Blender - Abstract Flower Animation in Eevee (Blender 2.81)

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how's it going so in today's tutorial we're going to be making a sort of abstract flower animation but before we get into that let me talk about today's sponsor so today's video is sponsored by skill share we've just entered 2020 a new decade so if you want to go in and learn some new skills and up your year deepen your existing passions and get lost in your creativity Skillshare has tons of online classes that are right for you if you don't know about skill share it is an online learning community that offers membership with meaning with so much to explore real projects create and the support of fellow creatives Skillshare empowered you to accomplish real growth and creativity Skillshare offers classes designed for real life so you can move your creative journey forward without putting life on hold you can learn and grow with short classes that fit your busy routine Skillshare has tons of blender tutorials and there we've got some soft body stuff we've got liquid and water animations we got interior stuff there's a lot of classes on there that are really high quality for you to go on and explore personally I'm a graphic designer so I have to work with logos so George bocas class called logo design with grids timeless style with simple shapes I've learned a lot from it's been really fruitful in my work skill share is also really really affordable especially when compared to pricey in-person classes and workshops it's an annual subscription of ten dollars a month in the description you can get two free months of a premium membership to explore your creativity you can get that in the description so now let's get into the tutorial all right so we're going here clear up your scene make sure it's emptying we're gonna be in 2.81 here blender and right up here on the render engine change it over to evey we're gonna be using rendering and evey you can render them in both engines but evey it's just gonna be easier and the volume we're gonna add later is just going to look nicer so let's get into how to do this so we're gonna go up shift a and we're gonna add in a UV sphere here we're gonna hit tab and what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go up here to the face select just select one I'm gonna hit C so I can select a bunch of them so and then I'm gonna go and say I'm gonna get this looks like 1 2 3 4 5 rows faces and we're just gonna bring them down just like that just get all those rows and if you actually do that if you middle click it'll deselect them so we're gonna go here select these just like that we're gonna get a pretty big flower petal here so we're just gonna get all these right here just like that now if you have your selection if you hit ctrl I inverses that selection I'm gonna hit X and click faces and here's our flower petal I'm gonna go ahead and hit a select all the faces I'm gonna subdivide it here bring up the smoothness and I was some divide it one more time so this is our basic flower petal now we're going to animate it the way to animated here is we're gonna go to the modifiers and we're gonna add in a wave modifier and then it's just gonna do that so we need to play with these parameters over here so I'm gonna go ahead and I'm gonna copy all the parameters I have on mine so on speed it's 0.02 kind of slows that down really nicely and then on height we're gonna give it say we're gonna give it one a height of one so now we have this guy alright so now what we're gonna do is we're gonna add the thickness to the guy all right so we're gonna hit right here we're gonna go to solidify and we're gonna give it two bumps here and then right here on your sphere here in case you scale it up go ahead and control a and apply scale then what we're gonna do is we're going to bevel it a little bit so I'm going to pause this animation see to see how the bevel is affecting it so here on the bevel we're gonna go and select angle for the bevel and then play with your width until you like the bevel width on here and then say give it three segments and then just play with that right click and shade smooth and now you have a smooth flower petal to mess with so now we're gonna give it the flower shape so to first step to do that is adding an empty plane axis and then go back to your modifiers and add in an array so uncheck a relative offset and click object offset and click empty and then what that's going to allow us to do is we go to the rotation settings here and the object um settings do that and then go back to the array and then array it just like this so we kind of have a none bloomed petal so if we press play we have this and so this is where you start playing with the actual making the actual shape of your flower I'm gonna go ahead and just give my scene a bunch of frames so it'll just keep animating forever so we take that so what you want to do is you would click on the empty go to the Settings here called the transform settings and you can play with that rotation until you get some cool stuff you can play with it see how you like to leave your flower to look you can get some really cool stuff that don't even look like a flower but we're gonna go I'm gonna go ahead and copy the settings that I have on mine and just a heads up depending on where you delete the faces of things you're gonna get tons of different results so we're not gonna get the exact same animation you saw in my file but we're gonna get a very very similar one there there's just so many parameters here that when you play with them you can get so many different ideas and so many different instances of this design it's really really cool and that's what happens when you do procedural stuff this is mid procedural not fully procedural because we did have to delete some faces but everything's done in the modifiers alright so for my settings we have negative 62 24.2 on the Y and on the Z we have a hundred and fifteen and so when we do that we can see how the animation is looking we need to add some more petals in the array so we're gonna take this here in the array and just go until all those slots are full so now you can see we have a full flower and then what you can do click one hold down ctrl click the empty and you can move them together by hitting R twice to just to move it around together or you can parent them to another object also what you can do is you can scale up your flower like this and you get another amount of cool results with this flower animation this looks super scary and kind of cynical but yeah you can have a lot of fun with this design and then you can also take the location settings and play with them so you can go down with it go up with it all kinds of stuff you can get a thousand different results with this so then you can play with your animation and see how it looks and see what you like and then now let's go into setting up my camera just to view it so control all 0 snap it to view and then let's go ahead and light this guy we're just gonna use a basic HDR I so if you go up here we're gonna go to HDRI Haven calm right