Blender Part 1 How to Make a Body || VTuber Vrchat Avatar Tutorial 2022

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it's rain hat welcome to the first day of class if you've been here before or know what you're doing you might find a few unfortunates in the comment section with questions feel free to bully them I I mean believe them I mean um feel free to help them because helping people is what we do best settle down our class there's time for the intro sequence [Music] thank you foreign how to make a body in blender the thing about topology is there's no right way to do it well that's what a stupid dummy idiot would say of course there's a right way to do it which is what the way I do of course you must first know the way of the quad and guns are for the knees they give you lighting errors or even break parts of your model when you try to bring it in unity try should be used sparingly because they are not the easiest to work with early on in the modeling phase Trace can be useful though for reducing topology and collapsing joints sometimes you need to try here and there I always start my models strictly using quads only it's a good practice I also try to keep stuff low poly and add a subdivision modifier for easy smoothing let's take a look at this in practice welcome to blender this is round two of recording because the last time I didn't like it for some reason but let's go ahead we have this blend splash screen that is in front of us it looks quite nice but we don't want anything to do with it so we can just click off usually when you open blender it shows you a new file in the background so you usually don't have to click anything let's start with deleting the default Cube I'm just kidding we never deflate the default Cube we delete the camera and we delete the light because we don't need to work in that way this default cube is two by two meters we will get it right this time around if you are skeptical of the size of your Cube then we can just add a new one add Mash Cube open this little menu we can change the size let's say we want a one by one meter and we want it at zero zero and let's push that too we have uh we'll make a cube above the default Cube let's not um do anything rash and put that at zero zero zero if this is a meter then all those little cubes inside has to be 10 centimeters of course when you're grabbing things uh you might have a left click select or right click select I have a right click stacked because I specifically set it to that if you do not then if you want to select a shape you will be clicking left and it will light up but since I am clicking right it lights up that's my select key on my mouse with this Cube what are we going to do with it let's turn it into a model for those of you that didn't watch the introductory video there will be a reference sheet in the description but also in the introductory video we want to grab that from our file explorer and just drag and drop it into the scene if you're patreon you might get an even better even better reference to work with but for now I'll just have these we'll just set the Y to zero for now X to zero for now let's rename this too double clicking to rename ref front we want to go to these object data properties it's a little photo looking red button we'll upset these bows to front and you know what let's click only axis aligned as well what that does is it disappears when you are rotate so it doesn't get in your way will also turn on opacity input that too 0.3 and we'll just clicking the x button there but you can also numpad one numpad three just click quick shortcut to go to the side g y but the bag about here would be more than enough we want to hold your hand to be about a meter tool just because she's small so let's do that we're going to use this as a reference these squares in the back and that should about do it it's a little all right I'm fine with that because I'm very nice to you I have these guidelines on the reference so make sure to zoom in make sure to select whatever it is you want to grab with your select click mine's right press G so you can grab it and we're going to lock it on the x-axis so immediately press X after let's do that again it's selected or you know click off select it g and then X will lock it in the x-axis I'm going to line that up with the blue line and we're going to bring this down let's hide the cube for a moment just press the eye G it's sad and that seems good to me these are more or less on the bottom now let's do this this is a little bit below but it's fine it just means the reference wasn't done perfectly one-to-one right Cube actually let's not do that quite yet we have this why can't I select it right select it with whatever click shift d going to first snap it on the y-axis so we can bring it forward do that for a second R to rotate Z rotating on the inside axis and 90. right and then g x so this should all be level it just won't be level from front to back so as far as tutorial Chan goes g y let's put her about here the center-ish of the body why is it so hard to select this g y let's have this as a working space right now this Cube we're going to start at the neck this time around we'll add a mirror modifier actually so we go to the modify properties a little wrench looking thing or spanner add modifier mirror and let's hide it for now so we just turn off this little television screen and make sure this is at zero zero so let's go into object properties zero zero zero zero and edit mode now we can grab this by the way if you want to select all of the points in the scene just press a and deselect double tap a select all with a g z and we're going to scale