Blender - Procedural Dented Metal shader (Blender 2.8)

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okay so in today's tutorial we're going to making a heavy-duty metal material let me show you what it looks like and then we'll get into it alright so this is the material it's a lot more simple to make than it looks so let's get into that okay so we're going to be opening up blender 2.8 and to view this we're going to be using the Eevee render engine in the look devmode so you don't have to worry about render engines for this so let's go and add in a object it doesn't matter what object you want but I'm just going to use a standard sphere well Aiko sphere and I'm going to subdivide it and I'm going to shade smooth all right up here we're gonna utilize blenders presets up here for so we're gonna click the shading icon and then hit Z go to look dev and we change a couple things here I'm going to up the shading on the world I'm gonna bring down the background so we had a nice black background and then up here where it says render engine switched to e V really quick so we can turn off bloom if you don't already have it on and turn on screen space reflections and ambient occlusion alright so in the shader editor we're gonna click new we're gonna make this principle metallic and we're gonna darken up the metal just a little bit okay so the first thing we're gonna add is a bump node and we're going to plug the normal into the normal and let's go ahead and add a wave texture wave texture plug the color into the height and now we have this really quick we're gonna need two nodes so we're going to need a mapping and a texture coordinate node texture coordinate all right take your texture coordinate and put the object node into the vector the object plug is very important for this if you're gonna add this material to any other models then it'll be evenly distributed on all the models you add instead of your texturing the specific model for the specific scale so put it on the object mode if you plan on using it for other things and we'll take the mapping and plug it to the vector all right and then we're gonna take these two if you have if you highlight these and click G you can move multiple things at once we're going to position it here the middle because we're gonna use this quite a bit more so now let's take our bump and bring down the strength a bit as well as let's add a color ramp right here and we're gonna utilize that just a minute but let's bring up the scale and let's bring up the distortion so now we got this cool stuff going on now I don't like how these look like little Hills there sort of slope up and slope down and come to a point we want it to be a flat top so we're gonna take our color ramp and just bring the white this direction so it flattens up this top area so just like right about I say right about there that looks pretty good now one thing we need to do is change this up this is clearly a wave texture for other artists seeing this you want it to look like a piece of metal and not some organic things so we're gonna add something on the vector line of our shading here and the vector line is this area right here so we're gonna add a noise texture and plug the noise right here and it's gonna do all this crazy stuff no we we don't want it to be that much affected so we want so what we're gonna do is add a mix RGB right here and we're gonna plug the original into the color too so what this is gonna do if you look at the factor if you bring the factor all the way to here it's using this it's using this plug right here but if you bring it all the way here then it's using this one for the noise texture so we just want it to affect it a little bit first let's bring up the detail on our noise and let's have it affect at some and so what you can see is now in these little areas right here you can see it's starting to add some detail in there and adding some really fun stuff but it's not completely affecting it like that so it just adds some detail in those areas and makes it less obvious of a wave texture so now we have this and I'm gonna bring the scale down of our thing right or right right about that and that looks that looks really good now we need to add our nice big dents so we need to add another bump node so put our bump here plug the normal into the normal of this bump node and let's add a Voronoi plug the Voronoi into the height so now you can see it's affecting it pretty heavily I'm just going to take these and bring them a little bit closer here and let's take our object coordinate here and plug it into the vector so that it evenly distributes it and let's bring down the strength just a bit change distance to mckowski so now we get this stuff right here first we need to add a color ramp to limit the amount of dents that are shown so there we go that kind of messes it up in that way so you can sort of do that and it does some really nice things spreads them out and you can take the scale and give it more or you can give it less just like that so we have a problem here and our dents are sort of planar you can see how it's just like one plane plane plane and a bump here and we want to add some detail so same process that we did here to add some detail in our wave we're gonna add some detail in our Voronoi so same thing we're gonna get a nice texture plug it here and you can see it messes everything up let's bring up the detail so let's get a mix RGB plug it right there object coordinate plug it into the color too and as you can see just like the other one bring it all the way over here it's a planar and then as we scale it over you can see all this detail being added to the bumps so just just like that and we can play with the strength to make it a little more extreme so it's way more noticeable just like that or you can make it way down here whatever you want to do and this is the heavy duty metal material so there you go you made a heavy-duty metal material if you want more of these tutorials I'm gonna have a series for them so subscribe for that and thanks for watching
Channel: Ducky 3D
Views: 176,171
Rating: 4.9540563 out of 5
Keywords: Blender, Beginner, Procedural, Blender shading, Blender Nodes, Blender Node Editor, Blender dented metal, Blender Metal
Id: 1-IYoyPtiFQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 23sec (383 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 15 2019
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