BLEACH: The Quincy | Complete Breakdown

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foreign welcome to the fourth video in the bleach World building series we are looking at all the different races that exist within the different Realms their respective Power Systems and just the World building in general previously we looked at Hollows before that we broke down the Shinigami and today I will be explaining everything you need to know about the race of Quincy much like the hollows the origin of the race of Quincy's is unknown ishin claimed that johabar began the Quincy and that his blood flows in every Quincy however we know this to be untrue based on baz Bee's words in his flashback to further supplement this idea the soul King is described as a being of all Races excluding only the hollows in the can't fear your own world novels the Quincy the Soul Reapers and also the fullbringers it could be said that he is the ancestor of them all he was a Quincy and also at the same time a soul Reaper and also just a normal person bearing countless abilities like a fullbringer based on this statement it seems the soul King was the first ever Quincy though his existence is far too complicated to refer to him as such rather it is more fitting to say that all Quincy come from the soul King including his son yuhaba now whether you have is the soul King's biological Offspring or just a symbolic child is unconfirmed though I seriously doubt the former I don't think they're connected by Blood but rather by something spiritual these two individuals are the closest things to deities in the world of bleach sometime in the distant past a baby was born the child could not see his speak nor move it had no means of survival yet it knew that it would survive people around him treated the child like a treasure as his mere presence would grant them things they were lacking Health loneliness fear even missing limbs were taken care of as this child had the power to impart his soul the people granted these things did not live for long and their deaths would return the pieces of this child's Soul previously imparted within them despite dying so shortly after being in contact with the child people still flocked towards him taking part of his soul and returning it back to him in death this is the process by which he regained his senses the child went on to become worshiped as a deity people referred to him by the name of the gods they worshiped he decided to make that name his own this child is johaba every Quincy we meet in the story is governed by their father the child I just mentioned by juhaba he is the progenitor of the current generation of Quincy whom they Revere as their King their lord the blood of johabah flows within every Quincy the relationship between yuhaba and his Quincy is characterized by contrast all Quincy have the ability to gather reishi from their surroundings and turn it into their own power whereas yuhaba their Majesty has the opposite ability to share his own power through his soul over 200 years after his birth yahaba had formed the kingdom of Quincy known as the lichtreich in the human world this is where he meets a child just like him jugaram hashvalt another Quincy with the ability to impart pieces of his soul who yuhaba refers to as his other half the stone little were formed in preparation for the Quincy attack on Soul society and some unknown time after this we arrive at the war that took place a thousand years before the present the war between yuhaba's Kingdom and the golty 13 led by Shiga Kuni Yamamoto the Quincy were completely overpowered and before yuhaba could even begin to battle against Yamamoto he was stabbed from behind by sasakibe which paved the way for yamamoto's finishing blow then yuhaba loses his powers returning to a state much like the one he was born in senseless without a pulse in a position much like the one his father was forced into but again yuhaba knew he would survive survive Quincy folklore spoke of him as the sealed King and waited for his return chanting the king's him the confined Quincy King regains his pulse after 900 years his mind after 90 years and his strength after nine years of course there is more to this poem even without their father many Quincy continued living their lives in the human world fighting against the hollows that threatened their very existence the first Quincy we are introduced to in the story is uru Ishida who referred to himself as the last Quincy 200 years before the current day and 800 years after yuhaba's defeat the Quincy Massacre took place the Quincy posed a massive threat to the balance of the greater Universe their methods of combating the hollows is by completely eradicating them as opposed to the shinigami's use of zanpaktor which exonerates the hollow of its sins and keeps its Soul intact by destroying the soul itself the circulation of souls is threatened and in turn the balance of the universe as a result of this the Shinigami believed they had no option other than to completely exterminate the race of Quincy for the sake of the entire world however some Quincy did survive pure-blooded Quincy's became a rarity of extreme value so much so that their methods of dealing with Hollows changed drastically as seen in everything but the rain they would let the Shinigami handle the hollows only if the Shinigami is killed will they involve themselves and only with mixed blood Quincy as a purebred Quincy's blood was considered too valuable this is why masaki the last survivor of the Kurosaki Clan was taken in by the Ishida family and arranged to marry ryuken the