it down with air scale it down she said kill it down all right by the way to rotate like this I'm using my middle Mouse click you'll you'll be able to see all the stuff I'm doing in the bottom left corner if you don't know I'll try to explain it too so middle Mouse click to rotate and if you want to drag shift middle Mouse click and you can drag drag stuff around we want to control R add some Loop Cuts equal R add some lip caps if you don't want to use Ctrl R we have a little button here if you can't see it this is probably collapsed so just click this little cool this little arrow in the corner you just have to click it it'll pop out it's hitting a twice deselect we have this the loop cut mesh tool we can put whatever we want here click there click there for example and we can turn the number of of cats up so let's do four put it on this side and it'll do four on this side it'll do four right Ctrl Z to undo that's Heidi loops with the button but we don't want to do that so we'll go back to the Box select and you know what's even better than a box select a lasso select so I'm going to hover Mouse over this select box box button click hold bring your mouse over to the side and let go over the lasso because lassos are far superior go back to them pad one we can click this said button or if you don't click the Z button you can just hit numpad 7 and it'll do the same thing let's turn on toggle x-ray up here the top right so we can see through the cube let's get rid of this side actually 30s and then let's go back to modify properties and we'll see what happens when we make it visible again we get another side that does the exact same thing as this side I select it it'll mirror it now with our current setup if we get the center align on the the y-axis Center Line if we grab it and move it it'll come off if we turn on mirror up here enable mesh symmetry in the x-axis by the way to get these titles up I'm just hovering my mouse over it select that for a lot of programs flaps hit X and it'll mirror on the on the x-axis mirroring something at zero just does nothing to it in the in the uh Left Right fashion just on the you know the Y plane so let's turn that off and let's turn on clipping and you'll see it'll do the same thing so clipping does is anything on the center it keeps it on the center it joins it up basically so this is one point but if we didn't have it on it'd be two points at the the Y Center or the center of X actually that would make no it's both the center of X and Y X makes more sense logically speaking right forget about no don't forget about it remember it actually I'll be testing you on on next week's exam let's go back to said and grab this by just rounding it out we want to make a neck this will do it for now it's going to get far more complicated than this scale side with s and sad now let's do a little something let's ex delete faces delete those and let's do the same here x delete faces and Pad one let's extrude let's hit said so go straight up and down and let's scale oh actually let's turn on clipping GX so think about this shoulder area you'll see that the arms are going to come out sideways in a hinge fashion so they go out like this you see what my mouse is doing actually let's draw the arms come out of this area of the body like this like this so I'm going to see if I can represent that with topology so when it squishes down this part which you'll see mostly here will collapse it'll get smaller so let me show you how that might look with topology this is basically what we did last time just without all the extra nonsense with the shapes so I'm gonna extrude again just hit sad go to the top view scale it up grabbing these G probably do let's do a control r so you can add some Loop Cuts Ctrl r here here and here this will be for the underarm area so right here you'll be able to see it better with the patreon reference diffusing that everyone else I promise it's not that difficult to guess and this area here first let's make it into a full shape so we'll click these two points and hit f these two would be for the arm scale X scale y I mean F to make a face I'm going to grab this e to extrude if I haven't said that already I'll blush bring it all the way down here we need an area for the crotch so let's make that into face with f ifth episode so it's about here there and here you should still have your your X-ray on by the way should be able to grab these that's why by now just making the shoulder area now I'm going to run a loop cut with Ctrl R down here I don't use the buttons because it's just too slow for me can Alt and select a line so let's alt and then shift and ALT select again so what I'm doing if you don't understand what alt select means alt click I'm clicking with my right you might have to click with your left Alt with shift click I'm not letting go of alt at any point and then now I'm letting go of alt and just shift clicking these all right numpad one g x this is the underarm this is just here to round stuff out a bit better and now this shape this is slightly different to the tutorial I'm gonna turn off x-ray so you can see this a bit better this is a little trick I do to increase the amount of Loops let's call it without adding full Loops this is like a half Loop so we have these two quads we're starting at this side oh by the way let's see to get that little knife tool hitting k by clicking I'm clicking with my left this time left leg left click and then at the other side and then when I'm happy with the shape I press space this is what we're doing here now okay again these these lines here connecting them okay again these lines here connecting them now we