BLEACH: The Shinigami | Complete Breakdown

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foreign welcome to the second video in a series where we will be exploring the bleach Universe the different races that exist within the different Realms their respective Power Systems and just the World building in general last week we outlined the foundation of bleach's world and power system by explaining reyatsu and reishi this week we will be explaining everything you need to know about Soul Reapers and soul Society before I begin I have a quick disclaimer from now on I will be uploading my bleach Mondays videos every two weeks this way I have more time to work on each video and make them a lot better than what I have been releasing over the last month in a bit I also have some pretty ambitious ideas for videos starting with this one and they require a lot more time for me to make but without further Ado let's Dive Right into this [Music] a long long time ago the world of the living Soul society and hueco Mundo were not separate Realms of existence during that age all of creation was in a state of ambiguity there was neither life nor death progression and regression flickered to and fro swaying and swaying slowly this waning and waxing World waited for a hundred million years to cool down eventually Hollows became a part of the circulation of souls but before long Hollows began devouring humans and so the circulation seized all of those Souls came together to form a gigantic Hollow a menos the world became completely still and then a new life came into being as if the world itself naturally rejected it he destroyed it and turned it into Sands of reishi thus circulation began once again this new being is the individual we now know as the soul King others with special powers also appeared however the soul King stood out his powers were the closest thing to Absolute omnipotence and omniscience as the soul King continued to protect the world from The Hollows by killing them the world itself began to slowly sink into chaos there were those who did not find the State of Affairs agreeable there were five of them although not as much as the soul King they were powerful they were the original founders of the five Great Noble houses including the shiba family each of them had different motives the tsunayashiro ancestor was afraid that the soul King's Mighty power would someday be used against them the ancestor of the opposing Clan said that it was necessary to have a world that would serve as the lid to cover up the pits that we now know as hell the kuchiki ancestor believes that a new order was necessary to solidify the world the shihoin ancestor said that it was necessary to form a larger circulation to advance the stagnant world and lastly the Sheba ancestor wanted to explore the path of purification for Hollows rather than destruction since they too had hearts these widely varying motives strangely led to the same goal in the end to split the world a world of order a world of implementation and a paradise of sand where hollows from both sides could end up in their main goal being to create a clear separation between the world of the living and the world of the dead and in order to turn this goal into a reality they required the power of the man who transcended everything the soul King who they tied up and sealed within a crystal using his powers of the almighty as the Keystone the five ancestors of the noble families created the foundation of a new world the sole Society the world of the living and Hell had always existed and thus the universe as it is in the current day was born life and death was separated the cycle of souls ushered in a new era and then one day the ones who managed the soul Society came to be known as Shinigami this is a summary of ichibe's conversation with the rest of squad Zero from the can't feel your own world light novels it details the creation of bleach's universe and how everything came to be it tells us exactly what yuhaba was trying so desperately to recreate I thought going through the history of Soul Society before diving into the current day was necessary as it serves as the foundation that everything else is built upon the sole Society team may seem like a place of goodness and justice but at its core cool it may just be the darkest of all the Realms in Bleach born of fear and egoism [Music] out of all the races in bleachers Universe the Shinigami are the ones most important to the story more so than humans they are introduced right from the very beginning of the manga with urukia kuchki they serve as the first major antagonistic force of the series in Seoul society and they ultimately become protagonists themselves when Ichigo joins them as a substitute Shinigami the entire reason bleach was ever even created by Kubo was because he wanted to draw a series about Shinigami wearing black suits he drew his first character concept which was urukia with a scythe originally this series was going to be called snipe since many of those Shinigami would be carrying guns but over time Kubo changed his mind he decided that black and white kimonos made for a better appearance and exchanged the guns for swords since katanas were a more sensible weapon for soldiers walking around dressed in kimonos at first he wanted to name the manga black to embody the black kimonos of the Shinigami but Kubo felt the title was too simple which is also the exact reason why he avoided his next idea for the title which was white Kubo finally decided on bleach as the substance captured the essence of changing things from black to white as you can tell from the story of bleach's Inception it's pretty clear just how important the Shinigami are to this story the fact Kubo was so hell-bent on having the