BLEACH: The Hollows | Complete Breakdown

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foreign for everything you need to know about the hollows two weeks ago I released this video going through everything you need to know about the Shinigami including their power system and the World building of Soul Society before that I made a video describing the very basics of the universe and outlining the fundamentals of the power system this will be the third video in my bleach World building Series where we will be exploring the entire universe the different races that exist within the different Realms their respective Power Systems and everything else about them let's Dive Right into this much like the Shinigami we don't have very many specific dates for certain events in the history of the hollows the only concrete thing we know is that the world took on its current form sometime over a million years ago that's when the separate Realms were created before the soul society and hueco Mundo's creation there was no border between life and death a Time known as the primordial age in my previous video about the Shinigami I explained how the soul king who ruled during this age was sealed and mutilated by the ancestors of Soul society's five great noble families but all that really matters for the purposes of this video is that Hollows existed during that primordial age and we can infer that they were very different to the hollows we are familiar with in the current day how these Hollows came into existence is something left completely unclear all we do really know is that even in this age there was a cycle of reishi the hollows eventually began devouring humans at a ridiculous rate which completely halted this cycle threatening the state of the entire universe all of those Souls devoured by the hollows came together to form one gigantic Hollow the first ever menosgrande and thus the world became completely still and then the Soul King came into being and destroyed this massive Hollow that is made up of what we can only assume to be millions of Souls of reyatu combined the menos was turned in Sands of reishi which was eventually used to create huaku Mundo by the ancestors of the five Great noble families during the time between that event a million years ago and the current timeline huacomundo has gone through very drastic changes in only the last hundred years there's been three separate rulers of the realm which is a tiny fraction of its history hueco Mundo has never had a centralized government or military in the hollow world the strongest caused shots you either eat or you are eaten one day baragan who eventually serves on the Eisen as the second the spider was naturally born as a vasto lord menos he conquered the realm and crowned himself the god king of weko Mundo at some unknown time before the start of the story he turned the Wasteland into a place with some semblance of order he had his own Court of Hollows he claimed the Fortress and named It Las noches which eventually became the heart of the realm barragan's first real threats came in the form of a massive ancient Hollow known as ikomokidomoi they came to acknowledge each other's strength and even made it pact that they would never interfere with each other out of acknowledgment that the other could very well kill them then Eisen came into the picture alongside gin and torsin he usurps baragan and takes over Las noches after what we can only assume to be hundreds of years of unchallenged rule but again had grown quiet complacent he notes that he is Bored wondering what point there is in having an army if you have nobody to fight he states that he's been considering splitting his army into two and have them battle to their death simply for some form of entertainment welcoming Eisen in hopes he'll provide him with something like that of course he couldn't have known just who he was talking to but clearly maragan doesn't just hand over his kingdom to Eisen he's simply too prideful to do so there was definitely some battle involved or Eisen just used kyoka suigetsu to handle him but the ultimate point is that hueco Mundo becomes eisen's territory following this he establishes the Espada and makes some pretty big changes to the realm Eisen builds a new version of Las noches creates a sunlit sky within the Fortress and really just tries to introduce civilization in the realm that has only ever known conflict and bloodshed and that brings us to the start of the story and the current day where everything is as we see in both the aranka and Thousand-Year blood War arcs following eisen's defeat at the hands of Ichigo Tia haribel takes Commander Fuego Mundo for a short-lived tenure as yuhaba is reborn and takes it from her with ears I am fully aware there are so many Side Stories regarding huacomundo in the light novels but I want to focus on the most important details bringing us to the current day the race of Hollows if we can even call them a race are born from The Souls of humans that do not cross over to Soul Society after their deaths the reason for this ranges anywhere from despair regrets or unfinished business from their lifetime spent as a human this is explicitly explained by Rukia in chapter 28. one of the shinigami's main jobs which we discussed in the previous video is to perform the console ritual on pluses which is crucial not just for the cycle of souls but to prevent the birth of Hollows any Soul who is not guided to Soul Society via the console