Blender - Procedural Rust in Blender 2.8 Nodes

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okay so in this video I'm going to show you how to make a procedural metallic rusty shader let me show you what it looks like and then we'll get into it so here's the final product it's really cool it's all procedural so let's make it alright so we're gonna be using blender 2.8 for this so we're gonna be using that and let's go in shift a and just add in any model you want it really doesn't matter for me I'm just gonna use a basic circle ball no blender 2.8 has all these little preset workspaces up here so we're gonna be using this shading one so this is mine and I'm gonna hit Z and go to look dev mode and then I'm just gonna go up here and change it to evey and take off a bloom so everything's nice and clear and then bring out the background all right so now let's click new add a shader and we're gonna go directly and mess with the bump so we're gonna go in add a bump node plug the normal into the normal and let's get a noise texture now we'll take the noise texture plug the color into the height and now we get something here let's go up here and make our principled metallic and let's just bring our texture kind of up here because this is where it's going to be for the rest as we design now let's add two things we're gonna add a mapping node and we're gonna add a texture coordinate we're going to plug the object node so the reason why you want to use the object notice so whenever you add this material to any other models it'll be distributed evenly so now change is just a little bit so now let's go and change the detail bring it all the way up to 16 and bring our strength down and bring our strength down just a little bit and let's add a color ramp to this so what this is gonna do is as we pull this white slider this direction now we're gonna get it so it's gonna flatten up here on the top and we're gonna get these big old dents just like this just right about there so this is the area where the rust is actually going to be but this is too flat we need to add some pumping going around so let's add another bump node plug the normal into the normal of the bump and let's add a noise texture now let's take the noise plug it into the height and it kind of messes with it right up in here let's just take the detail bring it all the way up and the strength of the bump note bring it all the way down and then just sort of kind of peek it in just like that so we can kind of see some fun stuff going on and bring your scale up to fifty kind of does this right here now one trick I like to do is take a noise texture duplicate it and then plug the color into the vector and now we get some more fun stuff and I'm gonna bring the scale to 20 on this one so now we get some nice bumping going around in here and then some serious bumping going in here so now it's just a silver metallic ball we need to color it so what we're gonna do is we're going to add a color ramp right up here plug the color into the base color of our principled and and because this these big dents are going to be the parts that are going to be shaded which is this noise texture right here we're going to plug that into the color ramp so you can see if you take this right here and bring it in you can see where it shades it so right in that area so what we're gonna do is hit this plus icon and we're gonna take that gray and we're gonna make it red and we'll do one more it's going to be the red but it's going to be a lighter version of the red more in the orange end kind of like that so now we just need to bring this over here take our white bring it so it spreads and just play around with it until you get what you want so we want this white to be here bring the red closer to the edge orange as well kind of like that and there we go now we're getting what we want this bump is a little too crazy so I'm gonna bring the strength down just a little bit of the bump for the big the big stuff so now we have pretty much what we're going for I'm gonna tweak around a little bit here kind of make this orange a little bit more powerful kind of like that and the red just a little bit less powerful over in this end and here we have it we have our rust shader you can go into the noise texture here and maybe add some distortion make it look a little bit better like that it's all up to you but this is it this is your procedural rust shader so there you go you made a procedural Russia Gator I hope you liked it and thanks for watching
Channel: Ducky 3D
Views: 199,442
Rating: 4.9784379 out of 5
Keywords: Blender, Beginner, Procedural, Procedural Rust, Blender Proceduram Shading, Blender Shading, Blender node, Blender nodes, Blender eevee, Blender Cycles, Easy Blender Tutorial, Blender Beginner, Blender 2.8
Id: hccqcCIGGUw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 30sec (270 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 28 2019
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