duality of black and white referenced in the series's title going through three different options before making his decision also makes it pretty clear that this story would be deeply concerned with exploring moral ambiguities Shinigami are often associated with the color white as it evokes a sense of light but in Bleach they wear black kimonos ichigo's father ishin of the Sheba family is himself this is worth noting since one of my main goals with this series is to highlight how deeply connected Ichigo is to every single race in the series The viz translation for Shinigami is soul Reaper this is an incorrect translation since Shinigami actually means death God but it's a cool name which has stuck ever since in ancient times the Shinigami in Bleach were known as balances the Japanese term baransa meaning regulator and that was a fitting name because their ultimate purpose is to regulate the cycle of Souls and maintain the balance of the universe so what are Shinigami how do you become Mei Shinigami where do they come from each of the races in bleach's Universe lies on a spectrum they all tie into each other and originate from the same Roots every single living being in bleacher's world has a soul and as I explained in a lot of detail lost week every soul has rarioku or spiritual power Souls with exceptional spiritual power have the option to become Shinigami as a result of this exceptional spiritual power Shinigami have a number of supernatural abilities they can live for far longer and age much slower than humans they also have enhanced durability and endurance the sakitsu and hakutsui are considered the main pressure points on a shinigami's body they serve the role a chain of Fate does for a human and some extra stuff on top of that they act as boosts to spiritual power and if they are pierced they seal up the shinigami's which makes them lose all of their power all Shinigami have vents at their wrists which release their reatsu if they are blocked off through the use of kidor the Shinigami in question would be incinerated by their own reyatsu from the inside out fusa the kirosio created by urohara was used for this specific purpose in the battle against Eisen Shinigami can be easily identified by their clothing the shihakusho is the standard Shinigami uniform worn by all members of the goatee 13 as well as the royal guard of the ryoku it was created by senjumaru who was promoted to the royal guard for this achievement it's not just a regular piece of clothing since it's tied to the where is it becomes completely white and slightly altered if the shinivami loses all their aryoku like when rookia transferred her powers to Ichigo it also regenerates over time when damaged and can be used to quantify someone's rarioku we see this when Ichigo and unohana are traveling through the garganta and she connects the states of his shihakusho to the states of his rarioku the sole Society is essentially the afterlife for good people it is the home of the Shinigami and where most Souls dwell until they are reincarnated into the human world while referred to as simply Soul Society within bleach the area we see in the manga is actually just the east side of a larger Soul Society but for this video we aren't concerned with the west side because that is a setting for burn the witch another manga of kubos that is set in the same universe the soul society's environment is completely made up of reishi and since the bodies of Shinigami are also made up of reishi they are absorbed into the soul Society itself when they die of course a very strong Shinigami have Rishi which is simply far too dense to be absorbed by the environment which is why the console racea exists but we'll speak about that later on Soul Society is split into three main areas the sayrete the rokongai and the the serete is located right in the very center of Seoul society and the rokongai is located around its circumference the ryoku is a separate Dimension entirely which is kept suspended above the Seoul Society the cerete has four main entrances each of them being a 10 days walk apart from each other and are guarded by one of The Gatekeepers the walls of the serete are made of seki seki a rare type of stone known to negate all rareoku the stone also forms a spherical barrier around the city extending above and below in order to stop anything spiritual from breaching it from the ground level from the sky or from underground the architectural design of the cerete is very clearly inspired by feudal Japan it is the home of nobility and Shinigami they have access to Food Water whatever they need and they live a pretty comfortable life when there is no serious conflict this is in complete contrast with the rukongai which is known known as the slums of Soul Society this is where the souls dwell as they wait to be reincarnated into the world of the living it is the largest and most populated portion of Soul Society the rukongai is divided into 320 districts 80 in the north 80 in the West 80 in the South and 80 in the East each district is numbered in descending order on how far away they are from the center which means the lower the number of the district the better the standard of living District 1 is peaceful and lawful whilst District 80 is violent and infested with crime the rukongai is full of families that are not related by blood people die at different times and places so it's rare for a person to find their real family in this massive area when a soul arrives in Seoul Society they are given a ticket according to the time they died and they are sent off in different directions even if two people were to die together if they don't receive tickets at the same time they won't know where the other one one is despite rookie referring to the afterlife