ritual may eventually turn into a hollow a good example of this process is orihime's older brother Sora together they fled from their abusive parents and became the most important people to each other then Sora died in a tragic car accident and when he became a plus he became increasingly obsessive of Orihime with limited ways to interact with the living many pluses find that they are able to cope when their loved ones moved on and this is exactly what happened to Sora he became filled with jealousy at the fact Orihime began praying for him less and less and instead starts praying for her new friends in tatsuki and Ichigo he eventually became a hollow and ironically this process would have the focus of his obsession his younger sister Orihime be his first victim had Ichigo not been there to save her the process of a plus turning into a hollow is visually depicted through the chain of Fate which resides in the center of a Plus's chest the chain of Fate slowly corrodes over time coinciding with the degradation of the Soul's ties to The Living World this corrosion can be accelerated under specific conditions such as when a plus is attacked by a hollow all they have given into extreme despair when the chain completely decays the soul is reborn as a hollow and in place of the chain of Fates a hole opens up on their chest signifying that they have their hearts pluses who are not able to leave the human world because they regret leaving something behind or known as either jubakure or tsukere the primary distinction being that jibakure are bound to a place whereas tsukere are bound to a person making orihime's older brother a tsukide a demi-holo is a jibakure or tsukere that's in the process of evolving into a hollow but this process can take anywhere from weeks to months once a soul becomes a hollow it is driven by an eternal and insatiable hunger to devour other Souls both living and dead to fill the void where their heart once was most Hollows become mindless creatures concerned only with finding the most potent souls to devour those high in spiritual power this is why ichigo's home is attacked in the very first chapter the hollow was drawn there by ichigo's exceedingly potent rarioku for a human other than humans the races in bleachers world have specific theme which each take inspiration from a certain culture and language Kubo has actually been asked if there is any specific meaning behind his language choices to which he responded for the eranka I thought that Spanish sounds very passionate and a little erotic which matches their wild lifestyle German sounds cold harsh and methodic something that matches these straightforward methods of the quincies I'd also like to use French at some point because it sounds very elegant but I can't figure out a good way to include it into the story I guess that means characters in the hell Arc are going to be speaking French which is oddly fitting the Quincy are inspired by the German with Quincy in German literally meaning monk of Destruction the Shinigami are inspired by the Japanese with Shinigami in Japanese meaning god of death and the hollows are inspired by the Spanish with the word Hollow translating to hueco in Spanish meaning Hollow old these themes fashion so many aspects of their respective race even having an instrumental role in their soundtracks we all know the greatness of the espadas soundtracks foreign [Music] year blood War for the Quincy While most Hollows are evil or at the very least mindless there are quite a few exceptions who we meet across the story Nell and her adoptive brothers dondochaka and piche are good examples of this others include Grim Zhao and his pack they are definitely evil but they're not mindless and are capable of camaraderie and loyalty his subordinates were voluntarily sacrificed parts of themselves for the sake of grim jowl's growth the hollows aren't nearly as one-dimensional as they may seem on the surface there is a hierarchy within their race and certain special Hollows with sentience and freedom of choice do exist though Kubo does make it very clear that these guys are mostly demonic and violent interestingly the stronger Holo is the more it begins to resemble the human it once was the white skull-like masks they wear are formed from the hearts they had lost as humans this mask protects the naked instinct which is left in a being after the the loss of its heart the very essence of their soul and it also obscures the original identity of the hollow it can be shattered temporarily allowing the hollow to regain its original identity but it will regenerate after a short period once the hollow takes over again this fundamental aspect of their appearance is one of the only things that's consistent among all Hollows other than the mosque they all differ greatly in terms of how they look they very rarely appear the same but the one metric of their appearance that can be consistent is their size only among the classification of Menos as I stated the stronger a hollow the more it begins to resemble a human and their differences in size among the classification of Menos is a clear visual indicator of that the only artificially created pure Hollow we know of in the series is Wyatt who lives within Ichigo and was created by Eisen I would not be surprised if there have been others in the very long history of the universe but without something like the whole Yoku they would never have posed a universal threat the destruction of Hollows