Hunter x Hunter Iceberg Explained! - How many levels?

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the world of Hunter Hunter can seem simple at first glance it's just a regular world with some strange Beast that pop up every now and then and there is something called the Hunter exam that some special people take but the more the story goes on the more complicated this world becomes with new power system popping up with gangs coming out of nowhere with an underground Mafia running the whole world and a video game that you can get get deleted while playing it and you know the whole fagu Genesis thing with big ants that can eat humans and stuff but with that we didn't even scratch the surface of How deep the world of Hunter Hunter can get in this video we will examine the most Niche fun facts and weird theories that come from the world of Hunter hunters and when we reach level five we might get to some theories that even hardcore fans know nothing about like we said we're going to start with level one all the way to level five and I guarantee you some of these things I'm about to say will blow your mind this is the hunter hunter Iceberg and obviously spoiler warning for the story of Hunter Hunter level one the birth days of the main characters of Hunter Hunter is a bit unique Leorio is born on March the 3D kopa April the 1th gone May the 5th Hoka June 6th and kilua is July 7th so obviously the number repeats so Togashi decided to choose this little weird Quirk for his main characters other characters in the series with their birthday mentions does not follow the same pattern the other characters birthday are just random days now when you first we're still at level one when you first started Hunter Hunter obviously you called it Hunter x Hunter it's a regular thing you can call it that no problem but I know for a fact that you were corrected by someone else who told you that it's actually pronounced Hunter Hunter you you do not pronounce the X here is the definite proof from the man himself who created this show then if it's not pronounced why is the X there for starters cuz it looks cool and the x is used in the world of Hunter Hunter as a space between warts so yeah it's it's basically like a spacer that's it but the show is called Hunter Hunter because there is a hunter hunting another Hunter going hunting Jin Hunter Hunter okay no X but if you want to pronounce the X obviously no no problem man you do you it's fine now did you know that there is Hunter x Hunter movies out there yes there actually two movies Hunter x Hunter the last mission and Hunter Hunter I'm going to stop saying the x Hunter Hunter Phantom Rogue I remember when I finished watching the uh the anime for the first time I was so hungry for some extra Hunter Hunter content I wasn't ready yet to dive into the manga but I just wanted to watch Hunter again some new material of Hunter and I watched the movies and yeah we will we will talk about them later here in the channel so make sure you're subscribed and get your notification turned on because there's a lot of new videos coming your way all Hunter and history related so yeah we'll keep you updated but the thing you need to know about these two movies is that they are not canon they are not related to the main plot of the series the story has nothing to do with the actual story of Hunter Yet the movie Phantom Rogue adopted a lot from Hunter Hunter volume zero the story of kopa which we will also cover later now the question that is on everybody's mind is why is Hunter Hunter on Hiatus let's be honest this show is associated with being on Hiatus it's a sad story the beginning of it and and still the reasoning behind it is yiir tashi's Health the guy has a lot of back problems and he cannot draw for long periods of time the saddest thing about that is that if you get the hunter hunter volumes in the beginning of each volume there's like a little special note or message or story that Togashi likes to tell in the beginning The More The Story Goes On the more these little anecdotes gets sadder and sadder as he expresses the pain that he's going through now a while ago the manga was cancelled from the Shonen Jump magazine which is kind of of a big deal it was archived into the archive that the finished series goes in so does that mean that Hunter Hunter is cancelled there will be no more Hunter Hunter actually no the story is still going on and Togashi is still writing the story it will just be published in a different way and we're still waiting on chapter 41 to come out and yeah don't worry we will keep you updated here in the hunter society and the final factoid we got for level one has to do with nanika actually more like I a little spoilers from the manga if you haven't read further from the story that finished in the anime there's a lot of dangerous stuff in the Dark Continent one of these dangerous things or called calamities is something called I I is actually believed to be nanika will there was like a whole page with nikica saying that she is from the Dark Continent and right before it we got an explanation of what the Calamity eye is and you can put one and two together and figure out that nanika or