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hey my bit a bit what you mike is my least favorite person excuse me how's it going today we're back with another episode a bit like but this time we have a twist it's not just a regular episode of bit life but in fact it's actually a mystery episode nobody knows what the update is why cuz it says it right here bit ins sitting before your very eyes is yet another bit like update laced with drama and brimming with some of your more popular request of recent weeks we're not gonna spoil the fun and tell you exactly what hilarity was that it this time but instead we'll leave it up to you it's the mystery my eyes are up here okay check out that I already action though it's not just like pure huh look at me I have my own merch I'm not even promoting my own merch although you know check it down below well you know just scroll down a little bit you see it oh that coughs going around making me say weird things because it's a mystery update they didn't say anything that goes on we're just gonna figure it out we're gonna do life so I have no a challenge exactly Oh last episode we did Karen Kidz Bop challenge here's a little small clip for your eyes what have you guys said this and it kind of really works we have to join social media so even if she's not technically herself maybe part of social media she is definitely part of social media now so let's do that how to find a nice profile pic oh I think we know what you know check it if you missed it alright close your eyes close your eyes right now okay let's alright new random life what I just what I just click oh I changed my country wait am i doing it what oh I did it and Regina Cooney basically a Eugenia Cooney challenge would be to be the nicest person on earth you could probably call her every name in the book and start like like all kinds of drama with her and she would say you look nice today she's like the nicest girl ever well provides I think we might have some normal parents I was conceived on my parents honeymoon where it should be not on a dryer not in an outhouse not in an alley and if my dad's actually still here like what bag is this my mother is a trucker which is kind of odd a little bit my father is a photographer so that's cool hey they just doing them you know sometimes built life is weird like the things that they they get I think I missed some of it sometimes but weird things happen a bit like let's just say baby sister you're Burt your Barrett's my bit barons just had a baby girl named Samantha your new sister she was a planned pregnancy why do I have responsible parents now I don't even know what to do with that toy time a little growth it and you are playing with picks up your favorite toy what would you do give it to it because I'm you Gina games super nice is it mine while playing outside home you notice a neat pile of mud hey that's not mud though let's stomp on it why now I mean this is the plenty option it's similar absolutely horrid oh they had a new another one your parents just had a baby girl named Carla your new sister well she planned family vacation your parents want to take you and your sisters on a budget family vacation to Manila Philippines oh snap give me some tickets that day oh that looks nice that's a huge city Wow I'm probably sharing it all of like the best pictures you know it's just like right if you turn you just turn one of these like it just breathes it's like horrible that's how it is though that's how it is when you freaking look at travel pictures and what the heck let's go I did not enjoy it at all it was great why you always lie and Mary asks me how it's I get why not why not go I was there okay so that happened all right let's check the menus though cuz like I mean what's new how could I possibly know I'm sure I haven't done everything get bit life but I wonder oh so what are the new things is you can actually save your life now if you want to have multiple lives apparently you can do that I don't how do you save how do you save the game all right I can't figure it out but we'll figure it out eventually I'm sure your girlfriend Mary is asking you to take her to the theater will you agree to hurt we're gonna see Eman finds love on a hot summer night in Bangkok how old are we were 11 years old is my mama even gonna let me go to by myself like that we love bids how old are we sweets youth Waukee this is new I think I'll have to grocery store with a few friends one of them slyly who slightly like a little sneaky snakes lips at Mars candy bar did to her pocket she turns you and says it's the Fivefinger discount it's real estate look I'm not saying go steal candy I actually put each story alright I probably already told this I accidentally stole candy when I was younger I had a candy bar in my hand and you know when you forget like if you're holding something your hand I know I'm not the only one that that's done that right like you're holding something and then you're looking for it like an idiot where's the remote I literally did that in a store with a candy bar and I walked out and then when I got outside I was like I'm a crook and they were like stop right there criminal scum nobody breaks the law and my watch I'm confiscating your stolen goods now pay your fine or it's off to jail oh no Mary wants to break up with me because I'm a criminal scum