by a Shinigami Zam pacto is a pretty interesting concept because Shinigami aren't actually killing them but rather purifying them of the sins they committed as a hollow thus returning them to their former state of being a plus this allows the spirit to enter the soul Society normally as if they never became a hollow to begin with but in cases where the hollow was a terrible person as a mortal and committed great sins it's returned to a plus will summon the gates of hell this is exactly why the Quincy's methods of handling Hollows is so problematic rather than purifying them they completely destroy them including their souls which has disastrous effects on the cycle of Souls and just general balance of the universe that is everything you need to know about the race of hollows from a fundamental standpoint but will be going much deeper and begin looking at different menos classification and what makes a naranka in just a few minutes before that though let's talk about the hollow world is a place for the Restless Dead The Hollows who know of nothing but hunger just like its inhabitants hueco Mundo is empty composed of an endless desert of White Sands and odd tree-like objects under a Perpetual black Sky these trees aren't plants but rather made up of a quartz like substance further emphasizing just how lifeless this realm truly is strong winds can stir up sandstorms and some inhabitants of hueco Mundo where capes and cloaks to protect themselves from those storms much like the soul Society the atmosphere of huecon Mundo is composed of reishi in this case fairly strong reishi stronger than Soul societies which is sufficient enough to nourish small Hollows without them needing to feed on other Hollows to survive the world is in constant nighttime and the moon of work on Mundo has a direct opposite lunar cycle to that of the human worlds further reiterating that humans and Hollows are opposites hueco Mundo exists somewhere between the human world and the Soul Society but its exact location is unknown it is separated from the bordering Dimension between the human world and the Soul Society known as the dangai which means there's only one thing connecting to the rest of the universe and that brings us onto the garganta and can't fear your own world we get this line if the world of the living and the Soul Society could be likened to planets and the pipeline that connected them were the dangai the void of space that surrounded those was called garganta This is a simple metaphor used to explain bleacher's cosmology each realm is a spherical structure much like all planets that float around within the garganta much like space however the garganta isn't actually space it's a void of turbulent ratio unlike the space we know you can breathe in the garganta and you can't access it by just leaving the atmosphere of any realm this hypothetical diagram I'm on screen right now perfectly captures what I mean it's a separate Dimension that you can't physically travel to hence why I had to make it clear that this is not actually space for example you can't just fly off of Soul society and enter the garganta like you would leave Earth and Enter space you need to open a dimensional portal to access the garganta much like the dangai which connects the soul society and the human world time functions differently within the garganta this garganta connects to a Commando to the other Realms Hollows travel between Dimensions as they see fit through the gargante there are multiple ways in which one can access this void of turbulence ratio the Kumon is a spatial Distortion which gillians typically use to travel between Realms the K kaigi is a keto technique used by urahara which connects the space tying two worlds together to open a portal to the garganta this opening is generated between two large wooden posts jutting out from two large rock formations descore is a technique used by a spider level of rancor and sometimes others to open a portal to the garganta in order to travel between Realms and lastly Mayuri opened the portal into the garganta using a device he found while in weku mundo gorganta means throat in Spanish and black cavity in Japanese both of these meanings complementing each other very nicely and capturing exactly what the dimension feels like as a part of bleacher's cosmology the only other named area that really matters with regards to hueco Mundo is Las noches I'm aware there is also a forest of medos from episode 147 of the anime which was actually confirmed to be Canon by Kubo in volume 29 but other than the fact that exists it doesn't really matter for the purpose of this video Las noches is a fortress located in Wako mondor previously ruled by baragan until Eisen usurped him and took control over the entire realm this massive Fortress can be seen for miles it consists of a main building with a domed center surrounded by several large towers and smaller buildings Atop The Dome are five smaller Towers which appear to contain areas such as Islands throne rooms and the Espada Meeting Hall the inside of Las noches Dome simulates the Blue Sky of the human world something Eisen introduced once he took control over the Fortress each of the aspada have their own area within Las noches of which we've seen five Stark's resting room haribel's Palace zomari's meditation room zayaporo's lab and the aronieros palace Torsen and gin both have their own control rooms and there's also a jail cell which Orihime was kept in for a short