the origin point for all of those to be the center of each of them like that and I'll now make all of them let's just put them all just in the center there and then I'll move them out to about here okay now let's bring back the rest of our scene here and what I want to do is just rotate them and also I've just placed them so that they're lining up I'm so the front of them I mean it's lining up with everything else so I might just have to scale them out just to make sure they're edge oops oh dear okay ah blast it all right have to clear the rotation for all of these just so that I can make some quick edits to it okay oh dear that's really whack now isn't it okay so it's all kind of over the place oh it's just to the other side okay I tell you what man sometimes these tutorials go well and then sometimes they go like this where some things just don't work as you would hope that they would anyway that's just the nature of it I guess okay so for this one I'm just going to scale that out and just cut it in with a little bit so just want to create kind of like the same look for all of them that same kind of beveled edge I guess it's not overly important so I won't spend too long on this I haven't selectable anyway that's not I guess it's not really all that important okay uh-huh but a sense we want them to be about on the same size as each other like that okay so now bring you both rest of our scene here I'm going to move this to be just underneath our main panels right here like so move them out a little bit and can now just start clicking and then moving them across as I am right now and another one where's another one there we go move that one over one doesn't fit that's okay I'll just move it over there one of the good things about this scene is that the front part like this part that's behind this pillar here yeah it's completely invisible to the camera so the camera can't actually see what's behind there so if you you know something doesn't quite match you can just you know if these panels don't fit you know four of them across or whatever else you can kind of mix it up and just do a whole bunch of different stuff and yeah people will be none the wiser that there's there's actually no scene there or whatever that's just how it is it works pretty well okay um all right so yeah something I should have done then should have hit alt D instead of shift D but if you accidentally if you don't do that you can just go ahead and select the two objects which are matching and then select object data just like that and if also you want you can also rotate them so I've got them on there if I wanted to kind of mix it up a little bit as well make it so that it's a little bit more random then you can rotate it just so I have there and I'm gonna have to move it up a little bit okay cool all right so I'm going to duplicate hitting alt D I'm going to move them across to be there I'll 2d it again or the other side so that it's about there and let's bring back the rest of our panels right there that's good and then I'll grab these let's duplicate them move them across there about there remove these ones to their and so you can see that the scene is coming together very slowly and you can see by recycling the parts that we have created we are saving a whole bunch of time instead of having to do all of this by hand and you know model individual you know panels for this and for that yeah we're saving a lot of time so that's really good good habit to get into so I can assure you if you had an employer you're working for some company doing something like this they would want you to have it on a certain deadline and you can't be coming up with excuses like I wanted it to look you know so it wasn't repeating there wasn't a repeating pattern or something you know the deadline is highly important for a lot of business owners myself included so yeah try and it's good good practice to get into to prepare for that kind of environment okay so that's all looking well and good okay so this next portion is just creating these little kind of lockers above there so I'm just going to grab this one which is that that drawer so look at that from front angle it's kind of like this little draw at the top there so I'm just going to move it to gel might scale it a little bit there we go and that will make it look a little bit more unique as well which is kind of cool okay and I'm going to duplicate that place one there another one there and another one there so these are kind of like I imagine like overhead lockers or something for you know when you're on an airplane or something but obviously there can be like electronics inside or something like that but it's up high and you know I guess they need a ladder to get to it or whatever but it's not something needs to be overly accessible so there's just little boring panels that are at the top there and done that's fine I think it works quite well maybe something like that and I'll just make sure this other side over here works as well I'm trying to piece it as best as I can so that it works well whilst also not taking up too much of your time or mine okay I think that is looking pretty good I might you know you can see in the background there one of these might fit in yeah just like that which I might use this one just so that it's not too repetitive from the other one the portion of me and then another one on the other side just rotate that excellent cool all right so now we're going to do is start creating a few little pipes along there then we're going to create the steel floor and then the bay doors at the end as well okay so to create the these steel pipes they're pretty easy we need to do is go ahead and add in a cylinder and you want to make sure it's got enough sort of vertices I'll go with about 26 perhaps you want to look relatively smooth because it's going to be fairly close to the camera so if it's too low resolution then it's going to be pretty noticeable to the viewer so yeah go for something around about 26 vertices is fine now I'm just going to remove both of the faces because this is going to be you know part of the array system so we don't need any of the faces there and looking at it from the front view I want to drop it in