Blender - Procedural Lava Shader in Blender 2.8

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okay so in today's tutorial we're gonna be making a procedural lava shader let me show you what it looks like then we'll get into it so this is the lava shader right here we're gonna give you some nice bump as well as I'm gonna show you how to make these nice consolidated group nodes and these work with Eevee and cycles so let's get into it so I'm gonna just bring in a standard sphere I'm gonna subdivide it once and make it smooth and this is what we're going to be using just as just to show it now let's go over to the shading tab and our blender 2.8 shortcuts here and let's go over to look dev on shading I'm gonna switch to a darker HDRI and cut out the background so now we have this lets click new and let's add a mix shader' plug that mix shooter in now we need an emission shader bring that here we're gonna give it a strength of 50 and a nice red color more than the orange ii red and plug it into the shader output right here alright now we have these two shaders we need to tell them where to go place themselves on our object so we need to add a color ramp and a noise texture I will plug the color into the factor and the color ramp into the factor here and so now this so now this shader once we take our color ramp and bring it down you can see the noise affecting the factor and telling them where to put each of these shaders let's bring up the detail on this noise texture so we have one problem if you wanted to save this shader and apply it to different objects they'll distribute themselves differently depending on the scale and the topology of your object and you want to be able to know that it'll distribute evenly on our objects so we need to add a mapping node and a texture coordinate so that we know we'll distribute evenly we'll use the object we use the object plug plug in the vector the vector into the vector here and now and so now it distributes evenly no matter what object we use let's go to the base color and we bring this down here break up the roughness a little bit now let's add some bump to this so let's add in a bump node plug the normal into the normal and let's get the noise texture and plug it into the height alright so now we have this you can see the topology kind of going on there I got those dark lava like rocks and we can just play with this right here now one thing I like to do is make some space right here bring up the distortion and let's take this noise texture shift D and just duplicate it and now we get some even crazier looking displacements here and of course you can take this color ramp and kind of animate it if you want we get a more extreme a lot more or less just depending on your scene so we're gonna leave it right about here so we're pretty much done now I'm going to show you how to make a really cool group node so you hit B select everything but this red material output right here and you'll click ctrl G so now you get this material output little node thing and what that's going to be used for say we want to be able to edit this scale bring it up here plug it right into the scale now hit tab so now we have this nice consolidated group node so it's nice and neat and you can just go in and see one thing and you don't have to look for your nodes so if you have like a really really complex node set up you can just consolidate it like that now we want to be able to edit the color so we'll just plug this one into the color and as well as a new one plug it into the strength and so now we have this nice node we could play with the strengths here and we can play with our color and make some really really nice things and it's nice and neat so there you go that's a procedural rule of shader I'm going to be doing a series of procedural shader so if you want to see more of these subscribe and get a lot of those and thanks for watching
Channel: Ducky 3D
Views: 117,416
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blender, Beginner, lava, Procedural, Blender Eevee, Blender shading, Blender node, Blender nodes
Id: HOYYB50qbjk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 2sec (242 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 10 2019
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