How To Make A VTuber Model from SCRATCH!

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so it's finally 2023 these tippers have been popping off for a while but they have not been as popular before as they are right now maybe you're also thinking about becoming a vtuber where do you start from 2D models to 3D models or even PNG models there are so many options to choose from but there are already plenty of YouTube videos that go over which option would be best for you and the pros and cons of each so for today we will only be focusing on how to create a 2d model from scratch given that you have at least some beginner levels of experience in art my name is sarin and this is my first ever YouTube video with my first ever model and rigging done by me I'm sure we all know how expensive 2D models can get and they can range from hundreds of bots to thousands of dollars and you know as a beginner you don't always have that kind of money right away if you do that's good for you but most people I believe don't so if you're interested in creating your own model I will be showing you the time lapse of me from start to finish making this model that you see right here if you guys enjoyed this video and I'm able to get some success out of posting this video I'll make more beginner friendly tutorials on becoming a YouTuber but for now I don't really have any right to speak on that nor do I have any experience because I only have one subscriber right now so any form of support would really be appreciated now let's get on with the video obviously first and foremost you need a good drawing program your top priority is a drawing program that can export your art in a DOT PSD file as that's the file type that live 2D will use whenever you or your rigor begins to rig your model if you are using the pro version of Life 2D the resolution of your canvas can be anything you want I recommend anything between 2 000 to 6000 pixels however if you're using the free version your max resolution for your canvas can only go up to 2048 pixels do be aware that live 2D does have a free trial of the pro version of its program I believe it lasts for 42 or 43 days so over a month just don't download it of course until you're ready to start rigging your model so I'm going to be freestyling my commentary for this uh no script or nothing I'm just going to add my notes on what I think you should be aware of while I play the video so the program that I use is clip Studio paint I believe that's the program most artists use especially for the model it can export in dot PSD and it's very useful when it comes to like tools that help make the process easier for example there is a symmetrical ruler you can use of course to make sure your model is symmetrical and as you can see right here it has a feature where you can import a 3D model that you can kind of Trace over as a base for your model because frankly I suck at Anatomy I think you guys should know how long I've been drawing for I've been drawing for about seven years now but a lot of the years within that time frame I did not draw at all so I feel like I've only spent maybe four or five years drawing actively and then the rest were just breaks you really don't have to be the best at drawing like I I know it's easier said than done but when you have features like this 3D model that that you can literally Trace over as your base and slowly add on access to your model it won't be as difficult as you think it might be I'm gonna start playing the video and you can see right away I start chasing over the model with a round mixing brush doesn't really matter what books you use for the moment because you are just making an outline of the base also I do suggest you don't keep it exactly like this you'll see in a few seconds I make the few tweaks here and there to make the model have more of a anime style because right now it is way too realistic looking as you can see right there I'm changing up the hands I've also added asymmetrical ruler I did not like how broad the shoulders looked I wanted it to to look a lot more feminine I'm making the head a little bit bigger because in anime format you know the heads tend to be a lot bigger and here I guess I am making a rough sketch of the outfit that I want over the base so you can see I put the base in one layer turn down the opacity so I can just Trace over another layer and kind of start making a rough outline of what I want my model to be now here is the important part have a rough idea of what you want your model to look like before you start drawing you need a idea of a design you want because I don't make it a lot easier when you're actually drawing your model because I had no idea all I knew is that I wanted a space theme because I like space and that's literally it I don't know what hairstyle I wanted I didn't know what outfit I wanted I did know that I wanted my character to fit my voice I don't know if I did a good job about that to be honest one of my biggest pet peeves is when a YouTuber has a model that I I feel like doesn't suit their voice it's really not a problem but like I'm sure you guys understand I recommend having a model that sees your voice and I strongly recommend having a plan or a rough sketch of your design and of course you can change things as you draw because I did that a lot here too I want in here completely blind and that was a pain in the ass I hope YouTube doesn't kill me for cursing so here oh yeah I guess I did I did know that I wanted to be an assassin here I am trying out different dresses uh search I I look up a lot of outfits on Pinterest for inspiration I really do suggest you do that too it can be a big help because frankly I'm really not that creative when it comes to character design so it's really a big help uh different types of stockings uh legs are my enemy I hate drawing feet they look quite funky right now that is not what I ended up with but yeah those legs are funky oh yeah different hairstyles I did not know what hair I wanted so you can see here type of hairstyles that I'm just you know vomiting onto my model see what I like I do suggest going on Pinterest and looking up Wigs Wigs are a great help because if you just search up 2D art styles of different hairstyles uh you don't really get like a good idea of what