Make a Photo-realistic Concrete Material with Cracks in Blender 2.82

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how's it going so in today's tutorial I'm gonna be teaching you how to make this cement asphalt material here for this render right here you can download the scene file in the description for $1 everybody on patreon you'll be getting that for free that being said on the patreon I just released a scratches material so you can go and grab that on the patreon right now as well as this pack of 10 iridescent shaders that's available in patreon as well if you don't know about the page front and we have exclusive tutorials I talk about my client work and you get weekly project files from a bunch of my projects and things and ideas and studies so if you want to go and check out the patreon you can do that in the description but let's go ahead and make this material alright so we have an empty file here you can just throw in whatever object you want i like the cone just for this when i was designing the scene that's in the in the original project file i was just playing with the triangle and when I'm designing my materials it's always good to design it on the object that you're gonna be using it for at least I found that to be really beneficial just so you can get that perfect look that you're going for so I'm just gonna bevel this guy really quickly shade smooth and let's hop on over to the shading tab so we have this guy right here let's go ahead make it new let's get a color ramp and attach this color out here to the base colour of our material I'm gonna close this window here to give us more space now we have our object showing right here let's go ahead and get a musgrave texture now we're gonna use this Musgrave this is one of the most useful nodes I used right now for surface imperfections and things like that now if you have the node regular add-on unable hit ctrl T you get this texture set up with a mapping node and a texture coordinate and use the object coordinate that's so that when you apply this material to other things it's still going to be even evenly distributed now let's attach this Musgrave to the color ramp now that's going to you're gonna see this here so what we're gonna do is take the dimension we'll take the dimension down to zero the detail up and we're gonna get this nice thing now we can start coloring cement is very light-colored so we're gonna take this white it's but it's not a pure white so let's take the white down to right here and take this black portion and bring it pretty far up to something around there so we're already getting some pretty good cement looking material here let's get a bump node here and get the get this to start start playing with how it's looking so let's get this Musgrave texture plug it right here into the height and now we're gonna get some bumping going on it's gonna be a little bit too harsh so I'm gonna bring the strength down a little bit you start seeing how it works but we're getting some bumping so that's good now this is nice actually you can sort of stop here if you like this Azzam cement material but we want to add some other details in this so we're gonna get in a noise texture so type it noise texture so the reason why I want to use a noise texture here it's because this is really flat and I'm gonna have some more deeper dents inside the material so I'm just going to plug this factor into the color ramp so we can see what's happening so we can just design this guy now for the noise texture I'm gonna give the scale we're gonna put the scale at 6 here and put my detail at 16 gives us some detail then the most important thing is my distortion to put it at 4 and this is what we're going for here all right so now what I'm gonna do is I'm going to combine these two together with a mix RGB mix RGB allows you to mix two textures together here and then we'll just plug this color mix into the color ramp so make sure that these two are plugged into the mix RGB and the mix RGB is plugged into this color ramp and this bump node and that will plug this right here and we'll plug the normal back into the normal so you can see it's not really working if you want to see how the noise texture works this is what we're seeing here with noise and this is what we're seeing here with just the musgrave and you can combine them like this the problem is it's a little bit too much so I'm gonna get a color ramp get a color ramp right here to sort of squash and flatten some areas on the thing so we're gonna go completely to the noise texture so we can see what's happening and we're gonna bring the white portion in so this is what I want this is why I'm using the noise texture just to get some dents some indents in the in the cement just like that now alright so now what I want to do is take it from mix to difference what that's going to do it's going to allow them to mix very nicely here in the factor so just like this and then we'll bring this in a little bit so now we you can see we have some nice scratches some nice dents in our material the last thing I'm gonna do is make the cracks so we're gonna add an avoid annoying texture here get a Voronoi plug this Voronoi texture into a new bump node so duplicate the bump node add the new bump node into the normal of this bump and give the distance here into the height and we'll hit ctrl T to add a new texture setup with the object coordinate enabled so a lot of you may remember in the old blender blender 2.80 in parts of blender 2.8 you had the crackle and now you can't see crackle but to get crackled keep it up default settings and just go to distance to edge right here and crackle is back so now we have the crackle node what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna get a color ramp right here plug it right there and we just want to get these crack lines so just like this bring in that color ramp so we get this now we're gonna get now we're getting some of those cracks but we need to add some detail inside of that and that's here on the vector line so we'll get a noise texture right here and this vector line is going to add us let us mess with what's happening over here so we'll add the detail in and and keep the scale where it's at now right now it's not cracks anymore they look like worm lines what we want to do is add a mix RGB plug it right there and it will take the object coordinate and put it in a plug-in - color - and the reason we're doing that is when you bring this slider over it's essentially back to where we started before we added this noise texture if you bring the slider over here it's like before we added the mix RGB where the noise was completely effecting so with this so this node pretty much allows us to just use some of the noise so what we'll do is bring this factor in to add some detail in those cracks and then on the bump node bring up the strength just like this and then I'm gonna bring up the scale because I want it I'm gonna bring down the scale because I just want it to be cracking some of it and then if you don't like how big the cracks are you can just bring this in and tighten up those cracks and you now have a nice cracked cement material and then you get to check it out it works just fine in cycles of course in cycles it looks a little bit too brighter look looks a little bit too bright I would actually bring in some darken that stuff so you can actually between the different lighting setups and different render engines you'll have to play with the color you know it's all about it's all about just how you're using the shader in different circumstance so this is how it looks in cycles pretty photo-real it's awesome so yeah that's the that's the cement shader I hope you enjoyed this hope you learned something and thanks for watching
Channel: Ducky 3D
Views: 148,078
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blender, Beginner, lava, Blender Rocks, Blender Procedural, Blender nodes, Blender node, Blender Procedural Shading, Blender Cycles, Blender Eevee, Easy Blender Tutorial, Blender 2.8, Blender tutorial, Blender Animation, Blender Abstract Tutorial, blender breakdown, Blender 2.80, blender 2.8 tutorial, Blender 3D, Blender Guru, Remington Graphics, Intro To Blender, blender vaporwave, CG Cookie, Midge Sinnaeve
Id: 8Odon-JrQ7o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 45sec (465 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 06 2020
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