The Entire World of BLEACH Explained

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I firmly believe that bleach has some of the most impressive World building I've seen from a Shonen manga and that's a pretty unpopular take if anything most people think bleach's World building is average at best personally I think that is the result of a widespread misconception when it comes to the idea of World building a lot of people don't actually know this but a story set in the real world like my hero Academia or Jujutsu kaisen has World building there are various different types of World building you have physical world building which represents the creation of physical structures like buildings cities countries and even planets then there's societal World building which represents the creation of different communities cultures religions occupations and Lifestyles when it comes to the settings of fictional stories there is so much more to consider than just the geography of the world you need to factor in the science of the universe the different societies the politics even the biology and chemistry depending on the story you're telling things like Power Systems in battle manga fall under the umbrella of World building and that brings me to my ultimate Point glitch's Power Systems are pretty insane I haven't seen any good videos explaining the several layers that go into the construction of each of the different Power Systems and how they play into one another all the different races have their own exclusive power system that ties back to a single fundamental concept or spiritual power over the next few weeks I want to make several videos on the different races within the bleach universe and explain how their power systems work with the main objective of hopefully making more people aware of just how incredible bleach's World building truly is and in order to do so we have to start by going through the basics [Music] which means spiritual power but can also be translated to spiritual energy is a power aligned with the spiritual sensitivity and willpower of the user simply puts it's an inherent power that everybody has every single living being has a spirit and this Spirit has a power of its own known as it doesn't matter what race you are you can be a human a Quincy a Shinigami or a hollow you will have some level of spiritual power it's the amount of spiritual power that you have that obviously determines how powerful you are on the bleach Wiki there's a chart that breaks down the different spiritual power levels taking information found in different bits all over the series at the very bottom you have basic spiritual power which is the level you'd commonly expect from a regular human these people are not spiritually aware which means they cannot see other Spirits like pluses or Hollows Above This level you have average spiritual power which is the level you'd expect from very low ranking members of the goatee 13. they are spiritually aware they can see pluses and Hollows but they aren't really powerful think of Ichigo right at the very beginning of the story before he was stabbed by arukia he could see and speak to ghosts and even see Shinigami but he was pretty weak in the grand scheme of things then you have high spiritual power which is the level you'd expect from the average lieutenant in the gote 13. these people have an above average amount of spiritual power and they have fine control over it above that is great spiritual power and this is where we reach the territory of very powerful individuals like Captain class Shinigami they have a very large amount of spiritual power and then we have immense spiritual power which is a level reserved for those who are Advanced Captain class people with enormous amounts of spiritual power who can affect their surrounding environment on a controlled level and finally we have immeasurable spiritual power which is a very very rare class which is only reserved for the strongest beings people like kempachi or yuhaba who possess colossal amounts of spiritual power and can do all sorts of things with it rereoku is constantly being subconsciously omitted by every spiritual being and it always has a unique pattern associated with that specific B the emission of rarioku is known as ryatsu which means spiritual pressure different races have a greatly different patterns of riyatsu which means it's easy to distinguish between the riyatsu of a Shinigami and the ryatsu of a human or a hollow or a Quincy however if they're the same race it's a bit harder to distinguish between them but not impossible after spending a lot of time with another spiritual being people can recognize the specific pattern of that person's that they had to and use that to sense their presence sensing someone else's reatsu is seen as a very basic ability called reikaku or spiritual sense this is considered like a sixth sense for spiritually aware individuals and it's something that can be honed with training sudden changes in reyatsu patterns can mean that the person in question is in stress in combat or has received a grave wound which can be very useful in wall type scenarios as other people can detect this from Far distances obviously the fact that real Q is constantly being emitted as a day to makes you very easily detectable so of course there are ways to block your reaction and mask your presence the seki seki is a special kind of stone that completely blocks ryatsu and drains your area the walls of both the serete and the Sen's IQ are built from this Stone which effectively repels unwanted visitors from the serete and prevents The Escape of prisoners from the senzaiku the madman urohara has also invented a special garment which completely hides ryatsu as well when two Spiritual Beings Collide the one with weakerayatu will get hurt we saw this when Ichigo fought against kempachi kempachi gave him a free hits on his chest and Ichigo couldn't even scratch him while his own hands started bleeding reyatsu can be controlled for a variety of usages some people can amplify veriatsu as a show of force or a means of intimidation and in some cases it can even serve as an attack in of itself capable of causing direct damage to the surrounding individuals or even the environments it can also have psychological effects such as stunning paralyzing or instilling fear when someone has a much higher riatsu in comparison to the one feeling it then there's the fact that Spiritual Beings cannot be sensed by significantly less powerful beings without even needing to conceal their ayatu when they have ridiculous amounts of rarioku they're just like like invisible to you because they're just so much stronger than you we see this when Danga Ichigo showed up in karakura town and Aizen couldn't sense his riyatsu whatsoever so let's quickly go over the basic principles of andreatsu rereoku is spiritual power that exists in every single spiritual being it comes in various different amounts depending on the being and it is stored within their soul reyatsu is more of a concept than an actual tangible thing it is spiritual pressure that is associated with the emission of rarioku from a being rarioku and riyatsu are very closely related is the actual energy itself and reyatsu is the pressure of that energy being emitted it's like air pressure in the atmosphere air pressure isn't an actual thing but rather a concept we use to understand the flow of the air another good analogy for this would be a water tank with a valve rearyoku is the water tank itself including the water within it and reyatsu is the pressure of the water flowing out of the valve this tank is constantly and subconsciously leaking tiny bits of water which is detectable by any person who can perform reikaku the ability that allows someone to sense someone else's reatsu the bigger the tank the more water it can fit the more area you have the more ayatsu you can emit got that okay let's move on to the final piece reishi or Spirit particles reishi is the main component material of Souls and all spiritual matter the bodies of Shinigami and Hollows are composed of reishi everything in the salsa is also composed of reishi reishi can also be found in the human world however the concentrations are much lower than the two spiritual worlds because the human world is composed of a different material known as Kishi which is essentially what we in the real world would call atoms reishi is an invisible and intangible material to non-spiritually aware beings like the average human which is why the average human can't see ghosts or pluses and they can't see Hollows or Shinigami everyone who is spiritually aware can see and interact with reishi and depending on your race there are different ways you can use reishi in the human world free reishi tends to be found in places closer to nature which is something we'll be looking at a little more in a couple of weeks when I make the video about the race of Quincy very important to their power system and just general livelihood and with that being said I think I've covered everything that needs to be said for this video [Music] a long long time ago the world of the living Soul society and hueco Mundo were not separate Realms of existence during that age all of creation was in a state of ambiguity there was neither life nor death progression and regression flickered to and fro swaying and swaying slowly this waning and waxing World waited for a hundred million years to cool down eventually Hollows became a part of the circulation of souls but before long Hollows began devouring humans and so the circulation seized all of those Souls came together to form a gigantic Hollow a menos the world became completely still and then a new life came into being as if the world itself naturally rejected it he destroyed it and turned it into Sands of reishi thus calculation began once again this new being is the individual we now know as the soul King others with special powers also appeared however the soul King stood out his powers were the closest thing to Absolute omnipotence and omniscience as the soul King continued to protect the world from The Hollows by killing them the world itself began to slowly sink into chaos there were those who did not find the states of Affairs agreeable there were five of them although not as much as the soul King they were powerful they were the original founders of the five Great Noble houses including the Sheba family each of them had different motives the tsunayashiro ancestor was afraid that the soul King's Mighty power would someday be used against them the ancestor of the opposing Clan said that it was necessary to have a world that would serve as the lid to cover up the pits that we now know as hell the kuchiki ancestor believes that a new order was necessary to solidify the world the shihoin ancestor said that it was necessary to form a larger circulation to advance the stagnant world and lastly the Sheba ancestor wanted to explore the path of purification for Hollows rather than destruction since they too had hearts these widely varying motives strangely led to the same goal in the end to split the world a world of order a world of implementation and a paradise of sand where hollows from both sides could end up in their main goal being to create a clear separation between the world of the living and the world of the dead and in order to turn this goal into a reality they required the power of the man who transcended everything the soul King who they tied up and sealed within a crystal using his powers of the almighty as the Keystone the five ancestors of the noble families created the foundation of a new world the sole Society the world of the living and Hell had always existed and thus the universe as it is in the current day was born life and death was separated the cycle of souls ushered in a new era and then one day the ones who managed the soul Society came to be known as Shinigami this is a summary of ichibe's conversation with the rest of squad Zero from the can't feel your own world light novels it details the creation of bleach's universe and how everything came to be it tells us exactly what yuhaba was trying so desperately to recreate I thought going through the history of Soul Society before diving into the current day was necessary as it serves as the foundation that everything else is built upon the soul Society may seem like a place of goodness and justice but that it's cool it may just be the darkest of all the Realms in Bleach born of fear and egoism [Music] out of all the races in bleachers Universe the Shinigami are the ones most important to the story more so than humans they are introduced right from the very beginning of the manga with urukia kuchki they serve as the first major antagonistic force of the series in Seoul society and they ultimately become protagonists themselves when Ichigo joins them as a substitutionigami the entire reason bleach was ever even created by Kubo was because he wanted to draw a series about Shinigami wearing black suits he drew his first character concept which was Rukia with a scythe originally this series was going to be called snipe since many of those Shinigami would be carrying guns but over time Kubo changed his mind he decided that black and white kimonos made for a better appearance and exchanged the guns for swords since katanas were a more sensible weapon for soldiers walking around dressed in kimonos at first he wanted to name the manga black to embody the black kimonos of the Shinigami but Kubo felt the title was too simple which is also the exact reason why he avoided his next idea for the title which was white Kubo finally decided on bleach as the substance captured the essence of changing things from black to white as you can tell from the story of bleach's Inception it's pretty clear just how important the Shinigami are to this story the fact Kubo was so hell-bent on having the duality of black and white referenced in the series's title going through three different options before making his decision also makes it pretty clear that this story would be deeply concerned with exploring moral ambiguities Shinigami are often associated with the color white as it evokes a sense of light but in Bleach they wear black kimonos ichigo's father ishin of the Sheba family is himself ishinigami this is worth noting since one of my main goals with this series is to highlight how deeply connected Ichigo is to every single race in the series The viz translation for Shinigami is soul Reaper this is an incorrect translation since Shinigami actually means death God but it's a cool name which has stuck ever since in ancient times the Shinigami in Bleach were known as balances the Japanese term baransa meaning regulator and that was a fitting name because their ultimate purpose is to regulate the cycle of Souls and maintain the balance of the universe so what are Shinigami how do you become Mei Shinigami where do they come from each of the races in bleach's Universe lies on a spectrum they all tie into each other and originate from the same Roots every single living being in bleacher's world has a soul and as I explained in a lot of detail lost week every soul has a rareoku or spiritual power Souls with exceptional spiritual power have the option to become Shinigami as a result of this exceptional spiritual power Shinigami have a number of supernatural abilities they can live for far longer and age much slower than humans they also have enhanced durability and endurance the sakitsu and hakusui are considered the main pressure points on a shinigami's body they serve the role a chain of Fate does for a human and some extra stuff on top of that they act as boosts to spiritual power and if they are pierced they seal up the shinigami's which makes them lose all of their power all Shinigami have vents at their wrists which release their reatsu if they are blocked off through the use of kidor the Shinigami in question would be incinerated by their own reyatsu from the inside out fusa the KIRO seal created by urohara was used for this specific purpose in the battle against Eisen Shinigami can be easily identified by their clothing the shihakusho is the standard Shinigami uniform owned by all members of the goatee 13 as well as the royal guard of the ryoku it was created by senjumaru who was promoted to the royal guard for this achievement it's not just a regular piece of clothing since it's tied to the where is it becomes completely white and slightly altered if the shinivami loses all their aryoku like when Rukia transferred her powers to Ichigo it also regenerates over time when damaged and can be used to quantify someone's rarioku we see this when Ichigo and unohana are traveling through the gargansa and she connects the states of his shihakusho to the states of his rarioku the sole Society is essentially the afterlife for good people it is the home of the Shinigami and where most Souls dwell until they are reincarnated into the human world while referred to as simply Soul Society within bleach the area we see in the manga is actually just the east side of a larger Soul Society but for this video we aren't concerned with the west side because that is a setting for burn the witch another manga of kubos that is set in the same universe the sole society's environment is completely made up of reishi and since the bodies of Shinigami are also made up of reishi they are absorbed into the soul Society itself when they die of course a very strong Shinigami have reishi which is simply far too dense to be absorbed by the environment which is why the console Resa exists but we'll speak about that later on Soul Society is split into three main areas the cerete the rokonga the serete is located right in the very center of Seoul society and the rokongai is located around its circumference the ryoku is a separate Dimension entirely which is kept suspended above the Seoul Society the cerete has four main entrances each of them being a 10 days walk apart from each other and are guarded by one of The Gatekeepers the walls of the serete are made of seki seki a rare type of stone known to negate all rareoku the stone also forms a spherical barrier around the city extending above and below in order to stop anything spiritual from breaching it from the ground level from the sky or from underground the architectural design of the cerete is very clearly inspired by feudal Japan it is the home of nobility and Shinigami they have access to Food Water whatever they need and they live a pretty comfortable life when there is no serious conflict this is in complete contrast with the rukongai which is known known as the slums of Soul Society this is where the souls dwell as they wait to be reincarnated into the world of the living it is the largest and most populated portion of Soul Society the rukongai is divided into 320 districts 80 in the north 80 in the West 80 in the South and 80 in the East each district is numbered in descending order on how far away they are from the center which means the lower the number of the district the better the standard of living District 1 is peaceful and lawful whilst District 80 is violent and infested with crime the rukongai is full of families that are not related by blood people die at different times and places so it's rare for a person to find their real family in this massive area when a soul arrives in Soul Society they are given a ticket according to the time they died and they are sent off in different directions even if two people were to die together if they don't receive tickets at the same time they won't know where the other one one is despite rookie referring to the afterlife as some sort of Paradise The rukongai is proof that it's a pretty bad place to live in if you aren't Noble or a Shinigami and that is exactly why many of the souls living in the rukongai try to get enlisted into the Shino Academy an institution which trains Shinigami that we'll be talking about in a few moments the ryoku or Soul King Palace is the most beautiful of the three main areas in Seoul Society at least in my opinion it is home to the real God and obviously