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nozarashi is undoubtedly one of kimi's greatest assets within battle long-term fans of the series will know that this wasn't always the case because for a massive portion of the story nozarashi was nothing more than a battered weathered blade that kimachi had used to cve up his opponents everything had changed for kimachi once he had overcome his subconscious limitations and he had fully embraced the upper limits of his power it is only at that point that the cries of nozarashi can be heard by kimachi thus allowing k to tap into an insane amount of power which otherwise he wouldn't have been able to utilize nozarashi is a very powerful but yet mysterious zomok do this is considering the fact that we've seen it being utilized in battle within its sealed State several times and we have also seen its shikai and Bankai forms too understandably fans have a lot of questions about this Zak do and hopefully by the end of this video you'll understand some of the answers to these questions like where does the Bankai of nozarashi originate from does this zum do have any ties to Hollows or even the realm of hell can nozarashi even be considered as a zako due to the very unique circumstances of its activation and lastly what kind of abilities does nozarashi possess in this video I'm going to do my utmost best to provide you with answers to some of these pressing questions because Kubo has left multiple Clues within the story which can be interpreted in several interesting ways which will allow us to better understand kimachi zako so join me as I break down and dissect everything that there is to know about [Music] nozarashi in order to fully understand nozarashi and its immense power I'm going to be discussing every single phase of this Zak Do's release and all of the details that we can deduce from them so naturally this involves talking about the sealed state of nozarashi as well as the subsequent shikai and Bankai release states which are revealed during the Thousand-Year blood warar Arc so let's start out by dissecting nozar rashi's sealed State and all of the Feats that it has displayed within the story thus far this idea of kimachi being so ridiculously powerful that it was assumed that a zako was in a constantly released state is actually pretty funny this also reveals some very important details about the power dynamics of Shinigami suggesting that the strength of a Shinigami is intrinsically tied to their Zak do if this was the case then the Assumption of nozarashi being in a constantly released state wouldn't really exist in actuality a shinigami's power is enhanced by their Zak do I say all of this in order to emphasize that without a zako a shinigami's true potential will always remain untapped thus illustrating the Deep symbiotic relationship between these two core elements this is best demonstrated via our protagonist Ichigo kurasaki pretty much every single PowerUp transformation or instance of growth that he manifests within the story is as a result of him him evolving alongside his zako zangetsu when Ichigo first attains shikai that's when he becomes strong enough to fight and defeat Lieutenant tier threats when he unlocks Bankai he awakens power that allows him to keep up with Captain tier opponents when Ichigo Masters control over his holif foration this is yet another aspect of his zako power which enables him to be able to fight and even defeat some of the Espada now this continuous progression of ichigo's power increasing as he builds a deeper connection with a zako proving that this link between a shinigami's power and the evolution of a zako has been present since the very beginning of the story and it's been a very consistent theme throughout all of bleach this isn't even exclusive to Ichigo as almost every other Shinigami within the story has undergone a similar progression of power which is intrinsically tied to the zako evolution so we can deduce that it's impossible for a Shinigami to become more powerful without their zako also evolving so where does kimachi and his zako nozarashi fit into all of this during the soul Society Arc we very quickly learn that there is no Synergy between kimachi and isako at this point in the story he doesn't even know the name of isako which is an incredibly shocking fact considering that kimachi is a captain Tia Shinigami his zako nozarashi is about as useful to kimachi as any other random sword just lying down the ground he cares very little for how he treats his zako in battle thus explaining why his blade looks so weathered and damaged this is a very interesting point as it confirms aetu Naya's statement regarding how zambak do who receive less love from their owners are more susceptible to damage and are more brittle and easier to break in comparison to zako that are loved by their owners based on everything that we have spoken about thus far how was kimachi able to tap into so much strength and power when his relationship with his blade was virtually non-existent as fans we have always known about kimachi subconscious restrictions that he has placed upon his own power but for some reason we don't really link this power restriction to a zako nozarashi itself kimachi limiting his own power had a direct effect on his zako the difference between the strength that we perceive from kimachi and his actual power is highlighted during his battle against unahan she reveals that kimchi's performance against most opponents was limited because he was in fact holding back against them while all of the things that he has done within the story seem impressive they barely scratch the surface of what kimachi is actually capable of doing once he forms and develops a relationship with his zako nozarashi even as a child kimachi was even more powerful than unahan the first generation captain of the 11th division this is somebody who was dubbed as the most diabolical criminal in the history of the Soul Society despite her immense power and all of the incredible titles that she held she was still no match for a young kimachi an important detail to note is that by the time that the Young kimachi had his initial battle against unahan his zako nozarashi had already assumed its form that it takes on today indicating that kimachi Soul had fully imprinted onto the Zak do that he had