as some sort of Paradise The rukongai is proof that it's a pretty bad place to live in if you aren't Noble or a Shinigami and that is exactly why many of the souls living in the rukongai try to get enlisted into the Shino Academy an institution which trains Shinigami that we'll be talking about in a few moments the ryoku or Soul King Palace is the most beautiful of the three main areas in Seoul Society at least in my opinion it is home to the real God and obviously the soul King himself or at least that's what everybody thinks and the actual physical structure of the ryoku is quite complicated and will take so much time for me to properly explain so I'm gonna leave that for somebody else like just go to taking's channel I'm sure he has a video on this and he has a knack for explaining every nook and cranny of a topic one very important thing about the ryokudo is the okin or the Royal Key it provides is the roots to the inner dimension in which the ryoku resides and the location of which is kept secret only being passed down verbally from one Captain Commander to the next just like there's an elaborate method of accessing the ryoku there is a specific way for Shinigami to enter and leave the soul Society in general in order to do so the Shinigami must unlock the senkaimon and use a jogokucho with regards to souls they are transported into Soul Society through the ritual of console anyways let's get back to the Shino Academy this school was founded by shigekuniyamamoto one of the oldest Shinigami to ever live who also founded the gote 13. it is located in the serete and it trains Souls with exceptional spiritual powers to be raised into the military originally it was called the Shinigami Academy but it was changed into the spiritual Arts Academy when it developed into an Institute for all three branches of the Soul society's military the military of Soul Society consists of three independent main branches the golti 13 the ketokor and the on mitsukido the gote 13 is the primary military branch of Soul society and the main military organization that most Shinigami join after graduating from the Shino Academy as I said a second ago the golte 13 was founded by shigekuni Yamamoto who had stood at the head of the group since its Inception until he was killed by yuhaba 12 years ago and replaced by Kiora kushinsui the primary responsibilities of the gote 13 include the defense of the serete the deployment of division members into enemy territory for combat operations the deployment of task forces as defensive measures in the human world The Guiding of souls to sole Society through the console ritual and the governance of the rukongai which they do an absolutely terrible job at they also do a bunch of other things they're pretty much just the main military force of Soul society which means they govern the entire universe since the purpose of Shinigami is to maintain the balance of the universe the gota 13 does not normally operate as a cohesive unit this can sometimes be the case like we saw in fake karakura town and the Thousand-Year blood War but generally the command of the divisions is left to the discretion and oversight of its Captain who runs it whatever way they see fit as long as the captain Commander has no issue with it the structure of the gote 13 is pretty layered so let's get right into this as the name suggests the gote 13 is made up of 13 divisions which the viz translation refers to as the 13 quarts God companies at the very top is the captain Commander the supreme leader of the gote 13. they oversee the overall operations of the gote 13 at all times when the well-being of the serrated and soul Society is at stake the captain Commander also oversees the operations of the on mitsukido and kidokor in the two only cases we know of the captain Commander has also commanded the first division of the gote 13. below him are the 12 captains who respectively command One Division of the goatee 13 each alongside the captain Commander they have the rank of first seat within their division all captains are able to utilize Bankai with the exception of kempachi until the Thousand-Year blood War it is seen as a necessary prerequisite to be considered for the position of Captain unless you go about eight different route which I will now explain there are three different ways to become a Captain the first is the captain proficiency test which essentially just requires you to perform Bankai in the presence of three existing captains including the captain Commander the second is personal recommendation if at least six captains recommend you for the position and at least three of the remaining seven approved you are fit for the position of Captain and the third way to become a Captain is through trial by combat to defeat and kill an already existing captain in one-on-one combat in the presence of at least 200 Witnesses from that Captain's division that is how kempaji became a captain without having the ability to perform Bankai or even shikai below the captains are the lieutenants who have the rank of second C within their respective divisions lieutenants function as executive officers for their division they take care of day-to-day operations and are usually the second strongest within their division when a captain is unable to perform their duties they act as the substitute Captain for that duration of time after the captain and Lieutenant there are 18 seated officers from Rank 3 to rank 20. this varies from division to division and it is at the Captain's discretion which seats and officer May hold each seated officer has their own sub units consisting of lower ranking Shinigami as a whole each division is made up of just over 200 Shinigami with the gote 13 standing Force being just around 3 000 total enlisted