have this round shape of the shoulder beginning to form let's turn back on the toggle x-ray slightly misaligned so let's let's do this for s z I'm just bringing this down as X going to G and move this over here let's probably do this bring these all down I'm just double tapping G by the way to slide these across probably fit a different another loop through that now this arm scale y with s and Y EP to bring these in as y we can select this loop with Alt alt and right click one number one I mean e to extrude this is gonna be a little ugly but we can flatten this out just by our rotating s x zero and then rotating it back so let's pause that there now let's get the underarm area we want this to be small say say we have this here and the arm is rotating you'd rotate like that I I'm sure there's a better way to show this rotation let's do 3D cursor here are there you go that's how the arms will move um usually when the arm moves the the shoulder also moves so let's select this you'll see the um we'll move let's put the cursor here for example nuts better all right let's do that back to a meeting point I believe it was at ah what else do we need we need the legs so we should have one two three let's put a cut there and let's bring these up you have this uh doing the selection with my left click and then shift to select more G set and I'm assuming you know what let's notice you Let's do let's put another loop through here be the quickest body you'll ever make uh the front and back are basically the same they're basically the same I'm doing something at the front I'm probably going to do it at the back now we have this shape let's ass white round out a little bit a leg that's e to extrude let's s z s z 0 to flatten it completely it's looking from a more upwards View GX so we can round this shape out as y numpad one scale that down I'm just grabbing and putting things in a place that is more applicable all right we can put a loop through here s is at zero asked scale the X fix this a little bit because it's a little Wiggly s y s y that's why let's have a separate area for the knee eat extrude upset let's snap it inside grab it a little bit e extrude at the ankles tight a little bit we need the Feet extrude Again rotate a little bit let's go to uh the top left and click uh Edge select which is a square with a line through it we want to make good shape one two three four F to make a face one two three four F to make a face let's turn off x-ray for a moment now these are not clots one two three four five these are n-gons we don't like n-guns let's turn on vertex like so you can see the little dots press k for the knife tool and let's turn these into quads right how I like to make feet is extruding them from the front so let's do that e and then grab this Jesus little wonky feet big wonky feet X let's expand these on the x-axis s x scale is the right word let's scale them Godly because this is super cheapified we won't need to be making feet that's why zero you can pass the loops over here if you need them gladly let's leave it for now let's get this shape so much decent so SX to scale on the x-axis us x g x the knee tends to slant in this direction so let's do that I'm not too dramatically a little bit there doesn't have to be perfect especially since we'll be adding the subdivision soon GX scale said g x this will do for now do this View uh which is just numpad 3. let's turn on x-ray as y scaling the y g y bring it in the y direction g y just lay it down the line s y g y s y everything's going to be in the Y because we've already fixed the front view so there's no point scaling it all around g y that's why s y g e y s y now this is going to be a little bit of a weird area but I believe in you you know it looks like this too she why think it is suitable to bring this part down for now [Music] we'll sort out the butt later g y foreign let's not select that part of the arm let's do this for now s y p y and the neck key y there's a lot more detail we can get out of this but for now this is a pretty decent shape at least I think so and this wrist stuff super straightforward let's actually put a little space for the elbow extrude scale the thing about um arms is as far as references go very tricky to get this part of the reference so you just have to wing it why just try to make something that looks not like a cone from this angle and take into consideration what the or this the circles look like from front on s y more circular now these I believe can actually come more this way and soak in these it should help it be a bit more round that's why all right here's something that we'll be using a lot right up here the proportional editing edit mode we'll click that and we hit G because we've already got that selected and we can move the whole model that's not right here's what I wanted to do take a scroll wheel and scroll down scroll down and you'll notice that scrolling down makes this number appear get locked so let's go the opposite way and see what happens the brush gets smaller so when I say scroll down I mean scroll the brush size down I believe the correct direction of scrolling with your finger is upwards if you don't know what the number is it's right here on the screen the top left it says proportional size smooth and then it gives it a value right now it's at 0.1486 meters okay so I'm just gonna right click to cancel that g y we can scroll that down Bring It Forward in a smoother fashion gy these are gonna need help too gee why it's making this a more appropriate shape for what it is this will probably see why I right let's add two loops let's do one for now you can bring this forward and bring this backwards