How to make a Custom VRChat Avatar QUICK EASY and FREE

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not too long ago i made this video about speedrunning making an avatar and uh i did not expect it to blow up as much as it did well blow up isn't exactly the right word it did really bad at first and then it's been consistently getting views from search ever since so that tells me that a lot of people want to know how to make a good avatar for vr chat quick easy and free the problem is i made that video as a joke a really bad joke but it was made as a joke and so it doesn't really explain the best ways to make a vr chat avatar for free so here i am today to show you every possible way of making your own avatar including this avatar that i'm using right now i'll show you a couple of free methods that are super easy then at the end i'll show you how to get a perfectly custom avatar made for you at an affordable price so the first way to make a completely free and easy avatar is with taffy and that's actually the avatar i'm using right now taffy is a free program that you can download but the process for making avatars here is about as easy as customizing a character in a video game it's not hard at all taffy avatars are pc and quest optimized so it won't matter what platform you're using you'll be able to use these avatars the only downside is that the avatars look a little cartoony which is fine if you like that style and some of the customization options are hidden behind the pay wall so that's another big downside that said spending a couple of bucks to get the exact style you're looking for is still a really good deal and besides they do have plenty of free options if you absolutely don't want to spend any money on an avatar i do have to say though this system has a ton of customization options i mean just for the eyes you can combine two colors together to create really cool looking eyes with pretty much any color that exists and that's already part of the free features most of the paid stuff is for like clothing and hats and stuff and they've got some really ridiculous cool weird options that could be a ton of fun if you did want to spend some money but overall i really like it even just the free stuff i've used mostly free things making this avatar only spending like two bucks to get a couple of like you know maybe the extra hairstyle and stuff like that so overall i really like it so that said let's move on to the next free option which this time is a hundred percent free with nothing behind a paywall and that method is with ready player me avatars this is the same avatar customization system that showed off in the video mentioned at the beginning it's a hundred percent free to make and you can take a picture yourself and have it automatically generate an avatar or you can start customizing it from scratch like taffy it's as easy as customizing your character in a video game that said it is extremely limited when it comes to customization options especially compared to taffy my biggest complaint is with the clothing like i can find exactly what i want when it comes to the hairstyles and stuff but their clothing is extremely limited and some of their outfits just look ridiculous that said overall these are great easy avatars to make and definitely worth checking out if you want a quick and easy 100 free avatar i do believe they're supposed to work on quest as well as you know any other platform but i did have issues with quest users not being able to see my avatar when i did it before so i'm not 100 sure if it's working right now their website says that they're cross-platform and that they should work on quest so maybe it was just a bug that they fixed or will fix in the future by the way to import ready player me avatars and taffy avatars to vr chat you just need to create a vr chat account first on the vr chat website then connect it to your steam or oculus account if you haven't already i'll link to some instructions on how to do that below but it's really easy pretty sure you just need to open vr chat on your headset with your steam oculus account and then in the settings select upgrade account and then follow the instructions once your vr chat account is connected to your oculus or steam account you can just log into your vr chat account in the ready player me or taffy program and then import it to your account giving it a few minutes and then after a few minutes you should be able to see your avatar saved the next time you open up your vr chat so if you were to pay someone to make an avatar a lot of them would probably use a program called vroid now this is actually pretty complicated to do which is why you pay people to do it but it's still not as complicated as jumping into blender and making it yourself completely from scratch the nice thing about vroid is that pretty much all the avatars in vroid have that cool anime aesthetic that a lot of youtubers have so if you're really into that and love anime this is a great way to get that look that said it is pretty complicated but it's not impossible to figure out i have no idea what i'm doing with 3d modeling or anything you know i was still able to jump into vroid mess around with it a bit and end up making a completely customized avatar that said i did get overwhelmed and for the lack of time to learn exactly how to get what i wanted and how to import it into vr chat i ended up giving up and didn't end up completing the avatar but it is completely impossible if you want to give it a solid afternoon or two of work youtuber fia who you should definitely be following if you like vr chat has some great tutorials on how to create a vroid avatar and how to import it into vr chat like i said it is a little bit complicated but it is possible if you just work on it hard enough the only cost associated with doing it this way is any of the custom textures or