over here and we're gonna go and pick an HDR I like to use a sunset one so we're gonna go to outdoor find a nice sunset HDRI so we're gonna pick this one sunset right here and I'm gonna go ahead and download the 4k one so place it on your desktop or wherever and go back to your world settings right here all right click color right here this little circle right here by the color and go to environment texture click open and go and navigate to your HDR I minds right here and if we go to Z a rendered view you should be able to see the light playing with your scene just like this so that's nice and then I'm just gonna go ahead for the floor and bring up a plane and then bring my plane down tell it uh passes up my flower now let's start shading him we're gonna give it a nice pink kind of look so hit the shading tab hit 0 to go to your camera view look like new we're gonna make it metallic here nice pink and we're gonna give it a clear coat and then here on the roughness we're gonna make some glitter so add in a color ramp plug that right there to the color ramp I mean on the roughness a tan of or annoy if you have the node regular add-on enabled keep control D to add a mapping node and a texture coordinate and use the object coordinate here alright so plug the color coordinate into the color ramp I don't have coordinate was the correct word but it doesn't matter so we'll just bring it up a lot here and you can play with the color ramp to add glitter to your guy let's see give it five hundred on the scale to give us some nice color maybe three hundred and then press play it should look really nice playing around with that alright now for that weird light that I put in the middle of the scene so you have this thing coming up right here in the bottom so if we can just see the animation here just a second so in the bottom you have this thing going up in the middle so I wanted to show you how I animated that so we'll just keep it right there so you can see this thing jutting up here on the bottom and it's on mine you can see it has a gradient a light coming to the middle to give it a little bit of more mystery in that shading so we're gonna go back to the shading tab and what we're gonna do is we're gonna get a mix shader' McShea Durr here add an omission and we're gonna plug it right up to there so now we have that we're gonna make it read just so we can see the difference here and make it pretty bright so now we have this glowing thing so we're gonna go up here to the factor we're gonna add in a color ramp plug the color into that factor and then we're gonna add an egg radiant get it a gradient texture we're gonna hit ctrl T on the gradient to get the mapping node the texture coordinate we're gonna add the object node to that vector and then plug the gradient into the color ramp and then the last step here is to add in spherical so now we have that light here in the middle and you can play with it like that and you can see bring it up the brightness just like that and then here in the evie settings if you turn on bloom and i also turn on screen ambient occlusion and screen space reflections you'll get some nice effects with that glow and then you'll just press play and you get this really interesting glowing effect inside of your flower that just gives it this really interesting amount of mystery now mine it just sought more in the middle but depending on your design it would work or not and then if you're using cycles it'll look really cool on that glowing if you're not actually actively seeing that middle but it gives it a really cool effect and then you can add some gradients to that and do some cool things here on the bottom floor made it new made it metallic I made it a similar color to the flower we go back to the scene here when you scale them up maybe bring our flower I mean our camera something like this you can also one thing I would recommend if you're having trouble with picking your composition go to the camera settings and change it to orthographic just like that and then you can move around your camera and orthographic gives it just gives it this really cool look when you're scaling in and out and you can press play and you get this really really cool animation and playing with the color things like that you can go back to the shading and play with how that looks maybe make it darker more pronounced pink like this press play it just really adds some effect and really cool look to your scene when you're playing with it all right so last thing I did to add some flair to this animation was I added a cube scaled him up pretty big control a and applied the scale and then I'll just make it pass on my camera control a apply scale well good we're gonna go to the shading here and we're gonna add a volume say principal volume so type in video L click on principal volume and add it to the volume socket here in your material output and then what we'll do is on the density give it to 0.01 on the density add a color ramp to the emission strength and then add a noise texture noise texture hit ctrl T to add that texture setup and use the object coordinate here in the vector plug the noise texture to the color amp we're gonna add the detail right here then crunch this down and then bring your scale up a little bit in the emission color make it like a blue so it stands out do something like this and then in your volume metrics here on your Eevee settings I would say bring it at 4px give it some quality I'm a crunch this in a little bit more and we have a nice little amount of volume in our scene so it's kind of getting in the way it's a little bit too much uh so we'll go back to shading click on the cube material say on the white portion here in the color ramp bring it down to make the volume less pronounced just to give it sort of a hint of volume and then that sort of covers up the lack of things going around and it's a little bit too much what I like to do also in the Eevee settings right here on the camera on color management give it a look give it very high contrast and that really makes your scene pop and gives you those beautiful reflections in that clear coat things like that so there you go that is how you make that interesting flower you can make a thousand different designs with this concept even things that don't look like a flower you can make them italic and do some really weird sci-fi stuff with it as well so thanks for watching hope you learned something I hope you enjoyed it
Channel: Ducky 3D
Views: 55,797
Rating: 4.9733 out of 5
Keywords: Blender Flower, Blender, Beginner, Blender tutorial, Blender Animation, Blender Abstract, Blender Particles, Blender Lines, Blender Cinema 4D, Blender Abstract Tutorial, Blender loop, Blender VJ Loop, project breakdown, blender breakdown, Blender 2.80, blender 2.8 tutorial, Blender Eevee, Blender 3D, Blender Guru, Remington Graphics, Intro To Blender, blender vaporwave, vaporwave eevee, CG Cookie, Midge Sinnaeve
Id: Pp1kYRx0OCo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 2sec (782 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 04 2020
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