( / ) C4D TUTORIAL | Infinite Blooming Flower

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[Music] [Music] greeting the motion graphics gardeners certainly many people wondered how I created that infinite looping flower that you can see in my project the eggs as well since people are asking by the muscles I'll show you so grab a garden trowel and dig in like with everything they starts simple with a simple plain then this claim will be used to create our flower petals so we'll start by turning down the segments with segments I'll leave it just too and then height segments down to 1 then I'm going to add a correction de forma to this so I can reform it while keeping it procedural for no apparent reason now one end the one attach the flower is usually more tapered than the other while the other end is a little bit more pointy that looks kind of like a coffin for a rather rotund gentleman but if I add a subdivision surface to this it runs it into looking like a petal let's set both subdivisions to 2 and group the whole thing as you'll name this pestle because it contains the petal and now I can answer more de forma stir the mix to make it a better shape starting with a couple of Bend deformers I'll add the first one and spend it to see that of course it bends on the wrong access so rotate that around to exactly 90 degrees and then I'll start setting the scale so it just covers the petal perfectly X doesn't need to be bigger so i'll set Y so you're straight up 200 and then led it needs to be set to 400 to cover it I will just move this to position so it just starts bending one small flower petal and then I'll go in and change the mode to unlimited tonight bends both sides equally much I'll set the degrees to 50 and take the keep y-axis link box so that is one of my bends done and I'll copy that to make the second one I'll name our first one H for horizontal and the second one I'll name Bend that one is going to bend on the other axis so I'll spin it around and then Center it to our petal as well as scale it up on our y-axis just so it covers the entire thing now I can nudge it slightly just start spending right at the base of the petal see that's perfect and I wanted to bend significantly more than the other one I'm gonna have it start all the way at 125 degrees and then I would time I'm gonna have it Bend around like a bird flapping its wing so maybe more athlete like a flower of doing so starts at 125 and I will set a keyframe for that at frame 0 and over the course of say a hundred frames that's going to be four seconds it will go all the way around to minus 160 so it's just like a little cheese doodle except that it animates kind of like a flower petal and I'll also animate the horizontal Bend starting at 100 degrees so it starts properly folded up into like a little bun shape and then over time as animates think I'm going to turn it actually all the way down to zero so it's just completely flat so setting that key and playing it back it looks like this nice smooth movement so actually done without a form is now I can side those and then I will actually offset the axis point our null object to make sure that the pivot point of our petal is actually the base of the petal because we're going to clone this later and it's going to be very helpful to us flower grows right so what I'm going to do now is animate a scale starting a frame zero they will all be tiny point oh one in scale then I'll jump into frame 20 where I want the y scale to be all the way up to one and then a few frames later frame 35 on the X and red scale to catch up with that so those few little key frames gives us this animation then it kind of just pops into existence not bad for a few minutes but we've only just begun after that initial scale up I wanted to scale back down again so 50 frames I've set keyframes for the scale once again jump bag to frame 100 and set it to 0 that scales up and it loops around then it collapses back in on itself I still think this needs a little bit more rotation so I'm going to animate the pitch parameter as well the frame 0 I'm going to let it be at 30 degrees and as the animation plays out I'm gonna stand linked down to 0 so that just makes the whole movie release a bit more fluid it's not a rough around the edges there now this is going to be a bit counterintuitive to get the right shape of the flower I'm going to need to animate the position of this single petal that's also going to help it move out of the way before the next petal comes in now immediately a frame 1 I'll set a keyframe for the Y position so we can have it move out of the way frame 25 I'm going to have it be all the way up to 100 centimeters but I'll skip ahead to frame 70 and animate the bezel down to 50 centimeters I also want it moving on the z-axis to move out of the way to frame 0 set a keyframe jump ahead to frame 50 where I'll set the z-axis to 75 centimeters then at the end of the animation frame 100 I'll have this set position be back at 0 and that gives us canopy shape which animates it looks like this and actually sees this as smooth we can do a clever little trick with the tracer object so I'll select the subdivision surface and then into mograph and create a tracer object and as you can see that traces the parts of the vertices that shows us a rough profile of what the final flower might look like my concludes our main animation part now we need more petals so I'll start by putting this petal in a null which I'll name petal then comes the time to clone this right out to stick that in a cloner object and create about 40 clones to start with I'll swap the moon from per step to endpoint don't want to move on the y-axis I thought in fact I just wanted to spend around although we have to 3,600 degrees close the Sun of the amount 250% so they kind of a line but as you can see they all happen at once and the keys are getting this into a continues blooming flower shape is to offset the time and now you're probably thinking wow well let's go to my graph there's a time effector wrong the one we want is the step effector let's start out by turning this spline ear linear so select those points and hit the elk then we can go into parameter turn off the scale but we do want to change the time offset to the same time it takes for animation to play through once and as I call this value you can see that it turns into a bit of a flower shape and playing it through we see that it kind of blooms that from one point in the center all that like a flower and then loops back around all that currently doesn't loop we'll get to that and we'll also add more petals latest it looks a bit more like a rose as it stands these petals all look more or less the same so let's create a trusty old random effector don't really want any jiggly on the position parameter maybe just blanked n on z position but we do want a tiny bit of rotation on top like two degrees on the heading let's just add a frame offset as one so now they're not all doing the same thing at the exact same time it's a little bit randomness this makes anything look better how about we tidy up our workspace a bit I'm going to create a knot call it flour and anything relating to this flour writing that not what I mean need the trades objects anymore so I'll just delete that with a cloudy workspace we can take this flow to the next level I'm gonna add a connect object to a flower