while in comparison to the soul Society there isn't too much to talk about with regards to ekon Mundo's Physical World building it's a Barren Wasteland which perfectly suits its inhabitants it doesn't really need to be any more than what it is finally we arrive at the menos the subgroup of hollow we are most interested in for the purposes of this video the majority of Hollows come from a single human soul but menos also known as menosgrande or the amalgamation of hundreds of normal Hollows resulting in a single composite entity of far greater power menos are created when the void within an ordinary hollow's heart becomes so substantial that human souls are incapable of sustaining it at which point it begins devouring other Hollows these cannibal Hollows are attracted to one another and a mass devouring follows resulting in the final cannibal Hollow that remains evolving into a Gillian following this transformation the Gillian type menos can evolve twice more first into an educus and finally into a vasto Lord provided certain conditions are met menos evolution is not only contingent upon the menos eating other lows but also upon the menos's ability to avoid being eaten themselves if another Hollow succeeds in devouring even a single part of their body Evolution becomes impossible for the one who is wounded this way these guys are considered so dangerous that Soul Society sends only highly trained Shinigami teams to handle them even if it's just a Gillian the weakest type of Menos let's quickly break down everything we know about the three types of Menos Gillian are the first and weakest of the menos there are many of them they all look alike and they're referred to as foot soldiers in an army of Hollows these are the medals who are generally referred to in textbooks within Seoul Society they're kinda like the staple of Menos since edutus and vasto Lord are pretty rare to come across in terms of appearance they all look pretty similar they're massive have a white mosque and a nose that looks like Usos their bodies are covered from head to toe with a big black cloak around their neck is a row of thin white spikes they have large white hands long white nails and very strong tongues that are capable of breaking a fellow hollow's mask though gillians usually have no personality which is what makes them so dangerous since they have no mind of their own one of the many Hollows within the Gillian might gain control over the newly formed entity reflected in the unique mosque it wears in comparison to a normal Gillian only these Gillian variants have the potential to evolve into a Jewish class menos a duchess are the second type of Menos they are much smaller than Gillian's and far fewer in number but they're also much smarter and much stronger than them these guys give orders to the gillians usually leading them into battle they're powerful enough to challenge a captain of the golti 13. in terms of appearance these guys can hugely vary anywhere from bulky humanoid Hollows to the panther-like form of grim gel before he became a naranka due to how rare it is for a single Hollow within a minnows to gain control over evolving even further from a duties to vasto Lord is incredibly rare so rare that only a few of these guys exist in all of Seoul Society not only do they have to keep devouring other Hollows but they themselves can't be even slightly devoured as previously explained vasto Lord are the final type of Menos the highest level of evolution extremely rare in number is said that the amount of vast or Lords within all of work and wonder can be counted with the fingers on one's hands it is also stated that the combat capabilities of these vast or Lord are above those of captains of the gote 13. these vasto Lord are extremely small roughly the same size as a human as previously explained the more powerful a hollow and more ayatsu it has the more it resembles a human the process for the creation of a vasto lord is unknown grimjao and his pack hypothesized that and the Judas can become a vast oh Lord by devouring large amounts of Hollows however xiaolong and his group found this method to be ineffective after devouring 3 000 Hollows xiaolong speculated that a vasto Lord is determined upon an individual's birth as a hollow or perhaps even before that introducing a layer of Fate to the vast oh Lord which strongly ties into the messaging of bleach especially in this Saga the aranka or Hollows that have ripped off their masks and gained shinigami-like Powers which is evidenced by the Spanish name aranka directly translating as to tear off an average Hollow becoming a naranka isn't really a problem for the goatee 13 but the same cannot be said for menos class Hollows eisen's hogyoku is used to turn many of the menos living in hueco Mondo into aranka though there are also many natural born aranka like stork baragan and urukura it's made quite clear that the hogyoku aranka possess far greater power potential than Natural Born ones which I guess is a huge Testament to the strength of some of the top Espada who had no hulkyoku interference for their power aranka differ from ordinary Hollows in several ways especially vasto Lords these guys have 100 humanoid forms and the scale that's been implemented is basically the lower their intelligence the more they look like Hollows the higher the more they resemble humans each aranka has a unique stigma which is a pattern that resembles a fragment of a hollow's mask we also learned