Basics of Creating a VRChat Avatar | From Scratch

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well y'all want more detail I think can't be that hard this is going to be a PC only Avatar because I kind of wasn't watching my uh polygon count so let's get right into it so we're going to start off this video with blender paint on and see the winter website and install the newest version then open up that bad boy and make a new project ah the Fable starter Cube press X delete be gone now I'm just going to drop some reference images in here and uh head over to the viewport and make it so it doesn't show up unless we're looking you know directly at it now we're going into making the actual Avatar it's a little different than the last video so real impress shift a to add a new mesh and click UV sphere Ah that's not the cube why because look look you press G then Z and it follows the z-axis uh click to place Ace you scale it down and then uh look here you uh you click on the object then you go sculpt mode you you click mirror on the y axis then pick up the gram tool and go to the side here and look you pull it oh easy bro easy listen you start simple okay we we're not making the Mona Lisa we're making a stick figure jeez keep on doing that for the rest of the body part shift and grab and just uh move them around and um just remember G Instagram and you can click x y and you Z on your keyboard to move it along that axis the same applies for s for scale and R for rotating I forgot to mention little mouse button is to pan around so you're welcome hmm I I think I'm missing something there we go can't forget that now if all these points I interconnect them into one mesh so I clicked on the base mesh added the Boolean modifier changed it to Union select what I wanted to connect it to Boom basically this just the handles the mesh basically just removes the overlapping Parts I almost forgot for the legs and arms you can use the mirror modifier to mirror it to the other side you can also do this for the whole body if you want to work with only half the body well it's done let's export this to Unity stop freeze this won't do anything uh yes the rig ah the ring well I know I am not smart enough to explain this so check out this video right here uh you all have the rig up in like 10 to 15 minutes also all the tutorials I used to learn every time creation will be in the description so now with this beautiful rig magically done I just have to wait paint to gain to weight paint mode you just click on the bone shift click on the mesh I go up here and click white paint and to click on each bone you just uh shift click it so you can kind of do it from scratch or you can let blender help you with some of it so I took the easy way if you click on bone and then click weights and assign weights from bone it gives you a rough sketch of how it should be with that basically done you can just go in with the with the tool and touch up some areas uh but uh he can wave to you with the 100.0 with the way I added materials for each part and an extra one for a secret trick you can kind of just mess with them however you want for this trick I selected my mesh and added a solidify modifier to it inside the slidify modifier I flipped the normals and moved the material offset to one which was a special material that I uh I made earlier don't forget to check bankface calling on the special material well look it's got that smexy outline on it oh but as you can see this guy is done it's time to export them let's get these bad boy in VR chat click file explore change path to copy click this bin this saves the materials selected objects now select the objects apply the transforms and don't add Leaf bones and then finally export sounds complicated but trust me this is an accumulation of many many failed attempts now for Unity voice things are a little different things have changed from the past now everything's inside the VRC Creator companion so just go into the website and download that install it open it up create a new project in uh uh add all these packages that you want I I just added all the ones for avatars inside the project we dump our little beef boy in here and get him ready to go click on your avatar inside the project files go over here click rig humanoid apply and then go over here to materials and then extract materials and then you want to go over here press this play button it'll expand it you want to click on the video and then go to configure and return the inspector if I click on it and make sure all the bones are in the right spot if the bone isn't there you just take it drag it over scroll down click apply and then click done now you want to drag your avatar into the hierarchy and uh let's put a little component on them this is the VRC Avatar descriptor now this thing controls everything on your VR chat Avatar so inside here we're just gonna edit the VM which is basically what you view out of just move it to be between the eyes this is the bare minimum for a very Avatar so we're going to upload this pumpy okay make your way up to the VR chat SDK click open control panel then you want to sign in once you're signed in uh make your way over to the Builder uh autofix on the airs and then you should be able to build and publish it so yeah and now we're in VR chair and look it all looks great check out this video right here where I'm making a game [Music]
Channel: Rabbi32
Views: 77,790
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Rabbi32, vrchat avatar, how to make a vrchat avatar, have to blender for vrchat, how to make an avatar in blender, how to make a vrchat avatar in blender, blender vrchat avatar, vrchat, vrchat funny avatars, vrchat how to make an avatar
Id: hRwnXnQ5kYs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 16sec (376 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 15 2023
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