it's supposed to look like so Wigs are a great help you can look up like anime wigs on Pinterest please use Pinterest because Google is going to give you like cosplay waves of like anime characters that already exist but Pinterest is going to give you anime inspired quotes if you get what I mean and it's gonna have like jewelry on it it's gonna look real nice and pretty it's gonna have little ombres I know that my wig was dark gray and then it uh ombre faded to a blue obviously I changed my colors up a bit but I still have the gray at the roots of my hair because I did like that idea it looked nice but it was a lot darker so use Pinterest use Pinterest Pinterest Pinterest interest please sponsor me because I love your app yeah this is the wig that I saw I kind of just roughly drew it out and then I draw the face your face is probably the most important part of the model of course it's the thing that's that your viewers will see 99 of the time even when rigging it I mostly put all my effort in rigging my face I didn't even bother to rig my feet if you see my full body I literally I literally have nothing on my Lids all I can do is move my body from left to right and then most of my other rigging went into my hair and my face and here you can kind of see the rest of my model coming together my face is kind of mad I don't know oh that's a big jump uh I forgot to record myself flat coloring and sketch in because it was like 4 AM of that time and I didn't feel like uh recording it and cutting it and editing it because I pause a lot while I'm trying I take a lot of breaks in between maybe I just also just get very distracted very easily so yeah here you can see I I did a flat color on my sketch I turned on the opacity I also changed up with the smile I didn't like that I was mad I don't think I'm a mad person most of the time I don't think you fit my model the sketching process is quite fast it's quite simple you obviously just go over your rope design you refine the lines you add more details to your model you go over what you may have missed in your rough design as you can see right there like I'm adding Frills to my turtleneck dress I guess cleaner lines cleaner line art to be honest I'm not gonna lie to you I thought that this would be my official liner but then I went over it one once more because it was still not clean enough and I also wanted to separate everything while I was drawing the official line art because if you guys don't know I don't know I think most people know but obviously you have to separate your models pieces you have to separate your eyes your irises pupils eyewise eyelashes nose mouth like literally every sing that you want to move in your model you have to separate them you have to separate them from left to right there's plenty of guides on YouTube already that show you how to do it you can also kind of see how I do it once I get there in this video some artists like to separate things as they go some artists draw their full model completely and then they cut it up after they're done I thought I was gonna do that but I thought that was too complicated and I didn't want to repaint over everything some artists do a mixture of both I just straight up separated everything as I went along this part is boring I've probably redone the legs like 20 times at least that's why I use a 3D base because I really just look at anatomy and my strong suit is portraits I draw a lot of portraits I draw a lot of faces I don't really draw bodies I hate drawing bodies I'm not good with that I want to skip over a little bit is this part really is kind of boring you kind of get the idea [Music] two piece bop bop okay um uh flat coloring the sketch surreal this time uh you know what flat coloring is I do hope you just put one shade of color get a rough idea of the colors you want for your model and here it is my official line art you can see I drew the face on one layer separately you can do it on the side right here and get um the folders I'm making to organize my art how I name my layers you know how I separate them please use folders to organize your art please you will not have a fun time if you don't use folders if you don't organize them accordingly like you have to separate as much as you can I heard another YouTuber say I'm sorry I forgot who it was but I heard another YouTuber say that if you're unsure of whether you should separate something or not it is better to separate it because you can always merge it in life 2D but you cannot separate it in life today also I see a couple people have the misconception that you have to separate line art and color that's not sure at all you just have to separate bits and pieces of your model I wish I had hand tracking right now so you can see my hands like look at a person and think about just separating their left ear and their right ear it's like that you're not separating the the line art from color you're just separating pieces that make up that model I hope that makes sense so like for example like the line art and the coloring of my stay space is in one layer here I'm doing the Lash line I like to separate the eyelashes I'm not gonna lie I had a difficult time reading my eyelashes because I put all three of these in one layer it would have been better if I separated these so like I said and separate as much as you can and it'll make your life a lot easier or at least your rigor's life a lot easier uh yeah oh important part please separate this side lash right here because you need that for when you are rigging your eye to be closed you need a way to apply this when you're rigging your you know your lash line to build down and be closed you can just move this over behind it and hide it if it's together boy you're gonna have a rough time also I don't separate things from left and right until I'm done with whatever I'm drawing important note left and right is from the perspective of your model not you so this right here is the left this right here is the right I know it gets confusing Sometimes some people use arrows I didn't really get that because that made it more confusing for me I just straight up put L or R left and right um here I'm doing the eye whites eyewites I believe is on one layer right the eye white and eyeshadow yes no I'm joking I am just lying haha die