Shinigami really did not treat the Quincy well though it is a very complicated relationship between the two races uru's grandfather Sorkin was under constant surveillance from the Shinigami and we can assume this was the case for every surviving Quincy only including johabar's close Circle who hid within the Shadows awaiting his inevitable return to life and that brings us to the ashvalen or consecration as an extension of his ability to distribute pieces of his soul to others yuhaba can forcibly take the power of other Quincy once he regained his mind nine years ago he used this technique to redistribute the power of the Quincy he selected all the Quincy he considered to be impure including those with mixed blood and took those powers and gave them to his loyal servants this is one reason why the stern Ritter are so powerful and this is also what led to the deaths of ichigo's mother masaki and urugu's mother katagiri but still this doesn't explain why uruyu is referred to as the last Quincy not only is he mixed blood which makes him impure in the eyes of other Quincy but there's literally a living pure blood Quincy in the form of none other than his father there are a few ways to explain this firstly in urduyu's mind he's the last Quincy because his father despises the queen and gave up his powers a long time ago of course both we and uruyu later find out that this isn't true and in fact Lucan is a far better fit for the title of the last Quincy but then why does yuhaba refer to uru as the last Quincy because uruyu is the only Quincy ever to have survived the ashvalen the consecration for all mixed blood and impure Quincy thus making him the last Quincy at least of the previous generation nine years following the ashwagen yuhaba regains his power and is fully reborn which brings us to chapter 480 the very beginning of bleacher's final Arc the Thousand-Year blood War the Quincy are living beings that reside in the world of the living they are so much like humans that they are generally considered to be humans albeits spiritually aware ones they aren't actually humans though Quincy are their own race separate from the other races remember the spiritual power level chart from the first video of this series where I explain the fundamental tools of bleacher's power system all of the Quincy have at least average spiritual power meaning they can see pluses Hollows and all other spiritual things the Quincy have the ability to absorb and manipulate reishi into spiritual weapons which is the bread and butter of their abilities we'll be talking about this in depth later on in the video Quincy are regarded as the polar opposite of shirigami on the equilibrium of races and this fact permeates through almost every aspect of their existence their designs their powers their philosophies their methods and their leaders all of these things directly contrast between the Quincy and Shinigami which is something else you'll see throughout this video since the Quincy are so similar to humans in terms of anatomy and other physical variables they can reproduce with them which they did many Quincy had children with regular humans and at some point within their history the Quincy began to distinguish themselves based upon an individual's ancestry and ultimately they adopted the practice of true breeding those who descended from a long line of only pure blooded Quincy with a pure Heritage came to be known as echt Quincy ER to be in German for real which we can extrapolate a lot of details from it's heavily implied that the Quincy Society was rooted in classism with a clear division between erquincy and the mixed Bloods who are seen as lesser and more Expendable especially following the Quincy extermination the Quincy are categorically defined as people who live in constant fear of death which is best represented by their leader yuhaba they Pride themselves as exterminators of Hollows unlike the Shinigami who purify the hollow sins and send them to Soul society and the main reason for this is fear Hollows are poisonous to Quincy if a Quincy is infected biohollow not only does their area could weaken but their soul itself is slowly destroyed and they die this is best seen with masaki in everything but the rain this is why they feel they must eradicate the hollows because they've never gotten along well with the Shinigami whose methods place them in extreme danger a very overt example of the Quincy being Polar Opposites to the Shinigami is their appearance their respective choices of uniform Shinigami where the shihakusho a traditional black flowing hakama whereas the Quincy where whites form-fitting High collared tunics the Quincy design takes clear inspiration from the khasics of Catholic priests something else that's crucial as you may have already noticed these guys are chock full of Christian symbolism and references yuhaba is literally a trinitarian deity who rules over his children but I'm getting ahead of myself this uniform gives the Quincy a westernized style of dress wear in comparison to the Shinigami whose designs are more easternized fitting nicely into their respective Germanic and Japanese themes it also fits the elegance and refined nature of the Quincy another Herring motif of Quincy which we see in almost every single one of them is that of a cross which appears frequently in all different shapes sizes and styles uru udon's a Celtic cross whereas Buchan his father Dons a pentacle the Quincy zergen is a five-pointed cross which appears in various aspects of Quincy powers and culture we'll talk about how it's used for certain abilities in that