through uru's fight with chiruchi the arankana only share the powers of Shinigami but their Anatomy as well he aims for the area where the sakitsu would be located on a Shinigami and upon striking it tsuruchi immediately loses not only her release form and a stigma but seemingly all traces of her formal power and finally the arankazam pacto these things are entirely different from the zanpaktor that Shinigami used but they're pretty interesting and we'll be talking about them later on when we explain the hollow's Power Systems the aranca on the eisen's command have a standard theme for their clothing their uniforms consist of a white jacket black sash white hakama which is a traditional type of Japanese trousers black tabi which are traditional Japanese socks and white zodigi which are traditional Japanese sandals these outfits bear an opposing similarity to the outfits of the Shinigami it's essentially just an inversion of the Shinigami uniform which provides some very interesting interplay between the two races especially considering how the aranka serve as villains and antagonists but Don predominantly white outfits which tend to be associated with the Good Guys across literature the aranca make up the bulk of eisen's strongest troops within his military despite not having a formal governments the strongest inhabitants of hueco Mundo do make up a military which is ruled over by Eisen or at least was ruled over by him known as eisen's aranca Army we don't know if this specific military structure was intact before foreign did have underlings each member of eisen's army has a number tattooed somewhere on their body which correspond with their rank within the Army the meaning of this number differs depending on which units the aranka is part of the prevaron Espada are former members of the Espada that have been demoted either for losing strength or losing usefulness to Eisen this happened to grimjao temporarily after his arm was cut off by Torsen the three main prevaron Espada were Number 103 dordani number 105 siruchi and number 107 moscada these three digit numbers were assigned to them and tattooed onto their bodies when they lost theirs by their ranks and they reside in the tresifras todoni stated that the prevaron Espada were all naturally created and rendered obsolete once Eisen began creating aranca artificially to meet his own standards reiterating the superiority of hogyoku aranka then there are the numeros who make up the bulk of the arankan numbers the moment Hollow is reborn into an aranca it is assigned a two-digit number starting from 11. this number indicates the order of their birth hence the higher the number the younger they are the strongest amongst the numeros can be hand-picked by Eisen and promoted to a spider which is why they're constantly trying to prove themselves fractions are numerous who serve a specific Espada as proof of their status as the strongest they as bad they have the right to select subordinates from among the numeros to supervise directly they can choose however many fraction or none at all the equias act as the execution division for eisen's Army radbourne is their only true member with the rest of the group consisting of the Calaveras which are created by his resurrection's ability this unit is responsible for terminating Rebels or Intruders in Las noches and they are supported it to the Espada they also clean up after each battle collecting data before killing any survivors they kill dodoni for failing to win against Ichigo or and they killed siruchi for failing to win against uru and finally the top brass of eisen's army the Espada they are the top 10 ranked and most powerful aranca in eisen's Army and unlike the numeros their numbers don't indicate the order of their birth but rather the amount of ferreroku they have zero having the most rarioku and 9 having the least it is implied that along with Eisen gin and tosin the Espada as a group possesses comparable strength to the golty 13 captains Eisen clearly has a lot of respect for the espada's abilities addressing them as his dear aspada and sitting at the head of the same table with them while discussing his plans he is comfortable confiding in them with goals of destroying karakura town and creating an awken even allowing the location of the whole Yoku to be public knowledge among them however this isn't just out of trust and respect but an unwavering confidence in his own ability to handle any betrayal if the need arises each of the Espada at the time of fake karakura Town embody one of the ten aspects of death a thematic underpinning for their characters we don't really get any Exposition on where these aspects of death come from and if this is something purely symbolic or not but I assume they are related to the lives they lived as humans the source of pain within their Hollow holes and thus the source of their power the number nine Espada was aroniero arurueri who embodied greed a very fitting symbol for the one who gained Power by eating other souls and absorbing their abilities he was the only member of the first generation aspada to not be demoted to a prevaron Espada and at some point in the past he gained the powers of Kai and sheba by absorbing the hollow who killed and fused with the former Lieutenant he's also the only member of the Espada to have been a Gillian before becoming a naranka the weakest class of Menos the fact he had no flexion under his wing and clearly preferred to be alone Suited his