because she does need a butt let's do something that'll help this a bit more I'm just hitting Gene now she's freehanding it a little bit unless that's another loop why not going to bring these forward make a kind of dip in the back and I think now is an appropriate time to get uh subdivision modifier so let's do that add modifier oh Let's Escape edit mode going to Old Brick made let's add a subdivision surface this one right here and you know what I think this is a great time to save file save let's save ours actually um whatever you want to call your model I'm going to call it tutorial Chan 2022 save as and let's not check optimal display just so when we're in this mode we can see what it looks like instead of this when I see the uh the density of Gods going on because it's a lot we went from we went from this to this a lot in a small amount of time another thing we should do is let's shade this move object shade smooth nice and as you can see it's slightly edited what we've just done but that's nothing that can't be fixed oh let's also do this we'll click this button on cage which means that stuff is it easier to see I'm sure this would also help going into this mode this is called viewport shading so instead of having to click on cage but let's keep it on cage for now since it's just easier to look at that's uh GX try not to get it to kiss in the middle we don't need to we don't need to do that in public now oh okay let's say it's been bad and it wants to kiss anyway let's turn off clipping for a moment and let's unkiss them and we can turn it back on but you can also turn this merge down let's add another zero that should uh allow it not to clip so quickly let's add another loop here just doing that with Ctrl r this base for a body is completely fine and understandable but there are a lot of things you can do to make weight painting easier and anything that makes white painting easier is your best friend there are some things we can add to make joints move better there are some things we can add to make things look more aesthetically pleasing and let me uh show you a little a little something I made earlier welcome to my horde of bodies this is uh what happens when you take something simple and you make it more complicated we can start with a body like this we have this extra line under the knee to Aid with Movement we can RX so when we rotate this see how that knee still stays pointy this is just rough rotation let's go back to object mode now we have uh the chest if we just split open these Center points and then we inset the faces we can start we can start extruding chest stuff you can also make a line from the top part of the shoulder to here to this part to make a collarbone we can do something with the the knees that we did with the chest we can enter it insert I mean my bad it can go even more complicated this is not as simple as just intruding this is like splitting stuff making uh making them connect and making a whole belly situation you can see the more shapes you add the more complicated these things can be and subdivision is your best friend because we we come from this all the way to this we've just subdividi with just subdivision okay that's not true there are some there are some minor edits of that I've done so uh here we turn the squares into points because I don't know if they just have more topology and yes they are tries and over here we have some better topology on the butt so it can look like a but if we go to edit mode we have these lines to sharpen things I'll show you how to do that in a moment right now we're going to cut back on the detail but if you want to copy any of these you're more than welcome to copy them screenshot whatever but one other important thing reducing topology this thing here this is a similar shape to what we have on the arm we go from two points to one two three four points so we'll be similar here from uh two points two one two three four five no it's like three to five let's get back to this right we want a collarbone the collarbone stops just around here so we're going to try to mimic that somewhat let's try to connect this point if I can select it looks like it's right about here um let's connect it here for now okay Let's do an eye for all of these I'm not sure why it's not picking up my clicks there this didn't cut too great so let's click that one shift click the other one M merge at last these two will merge together um merge Center let's sharpen this I'm shift clicking shift and E should be able to get a better view of this so this is in a decent place and let's turn on x-ray we'll grab this let's turn off proportional editing there we go you know we can have a bit of a collarbone situation that's why we can just dissolve this Edge just get rid of an edge X dissolve edges it's not really doing anything so makes sense to dissolve it bring this back I'm just double tapping G so it'll slide across slide across this edge up here pull the edge down there let's also reduce this area here I'm going to do that is like so okay and let's let's just grab the center of this line with shift so shift click on the click on that and we're going to click on I'm not sure if I'm clicking the right place is it here yep okay there we go I'm just trying to connect these three this is all a new line now we can delete no let's not delete let's X and dissolve edges the thing about references it's a very easy to have something that doesn't match the front and side perfectly so just do what you can with what you have as long as it looks good from the front um should be okay I'm just grabbing in freehanding stuff trying to make it look nice I wonder if it's