the soul King himself or at least that's what everybody thinks and the actual physical structure of the ryoku is quite complicated and will take so much time for me to properly explain so I'm gonna leave that for somebody else like just go to taking's channel I'm sure he has a video on this and he has a knack for explaining every nook and cranny of a topic one very important thing about the rayokudo is the okin or the Royal Key it provides is the roots to the inner dimension in which the ryoku resides and the location of which is kept secret only being passed down verbally from one Captain Commander to the next just like there's an elaborate method of accessing the ryoku there is a specific way for Shinigami to enter and leave the soul Society in general in order to do so the Shinigami must unlock the senkaimon and use a jogokucho with regards to souls they are transported into Soul Society through the ritual of console anyways let's get back to the Shino Academy this school was founded by shigekuniyamamoto one of the oldest Shinigami to ever live who also founded the gote 13. it is located in the serete and it trains Souls with exceptional spiritual powers to be raised into the military originally it was called the Shinigami Academy but it was changed into the spiritual Arts Academy when it developed into an Institute for all three branches of the Soul society's military the military of Soul Society consists of three independent main branches the golti 13 the ketokor and the on mitsukido the gote 13 is the primary military branch of Soul society and the main military organization that most Shinigami join after graduating from the Shino Academy as I said a second ago the golte 13 was founded by shigekuni Yamamoto who had stood at the head of the group since its Inception until he was killed by yuhaba 12 years ago and replaced by Kiora kushinsui the primary responsibilities of the gote 13 include the defense of the serete the deployment of division members into enemy territory for combat operations the deployment of task forces as defensive measures in the human world The Guiding of souls to sole Society through the console ritual and the governance of the rukongai which they do an absolutely terrible job at they also do a bunch of other things they're pretty much just the main military force of Soul society which means they govern the entire universe since the purpose of Shinigami is to maintain the balance of the universe the gota 13 does not normally operate as a cohesive unit this can sometimes be the case like we saw in fake karakura town and the Thousand-Year blood War but generally the command of the divisions is left to the discretion and oversight of its Captain who runs it whatever way they see fit as long as the captain Commander has no issue with it the structure of the gote 13 is pretty layered so let's get right into this as the name suggests the gote 13 is made up of 13 divisions which the viz translation refers to as the 13 quarts God companies at the very top is the captain Commander the supreme leader of the gote 13. they oversee the overall operations of the gote 13 at all times when the well-being of the serite and soul Society is at stake the captain Commander also oversees the operations of the on mitsukido and kidokor in the two only cases we know of the captain Commander has also commanded the first division of the gote 13. below him are the 12 captains who respectively command One Division of the goatee 13 each alongside the captain Commander they have the rank of first seat within their division all captains are able to utilize Bankai with the exception of kempachi until the Thousand-Year blood War it is seen as a necessary prerequisite to be considered for the position of Captain unless you go about eight different route which I will now explain there are three different ways to become a Captain the first is the captain proficiency test which essentially just requires you to perform Bankai in the presence of three existing captains including the captain Commander the second is personal recommendation if at least six captains recommend you for the position and at least three of the remaining seven approved you are fit for the position of Captain and the third way to become a Captain is through trial by combat to defeat and kill an already existing captain in one-on-one combat in the presence of at least 200 Witnesses from that Captain's division that is how kempaji became a captain without having the ability to perform Bankai or even shikai below the captains are the lieutenants who have the rank of second C within their respective divisions lieutenants function as executive officers for their division they take care of day-to-day operations and are usually the second strongest within their division when a captain is unable to perform their duties they act as the substitute Captain for that duration of time after the captain and Lieutenant there are 18 seated officers from Rank 3 to rank 20. this varies from division to division and it is at the Captain's discretion which seats and officer May hold each seated officer has their own sub units consisting of lower ranking Shinigami as a whole each division is made up of just over 200 Shinigami with the gote 13 standing Force being just around 3 000 total enlisted troops each of the 13 divisions in the gote 13 have their own Insignia which represents the vision's primary role each Insignia is a type of flower which has a specific meaning they also have specific color schemes for each division the first division is currently being led by Captain Commander shunsui following the death of Yamamoto their Insignia are chrysanthemums which signify truth and innocence and their color is Deep Purple the second division is currently led by soifon after yoruichi had been discharged from her position their Insignia are pasque flowers which signify the motto of seek nothing and their color is dark orange the third division is currently led by Rose after gin was discharged from his position and ultimately died their Insignia is the marigold which signifies Despair and their color is spring green the fourth division is currently led by isane following the death of unohana their Insignia is the bell flower which signifies the motto of those who grieve are loved and their color is Peach a Dusky pink the fifth division is currently led by Shinji following the discharge of Eisen their Insignia is the lily of the valley which signifies sacrifice danger pure love humility and sweetness and their color is pale turquoise the sixth division is led by biakya their Insignia is the Camellia which signifies Noble reason and their color is cobalt blue the seventh division is currently led by EBA following the death of komamura their Insignia is the iris which signifies courage and their color is a dark tan the eighth division is currently led by Lisa following the promotion of shunsui to Captain Commander their Insignia is the strelitzia or the bird of paradise which signifies The Motto that everything is obtained and their color is a raspberry Rose the ninth division is currently led by kensei following the death and discharge of Torsen their Insignia is the white poppy which signifies Oblivion and their color is 10. the 10th division is currently led by hitsugaya their Insignia is the daffodil which signifies mystery and egoism and their color is dark green the 11th division is currently led by Zaraki kempachi and it has always been led by a kempachi their Insignia is the yarrow which signifies fight and their color is lavender the 12th division is currently led by Mayuri following the discharge of urahara their Insignia is the thistle which signifies Vengeance strictness and Independence and their color is an olive green and finally the 13th division is currently led by arukia following the death of ukitake their Insignia is the Snowdrop which signifies hope and their color is maroon together these 13 divisions make up the goatee 13. the heart and soul of the Soul Society who lived to serve but while not done there is another secret division that many people don't know about known as the royal guard sometimes referred to as Squad zero they are dedicated to the protection of the Soul King the royal family and the ryoku in general so much so that they would never get involved in Affairs that have nothing to do with those things each member of squad Zero have had the power of the Orkin imported onto their bones by the soul King which allows them permanent access to the dimension they also all have a city of their own within the ryoku the Royal God is known to promote former captains of the goatee 13 to their ranks but really the determining factor is their contribution to the history of Soul Society each member of the royal guard has created something crucial within the realm ichibe hiyosuber created every single name within the realm kirinji created kaidor which are healing spells hikifunoi created the artificial Soul owetsunimaya created the zampaktor and senjumaru sutaru created the shiha sure [Music] the on mitsukido also known as the Stealth Force or covert Ops is the second largest military organization that Shinigami can join they take students from the Shino Academy that excel in HoHo and hakuda and train them to further their abilities in those areas if the goatee 13 operates openly the onitsukido patrols and conduct surveillance in enemy territories and carries out top secret operations such as assassinations and the execution of Shinigami who have broken the law if the gote 13 are considered an exterior guard then the onitsukido is an interior cover God however the commander-in-chief of the on mitsukido is also a current Captain within the gote 13. soifon which means the on mitsukido is effectively under the control of the gote 13. the hierarchy of the on mitsukido is based on a traditional feudal model there is a high-ranking clan with attached lower ranking families under them at at the top is the shihon clan and the only lower ranking family we know that serve them is the feng family the commander-in-chief was once yoroichi but is now soifon and they serve a similar role in this organization as the captain Commander does for the guilty 13. soifon has the authority to conduct all the Affairs of the on mitsukido while deferring to the authority of the central 46 in matters involving the soul society and the captain commander of the gorti 13 in all military matters the on mitsukido is made up of five separate divisions each of which led by a cool commander who is also a seated officer of soifon's division in devote 13 due to how deeply connected they are the executive militia is the first branch of the on mitsukido it is ranked the highest of the five branches in the on mitsukido this Branch carries out missions that involve combat and is commanded by the commander-in-chief soifon the patrol call is the second branch of the on mitsukido their job consists of intelligent is gathering within the cerete their appearances are unknown in order to preserve confidentiality and they are currently commanded by omeda the lieutenant of the second division of the gote 13. the detention unit is the third branch of the onitsukido they are responsible for the imprisonment and supervision of all criminals within the city their current Commander is unknown the fourth division is completely unknown we don't know what they do or who they are led by and the inner Court troop is the fifth and final branch of the onitsukido they serve as the information transmission unit within the cedate and their Commander is also unknown foreign foreign is the smallest of the three main military organizations in the sole society and we know very little about them but honestly that makes a ton of sense the ketoko are a group of Specialists presiding over spiritual law they take students from the Shino Academy that excel in Kido and train them to further their abilities in said area their operations are executed in absolute secrecy which explains why we know very little about them ukitake once noted how rare it was to see anyone from the kiroko especially the captain the ketokor is responsible for opening the senkaimon between the human world and soul society and they are also responsible for releasing the sokyokusil during executions in keeping with their secrets of nature the KIRO calls standard uniform includes white face coverings enveloping their entire head excluding only their eyes other than that the uniform consists of the standard black Shinigami shihakusho Soul Reapers have a very intricate and fleshed out combat system zankinsoki is an all-encompassing term which perfectly captures the Shinigami combat system Zan refers to zanjutsu their sword fighting techniques Ken refers to hakuda unarmed fighting techniques saw refers to HoHo moving techniques and Ki refers to kidor their magic techniques they are taught the basics of these different combat Styles in the Shino Academy before being picked up by one of the branches of the military zanjutsu is essentially just swordsmanship it's the specialty of Zaraki kempachi each Soul Reaper has a unique zampakto they are the weapons of the Shinigami and utilizing zanjutsu is how they can make the most of them honestly I could make an entire video just as long as this one explaining every detail behind the zampaktor there's just so much going into the construction of this concept so unfortunately I'm gonna have to make this Snappy and only cover the essential stuff all were created by owetsunimaya the blade God as he is the one who created all assaulty all zampakto originally begin as those asawji which translates to shallow hits a fitting name considering these are essentially blank nameless zambakto in order to mold anasachi into your own unique zampark so Shinigami must spend every waking hour with it and in doing so they imprint the essence of their soul onto the asauchi this makes zanpaktor not just the reflection of a Shinigami soul but a part of it they are forged by a Shinigami imprinting their arioku onto the blade and they also are their own sentient beings essentially a piece of their soul the name of zampaktor is the name of the Living spirit which exists within the sword and lends its strength to the Shinigami who wields it these beings can vary greatly in appearance and have their own distinct personalities which are similar to their owners considering they are the reflection of the owner's soul shikai is the second form available to a zampaktor to activate it the Shinigami needs to learn the name of their zampakto this is not as easy as simply picking a name for the Living spirit of the zampaktor already has its own name the Shinigami must be able to communicate and harmonize with their zampakto effectively which requires being able to speak to the spirits within its World Bankai is the third form and final upgraded form of a zampaktor to achieve Bankai one must be able to materialize and subjugate their zampaktor Spirit materialization essentially being the opposite of getting dragged into the zampaktos in a world the wielder needs to summon the zampaktor spirits into the physical world so Bankai is in some ways the opposite of shikai the power and forms of shikai and Bankai are largely dependent on the zampakto itself and Vary according to the Wilder's strength and Trey training but the power of His impactful's Bankai is generally considered to be 5 to 10 times greater than that of the chikai only the strongest Shinigami can use Bankai and it's the ultimate technique of a zampaktor it usually takes 10 years or more to achieve Bankai and then many more years to master it the gote 13 specialize in the use of zanjutsu so much so it is considered shameful for a Shinigami not to at least Master this technique the zampakto or the trademark of a Shinigami alongside their shihakusho's it's a badge of honor that they wield proudly and above that it's an incredibly character-focused power you can learn so much about shinigami's character by inspecting their Associated zampaktor it's honestly pretty genius how even the smallest details like the size or shape of the blade can reflect the personality and characteristics of its Associated Shinigami hakuda is a close combat style of fighting in which one is unarmed and uses only their body soifon the captain of the second division and Captain commander of the on mitsukiro excels in hakuda which is expected since the on mitsukido specialize in the use of hakuda things like physical strength and skill fall under hakuda it is a combination of several martial arts HoHo is a defensive style of fighting which relates to footwork things like Speed and Agility fall on the HoHo the on mitsukido also specializes in the use of HoHo the combination of hakuda and HoHo make them well-rounded martial artists who do not depend on zampaktor shumpo is the greatest expression of the HoHo technique however there are variations even within shumpo which only Master HoHo practitioners can use yoruichi goes by the title flash goddess because she is considered the fastest shumpur user in the history of Soul society and finally Kido Kido is a form of magic used by the Soul Reapers which can be used for a variety of purposes such as healing binding or attacking keto spells are categorized into three types bakudon which are binding spells hador which are offensive spells and kaido which are healing spells universally known kilo spells are graded on a scale from 1 to 99 the higher the grade the more powerful it is and more difficult to perform however there are some really powerful keto spells that aren't graded because they were created by Aikido master and aren't universally known a good example of this is the fusatsukake the CL created by urahara that we mentioned at the start of the video to use Kido a Shinigami must recite the specific incantation for the spell which is often long and requires a few seconds of speaking Masters in keto are so Advanced that they are able to cast high-level spells by simply naming them the power of a spell relies on the power of the user meaning even a low level spell can be utterly devastating when utilized by a highly powerful Shinigami Kido can be also used for practical purposes even though they are always split into the three types I mentioned it is demonstrated by renji that a keto spell can be used to light a dark hallway if the spell is tweaked in the right way and used with less power meaning with a good understanding of what a spell does you can use it to achieve a desired result with a bit of meddling bakudo or binding spells are supplementary spells which can immobilize an enemy or have an effect besides a direct strike it is a broad category of defensive spells which block or repel attacks or freeze enemies in place the two main types of bakudo are barriers and seals hador or offensive spells which inflict direct damage to the enemy their effectiveness differs depending on the user it's said the effectiveness of the higher ranked spells are Beyond imagination within hadle there are a subset of spells known as Gisele these are haggle spells that requires the user to sacrifice certain portion of themselves in order to use it like it or Castle which made the former Captain Commander Yamamoto lose his left arm kaido or healing spells which were created by kirinji of the royal guard these spells don't have names numbers or incantations to cast They simply heal their targets as the user holds their hands above the patient's wounds their palms glow with Green Spiritual energy to facilitate healing we see this literally whenever Sakura is on screen because that is all she's good for wait a second I think that's the wrong manga the keto core obviously specialize in the use of kidle the soul Society has a very interesting social structure it has its own governments noble families Judiciary laws and punishments the soul King is the figurehead who rules over the entire soul Society however as previously explained his existence is more of a concept than anything else the soul King has been dead since the creation of the universe the higher-ups of Soul Society simply use