section of the video but for now we'll focus on the culture side of things there's a lot of cool theories and headcanons about the origin of this Mark the symbol being five lines all flowing into one Center Point very much resembling a pentagram funnily enough the pentagram was used in ancient times as a Christian symbol for the five senses or the Five Wounds of Christ the importance of this should be pretty self-explanatory johabar loses his senses and regains them according to the king's hymn so it's very fitting that the mark of his people reflects this the zeren can be given to non-quency allies such as the aranca who are forced in Army ultimately granting them the ability to perform Quincy abilities such as the shadow technique and spiritual Weaponry unlike the hollows or the Shinigami the Quincy do not have a designated realm for their entire race to reside in they have settled all over the place over the course of history and the storyline of bleach over a thousand years ago you have formed the kingdom of Quincy named in the human world which extended to all the nearby countries this kingdom was located in the Northern Territory of the planet and since the human realm is a clear one-to-one copy of our planet this is most likely referring to Europe we know very little about the list given it only really shows up in jugaram and basby's backstory but this was yahaba's first Kingdom and home of his Empire following their defeats against the gote 13 johaba's Empire moves to silburn and becomes the vandenreich silbern is this large icing crusted Palace that is used as the main base of operations for the Quincy thus becoming their new kingdom but where exactly is silburn located literally within the shadow of the cerete the shadow of the Soul society silburn and the city surrounding it resides in a dimension within the serete itself known as the this Shadow realm was created by the Quincy themselves after fleeing from the war with the Shinigami a thousand years ago literally hidden in plain sight the Quincy lived within the shadow of the Shinigami a very fitting location for their new kingdom echoing many thematic and symbolic motifs regarding their Dynamic with the Shinigami this Shadow Dimension cannot normally be seen or detected by the Shinigami hence why the new Empire is fittingly named The Invisible Empire much like weku Mundo this Shadow realm is incredibly Barren but again this makes perfect sense there isn't a massive active Empire here just the remnants of the original Empire who survived the war against the Shinigami a thousand years ago here they wait space patiently for their father to be reborn in this place encrusted with ice something I have a bit of a crackpot theory on now hear me out we know that yamamoto's Bankai zankon Otachi absorbs all the heat from the atmosphere which is what led to the heavy rainfall following the first Invasion the same thing could have happened a thousand years ago right when they created the shadow realm a lot of rain from the aftermath of yamamoto's Bankai may have been dragged into this new dimension and since there's no sun or natural source of heat that we can see it's likely that the water froze up which led to this abundance of ice let me know how believable this idea sounds it's not really important but I thought I'd throw it in here because it's a pretty cool idea during the Thousand Year blood War the vandenreich allows silburn and the shadow realm in general to replace the cerete which removes the five minute time constraint that previously hindered them in the first Invasion this time constraint is most likely tied to the fact that the shadow realm needs to be maintained and stabilized by hererioku spiritual power a similar principle to other Realms in the story for the sustenance of the realm and grander plans of johabar they had to stay in this Shadow realm until the time was right and they could carry out an Ola attack on the soul Society then later on in the ark following the death of the Soul King at the hands of yohaba another drastic change takes place yahaba absorbs the soul King and using his newfounded abilities he brings silbern and the entire Shadow realm to the soul King Palace and drastically Alters its appearance what was once a dimension of five separate distinct cities is now connected in a similar shape to the Quincy zahren the reconstructed Soul King Palace takes up a new name the varveldt which you have proudly proclaims will be the Cornerstone of the new world since it's a reconstruction of the Soul King Palace located in the Royal realm the means of access is still very hard to attain previously you had the Orkin and now there are ornate metal plates known as Gates of the Sun the shadow realm has an number of different locations of varying importance it serves as the Battleground for a majority of the Thousand-Year blood War and it's a pretty cool looking one given all the ice and abandoned buildings in the chatan there is the vandenreich city haribel's Prison Room the silburn Assembly Hall some very spacious hallways a war room for yuhaba Guardian statues of unknown symbols a throne room for yuhaba with a massive entrance that has a Quincy Zircon on his door and johaba's open air quarters this was taken straight from the wiki so if there's anything missing let me know in the comment section but I think that should be the main locations we see in the final Arc we only see jugaram bambieta and yuhoba's private quarters but we can assume that every member of the stern Ritter has their own private area we just didn't spend enough time outside of combat for Kubo