The BIGGEST VRChat Iceberg Explained

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Yes!!! I’ve been waiting for this one!! :)

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/pastelpinkyoshi 📅︎︎ Aug 07 2021 🗫︎ replies

Thanks to u/The_Dream_Castle and u/Cedarbear for creating the icebergs I used in this video!

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Spaghestis 📅︎︎ Aug 06 2021 🗫︎ replies
out of all the advancements in technology i'm excited for vr is probably the one i anticipate the most as the owner of an oculus quest 2 i can say firsthand that even in its infancy vr technology still is quite impressive whenever i use it i really do feel like i'm in whatever virtual space i'm put in so i know in 10 years vr technology will be absolutely insane one of the things i'm hoping comes by then is a software or game that is basically a second virtual life a full dive where you can just live as whoever you want and interact with people from all around the world through your vr headsets while we aren't quite there yet we do have something quite similar vr chat vr chat is a self-described virtual reality social media platform it is a massive multiplayer online experience where you can interact with other people through your avatars there are different worlds you can explore and through your avatar you can actually walk around in there and talk to people like you would in real life as well as do activities and play games i find vr chat to be fascinating because it's the closest thing to my dream of a fully immersive virtual space and it's the first of its kind we haven't seen anything like it before however with uncharted territories like this come depths of information just waiting to be uncovered today we will be exploring these interesting aspects of vr in the form of an iceberg video this video will actually cover entries from two separate icebergs found in the iceberg charts subreddit i think both of them on their own are kind of sparse but combined they provide a pretty comprehensive look into the depth of vr chat one of them was made by reddit user the dream castle and the other was made by the user cedar bear cedar bear asked me to credit his youtube channel which is called bears audio emporium he makes some interesting content but hey if you're into that kind of stuff well there's a creator who can help you out i think all of you should know how iceberg videos work by now i'll cover most of the entries mentioned but there are some entries that i think are just not interesting or repeat something previously which i will leave out it's actually better this way since i now believe that there are no boring entries in this video and everything i'll explain will be interesting to learn about so without further ado this is the complete vr chat iceberg [Music] brushes refer to an avatar model within the game these brush avatars consist of a solid color body with a cute anime style blushing face there are also two giant brushes on the side of their heads giving them their name the avatar was popularized by vr youtuber molly and his fans started to use the avatar this resulted in a lot of younger children flooding the vrchat servers using these avatars which annoyed a lot of regular users this forced a lot of worlds to ban these brush avatars because they usually brought little kids in with them with many questioning why young children were even on a platform like vr chat overall just a pretty funny situation in my opinion after my research i couldn't find anything specific that pertains to vr chat about e-boys and e-girls but e-boys and e-girls in general are a new fashion trend that arose among teenagers and young adults in the late 2010s and during 2020 this whole aesthetic became really popular with teenagers due to apps like tick tock the look is similar across both boys and girls with makeup such as eyeliner lipstick and black nail polish being applied to the person there isn't necessarily a specific color set associated with e-boys or e-girls but stuff like a graphic t-shirt over a solid or striped long shirt tend to be the norm there's also always some jewelry on them whether it be necklaces or piercings or rings like the name implies e-boys and e-girls tend to spend a lot of their time on the internet and they are the ideal look for basically all young people now obviously this look does take a lot of effort to pull off so not everybody is able to become an e-boy or e-girl even if they want to however this playing field is leveled in the world of vr the most popular avatars in vr chat by far are eboy and egirl anime avatars which is fitting because they fit with the whole grunge cyberspace aesthetic many people use these styles of avatar in vr chat because maybe they can't pull it off irl even though they might want to [Music] chris quits reality is a relatively big youtuber with over 600 000 subscribers he specializes in vr chat videos and he is most well known for his series full body trolling in vr chat where he uses a full body capture suit in bizarre situations irl to have his avatar do some funky looking movements in vr chat you have to commend the work he puts into these videos because i've watched them for this video and it looks like he actually gets hurt in these situations i think this iceberg chart entry only refers to his channel and i hope i'm not missing anything else about him this has probably got to be the most well-known entry on the list and i wouldn't be surprised if many people learned about vr chat from this meme in early 2018 many users with a 3d model of a short and fat knuckles started to swarm the vr chat worlds all of them would speak in a mock african accent often repeating the catch phrase do you know the way a bunch of trolls would log into one world and target a single person swarming them and saying their catchphrase over and over again there's an interesting story behind why people started to associate the african accent with this weird looking knuckles but that's not related to vr chat so if you want to learn about it you can look it up for yourself [Music] rofl gator is a vr chat youtuber with around 32 000 subscribers from what i can see from a glance over his channel it seems like he caters to the young teenage boy demographic if you get what i mean um i'm not even sure if i can even show this stuff in the video because boy it's way more explicit than i expected it to be despite being a relatively small creator he is on this chart because of his role-playing content and just being majorly involved in the vr chat community so there you go jameski is a big youtuber with over a million subscribers his videos on vrchat are really popular with a lot of them getting millions of views his series vr chat in a nutshell while being entertaining clip montages also act as a chronicle of the evolution of vrchat from its origins until the modern day as a result despite not being exclusively a vr chat youtuber he is a big name within the vr chat content community the void club is a virtual nightclub created by lykon the nightclub consists of a dance floor bar and lounges for private shows it was one of the most popular maps for hanging out and partying and the youtuber rofl gator we talked about before would often hang out and make his videos here to this day the void club is still a popular place to hang out although it is said that the public servers of the world have a mixed reputation this entry on the list refers to the fan-made among us mini-game within vr chat it's actually very well done because the vr recreation of the spaceship map is very accurate to the original map the tasks and game mechanics also were transferred over well and it's a lot cooler playing the game with your own hands in an immersive environment than in the original among us it's because of this that among us vr became a popular trend within the vr chat community over the past year people who use the oculus quest for vr are a hated sub group of the vr chat community this is because compared to people who use their pc to run vr chat people who use the quest for vr chat had access to a lot less avatars and worlds this access to less content makes so that pc people with friends on quest can't play as much stuff if they want to stay with their friends also quest players tend to be on the younger end compared to pc players so a lot of pc players see them as annoying combined with the fact that