his name to carry out some Law and Order within the realm within the cedete there are various Noble houses the four Great noble families carry the most weight and appear to have some influence over the governmental institutions like the central 46 Chambers and even institutions outside of the government like the Shino Academy the noble families are the descendants of the men who work together to enslave the soul King and create the universe the military including their commanders have no authority to act against a member of a noble family with without evidence that their actions are treasonous to Soul Society we only know three of the current four great noble families those being the shihon clan the kuchiki clan and the sunayashiro clan who we were introduced to through the light novels it is stated that the other noble families all serve one of the four each Central 46 is the justice system of Soul Society who ultimately served the Shinigami royalty they are made up of 40 wise men and six judges they are sealed into an enclave in the cerete which is called the Tranquil Forest of residential Towers no one else may enter this Enclave regardless of their military or civilian status the central 46 acts as a supreme Judiciary organization whose authority puts it in direct control of the legal system they handle all rulings on Shinigami and souls who have violated prohibitions their orders are absolute and no decision has been known to be overturned so what are some of these prohibitions the ultimate law of the Soul Society is to maintain balance anything that can be considered in opposition to this law is the greatest offense possible on top of that there are various specific laws that have been mentioned over the course of the series let me list a few of the crimes we've learned about Shinigami are not allowed to give their spiritual power to humans as this disrupts the balance of power it is against the law to commit murder within the soul Society or to kill a human that ishinigami has not been ordered to kill it is forbidden for a Shinigami to acquire or attempt to gain hollow-like Powers Shinigami leaving their assigned posts is considered a crime it is against the law for Shinigami to make unauthorized trips to the human world it is against the law for a noble such as the kuchiki clan to marry those hailing from the rukongai it is a crime to lose a sacred treasure and lastly it is against the law for ishinigami to draw the zampaktor around the Senza IQ however that last one can be bypassed if a captain Commander allows it breaking any of the aforementioned laws is a punishable offense certain crimes allow for the punishment of Exile stripping ishinigami of their powers and banishing them to the human world then there's detention which is commonly reserves for those who have either broken the law quit the goatee 13 or those who just seem dangerous and mentally unstable as per the government's interpretation this detention is carried out by the on mitsukido's detention unit the central 46 can also imprison Shinigami sentencing them to be held in the central great underground prison for a set amount of time the prison has eight levels which prisoners are confined in based on the severity of their crimes Sasuke Eisen is currently imprisoned for 20 000 years in the eighth and final level of the prison known as the muken for committing the crime of treason and of of course that is execution we know of two forms of execution in the soul Society the first is the spirit ceiling pit which is an ancient form of execution in which Shinigami criminals were thrown into a pit walled with seki seki which prevents them from using their powers and then they were forced to fight against Hollows this practice was discontinued for being considered too barbaric and the pits were converted into garbage dumps the second is the sulkyoku the ultimate's punishment this form of execution is reserved to those with extremely strong spiritual power name leave Shinigami captains it is a giant Halbert that destroys a soul on contact when released it takes on the form of a phoenix its true form known as the kikor it has the destructive power of a million xampaxel and that power is multiplied by a factor of 10 at the moment it pierces its victim but despite that this sokyoku was destroyed by ukitake and shinsui everything about society's social structure is methodically devised to maintain the balance of souls in the universe and that brings me onto the final part of the video foreign despite the sole Society being heavily inspired by the abrahamic understanding of Heaven this isn't a good place this is not a paradise that people can only dream of in fact I'd go as far as to say that the soul Society is a dystopia an unfair World governed by unjust and harsh people all they truly care about is the balance of souls the maintenance of the universe and that is a righteous honorable cause that is without a doubt the greatest thing they could try to do but that in of itself raises some very interesting philosophical questions like do the ends justify the means Mayuri executed 28 000 people in drukongai to maintain the balance the numbers didn't add up and so they had to be manually adjusted 28 000 people killed just like that which might be a small number in comparison to the total population of the entire universe but that obviously doesn't justify this mindless Slaughter not to mention the console the ceremony which costs deceased captains of the goatee 13 into hell people who have devoted their entire lives to servitude cost into a presumed Eternal suffering is that right of course not but what can be done these moral conflicts weren't fully explored in the main manga of bleach which is definitely disappointing but I don't think it was ever that necessary the main storyline of bleach was the Journey of Kurosaki Ichigo overcoming grief and learning to embrace courage in the face of death that was perfectly resolved by the Final Chapter however as you probably already know bleach isn't over Kubo intends to return with the hellark which will explore the most unexplored realm in bleach's universe and I am absolutely certain that the Injustice and dystopic structure of Soul Society will be a crucial piece of the Helix thematic framework the one shot that serves as a Prelude to the hellock had a heavy focus on these things so it's pretty much guaranteed to play a major role which makes me so very excited for the future of the story with that being said I think I've covered all the most important things for soul Society the lore the World building and the power system right now it might still seem a little basic or underutilized but the true genius behind kubo's World building will be much clearer once I have completed this series two weeks from now we will be dissecting the hollows and aranca hueco Mundo and their power system the similarities and differences between this video and that video will highlight the Thematic Brilliance of Kumar's writing how they mirror and parallel and what that represents on a grander scale much like the Shinigami we don't have very many specific dates for certain events in the history of the hollows the only concrete thing we know is that the world took on its current form sometime over a million years ago that's when the separate Realms were created but for the soul society and hueco Mundo's creation there was no border between life and death a Time known as the primordial age in my previous video about the Shinigami I explained how the soul king who ruled during this age was sealed and mutilated by the ancestors of Soul society's five great noble families but all that really matters for the purposes of this video is that Hollows existed during that primordial age and we can infer that they were very different to the hollows we are familiar with in the current day how these Hollows came into existence is something left completely unclear all we do really know is that even in this age there was a cycle of reishi the hollows eventually began devouring humans at a ridiculous rate which completely halted this cycle threatening the state of the entire universe all of those Souls devoured by the hollows came together to form one gigantic Hollow the first ever menosgrande and thus the world became completely still and then the Soul King came into being and destroyed this massive Hollow that is made up of what we can only assume to be millions of Souls of reyatu combined the menos was turned into Sands of reishi which was eventually used to create huaku Mundo by the ancestors of the five Great noble families during the time between that event a million years ago and the current timeline huacomundo has gone through very drastic changes in only the last hundred years there's been three separate rulers of the realm which is a tiny fraction of its history jueco Mundo has never had a centralized government or military in the hollow world the strongest caused the shots you either eat or you are eaten one day baragan who eventually serves on the Eisen as the second Espada was naturally born as a vasto lord menos he conquered the realm and crowned himself the god king of hueco Mundo at some unknown time before the start of the story he turned the Wasteland into a place with some semblance of order he had his own Court of Hollows he claimed the Fortress and named it last noches which eventually became the heart of the realm barragan's first real threats came in the form of a massive ancient Hollow known as ikomokidomoy they came to acknowledge each other's strength and even made a pact that they would never interfere with each other out of acknowledgment that the other could very well kill them then Aizen came into the picture alongside gin and torsin he usurps baragan and takes over Las noches after what we can only assume to be hundreds of years of unchallenged rule but again had grown quiet complacent he notes that he is Bored wondering what point there is in having an army if you have nobody to fight he states that he's been considering splitting his army into two and have them battle to the death simply for some form of entertainment welcoming Eisen in hopes he'll provide him with something like that of course he couldn't have known just who he was talking to but clearly maragan doesn't just hand over his kingdom to Eisen he's simply too prideful to do so there was definitely some battle involved or Eisen just used kyoka suigetsu to handle him but the ultimate point is that hueco Mondo becomes eisen's territory following this he establishes the Espada and makes some pretty big changes to the realm Eisen builds a new version of Las noches creates a sunlit sky within the Fortress and really just tries to introduce civilization in the realm that has only ever known conflict and bloodshed and that brings us to the start of the story and the current day where everything is as we see in both the aranca and Thousand-Year blood War arcs following eisen's defeat at the hands of Ichigo Tia haribel takes command of hue comundo for a short-lived tenure as yuhaba is reborn and takes it from her with ease I am fully aware there are so many Side Stories regarding huacomundo in the light novels but I want to focus on the most important details bringing us to the current day the race of Hollows if we can even call them a race are born from The Souls of humans that do not cross over to Soul Society after their deaths the reason for this ranges anywhere from despair regrets or unfinished business from their lifetime spent as a human this is explicitly explained by Rukia in chapter 28. one of the shinigami's main jobs which we discussed in the previous video is to perform the console ritual on pluses which is crucial not just for the cycle of souls but to prevent the birth of Hollows any Soul who is not guided to Soul Society via the console ritual may eventually turn into a hollow a good example of this process is orihime's older brother Sora together they fled from their abusive parents and became the most important people to each other then Sora died in a tragic car accident and when he became a plus he became increasingly obsessive of Orihime with limited ways to interact with the living many pluses find that they are able to cope when their loved ones moved on and this is exactly what happened to Sora he became filled with jealousy at the fact Orihime began praying for him less and less and instead starts praying for her new friends in tatsuki and Ichigo he eventually became a hollow and ironically this process would have the focus of his obsession his younger sister Orihime be his first victim had Ichigo not been there to save her the process of a plus turning into a hollow is visually depicted through the chain of Fate which resides in the center of a Plus's chest the chain of Fate slowly corrodes over time coinciding with the degradation of the Soul's ties to The Living World this corrosion can be accelerated under specific conditions such as when a plus is attacked by a hollow all they have given into extreme despair when the chain completely decays the soul is reborn as a hollow and in place of the chain of Fates a hole opens up on their chest signifying that they have their hearts pluses who are not able to leave the human world because they regret leaving something behind or known as either jubakure or tsukere the primary distinction being that jibakure are bound to a place whereas tsukire are bound to a person making orihime's older brother a tsukide a demi-holo is a jibakure or tsukere that's in the process of evolving into a hollow but this process can take anywhere from weeks to months once a soul becomes a hollow it is driven by an eternal and insatiable hunger to devour other Souls both living and dead to fill the void where their heart once was most Hollows become mindless creatures concerned only with finding the most potent souls to devour those high in spiritual power this is why ichigo's home is attacked in the very first chapter the hollow was drawn there by ichigo's exceedingly potent rarioku for a human other than humans the races in bleachers world have AC specific theme which each take inspiration from a certain culture and language Kubo has actually been asked if there is any specific meaning behind his language choices to which he responded for the eranka I thought that Spanish sounds very passionate and a little erotic which matches their wild lifestyle German sounds cold harsh and methodic something that matches the straightforward methods of the quincies I'd also like to use French at some point because it sounds very elegant but I can't figure out a good way to include it into the story I guess that means characters in the hell Arc are going to be speaking French which is oddly fitting the Quincy are inspired by the German with Quincy in German literally meaning monk of Destruction the Shinigami are inspired by the Japanese with Shinigami in Japanese meaning god of death and the hollows are inspired by the Spanish with the word Hollow translating to hueco in Spanish meaning Hollow old these themes fashion so many aspects of their respective race even having an instrumental role in their soundtracks we all know the greatness of the espadas soundtracks foreign and what we've been getting in the Thousand-Year blood War for the Quincy While most Hollows are evil or at the very least mindless there are quite a few exceptions who we meet across the story Nell and her adoptive brothers dondochaka and pishe are good examples of this others include Grim Zhao and his pack they are definitely evil but they're not mindless and are capable of camaraderie and loyalty his subordinates were voluntarily sacrificed parts of themselves for the sake of grim jowl's growth the hollows aren't nearly as one-dimensional as they may seem on the surface there is a hierarchy within their race and certain special Hollows with sentience and freedom of choice do exist though Kubo does make it very clear that these guys are mostly demonic and violent interestingly the stronger rojolo is the more it begins to resemble the human it once was the white skull-like masks they wear are formed from the hearts they had lost as humans this mask protects the naked instinct which is left in a being after the loss of its heart the very essence of their soul and it also obscures the original identity of the hollow it can be shattered temporarily allowing the hollow to regain its original identity but it will regenerate after a short period once the hollow takes over again this fundamental aspect of their appearance is one of the only things that's consistent among all Hollows other than the mosque they all differ greatly in terms of how they look they very rarely appear the same but the one metric of their appearance that can be consistent is their size only among the classification of Menos as I stated the stronger a hollow the more it begins to resemble a human and their differences in size among the classification of Menos is a clear visual indicator of that the only artificially created pure Hollow we know of in the series is Wyatt who lives within Ichigo and was created by Eisen I would not be surprised if there have been others in the very long history of the universe but without something like the whole Goku they would never have posed a universal threat the destruction of Hollows by a Shinigami zampakto is a pretty interesting concept because Shinigami aren't actually killing them but rather purifying them of the sins they committed as a hollow thus returning them to their former state of being a plus this allows the spirit to enter the soul Society normally as if they never became a hollow to begin with but in cases where the hollow was a terrible person as a mortal and committed great sins it's returned to a plus will summon the gates of hell this is exactly why the Quincy's methods of handling Hollows is so problematic rather than purifying them they completely destroy them including their souls which has disastrous effects on the cycle of Souls and just general balance of the universe that is everything you need to know about the race of hollows from a fundamental standpoint but will be going much deeper and begin looking at different menos classification and what makes a naranka in just a few minutes before that though let's talk about the hollow world is a place for the Restless Dead The Hollows who know of nothing but hunger just like its inhabitants hueco Mundo is empty composed of an endless desert of White Sands and odd tree-like objects under a Perpetual black Sky these trees aren't plants but rather made up of a quartz-like substance further emphasizing just how lifeless this realm truly is strong winds can stir up sandstorms and some inhabitants of hueco Mundo where capes and cloaks to protect themselves from those storms much like the soul Society the atmosphere of huecon Mundo is composed of reishi in this case fairly strong reishi stronger than Soul societies which is sufficient enough to nourish small Hollows without them needing to feed on other Hollows to survive the world is in constant nighttime and the moon of work on Mundo has a direct opposite lunar cycle to that of the human worlds further reiterating that humans and Hollows are opposites hueco Mundo exists somewhere between the human world and the Soul Society but its exact location is unknown it is separated from the bordering Dimension between the human world and the Soul Society known as the dangai which means there's only one thing connecting to the rest of the universe and that brings us onto the garganta and can't fear your own world we get this line if the world of the living and the Soul Society could be likened to planets and the pipeline that connected them were the dangai the void of space that surrounded those was called garganta This is a simple metaphor used to explain bleacher's cosmology each realm is a spherical structure much like all planets that float around within the garganta much like space however the garganta isn't actually space it's a void of turbulent ratio unlike the space we know you can breathe in the garganta and you can't access it by