to show us those areas the vandenreich also takes control over huekul Mundo right at the start of the blood War when johabar usurps haribel and they use the realm as a base of operations and also to take in the to use as Expendable soldiers as far as Quincy World building goes this is as much as we have for them finally we arrive at yuhaba's Empire the Vanden life and his military Yoruba is the Emperor and jugaram is his advisor who also serves as the substitute Emperor whilst Jehovah sleeps we'll talk about that a little more in the next section the Vandana has a very elaborate structure but there aren't as many ranks and divisions as there are in the gote 13 or eisen's aranca Army the van deraj mostly consists of a large number of skilled solat which is German for Soldier they're pretty much the equivalent of a low-ranked Shinigami the only division we know of outside of the stern Ritter who are the main force is quillage's hunting Army who conquer Mundo almost immediately after yuhaba was reborn they are entrusted with capturing aranca to serve the vandalier and executing everybody else aranka in a Quincy Army is a pretty ironic idea given that they are Hollows that have gained Shinigami power two things the Quincy absolutely detest Hollows are a poisonous threat to the Quincy and the Shinigami are their sworn enemy but despite that the aranka are forcefully drafted into the vandenreich the Quincy Empire they are considered useful because they're already somewhat powerful meaning no time needs to be wasted on prerequisite combat training and to johaba time is of the essence beyond their abilities as Fighters these guys are also regarded as Expendable which makes them even more useful the Quincy obviously don't get along well with the Iran car so they're simply using them as disposable forces that they can comfortably abandon and not have to account for these drafted arancas confiscated and are given a Quincy cross to replace it which grants them the ability to form spiritual weaponry and Traverse to and from the shadow realm oh and there's also a correspondence unit that maintains communication between the headquarters and operational units but they remain unnamed and we've only ever seen them a few times this isn't some massive Empire with strength in numbers rather the Vandana have made up of very powerful individuals who make up a force equal if not superior to the gote 13 with far less numbers after all most of these guys are the remnants of johaba's Empire which was defeated a thousand years ago and fled to the chatan beregh the reason they're so strong is because of the ashvalen and redistribution of power which is best seen in the main division of the van der Reich the stern Ritter the stanwitter are the lettered soldiers of yahaba's military yahaba's ability to share his soul and power to the Quincy is taken to another level with these guys by directly engraving letters signifying abilities onto a Quincy soul yohaba is able to share an even deeper more powerful soul to that Quincy which makes us then Ritter this process is known as an engraving ritual which is activated by the Quincy drinking yuhaba's blood upon the death of the stern Ritter that part of yuhaba's soul that was bestowed upon them returns to him bolstering his power they are lettered from A to Z and each have their own distinct epithets and unique ability known as a shrift that was bestowed on them the term shrift refers to the letters of the alphabet that were designated to the stern Ritter these special Quincy were created a thousand years ago specifically with the conquest of Soul Society in mind four of the stern litter are appointed as yuhaba's real God known as the should staffer a group much like the zero division of Soul Society the visual motifs of the should staff a lot based on different eras of War ancient medieval modern and current now there's a lot of guys to get through here so I won't be going all out with every single member of the stern it's about dedicate time to each of them appropriate to their relevance in the story a for the antithesis is none other than the first Quincy We Ever Meet uruyu Ishida his unique ability is event reversal which is pretty self-explanatory and one of the most broken abilities in all of bleach he is assigned to the shootstaffle as their fifth member as yuhaba takes extreme interest in him as the only survivor of the ash Valen and the kid he knows is going to try to betray and kill him keeping him close in anticipation B for the balance refers to jugaram hashvalt with the ability of Misfortune redirection jugaram can take the misfortune that occurs within his sphere of influence and disperse it to those who have experienced Good Fortune which he believes maintains balance in the world his Spirit weapon is The freund Shield a strong and sturdy shield on his left arm which displays a golden Quincy Zerg as the other half of yuhaba and the only other Quincy with the power to share their own power this is a very fitting ability for him jugaram is the stanlitter Grand Master the highest ranked among them whilst yuhaba is asleep he serves as the substitute emperor of the vandenreich who gains yuhaba's ability of the almighty allowing him to see into the future however unlike yuhabah he cannot alter the future C for the compulsory refers to panida pankjas the left hand of the Soul King who governs Pro address and a member of the should staffer fittingly his ability is evolution governance this essentially allows him to enhance himself and others at rapid rates in order to adapt and survive in combat situations panania