these younger players often complain about the low optimization on the platform compared to all the other players just trying to hang out it gives quest users a bad reputation among the vr chat base murder 2 is a detective murder game similar to the minecraft hypixel minigame murder mystery i know that the minecraft minigame was probably based on some other game but this is where i recognize it from so deal with it each game has several players with there being one murderer and one detective with the rest of the players just being bystanders it was the job of the murderer to kill as many people as possible using knives around the map the job of the detective is to figure out who the murderer is and to kill him and everyone else just hangs out and tries to stay alive in a vr environment with voice chat this game becomes really fun with a lot of memorable moments to be had lolathon is a popular vr track content creator who makes clip montages he usually tries to elicit reactions out of players through only his avatar he either tries to make them laugh by using a funny avatar or scares them by jump-scaring down with a horror-inspired avatar he's especially notable because when he first started he didn't speak at all even on a stream so the fact that he was able to make people laugh and gain a following is a testament to how good his content is the black cat is a virtual bar created by user spooky ghostbu the bar feels very cozy and homely with multiple seating areas stages for performances and even bathrooms for people to go into there are also mirrors that you can look at which is a big deal in vr worlds as we'll get to the black cat is notable because it is a world which is enabled for oculus quest so it's one of the popular worlds that quest users can play our old friend rofl gator would often use the map as a hangout spot it's on this spot of the iceberg because it's just a well-known and popular map vrchat has a player base from places all around the world this naturally will result in vr chat worlds that consist of people from one country all speaking their native language well language experts say that the best way to become fluent in a language you're learning is to actually go to a place where people speak that language as part of their native tongue and just speak to them as part of their everyday life obviously this is easier said than done since most people simply don't have the time to move to another country for a long time just so they can become fluent at a foreign language however thanks to vr chat you have a much simpler solution if you log into a world that mostly consists of let's say spanish speakers you have a community of people casually talking in native spanish and then you can mingle with them and take part in their conversations this way you can get the experience of talking to a community of native spanish speakers from your very home uh yeah i can't really talk about this one because if i do at best this video is getting demonetized and at worst my channel is getting striked let's just say that there are a lot of lonely people out there who don't get romantic attention in the real world and they seek disaffection in vr chat worlds through role play i think you guys can connect the dots from there in fact there are some people who pay others to erp with them in vr chat which at that point come on guys you're better than that mirrors are an asset that are literally just mirrors nothing more or less however shaders for mirrors are quite impressive in a virtual reality setting so they've gained a weird elevated status among vr chat players you'll find players just standing in front of a mirror in a world for long amounts of time even hours just looking at their avatar in the mirror it seems really weird explaining it but once you actually see a reflection of yourself in game as an avatar not your real world body something about looking at your virtual body becomes almost hypnotic this is why looking at yourself in a mirror is one of the favorite pastimes of vr chat players vrc mods is a community dedicated to making and sharing free to use avatars and models to the greater vrchat community overall this is a positive thing as they are sharing assets for everybody to use however they often come into conflict with the official vr chat team for sharing these models they have gotten into hot water with the greater community for stealing some avatars and models that people make with their hard work and just uploading them to the site for anyone to use however the mods of vrc mods are usually quick to remove anything that has been stolen pcvr is the way most people play vr chat usually they hook up their vr headsets their pc and run the game pcvr is definitely the best way to play the game as it is more optimized and you have access to more worlds and avatars however one of the standout parts of pc vr chat is that you don't even need a vr headset to play it the pc version of the game gives you the option to just play like a typical pc game with a keyboard and mouse obviously this takes out some of the fun of actually feeling like you're there in the world but it still allows more people to access the game this was a group that was quite popular in the early days of vr chat inspired by mitchiri neko's videos the kitten marching band is a band that has avatars similar to the cats in neko's videos who then go into random vr chat worlds and play music as a marching band it used to be like a cool little event if these guys showed up in the world and overall just a really wholesome part of the vr chat community well this is something else i can't talk about club mika is a nightclub scene in vrchat that has over 2 000 regular members this is a world dedicated to erp and even has scheduled role play sessions every day of the week i'm kind of traumatized while writing this right now just so you know it's because i looked up club mika not knowing what it was i clicked on the first link to their subreddit and immediately had to close the tab because of what images assaulted my eyes please for your own mental health do not look this up now going from a degenerate community to a wholesome community that actually helps people this is the mute players community a bunch of deaf vr check users got together and decided to make worlds where they can speak to other members of the community as well as teach people how to speak asl or american sign language this is definitely a great use for the full body suit motion controls as it allows people to learn asl virtually from home which wasn't really an option before unless you knew a person flew in asl willing to teach you over video call there are different worlds and they all seem to be quite well made this specific one has a walled spanning chart full of useful asl signs they also have a feature where you can choose a word and then a video will play showing you how to sign that word there are also always people fluent in asl around willing to teach you one on one overall learning about this community was heartwarming and it makes me glad to see that people can use this game and this technology for a good cause crashers are a type of vr chat griefers who use certain particle effects on skins to overload the ram for some users causing their game to crash crashers usually target members of certain communities like furries it's honestly impressive the methods they use to crash people's games i read a post from a guy who had 32 gigabytes of ram dedicated to vr chat as well as effects and shaders on low who still had his entire pc hard locked by a crasher using a skin with a high polygon count you can also hire people to crash at target's world as well as hire someone to hack a target's game which we will get into now on the other hand we have vr chat hackers who are the other types of trolls like the days of hacking when a virus would spread through email or myspace these hackers figured out how to access your headset just by having you join a world once you join it the hacker has access to your headset's camera and microphone they can hack the visuals of your headset literally hacking the reality around you to project whatever images they want to your eyes even worse they can even turn into a worm where if you joined the world the code for the hack would automatically send an invite to the world to all of your friends so they join and they get hacked and the invite gets