just leaving the atmosphere of any realm this hypothetical diagram I'm on screen right now perfectly captures what I mean it's a separate Dimension that you can't physically travel to hence why I had to make it clear that this is not actually space for example you can't just fly off of Soul society and enter the garganta like you would leave Earth and Enter space you need to open a dimensional portal to access the garganta much like the dangai which connects the soul society and the human world time functions differently within the garganta this garganta connects to Akon Mundo to the other Realms Hollows travel between Dimensions as they see fit through the gargante there are multiple ways in which one can access this void of turbulence ratio the Kumon is a spatial Distortion which gillians typically use to travel between Realms the K kaigi is a keto technique used by urahara which connects the space tying two worlds together to open a portal to the garganta this opening is generated between two large wooden posts jutting out from two large rock formations descore is a technique used by a spider level of rancor and sometimes others to open a portal to the garganta in order to travel between Realms and lastly Mayuri opened the portal into the garganta using a device he found while in weku mundo gorganta means throat in Spanish and black cavity in Japanese both of these meanings complementing each other very nicely and capturing exactly what the dimension feels like as a part of bleacher's cosmology the only other named area that really matters with regards to hueco Mundo is Las noches I'm aware there is also a forest of medos from episode 147 of the anime which was actually confirmed to be Canon by Kubo in volume 29 but other than the fact that exists it doesn't really matter for the purpose of this video Las noches is a fortress located in Wako mondor previously ruled by baragan until Eisen usurped him and took control over the ENT entire realm this massive Fortress can be seen for miles it consists of a main building with a domed center surrounded by several large towers and smaller buildings Atop The Dome are five smaller Towers which appear to contain areas such as eisen's throne rooms and the Espada Meeting Hall the inside of Las noches Dome simulates the Blue Sky of the human world something Eisen introduced once he took control over the Fortress each of the aspada have their own area within Las noches of which we've seen five Stark's resting room haribel's Palace zomari's meditation room zayaporo's lab and aronieros Palace Torsen and gin both have their own control rooms and there's also a jail cell which Orihime was kept in for a short while in comparison to the soul Society there isn't too much to talk about with regards to ekon Mundo's Physical World building it's a Barren Wasteland which perfectly suits its inhabitants it doesn't really need to be any more than what it is finally we arrive at the menos the subgroup of hollow we are most interested in for the purposes of this video the majority of Hollows come from a single human soul but menos also known as menosgrande on the amalgamation of hundreds of normal Hollows resulting in a single composite entity of far greater power menos are created when the void within an ordinary hollow's heart becomes so substantial that human souls are incapable of sustaining it at which point it begins devouring other Hollows these cannibal Hollows are attracted to one another and a mass devouring follows resulting in the final cannibal Hollow that remains evolving into a Gillian following this transformation the Gillian type menos can evolve twice more first into an educus and finally into a vasto Lord provided certain conditions are met menos evolution is not only contingent upon the menos eating other lows but also upon the medals's ability to avoid being eaten themselves if another Hollow succeeds in devouring even a single part of their body Evolution becomes impossible for the one who is wounded this way these guys are considered so dangerous that Soul Society sends only highly trained Shinigami teams to handle them even if it's just a Gillian the weakest type of Menos let's quickly break down everything we know about the three types of Menos Gillian are the first and weakest of the menos there are many of them they all look alike and they're referred to as foot soldiers in an army of Hollows these are the medals who are generally referred to in textbooks within Seoul Society they're kinda like the staple of Menos since edutus and vasto Lord are pretty rare to come across in terms of appearance they all look pretty similar they're massive have a white mosque and a nose that looks like Usos their bodies are covered from head to toe with a big black cloak around their neck is a row of thin white spikes they have large white hands long white nails and very strong tongues that are capable of breaking a fellow hollow's mask though gillians usually have no personality which is what makes them so dangerous since they have no mind of their own one of the many Hollows within the Gillian might gain control over the newly formed entity reflected in the unique mosque it wears in comparison to a noble Gillian only these Gillian variants have the potential to evolve into a Jewish class menos a duchess are the second type of Menos they are much smaller than Gillian's and far fewer in number but they're also much smarter and much stronger than them these guys give orders to the gillians usually leading them into battle they're powerful enough to challenge a captain of the golti 13. in terms of appearance these guys can hugely vary anywhere from bulky humanoid Hollows to the panther-like form of grim gel before he became a naranka due to how rare it is for a single Hollow within a menace to gain control over evolving even further from a duties to vasto Lord is incredibly rare so rare that only a few of these guys exist in all of Seoul Society not only do they have to keep devouring other Hollows but they themselves can't be even slightly devoured as previously explained vasto Lord are the final type of Menos the highest level of evolution extremely rare in number is said that the amount of vast or Lords within all of work and wonder can be counted with the fingers on one's hands it is also stated that the combat capabilities of these vast or Lord are above those of captains of the gote 13. these vasto Lord are extremely small roughly the same size as a human as previously explained the more powerful a hollow and more ayatsu it has the more it resembles a human the process for the creation of a vast or Lord is unknown grimjao and his pack hypothesized that and the Jews can become a vast oh Lord by devouring large amounts of Hollows however xiaolong and his group found this method to be ineffective after devouring 3 000 Hollows xiaolong speculated that a vasto Lord is determined upon an individual's birth as a hollow or perhaps even before that introducing a layer of Fate To The vasto Lord which strongly ties into the messaging of bleach especially in this Saga the aranka or Hollows that have ripped off their masks and gained shinigami-like Powers which is evidenced by the Spanish name aranka directly translating as to tear off an average Hollow becoming an aranca isn't really a problem for the goatee 13 but the same cannot be said for menos class Hollows eisen's hogyoku is used to turn many of the menos living in hueco Mondo into aranka though there are also many natural born aranka like stork baragan and urukura it's made quite clear that the hogyoku aranka possess far greater power potential than Natural Born ones which I guess is a huge Testament to the strength of some of the top Espada who had no hulkyoku interference for their power aranka differ from ordinary Hollows in several ways especially vasto Lords these guys have 100 humanoid forms and the scale that's been implemented is basically the lower their intelligence the more they look like Hollows the higher the more they resemble humans each aranka has a unique stigma which is a pattern that resembles a fragment of a hollow's mask we also learned through uru's fight with chiruchi the arankana only share the powers of Shinigami but their Anatomy as well he aims for the area where the sakitsu would be located on a Shinigami and upon striking it siruchi immediately loses not only her release form and a stigma but seemingly all traces of her formal power and finally the arankazam pacto these things are entirely different from the zanpaktor that Shinigami used but they're pretty interesting and we'll be talking about them later on when we explain the hollow's Power Systems the aranca on the eisen's command have a standard theme for their clothing their uniforms consist of a white jacket black sash white hakama which is a traditional type of Japanese trousers black tabi which are traditional Japanese socks and white zodigi which are traditional Japanese sandals these outfits bear an opposing similarity to the outfits of the Shinigami it's essentially just an inversion of the Shinigami uniform which provides some very interesting interplay between the two races especially considering how the aranka serve as villains and antagonists but Don predominantly white outfits which tend to be associated with the Good Guys across literature the aranka make up the bulk of eisen's strongest troops within his military despite not having a formal governments the strongest inhabitants of hueco Mundo do make up a military which is ruled over by Eisen or at least was ruled over by him known as eisen's aranka Army we don't know if this specific military structure was intact before foreign did have underlings each member of eisen's army has a number tattooed somewhere on their body which correspond with their rank within the Army the meaning of this number differs depending on which units the aranka is part of the prevaron Espada are former members of the Espada that have been demoted either for losing strength or losing usefulness to Eisen this happened to grimjao temporarily after his arm was cut off by Torsen the three main prevaron Espada were Number 103 dortoni number 105 siruchi and number 107 moscada these three digit numbers were assigned to them and tattooed onto their bodies when they lost theirs by their ranks and they reside in the tresifras todoni stated that the prevaron Espada were all naturally created and rendered obsolete once Eisen began creating aranca artificially to meet his own standards reiterating the superiority of hogyoku aranka then there are the numeros who make up the bulk of the aranca numbers the moment Hollow is reborn into an aranca it is assigned a two-digit number starting from 11. this number indicates the order of their birth hence the higher the number the younger they are the strongest amongst the numeros can be hand-picked by Eisen and promoted to a spider which is why they're constantly trying to prove themselves fractions are numerous who serve a specific Espada as proof of their status as the strongest they as bad they have the right to select subordinates from among the numeros to supervise directly they can choose however many fraction or none at all the equias act as the execution division for eisen's Army radbourne is their only true member with the rest of the group consisting of the Calaveras which are created by his resurrection's ability this unit is responsible for terminating Rebels or Intruders in Las noches and they are supported it to the Espada they also clean up after each battle collecting data before killing any survivors they kill dodoni for failing to win against Ichigo or and they killed siruchi for failing to win against uru and finally the top brass of eisen's army the Espada they are the top 10 ranked and most powerful aranca in eisen's Army and unlike the numeros their numbers don't indicate the order of their birth but rather the amount of ferreroku they have zero having the most rarioku and 9 having the least it is implied that along with Eisen gin and tosin the Espada as a group possesses comparable strength to the golte 13 captains Eisen clearly has a lot of respect for the espada's abilities addressing them as his dear Espada and sitting at the head of the same table with them while discussing his plans he is comfortable confiding in them with goals of destroying karakura town and creating an Oken even allowing the location of the whole Yoku to be public knowledge among them however this isn't just out of trust and respect but an unwavering confidence in his own ability to handle any Trail of the need arises each of the Espada at the time of fake karakura Town embody one of the ten aspects of death a thematic underpinning for their characters we don't really get any Exposition on where these aspects of death come from and if this is something purely symbolic or not but I assume they are related to the lives they lived as humans the source of pain within their Hollow holes and thus the source of their power the number nine Espada was aroniero arurueri who embodied greed a very fitting symbol for the one who gained Power by eating other souls and absorbing their abilities he was the only member of the first generation aspire to not be demoted to a prevaron Espada and at some point in the past he gained the powers of cayenne Shiba by absorbing the hollow who killed and fused with the former Lieutenant he's also the only member of the aspadas who have been a Gillian before becoming a naranka the weakest class of Menos the fact he had no fraxion under his wing and clearly preferred to be alone suited as his abilities and general personality is a cunning underhanded manipulator who lurked in the shadows he was ultimately killed in his battle against Rukia where his greed is most evident as he prioritizes torturing her over quickly killing her to his own detriment the number eight Espada was zairoporo grants who embodied Madness given he was the mad scientist of eisen's army this makes perfect sense Zaya was killed by Mayuri and dragged into hell where he now serves as a Jailer we receive a staggering amount of information on zairoporo's past in the light novels specifically Spirits are forever with you but that's a topic for another day I haven't read that one yet he is highly narcissistic and just generally quiet sadistic viewing others as little more than research material among the Espada zairoporo has by far the most fraxion he personally modified each of them so that he can heal his wounds by eating them they only named fraxion under his wing were Lumina Verona and midazepi all unknown numbers the number seven aspada was zomari ruro who embodied Hedonism a very interesting symbol given his personality as this super calm and contemplative dude who's always meditating in his residence but as we learned from his battle against byakuya this is but a facade that quickly crumbles Under Pressure his overzealous nature is his downfall leading him to severely underestimate byakia and ultimately be killed by him his Hedonism is most apparent with his obsessive Devotion to Eisen his last words praising his master like aroniero zomari had no flexion the number six Espada was grim Jagger Jack who embodied destruction he was temporarily replaced by Lupi for acting outside of eisen's orders but quickly returned to his position after killing them Grim Zhao is an absolute madman he's brutal impulsive and very violent but despite this he does have some form of code of Honor best scene when he's unwilling to fight against an injured Ichigo and tries to force Orihime to heal him before becoming an avanka he was a panther-like a duchess class he ruled over a group of other Jews who were all like him trying to evolve into vast oh Lord but despite devouring thousands of Hollows they simply couldn't progress onto that final stage grimdale's fraxion is composed of those same adjuchas he met in his past life before being reborn as a naranka xiaolong was the leader of those fraction until he was killed by hitsugya and he was the number 11 numeros making him the oldest of them all Edward Leones was number 13 and killed by ikaku nakim Grundy Dino was number 14 and killed by rangiku ilford grants the older brother of zairoporo was number 15 and killed by renji and lastly deroy was number 16 and killed by Rukia grimjao stays alive until the very end of the Bleach Manga the number 5 Espada was noitara gilga who embodied despair he was once the number eighter spider but reached the position of number five by defeating Nelly L with the help of zairoporo there is a lot that can be said about noita so much so he honestly deserves his own analysis it's quite difficult to summarize his character in just a few lines but his aspect of death being despair says quite a lot about him he was consumed by despair as a purposeless hollow the only thing he found joyin was fighting to fight until only he remains as the strongest being or until he dies very fitting that he dies at the hands of someone very similar to him in kempachi he had one fraxion number 50 tesra Lindo Cruz the number four spider was urukyo rashifa who embodied nihilism he is one of the most unique members of the aswada he isn't particularly violent despite his cold and dispassionate personality and only fights when provoked to or ordered to by Eisen urukura was ostracized by other Hollows when he was born due to being white whereas those around him were all black he wandered to Echo Mundo in complete isolation until he came across a white tree where he planned to commit suicide he found the tree satisfying and sank into it destroying part of his mask and rebirthing him into anaranka his nihilism is most evident in his backstory and interactions with Orihime where he genuinely cannot understand why she has so much faith in her friends and feels such profound feelings towards them ironically it is only in his death where he is freed from this nihilism and comes to understand what it means to feel urikura had no fraxion and was killed by Ichigo in their battle on the Dome of Las noches the number three Espada is Tia haribel who embodied sacrifice she is calm and analytical and afraxion consists of three female aranca known as the Tres Bestia who have all followed haribel since their pre-aranka times much like urikiora haribel is quietly unique aranka she shows a lot of love and empathy towards her fraxion and a hollow hole is located where a woman's womb would be which ties into her aspect of death incredibly fittingly Eisen attempted to kill and sacrifice her in fake karakora town but she survived and went on to rule over hueco Mundo until yuhaba arrived over a year later and absolutely destroyed her her current status is unknown but we can assume she's alive due to the fact she was never confirmed to be dead which is something Kubo usually goes out of his way to do whenever a character does actually die the number two Espada is Baraga and Louis and Ben who embodied senescence also known as old age this coincides with his ability to dramatically accelerate the age of whatever he touches we've spoken about baragan a lot over the course of this video he was the former king of Waco Mundo before Eisen took over the realm and in his final moments he attempts to kill Eisen in a pitiful showing where his attack doesn't even reach the king ironically he is killed by hachigen who uses his own ability against him killing barrigan with the very power he considered to be absolute baragan had many fraxion who referred to him by his former title of royalty as your majesty which implies they followed him even before they became followers of Eisen these fraxion include number 20 Charlotte schulhorn number 22 abiramareda number 24 findor kalias number 25 choning Pao number 26 Geo Vega and number 27 near Jay parduk crazy ass the number one Espada is coyote Stark who embodied Solitude this man was so lonely he split his soul into two aranka in order to escape that loneliness Lily net Ginger Buck is the counterpart to his soul and his only fraxion he joined Aizen to meet others as powerful as himself and the reason Stark was so lonely and enviedo's weaker