stolen thus making nozarashi pretty much a fully fledged Zak do even at that early point in the story now the reason that I'm bringing this up is to support the idea that kimchi's Shinigami Powers had fully developed at this time this is regardless of him being aware of nozarashi or not because at this point it was already an extension of of his own soul and an embodiment of his power so we can establish that kimi's power was intrinsically linked to nozarashi during his initial battle against unana now kimachi had started to distance himself from his own power by rejecting nozarashi this explains why he was unable to draw out the power from his zako and as we see during the soul Society Arc he had become so distant from his own blade that he was unable to hear its cries it was like a veil was placed over kimachi thus blocking him from hearing the name of isako so when we speak about these subconscious restrictions that kimachi had placed upon his power it wasn't that he was rejecting his own innate strength but instead it was his inability to tap into nozar rashi's Power which meant that he was unable to attain shikai or even Bankai and he struggled to utilize nozarashi at full power within its sealed state it was important for kimachi to remove all of his subconscious limitations before he was able to access the full power of His zako when kimachi was limited his power and subconsciously rejecting nozarashi he had reduced himself to only being able to use the smallest percentage of his Zak Do's base power this situation is a direct inversion of Ichigo who was in fact being limited by Oldman zangetsu who was allowing him to tap into only a fraction of his power in contrast to kimachi who was responsible for imposing restrictions on his own zaco's power when you talk about nozar Rashi it's difficult to say what exactly its current power level is on one hand its power is still at its Baseline because kimachi had only just accessed the true power of nozarashi during the Thousand Year blood War arc on the other hand based on the Feats that kimachi had demonstrated during the final Arc it would be plausible to assume that in its sealed state nozarashi is already at the height of its power but what about kimchi's newly awakened shikai form this is a form that he had unlocked after finally being able to hear the name of his blade this now takes us to our next area of discussion which is is the shikai transformation of nozarashi it is slightly disappointing that the only time that we see this power utilized is when kimachi is still wearing his eye patch which we know restricts his power massively despite this what do we know about kimachi zaraki's shikai well from its first appearance in chapter 577 we are able to deduce that the released state of nozarashi enhances the blade by transforming into even more of a destructive weapon as we see during kimi's battle against Grammy Kachi being able to single-handedly deal with a giant meteor with only a swing of his shikai is not only one of his greatest physical showings of power but it's one of the most powerful Feats that we have seen demonstrated within the bleach Universe the meteor isn't just sliced in half by the shikai of nozarashi it instead is completely obliterated into nothing now this implies one of two things either nozar rashi's sheer power was enough to utterly destroy the meteor or on the other hand it was as a result of a unique special ability that is activated within nozar rashi's shikai state I'm more inclined to believe that kimachi just has an ability to cut through anything as this is more in line with one of his signature catchphrases when he repeatedly yells at his opponents that there is literally nothing that he cannot cut considering the fact that during this fight we also see him cut through space and time itself him being able to cut through and obliterate a meteor is a pretty believable feat which doesn't rely on him activating a hacks or broken ability within a shikai so this now brings us to the next time that we see nozarashi Unleashed within the story which is during kima's battle against the sternritter Gerard Valkyrie kimachi is seen to be struggling against Gerard not just because of the sternritter being more powerful but also because of the fact that he possesses an incredibly inconvenient ability which in fact was the perfect counter to kimi's fighting style in this situation we could easily explain it off as kimachi just fighting someone above his pay grade so even if he were to push his strength to its utmost limits it might still fall short against the colossal might of Gerard despite kimachi being extremely powerful it still leaves room for him to grow as a character let's now turn our attention towards another aspect of nozar rashi's power which is its Bankai transformation which honestly caught a lot of us by surprise because it was revealed so soon after the shikai release of nozarashi nozar rashi's Bankai is even more mysterious than it shikai this PowerUp not only transforms nozar rashi's blade but it fascinatingly also Alters kimchi's physical appearance he transforms into a demonic figure resembling an Oni as he is unable to differentiate between Friend or Foe when you compare the Bankai of nozarashi to other Bankai which alter physical appearances of their users they end up being Bankai forms which typically enhance the abilities that are seen within the users shikai consider the Bankai of hakao togami which intensifies The lethality of sodos shirayuki's cold manipulation or how so o zabimaru extends the versatility and power of zabi maru's shikai and as we know tensa zangetsu enhances all of ichigo's physical capabilities that he demonstrates within his shikai form with all of this in mind it's more than enough evidence to assume that any Bankai that alters a character's physical appearance doesn't differ too greatly from the core abilities of that users shikai so on this basis we can deduce that if kimachi shikai has any special abilities it would make sense that his Bankai would also possess similar abilities the Bankai of nozarashi is first revealed Within Chapter 669 of the manga during kimi's battle against Gerard after kimi's brutal defeat by Gerard he sees a manifestation of nozar rashi's Bankai Avatar which appears strikingly like yachiru Kubo explains why yachiru