sent to all of their friends and the virus will keep spreading and spreading that way despite being a dangerous flaw in vrchat's platform you have to admit that hacking vr worlds to change what you're literally experiencing is cyberpunk as hell i already talked about erps but role players are just a more general category of them since you take up a new identity in the virtual world of the internet a lot of people role play where they act as someone else for example there are communities dedicated to role-playing in a medieval setting or a futuristic setting and so on these communities have always been part of the internet since its creation through text chats and voice calls it's a form of escapism you pretend that you're actually living an exciting and meaningful life since in most cases you don't know the people you're role-playing with it strengthens the immersion since you only know these other people as the characters they're acting as vr is a natural next step for role-playing as you're actually experiencing the world you're role-playing in and this strengthens the immersion tenfold also you can actually change your look in a virtual world to what you want to look like and you can even use voice changes if you want your voice to sound different overall vr chat is a great platform for those who want to role play and will only get better as vr technology improves so i censored the name here because i'm not sure if it is a keyword that will get me demonetized but let's just say it's the first two symbols of lollipop i'll refer to the word as broly but if you replace the r at the beginning with an l you know what i'm really trying to say anyway the rowley police department is a fake police force that goes around different worlds enforcing the rules whatever that means obviously this is all done as a joke for entertainment since the rolly police's interaction with general vr chat users leads to amusing outcomes oh and the special thing about this particular group is that their avatars are always small anime girls wearing police officer uniforms i understand this is part of the humor but personally i think just having a realistic police officer avatar would be funnier the current avatars of the rowley police fit into the wacky worlds of vrchat if they dressed up as a realistic police officer it would be even more funny trying to see them enforce the rules and interact with the zany characters found in the vr chat worlds honestly that would make a really good sitcom could you imagine that tv shows filmed entirely in vr that would be insane sleeping in vr is exactly what it sounds like and it's actually something i want to try sometime in the future there are a group of people who actually prefer sleeping in vr chat like actually putting the headset on loading into a vr world and then just falling asleep in real life this is because people think the experience of doing so is really nice there are entire worlds out there dedicated to just sleep usually it's a calm quiet and dark world something like a cozy campfire pit in the middle of the forest with some nice ambient sounds playing you can meet up with other people in designated sleeping areas and all just hang out for a bit before trying to fall asleep together it's supposed to be a surreal experience just falling asleep with a group of strangers you ever stay up late or even overnight with some friends and just talk to them about whatever you want often times these late night conversations are deep and memorable this is just replicating the same thing in vr chat obviously the situation is right for trolling as someone could just start screaming and wake you up but this doesn't seem to happen a lot also the experience of waking up while having a vr headset on sounds so trippy and i want to experience it at least once yep we had to get to them eventually furries are a community that find enjoyment in dressing up as animals with human characteristics usually they refer to their animal costume as their fursona there is a large community of people who make their fursonas in real life spending thousands of dollars to make these insane costumes but for those who can't do this vr chat offers a more convenient alternative through vr chat furries can customize their avatar to be their fursona instead of going to furry conventions and meetups in real life they can just log into a furry community world and hang out with fellow furries there the furry community is extremely large especially on the internet so a lot of the weird worlds on vr chat come from members of that community overall while i'm not a furry myself and don't really understand the appeal i can appreciate them doing something that makes them happy now there are two things that this could be talking about but i'll talk about both of them because both are actually pretty interesting the first possibility is vr chat movie theaters now these are actual movie theaters in vr where you can sit down with other people and watch a real movie on the big screen it's a cool experience and definitely would have been nice for those missing the theater experience during last year's lockdown however if you are going to use one you should probably get into a private server to watch with other people because there are a lot of people in public servers who just change the movie while you're watching it another concern is also copyright strikes as many of these worlds get taken down for copyright infringement the solution to this is to either just show fair use movies in the public domain or just try and stay under the radar not to get caught the other type of vr chat theater is performance theater like plays and stuff now you can go traditional theater where there is an auditorium where the audience sits and some people go up onto the stage and perform a play this honestly seems like a cool casual hobby if you want to act somewhere but don't want to put in the work required for something like a high school play this is a cool alternative that can even alleviate some of the stage fright that comes with normal irl performances however with the vr medium performance theater is going through an evolution there have been theater groups that have foregone the whole separation between stage and audience and actually have the audience take a part in the play as a silent character one of the best examples of such a play is welcome to respite a vr play which premiered at the tribeca film festival the film has you put on the vr headset to fill the shoes of the silent protagonist alex the plot is simple after your mother passes away you visit your childhood home and as you walk through the house you relive the memories that you had in there by having you literally take the perspective of alex you're actually inside the play as the set is not just on the stage but instead all around you the performers actually talk to you and as you relive memories of different ages your point of view also changes for example in one of the scenes when alex is a child the virtual camera of your avatar's head is placed lower so the performers actually looked down at you while talking to you increasing the immersion of the play i think that this is so cool this is a new type of entertainment that we haven't seen before and that i will think will become really popular in the future callus robe role-playing is a role-playing server which takes place in a cyberpunk alien planet the sessions are scheduled and they take their roads on the server very seriously often meeting early to prepare for their sessions the role play takes place in the titular callus row which is a run-down back end street in a cyberpunk city controlled by mega corporations however there are other locations sessions can take in such as the upper city and the wasteland what i think makes this unique is even though it is a futuristic cyberpunk setting the role play also includes magic and magical creatures the in-universe explanation is that magic was a recent discovery on this planet and due to its strange and new nature many people don't trust it making magic usage a grunge underground thing overall this is a very interesting setting there's an entire story going on within this world but i don't have time to explain it all it said there are many streams and vods you can find on youtube of people going through the campaign so it's something you should definitely check out if you're interested