troops each of the 13 divisions in the gote 13 have their own Insignia which represents the vision's primary role each Insignia is a type of flower which has a specific meaning they also have specific color schemes for each division the first division is currently being led by Captain Commander shunsui following the death of Yamamoto their Insignia are chrysanthemums which signify truth and innocence and their color is Deep Purple the second division is currently led by soifon after yoruichi had been discharged from her position their Insignia are pasque flowers which signify the motto of seek nothing and their color is dark orange the third division is currently led by Rose after gin was discharged from his position and ultimately died their Insignia is the marigold which signifies Despair and their color is spring green the fourth division is currently led by isane following the death of unohana their Insignia is the bell flower which signifies the motto of those who grieve are loved and their color is Pooch a Dusky pink the fifth division is currently led by Shinji following the discharge of Eisen their Insignia is the lily of the valley which signifies sacrifice danger pure love humility and sweetness and their color is pale turquoise the sixth division is led by biakya their Insignia is the Camellia which signifies Noble reason and their color is cobalt blue the seventh division is currently led by EBA following the death of komamura their Insignia is the iris which signifies courage and their color is a dark tan the eighth division is currently led by Lisa following the promotion of shunsui to Captain Commander their Insignia is the strelitzia or the bird of paradise which signifies The Motto that everything is obtained and their color is a raspberry Rose the ninth division is currently led by kensei following the death and discharge of Thorson their Insignia is the white poppy which signifies Oblivion and their color is 10. the 10th division is currently led by hitsugaya their Insignia is the daffodil which signifies mystery and egoism and their color is dark green the 11th division is currently led by Zaraki kempachi and it has always been led by a kempachi their Insignia is the yarrow which signifies fight and their color is lavender the 12th division is currently led by Mayuri following the discharge of urahara their Insignia is the thistle which signifies Vengeance strictness and Independence and their color is an olive green and finally the 13th division is currently led by arukia following the death of ukitake their Insignia is the Snowdrop which signifies hope and their color is maroon together these 13 divisions make up the goatee 13. the heart and soul of the Soul Society who lived to serve but while not done there is another secret division that many people don't know about known as the royal guard sometimes referred to as Squad zero they are dedicated to the protection of the Soul King the royal family and the ryoku in general so much so that they would never get involved in Affairs that have nothing to do with those things each member of squad Zero have had the power of the Orkin imported onto their bones by the soul King which allows them permanent access to the dimension they also all have a city of their own within the ryoku the Royal God is known to promote former captains of the goatee 13 to their ranks but really the determining factor is their contribution to the history of Soul Society each member of the royal guard has created something crucial within the realm ichibe hiyosuber created every single name within the realm kirinji created kaidor which are healing spells hikifune created the artificial Soul owetsu nimaya created the zampaktor and senjumaru sutaru created the shiha crucial [Music] the on mitsukido also known as the Stealth Force or covert Ops is the second largest military organization that Shinigami can join they take students from the Shino Academy that excel in HoHo and hakuda and train them to further their abilities in those areas if the gote 13 operates openly the onitsukido patrols and conduct surveillance in enemy territories and carries out top secret operations such as assassinations and the execution of Shinigami who have broken the law if the gote 13 are considered an exterior guard then the onitsukido is an interior cover God however the commander-in-chief of the on mitsukido is also a current Captain within the gote 13. soifon which means the on mitsukido is effectively under the control of the gote 13. the hierarchy of the on mitsukido is based on a traditional feudal model there is a high-ranking clan with attached lower ranking families under them at the the top is the shihon clan and the only lower ranking family we know that serve them is the feng family the commander-in-chief was once yoruichiba is now soifon and they serve a similar role in this organization as the captain Commander does for the guilty 13. so if one has the authority to conduct all the Affairs of the on mitsukido while deferring to the authority of the central 46 in matters involving the sole society and the captain commander of the gaulty 13 in all military matters the on mitsukido is made up of five separate divisions each of which led by a cool commander who is also a seated officer of soifon's division indigote 13 due to how deeply connected they are the executive militia is the first branch of the on mitsukido it is ranked the highest of the five branches in the on mitsukido this Branch carries out missions that involve combat and is commanded by the commander-in-chief soifon the patrol call is the second branch of the onitsukido their job consists of intelligent Gathering within the cerete their appearances are unknown in order to preserve confidentiality and they