next thing you know what's up my beautiful bits I beat you to Franco and Eugenia Cooney is actually stolen a mars bar Wow how could she and we all thought she was nice Wow but I'd like to know your thoughts on it okay leave your comments down below anything at all secret link down below I beat you defranco and you've just been phill'd in why why you leave me please talk to me please that's it I'm pulling out the enemy power-ups right now the scrap with her take that you attacked your group from Mary you fractured her forehead oh I think I know what's in my beautiful bits this just in Oh I think that's new you just got your first period how will you react I don't know I I never I guess I don't pick that many girls but this didn't happened last time I think it actually might be new I really don't remember let's keep it a secret to see what happened I imagine that most people would tell their moms about it I don't know lately I've noticed that everyone hates me because I'm paranoid well there's plenty of reasons to be paranoid okay they're turning all the frogs gay all right that mean is still funny I don't like putting chemicals in the water that there's anything wrong with being gay but we need substrate ones right this is a Tetris Road dude I hate when I get this block it's the worst block ever I'm trying to wrap my head around how there are women selling their dirty bathwater on the internet and making good money doing so but what a great world we live in honestly right oh you can scrap your cars now that's new or you can sell it I don't think I've ever done that but oh you could just leave your car somewhere can we commit insurance fraud Eugenia Cooney commits insurance fraud can't Eric Eric was a guy you met while grocery shopping has asked you on a date I'm sorry dude but you're agree he's got no looks now I can't get bant oh I got the bubonic plague this is sound good at all why situation breastfeeding how is that possibly a situation why eating at a restaurant you see a woman breastfeeding a child who appears to be about five years old poop coming out you too baby what does that mean Oh like record it and put it on YouTube you can do that as long as educational apparently watch in amazement like a weirdo that's amazing what are your thoughts on this like it would be awkward right I mean I feel like can't you get like a pump and prepare some bottles if you know you're gonna be going out if you pull one of your bobs out you know it's I think it'd be natural for someone to be like oh wow hi you know I think that's natural not that it's like I'm not I'm not over here stare with my binoculars or something like that but I feel like you can prepare for this situation like is it an emergency I don't know but a lot of people get really offended when it comes to stuff like that like I guess you do you write you put your Bob's out whenever you want I guess you do baby recording I shared it on social media so we're just gonna ignore that I got the plague like I'm still alive your father has a friend who works at lilypad burgers I always work at the fast food restaurant am I gonna die my health is not that bad what a fitness center a man named Mark mark comic REO aquino asked if he can join you on the elliptical him what the liftable that's not slang at all oh yeah oh I guess I should probably kill myself though of the bubonic plague and some other stuff I still don't really I think I mean I think we got some new stuff I still don't know forgetting all the new stuff you know though you know okay well I guess it's easily curable this meme down low be like murder your ex cheat on your wife play bit like oh my god my big sister Julia moved down Julia's pregnant with Mike no my god I just love looking at ready Oh a bit light because you can see all that like the stuff that the weird stuff is happening I'm trying to figure out there's a pattern that I can sort of do the new stuff you know United States has officially deploy 58,000 troops to invade the United States what I played with my scissors how do you even do that hey kids are supposed to play with scissors oh there's leaderboards I don't know if this has been added though but it always shows the oldest person so apparently the oldest age in bit life is a hundred and forty-eight I feel like it would have been more but that is I mean that's older than any human on earth right well you know recent times at least I think like hundreds of years ago they would look like for a long time though right well it's the old this lipping human it's this lady but it doesn't say how old she is Wow that's what I asked she loaded to 122 I mean that's old right like the Bible be like oh I love till nine hundred kind of energy drinks that they have back then the biggest net worth is a lot of bun Wow how do we know you're not using hacks though Oh what about children accounts our children two hundred and forty nine children man that's a lot of children lovers one thousand lovers in one life oh my god I'm assuming that's one life right that is a lot of lives well now that we can actually save our lives maybe we can do a close challenge like this loose ends suggestions down below guys anyway let's get back to our life but I just thought that was really interesting Oh a co-worker okay you get an email from your coworker Omar with the subject line important you opened it