full body tracking is a technology which allows your avatar's motions to closely mirror your own you see when you buy a normal headset by itself all you get is the headset and the two controllers for your hands even with the limited hardware the vr is able to track your motion pretty well by comparing the location of your headset and controllers within your designated play space so even though there's technically no hardware tracking your legs if you walk within your play space you'll walk within a vr world because the headset can detect that it's moving forward within the space this is just an example i'm using to show how normal tracking works you don't actually have to walk in vr chat because typically your controller will control walking since it would be ridiculous to have a play space the entire size of a vr chat world however with more advanced motions such as kicking i cannot be detected because you're not moving your head a lot even when you're moving your legs this is where full body tracking comes in full body tracking is a technology where you can strap sensors to different parts of your body to better translate your real-life motion to your vr motion for example in this situation if you had trackers on your legs if you kicked in real life your avatar would also actually replicate the kicking motion in game a major goal for vr tech in the near future is to implement a high quality full body tracker for all systems theoretically this is possible without even needing any sensors to be strapped on remember the xbox connect this tech although old and to be frank not good was still able to track the motion of your body if vr manufacturers were able to make a higher quality version of the connect tech and combine it with how the headset already tracks where it is within the play space we can theoretically have full body motion tracking without needing to wear any sensors all you would need is the headset and something in your hands to press buttons and interact in game but now that i'm thinking about it we don't need the clunky controllers that we use now if all we need are buttons to pressed off it could just come in the form of a ring with a couple buttons on the side which you can press with your thumb while in vr man somebody really needs to get on this right now there are servers in vrchat dedicated to people already getting drunk in real life while in vr and just hanging out with other drunk people a lot of the nightclub type worlds have a bunch of drunk people walking around in vr on them which is honestly funny if you think about it it's such a common trend i've found entire threads of people talking about their experiences while drunk and with drunk people in vr chat servers their entire drinking parties on servers where people just put a bunch of alcohol in front of them put on a vr headset and get onto a club server and then just get drunk with a bunch of other people in vr the logic here is similar to why people drink socially in real life they just find it easier to talk and have fun while drunk however there is a darker side to this activity since there are many cases of young teenagers as young as 13 getting into a drinking night group with their parents alcohol and doing stuff like taking shots now this is obviously illegal but legality aside it's also just dangerous for the kid it's a different situation than if a teenager drinks with their friends because at least if they're with their friends and if they start having negative reactions to the alcohol there's someone there to get help if the kid is in a vr world drinking while their parents are away if he starts experiencing some negative side effects due to the alcohol there's no one around to help him it's very easy for someone to die from alcohol especially a younger person if nobody's around to help a lot of drinking rooms have rules that restrict members to be over 21 but we all know firsthand that kids will ignore age restrictions on the internet so it's ultimately up to personal responsibility and stepping in if you see a young person getting into something they shouldn't [Music] the ancients of vrchat is a group which sounds much cooler than they actually are it's just a club that consists of people only over 21 and they schedule drinking nights and other party nights together that's literally just it is a website that's used for people to share models and assets for building worlds and avatars it's usually a go to page for anyone getting into vr chat creation i really don't know why this is halfway down the iceberg it seems more like something that would be at the top if you want to get into role playing purple lotus is the world for you it is specifically designed for beginner and casual role players to dip their toes into the world as such there is no need to submit extensive forms on your character when joining they even host classes and seminars on role-playing for beginners however there are strict rules you have to follow they basically boil down to not going out of character except for very special circumstances and not fighting with other people in fact they are very adamant about not fighting others within the premises so that was probably an issue previously so yeah you have to keep acting as your character at all times within the server but that's basically par for the course for most role-playing servers so it's appropriate that you should get used to it if you're starting out now for the actual purple lotus group itself in universe it's based in the scalias casino which hosts entertainment like gambling and parties in order to join you have to be recommended by someone already part of the group which you can usually get someone to do by following the steps in their discord once you are allowed access to the club you are given a vip card giving you the ability to use the casino and attend the special neko nights within the actual club itself where around 40 people will be hanging out at any time you can socialize with people while staying in character of course this is basically where most of the interaction on the server comes from but there are more things you can do the purple lotus will frequently host open nights with singers dancers and other performances it's just a casual environment where you can hang out with others while role-playing so it's something you should totally check out if you're interested dance dance vr is exactly what it sounds like it is a vr chat community dedicated to dancing dancing of every kind can be found in the world but raves dance-offs and pole dancing are more common to find overall it's just a really nice community to hang out in there's really not much more to it than just having fun vr chat families are role players who just role play as a family a small group of people will get together and assign worlds like mother father and kids and just pretend to be a typical family within those worlds after that they just live life in vr as a family during their sessions and allow any story or developments to play out naturally as they would within an irl family vcat market might be one of the coolest things in this iceberg v-cat market is an expo held by the japanese company hiki that happens around twice per year and it is filled of community created concepts for different new worlds that they hope to add to the vrchat universe this event is huge like the oscars of the vr world and for each expo an amazing virtual world is built to host it and big companies like coca-cola even sponsored this event these concept worlds shown off at vcat market try to push the boundary of what vr chat is capable of and looking through them i am so excited for the future of vr chat and vr as a whole because when worlds like these become a reality vr will become a type of entertainment and socialization that will be better than anything we have seen before seeing all these concepts is so cool and i can't wait to see more at the sixth official v-cat market which is happening soon between august 14th and 28th of 2021 [Music] dnd is a tabletop game usually set within a fantasy universe where you come up with full classes and stats for your character there are campaigns with quests and goals that you play through and this is all moderated by a dm or dungeon master who explains the world the situation you're in and the consequences of the actions you take most of the actions within the game are decided by dice