Make Super Satisfying Animations in Blender Eevee and Cycles

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how's it going guys so in today's tutorial we're gonna be tackling this satisfying animation loop I was inspired by CG geeks recent satisfying loop animation tutorial and I thought I'd give it a shot and make my version of what I would make first something you know satisfying and really nice so credit goes to him he's awesome so in this tutorial Imai trekkin eyes some of the processes from an older tutorial but we're gonna be diving into a lot of other things I'm gonna be showing you why these things are satisfying so I'll be going into the materials the animation how smooth it is the actual beveling and things like that shading and all that that come into play and why this is such a nice satisfying animation to look at now just a heads up before we get into it this project file is available in the description for a dollar if you are on patreon you'll be getting that for free if you don't know about the patreon there's tons of assets on there exclusive tutorials project files a bunch of cool stuff going on so you can go check that out in the description but let's get into how to create this alright so we're gonna start off with just the default cube and we're gonna hit tab really quick we're gonna hit this little icon over here the move tool now we're gonna hit control and snap the pivot point right here to the very bottom that's very very important now shift a we're gonna go ahead and add in a circle curve and we're gonna scale it up to however big you want that part doesn't matter now let's take this guy go to the transform options and bring him up also this size part does not matter either before we add modifiers we're gonna hit tab here go to face select we'll hit this one hold down control hit this one hit X and click faces now we have a Hollow square now let's go over here hit tab and get the loop cut tool click once and we're gonna bring up this down here and just bring it up eyeball it make yours look just about here and then we're gonna hit away go to tab click this move tool now hit a to select all of them then we're gonna subdivide it and we're gonna make it smooth right over here now some will subdivide it more later but now what we're gonna do is we're going to add in a simple deform right over here alright they're simple to form and we're gonna add in the twist now let's go here and I believe it's the z-axis yep and right here on angle 360 degrees to give it a full rotation here now what I'm gonna do is I'm going to add in the next modifier now this modifier hierarchy is important so make sure the order is correct that you see what I'm doing hit the curve modifier and select the curve and then hit Z now go back to our object transform settings and on the Z scale it up now you want to make sure that it does not overlap so if you hold down control you'll give a get a better more smooth connection I mean you know movement and just barely have them hit each other so right there's perfect it's okay if it kind of overlaps but you don't really want that so now we have this now we're gonna hold down control here and click cube and the Bezier circle now hit our X 90 so we can rotate them like that and I'm gonna go ahead and get control a and apply this scale on our cube just in case we have any problems now we're gonna animate it so right over here on end hit one to zero for 120 frames hit edit preferences and make sure that your default interpolation here on the animation tab is on linear so make sure you click linear and we're gonna animate this now so we're gonna animate this here I believe on the Y okay cool so the reason why we actually used a cube and a Bezier struggle to create a torus is to get this animation right here then this is the part that you might recognize from my older tutorial now we're gonna hit this well keyframe icon go to here and hit the right arrow to skip a frame so we get a perfect loop and type in three six zero to get a full 360 degree rotation and then press play and we get a beautiful nice looping animation and it's awesome so let's go and make that particle now you'll notice how smooth this is we if you give it any less frames it'll be really fast and it won't be that nice to look at so you want to make sure you have a smooth slow animation so you can just sort of watch it forever and it's really nice to look at now shift a we're gonna make this particle I'm gonna go to cylinder now here on the radius we're gonna bring it down a little bit and on the vertices keep it at 32 and then on the depth just bring it up a little bit right about there and bring him over here to the right I'm gonna hit control a apply scale and we're gonna add in a bevel modifier to this so it looked really nice the reason we're adding a bevel modifier is because if you want satisfying nice-looking renders you don't want any hard edges because they look sharp and not nice you basically you want to make something that you want to touch and no one wants to touch hard edges so we're gonna go ahead and add a bevel modifier and then we're gonna give it maybe five segments and then bring our width around hit angle so that you get more more you know length a distance on our bevel and then shade smooth and now you have a nice beveled particle now very important let's go ahead and on the Y rotate it by 90 degrees because that's how it's gonna be on this animation here let's go ahead and start and add that particle setting so hit the plus icon click hair one source go from faces to verts it's very important and then right here on render we're gonna go from path to object and select our object which is the cylinder now you're gonna see this you're going to want to click regrow and then the