up to discover the seventh chain mail he has sent this week let's have a talk this ends now you had a talk with your coworker Omar about how his behavior can be construed as guys please donate to my patreon now that way I can afford some language classes I'm just yeah we got a real problem he told you that you're a gas factory nobody calls me a gas factory gets away with it except for you because you've got away with it booty call Oh mock audio asks you to come over because he has one last thing to check off this to-do list while a restraining order that sounds like a door while you find some adderall in your desk drawer at work saying you look like you can use this why would you think that throw away all the Scotch an alternate doctor what does it even mean again Boldin hydrotherapy sounds ready I don't know if this is a thing but there should be options for like if you want to go to the to a like a quack doctor you know a bee-sting doctor like that episode King a hill where Dell thinks he can Hill anything with bee stings is that a real thing yeah that whole episode is keep stinging yourself it just gets worse of worse but apparently bee venom has a powerful anti-inflammatory I'm just I'm just accepting the fact that I can't read right let's go to the witch doctor why not you took the fish eyeballs I didn't die Wow last time I did that I died my dad died he died suffering a stroke it is your irresponsible it is your responsibility to plan a funeral so okay this is new so we can plan his funeral go but let someone else plan it or skip it all together what happens if you plan his funeral oh this is new it's time to decide what to do with your father's remains his wish was to be cremated Oh taxidermy I blow my god it's horrible I planned his funeral I had him taxidermy to put a display in my home Oh No even I I feel like bit life helps me learn so much honestly you the educational game I tells you this is a very educational indeed okay and it's also it's like it gives you perfect scenarios of what could happen if you do bad things so you don't actually have to do the bad things see bit life's good can you tax it derp me a human yep it is illegal all right in the US all I know is ask creepy as heck and I don't think that that's not then you should do to anybody because it just wouldn't look the same Oh wild animal situation this might be new a smelly alley cat keeps urinating in your yard what will you do there are rocks I miss this I've been thinking about how people who park in two spots to deserve to get paper cuts I wholeheartedly agree with that statement because it's I don't know why people do that it's horrible it's just it's just you don't even try like when I park and I always check my parking it's like okay tonight if I notice if it's a little bad than fine that's fine I'll sometimes leave it but sometime most of the time if I do mess up I will go reap our Kate because I'm the actual good person oh well my mom died well absolutely going but let someone else planning it still looking after your mother left 37,000 each of your sisters and left you 14,000 what the heck is it cuz I didn't plan your funeral I just wonder if someone else will like like brewing the the funeral you know oh my god your best friend Edna confessed to you that she's hoarding weapons of mass destruction she's like putting nukes in her house like oh thank you offer her your support cold call I hate freaking cold calls and insurance telemarketer calls even claims that he can get you a great deal on health insurance sign me up oh I didn't get scammed I thought I would know franca passes he is considering becoming a sugar daddy for a girl who is not even half his age I offer my full support my stats have just gone to the crapper honestly while walking through a cemetery you find a money clip well they're not gonna need it no wait oh no you mean he didn't belong to a skeleton so it's our argue with you because you took his money clip walk away they'll just walk away I still kept the money though but some of your friends are eating tuna eyeballs and what the heck we only oh god I got very I died of old age or sixty isn't that old if someone gonna taxidermy me now today's goes to patchy couldn't arts scrubs take a look at this like it's amazing I saw this I was absolutely blown away by this scruff Chan looking great I don't deserve you guys I don't I really don't thank you guys so much for the support and thank you patchy your your art is amazing if you want to be strong for the day be sure to smash that subscribe button okay because that's the only way to guarantee that you could possibly have the chance to become scrub of the day and get that sweet prestigious award okay it's crazy one of these days I need to make some like anime scrub Chan of merch or something like that but man if you guys like that leave a like and yeah I'll see you in the next one bye guys
Channel: Bijuu Mike
Views: 288,003
Rating: 4.9515219 out of 5
Keywords: bijuumike, bijuu mike, bitlife, bijuu mike bitlife, life simulator, bitlife new update, bitlife update, bit life, life, simulator, life simulators, bijuumike bitlife, bit, bijuumike life simulator
Id: ADQGeo1pgBE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 14sec (914 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 03 2019
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