rolls with the type of dice you use being determined by the action you're taking the simple use of the dice will be within combat where the number you roll will determine how much damage you deal but the more interesting part of the game comes through talking to npcs where dice rolls determine how your conversation goes and what the consequences of your conversation will be but how did this fit into vr dnd is normally played in person around the table top which is ideal because you're with everyone else and you have a spot to put your notes and your dice and even a map but obviously with the last year forcing people to go virtual players were looking for an alternative now a lot of people either just played in person still or they moved their sessions into discord but some recreated the tabletop experience in vr by creating a virtual world usually someplace atmospheric like inside of a tavern and having people just gather around the table in vr like they would in real life this is a cool idea but when i first read this entering the iceberg i thought that some people actually made entire worlds in vr chat for campaigns where they would actually be inside the world of the campaign now that i think about it it was so stupid for me to think that this is actually the case because vrn ai technology is nowhere near where it needs to be to replicate dnd in its full glory but maybe it will someday exterminatus refers to an avatar of a warhammer 40k character that was used by a single player when he joined the world he would declare exterminatus which in the warhammer 40k universe is an event where the imperium of man would declare a planet to be failed and would then send their ships there to destroy it in an epic fashion well the avatar also kind of did that too when the player with the avatar declared exterminatus he would summon a bunch of spaceship models in the skybox a speech would then blast saying that the world would be destroyed in the name of the god emperor the ships above would then fire and you would see the missile strike the horizon and all the explosions would then engulf the world afterwards the textures of the world would all turn black initially there was only one person with this avatar but it was stolen and spread online since the mods didn't want people triggering this exterminatus event all the time the mods banned the avatar and you can no longer use it this is a pretty comprehensive role-playing community centered around star wars you role-play as a droid or soldier in one of the star wars factions and you act out battles there's actually a plethora of mechanics that you can use since the servers offer working guns from the star wars universe and the battles you fight in actually have strategy as a part of them if you're a star wars fan this is definitely worth checking out phantom touch is a similar idea to phantom limb pain if you don't know phantom limb pain is a phenomenon amputees experience where they feel pain in the area where an arm or leg has been amputated it although the lame is gone the nerve endings at the side of the amputation continue to send pain signals to the brain that make the brain think the limb is still there phantom touch is a similar concept in vr even though you obviously don't have a physical body in vr sometimes you can actually feel what happens to your avatar with your real body for example many people have reported that when hugging someone in vr chat they actually feel the sensation of being hugged even though nobody's actually hugging them ultimately this is just a case of mind over matter your brain is receiving audio visual cues telling it someone is hugging me which is why it sends signals to the body to react as if it's being hugged and it goes beyond just touch if you've ever watched a roller coaster video in vr you can often find yourself feeling off balance even though you're just standing on solid ground this is because your brain is receiving cues that you're on a roller coaster that's twisting and turning at high speeds so your body will follow with your brain things and make you actually feel like you're in that situation with all the worlds being uploaded to vr chat there are many out there which are abandoned and forgotten about think about all those virtual spaces out there that only a few have ever seen as a result a lot of these worlds have become liminal spaces liminal spaces have been a popular topic of discussion this past year as compilations of images set to creepy music would grow viral in youtube now there are a lot of videos that go into depth about what liminal spaces are so i'm not going to explain it here but what i wanted to say is that if you were to explore these abandoned worlds by yourself you definitely get the feeling that liminal spaces tend to give you the loner club is yet another vr dance club which hosts performances and parties however unlike the more futuristic and sleek aesthetics of other popular vr dance clubs the loner club aims to emulate the aesthetic of real life underground grunge clubs when logging into the world you have to wait in line in the parking lot waiting for a bouncer to actually let you in inside the cramped club you can find dirty bathrooms and bars with graffiti sprayed all over the actual stage itself is used for real musical performances overall the creators of this map wanted to create an environment resembling real-life clubs as closely as possible and they did a pretty good job tupper is the official face of vr chat he is a main developer of the game and whenever the community wants to talk to the vr chat devs he is often the person they will go to well it turns out that he used to be a huge fan of the game during its early days like i'm talking about hours of playtime every single day he also set up a lot of the plugins and tutorials used for the game at least all that time and effort put into vr chat got him a decent job i guess this is referring to the many incidents of seizures in vr chat but the most well-known one was the one uploaded to youtube around two years ago this video shows a guy in full body tracking gear having a seizure and since he was wearing a full body tracking suit his avatar was also on the ground spazzing out in vr at first most people thought it was a joke but then they quickly realized something was wrong this was the situation none of them have prepared for because they're watching somebody go through a life-threatening situation and they couldn't do anything to help like seriously what would you do if you saw this happening to someone in vr you can't help you can't call the police you can only just watch and as we'll see later this could lead to some terrifying situations this situation also had some people being criticized online for their inappropriate behavior during the ordeal especially the person with the rainbow wendy's avatar who was believed to have caused the seizure even while the guy was on the ground the person with the wendy's avatar stood above him dancing which didn't help at all however in the end the player who had the seizure ended up being fine so that's at least some good news okay so this one is a pretty lengthy conversation that i can't fully express in here but here's the abridged version basically since the dawn of games choosing a character or skin has been an integral part of gaming sometimes these characters have abilities or advantages to choosing them for example mortal kombat's roster of characters all have different play styles to each of them and you usually choose the character you play based on what play style you like the best and now there are purely cosmetic character or skin selection in some games so in these cases your look in the game is based on what you think looks the best however in these cases you're just projecting a look onto a character you control you don't actually see the in-game character as yourself take fortnite for example when people use skins in that game it isn't because they personally identify with the skin it's just that they think it looks cool this is why players usually have lockers filled with dozens of skins they're more collectible items to show off rather than representations of yourself however all this logic goes out of the window with vr chat vr chat is a social platform and so the avatar you choose is what you're representing yourself as to the world this idea is strengthened by the fact that