ala is actually I now moving on to level two on the iceberg do you remember the character dun from GRE island in the super messy room that gone went to when he finished GRE Island well this is a direct reference to Yoshi heru Togashi himself Togashi spends a lot of his time in his man cave playing Dragon Quest he loves this game actually you might say that the whole idea of Greed Island came from him playing Dragon Quest and yes this is an actual photo of yiru Togashi playing Dragon Quest in his man cave well well I cannot say a lot here because yeah I'm I'm guilty of the same thing you don't want to see my room in its natural habitat but this is a direct reference in the anime that Togashi is basically putting himself in the anime the character Dune in this space is a direct reference to this actual real life photo of yosihiro Tashi moving on to the importance of translation one of the biggest moments in Hunter Hunter is the fight between gone and pitu nefer pitu the royal guard the translation of that fight in the anime is drastically different from its original Source the manga P says in one very popular translation in the enemy that gon's power is now equals to that of the king I'm from the camp that says that yes adult gone is extremely powerful but obviously the nin contract he made with himself is to make himself extremely strong but only strong enough to defeat P2 and if we look at it clearly let me ask you this who would win in a fight P2 or the king Mariam obviously the king would beat P2 any day of the week now how would gone be able to defeat King Mariam when gon obviously made this n contract just to barely be able to beat P so yeah adults gone power is obviously amazing and he's extremely powerful in that state but it's not equal to the power of the king the translation from the manga says it more clearly that P is worried that his fangs might get near the king and the fangs thing is a reference to an earlier thought that pitu thought of while she was healing koki that's all there is to it P2 just didn't want G to be anywhere near the king that's it so yeah it was just a mistranslation in one of the most important moments in the anime now let's go into a weird little fact do you know that there is a hunter hunter musical yes it's a thing and yes I spend every day and night trying to find some way to watch this thing in full but yeah it's an actual thing this musical tells the story of the zalic family but I did not watch it in its entirety because I cannot get it somewhere in its entirety filmed so we'll just have to wait till my trip to Japan to watch it if it's on there I don't know it's definitely weird and it's definitely something that I want to watch now we're still on level two and just wanted to remind you that this is a new channel we'll be doing all sort of content related to Hunter Hunter related to other anime related to history related to pop culture I know it's a strange mix but all all I ask is that you just check out our videos we're still in the beginning and we're going strong so thank you for sticking around and watching me and yeah just wanted to say this thank you for watching and let's keep on with the iceberg subscribe to the channel if if that wasn't clear enough now let's talk about the religious symbols in Hunter Hunter you can see it clearly in some of the character designs in some of the powers of the characters or some of the items the character uses you can try and search for a deeper meaning but to be honest I think for like 90% of the time it's just there because Togashi likes the Aesthetics of it I mean there is no real good reason why kilas yoyos has the Seal of Solomon on it I think it's just there because it looks cool and also the design in the anime is different from the design that is originally in the manga so yeah it's more of like an aesthetic thing a lot of Buddhism a lot of Christian imagery and yes thematically in the story there is a lot of similarities between the idea of the Phantom troop and Jesus Christ with the apostles and and everything but I'm just talking about the Aesthetics here not the mean theme of the story it's just there is a lot of religious imagery in Hunter Hunter now let's move on to level three that's where we get really obscure and believe me you're going to love what we got coming up next so you know the guy that appeared out of nowhere in the heavens Arena fight between gon and Hoka yeah this guy is actually from a previous story from Yushi heru to gashi called level E and yeah that's it he just decided to pop in some of the character that he drew in an old work as a reference to his own work and this character has nothing to do with the world of Hunter Hunter just popped in said the line and moved out and it left us all confused as the commentator girl in the actual scene it's going to get a bit dark here because I'll be covering something from the later chapters of Hunter Hunter so if you prefer not to know anything about the later chapters of Hunter Hunter you can skip to this time stamp because I just I have to mention mention this fact what happened to Sara so Sara is the little girl that was friends with the Phantom troop before they became