white is on one layer I've made another layer of this purple Shadow and I clipped it onto it clipping means it won't leave the area I don't know if I should explain that there's plenty of tutorials explaining here comes the fun part eyes I love coloring eyes they are so fun if you don't know how to color eyes in like a anime style there's also plenty of tutorials about that online as well I promise you anything you're having difficulty with you can find online and you'll understand pretty quickly or you can just learn from me how I colored my eyes I think eyes eyes really make up your model I feel like they are the most important part of your model they are the most expressive part of your model so do pay attention to the details um I like to add a lot of eye shines like glitter it's not really glitter you get what I mean though a lot of like just shine on my eyes makes you look pretty and especially for my theme because I am a space assassin so it makes sense for my eyes to be sparkly right eyebrows also on a separate layer I guess I didn't really explain how to separate the people so you can draw like the full pupil together but do separate the the shines like my star right there it's on a separate layer these shines right there aren't a separate layer once again I had problems rigging my model because I had this shine right keeper and this shine right here and this shine right here all in one layer which made it which made my life difficult so please separate as much as you can I promise it'll make your life a lot easier um my eye shadow hey I do have makeup my eyeshadow also on a separate layer I did forget to mention you have to draw each part of your model completely like even if it's hidden behind your hair or your face or the eye you have to dry completely with this eyeshadow there's more underneath it you just see it but obviously you will see it when I'm blinking right so that's all you need to drive completely your ears even if part of it is hidden behind your hair you're going to have to draw it out completely all right so you don't have any weird gaps when you're moving around I think I still have some weird gaps in my model but I pretend that no one can see it so it is my first time I knows it's pretty simple you can just draw a simple line and it's a nostril if you want to make it crazier you can so basically nose line on one layer nose Shadow on one layer and then a nose shine if you have it I guess on a different layer I don't know I haven't done it yet I also have a scar on my nose but that's just me I don't know if people can tell that it's a scar maybe I'm just awful at part lips oof mouth also very complicated to draw and rig you have to draw it completely obviously you have to draw first the top lip the bottom lip and to draw the inner mouth I have to separate the back teeth the tongue the upper teeth and well I guess you'll see it in the video I'll show you in a bit that's the bot lip this is the inner mouth I just make it one color that that's this this entire thing is on one layer my tongue and my back teeth and upper teeth and whatever I'll draw it out completely but I'll clip it so you can't see it I don't know if that makes sense but you'll see in sexy I draw it out completely so it kind of escapes my inner mouth I don't think it does that IRL or maybe it does I don't because I do suck at Anatomy you see I I clip it I draw the tongue completely when I clip it to the inner mouth so it doesn't leave this inner mouth color area thing oh yeah also if you want to draw these these back teeth you can some people don't I did for whatever odd reason I did we also separate that it doesn't have to be from left to right it doesn't really matter the top teeth separate and then clip bot lip oh yeah combine the face skin with your lips so that way it comes covers up the the inner mouth you know what I mean like I have the face skin with the lip all in one layer the bottom lip so it covers the bottom half of the inner mouth same for the top lip bottom eyelashes of course on a separate layer don't even still have bottom eyelashes I feel like I removed them no I still have them ears draw it completely you know like draw some of it behind the head so when you're turning even though you don't really end up seeing it just in case it's there so separating your hair really depends on what you want if you're planning on rigging your own models can you don't want to spend too much time rigging it you can separate less hair strands typically I think the simplest way you can separate your hair is front bangs side hair and then back hair I think this is simple as you can get but I really do strongly recommend that you separate as much as you can because that will make your hair look a lot livelier I have uh this one front bang on one layer the side front bangs on different layers you have this bang on a different layer and yes I do also draw these completely like they overlap each other so when you do physics there's no weird gaps physics and live 2D is the like when you add jiggle motions to your model obviously this is on one layer oh there's a gap right there I don't like that but yeah this this hair strand this side front bangs are on one layer and then this is also on a different layer um neck net connect someone on Twitter recommended that you draw the neck completely up to your nose so like this if you've seen my cursor you draw it out like this completely that way when you're rigging your model to look there is no Gap and of course when you're looking down well I don't think you need to draw that much or down but you know just a little bit extra just in case um my side bun thingies I'm not gonna lie I don't even know what the side pieces of my hair are uh I like to think it's just curls that are clipped up on the side they're not exactly buns um back hair I'm also separating quite a bit so it's not just the back hair I also have strands in the back and I'm also separating just so you know I have more detail for my model torso torso is quite simple maybe it's not depending on your outfit but for me it's quite simple it's just flat color and then when you are drawing your uh boings I don't know what to call them I don't know if YouTube's gonna like crack you down on me okay I'll just call them boobas whenever