to be about that size there so looking at it from the viewport of the camera I guess let's look it about there okay cool and what I'm going to do is just create kind of like I don't know what you call it I'm sure there's a engineering term for it or something like that but kind of like a like words in part so it's kind of like been screwed together and normally you have like knots around there or something you know it's not just like one long big steel pipe it's kind of in pieces so they can kind of pull it upon switch things around or whatever but anyway that's what that is right there and you want to make sure that this point here is relatively the same size as as the rest of the steel so that when you use the array modifier you can click on merge and it will just merge the vertices and that will help help it look a little bit swish also it helps to have kind of closed objects because I realized that you know with the cycles rendering engine it if you don't have like a closed object I think it can try and calculate the shadows and light and stuff inside an object even though it's tiny and small so make sure you can get um if you can make sure that the object is closed okay so I'm just adding an array here and I want it to be there we go like that on the y-axis and I'm just going to move that up there just so that kind of like that washer point is right in the center there and actually I think it needs to be the actual size okay let's just move this down then okay all right so it actually a lot just be a lot smaller then okay so I want to scale this down just so that it's about there and I'm going to turn the count down for that to - I'm just going to just enable that array and what I'm going to do is just move the the origin point to be that point right there 3d cursor and now what I can do is just position that exactly on the end and then scale it up just so that it's fit into the middle here just like that actually the pipes aren't even going to meet because we're going to be using actually no they will I know yeah they will okay but along there so that's okay but anyway sorry we're using the mirror thing previously I had it so the array was running like all the way up through the middle there but we're just going to make it apply to this so it won't actually matter all that much anyway so I'm going to go ahead and hit on ctrl J and then selecting all those points there I'm going to hit s Y and then 0 so they're all exactly the same and then on that pipe there I'm going to select it then hit smooth and then making sure that the shader is the way it should be all you can see you've got some that have doubled up there so let's just remove any doubles that are there that's good right and I'm going to make mark sharp for all of those seams all those edges edge loops I should say okay and then smooth for all of it oh we've got another one up here as well of course okay shop excellent okay so we've got one steel pipe I'm going to create one little variation so like an extra pipe next to it this one's going to have let's say twenty two vertices it's a little bit small so you can get away with a little bit less I guess I guess it doesn't really matter all that much in the other grand scheme of things oh man I tell you what sometimes recording tutorials for a really long time it can be can take a lot out here I tell you what I try and find stuff to fill the void and often times I have nothing to fill the void so I end up rambling on and on and on okay so I'm going to remove the face at the front and at the back like that and then again doing exactly what I did for the last one it's applying a remodel fire rotation so out to one move that back a little bit scale it down let's turn on smooth shading let's hit merge as well that's something I need to do on the last one it's probably why it was doubled up on those points extra mark sharp there and another one there oops that was clear okay and then hit ctrl J whoops okay but apply the array first then hit control D that's what happens if you don't apply the modifier first anyway okay and then the final thing of course is to make sure all of that is like so and sorry that these I didn't finish that sentence today make sure that it's all lined up as it should be just like that okay so now you've got some interesting pipes to the side of it and it looks a little bit better than nothing I guess I'm going to create kind of like a steel rod that runs down there so I'm going to add in a cube right here just scale this down position this to be about here I'm going to delete this face there move that to the left of it and I'm going to create a mirror like so let's recreate that face there we go and then move that to there so this is a yeah like a little railing I'm not sure why it's like this design but uh you know it's the future man I guess they have you know more interesting railings I don't know maybe we maybe we will man proof I know what to talk about anymore I'm going to apply that mirror modifier hit ctrl J and on this guy right there whoops ctrl L there we go oh yeah okay so remove the faces on that edge and also remove the faces on this edge select all of those hit s y 0 and then the same for this one right here sy 0 excellent okay so now you have a sort of the the floor kind of taken care of um now we're going to be doing that steel floor like the grated steel across the bottom there so it's used a lot on industrial sites and things like that so again this is very fitting for this type of image because it is kind of like the engine room you know it's not a luxury liner or anything like that so you wanna make sure the floor is appropriate so making something so I'll just show you a photo of exactly what it is that I'm creating right now just move that out the way because I'll show you what I'm creating here just because it can be a little bit harder to kind of guess what I'm going at so this is exactly what it is I'm creating it's that industrial floor so you can see it's kind of got like this little swirly pattern going across there and I tried to create that to kind of go for a little bit more realism but it's not worth it it completely wastes the render time in the RAM and it's you can barely see it