now and then reference our clone object in that connect object and then finally I get to my favorite deform a jiggle deform which surprisingly makes it diggle slightly right I can keep stiffness at 40 or turn down structural to 40 as well drag I'm going to drag all the way up to 20 and under advanced I'm going to change the number of spring standard to as well as the iterations that's just going to help us keep the scene moderately see it's going to be plenty slow anyway and now you might be able to see a slight glitch in this animation and that's actually because I forgot to uncheck the well option on our connect object so that that fixes that that blooms a smoother syrup the next thing I'd like to do with this is that just a tiny bit of thickness to it some select the connect object and go up to simulate under cloth I will find myself a cloth surface and I'll make sure to turn down the subdivisions and then just turn up the thickness to 1 and we get some fun action as well to run this license and the plot surface into the subdivision surface and while we are in here I'm just going to change the you these two boundary mode because we'll need that for when we texture this later so even though we've added thickness to these petals these still look quite flat so let's change that and also add a bit more randomness I'm going to create a particle force namely a turbulence I'm going to select my jiggle object and drag in our turbulence into the forces sad so now I'll inflate three you've probably come to the difference until we really turn up the power of this I'll set it to 250 and now you see that it kind of and some Wiggles and wobbles on our petals which is quite nice it's just a little bit wrong at the moment so I just turn up the scalars a bit until it looks about right and turn down the frequency so it doesn't change as quickly and looks a bit less jarring and now we actually have a rather nice animation you the next step would be to add all the petals in and find a nice representative frame to stop her and then I'll go into a cloner object and add in up to and go for 80 petals right now and now we have this rather nice flower shape as well now I'll just do a quick render of this so I'm going to move it up first because I have an immiscible floor here that don't intersect so I'll move it up about 200 centimeters and I can do a quick render as you can see it's just a dull gray flower in a dull gray room so to remedy this I'm going to create a new material which I'll apply to our connect object and I'll name it petal because everything in this goddamn scene is named petal then I can get started by adding a gradient to our color Channel and I'll turn over to Gaul so it goes from the inside of petal to the tip and then I'm going to make sure the inside of petal is slightly blue or rather darkly because I want to make a blue flower blue flowers and nice and then at the outer part I wanted to be slightly brighter blue now obviously this needs to be an alien flower so I'm going to go ahead and add some luminance to this as I make things alien in the texture Channel I want a layer shader into that layered shader I'm going to add another gradient this one also needs to be vertical I'm going to make just the outer edges glow slightly I'll turn up the black points almost all the way to the top and then I'm going to make that glow blue as well just go over the rest of the flower I also want an intermediate point here which is a slightly darker shade of blue and a bit more colourful and then I'm going to go in and change the interpolation from smooth not to cubic not and after that I can turn up the intensity of the brightest point something like 125 and then I also make it slightly more blue because now is going to be blown out and then I'll also make the intermediate point slightly more blue so now I get this nice and lovely quite natural-looking fall off and rendering it again we can see that it looks a bit more interesting now but you know what else makes it look more interesting texture I'll turn off cycle for now and then I go back into our layer shader and create a brand new noise texture the noise type I want is not the regular one I want the over annoys because I find that one looks quite swirly in natural I'll stretch that out on the y-axis set lattice thousand percent then I also have to make sure I change the space from texture to UV space back in our layer share or change the transfer mode of the nice texture to multiply so that gives resolve is brand new detailing the glove now go and do the same thing in our luminance channel multiply and then the brightness up to a hundred and fifty percent so we get this really intense glow around the edges give it a render and you can see it looks so much more interesting than what we add before some aspects are still a bit shy though so let's address that response of this specular still has that default specular look to it so one get rid of that default specular and create my own GD X specular setting the roughness to roughly 33% and all the other parameters are fine for now I just want to add a friend now I'm going to add one of the default dielectric ones why not whiskey for Sarah makes sense doesn't it give me that a quick render we can see that it has a slightly bit of Sheen to the petals if anything I'm going to turn the roughness down slightly to give it a bit more of a waxy look next up I'm going to add a bump because it needs that bit of extra detail regular noise will do just fine I just need to stretch that out on the y-axis same as I did with the luminance noise and then change this one from texture space to UV space they should turn up the clown so around 50% should be another render and Byam suddenly has all this detail these ridges like petals might do anything left for us to do now really is to make this infinitely loop and the way to do that is to bring up a timeline and make sure our animation tracks also have a keyframe on frame 0 and frame 100 then it can just select all the keyframes come on drag to copy those then I'll just make sure to copy these for as long as we want my animation to go on now this is kind of the bad way of doing it normally I would just go and select my animation tracks and on the properties I'd select before and after to repeat and then just enter the amount of repetitions I want that's because we're using a cloner with a time offset that's just not going to work it needs keyframes so this is the way we do it for now just click and drag and copy for as long as you have to but once you've done that it should and up with something a little like this so now that you know how to make a blooming flower next up learn how to make a stem grow from just a tiny sprout to fully formed flower but less next time and until that time best of luck with your botany and remember to stay an infinite looping motion [Music] [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Daniel Danielsson
Views: 281,665
Rating: 4.9805355 out of 5
Keywords: tutorial, cinema 4d, motion graphics, 3d, VFX, GFX, after effects, how to, animation, blooming, flower, timelapse, blossom, sprout, bud, infinite, petals, leaves, alien, space, looping animation, loop
Id: YPJyMG1J964
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 22sec (982 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 01 2017
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