abilities and general personality as a cunning underhanded manipulator who lurked in the shadows he was ultimately killed in his battle against Rukia where his greed is most evident as he prioritizes torturing her over quickly killing her to his own detriment the number eight Espada was zairoporo grants who embodied Madness given he was the mad scientist of eisen's army this makes perfect sense Zio was killed by Mayuri and dragged into hell where he now serves as a Jailer we receive a staggering amount of information on zairoporo's past in the light novels specifically Spirits are forever with you but that's a topic for another day I haven't read that one yet he is highly narcissistic and just generally quiet sadistic viewing others as little more than research material among the Espada zairoporo has by far the most fraxion he personally modified each of them so that he can heal his wounds by eating them the only named fraxion under his wing were all unknown numbers the number seven aspada was zomari ruro who embodied Hedonism a very interesting symbol given his personality as this super calm and contemplative dude who's always meditating in his residence but as we learned from his battle against byakuya this is but a facade that quickly crumbles Under Pressure his overzealous nature is his downfall leading him to severely underestimate byakia and ultimately be killed by him his Hedonism is most apparent with his obsessive Devotion to Eisen his last words praising his master like aroniero zomari had no frlexion the number six Espada was Grim Zhao jaggerjak who embodied destruction he was temporarily replaced by Lupi for acting outside of eisen's orders but quickly returned to his position after killing them Grim Zhao is an absolute madman he's brutal impulsive and very violent but despite this he does have some form of code of Honor best scene when he's unwilling to fight against an injured Ichigo and tries to force Orihime to heal him before becoming an avanca he was a panther-like a duchess class he ruled over a group of other Jews who were all like him trying to evolve into vasto Lord but despite devouring thousands of Hollows they simply couldn't progress onto that final stage Grim Giles fraction is composed of those same adjuters he met in his past life before being reborn as a naranka xiaolong was the leader of those fraction until he was killed by hitsugya and he was the number 11 numeros making him the oldest of them all Edward Leones was number 13 and killed by ikaku nakim grindino was number 14 and killed by rangiku ilford grants the older brother of zairoporo was number 15 and killed by renji and lastly deroy was number 16 and killed by rookia grimdale stays alive until the very end of the Bleach Manga the number 5 Espada was neutara gilga who embodied despair he was once the number eighter spider but reached the position of number five by defeating Nelly L with the help of zairoporo there is a lot that can be said about noitara so much so he honestly deserves his own analysis it's quite difficult to summarize his character in just a few lines but his aspect of death being despair says quite a lot about him he was consumed by despair as a purposeless hollow the only thing he found joyin was fighting to fight until only he remains as the strongest being or until he dies very fitting that he dies at the hands of someone very similar to him in kempachi he had one fraxion number 50 tesra Lindo Cruz the number four spider was urukyo rashifa who embodied nihilism he is one of the most unique members of the aswada he isn't particularly violent despite his cold and dispassionate personality and only fights when provoked to or ordered to by Eisen urukura was ostracized by other Hollows when he was born due to being white whereas those around him were all black he wanted to Echo Mundo in complete isolation until he came across a white tree where he planned to commit suicide he found the tree satisfying and sank into it destroying part of his mask and rebirthing him into anaranka his nihilism is most evident in his backstory and interactions with Orihime where he genuinely cannot understand why she has so much faith in her friends and feels such profound feelings towards them ironically it is only in his death where he is freed from this nihilism and comes to understand what it means to feel urikora had no fraxion and was killed by Ichigo in their battle on the Dome of Las noches the number three Espada is Tia haribel who embodied sacrifice she is calm and analytical and afraxion consists of three female aranca known as the Tres Bestia who have all followed haribel since their pre-aranka times much like urikiora haribel is quietly unique aranca she shows a lot of love and empathy towards her fraxion and a hollow hole is located where a woman's womb would be which ties into her aspect of death incredibly fittingly Eisen attempted to kill and sacrifice her in fake karakura town but she survived and went on to rule over hueco Mundo until yuhaba arrived over a year later and absolutely destroyed her her current status is unknown but we can assume she's alive due to the fact she was never confirmed to be dead which is something Kubo usually goes out of his way to do whenever a character does actually die the number two Espada is baragan Louisiana who embody its senescence also known as old age this coincides with his ability to dramatically accelerate the age of whatever he touches we've spoken about baragan a lot