is very proud of being a Quincy which is a very interesting detail given that it stems from the soul King this fuels the idea that the soul King is the progenitor of all Quincy and that there were in fact Quincy before the birth of yuhaba panida represents the ancient era of War as he resembles a bio weapon like a bacteria or fungi constantly evolving D for the death dealing is my boy asking nak Levar with an ability known as lethal dose control he can calculate the perfect lethal dose of any substance he takes into his body and then raise or lower that value as he sees fit literally allowing him to deal death through lethal doses of any substance if that explanation was confusing just think of his fight against nimaya asking ingests a lot of blood which allows him to lower the lethal those of nemaya's blood and turned that blood into a lethal substance this power Echoes the idea that anything can be lethal in extreme volume even something as integral to survival as the blood that runs in our veins Askin is a member of the should staffel in fact he's the only member to have been promoted from the lower ranks of the sternita during the second invasion on the serite Askin represents the current ERA of War as somebody who specializes in chemical Weaponry e for the explode refers to bambietta bastard Bean who can create bombs out of anything that makes contact with her reishi if the fear refers to as not who can induce Limitless fear in anybody who is struck by his Thorns G for the Glutton refers to Lil Toto lamper who essentially just has a massive mouth that can eat anything H for the heat refers to baz B the childhood friend of jugaram who's only as powerful as he is thanks to the five years he spent alongside jugaram who subconsciously was sharing his power with him I for the iron was this kid called Kang do who's basically as tough as iron when his ability is active Jay for the jail is quill gay Opie the captain of the jagged Army who can close gateways between dimensions and form reishi cages to entrap his opponents once they're trapped inside their ayatsu cannot be detected and nobody can hear them this ability cannot kill a Quincy which is why Ichigo survives and manages to break free we know that BD Knight had the k-shrift but we don't know his epithet or his ability the guy just died too quickly L For The Love refers to Pepe wacka brother the guy with the funniest second name of all time and also the worst character design of all time by putting his hands together in the shape of a heart he can fire projectiles that make the victim so obsessed with him they will do anything he asks M for the miracle refers to the absolute monster Gerard Valkyrie he is a member of the shootstaffle and also the heart of the Soul King his abilities are Miracle manifestation and probability manipulation which has essentially means he can get out of situations by bending the probability of the best case scenario for himself the more improbable that specific scenario is the more likely his ability can make that scenario occur yet another very broken ability but perhaps the most interesting aspect of this ability is that much like panida's this ability didn't come from johabar bestowing a shrift upon them johoba did not grant them these Powers they already possessed this as pieces of the Soul King and their powers are just so ridiculous and somewhat Divine that it makes sense given its coming from literally the soul King the closest thing to an omnipotent omniscient being in the world of bleach Gerard represents the Medieval era of War an obvious choice given his use of a sword and shield arguably the most defining tools of the Medieval Age the n-shrift belongs to Robert to Accutron though like bg9 we don't know his epithets or unique ability oh for the overkill refers to Driscoll burchie who possess the ability of killing induced empowerment as the name suggests the more Driscoll kills the stronger he gets P for the power belongs to meninas McAllen who possessed superhuman strength she's essentially just a complete Powerhouse Q for the question refers to Bernice gabrielli who was unfortunately Washed by kempachi before he could finish explaining his ability all for the roar belongs to Jerome guzbat who can enlarge his size adopt an ape-like form and produce sound-based shock waves he can use as attacks s for the Superstar belongs to mask the masculine who possesses an empowering ability similar to Driscoll but it's not killing that makes mask stronger and more confident it's cheering when he's treated like a superstar and has people cheering him on mosque is buffed in every conceivable way he's stronger he's faster he's more durable he even has better stamina and endurance chief of the Thunderbolt refers to Candice catnip who's just your typical lightning user she can create control and project bolts of lightning you for the under refers to Nana najakup who possesses a rather unique ability nanana can analyze the riyatsu of a Target over a certain period of time allowing him to determine an opponent's spiritual power distribution after doing so he imprints EU which signifies his shrift onto the Target and uses that to form a grid pattern which he dubs his morphine pattern the grid allows him to pinpoint the holes in a Target saiyatsu and attack them which depletes the targets riyatu and eventually paralyzes and knocks them out V for the Visionary belongs to Grammy thomo who can turn fantasy into reality anything he imagines can turn into a reality even his own death there are no real boundaries to this ability except that which he can imagine if