had appeared in front of kimachi during this moment on his official fan club club outside and I've also made a separate video on the channel explaining this too in summary in the same way that tensa zangetsu is a younger version of old man zangetsu kimchi's Lieutenant yachiru kusajishi as we know her is actually the appearance of nozarashi in its Bankai form and contrastingly the real manifestation of nozarashi takes on the form of an adult woman fans had used this information in order to explain the reasoning behind why kimachi was able to activate Bankai so soon after learning the name of isako theorizing that because he had such a tight bond with his Lieutenant yachiru he thus had formed a connection with his zako making it easier for him to then activate his Bankai after he had awakened his true power in chapter 669 yachu explains that she had granted kimachi the power of Bankai how this Bankai is even activated is a complete outlier when compared to how other Bankai are activated most Bankai involves some means of gaining the respect of the zako in question yuichi explains during Ichigo and renji's Bankai training that a zako spirit must be in complete submission to its wielder in order for a Bankai to be activated after attending Bankai usually a Shinigami yells out Bankai with the zako responding and thus manifesting the second release of the zako but in kimi's case it's yachiru who says Bankai and he transforms immediately afterwards into this demonic creature so here it's the zako that releases the Bankai for the user now because we have never really seen the first Bankai activation of anybody within the series this may just be what happens when a Shinigami activates their Bankai for the first time so after yachu says Bankai there is a massive eruption of spiritual pressure that dissipates and reveals kimachi in his Bankai State his new physical appearance is accompanied by an altered state of mind where he is essentially a Berserker this may just be his default state within his Bankai or this lack of awareness maybe as a result of him being inexperienced with this new power as we know it takes 10 years to master a Bankai and if this is the first time that he is using it then it's understandable as to why he has absolutely no control over his Bankai form the only other instance that I can compare this to is ichigo's holif foration the first time that we had seen Ichigo Hol ofy he had gone into a similar berser like State against byakuya during the end of the Soul Society Arc but this had all changed once Ichigo had learned how to control his Hol ofation it will be interesting to see if kimachi activates his Bankai in the upcoming hell Arc of the manga which is is set 12 years after the Thousand-Year blood War Arc which is plenty of time for kimachi to come to grips with his Bankai and to master it to some degree in this Bankai form he is able to catch Gerard's descending punch with his teeth as he effortlessly rips his entire arm off as he then spits the gigantic arm far away from them he once again wields his sword which he uses to effortlessly slice through Gerard's shield and his arm he also casually picks Gerard off of his feet with one arm and sends him flying off of the edge of W so again not only has his cutting power improved significantly but his physical strength has also skyrocketed I think that the Bankai of nozarashi removes the focus of all of the destructive power being concentrated in the zako as this power is now shared across to kimi's body so in other words everything that his blade can do his body can also pull off too again kimachi Bankai is going to remain a mystery until we get more information revealed during the upcoming hell Arc of the manga but with the anime expanding upon on a lot of material from the Thousand-Year blood War Arc I really do hope that the spotlight is shined onto kimi's powers and the anime does a bit more of a better job at explaining how nozarashi works and what exactly are the powers of kimchi's shikai and his Bankai there is every opportunity for kimachi to Showcase his shikai once again in the story VI an anime exclusive fight scene that we didn't see within the manga as well as an extended fight sequence where he utilizes his Bankai against Gerard because a lot of that portion of the story is rushed with in the manga so I can guarantee that this isn't the last that we have seen of nozarashi and I know that Kubo is sitting on quite a bit of information in regards to kimi's power which we all can definitely look forward to in the upcoming third and fourth core of the Thousand-Year blood War Arc anime now we've reached the point of the video where I want to hand over the discussion to all of you what do you guys think about the incredible zako nozarashi I've tried my best to break down and analyze all of the different phases of this blade from its sealed state to it shikai and its Bankai if there's anything that that I've forgotten to mention then definitely let me know in the comments I look forward to reading all of your thoughts about this incredibly powerful zomboko and lastly thanks for making it to the end of this video and I cannot wait to see you in my next bleach video a massive thank you goes out to all of my amazing patreon supporters for helping to make this video possible if you also want to support the channel and see your name in the end of my videos then check out my patreon which has loads of perks like early video access and so much more thank you for sticking around till the end of the video and whatever you contribute will mean a lot to [Music] me
Channel: DBZimran
Views: 28,937
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bleach, bleach anime, bleach brave souls, bleach manga, bleach hell arc, bleach 2024, bleach tybw, bleach new anime, bleach tybw anime, bankai, kenpachi bankai, kenpachi bankai explained, bleach tybw arc, tybw anime, bleach explained, kenpachi explained, dbzimran bleach, kenpachi vs gerard, kenpachi vs yhwach, kenpachi vs unohana, nozarashi bankai, bleach nozarashi, nozarashi, kenpachi vs gremmy, kenpachi zaraki, kenpachi vs nnoitra, bleach thousand year blood war
Id: jm397KGHK1g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 55sec (1075 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 24 2024
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