than him is because his power was so ridiculous that simply being in his presence was enough to kill most Hollows all he ever wanted was friends to not feel lonely which makes his death at the hands of shunsui especially tragic given how he is burdened by extreme loneliness as well and has nobody to confide in with regards to his trauma and finally we arrive at number zero with the perceived highest amount of radioku among ulispada Yami Lago who embodied rage not much to say about this guy he was just angry all the time and we were led to believe he was the number 10 aranka but in his released form the one melts away leaving just the 0 he was killed by both biakuya and Zaraki kempachi the Espada are one of the most infamous villain groups in not just bleach but anime and manga as a whole they represent the full extent of what Hollow is capable of in terms of power and sentience hopefully this quick breakdown of each of them was sufficient and we can move on to the different powers exclusive to the hollows Hollows have their own set of powers and aranka take it to the next level so we'll start by going through the hollow power system and then the aranca even though it's technically the same thing since aranca or Hollows but yeah you know what I mean much like Shinigami Hollows have a multitude of combat skills and abilities most of which are usually unique depending on the hollow they usually acquire energy to power their abilities by devouring Souls but smaller ones can ingest energy from the atmosphere when in Realms with a high concentration of spiritual energy such as the reishi-constituted soul society and Hue comundo the rarioku of a hollow is essentially poisoned to frequency completely destroying their souls where to enter their bodies which is why they are their sworn enemies and live to destroy them Hollows have a number of named abilities including soul body separation which allows a hollow to forcibly extract a Living spirit from their body this isn't usually used by Hollow since most of them would rather just devour the spirit but only hime's brother did use this on her so they could speak with one another shrika also uses it to trap yuichi in the body of a parakeet acidic touch is when a hollow grabs a human with their hands in the area which they grabbed is burned as if acid were poured onto it pretty self-explanatory technique this makes the hollows ryatsu seep into the victim which happened to both orehime and Chad and is widely believed to have awakened their abilities the saddle is a highly powerful blast of energy which can be fired from various body parts but this has only been used by menos class Hollows the aranca and the visor we'll speak about this a little more shortly negations fields are used to rescue fellow Hollows we've seen Gillian class menos utilize this on some occasions and finally high speed regeneration is pretty much explained by the name alone it allows a hollow to heal most of his injuries very quickly with the exception of injuries to the head or vital organs urakura states that most aranca trade in their high-speed region for far greater strength which brings us onto the aranca as previously explained aranka or Hollows that have removed their masks and gained shinigami-like powers and that really does capture the way they fight these guys are very very similar to the Shinigami with some distinct differences they even have their own zampaktor though these things function completely differently to a Shinigami zanpaktor the arancas sealed the nuclei of their abilities within the form of a sword meaning when they release their zampakto seal they unleash their true powers and true forms the combat efficiency of anaranca with a release zanpaktor is increased several times over I like to think of these release forms as an inversion of Bankai instead of them unleashing their zampaktor Spirits they are temporarily restoring themselves to their true form bringing back their Hollow Powers this is known as a resurrection which is activated with a command phrase followed by the name of their zampaktor very similar to a Bankai indeed aranka powers are both similar to the shinigamis and variations of ordinary Hollow Powers Bala is a technique that fires hardened reishi it is much less powerful than the next technique but it can be successively fired at 20 times the rate and of course the next technique is the settle which we just mentioned a couple minutes ago a powerful blast of energy there are countless unique variations within the settle technique such as cero doble cero cornea Cerro syncretico the grand racero Cerro obscuras this is basically like the hollow Kamehameha just a massive blast of energy Hiro refers to the outer skin of a naranga which has a high spiritual hardness and functions like armor pesquisa is a naranka's ability to measure and locate tarayatsu much like the shinigami's reikaku and finally sonido is the aranka's ability for high-speed footwork the equivalent to a shinigami's shampoo according to urukuro any Espada ranked fourth or higher are not allowed to release their zampakto within last notches nor are any of the Espada allowed to discharge a grand Ray settle as both are powerful enough to destroy the majority of Las noches which is pretty insane given how massive Las noches is the abilities of each Hollow and each aranca are so vast and unique and there's honestly not much more I could say for the fundamental elements of their power system how they go about using their area code is what sets them apart after all the vast amount of radio coup is what makes them such a threat to begin with I honestly might make a video someday just as long as this one talking about each of the espada's individual fighting style and how their abilities complement their characters because is much like the Shinigami it's absolutely glorious just how many subtle bits of character work are packed into the smallest details of their abilities the visors aren't technically Hollows but rather a group of Shinigami who have acquired Hollow Powers through the use of eisen's incomplete hogyoku they are the complete antithesis of the aranca vizid or Shinigami who have gained Hollow powers and aranca or Hollows who have gained Shinigami Powers there are eight known visors aside from Ichigo himself their story is covered in the turn back the pendulum flashback which takes us back in time a hundred years ago in Seoul Society let me know if you guys would like to see me cover that on this channel at some point in the future these guys are completely indistinguishable from ordinary Shinigami but by donning a hollow mosque they gain access to their Hollow Powers they are all former captains and lieutenants within Seoul Society actually we might as well just quickly go through them Shinji hirako the former captain of the fifth division love ikawa the former captain of the seventh division Rojo more commonly known as Rose who is the former captain of the third division kensei muguruma the former captain of the ninth division mashiro kuna the former Lieutenant of the ninth division under kensei hyori sarugaki the former Lieutenant of the 12th Division and the former Lieutenant of the kidoku and finally Lisa yadomaru the former Lieutenant of the eighth division Shinji Rose kensei mashiro and Lisa were orientated to their former positions after eisen's defeat with the exception of Lisa who wasn't just reinstated but promoted to captain of the eighth division following the death of Yamamoto and promotion of shunsui to Captain Commander when Hollow finds the wizard have enhanced speed and haunt strength enhanced endurance and enhanced terrarioku they can also fire settles just like the aranca and their power is just generally augmented as they have both the power of a hollow and the power of ishinigami working in tandem according to Eisen the fusion of these two spiritual entities allows the visor to reach power levels fossil passing that of either an exclusive Hollow or Shinigami which explains why Ichigo is such a monster by the end of the series much like the hollows the origin of the race of Quincy's is unknown ishin claimed that johabar began the Quincy and that his blood flows in every Quincy however we know this to be untrue based on baz Bee's words in his flashback to further supplement this idea the soul King is described as a being of all Races excluding only the hollows in the can't fear your own world novels the Quincy the Soul Reapers and also the fullbringers it could be said that he is the ancestor of them all he was a Quincy and also at the same time a soul Reaper and also just a normal person bearing countless abilities like a fullbringer based on this statement it seems the soul King was the first ever Quincy though his existence is far too complicated to refer to him as such rather it is more fitting to say that all Quincy come from the soul King including his son you have a now whether you have is the soul King's biological Offspring or just a symbolic child is unconfirmed though I seriously doubt the former I don't think they're connected by Blood but rather by something spiritual these two individuals are the closest things to deities in the world of bleach sometime in the distant past a baby was born the child could not see his speak nor move it had no means of survival yet it knew that it would survive people around him treated the child like a treasure as his mere presence would grant them things they were lacking Health loneliness fear even missing limbs were taken care of as this child had the power to impart his soul the people granted these things did not live for long and their deaths would return the pieces of this child's Soul previously imported within them despite dying so shortly after being in contact with the child people still flocked towards him taking taking part of his soul and returning it back to him in death this is the process by which he regained his senses the child went on to become worshiped as a deity people referred to him by the name of the god they worshiped he decided to make that name his own this child is johaba every Quincy we meet in the story is governed by their father the child I just mentioned by johaba he is the progenitor of the current generation of Quincy whom they Revere as their King their lord the blood of johabah flows within every Quincy the relationship between yuhaba and his Quincy is characterized by contrast all Quincy have the ability to gather reishi from their surroundings and turn it into their own power whereas johabar their Majesty has the opposite ability to share his own power through his soul over 200 years after his birth yuhaba had formed the kingdom of Quincy known as the in the human world this is where he meets a child just like him jugaram hashvalt another Quincy with the ability to impart pieces of his soul who yuhaba refers to as his other half the stone little were formed in preparation for the Quincy attack on Seoul society and some unknown time after this we arrive at the war that took place a thousand years before the present the war between yuhaba's Kingdom and the Gautier 13 led by shigokuni Yamamoto the Quincy were completely overpowered and before yuhaba could even begin to battle against Yamamoto he was stabbed from behind by sasakibe which paved the way for yamamoto's finishing blow then yuhaba loses his powers returning to a state much like the one he was born in senseless without a pulse in a position much like the one his father was forced into but again yuhaba knew he would survive Quincy folklore spoke of him as the sealed King and waited for his return chanting the king's him the confined Quincy King regains his pulse after 900 years his mind of the 90 years and his strength after nine years of course there is more to this poem even without their father many Quincy continued living their lives in the human world fighting against the hollows that threatened their very existence the first Quincy we are introduced to in the story is uru Ishida who referred to himself as the last Quincy 200 years before the current day and 800 years after yuhaba's defeat the Quincy Massacre took place the Quincy posed a massive threat to the balance of the greater Universe their methods of combating the hollows is by completely eradicating them as opposed to the shinigami's use of zanpaktor which exonerates the hollow of its sins and keeps its Soul intact by destroying the soul itself the circulation of souls is threatened and in turn the balance of the universe as a result of this the Shinigami believed they had no option other than to completely exterminate the race of Quincy for the sake of the entire world however some Quincy did survive 5. pure blooded Quincy's became a rarity of extreme value so much so that their methods of dealing with Hollows changed drastically as seen in everything but the rain they would let the Shinigami handle the hollows only if the Shinigami is killed will they involve themselves and only with mixed blood Quincy as a purebred Quincy's blood was considered too valuable this is why masaki the lost survivor of the Kurosaki Clan was taken in by the Ishida family and arranged to marry ryuken the Shinigami really did not treat the Quincy well though it is a very complicated relationship between the two races uru's grandfather sawkin was under constant surveillance from the Shinigami and we can assume this was the case for every surviving Quincy only excluding johabar's close Circle who hid within the Shadows awaiting his inevitable return to life and that brings us to the ashvalen or consecration as an extension of his ability to distribute pieces of his soul to others yuhaba can forcibly take the power of other Quincy once he regained his mind nine years ago he used this technique to redistribute the power of the Quincy he selected all the Quincy he considered to be impure including those with mixed blood and took those powers and gave them to his loyal servants this is one reason why the stern Ritter are so powerful and this is also what led to the deaths of ichigo's mother masaki and urugu's mother katagiri but still this doesn't explain why Udu is referred to as the last Quincy not only is he mixed blood which makes him impure in the eyes of other Quincy but there's literally a living pure blood Quincy in the form of none other than his father there are a few ways to explain this firstly in uru's mind he's the last Quincy because his father despises the Quincy and gave up his powers a long time ago of course both we and uruyu later find out that this isn't true and in fact Lucan is a far better fit for the title of the last Quincy but then why this yuhaba refer to you as the last Quincy because uruyu is the only Quincy ever to have survived the ash violin the consecration for all mixed blood and impure Quincy thus making him the last Quincy at least of the previous generation nine years following the ashwagen yuhaba regains his power and is fully reborn which brings us to chapter 480 the very beginning of bleach's final Arc the Thousand-Year blood War the Quincy are living beings that reside in the world of the living they are so much like humans that they are generally considered to be humans albeit spiritually aware ones they aren't actually humans though Quincy are their own race separate from the other races remember the spiritual power level chart from the first video of this series where I explain the fundamentals of bleach's power system all of the Quincy have at least average spiritual power meaning they can see pluses Hollows and all other spiritual things the Quincy have the ability to absorb and manipulate reishi in two spiritual weapons which is the bread and butter of their abilities we'll be talking about this in depth later on in the video Quincy are regarded as the polar opposite of shirigami on the equilibrium of races and this fact permeates through almost every aspect of their existence their designs their powers their philosophies their methods and their leaders all of these things directly contrast between the Quincy and Shinigami which is something else you'll see throughout this video since the Quincy are so similar to humans in terms of anatomy and other physical variables they can reproduce with them which they did many Quincy had children with regular humans and at some point within their history the Quincy began to distinguish themselves based upon an individual's ancestry and ultimately they adopted the practice of true breeding those who descended from a long line of only pure blooded Quincy with a pure Heritage came to be known as echt Quincy ER to be in German for real which we can extrapolate a lot of details from it's heavily implied that the Quincy Society was rooted in classism with a clear division between erquincy and the mixed Bloods who were seen as lesser and more Expendable especially following the Quincy extermination the Quincy are categorically defined as people who live in constant fear of death which is best represented by their leader yuhaba they Pride themselves as exterminators of Hollows unlike the Shinigami who purify the hollow's sins and send them to solve society and the main reason for this is fear Hollows are poisonous to Quincy if a Quincy is infected biohollow not only does their weaken but their soul itself is slowly destroyed and they die this is best seen with masaki in everything but the rain this is why they feel they must eradicate the hollows because they've never gotten along well with the Shinigami whose methods place them in extreme danger a very overt example of the Quincy being Polar Opposites to the Shinigami is their appearance their respective choices of uniform Shinigami where the shihakusho a traditional black flowing hakama whereas the Quincy where whites form-fitting High colored tunics the Quincy design takes clear inspiration from the khasics of Catholic priests something else that's crucial as you may have already noticed these guys are chock full of Christian symbolism and references yuhaba is literally a trinitarian deity who rules over his children but I'm getting ahead of myself this uniform gives the Quincy a westernized style of dress wear in comparison to the Shinigami whose designs are more easternized fitting nicely into their respective Germanic and Japanese themes it also fits the elegance and refined nature of the Quincy another recurring motif of Quincy which we see in almost every single one of them is that of a cross which appears frequently in all different shapes sizes and styles uru udon's a Celtic cross whereas yukin his father Don's a pentacle the Quincy zergen is a five-pointed cross which appears in various aspects of Quincy powers and culture we'll talk about how it's used for certain abilities in that section of the video but for now we'll focus on the culture side of things there's a lot of cool theories and headcanons about the origin of this Mark the symbol being five lines all flowing into one Center Point very much resembling a pentagram funnily enough the pentagram was used in ancient times as a Christian symbol for the five senses or the Five Wounds of Christ the importance of this should be pretty self-explanatory johabar loses his senses and regains them according to the king's hymn so it's very fitting that the mark of his people reflects this the zerhen can be given to non-quency allies such as the aranka who are forced into yuhaba's Army ultimately granting them the ability to perform Quincy abilities such as the shadow technique and spiritual Weaponry unlike the hollows or the Shinigami the Quincy do not have a designated realm for their entire higher race to reside in they have settled all over the place over the course of history and the storyline of bleach over a thousand years ago you have formed the kingdom of Quincy named in the human world which extended to all the nearby countries this kingdom was located in the Northern Territory of the planet and since the human realm is a clear one-to-one copy of our planet this is most likely referring to Europe we know very little about the listreich given it only really shows up in jugaram and basby's backstory