something is simply too unimaginable for Grammy it cannot turn into reality the ability also comes with some very serious weaknesses he needs to be fully conscious of everything he's imagining as one little slip up could lead to his demise in the light novels it is repeatedly implied that Grammy may have been an aspect of the Soul King like how Gerard was his heart and panida was his left arm though this was never outright confirmed W for the wind refers to nyanzol weasel who can basically create a field of wind around him that deflects any attack he observes the only way to beat this ability is to deliver an attack that's simply too quick for nyanzol to observe as his ability is not limited to only what he can see but anything he can detect anything he can instinctually feel which renders many surprise attacks useless X for the x-axis refers to Lily Barrow the first Quincy to ever be bestowed with a shrift as well as the leader of the should staffer his ability allows his rifle to pierce through anything in its line of sight with perfect accuracy and without the need for projectiles he's essentially the most broken sniper of all time Lily represents the modern era of War as a gunman why for the yourself is a unique case because this this actually refers to two different members who make up one standard letter or two different standards who share the same shrift but have slightly different abilities they can both transform themselves into the exact physical likeness of another individual but Lloyd's transformation gives him access to the spiritual power and abilities of the individual whereas roid's transformation gives him access to the personality and memories of that individual and finally Z for the zombie refers to Giselle Joelle who possesses the ability of turning anybody who comes into contact with her blood into a corpse a zombie who will do whatever Giselle orders them to do the amount of blood required to zombify someone depends on the strength of their yatsu the stronger they are the more of giselle's blood is needed for the ability to take effect the Quincy power system is built on a very simple Foundation Shinigami admit reishi from within themselves to use their powers and Quincy absorb reishi from the outside atmosphere and emit that ratio to use their powers the most common form of combats among the Quincy is archery the high leg fail is the primary spiritual weapon formed and used by the Quincy this is a perfect means of combat for them because their main enemy tends to be the hollows who are poisonous to them by using arrows they're able to maintain a distance when fighting the hollows gintor are small containers which Quincy used to store their rarioku and they use this radio Q as components in spell casting the Quincy equivalent to Shinigami Kido just like Kido the effectiveness of these spells is dependent on the user and they are activated by calling out various commands we don't see too much of the ginto Spells over the course of the story but there are a few techniques such as hyzen grits vulcer and the Springer hiring Kaku is an advanced Quincy movement technique which allows the user to move at high speed by riding a flow of reishi created below their feet it is the Quincy equivalent to the Shinigami shumpur and the arancas sonaido however the light novels established that hirangaku is superior to those two given that is energy efficient since it's a Quincy technique it uses the reishi from the surroundings rather than the inherent reishi of the user blood which is literally German for blood is a Quincy ability with three variations but artery is an offensive variation which grants the user inhuman attack power according to quilge this technique is the only thing a non-stern interquincy can depend on to damage a bankai-wielding Shinigami blood veneer is a defensive variation which grants the user in human durability represented by a faint blue pattern tracing the veins beneath the surface of their skin and finally blood vene is an ability only used by yuhaba which allowed him to extend his blood to veneer outside of his body to create a force field that blocks incoming attacks and finally the shadow ability which we see countless times over the Thousand Year blood War this ability makes the user's Shadow expand and become a doorway between Dimensions including two but not limited to to the shadow realm sulking Palace and even ones in a world as we see between Ichigo and zangetsu Beyond the aforementioned abilities there are rare Quincy techniques which we see over the course of the story ranso tengai is one example which allows the user to control their body parts by using strings of radioku connected by their brain essentially turning themselves into a puppet and allowing them to move freely despite paralysis broken limbs or any other thing which would normally impede movement is an advanced spell that is actually pretty insane by generating a number of Roman numeral inscribed constructs from the fingers of an outstretched hand several towers of reishi shaped like the Quincy degren are summoned anyone who steps foot into the confines of this area will be immediately struck where they stand by the Light Of God also roid claims as he mimics yuhaba and finally we arrive at the two ultimate techniques of the Quincy the lead still and the Vault standing a clear distinction is made between the new generation of Quincy and the older generation specifically in terms of their power system and ultimate techniques uru's grandfather sawkin refused to accept the new progress of the Quincy Powers namely the volstandi