worth toning that down yep that can go I can go for now all right we have a little collarbone I'm not gonna bother adding a chest Let's uh make this back smaller let's see if this looks any good we'll grab that that that [Music] X dissolve edges yeah that's fine to me right so the front reduces around there the back reduces around there why now let's still try to keep this dip in the back just because it looks better with lighting should stop around the butt but but but but right the butt see what I can do about this I think another loop would be appropriate so let's start here first okay should be around here I believe here here right and then we can grab these shift e that'll be the underneath of the butt we just need to get the shapes right I'm just double tapping G by the way curve this down grabbing G oh my and then let's bring this outwards gy already looking more buddy she said must be careful you don't want to overdo it or maybe you do want to overdo it this to bring this closer whoop let's do another loop here should be able to do this and then this okay I'm clicking the right thing yes yes okay so X dissolve edges hmm are you juicing more topology sure X dissolve edges so now that curves over Seas we don't have to do this thing again g g shift e oh boy little butt crack just because it makes things look uh nicer I'm going to need to make sure this is a better shape than that GUI all right we're going to try to put the mass in the center not the bottom not at the bottom of the bottom let's just grab these two g y Z help a bit she said just the guides will help you turn back on proportional editing we can also just do connected only connected only will be useful will mean that regardless of how big this is it won't affect the arm it's very easy to affect the arm without connecting it only on bring these forward the reference is your best friend thank you oh H I'm hiding it because it's getting in the way don't delete it if it's in the way just hide it gy bringing this back bringing this back to those of you that want to know about uh Anatomy I'll tell you what I did to line of anatomy I didn't I didn't learn Anatomy I just used references I tried to study anatomy a little bit but I don't know anything about heart references is your best friend yes Susie even you even you have a friend in references let's alt H to unhide you know what so the flow of topology is somewhat consistent with putting another loop there might want to bring these forward a little bit why why because why I try to reduce Loops is because well look how much topology is around the neck this is just almost inevitable if you make bodies and this is a blue poly -ish body too so imagine if you had multiple key than this it can get really out of hand really quickly okay where is the belly button literally right there Cube edit mode see how straightforward I can make this okay or r g y only for space shape I mean Jesus probably smooth us out to she why we have this shape bring this down bring this to match that oh actually this might be useful too oh mouth the belly button these I insert B so it you know starts on the middle line part one ass wait no let's turn off proportional bring that up bring that down bring that down we can insert again oops G s assert let's rotate on the x-axis so RX rotate on the x-axis and bring this inwards g y this is definitely not the most complex belly but it is one it's definitely a belly if you wanted to add a chest for example and I said I wasn't too sure about whether I wanted to do this or not we would have to add few more Loops first we'd need one for the underside of the chest one for the middle part and then we'd have to split this area is this right this one too so if we turn off clipping for a moment G turn it back on E to extrude and then click those who match at last click these two magic last yeah so now we have a summit uh Underside of the rib area and now I'm here might as well just do this so select face we want these these are the ones we want yes I insert and then she why to bring them outwards this is definitely not necessary and it does just add more topology ah but heck it let's keep it honestly you could have stopped editing the body a while ago let's check out sculpting we'll go to smooth sculpting is just this tab up here get smooth oh dear that's very strong let's not have it that strong remember to save by the way let's put it down to 0.1 something okay that's a lot more handleable I'm just going oh you know we don't have let's turn that off I'm just going around smoothing some stuff out I might I might just get rid of that chest because it'll it is really just adding topology for no good reason we'll do the inflight oh let's do smooth again smooth oh inflate let's time that strength down too 1.3 I mean 0.13 right I'm getting rid of the chest because it's just it's not doing much let's dissolve these you can keep it if you are next it's all better especially if you have uh like a larger chested model do this solve edges okay bring that over okay bring this over this is as complicated as it's gonna get but I do want to make use of this extra topology let's bring this back a little bit and bring this forward a little bit and definitely try not to overdo it too much keep it within the oh keep it within the reference area G might turn that on again bring this back bring this forward control R control R again y let's double tap G bring this up oh no double tap G bring this down that won't slide very easily when you want to slide down all right smudge some of these let's Center um it's into sure sure this will be good for me yes we have another triangle can also do this