the Phantom troop when they were just some little kids living in metor City well there was a lot of bad people that used to come to metor City to do a lot of bad stuff and a lot of the bad stuff that they used to do they did it on children and sarsa was a victim of that she wasn't abducted by those bad people in fact something much worse happened what did happen exactly we do not know but whatever happened broke Coro broke him really really bad and From This Moment exactly the Phantom troop was created the moment that Coro picked up the bag with the remainings of their friend Togashi was really really careful to reveal Reve that something bad happened but to not say it explicitly what exactly happened we're led to believe that her body is just cut up and disfigured in that bag but there is a note that says that also some other stuff happened but we do not know exactly what's in the note and this is just broke Coro and Coro decided to found the Phantom troop and the rest of that is history but also Coro predicts that the thugs that did what they did to Sasa might have filmed this and he predicts where the world is going to go in the next few years there might be something similar to what we now know as the dark web and these messed up people might want to show what they did on there so Coro sets out to let meteor City be a hub for all illegal activities so that it can attract those people again in order to find some sort of justice for their Fallen friends you will get a full video dedicated to the Phantom troop soon here on the channel so make sure you're subscribed so that as soon as this video comes out you'll be watching it now we have to talk about another girl that was present during this incident Sheila Sheila is one of the characters that we get introduced to during this flashback telling the back story of the Phantom tro and I think Sheila is a really really really important character Sheila was the their friend Sheila was along with them during their little adventures during the make belief or the play that they put on doing the Power Rangers parody or whatever whatever you want to call it so this wasn't the first appearance of Sheila in the story Sheila yes she ran away after they picked up the the remains of their friends after she died and we don't see her again after that but let's go back to the other appearance Shira made in the hunter hunter volume zero the backstory of kopa and yes this is the same Sheila the same Sheila that appeared out of nowhere that came into the tribe of the CTA Clan and yeah picked up some stuff stayed there for a while gave them some book took some stuff and just like changed the course of Cora's life there's a lot of stories that came up regarding this weird character and the leading theory the one that shouldn't make make any sense but I believe that it makes a lot of sense is that Sheila is actually paristan Hill yes the pariston from The Zodiacs yes the pariston the weird character the villain of the chairman election Arc yes this pariston is this little girl Sheila I know it doesn't make any sense but there will be a full video where I covered this Theory and I'm in love with that theory and I love the weirdness of that character and how this Theory actually comes together and it makes sense in the grand scheme of things so stay tuned for that I'm really excited to talk about it really soon my God I love having this channel okay so let's move on to level five you might think that I am a bit biased to put this little fact thing on level five on the iceberg but it's here I had to I had to at level five how much yoshihiro Togashi is inspired Ed by Egypt and yes because I'm of Egyptian origin blah blah whatever whatever this was at the start of writing the York new art if you checked out the manga volumes yashi puts in the logs of his travels to Egypt with his wife and from that you can see the inspiration that he got from Egypt into the character a character like belenov bov I always mispronounce his name a character obviously like Finks and the inspiration goes further along the story till we reach the Royal Guards of Miriam the Royal Guards almost all of them has somewhat of an Egyptian mythology thing stamped on them mon toi is basically an Egyptian god name neferu is a cat come on but anyway toisan I'm glad that you had fun in Egypt I hope you'll visit soon and I'm really glad that your suit case wasn't lost now that reference was really really obscure you can watch other content we made here on the channel by clicking on one of these videos and I'll see you over there thanks for watching
Channel: The Hunter Society
Views: 3,637
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hunter x hunter iceberg, hunter x hunter explained, hunter x hunter, hunter, hunter x hunter manga, anime, hunter x hunter anime, yoshihiro togashi, the hunting society, after hxh anime, nen, nen user, hunter x hunter review, hunter x hunter ost, hunter x hunter reaction, hunter x hunter ending, hisoka, gon, killua
Id: JRyWXtWarkk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 34sec (1054 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 12 2024
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