again held onto the old lead steel which had perished due to its fragility the volstand Dig is viewed as a crucial part of Quincy Evolution and the answer to the drawbacks of the outdated lead steel it takes on a variety of forms but it has a constant to Angelic theme throughout with wing-like reishi constructs and a star-like Quincy zergen for a heiligan Shane heiligence I'm not German bro I've been doing a pretty good job with these pronunciations but this word right here I don't know but yeah it's German for Halo a Quincy is unable to use their wall standing while in possession of a shinigami's Bankai which is something we'll talk about a little later on the Vol standing enhances everything about their power and is German for complete these are yehovah's angels and they have reached their Peak while they're in this form let's still mean something along the lines of final technique and rather than Bankai this is more like the Quincy equivalent to the saigonomet which Ichigo used to defeat Aizen the reason let's steal is outdated is because of its fragility it has a massive drawback of losing your Quincy Powers entirely but it's definitely stronger than the world standing when it comes to sheer destructive power are you using the let's deal insole Society Remains the absolute biggest jump in power we have ever seen in Bleach the old generation of Quincy refer to their training as say it in and there's a location in the human realm known as fun Feld which is where Sorkin was training at the time of the white incident when masaki was poisoned within the Quincy johabar serves as a God and by drinking his blood the stern Ritter obtained god-like Powers this is why they have such broken batshit crazy abilities like uru's antithesis and finally all Quincy power comes from their father johama which makes them susceptible to the ash violin which yuhaba can use to Rob them of their lives and return their powers back to him however one very important thing to note is that johabar doesn't have access to their shrifts and abilities that is exclusive to the stern Ritter themselves that is their own innate ability he grants them power essentially urerioku which activates those latent abilities and with the ash violin he takes back his power urerioku but the abilities themselves stay within the stern litter they're just made redundant and inaccessible because they don't have the rarioku to tap into them there's a bunch of equipment that is completely exclusive to the race of Quincy the Quincy cross is the most prevalent example it's a cross that only those who have inherited Quincy abilities and techniques are allowed to possess it functions as the focus for a Quincy bow known as a high League bargain this Cross isn't always in a cross shape though as seen in ryuken's Cross which is a pentacle and uruzu's most recent cross which is also a pentacle the sanity glove or Laden Hunt is a white glove that extends up the forearm for the older generation of Quincy the newer generation and Van denler were a black variant of the Sunday glove which extends only to the wrist and displays the Empire's symbol on the back there are even other variations such as musk the masculine's belt which serves the same purpose as the normal Sunday glove this item significantly enhances it Quincy's power it operates by repelling reishi which makes the absorption of reishi far more difficult thus functioning sort of like training weights Sorkin refers to the Mastery of the glove as the peak of Quincy power seal Schneider is the only Quincy weapon that has a blade and it functions much like a chainsaw with reishi making 3 million round trips per second around the edge of the blade it's not a sword but an arrow the most powerful manifestation of the Quincy's fundamental combat method of gathering surrounding the reishi it can also collect reishi during combat by absorbing the opponent's attacks Hollow baits are small self-explanatory tablets they are used by the Quincy to attract Hollows as the name obviously suggests and finally the Bankai plundering device this was used by the standard in the first Invasion to steal the Bankai of several captains and ultimately destroy the Shinigami the vandan life Insignia is etched onto its surface and when presented in the face of a Bankai it emits five streams of energy that causes the Bankai to disintegrate and be absorbed forming a ring which is sucked into The Medallion pretty broken device but it does come with some limitations for example while the device can steal any Bankai in order to properly control it the one who stole it must be sufficiently powerful which is exactly why roid didn't try to steal yamamoto's Bankai another limitation is that while the device's owner is in possession of a shinigami's Bankai they are unable to activate their volstanding even if they're not using the stolen Bankai at the time to use The Medallion and incantation must be chanted which is on the screen right now this incantation speaks of the water cycle which has some interesting implications which I may dive into at a later date in another video the process of stealing a Bankai is referred to as medalizing as the device which sucks in the Bankai is a medallion the final section of this video is dedicated to the overwhelming number of religious symbolism and imagery packed into the construction of the Quincy namely the religion of Christianity at the root of it all is you Harbor he is depicted as a trinitarian deity much like the god of Christianity he's the father of the Quincy the son of the Soul King who is the closest thing to Absolute omnipotence