outfits that you'll want to put on your avatar so while it can be completely free you'll want to spend a little bit probably just to get the exact avatar exactly the way you want it now if your roid overwhelms you a bit like it did me and if you weren't satisfied with the other two free options of creating avatar then you should definitely check out fiverr as pointed out in my previous video you can go on fiverr to have your own custom avatar made for you and it can be a lot cheaper than you might think prices to do this range from as low as 10 bucks to as high as 300 or more not sure what the sweet spot is for getting a well-made avatar but like all things you get what you pay for if there's enough interest maybe i'll make a video where i pay several different fiverr artists to make avatars for me just to see what they come up with so if you want to see that comment down below and let me know but i'm guessing that if you want a good quality avatar you're going to want to spend about 50 bucks or so at the same time there are a lot of fiber artists who are just going to sell you a generic template with very little modeling and very little texture work in fact some people might even sell you a model that's not even completely ready to be important to vr chat so you do got to be careful make sure you read and know exactly what you're getting for example i saw one guy who was ripping people off because he was charging 50 bucks but the picture this front picture was a picture of a ready player me avatar on his front page which you can make 100 for free in like five minutes or less so you just got to be careful i don't know if that's exactly what that guy was selling but i mean it looked like a ripoff so just be aware even if you spend a lot of money you could end up getting ripped off so just make sure you look thoroughly at the reviews and any of the previous work that the artist has done to make sure that they can deliver exactly what you want if what they've done in the past looks kind of like what you want then go for it but if you're expecting the artist to give you something completely different than what they're showing you as their previous work expect to be pretty disappointed if you do end up hiring them you will have to spend way more than 50 bucks or so to get really well done avatars with cool animations and in-game customizability but you know it's still it's just that's how it is that's just the way it is if you want to find someone that can do a decent avatar that's not too crazy but at a good price your best bet is to find someone that offers different tiers of avatars because by offering different pricing tiers of like a basic standard and premium this shows that they're willing to put in more effort to make something really good if they're paid to do so and you know that if you pay for the premium price they aren't just going to rip you off by giving you a basic model it's fair to assume that if they offer basic tiers as well as a premium tier the premium tier is gonna be at least a little bit better than what they're selling as their basic tier and they aren't just gonna rip you off by charging a lot and then giving you very little that said even if you go for a super cheap 10 avatar your very own custom fiverr avatar could still be better than any public avatar you find on vr chat especially if you're like me and don't really like being a meme or a furry nothing against furries by the way you guys are all chill but that just that's just not me so moving on we have the last way to make an avatar and that's making it completely from scratch in blender blender is a free open source 3d creation suite and i don't really recommend this option unless you want to learn how to make 3d assets which honestly this could be a really profitable skill if you want to get involved in game development at some point in your life so something to look into but that said this is absolutely the most customizable option for vrchat avatars is you can make literally anything i had someone comment on my last video that they weren't going to use this method that i was saying before you know the ready player me one because they wanted to be a chair well guess what using blender you can make your very own chair avatar and make it the best chair avatar anyone has ever seen this method does take a lot of work though and it's not as simple as just designing the model you also have to track the skeleton for the movement and a whole bunch of other stuff that i frankly don't understand yet and i say yeah because i've been thinking about trying to create my own vr game which sounds like a horrible idea but i think i might just do it anyways it could be fun to learn could make a really interesting video so we'll see we'll see so that's all the ways that i know of of how to create an avatar uh comment down below if i missed any if you know of any other good ways currently i'm using this ready player me or taffy avatar i like this taffy avatar i'm using right now i'm using them in a lot of my videos but i am itching to get something better soon so comment down below if you want me to commission a bunch of fiber artists at different tiers for a video because i'm really tempted to do that i want to thank my youtube members for supporting me you are amazing if you made it this far you might as well subscribe if you want to see more content like this and also consider joining our discord we have a lot of fun stuff and game meetups so definitely check that out if you want to hang out with us but anyways that's it i'm out [Music]
Channel: Virtual Panda
Views: 903,214
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Virtual Reality, VR, Headset, HMD, Oculus, OCCulus, qwest, quest
Id: NT-zi7_F3Pc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 26sec (566 seconds)
Published: Sat May 29 2021
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