but this was yahaba's first Kingdom and home of his Empire following their defeat against the gote 13 johah's Empire moves to silburn and becomes the vandenreich silbern is this large ice encrusted Palace that is used as the main base of operations for the Quincy thus becoming their new kingdom but where exactly is silbern located literally within the shadow of the serete the shadow of the Soul Society silburn in the city surrounding it resides in a dimension Within itself known as the shatin berek this Shadow realm was created by the Quincy themselves after fleeing from the war with the Shinigami a thousand years ago literally hidden in plain sight the Quincy lived within the shadow of the Shinigami a very fitting location for their new kingdom echoing many thematic and symbolic motifs regarding their Dynamic with the Shinigami this Shadow Dimension cannot normally be seen or detected by the Shinigami hence why the new Empire is fittingly named The Invisible Empire much like weku Mundo this Shadow realm is incredibly Barren but again this makes perfect sense there isn't a massive active Empire here just the remnants of the original Empire who survived the war against the Shinigami a thousand years ago here they wait patiently for their father to be reborn in this place encrusted with ice something I have a bit of a crackpot theory on now hear me out we know that yamomoto's Bankai zankon Otachi absorbs all the heat from the atmosphere which is what led to the heavy rainfall following the first Invasion the same thing could have happened a thousand years ago right when they created the shadow realm a lot of rain from the aftermath of yamamoto's Bankai may have been dragged into this new dimension and since there's no sun or natural source of heat that we can see it's likely that the water froze up which led to this abundance of ice let me know how believable this idea sounds it's not really important but I thought I'd throw it in here because it's a pretty cool idea during the Thousand Year blood War the van den Reich allows silburn and the shadow realm in general to replace the cedete which removes the five minute time constraint that previously hindered them in the first Invasion this time constraint is most likely tied to the fact that the shadow realm needs to be maintained and stabilized by rarioku spiritual power a similar principle to other Realms in the story for the sustenance of the realm and grander plans of johabar they had to stay in this Shadow realm until the time was right and they could carry out an Ola attack on the soul Society then later on in the ark following the death of the Soul King at the hands of yohaba another drastic change takes place yohaba absorbs the soul King and using his newfounded abilities he brings silbern and the entire Shadow realm to the soul King Palace and drastically Alters its appearance what was once a dimension of five separate distinct cities is now connected in a similar shape to the Quincy zahren the reconstructed Soul King Palace takes up a new name the varvelt which you have proudly proclaims will be the Cornerstone of the new world since it's a reconstruction of the Soul King Palace located in the Royal realm the means of access is still very hard to attain previously you had the Orkin and now there are ornate metal plates known as Gates of the Sun the shadow realm has a number of different locations of varying importance it serves as the Battleground for a majority of the Thousand-Year blood War and it's a pretty cool looking one given all the ice and abandoned buildings in the shuten bearer there is the City haribel's Prison Room the silburn Assembly Hall some very spacious hallways a war room for yuhaba Guardian statues of unknown symbols a throne room for yuhaba with a massive entrance that has a Quincy Zerg on his door and johabar's open air quarters this was taken straight from the wiki so if there's anything missing let me know in the comment section but I think that should be the main locations we see in the final Arc we only see jugaram bambieta and yuhoba's private quarters but we can assume that every member of the stern editor has their own private area we just didn't spend enough time outside of combat for Kubo to show us those areas the vanderer also takes control over hueco Mundo right at the start of the blood War when yuhabard usurps haribel and they use the realm as a base of operations and also to take in the aranka to use as Expendable soldiers as far as Quincy World building goes this is as much as we have for them finally we arrive at yuhaba's Empire the van den life and his military Yoruba is the emperor and jugaram is his advisor who also serves as the substitute Emperor whilst Jehovah sleeps we'll talk about that a little more in the next section the Vandana has a very elaborate structure but there aren't as many ranks and divisions as there are in the gote 13 or eisen's aranka Army the van deraj mostly consists of a large number of skilled solve that which is German for Soldier they're pretty much the equivalent of a low ranked Shinigami the only division we know of outside of the stern Ritter who are the main force is quillage's hunting Army who conquer Mundo almost immediately after yuhaba was reborn they are entrusted with capturing aranca to serve the Vandana and executing everybody else aranka in a Quincy Army is a pretty ironic idea given that they are Hollows that have gained Shinigami Powers two things the Quincy absolutely detest Hollows are a poisonous threat to the Quincy and the Shinigami are their sworn enemy but despite that the aranca are forcefully drafted into the Wonder the Quincy Empire they are consider it useful because they're already somewhat powerful meaning no time needs to be wasted on prerequisite combat training and to you have a time is of the essence beyond their abilities as Fighters these guys are also regarded as Expendable which makes them even more useful the Quincy obviously don't get along well with the Iran car so they're simply using them as disposable forces that they can comfortably abandon and not have to account for these drafted aranka have their zampaktor confiscated and are given a Quincy cross to replace it which grants them the ability to form spiritual weaponry and Traverse to and from the shadow realm oh and there's also a correspondence unit that maintains communication between the headquarters and operational units but they remain unnamed and we've only ever seen them a few times this isn't some massive Empire with strength in numbers rather than made up a very powerful individuals who make up a force equal if not superior to the gote 13 with far less numbers after all most of these guys are the remnants of yuhaba's Empire which was defeated a thousand years ago and fled to the chattan berek the reason they're so strong is because of the ashwalan and redistribution of power which is best seen in the main division of the van der Reich the stern Ritter the standrita are the lettered soldiers of yuhaba's military yahaba's ability to share his soul and power to the Quincy is taken to another level with these guys by directly engraving letters signifying abilities onto a Quincy soul yohaba is able to share an even deeper more powerful soul to that Quincy which makes us then bitter this process is known as an engraving ritual which is activated by the Quincy drinking yuhabas blood upon the death of the stern Ritter that part of yuhaba's soul that was bestowed upon them returns to him bolstering his power they are lettered from A to Z and each have their own distinct epithets and unique ability known as a shrift that was bestowed on them the term shrift refers to the letters of the alphabet that were designated to the stern Ritter these special Quincy were created a thousand years ago specifically with the conquest of Soul Society in mind four of the stern litter are appointed as yuhaba's real God known as the should staffel a group much like the zero division of Soul Society the visual motifs of the should staffer are based on different eras of War ancient medieval modern and current now there's a lot of guys to get through here so I won't be going all out with every single member of the stern it's about dedicate time to each of them appropriate to their relevance in the story a for the antithesis is none other than the first Quincy we ever meet his unique ability is event reversal which is pretty self-explanatory and one of the most broken abilities in all of bleach he is assigned to the shootstaffle as their fifth member as yuhaba takes extreme interest in him as the only survivor of the ash Valen and the kid he knows is going to try to betray and kill him keeping him close in anticipation B for the balance refers to jugaram hashvalt with the ability of misfortune Direction jugaram can take the misfortune that occurs within his sphere of influence and disperse it to those who have experienced Good Fortune which he believes maintains balance in the world his Spirit weapon is The freund Shield a strong and sturdy shield on his left arm which displays a golden Quincy Zerg as the other half of yuhaba and the only other Quincy with the power to share their own power this is a very fitting ability for him jugaram is the stand litter Grand Master of the highest ranked among them whilst Jehovah is asleep he serves as the substitute emperor of the vandenreich who gains Jehovah's ability of the almighty allowing him to see into the future however unlike yuhaba he cannot alter the future C for the compulsory refers to panida punk Jazz the left hand of the Soul King who governs progress and a member of the should staffer fittingly his ability is evolution governance this essentially allows him to enhance himself and others at rapid rates in order to adapt and survive in combat situation panaya is very proud of being a Quincy which is a very interesting detail given that it stems from the soul King this fuels the idea that the soul King is the progenitor of all Quincy and that there were in fact Quincy before the birth of yuhaba panida represents the ancient era of War as he resembles a bio weapon like a bacteria or fungi constantly evolving D for the death dealing is my boy asking nak Levar with an ability known as lethal dose control he can calculate the perfect lethal dose of any substance he takes into his body and then raise or lower that value as he sees fit literally allowing him to deal death through lethal doses of any substance if that explanation was confusing just think of his fight against nimaya Askin ingests a lot of blood which allows him to lower the lethal dose of nemaya's blood and turn that blood into a lethal substance this power Echoes the idea that anything can be lethal in extreme volume even something as integral to survival as the blood that runs in our veins Askin is a member of the should staffel in fact he's the only member to have been promoted from the lower ranks of the sternator during the second invasion on the serite Askin represents the current ERA of War as somebody who specializes in chemical Weaponry e for the explode refers to bambietta bastard Bean who can create bombs out of anything that makes contact with her reishi if the fear refers to as not who can induce Limitless fear in anybody who is struck by his Thorns G for the Glutton refers to Lil Toto lamper who essentially just has a massive mouth that can eat anything H for the heat refers to baz B the childhood friend of jugaram who's only as powerful as he is thanks to the five years he spent alongside jugaram who subconsciously was sharing his power with him I for the iron was this kid called Kang do who's basically as tough as iron when his ability is active Jay for the jail is quill gay Opie the captain of the jagged Army who can close gateways between dimensions and form reishi cages to entrap his opponents once they're trapped inside their riyatu cannot be detected and nobody can hear them this ability cannot kill a Quincy which is why Ichigo survives and manages to break free we know that bg9 had the k-shrift but we don't know his epithet or his ability the guy just died too quickly L For The Love refers to Pepe Waka brother the guy with the funniest second name of all time and also the worst character design of all time by putting his hands together in the shape of a heart he can fire projectiles that make the victim so obsessed with him they will do anything he asks M for the miracle refers to the absolute monster Gerard Valkyrie he is a member of the shootstaffle and also the heart of the Soul King his abilities are Miracle manifestation and probability manipulation which essentially means he can get out of situations by bending the probability of the best case scenario for himself the more improbable that specific scenario is the more likely his ability can make that scenario occur yet another very broken ability but perhaps the most interesting aspect of this ability is that much like panidas this ability didn't come from johabar bestowing a shrift upon them johoba did not grant them these Powers they already possessed this as pieces of the Soul King and their powers are just so ridiculous and somewhat Divine that it makes sense given it's coming from literally the soul King the closest thing to an omnipotent omniscient being in the world of bleach Gerard represents the Medieval era of War an obvious choice given his use of a sword and shield arguably the most defining tools of the Medieval Age The End shrift belongs to Robert to Accutron though like bg9 we don't know his epithets or unique ability oh for the overkill refers to Driscoll burchie who possess the ability of killing induced empowerment as the name suggests the more Driscoll kills the stronger he gets P for the power belongs to meninas McAllen who possessed superhuman strength she's essentially just a complete Powerhouse Q for the quest refers to Bernice gabrielli who was unfortunately Washed by kempachi before he could finish explaining his ability all for the roar belongs to Jerome guisbat who can enlarge his size adopt an ape-like form and produce sound-based shock waves he can use as attacks s for the Superstar belongs to mask the masculine who possesses an empowering ability similar to Driscoll but it's not killing that makes musk stronger and more confident it's cheering when he's treated like a superstar and has people cheering him on mosque is buffed in every conceivable way he's stronger he's faster he's more durable he even has better stamina and endurance chief of the Thunderbolt refers to Candice catnip who's just your typical lightning user she can create control and project bolts of lightning you for the underbelly refers to Nana najakup who possesses a rather unique ability nanona can analyze the riyatsu of a Target over a certain period of time allowing him to determine an opponent's spiritual power distribution after doing so he and Prince EU which signifies his shrift onto the Target and uses that to form a grid pattern which he dubs his morphine pattern the grid allows him to pinpoint the holes in a Target sriyatsu and attack them which depletes the targets they had to and eventually paralyzes and knocks them out V for the Visionary belongs to Grammy thomo who can turn fantasy into reality anything he imagines can turn into a reality even his own death there are no real boundaries to this ability except that which he can imagine if something is simply too unimaginable for Grammy it cannot turn into reality the ability also comes with some very serious weaknesses he needs to be fully conscious of everything he's imagining as one little slip up could lead to his demise in the light novels it is repeatedly implied that Grammy may have been an aspect of the Soul King like how Gerard was his heart and panida was his left arm though this was never outright confirmed W for the wind refers to nian's weasel who can basically create a field of wind around him that deflects any attack he observes the only way to beat this ability is to deliver an attack that's simply too quick for nyanzol to observe as his ability is not limited to only what he can see but anything he can detect anything he can instinctually feel which renders many surprise attacks useless X for the x-axis refers to Lily Barrow the first Quincy to ever be bestowed with a shrift as well as the leader of the should staffov his ability allows his rifle to pierce through anything in its line of sight with perfect accuracy and without the need for projectiles he's essentially the most broken sniper of all time Lily represents the modern era of War as a gunman why for the yourself is a unique case because this actually refers to two different members who make up one Stern Ritter or two different stanlitter who share the same shrift but have slightly different abilities they can both transform themselves into the exact physical likeness of another individual but Lloyd's transformation gives him access to the spiritual power and abilities of the individual whereas roid's transformation gives him access to the personality and memories of that individual and finally Z for the zombie refers to Giselle Joelle who possesses the ability of turning anybody who comes into contact with her blood into a corpse a zombie who will do whatever Giselle orders them to do the amount of blood required to zombify someone depends on the strength of their ayatsu the stronger they are the more of giselle's blood is needed for the ability to take effect the Quincy power system is built on a very simple Foundation Shinigami admit reishi from within themselves to use their powers and Quincy absorb reishi from the outside atmosphere and emit that ratio to use their powers the most common form of combats among the Quincy is archery the high leg fail is the primary spiritual weapon formed and used by the Quincy this is a perfect means of combat for them because their main enemy tends to be the hollow who are poisonous to them by using arrows they're able to maintain a distance when fighting the hollows ginto are small containers which Quincy used to store their rarioku they use this radio queue as components in spell casting the Quincy equivalent to Shinigami Kido just like Kido the effectiveness of these spells is dependent on the user and they are activated by calling out various commands we don't see too much of the ginto Spells over the course of the story but there are a few techniques such as hyzen grits vulcer and the Springer hiringtaku is an advanced Quincy movement technique which allows the user to move at high speed by riding a flow of reishi created below their feet it is the Quincy equivalent to the Shinigami shumpo and the arancas sonaido however the light novels established that hirankyoku is superior to those two given that it is energy efficient since it's a Quincy technique it uses the reishi from the surroundings rather than the inherent ratio of the user blood which is literally German for blood is a Quincy ability with three variations blood artery is an offensive variation which grants the user inhuman attack power according to Quail gay this technique is the only thing a non-standard to Quincy can depend on to damage a bankai-wielding Shinigami blood veneer is a defensive variation which grants the user inhuman durability represented by a faint blue pattern tracing the veins beneath the surface of their skin and finally blood vene is an ability only used by yuhaba which allowed him to extend his blood to veneer outside of his body to create a force field that blocks incoming attacks and finally the shadow ability which we see countless times over the Thousand Year blood War this ability makes the user's Shadow expand and become a doorway between Dimensions including two but not limited to the shadow realm the sulking Palace and even ones in a world as we see between Ichigo and zangetsu Beyond the aforementioned abilities there are rare Quincy techniques which we see over the course of the story ranso tengai is one example which allows the user to control their body parts by using strings of radio coup connected by their brain essentially turning themselves