gy s scale it is it necessary though if I will drag these up and drag this down and give that excuse why to keep it yeah I'll uh I'll accept this the knees the knees this area here and this area here I insert bring it down a little bit don't bring it too too much to the side because otherwise it's going to bend at a weird angle be the knees let's bring this out a little bit referencing the side view of course let's bring these like so I want to bring these down and these up I'm just double tapping cheese slide it across the G and let's add another loop here around the foot yes third could also put one here right let's smooth these feet up and call it a day autosave is okay but honestly I'd put more trust in a rock to feed me food than I would or to save to save my blender files I think the last time I lost some work apparently blend had saved the last two minutes which was very much untrue because it took me at least 20 to get back to the spot I was you know what proportional editing anything to make things easier smoothly dragging things if you want to see stuff without all the blender um UI in the way just click this button here show overlays can see how things look and you can edit stuff as well it's just a little hard to see where you're clicking you know at this point it might be it might be useful not to 100 rely on the ref because this looks better from this View this looks better to me I don't know about you the arms do look a little sad though see what I can do about them yeah they are a little sad let's get on the y-axis in the Y you can also just look down it look down the y axis the y-axis look down the arm see if it looks half decent or not this is probably fine and this actually oh not that this does make the shape look a lot nicer do I like this I don't think I do gee GX that's a lot nicer We Are Family I got one big spider you see stuff is looking decently good oh I know what we need to do right see all this model we can make it look cleaner now we've we've done this with shift e this uh creasing we can see in the item menu is it an item yeah we can we can make the crease zero or one let's put it to zero shift e we can drag another thing I like doing with this crease is sharpening it can have some better shapes control e and Mark Sharp troll e Mark Sharp and it's not working now I believe there's a few ways to fix that the one that I'm very good at is this just selecting all mesh normals reset vectors and then Ctrl e Clear Sharp mesh normals average face area let's try this again two three four mark Sharp I think this is working now Mark Sharp this is just nice for lighting and such see if it's worth marking this Sharp oh I know wrong button Mark Sharp that's all right let's see if this one is worth it Mark Sharp uh it does help with the lighting see that let's do the first gy the other thing you'd be marking sharp is the uh the underneath of the chest just like the bottom few or you don't have the chest so we don't need to do that but if you have one I think it helps I think it helps with how things look it's not that sharp okay this is a lot cleaner looking and the lighting looks a lot nicer body body this is fine it could be worse as far as as far as um Polly count goes let's go to object mode let's see here go click on this little Arrow drop down menu we can click on statistics see what we're working with here almost 4K tries not brilliant but definitely not terrible I like to try to stay under 100k there are some complicated models that can really use the extra topology for visual aspects alone not for practicality because as far as this model goes even though it's going to look really ugly when I do this um when it's done properly when it's done properly it'll move fine it'll move fine as long as everything's in the right area this will move fine just you know not that ugly but we like subdivision so we're gonna take advantage of it I'm wondering if the knees could use more love or not I feel like they could foreign that was a lot of information in a short amount of time I hope you managed to keep up remember at any point you can make things easier for yourself by not adding certain decals there are things that are very useful like elbow joints and knees but belly buttons they're not necessary and uh for those of you that are making chests then you don't have to do it the exact same way that I did you could have done it the other way that I showed earlier if you've got any questions leave them in the comment section don't tweet me questions don't DM me questions the whole point of the comment section is that if I'm not here to help you can help each other which is a billion times more useful all right if you want to catch me live modeling or I'm playing games or summoning demons or sacrifices or something catch me on uh Slash Brave hat you can also follow updates on Twitter join the Discord and uh make sure to subscribe otherwise I'll kiss your mom this series is brought to you by my patreons a special thanks to my gray clouds and gray skies see you in the next class fellow [Music] [Music]
Channel: Rainhet Chaneru 3D
Views: 67,389
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blender, VRChat, 3D model, Vtuber, Vtubing, VTuberEN, English, Virtual, VR, Rainhet, Demon, commissions, art, model, 3D modeller, scratch, Avatar, Design, Artist, Rain, Cats Blender Plugin, Plugin, How to, Cat's, 2022, tutorial, Body, Default cube, blender tutorial, blender 3d, blender beginner tutorial
Id: QattTKbHR0M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 49sec (4489 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 23 2022
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