so it's going to be creating some steel bars basically it's really really basic the only thing you won't be paying attention to is the width of that steel there in comparison to the hole that it makes so just try and get something as close to that that image that you can see right there so once I've got one of those pieces there I'm just going to use the array modifier and then just change that value there to be whatever is suitable in relation to that picture so if you can kind of imagine how many of those little bars would it be across I'd say maybe that's like six in its place so we can probably change that to be about there I would say and then I'm just going to increase that count make sure that it's in the spot that it needs to be across like so and I think actually the steel is a little bit thinner as well so like so to be about there okay and I'm going to remove the face on each side like so all right and now I'm going to duplicate that and I'm going to create the ones that are going across it and these ones are going to have a bigger hole so having again looking at that reference photo there it's kind of a you know getting that rectangular look to it so maybe a little bit more than 23 something like that and then turning down the count of that array of course it should be about there I think is pretty good and I want to point it back to be at the start starting about there so that it's all lined up and I'm creating it in so that I can duplicate that little steel grate there and it will look like it's in pieces because you know they don't sell you know this entire you know like 20 meters of that all in one they sell it in pieces of course obviously so um so that's the kind of that's what I'm going for so I'm just going to create sort of one piece and then I'm just going to again duplicate that and you know create the rest of the floor with it okay so I'm just going to position that upwards okay and that little thing that little steel bars that go across it they're slightly raised off the floor off the actual arm you know the ones that are going long ways so that's just one little tiny note there and that's looking pretty good so I'm going to go ahead and apply those clicking apply and then I'm going to join them control-j okay now I'm going to select that end sorry one of these pieces right here I'm going to scale up the size I'm just going to create some kind of like edges to it so it looks a little bit thicker on the sides and then the same on this side as well actually just grab this one it's already about the right length okay pretty good and then another one there and then another one on the other side as well it's just whoops patrol L excellent okay cool so I'm just going to duplicate that so there are now two of them very close together and I'm going to scale them down a little bit just kind of ruining up all the ratios and the measurement that I was trying to use before but you know whatever it's alright so I'm now just going to select our mean everything and just hit ctrl J and we now have the steel grated floor in place as it should be and if you wanted to you can see it got a little bit of a gap there so I'm just going to extend that forward I'm going to cheat a little bit just by making that last bit a little bit bigger but you get it that's the that's the steel floor that's in place now so now I'm going to do is just create the bay doors at the end there and then I think we should be on the home stretch okay so for the bay doors I'll just show you again what my final one look like if I can just bring that up picture please there we go so it's it's based off something I found off Google Images I think from another 3d artist actually and it's kind of like this zig zaggy type door and it is actually relatively easy to create so I'll just show you now so I'm just going to start with a plane and rotate that by 90 degrees and I'm going to create eight loop cuts so I'm just using my scroll wheel eight loop cuts like that and then I'm going to create a cut just along the middle there just like that and so I'll just bring up my image here just so I can see again because I'm trying to go off my off my memory here okay so we've got the these ones to the side and then in 52 do so those ones to the side and then this one is also to the side I guess I guess that's how that works I think I've got too many edge loops to be honest I'm just going to go with six let's try that no I needed one more loop cut across there what did I know I didn't okay idea okay excellent all right all tutorial etiquette has been thrown out the window I'm now just basing off my previous one just just alt tabbing and just copying it I mean you guys might as well do this yourself okay anyway we'll continue all right so I'm going to delete vertices there and there and I'm just going to create an area to the left and right hand side of it okay so just like this so this is kind of like that edge that it has you can see right there and I'm just going to expand that out and then expand that side out as well and then hit X zero just to make them flat and then I want to create portions on the left hand side which have been sort of cut in so just selecting extruding and then I'm going to push that backwards like that so I've now got a little cutaway there and another one on this side as well and this part here that's going to be actually stuck outwards so if I create a loop cut goes just there let's just see if I can there we go I'm going to select that and then I'm just going to extrude that inwards like so that'll be fine move that one inwards as well I'm not sure if that's actually right you know what I've just completely messed it up okay so I'm trying to go off a model I'm trying to do it off memory and kind of make a mistakes fun fact it's actually 12:30 a.m. over here at the moment where I'm doing this cheater yeah I've left it a little bit late but you know it's how I get sometimes things take a little bit longer than you expect and also you spend too long wasting time doing things that you shouldn't alright cool so selecting these points here and a make this one portion here street that outwards there we go so this is I guess just adding a little bit more realism