over the course of this video he was the former king of Waco Mundo before Eisen took over the role film and in his final moments he attempts to kill Eisen in a pitiful showing where his attack doesn't even reach the king ironically he is killed by hachigen who uses his own ability against him killing Barragan with the very power he considered to be absolute baragan had many fraxion who referred to him by his former title of royalty as your majesty which implies they followed him even before they became followers of Eisen these fraxion include number 20 Charlotte schulhorn number 22 abiramareda number 24 findor kalias number 25 choning Pao number 26 giovega and number 27 near Jay parduk crazy ass names the number one Espada is coyote Stark who embodied Solitude this man was so lonely he split his soul into two eranka in order to escape that loneliness Lily net gingerbuck is the counterpart to his soul and his only flexion he joined Eisen to meet others as powerful as himself and the reason Stark was so lonely and envied those weaker than him is because his power was so ridiculous that simply being in his presence was enough to kill most Hollows all he ever wanted was friends to not feel lonely which makes his death at the hands of shunsui especially tragic given how he is burdened by extreme loneliness as well and has nobody to confide in with regards to his trauma and finally we arrive at number zero with the perceived highest amount of rarioku among olispada Yami Lago who embodied rage not much to say about this guy he was just angry all the time and we were led to believe he was the number 10 aranka but in his released form the one melts away leaving just the zero he was killed by both byakuya and Zaraki kempachi the Espada are one of the most infamous villain groups in not just bleach but anime and manga as a whole they represent the full extent of what Hollow is capable of in terms of power and sentience hopefully this quick quick breakdown of each of them was sufficient and we can move on to the different powers exclusive to the hollows Hollows have their own set of powers and aranka take it to the next level so we'll start by going through the hollow power system and then the aranca even though it's technically the same thing since alanka all Hollows but yeah you know what I mean much like Shinigami Hollows have a multitude of combat skills and abilities most of which are usually unique depending on the hollow they usually acquire energy to power their abilities by devouring Souls but smaller ones can ingest energy from the atmosphere when in Realms with a high concentration of spiritual energy such as the Irish you constituted Soul Society of a hollow is essentially poisoned to a Quincy completely destroying their souls where to enter their bodies which is why they are their sworn enemies and live to destroy them Hollows have a number of named abilities including soul body separation which allows a hollow to forcibly extract a Living spirit from their body this isn't usually used by Hollows since most of them would rather just devour the spirit but only hime's brother did use this on her so they could speak with one another shrika also uses it to trap yuichi in the body of a parakeet acidic touch is when a hollow grabs a human with their hands in the area which they grabbed is burned as if acid were poured onto it pretty self-explanatory technique this makes the hollows riyatsu seep into the victim which happened to both orehime and Chad and is widely believed to have awakened their abilities The Settle is a highly powerful blast of energy which can be fired from various body parts but this has only been used by menos class Hollows the aranca and divisad we'll speak about this a little more shortly negation fields are used to rescue fellow Hollows we've seen Gillian class menos utilize this on some occasions and finally high speed regeneration is pretty much explained by the name alone it allows a hollow to heal most of its injuries very quickly with the exception of injuries to the head or vice little organs urikura states that most aranca trade in their high-speed region for far greater strength which brings us onto the aranka as previously explained aranka or Hollows that have removed their masks and gained shinigami-like powers and that really does capture the way they fight these guys are very very similar to the Shinigami with some distinct differences they even have their own zampakto though these things function completely differently to a Shinigami zambaktor the aranka sealed the nuclei of their abilities within the form of a sword meaning when they release their zampaktosil they unleash their true powers and true forms the combat efficiency of anaranka with a release zanpaktor is increased several times over I like to think of these release forms as an inversion of Bankai instead of them unleashing their zampaktor Spirits they are temporarily restoring themselves to their true form bringing back their Hollow Powers this is known as a resurrection which is activated with a command phrase followed by the name of their zampakto very similar to a Bankai indeed aranka powers are both similar to the shinigamis and variations of ordinary Hollow Powers Bala is a technique that fires hardened reishi it is much less powerful than the next technique but it can be successively fired at 20 times the rate and of course the next technique is the settle which we just mentioned a couple minutes ago a