into a puppet and allowing them to move freely despite paralysis broken limbs or any other thing which would normally impede movement is an advanced spell that is actually pretty insane by generating a number of Roman numeral inscribed constructs from the fingers of an outstretched hand several towers of reishi shaped like the Quincy degren are summoned anyone who steps foot into the confines of this area will be immediately struck where they stand by the Light Of God also roid claims as he mimics yuhaba and finally we arrive at the two ultimate techniques of the Quincy the lead still and the volstandic a clear distinction is made between the new generation of Quincy and the older generation specifically in terms of their power system and ultimate techniques uru's grandfather Sulkin refused to accept the new progress of the Quincy powers namely the volstand Deacon held onto the old lead steel which had perished due to its fragility the volstand Dig is viewed as a crucial part of Quincy Evolution and the answer to the drawbacks of the outdated lead steel it takes on a variety of forms but it has a constant to Angelic theme throughout with wing-like reishi constructs and a star-like Quincy zergen for a heiligent shine heiligence I'm not German bro I've been doing a pretty good job with these pronunciations but this word right here I don't know but yeah it's German for Halo a Quincy is unable to use their world standing while in possession of a shinigami's Bankai which is something we'll talk about a little later on the wall standing enhances everything about their power and is German for complete these are yehovah's angels and they have reached their Peak while they're in this form let's still mean something along the lines of final technique and rather than Bankai this is more like the Quincy equivalent to the saigonometry which Ichigo used to defeat either the reason let's steal is outdated is because of its fragility it has a massive drawback of losing your Quincy Powers entirely but it's definitely stronger than the world standing when it comes to sheer destructive power are you using the let's deal insole Society Remains the absolute biggest jump in power we have ever seen in Bleach the old generation of Quincy refer to their training as say it in and there's a location in the human realm known as Feld which is where Sorkin was training at the time of the white incident when masaki was poisoned within the Quincy johabar serves as a God and by drinking his blood the stern Ritter obtained god-like Powers this is why they have such broken batshit crazy abilities like uru's antithesis and finally all Quincy power comes from their father yuhaba which makes them susceptible to the ash Valen which yuhaba can use to Rob them of their lives and return their powers back to him however one very important thing to note is that johabar doesn't have access to their shrifts and abilities that is exclusive to the stern Ritter themselves that is their own innate ability he grants them power essentially urerioku which activates those latent abilities and with the ashvalen he takes back his power urerioku but the abilities themselves stay within the stern litter they're just made redundant and inaccessible because they don't have the rarioku to tap into them there's a bunch of equipment that is completely exclusive to the race of Quincy the Quincy cross is the most prevalent example it's a cross that only those who have inherited Quincy abilities and techniques are allowed to possess it functions as the focus for a Quincy bow known as a high League bargain this Cross isn't always in a cross shape though as seen in ryuken's Cross which is a pentacle and uru's most recent cross which is also a pentacle the sanity glove or Laden Hunt is a white glove that extends up the forearm for the older generation of Quincy the newer generation and vanderer where a black variant of the Sunday glove which which extends only to the wrist and displays the Empire's symbol on the back there are even other variations such as musk the masculine's belt which serves the same purpose as the normal Sunday glove this item significantly enhances it Quincy's power it operates by repelling reishi which makes the absorption of reishi far more difficult thus functioning sort of like training weights Sulkin refers to the Mastery of the glove as the peak of Quincy power seal Schneider is the only Quincy weapon that has a blade and it functions much like a chainsaw with reishi making 3 million round trips per second around the edge of the blade it's not a sword but an arrow the most powerful manifestation of the Quincy's fundamental combat method of gathering surrounding reishi it can also collect reishi during combat by absorbing the opponent's attacks Hollow baits are small self-explanatory tablets they are used by the Quincy to attract Hollows as the name obviously suggests and finally the Bankai plundering device this was used by the standard in the first Invasion to steal the Bankai of several captains and ultimately destroy the Shinigami the vandan life Insignia is etched onto its surface and when presented in the face of a Bankai it emits five streams of energy that causes the Bankai to disintegrate and be absorbed forming a ring which is sucked into The Medallion pretty broken device but it does come with some limitations for example while the device can steal any Bankai in order to properly control it the one who stole it must be sufficiently powerful which is exactly why roid didn't try to steal yamamoto's Bankai another limitation is that while the device's owner is in possession of a shinigami's Bankai they are unable to activate their volstanding even if they're not using the stolen Bankai at the time to use The Medallion and incantation must be chanted which is on the screen right now this incantation speaks of the water cycle which has some interesting implications which I may dive into at a later date in another video the process of stealing a Bankai is referred to as medalizing as the device which sucks in the Bankai is a medallion the final section of this video is dedicated to the overwhelming number of religious symbolism and imagery packed into the construction of the Quincy namely the religion of Christianity at the root of it all is yuhaba he is depicted as a trinitarian deity much like the god of Christianity he's the father of the Quincy the son of the Soul King who is the closest thing to Absolute omnipotence and omniscience and he is the holy spirit of all Quincy as he resides in every single one of them yahaba's name itself is directly taken from the god of Christianity in Hebrew Yahweh ancient Hebrew did not consist of any vowels so the correct romanization of this name would be yhwh these four letters making up the bulk of yahaba's name there is so much to Yaba and Yahweh like so much I don't think I've tapped into half of the references and connections between johoba's character and the biblical stories and references of Yahweh simply because I'm not that well learned on the religion of Christianity but the amount of research Kubo must have done for this Single Character is ridiculous if any of you guys know any cool little connections please do let me know in the comment section because I'm very interested johabar's first Kingdom ruled the northern lands of the human realm since the human realm is clearly a one-to-one copy of our planet this is most likely referring to Europe the German theme of the Quincy combined with this location makes me certain that this is a reference to the Holy Roman Empire following his defeat at the hands of Yamamoto johabar spends a millennium ruling over the vandan rice in the shadow realm until he was prepared to start the final blood war against the Shinigami the enemies of the Soul King this is a direct reference to the Book of Revelation which speaks of the second coming of Jesus the son of God who after spending a millennium ruling over his kingdom will with his army Smite those who abandoned God and then God will destroy the world and recreate Paradise where everyone will live there in mortal lives in Eternal Bliss this is literally the Thousand Year blood War in a nutshell exactly what yahaba attempted to do Smite the Shinigami for abandoning the soul King and recreate the Utopia which once existed a world with neither life nor death in The Book of Revelation seven angels blow their trumpets to announce the start of this war and in Bleach seven Quincy announced the start of the blood War in yamamoto's office there are so many more biblical references like the resurrection of the dead and Gisele zombie ability or how God will send down a group of monstrous Birds to Feast upon the Sinners left on Earth and Lily barrows Birds the stern Ritter are created by drinking the blood of yohaba which is a very obvious reference to Christianity and the drinking of Jesus's blood the first then Ritter Lily Barrow is chock full of references to the arch angel Gabriel his ultimate attack is God's trumpet based on Gabriel's horn which will Mark the start of Judgment Day his volstanding giliel comes from the first syllable of an alternate name for Gabriel in different languages he refers to himself as the messenger of God of yuhaba much like the angel Gabriel then there are the overt examples of Christian symbolism the abundance of Quincy crosses the Quincy zerchen being a pentagram which holds importance in Christianity the uniform of the Quincy resembling the Catholics of Catholic priests there are so many more examples of religious symbolism in The Quincy that I've either missed or can't include in this video for time's sake to Quincy are just brimming with references and clear inspiration from The Real World this is everything about the fullbringers and this one is going to be significantly shorter than the last few because as you probably know we get far less on the fullbringers than we do for the other races in the main storyline of bleach however in the can't feel your own world light novels the fullbringers receive an abundance of lore and further Exposition as someone who hasn't read through those fully myself I will be diving too much into novel material but I've left the link in in the description to a fantastic video on the fullbringers that explores much of the novel material for the purposes of this video I want to specifically focus on the material we get for the fullbringers during the manga with only the most crucial light novel material as I've been doing throughout this series the most crucial stuff really reshapes your understanding of the group of individuals or talking about so I've had to include that part due to their lack of extreme relevance in the main storyline of bleach the fullbringers are easily the group within the verse who are undoubtedly the least explored in the manga but that doesn't make them any less interesting or significant I definitely intend to cover the novel material in future content on the channel as there's so many incredible things packed into them that are far too exciting not to cover leech's lore is already insane when the light novels really take things up a notch foreign ERS have existed ever since the origin of the Soul King as he is described as a being of all Races excluding only the hollows the Quincy the Soul Reapers and also the fullbringers it could be said that he is the ancestor of the morn he was a Quincy and also at the same time a soul Reaper and also just a normal person bearing countless abilities like a fullbringer based on this quote the soul King was indeed a fullbringer in fact it's probably more accurate to see that all fullbringers come from the soul King which is explicitly stated in the same novel The fullbringers are born through the fragments of the rail sulking it's a similar thing to how ukitake has the right hand of the real Mimi Hagi within him or how Grammy is heavily hinted to have the brain of the Soul King within him fragments of the rail are somehow tied to the kompaku of rare Souls who awaken fullbring abilities when in contact with a Hollows riyatsu as you may have noticed if you've been watching along the videos in this series The Rayo was connected to every single race in the entire universe verse the actual logic and mechanics behind how the soul King is able to exist within people as a limb or an organ or even just a fragment of his soul is very interesting and something I need to cover in the future the soul King is a rather ambiguous entity which makes way for some very cool interpretations and details that are all but confirmed such as the existence of a greater will that conjured the soul King into existence there's also the fact that Gerard is a Quincy who contains the heart of the rail within him but it's unclear whether Gerard in his entirety is literally the heart of the Soul King a manifestation of the heart's desires and ideal Quincy body or if it's a similar deal to gremi and Gerard is a unique individual who a piece of the Rio has latched onto in the place of his heart as you can tell discussing this here would deviate greatly from the fullbringers alone but that does really communicate just how interconnected all of these races are hopefully one day when this mind map is completed I can make a massive video going over the entirety of bleaches world and actually discuss all of these things and how they pertain to the rail specifically with regards to fullbring history the fact that they are fragments of the rail really says enough that's all we know about their history and all we really need to know as the other details are pretty self-explanatory when you factor in how the world came to be the original sin consisted of the ancestors of the cerete's five noble families mutilating the rail and turning it into an existence that is neither dead nor alive a figurehead that single-handedly maintains the balance of a new world with separated Realms and fixed shapes for life and death in the process of this mutilation tiny fragments of the rail happen to bind with different humans thus making the fullbringers in the manga we don't learn or get any explicit details tying them to the rail but really in hindsight it makes perfect sense we are told that the fullbringer powers actually come from Hollows when a mother is pregnant with a child and survives a hollow attack traces of the hollow's power remains within the mother's body and is passed on to the child ultimately making them a full-bringer from birth that is what we are taught in the manga but that's actually only half the puzzle and actually kind of a misinterpretation of how things actually are because fullbringers are the way they are as they contain a fragment of the rail within them and the hollow is what awakens their powers there are already special individuals considering a normal human wouldn't activate any powers they would just die Chad activates his powers after being attacked by the hollow shrika and odihime activates her powers after being attacked by acid wire her brother Sora and yes Orihime is all but confirmed to be a forebringer this connection between fullbringers and Hollows is made abundantly clear with ginger stating that their powers are closer to a Hollows than a soul Reaper's I wonder if this means that Ayo has some Hollow within him when a pregnant mother is targeted by a hollow and a fullbringer is born it is the fullbringer within their womb which contains the fragment of the Soul King Ginger speculates that the reason for this has to do with something that intertwined itself into their compact group before they were born the fragment of the rail how this happens why this happens those things are currently unknowable but it is without a doubt deeply concerned with the circulation of Souls and the balance of the universe Souls travel to and from the soul Society they are reincarnated into a new human after spending time into the congai and their memories are wiped but the soul should still be the same a very very interesting concept I hope is further explored in the future of this story fullbringers are spiritually aware humans much like the Quincy my usage of the term races has been a little confusing as I've used it interchangeably with species so I want to address this very quickly there are currently six different categorizations for the soul that we know of in the world of bleach the humans the beasts the fullbringers the Quincy the hollows and the konpaku who can become Shinigami however the humans fullbringers and the Quincy are very closely knit Hollows and Shinigami have a completely different biological composition which distinguishes them from the others fairly easily the same can be said for the beasts however we only know of komamura and his great grandfather of the werewolf Clan there are implied to be many more beasts and many more Clans with fans theorizing that yoruichi may have come from the Beast realm as she can transform into a cat those races who either look completely different to humans or are just plain invisible like the Shinigami or pluses are easily distinguishable from the Quincy or the fullbringers who are technically human from a biological perspective though it is still best to refer to them as separate and unique races because they aren't really human they are spiritually aware and have supernatural abilities and have a different history but I do guess technically speaking the Quincy and of course the fullbringers are spiritually aware humans and I think the best visual descriptor of this idea are the reraku or Spirit ribbons we see in the first Arc Shinigami have red colored ribbons whereas humans have white colored ribbons and uriu or Quincy has white colored ribbons as well I'd expect fullbringers to also have of white colored ribbons something else though is the fact that ichibe directly refers to yuhaba as a lowly human which further emphasizes that they can be seen interchangeably with humans which would obviously go for fullbringers as well as the Quincy as far as World building goes there really isn't that much for the fullbringers yes they are a lot like the Quincy in terms of being spiritually aware and intrinsically connected to a deity like the real or his son yuhaba but they've never banned it under a leader like the Quincy did they've never conquered kingdoms or created an entirely new realm like the chattan berek at least not that we know of they do have the ability to create Dimensions though or at least one of them does and we'll speak about that in a few moments we have very limited knowledge on the history of any fullbringer let alone one that venture to other Realms like Soul society and hueco Mundo so I left to assume the fullbringers have only ever settled in the human world of course there is one exception we know of but that's a topic for another day also there are just way less fullbringers than there are Quincy they are easily the rarest type of soul in the universe Quincy can reproduce amongst each other and give birth to more Quincy the full bring situation is a bit more complicated as the details of how they come to be is unknown it can concerned with the construction of the fullbringers compaku their very Soul having a fragments of Rio within it whether this is passed down from the parents soul to the child Soul or rather something even more ingrained in the soul itself as it Cycles through the circulation is currently Unknown by the end of the day the point is the fullbringers reside in the human world alongside other normal humans they live amongst them as one of them based on Ginger's assessment in chapter 433 fullbringers are a mixture of human and Hollow of course the Rayo fragment is a necessary part of the equation as well functioning as a link that tethers the connection between human and Hollow coexistence this makes the fullbringers essentially the polar opposite of substitutionigami who are a mixture of human and Shinigami with Hollows and Shinigami being completely opposed despite being a completely unique ability the fullbringer's power is activated by a hollow's ratio which is why they're so strongly associated with the hollows a point ginjor