are currently commanded by omeda the lieutenant of the second division of degote 13. the detention unit is the third branch of the onitsukido they are responsible for the imprisonment and supervision of all criminals within the serete their current Commander is unknown the fourth division is completely unknown we don't know what they do or who they are led by and the inner Court troop is the fifth and final branch of the on mitsukido they serve as the information transmission unit within the cedete and their Commander is also unknown foreign foreign is the smallest of the three main military organizations in the sole society and we know very little about them but honestly that makes a ton of sense the ketoko are a group of Specialists presiding over spiritual law they take students from the Shino Academy that excel in Kido and train them to further their abilities in said area their operations are executed in absolute secrecy which explains why we know very little about them ukitake once noted how rare it was to see anyone from the kiroko especially the captain the ketokor is responsible for opening the senkaimon between the human world and soul society and they are also responsible for releasing the sokyokusil during executions in keeping with their secrets of nature the KIRO calls standard uniform includes white face coverings enveloping their entire head excluding only their eyes other than that the uniform consists of the standard black Shinigami shihakusho Soul Reapers have a very intricate and fleshed out combat system zankinsoki is an all-encompassing term which perfectly captures the Shinigami combat system Zan refers to zanjutsu their sword fighting techniques Ken refers to hakuda unarmed fighting techniques saw refers to HoHo moving techniques and Ki refers to kidor their magic techniques they are taught the basics of these different combat Styles in the Shino Academy before being picked up by one of the branches of the military zanjutsu is essentially just swordsmanship it's the specialty of Zaraki kempachi each Soul Reaper has a unique zampakto they are the weapons of the Shinigami and utilizing zanjutsu is how they can make the most of them honestly I could make an entire video just as long as this one explaining every detail behind the zampaktor there's just so much going into the construction of this concept so unfortunately I'm gonna have to make this Snappy and only cover the essential stuff all foreign the blade God as he is the one who created all assaulty all zampakto originally begin as those asawji which translates to shallow hits a fitting name considering these are essentially blank nameless zampaxel in order to mold anasachi into your own unique zampark so Shinigami must spend every waking hour with it and in doing so they imprint the essence of their soul onto the asauchi this makes zampaktor not just the reflection of a Shinigami soul but a part of it they are forged by a Shinigami imprinting their arioku onto the blade and they also are their own sentient beings essentially a piece of their soul the name of zampaktor is the name of the Living spirit which exists within the sword and lends its strength to the Shinigami who wields it these beings can vary greatly in appearance and have their own distinct personalities which are similar to their owners considering they are the reflection of the owner's soul shikai is the second form available to a zampaktor to activate it the Shinigami needs to learn the name of their zampaktor this is not as easy as simply picking a name for the Living spirit of the zampaktor already has its own name the Shinigami must be able to communicate and harmonize with their zampakto effectively which requires being able to speak to the spirits within its World Bankai is the third form and final upgraded form of a zampaktor to achieve Bankai one must be able to materialize and subjugate their zampaktor Spirit materialization essentially being the opposite of getting dragged into the zampaktos in a world the wielder needs to summon the zampaktor spirit into the physical world so Bankai is in some ways the opposite of shikai the power and forms of shikai and Bankai are largely dependent on the zampakto itself and Vary according to the Wilder's strength and trade raining but the power of His impactor's Bankai is generally considered to be 5 to 10 times greater than that of the chikai only the strongest Shinigami can use Bankai and it's the ultimate technique of a zampaktor it usually takes 10 years or more to achieve Bankai and then many more years to master it the gote 13 specialize in the use of zanjutsu so much so it is considered shameful for a Shinigami not to at least Master this technique zampakto or the trademark of a Shinigami alongside their shihako Shores it's a badge of honor that they wield proudly and above that it's an incredibly character-focused power you can learn so much about shinigami's character by inspecting their Associated zanpaktor it's honestly pretty genius how even the smallest details like the size or shape of the blade can reflect the personality and characteristics of its Associated Shinigami hakuda is a close combat style of fighting in which one is unarmed and uses only their body soifon the captain of the second division and Captain commander of the on mitsukiro excels in hakuda which is expected since the on mitsukido specialize in the use of hakuda things like physical strength and skill fall under hakuda it is a combination of several martial arts HoHo is a defensive style of fighting which relates to footwork things like Speed and Agility fall on the HoHo the on mitsukido also specialize in the use of HoHo the combination of hakuda and HoHo make them well-rounded martial artists who do not depend on zanpaktor