last thing you want to click is object rotation and we're gonna get those nice straight up-and-down particles now to make it look nice we're gonna go ahead here on our torus and we're gonna subdivide it until it's nice and smooth so right about there number of cuts and then right click shade smooth and then we're gonna take our scale randomness and bring it down and our scale bring it up and what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna hit the cube and the Bezier circle and I'm a scale it down a little bit and then bring our object scale down to right around here we don't want this these two things to be very big because then it doesn't starts to not look very nice okay so now what you got to do is just play around with your object scale and randomness until you like what you see and just preference all this is just personal preference here you press play you'll see you get those nice objects and things like that and just play around with it right here um turn off random order things like that so just play around with the settings until you like what you see but make sure not to mess up your settings so so that's bad now keep these up default settings these look pretty cool so so far we have this nice and almost like fur but you know very thick fur now let's go ahead and make that seen around it so I'm gonna hit hold down control Bezier circle and my cube and we're gonna bring it up and we're gonna go ahead and make that platform so what I'm gonna do is get a I'm gonna get a cylinder and then bring that down bring the depth down right around here this looks nice and then bring my vertices until we get a nice circular look and then we're gonna have control a apply scale and then make sure everything is beveled beveling is very important for these things so that you get nice smooth edges shade smooth and we have this perfect first little platform that we want and then we'll bring make sure and make sure nothing is touching so just like that make sure none of the particles are intersecting with the bottom plane now what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna duplicate it by hitting shift D and I'm gonna move him down till he's not intersecting and then scale them up like this every time you scale when hit control and apply scale so the bevel updates with this object maybe bring it down a little bit it's a little bit too much and then of course control a apply scale so we get nice bevels and then I say maybe this was too sharp bringing up play around with the bevel until you like everything that you see alright next I'm gonna add a plane under everything bring it way up control a and apply scale now make sure you want to apply scale on everything because not only does apply scale effect your modifiers but also affects your shading so you want to make sure you're doing that to prepare for when you start shading now what I'm gonna do is I'm going to curves hit the circle scale it up so I'm gonna bring them up a little bit so I can see what's happening scale them up and then here in the curve settings go to render preview and render you and bring them both to 64 and then on geometry I'm gonna go and extrude right about there and then I'm gonna hit f3 type in to convert now this is a very roundabout way of doing things but I just like the way this one looks convert to mesh so now when you get tab so when you hit a select all of them hit E and s and extrude them out like that and you get some nice flat plane we'll make it pretty big so now that we have this and hit tab control a and apply scale and we're gonna add in of course a nice bevel to this turn it on angle and then bring your width and your segments up just like this and then you're gonna want to bring it down till it plays with that now if you want to make this wider you'll go back to tab and then go to face select you'll select one of these faces hold down alt you select the whole thing and you'll scale it back just like that control a apply scale so now we have our platform let's go ahead and add that camera now I'm gonna use an orthographic scale here so control alt 0 snap it to view go here to your camera settings and go from perspective to orthographic and then you play with orthographic scale to zoom in and out I love orthographic view it solves problems when it for me when it comes to you know trying to find a cool composition for these sort of abstract renders and orthographic usually looks pretty nice so give it an angle you like ctrl alt 0 snaps it to view and then here on this one I'm gonna go ahead and ctrl alt scale them out so that our camera can't see the edge perfect and now we have this and then you can just go ahead hit R twice and then rotate him up just like that so now we have our scene we can just press play and see how it's looking and it looks really really awesome let's go ahead and start doing that shading that's gonna add to that nice satisfying look now we're gonna use a color palette so what we're gonna do is we're gonna go to the internet and type in Adobe Adobe color right here alright so we're here on Adobe Adobe's color palette website here so we're gonna go to Explorer I'm a type in orange because I want to use a sort of orange kind of look now when it comes to satisfying color palettes you don't want to use something very abrasive like Reds even oranges can be messed up but you want to use a palette that looks it's kind of nice and calming to look at so you can just go through and see which one you like it took me a while to pick one so don't think it's gonna take you two seconds to find your palette but we'll go with this one this is a very calm muted looking palette so what you have to do all you have to do is go hover over the color you like click it and it's going to copy this hex