most vr chat players only ever use one avatar that look is what they see themselves as as it is literally them in the virtual world with all this in mind this begs the question why do so many male players have anime girl avatars it's a common occurrence in vrchat to approach a cute anime girl avatar to talk and have them respond in a deep voice saying something like hey bro how you doing this is an interesting social question that i'd like to put my two cents into the first factor we have to account for is availability the truth is we all have to get the models for avatars from somewhere since the majority of us aren't technically or artistically skilled enough to make our own and on the internet the massive majority of human models for download come from mmd videos which prominently feature anime girls the art style also fits vr chat too since it is simple enough to look good even with rudimentary graphics combine this with the popularity of anime and internet circles and it makes sense as to why people choose anime models however interviews with vr chat players done by the youtuber straz films paints a different story and this one delves a lot deeper into social and psychological waters from the time we were born men are told to act and present themselves in a certain way we've got to be emotionless and stoic except for the occasional anger or pride any emotion like sadness is not tolerated except for the most extreme situations such as losing a comrade in battle because if you cry for anything else what are you a girl this stigma surrounding men has been around for hundreds of years there also used to be an expectation for women to be silent and submissive but over the past 50 years we've dispelled that stigma which is a great thing but with men the way we're expected to act now is the same way men were expected to act 200 years ago thankfully this is changing because of activism from the younger generations but there is still a long way to go so back to vrchat the gist of what i was getting at with all that i was talking about before is since we associate being emotionless with men many boys who want to express side of themselves which is repressed by society often do so in vr chat with these female avatars under the veneer of irony like i said before when talking about the rolly police anime girls are considered humorous in the online communities so even if your avatar is one for subconscious reasons you still have the irony to fall back on and just say oh i'm just a girl because of a joke and of course there is the actual gender dysphoria part i'm not an expert on this nor am i going through this so i'm not really the best person to talk about it but the gist is that those with gender dysphoria who are not ready to come out and transition in real life can often find comfort in their vr chat avatars and there have been many stories of people who have experienced gender euphoria through vrchat [Music] now i'm not sure about this one because the only source i was able to find was one twitter thread from zz and a reddit post gigi is a vr chat content creator and he creates shaders and prefabs harry t is also a creator like him so both of them work together to create an 8-ball pool asset for people to use however harry got angry because people used his source code without giving him credit he constantly takes down his code because he doesn't want people using it overall this is seen as a bad thing because the vr chat community usually functions through the sharing of assets therefore many people consider him to be a crybaby and he is definitely on the unpopular side of this conflict gigi kept the 8 ball prefab up on his side because according to him harry had said that there was no problem with gigi having ownership of the prefab but harry's actions said that he believed otherwise overall just like an annoying situation just even to read have you seen my son is one of the first popular vr chat pranking videos it was uploaded 4 years ago by chris patstone and depicted him wearing a marlin avatar from the movie finding nemo as he went around asking people if they had seen his son this led to some pretty funny interactions the reason why this video is far down is because it was made before vr chat got popular the great pug is a popular map in vrchat and by completing several very specific steps in the map you are able to unlock a secret basement area this basement looks like a typical underground bar but there's also just a random portal in there that nobody talks about for some reason this one is actually terrifying last year a story came out about a man found hiding in the closet of a 15 year old girl's bedroom the investigation which followed would reveal a disturbing story a few years before the incidents the girl met the man named rose moyne on a vrchat world at the time she told him that she was 18 even though she wasn't even 15 yet ross moyne would continue to talk to her and eventually they planned to meet up in person ross moyne drove all the way from his home in louisiana to the girls hometown of florida once they met in person the girl told him that she was actually a lot younger than 18. however this didn't deter mid-30s russ moyne from pursuing the relationship he would often drive across state borders to sleep with her on multiple occasions eventually they both came up with a plan so that he wouldn't have to drive so long every time they wanted to meet the girl agreed to let him live in her bedroom all day and she said that whenever her parents were at home he should just hide in the closet and not make any noise this was a pretty stupid plan that was bound to fail but then again we are talking about a middle-aged man who was completely fine sleeping with a young teenager so he's definitely extremely stupid surprisingly this plan worked for over a month until the parents heard noises coming from their daughter's bedroom one to investigate and found rosemoin thankfully the authorities were called and rosemoin was arrested and is now in prison where he belongs this is a terrifying story i know a lot of my viewers are on the younger end so i'm going to have some real talk with you right now because this is serious stuff do not trust strangers on the internet this was drilled into my head when i was a little kid in elementary school but even kids five to six years younger than me don't get this lesson anymore this is because nowadays with social media being so prominent talking to strangers online has become inevitable for everyone including young children who are now going on the internet at earlier and earlier ages but this makes this lesson even more important to teach i know that there are supportive online communities filled with seemingly friendly people and most of these people are genuinely nice but you still don't know them and there are people out there who will manipulate you and use you just like the poor girl in the story in an age where the virtual and real world have basically merged into one it can feel like people you meet online through communities and talk a lot with there are your friends just like the friends you have in real life but this is not the case you're only seeing one facet of them which even that can be a total lie don't be stupid if someone from the internet asks you to meet up with them because they're friends your age be extremely careful regardless of your age if you do end up trying to meet up please ask them to send pictures of themselves doing certain things like holding a spoon or sticking out their tongue because if they're able to send them it means that they didn't just take a picture of someone else from the internet and pretending that it's them and if you do choose to meet up make sure to do it in a public space tell people where you're going and if possible even bring an irl friend with you if you're not meeting up still stay careful because there are malicious people who will try to get things from you over the internet don't do anything you're not comfortable with and even if you are comfortable with it take a step back and think about what you're doing because they can be manipulating you and grooming you to fool you into being okay with your doing just like how rose wine groomed that young teenage girl please everyone i'm sorry for such a long diversion but i just want you all to stay safe fever dream is a horror vr chat map it's filled with a bunch