powerful blast of energy there are countless unique variations within the settle technique such as Cerro doble cero cornea Cerro syncretico the grand resero Cerro obscuras this is basically like the hollow Kamehameha just a massive blast of energy hiero refers to the outer skin of anaranca which has a high spiritual hardness and functions like armor pesquisa is a naranka's ability to measure and locate tarayatsu much like the shinigami's reikaku and finally sonido is the aranka's ability for high-speed footwork the equivalent to a Shinigami according to urukuro at any Espada ranked fourth or higher are not allowed to release their zampakto within last notches nor are any of the Espada allowed to discharge a grand race settle as both are powerful enough to destroy the majority of Las noches which is pretty insane given how massive last notches is the abilities of each Hollow and each aranca are so vast and unique and there's honestly not much more I could say for the fundamental elements of their power system how they go about using their area code is what sets them apart after all the vast amounts of radio coup is what makes them such a threat to begin with I honestly might make a video someday just as long as this one talking about each of the espada's individual fighting style and how their abilities complement their characters because much like the Shinigami it's absolutely glorious just how many subtle bits of character work are packed into the smallest details of their abilities the visors aren't technically Hollows but rather a group of Shinigami who have acquired Hollow Powers through the use of eisen's incomplete hogyoku they are the complete antithesis of the aranca vizid or Shinigami who have gained Hollow powers and aranca or Hollows who have gained Shinigami Powers there are eight known Visage aside from Ichigo himself their story is covered in the turn back the pendulum flashback which takes us back in time a hundred years ago in Seoul Society let me know if you guys would like to see me cover that on this channel at some point in the future these guys are completely indistinguishable from ordinary Shinigami but by donning a hollow mosque they gain access to their Hollow Powers they are all former captains and lieutenants within Seoul Society actually we might as well just quickly go through them Shinji hirako the former captain of the fifth division love ikawa the former captain of the seventh division Rogero otoribashi more commonly known as Rose who is the former captain of the third division kensei muguruma the former captain of the ninth division mashiro kuna the former Lieutenant of the ninth division under kensei hyori sarugaki the former Lieutenant of the 12th Division and the former lieutenant ketoku and finally Elisa yadomaru the former Lieutenant of the eighth division Shinji Rose kensei mashiro and Lisa were orientated to their former positions after eisen's defeat with the exception of Lisa who wasn't just reinstated but promoted to captain of the eighth division following the death of Yamamoto and promotion of shunsui to Captain Commander when Hollow find the wizard have enhanced speed and haunts strength enhanced endurance and enhanced terrarioku they can also fire settles just like the aranka and their power is just generally augmented as they have both the power of a hollow and the power of ishinigami working in tandem according to Eisen the fusion of these two spiritual entities allows the visor to reach power levels for surpassing that of either an exclusive Hollow or Shinigami which explains why Ichigo is such a monster by the end of the series we finally reached the end of the video These joints are hard to make man I'm fully aware that this is very different to the typical analysis content I make but I plan to make it all come full circle by the end all of the research that's required for these huge information based videos is tiring but it's also opening my eyes to a lot of details I missed in my read through there's just so many layers going into this universe and the different races that inhabit the different worlds all of these things coalesce to create this incredibly convincing multifaceted societal structure that constantly feeds into itself it's one of the most interesting approaches to World building I've ever personally come across and I cannot wait to finish this series so we can move on to analyzing everything I am explaining leeches World building is [ __ ] awesome and I really hope this series can help convince more people of that fact with that being said though guys thank you so much for watching and I look forward to seeing you guys in two weeks when I explain everything you need to know about the Quincy
Channel: Radman
Views: 25,341
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ichigo kurosaki, bleach anime, tite kubo, bleach, bleach new anime, top 10 favourites, ichigo, aizen, grimmjow, ulquoirra, kenpachi, yamamoto, ichigo vs yhwach, the blade is me, everything but the rain, hell, bleach hell, bleach hell arc, power system, reishi, reiryoku, reiatsu, bleach power system, bleach manga, bleach explained, shinigami, byakuya, breakdown, lore, world building, espada, hollows, arrancar, ulquiorra, starrk, barragan, harribel, menos, menos grande, hollows explained
Id: 7r7N83wk2v0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 19sec (2659 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 23 2023
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