you're drawing your blue bus you also separate them not one by one unless you want to I know people do that it does add extra detail I have both of mine in one layer so you have a torso on one layer and then your boobas on top of it on another layer so because when you when you're adding Fusion you need something to fill in the Gap that's how you add your torso underneath it and here you can see I'm doing exactly what I said um Frills I mean you don't really have to separate that my Cape I don't know if you guys really need this information this is very specific because it's a cape but separate this part separate underneath drawn out completely you know obviously draw the back oh you can see right here you can see I drew this fold completely you don't have to draw this completely but just color it in a little more uh the back part yes do draw completely and yes C2 have to separate it from left to right from when you're turning your body [Music] I'm gonna just stop adding filler words if I have to do the same just let you guys watch arms arms I split into two um you can do I guess you can do more I don't know if I've seen someone do more I guess you can do more the first part of the arm is like up to the Elbow I believe and shoulder to your elbow is that your bicep I don't know anyways and then you know the second part is just everything else underneath that and you know draw extra like always to fill in any gaps here I'm coloring in the back part of my Cape um here I'm doing my skirt separate your skirt of course if you have one um let me think jeans if you're wearing jeans or or something like that I think you could just draw it on your leg and just and just count it as part of your leg now you would combine your jeans or pants or whatever with your leg and that's all on one layer okay you're not nothing's really moving around if you're wearing jeans if you're wearing shorts then yes you separate the shorts and you separate the legs so here I'm doing legs legs I did it in one layer like full thing I I did separate the feet but I don't even know why I guess I thought I would have the motivation to rig it but at the end of the day I didn't so if you're not gonna rig your legs you don't have to separate them you can just draw it completely and yeah I I uh merged my stockings with my legs because like nothing's really moving around for it to be any gaps also I'm pretty sure there's easier ways of coloring I choose the hard way because I know there's a lot of like tech savvy artists out there who use like lasso tool and it's not really tech savvy I'm just surprisingly too lazy and then overworked myself like I know you can use the Paint Bucket I know you can use the lasso tool to color in your model but I like go traditional and just do it by hand it's also just satisfying therapeutic turn on some music and just color it's nice you know um my my hair clip is also separated these star thingies that I have on my head I also separated from left to right I did not draw it out completely though actually I did I did draw out the back of the stars but when I ended up breaking it I actually did not need it oh yeah blush blush um I ended up merging it with my face foreign yes I did I'm sorry I don't remember I think it's better if you separate it and here I believe I am beginning shading yeah hair Shadow also separate that I saw a tutorial on Twitter that basically said just duplicate your bangs uh merge it in one layer move it a little below and set it to multiply because I also did forget to mention live 2D only supports multiply and add do not use any other layer filter it will not support it only multiply and add and yeah to be honest uh I'm done with my model this is just where you start shading restart adding extra details everything is already pretty much separated you can see everything right here and I browse my stars my cloud lips bangs buns eyes mouth nulls face ears front Cape torso arms neck skirt legs back cable you know you're gonna end up having a lot of folders and that's okay honestly the more the merrier truthfully it's probably better for you so yeah now you can just enjoy and watch the rest of the video because I'm just shading in the rest of my model [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] so for this part you can see I'm at the end of final stages of creating my model I am just separating everything from left and right so as I mentioned earlier I only separated left and right after I was done drawing everything so basically I'm sure it might be an easier way to do it but what I did was I for example my feet right there I had them in one layer and then I basically duplicated it and then erased one leg and then on the original layer I erased the other leg as you can see right there I'm erasing one leg and then the other leg from two different layers that way they can both be separated and that's it that has been the entire process of me drawing my model from start to finish you may have noticed that at the end I put a black background on it real quick and that was just to see if there were any like outlying pixels that I needed to erase because I did have an issue with that later on when I was rigging there were pieces and bits of my art that were outside of my model that I needed to erase and I didn't see it earlier on so do make sure to do that do make sure to double check and make sure that your liner is clean and there's no outline pixels or anything like that I do recommend that if you want to get into rigging your model yourself check out Yoshino Arts Channel her channel is what I use to rig my entire model she has a playlist full of tutorial tutorials on how she rigs literally pretty much anything you can imagine she has tutorials on blinking on the eyes on the X Y and Z movement of your head your body how to rig your hair how to do physics she has all of that and everything else that you may need and with that comments that you all have an amazing New Year hello 2023
Channel: SerenVT
Views: 23,453
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vtuber, vtubers, art, envtuber, model, drawing
Id: KrqmFZnUqk0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 40sec (1960 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 03 2023
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