of disturbing imagery of disney characters it's just a really eerie and spooky place overall this entry refers in the first ever video about vr chat it was nothing special just a tutorial about uploading worlds however it is still nice to pay respects to the first of a genre the ghost club is yet another dance club within vr chat however the hook of this world is its exclusivity like its name most of the time the world is like a ghost you can't find it listed anywhere to join even in private world listings the only time the world is open is when the twitter account at gst kkkjr says that it's online once you get in you're welcomed into a cyberpunk world where people are dancing hanging out and even dropping simulated types of acid which mess up your display overall people treat this place like an actual exclusive club and it's worth trying to get into 1001 was an extremely talented world creator who was popular across the vrchat community on february 14th 2020 he unfortunately died due to heart failure the entire vr chat community came together to mourn this loss and his worlds would be filled to the brim with hundreds of people remembering him no lifers refers to people who spend a significant chunk of each day on vr chat if they're not working or doing essential life stuff they're on vr chat and those are the more social ones of the bunch there are people out there who literally just eat sleep and vr chat for days vr chat is not the best when it comes to user security with some specific hack clients you are easily able to grab someone's ip address and personal info which is definitely not good we'll also come back to this later so remember when we talked about phantom touch before well there are people out there who claim that they have phantom senses phantom pain refers to actually feeling like you got hurt when someone hits you in vr and other phantom senses like smell mean that some people actually claim that they can smell stuff from their vr world i highly doubt this when i talked about phantom touch before the most that you would actually experience is a warmth and tingling sensation with maybe some imbalance if that's what you're seeing in game i don't think that you can actually smell or feel pain from something that happens in vr but if you do that's good for you i guess dig enlightenment is a term coined by the youtuber disrupt tv it refers to a group of people attending religious services within vr chat there are surprisingly a large amount of people who attend church and other faith sermons within vr and to be honest that in and of itself is not too shocking but where i'd like to delve deeper into this topic is the broader idea of a second life second life is an idea sharing the same name as a game with this very exact topic that people will start to live their lives within a vr world it's basically like role-playing but you're not just playing a role anymore you're literally living a life in vr the idea is that we slowly move responsibilities and activities from the real world into the vr world one of the first things to make to jump besides entertainment and socialization was religious services because at the core all that most religions need for worship is a gathering of worshippers for a sermon we already have the capacity for this within vr chat so people have started to do it and as vr tech improves more stuff will be moved from our real life into our virtual life for example let's take work in school the past year has already proven that most office jobs in school can be done from home the biggest argument against work from home was that kids weren't actually socializing in person and learning with other kids and with work managers wanted to be able to see what we're actually doing during office time well with vr we can actually do this how long until we have the capability to log into a virtual office and write emails and work on excel sheets in a virtual world while the supervisor's avatar walks around the office and checks in on us how long until kids log into a classroom and attend class with a teacher and other students in the same virtual space instead of walking to another class they just log into another classroom i'm just spitballing here obviously there are many things that don't translate well into vr most extracurriculars for example don't work at all in virtual reality but eventually when the tech gets there we're going to be looking at a society where people work play and live their lives in vr the 29th wind cult is a real cult which operates within vr chat it is headed by two people named kibby and the internal soul who believe that they are the reincarnations of the greek gods eeros and antaros both of these gods are ones representing love and passion and it definitely shows in what the cult does their followers do a lot of favors for them if you get the gist of what i'm saying they also give the two a lot of money this is basically what the cult does and they also have this belief that the universe reset in 2012 which whatever man do what you want the bastions is a name given to a group of three roommates who all decided to figure out how long someone could spend in vr chat straight this was near the beginning of the lockdown when we all knew that we would be staying at home for a while they would work socialize and sleep in vr chat only taking the headset off when they needed to go to the bathroom eat or pick up supplies delivered to them they were able to live like this for around 6 months which is honestly really impressive id arg was an alternate reality game which had clues and puzzles hidden across different worlds such as the black cat and japanese shrine as players progress through the arg the puzzles became tougher to solve in the research i did i didn't find anybody who finished the arg but if there is someone out there who did please let me know what happened vr mystery school is a community which describes itself as something that will reconnect people with the world's heritage of spiritual esoteric and mystical philosophy and practice through the medium of vr their world is like a school with rooms based around discussion rooms where they screen documentaries and even a library with over 100 books and tarot card decks honestly compared with some of the other groups in this chart this one isn't really that bad it's just a subject matter which is odd on the vr chat map the old hub there's a tower far off in the distance that has a secret avatar inside however there is no record or tutorial on how to get inside of the tower meaning that its contents remain a mystery if you want to see it firsthand the laughing avatar incidents were a series of attacks on different worlds where a hacker would change a bunch of people's avatars into ones which would crash the game this made it so that these players would not be able to play the game unless they manually changed it outside of the game so the laughing coffin is a group of players in vrchat inspired by the group of the same name from the show sword art online the group consisted mostly of people from 4chan who would single out and target individuals who they deemed to be deserving of being harassed normally they would follow someone around in vr and harass them and hack and crash the game but there was also a rumor to be an incident where a member of the lavenkoff and group said that he knew where one of their targets lived in real life so he posedly went over to that guy and beat him up um if this is true it seems rather extreme but since it's fortunate i can totally see it happening the group is just a bunch of edgy teenagers who want to go on the power trip at the expense of others so it's just a bunch of losers who shouldn't be given attention scp-vr is another role-playing server which takes place in the scp universe however they are extremely secretive of what they do and don't allow any information about the group to get to the public this could be a part of the role play since in universe the scp foundation is a secret organization that the public doesn't know about despite this some people still find the group suspicious hazard vr was a popular vr chat streamer who was known for his positivity around september 2020 he claimed that he had contracted the coronavirus and that he was worried because he already had family members succumb to it he immediately received an outpouring of support from fans and lots of