to it you know going with the theme sticking with it and going for that kind of sci-fi type look that a lot of people like all that where should be going for anyway okay excellent and then for the rest of the door what I'm going to do is just grab that outside edge road there I'm going to extrude it to be about there then I'm going to push it back extrude it outwards a little bit more then bring it back inwards to be at the same level and then extrude it like so so this is just creating kind of an edge to it yeah just like that excellent and then for this for the actual door itself I thought it would be kind of cool to have like kinda looks like like a bank vault I guess that kind of has like a tourney thing I don't know the technical term for it so like a big wheel in the center there like so and then I'm going to create another couple of cylinders with a few less vertices let's go 12 rotate that down down down down and then extrude it along the x-axis just like so yeah just like that and then I'm going to make both of those smooth objects object data excellent and then this one here I'm going to delete that face as well and then I'll make this one mark sharp edge split excellent and then you can also go ahead and create a little panel here as well just fairly easy so I'm just creating a cube so I'm kind of going off like the intercom look that I have for my apartments yeah living in Korea is pretty much my first time living in an apartment coming from Australia I'm not used to it but you know it's not too bad you got your own little private space save for the the cigarette smoke that wafts in through my balcony window from from my neighbor it's pretty good it's not bad but yeah anyway I have a little intercom that looks like this there's a little link there for you okay so this kind of this little portion here this is going to be like the keyboard I guess so I'm just going to scale that in and then if I created another cube and scale that downwards then I can kind of create some little buttons looks like kind of like a keypress thing so I just move that out and then create another array right underneath it let's go to 0 minus one okay let's go look at it from the front front view okay excellent I'm just going to apply both of those grab one of these and this is going to be like the spacebar or something I'm not sure why they using like half a keyboard in the future but you know they are so we're going to roll with it just like that and then if you wanted to you could you know make that a glowing light or whatever and I guess the second part of this tutorial we will anyway so that is the bay door that is right there and also we'll go ahead and we'll add a bevel modifier to it this is something we didn't do for the rest of it but I think we should tell us if you set the apply the scale that's something that's very important when before you use the bevel modifier just get into the habit of that ear that looks really ugly I got a sharp yeah so it's trying to apply that bevel effect to the wheel I don't like that let's change that okay all right let's make the 0.05 there we go so the bevel effect will catch a lot more of the light glinting effect like it'll kind of like shine off the edges there it will increase the render time but it will improve the the overall look so I highly recommend using that little trick the bevel and I'm going to use it on the rest of everything as well so I think I used it on the the grated floor for mine so you can go ahead and do that if you want so the bay door is the edge then I'm just scaling it however I see fit just to fill that void in the background okay and then bevel effect there we go excellent I'm going to position this at the very top so it needs to be at the top because you've got the array modifier you've got the mirror modifying everything you want everything to still match but you also want to have a bevel effect so I'm going to apply the scale because the oh what was that I don't know what just happened there I think it just screwed up my everything yeah it kind of did that's really weird anyway let's just see how it looks looking at it from the front view here let's have a look and see if we can see that bevel effect it's really slight really subtle yeah there you go you can kind of see it's got a little bit of an edge to it so you want to play with that edge to try and get it so that looks nice it's kind of screwed up the pipes here so I mean you know I think I'm going to leave that as sort of homework for you guys if you work out the bevel effect I think this tutorial has gone on long enough I'm sure you guys are all very tired of following of this tutorial so that pretty much summarizes it you can see the I just disable that bevel effect there you go the roof needs a little bit of detail it's not too much just adding a few little pipes and things like that this is what my final one looked like you can see it's um it's pretty much the same and I also added in an air-conditioning vent there which is something I didn't do in the tutorial but again guys it's entirely up to you how much work you put into this that's really how much it's going to pay off so I put a lot more thought and effort into my final result obviously with a tutorial it's very limited for sort of the scope that I can cover you can see I added in some pipes along the edge there and we add in a few little extra tiny details but everything else is pretty much been covered in the tutorial so I'm hoping you guys enjoyed it hoping you learned a couple of things from it next week of course we're going to be getting into the materials the lighting the compositing the post-production all that good stuff which is going to final which is going to finish off the final image and create something that hopefully looks a little bit like this one right here something a little bit cool so that's it for me guys thank you very much for watching
Channel: Blender Guru
Views: 401,559
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, tutorial, spaceship, scifi
Id: ym6IL0gUR6I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 52sec (4492 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 26 2012
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