and omniscience and he is the holy spirit of all Quincy as he resides in every single one of them yahaba's name itself is directly taken from the god of Christianity in Hebrew Yahweh ancient Hebrew did not consist of any vowels so the correct romanization of this name would be yhwh these four letters making up the bulk of name there is so much to Yaba and Yahweh like so much I don't think I've tapped into half of the references and connections between johoba's character and the biblical stories and references of Yahweh simply because I'm not that well learned on the religion of Christianity but the amount of research Kubo must have done for this Single Character is ridiculous if any of you guys know any cool little connections please do let me know in the comment section because I'm very interested johoba's first Kingdom ruled the northern lands of the human realm since the human realm is clearly a one-to-one copy of our planet this is most likely referring to Europe the German theme of the Quincy combined with this location makes me certain that this is a reference to the Holy Roman Empire following his defeat at the hands of Yamamoto johabar spends a millennium ruling over the vandalas in the shadow realm until he was prepared to start the final blood war against the Shinigami the enemies of the Soul King this is a direct reference to the Book of Revelation which speaks of the second coming of Jesus Son of God who after spending a millennium ruling over his kingdom will with his army Smite those who abandoned God and then God will destroy the world and recreate Paradise where everyone will live their Immortal lives in Eternal Bliss this is literally the Thousand-Year blood War in a nutshell exactly what yahaba attempted to do Smite the Shinigami for abandoning the soul King and recreate the Utopia which once existed a world with neither life nor death in The Book of Revelation seven angels blow their trumpets to announce the start of this war and in Bleach seven Quincy announced the start of the blood War in yamamoto's office there are so many more biblical references like the resurrection of the dead and Gisele zombie ability or how God will send down a group of monstrous Birds to Feast upon the Sinners left on Earth and Lily barrows Birds the stern Ritter are created by drinking the blood of yohaba which is a very obvious reference to Christianity and the drinking of Jesus's blood the first Stan Ritter Lily Barrow is chock full of reference Archangel and Gabriel his ultimate attack is God's trumpet based on Gabriel's horn which will Mark the start of Judgment Day his volstanding giliel comes from the first syllable of jibiril an alternate name for Gabriel in different languages he refers to himself as the messenger of God of yuhaba much like the angel Gabriel then there are the overt examples of Christian symbolism the abundance of Quincy crosses the Quincy zergen being a pentagram which holds importance in Christianity the uniform of the Quincy resembling the khasux of Catholic priests there are so many more examples of religious symbolism in The Quincy that I've either missed or can't include in this video for time's sake the Quincy are just brimming with references and clear inspiration from The Real World to conclude this video I want to make it very clear that this video and World building series as a whole is intended to be a breakdown I've simply been explaining everything I haven't even began to scratch the surface of how impressive all of these different elements are I want this to be a series of videos I can put in a playlist that I can always refer to in the future when making analysis videos which will make my future videos a lot more concise and less Exposition heavy I don't want to have to repeat basic explanations every single video as I'm sure many of you watching already know those things but for newer viewers and subscribers or just people who don't know much about bleach I want there to be something easily accessible that will explain everything they need to know about the World building I truly believe this story has some of the most impressive and underrated World building in anything I've ever seen this series of videos has been eye-opening for me it's been a learning process as much as it has been a creative process by making these videos I've learned so many different things about the different races and locations in bleachers universe and how they all intersect everything coalesces so naturally and feeds back into the core ideas of the story just wonderfully so even though these videos aren't performing so well and getting that many views in comparison to my other stuff I am still very glad I am making it only serves to increase my love of bleach and that's a wonderful thing with that being said though guys thank you so much for watching and I look forward to seeing you guys in two weeks where I explain everything you need to know about the fullbringers
Channel: Radman
Views: 14,262
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bleach manga, bleach anime, bleach tybw, kurosaki ichigo, ichigo, yhwach, quincy, breakdown, analysis, explained, explanation, information, kubo, bleach, uryu ishida, uryu, sternritter, schutzstaffel, wandenreich, quilge, quilge opie, jugram, jugram haschwalth, bazz b, askin, askin nakk le vaar, soul king, spirit king, aizen, sosuke aizen, quincy theme, the blade is me, zangetsu
Id: gG3mtgnrTbU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 16sec (2596 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 11 2023
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