people donated to him to help him out in this tough time well at the end of september he admitted via tweet that he had been lying about contracting the virus and that he was deeply sorry for betraying all their trusts and that he would start seeing a therapist to work on fixing this side of himself he said that he would try to pay back as many donations as he can through paypal and to his credit he did do so while some people were understanding there were others who still stayed upset at him even though it was a bad thing to do at least he owned up there was a popular map on vr chat called near automata flowers based on a location from the near autonomous games the map has a melancholy atmosphere that gives it an eerie look players claim they saw an avatar with the name 2b who was wearing the avatar of the 2b character from the new automatic game however this was somewhat disturbing because this player was supposedly afk on the map for over two months now there are ways an avatar could be afk for that amount of time but even if they use that method it's just bizarre to think about why someone would do that maybe someone just wanted to add a new automatic character to the map to spice it up just a weird situation overall this is referring to a reddit post that didn't get much attention despite the contents of the post being absolutely insane a reddit user logged into a community lab world and found this giant skeleton which dwarfed the map it was on this made the map unplayable but it is still impressive that someone got an avatar to be that big all the fallen is yet another erp community in vrchat however what makes this one especially disturbing is the fact that a lot of the avatars used in the erp were specifically modeled after children absolutely disgusting and i'm glad to say that the mods of vr chat banned this community very quickly however it is still possible that members are still continuing this behavior under the radar the einkrad family were a group of people who legitimately believed that they were actually reincarnations of characters from sword art online they believed that they were stuck in a world that wasn't the world of sword art online and to cope with this they became no lifers spending the majority of each day within vr because according to them it made them feel like they were back in the vr setting of sword art online eventually the group found each other and the three women and four men would actually end up moving and living together in a single house which is where the story ends we haven't heard about them since but i hope they're doing well because let's be honest living in a house where all the members spend all day just pretending that their anime characters in vr chat doesn't seem like an ideal living situation this entry refers to the people who use disturbing images of dead injured or mutilated people as textures with their avatar they then go to public lobbies and show off these disgusting images to elicit a response through the use of private worlds vr chat can be used as a way for criminals or gangs to meet up and discuss their plans without being tracked while i personally think this is a stupid idea for any gang to commit there is a chance that actual illegal stuff has been planned and discussed in vrchat there have been cases of people who reported seeing other players being kidnapped from within vr chat an avatar nearby would suddenly start moving erratically and chatting before going silent or suddenly logging off this would be a similar situation to that of the seizure earlier but much more disturbing and i'd assume it would happen at split second 2. all that one would see would just be a maximum of 5 seconds of odd behavior before the kidnappers forced the headset off and take them away what makes this possibility even more creepier is the fact that we discussed how easy it was to get someone's ip through a vr chat and the fact that gangs may be operating through the platform how easy would it be for someone to identify another player who's at home alone through something they say like yeah my parents are at work right now or i go on vr chat after work because i want to socialize instead of being home alone in my apartment that way someone could decide on a target then boom just find their mp address and their location and since they're in vr they're totally in another world and won't be as alert to their surroundings in real life it would be really easy for someone to break in and capture them this disturbing possibility is why you should be careful as to what you say on the internet and also why the vr chat team should really focus on increasing their security so this is all hearsay but there have been rumors that there was a group of people who and i use this term because i don't want youtube to take me down game ended themselves in vr chat basically the story goes like this there were around three people who met in one of the vr chat worlds obviously all of them already had their own problems going on in their lives and as they talked with each other all of them developed a really pessimistic and nihilistic view of life they eventually decided that they no longer wanted to live and they would go out together within vr chat i really hope this story is fake because it's just tragic reality dysphoria is the idea that people believe that they no longer belong in the real world and that the virtual world of vr is where they truly belong whenever these people are outside vr they feel a sense of detachment and hollowness they think the real world is not as vibrant or interesting to live in as the vr world personally i think that this is because you have more control over the virtual world than the real world and that makes it comfortable for some people the truth is possibly one of the most disturbing if not the most disturbing world in vr chats it only consists of a giant black void with a screen playing disturbing shock videos the idea that a world like this exists is just bizarre and disturbing because why would anyone take the time to set it up there are also rumors that this world is a hub for those that enjoy this type of content so it's best to steer clear of it for the final entry on this iceberg we have possibly the most chilling thing one could actually experience within vrchat dead bodies there have been reports of avatars just lying on the ground for days on end silently not moving an inch this isn't a body position that would normally occur in vr chat if someone just went afk the only way such a thing could happen is if someone was collapsed on the ground wearing a headset i mean think about it with the enormous player base that vr chat has it's statistically possible that someone would die while in vr all it takes is someone having a heart attack aneurysm or bad seizure while in vr and if this person was by themselves when this happened well it's possible that their avatar would have still stayed in the vr chat world even after they died for a significant amount of time this is already quite disturbing because of the death aspect but something about seeing a dead person's avatar lying on the ground in vr and knowing that somewhere that the real dead human is so disturbing to me and that's why i put it at the bottom of the iceberg and here we are looking back on this journey into the virtual worlds of vrchat i can say that it has got to be one of the most interesting social platforms out there the idea of a social media in a virtual environment where you can actually interact with someone as you would in real life is something that i'm surprised even exists at this point in time as it something that i thought would only happen far in the future but it is real and as a virtual reflection of society vrchat includes the good and bad sides of real society as such you can have lots of great times while playing it but you must also be careful as many dangers lie within the shadows i hope you guys enjoyed the video and thank you for watching [Music] you
Channel: Rivecha
Views: 166,685
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Rivecha, Iceberg, Explained, VRChat, VR CHat, VRC, VRChat Iceberg, Iceberg explored, Virtual Reality, Dark Side of VRChat, VRChat Secrets
Id: Vl72UVnr6XQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 29sec (4289 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 06 2021
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