shumpo is the greatest expression of the HoHo technique however there are variations even within shumpur which only Master hohor practitioners can use yoruichi goes by the title flash goddess because she is considered the fastest shumpur user in the history of Soul society and finally Kido Kido is a form of magic used by the Soul Reapers which which can be used for a variety of purposes such as healing binding or attacking key door spells are categorized into three types bakudo which are binding spells hador which are offensive spells and kaido which are healing spells universally known kilo spells are graded on a scale from 1 to 99 the higher the grade the more powerful it is and more difficult to perform however there are some really powerful keto spells that aren't graded because they were created by Aikido master and aren't universally known a good example of this is the fusatsukake the CL created by urahara that we mentioned at the start of the video to use Kido a Shinigami must recite the specific incantation for the spell which is often long and requires a few seconds of speaking Masters in Kido are so Advanced that they are able to cast high-level spells by simply naming them the power of a spell relies on the power of the user meaning even a low level spell can be utterly devastating when utilized by a highly powerful Shinigami keto can be also used for practical purposes even though they are always split into the three types I mentioned it is demonstrated by renji that a kid or spell can be used to light a dark hallway if the spell is tweaked in the right way and used with less power meaning with a good understanding of what a spell does you can use it to achieve a desired result with a bit of meddling bakudo or binding spells are supplementary spells which can immobilize an enemy or have an effect besides a direct strike it is a broad category of defensive spells which block or repel attacks or freeze enemies in place the two main types of bakudo are barriers and seals hador or offensive spells which inflict direct damage to the enemy their effectiveness differs depending on the user it's said the effectiveness of the higher ranked spells are Beyond imagination within hadle there are a subset of spells known as Gisele these are haggle spells that requires the user to sacrifice certain portion of themselves in order to use it like it or Castle which made the former Captain Commander Yamamoto lose his left arm kaido or healing spells which were created by kirinji of the royal guard these spells don't have names numbers or incantations to cast They simply heal their targets as the user holds their hands above the patient's wounds their palms glow with Green Spiritual energy to facilitate healing we see this literally whenever Sakura is on screen because that is all she's good for wait a second I think that's the wrong manga the ketokor obviously specializes in the use of Kido foreign Society has a very interesting social structure it has its own governments noble families Judiciary laws and punishments the soul King is the figurehead who rules over the entire soul Society however as previously explained his existence is more of a concept than anything else the soul King has been dead since the creation of the universe the higher-ups of Soul Society simply use his name to carry out some Law and Order within the realm within the cedete there are various Noble houses the four Great noble families carry the most weight and appear to have some influence over the governmental institutions like the central 46 Chambers and even institutions outside of the government like the Shino Academy the noble families are the descendants of the men who work together to enslave the soul King and create the universe the military including their commanders have no authority to act against a member of a noble family without evidence that their actions are treason us to Seoul Society we only know three of the current four great noble families those being the shihon clan the kuchiki clan and the sunayashiro clan who we were introduced to through the light novels it stated that the other noble families all serve one of the four each Central 46 is the justice system of Soul Society who ultimately served the Shinigami royalty they are made up of 40 wise men and six judges they are sealed into an enclave in the cerete which is called the Tranquil Forest of residential Towers no one else may enter this Enclave regardless of their military or civilian status the central 46 acts as a supreme Judiciary organization whose authority puts it in direct control of the legal system they handle all rulings on Shinigami and souls who have violated prohibitions their orders are absolute and no decision has been known to be overturned so what are some of these prohibitions the ultimate law of the soul Society is to maintain balance anything that can be considered in opposition to this law is the greatest offense possible on top of that there are various specific laws that have been mentioned over the course of the series let me list a few of the crimes we've learned about Shinigami are not allowed to give their spiritual power to humans as this disrupts the balance of power it is against the law to commit murder within the soul Society or to kill a human that ishinigami has not been ordered to kill it is forbidden for ishinigami to acquire or attempt to gain hollow-like Powers Shinigami leaving their assigned posts is considered a crime it is against the law for Shinigami to make unauthorized trips to the human world it is against the law for a noble such as the kuchki clan to marry those hailing from the rukongae it is a crime to lose a sacred treasure and lastly it is against the law for ishinigami to draw the zampaktor around