and his group find disgusting and really that's what we're going to be immediately diving into the main antagonist of the Lost agent Arc we spend so much time with due to how this Arc was laid out this is really the only faction of wallbringers we meet in the entire story execution is made up of some pretty interesting figures and we'll be looking at each of them individually they are a secret organization of fullbringers who live in the human world in naruki city which borders the west of karakura town they are introduced in the story at the beginning of the time skip following the battle against Eisen and preceding the Thousand-Year blood War dead center in the middle of the most dense material of the manga and for this reason the fulbring arc receives a lot of hate for winding down the momentum the story had gathered being disconnected from the rest of the story and exploring Ichigo on a more intimate helpless time of his life those are all reasons why I love the arc as much as I do which is pretty funny and also don't think it's that disconnected from the rest of the story but yeah that's not even the point I found the full Bringers to be really fascinating lately because something I've been thinking about the fact that Ichigo is in existence much like the soul King this is an interpretation you've probably heard before but it's been brewing in my mind lately and there's an overwhelming number of details that point in this Direction with Kurosaki Ichigo specifically being deeply Tethered to the existence and motivations of the Soul king or even a greater will that far surpasses the soul King one day when I finally mustered the energy and the effort I will make this happen I have to turn this into a video execution was founded by a character who foils Ichigo in many ways former substitutionigami kugo ginjo the founder leader and member number 001 of execution alongside him are eight others making up this organization which is a very small number but that makes a lot of sense as being fragments of real fullbringers are a rarity execution began as a group of individuals who were persecuted or wronged in one way or another due to their fullbringer powers all of which was saved by Ginger who eventually led the group under the name we know it as each race is themed and takes inspiration from a certain country in the real world the hollows of Spanish the Quincy are German the Shinigami are Japanese and the fullbringers are British since we spend the least amount of time with them this isn't as obvious as the themes of the other races but it is pretty clear once you factor in the naming of their abilities each Race's abilities are named in the language of their respective theme and for bringing their abilities are always in English and I actually mean English which isn't the case for any other race in the verse it's hard to notice since most of us read the English translations which usually directly translates the words from whatever language instead of providing a romanization of the term this British theme can be found not only in the name of their attacks but the general Vibe of execution it's designed as a secret service completely isolated from the rest of the normal World kind of like something you'd see in a British spy movie new members are recruited by the current members who approach them and persuade them into joining you can't seek them out yourself since their existence is pretty much unknown to the rest of the world you cannot contact execution without being contacted by them you do not find execution execution finds you their members are as follows Google the founder leader and member number 001 riruka who is member number zero zero three you cure hands who is member number zero zero five and Ichigo Kurosaki becomes member number zero zero seven of the organization for a short wild and then we have tsukushima Mo Chad Jackie and giriko who all have no member numbers but are obviously deeply connected to the organization ginjo instilled the members of execution with a profulbringer supremacist ideology to believe they are better than their human counterparts in the world he sympathized with them and their predicaments they were all suffering due to the abilities they'd been both blessed and cursed with and gathered these incredibly rare fragments of the Soul King under a single banner all for his objective of robbing ichigo's powers and sharing it amongst them he teaches Ichigo to utilize his forebring with the promise that this process will allow him to regain his Shinigami powers in the event that a former substitution Shinigami obtains full bring the remnants of the Shinigami Powers within their soul will eventually merge with their completed fullbring allowing the fullbringer to use those Shinigami abilities as well little does Ichigo know Ginger was also a former substitutionigami and he intends to steal ichigo's full bring and Awakening own latent Shinigami powers to enact his vengeance upon Soul Society sometime in the past Ginger learned that the substitution Shinigami badge he had been given by ukitake was actually a surveillance device used to not only keep tabs on getting job but suppress his power the knowledge of this made ginjou Furious and he went on a killing spree of stealing several shinigami's Power then disappearing from The Gaze of Soul Society without leaving a trace he simply up and vanished until he meets Ichigo and we get the Lost age in Ark which is actually named after ginjou as the Lost agent of Soul Society so what are these full bring abilities and how does this power system work fullbring is an ability that enables the user to manipulate the souls contained within matter everything in the world possesses a soul even non-living things as rudimentary as chairs and tables these Souls can be absolutely tiny and Vary depending on the object but generally speaking the more intimate the object is the bigger the soul contained within it the amount of radioku the person associated to the object has is also a crucial factor in the size of the Soul contained within for example ichigo's substitution nigami badge which he spends so much time with and has a strong attachment to as the symbol of the life he once had a powerful protector who had the ability to keep his friends out of Harm's Way is likely to contain a much larger or higher amount of souls within than other objects in the universe because Ichigo is just that powerful and this is a very intimate object it takes both the boxes it kind of reminds me of the creation of zampaktor as Shining got me are given a nameless asauchi which they imprint the essence of their soul upon by spending every waking hour with the sword by using fullbring and manipulating those Souls within matter a fullbringer can manipulate the movement of matter or even alter its physical characteristics this is best seen when Ginger uses full ring to manipulate the souls in his drink pulling on its through full ring to draw it into his mouth this can have even cooler applications such as walking on water by pulling on the souls contained within it it's an incredibly versatile technique that is only really limited by the imagination of the user however there is an important difference between fullbringers and other races when it comes to power system Shinigami admit reishi from the rayatu within their souls it's a similar deal with Hollows as well Quincy gathered reishi from their surroundings and used that for their abilities however fullbringers they use their physical bodies which means full bring as an ability is incredibly taxing it's tiring and requires a great deal of stamina minute to maintain which is exactly why they train so extensively specifically in stamina as seen throughout the training portion of the fulbring arc when a fullbringer dies all traces of their abilities disappear from the world however they do carry their abilities into the Afterlife in Seoul Society the fullbringer equivalent of shumpur sonaidor and hirenkaku is known as bring a light a high-speed movement technique which is accompanied by the flickering of a green light that the ability is named after they manage this by literally pulling on the souls on the ground or even on the air the ability to use this technique signifies that one is beginning to master fullbring every fullbringer has an affinity to a certain object which makes way for the most important part of their abilities their unique full bring We'll go through every member of execution's fullbring and then Orihime is one of the most prominent fullbringers of the story her character actually has amazing implications on the power capabilities and lore of the fullbringers gingrill's full bring is named Cross of scaffold which allows him to transform the pendants on his necklace into a large two-handed broadsword the sword's handle runs through its guard continuing through a gold hollow space at the base of its Blade the handle is almost the same length of the blade itself a very interesting ability especially combined with his Shinigami Powers which enhances the blade by placing his substitutionigami badge onto the sword and merging it with the sword it gains a new appearance and finally in his Bankai form the new appearance of his sword extends to his entire character design with ginjou gaining a skeletal armor and red fur across his neck giriko's fullbring is an antique gold pocket watch that allows him to set timers upon things and beings to which they are attached this timer is linked to specific conditions that giriko can set however once the time period is established for these conditions to be fulfilled not even giriko himself can deactivate the ability if a timer placed on someone or something is interfered with before the prerequisite time period ends then all things and people are under the effect effect including the area itself where the effect takes place will perish in the Flames of time read request full bring is named dollhouse however this isn't to be mistaken to me and her ability is exclusive to the dollhouse she primarily uses throughout the ark her fullbring ability allows her to freely move people and objects into or out of anything she finds cute the possibilities for this are literally endless the target is shrunk down to accommodate for the size of the objects she is transferring it into hence why Ichigo becomes so tiny when training within her dollhouse Jackie's full bring is named dirty boots which is activated when she rubs her boots together her boots increasing in power the dirtier they get whether it be mud blood or any other substance dirty boots is empowered by these perceived dirty substances tsukushima's full ring is perhaps the scariest of them all and I'll be speaking about the fullbringer's power system holistically in just a second with his specific ability being a major point of Interest book of the end is a bookmark that tsukishima transforms into to a katana with the attack capability of cutting through literally anything this guaranteed cut if delt has two capable functions either to work like a typical bladed cut and ruin the victim or to insert tsukushima into the target's past oh and yeah he is capable of doing both simultaneously victims of the latter function to insert tukushima into the history of the one who has been cut recognize him as someone closely connected to their personal lives they seem as a family member a friend or even a lover he can even usurp the roles of other individuals in that victim's history as we see when he hijacks Ichigo in the minds of his closest friends it's an absolutely terrifying ability to literally change the past it's almost transcendental and we'll get into why that might be the case in a few moments yukio's full bring is also another pretty crazy one and since it goes through a much more noticeable evolution in the Lost Asian Arc we'll be talking about both his original full ring and the upgraded version he gains after obtaining some of ichigo's power through Ginger Ginger gives everybody in his group some of ichigo's power but really the changes are most noteworthy in yukio's specific ability Invaders Must Die is his original ability a power activated by his handheld console it's basically a PSP if you're old enough to remember those this gives him access to a variety of abilities but perhaps the most noteworthy one is the one I mentioned earlier in the video the ability to create a separate Dimension from within the game essentially transporting people into the video game a Kubo isekai the dimension resembles a dark blue box-like structure with a tessellated pattern while sealed within the person's riatsu is completely cut off from the outside world thus making them undiscoverable to people who can sense reyatsu Yukio can then control the game Dimension from the game screen giving combatants Health points simulating real life battles while eliminating the risk of death and altering environmental and physical conditions like weather gravity and the progression of time it's an absolutely ridiculous ability with so much versatility it can be used in a million different ways a hyperbolic Time Chamber a time machine a training camp a hideout a way to smuggle large numbers of people into places honestly one of my favorite abilities in the entire story yukio's upgraded fullbring is named digital radial Invaders which allows him to wear his powers and release them essentially meaning you can merge the game Dimension with the real world before his ability was confined to the dimension within his beloved game console and now he can exert his ability onto his surroundings and enemies ichigo's unique full-bring ability is unknown however the object associated with his power is of course his substitution gummy badge by recalling the memories of being a Shinigami having the power to protect his loved ones and the pride of strength Ichigo is able to activate his fullbring powers and manifest them through the badge forming a black riatsu in the form of tensazengetsu's God this weapon is used primarily for defensive purposes which is really fitting considering ichigo's frame of mind at the time and how helpless he feels as he's being protected by Chad and Orihime handling the hollow attacks in karakura town then it upgrades to covering his whole body in a black reyatsu producing a dark blade forming over his arm this is classified as a clad type fullbringer which resembles the shihakusho of the Shinigami his completed full ring design is a white armor covering the majority of his body with his badge turning into a machete-like blade with a silver Edge the badge itself is the god with new markings on it hung across ichigo's back in a white sheath this design strongly resembles the appearance of the asauchi which would make sense given its placement in the story Chad's unique full-bring ability is something we've seen since very early days the right arm of the Giant and the left arm of the devil this greatly enhances his strength and durability turning him into a combat Powerhouse with many named attacks capable of dealing a great amount of damage there's a lot to talk about with regards to Chad's power so much I want to save that for its own video as I think he has the potential of playing a major role in the pending hellog Moshi shigawara who accompanies tsukushima has the jackpot knuckle unique full-bring ability centered around the brass knuckle on his right hand the knuckle has a pattern of three sevens in a row jackpot and by having anything come into contact with it he is able to manipulate the probability of a desire outcome for example by punching a tree he hits the jackpot of breaking in half despite ikaku noting that his punches are so weak that he shouldn't be able to snap a wooden sword with them let alone a tree and finally a character who is not a member of execution but practically confirmed to be a fullbringer Orihime in a way with her the six princess shielding flowers who manifest through her hairpins given to her by her brother Sora Eisen claims that Orihime as well as Chad's Powers were actually awakened by the whole Yoku as they cursed their own powerlessness in the vicinity of the wish granting Jewel but whether or not we can believe Eisen is a different matter because origami's abilities are absolutely ridiculous they definitely feel like something a hogyoku could accomplish but I do think that's intentional misdirection from kubor and the source of her powers being fullbring makes even more sense orihime's six flowers function as a unit who are all capable of doing different things ayame and shunor are in charge of the healing ability bygone Lily and hinagiku are in charge of defense and Tsubaki is the only flower capable of directly attacking the stronger orihime's anger and killing intent the more powerful he becomes but arguably the most impressive aspect of this ability is the sum of its parts is capable of rejecting phenomena by denying or undoing events in various forms she literally regenerates grimdale's left arm just to name one of the countless ridiculous things she does in the manga Eisen refers to disability as a violation of Divine Law which makes perfect sense with the context of rayo's involvement the left arm of the devil and an ability that violates Divine Law to absolutely ridiculous abilities with religious implications that make perfect sense within the scope of the story in the last video I spoke about how ridiculous some of the Quincy's powers are jugaram's balance uru's antithesis or Askins death dealing or absolutely broken Powers just to name a few but this makes sense given the fact that these powers are awakened by a piece of yuhaba's Soul the son of the song resulting a Divine entity fullbringers having ridiculous powers like being able to regenerate torn off limbs create dimensions and literally change the past also makes sense since there are fragments of the Soul King the most Divine entity Chad might be the most interesting of them all since his abilities most resemble the hollows and contain Satanist imagery given how tokidada refers to the soul King as that man who was both a devil and a savior this could have some implications about the soul King who is consistently characterized through allegories and parallels to characters he's connected to every fullbringer is a piece of the rail and their ability reflects that to some extent which is honestly such a cool approach to characterization for the soul King especially considering his former role as the balancer of the universe and that brings us to the end of the video and in turn the End of This World building series we've laid out every major group of the story but this is nowhere near the end of me covering bleacher's lore and World building in fact this is only just the beginning my hopes for the future are bright and I have crazy ideas for Bleach content as there's just an unbelievable amount of material to cover I'm currently rereading the manga aiming to stream two volumes per week and I'll be doing so for months to come in my own time I'll be getting through the configure and World novels and season two of the anime is releasing in July which is guaranteed to have new information thanks to kubo's supervision it's an exciting time for me to be making leech content and I plan to stick with it for quite a while as many of you guys seem to appreciate it thank you guys for supporting the channel and I hope to keep you here have an amazing day
Channel: Radman
Views: 514,948
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bleach anime, bleach hell arc, bleach manga, bleach analysis, bleach explained, bleach breakdown, bleach story analysis, bleach complete analysis, bleach 2022, bleach anime 2022, bleach, ichigo, bleach 2023, bleach tybw, bleach opening, bleach op, bleach tybw part 2 trailer, bleach tybw ost, bleach tybw op, bleach worldbuilding, worldbuilding, cosmology, shinigami, quincy, hollow, fullbringer, reio, yhwach
Id: Kd4EclSZc9U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 162min 59sec (9779 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 20 2023
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