code to your computer so I'm gonna go and I'm gonna click on our particle so we can shade it let's go over here to the shading tab I'm gonna click new right here on base color go to hex and control V and it pastes that color into your object and then we'll just go ahead and apply that same material to the tourists in the middle and then we'll go back to the site and say I want the darkest color to be this plain right here go ahead new color palette here and just paste that in so go ahead and go and pick the palette you want go ahead and distribute the colors you like and we're gonna continue all right so now we have this I'm gonna go just add in a the one of the default HP eyes and we have this really nice-looking render now picking the composition I'm gonna just change a couple things up alright so so far we have a nice-looking render it's very simple it's very almost boring to look at so we're gonna go ahead and start adding some special stuff in the shading to up our compositions I'll go back to shading what we're gonna do really quickly added a mixed shader right here we're gonna duplicate this right here by hitting shift D and we're gonna make it a light very bright metallic and no roughness and plug that into the shader tab right here we're gonna go to material preview so far it looks like this with shade smooth so far looks like this we're gonna get a color ramp and a Voronoi texture color ramp and a Voronoi texture right here we're gonna hit ctrl T on the Voronoi if you have the node Wrangler add-on enabled comes default we're going to use color right here and we're going to use the color ramp here and what that's going to do is help distribute these two shaders on this plane and I think we're actually gonna use distance and now we're gonna get some circles so all you have to do is go from linear to constant bring this in just like that and we're gonna get some circles let's let's flip the order here so we can get the the metallic part as the dots and then you can bring in this color ramp to say how big you want your dots to be and then we go to render view we get these nice little dots of metallic sort of speckles and it adds some interest we're gonna do the same thing right here so what you're gonna do is just highlight these hit ctrl C click on this material control a V and you can hit G to move it around and we're just going to add that to the roughness of this pink one so let's just go here and plug it into the roughness so we're just going to go ahead tweak it a little bit make it a little bit bigger make the Voronoi bit smaller so we can get more obvious little circles here in our shading and we already are looking at much better more interesting view now you can see on mine on the final render here added some circles I mean some spheres just to add some composition so you can go in add little things that you think will make your composition look better have fun be artistic now the last thing for my lighting is I went ahead and I went to HDRI Haven right here HDRI Haven and I went in and I picked an HDR eye so we're gonna go with skies and we're gonna pick a nice soft one so let's go ahead and say um I'm gonna pick cloud layers and we're gonna download the 4k one now once you have your HDR I downloaded we're gonna go to the world tab here click this click environment texture open and you're gonna want to go ahead and open up that HDR eye and then I'm gonna go ahead and use scene world scene lights and this is my lighting so far and then what I did was I put 0.3 on the strength and then I went ahead and I added 3 area lights so you want to have the HDR I just sort of overall light your scene and get good reflections and then you're gonna want to use these area lights to get more specific lighting and a better you know better soft lighting here on your scene I use area lights it's very important to get good soft lighting if you look at my channel go to the search bar and type in lighting I have a tutorial on several different lighting setups and we're going to be using one of them right now so this is just a three point lighting setup so depending on the scale of your scene that would depend on how bright need to make your light so don't be afraid to add big numbers I'm gonna need some big numbers for this so three-thousand cuz my scene is pretty large scale and the last time we're gonna take this guy here and shift D to duplicate them over to this side just a simple three-point lighting a very soft lighting setup to give more emphasis on our object here and now we have a nice scene again go back into your scene and see how how you want to add some things I added some depth of field add some spheres to just make that composition look much better and then you just press play here and you'll get a nice scene this is Evie so it looks a little bit more bland and yeah just go in play with it make it look better and then at the end for those of you who can use cycles use cycles I personally think that think it looks the best you can go in and play and make it look as cool as you want and there you go that's how you do it thanks for watching
Channel: Ducky 3D
Views: 536,759
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blender, Beginner, Blender beginner, Blender Tutorial, Blender Satisfying, Blender Abstract, Blender Particles, Blender Lines, Blender Cinema 4D, Blender Abstract Tutorial, Blender loop, project breakdown, blender breakdown, Blender 2.80, blender 2.8 tutorial, Blender Eevee, Blender 3D, Blender Guru, Remington Graphics, Intro To Blender, CG Cookie, Midge Sinnaeve, Blender breakdown
Id: icMn25j2yy0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 57sec (957 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 21 2020
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