the senzaiku however that last one can be by paused if a captain Commander allows it breaking any of the aforementioned laws is a punishable offense certain crimes allow for the punishment of Exile stripping a Shinigami of their powers and banishing them to the human world then there's detention which is commonly reserves for those who have either broken the law quit the goatee 13 or those who just seem dangerous and mentally unstable as per the government's interpretation this detention is carried out by the on mitsukito's detention unit the central 46 can also imprison Shinigami sentencing them to be held in the central great underground prison for a set amount of time the prison has eight levels which prisoners are confined in based on the severity of their crimes Sasuke Aizen is currently imprisoned for 20 000 years in the eighth and final level of the prison known as the muken for committing the crime of treason and of course there is execution we know of two forms of execution in the soul Society the first is the spirit ceiling pit which is an ancient form of execution in which Shinigami criminals were thrown into a pit walled with seki seki which prevents them from using their powers and then they were forced to fight against Hollows this practice was discontinued for being considered too barbaric and the pits were converted into garbage dumps the second is the sulkyoku the ultimate's punishment this form of execution is reserved to those with extremely strong spiritual power namely Shinigami captains it is a giant halberd that destroys a soul on contact when released it takes on the form of a phoenix its true form known as the kikor it has the destructive power of a million zampaxel and that power is multiplied by a factor of 10. at the moment it pierces its victim but despite that this sokyoku was destroyed by ukitake and shinsui everything about Soul Society social structure is method physically devised to maintain the balance of souls in the universe and that brings me onto the final part of the video despite the sole Society being heavily inspired by the abrahamic understanding of Heaven this isn't a good place this is not a paradise that people can only dream of in fact I'd go as far as to say that the soul Society is a dystopia an unfair World governed by unjust and harsh people all they truly care about is the balance of souls the maintenance of the universe and that is a righteous honorable cause that is without a doubt the greatest thing they could try to do but that in of itself raises some very interesting philosophical questions like do the ends justify the means Mayuri executed 28 000 people in durukongai to maintain the balance the numbers didn't add up and so they had to be manually adjusted 28 000 people killed just like that which might be a small number in comparison to the total population of the entire universe but that obviously doesn't justify this mindless Slaughter not to mention the console the ceremony which costs deceased captains of the goatee 13 into hell people who have devoted their entire lives to servitude cost into a presumed Eternal suffering is that right of course not but what can be done these moral conflicts weren't fully explored in the main manga of bleach which is definitely disappointing but I don't think it was ever that necessary the main storyline of bleach was the Journey of Kurosaki Ichigo overcoming grief and learning to embrace courage in the face of death that was perfectly resolved by the Final Chapter however as you probably already know bleach isn't over Kubo intends to return with the hellark which will explore the most unexplored realm in bleach's universe and I am absolutely certain that the Injustice and dystopic structure of Soul Society will be a crucial piece of the Helix thematic framework the one shot that serves as a Prelude to the hellock had a heavy focus on these things so it's pretty much guaranteed to play a major role which makes me so very excited for the future of the story with that being said I think I've covered all the most important things for soul Society the lore the World building and the power system right now it might still seem a little basic or underutilized but the true genius behind kubo's World building will be much clearer once I have completed this series two weeks from now we will be dissecting the hollows and aranca hueco Mundo and their power system the similarities and differences between this video and that video will highlight the Thematic Brilliance of Kumar's writing how they mirror and parallel and what that represents on a grander scale these videos have been really difficult to make all the research is pretty time consuming and the editing is even longer to do so I would really appreciate if you could like the video and leave a comment down below I really enjoy making these and don't want it to feel like a chore or poorly made because I was rushing so bear with me guys thank you very much for watching and I hope you enjoy it
Channel: Radman
Views: 9,925
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ichigo kurosaki, bleach anime, tite kubo, bleach, bleach new anime, top 10 favourites, ichigo, aizen, grimmjow, ulquoirra, ichibe, yhwach, urahara, shunsui, mayuri, unohana, unohana vs kenpachi, kenpachi, yamamoto vs yhwach, yamamoto, ichigo vs yhwach, the blade is me, everything but the rain, hell arc, hell, bleach hell, bleach hell arc, power system, reishi, reiryoku, reiatsu, bleach power system, bleach manga, bleach explained, soul reapers, shinigami, byakuya, breakdown, lore, world building
Id: yrG2ZtfNCec
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 11sec (2591 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 09 2023
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