Bishop Wooden // "Recognizing the Value of God's Truth" - Bible Study

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[Music] now I have some things that I won't talk to you about some ground that I wanna cover so let's go to the word of the Lord we praise the Lord for our streaming audience we thank God for the subscribers and the people who have tuned in and called whole and some of the most kind things have been said and I'm telling you Saints there is a market for God's truth there's always somebody who will resist the truth but you know what there's always somebody who accepts the truth and I thank God for being on the lower side and there are people who are just simply saying a man that's the truth I want to call your attention to proverbs chapter number 23 and tonight I want to read just one verse to you the 23rd verse of proverbs chapter 23 that's that put a knife to your throat chapter that teaches you table manners when you're eating a man even man says to you eat all of my dainty's he says don't do it because he may be saying to you eat it all but he's hoping that you won't and verse 7 says so as a man thinketh in his heart so easy but we're gonna talk tonight from verse 23 which I read says and thank God for praise team tonight and music ministry and thank God for these powerful powerful workers who record and these work the cameras and do all of the things that make up a room happen a man we you you can't do this without good people a man good people who willing to work and make it happen so I want you to come in as closely as possible and let's hear the word of the Lord it says verse 23 by the truth sell it now also wisdom and instruction and understanding by the truth sell it not also by wisdom and instruction and understanding but I don't talk from this subject recognizing recognizing the value of God's truth recognizing the value of God's truth is amazing the trouble we get in and the problems we cause for our lives and the headaches that we bring in the heartache the heartbreaks the disappointments and all the things that happen in in the life of a human being simply because they chose not to value God's true decide that I'm gonna do what I want to do I won't take a stab at it I'm gonna try this that or the other I'm gonna get with her or get with him with regards to what God's the Bible says this is what I'm gonna do I'm going to do this I'm gonna drive over there I'm gonna go to this place I'm gonna hang out at this club I'm gonna do whatever I'm not going to study I'm not going to listen I'm gonna do whatever I want to do but the Bible says that's why I don't care what the Bible's I'm gonna do this and the things that happen to people because we turn a deaf ear to God's truth so tonight I want to talk about recognizing the value of God's truth it says by the truth by and once you purchased it whatever you do don't say in there something a man there's a transaction but once you acquire it keep it don't sell it don't separate from don't part from it don't ignore it don't spit caution to the wind and assume that is not there to help you and to keep you and to make your life better to get you to heaven to make your life less complicated and to bless you by the truth selling not teach us Lord in Jesus name Amen now allow me to begin this teaching by saying our text describes both the positive and negative way of saying something to say something both positively and negatively is a hebrew method of adding emphasis and by the truth is positive sell it not is negative it is emphasizing the enormous incalculable value of that book that you have in your life and the teachings of it it's valuable and if you get it whatever you do do not part from it let it teach you how to be a mom let it teach you how to be a dad let it teach you how to be a good single person you teach you how to be a married wife a married husband you teach you how to get blessed a teach how to get prayer a man everything that says you have not because you ask not Bible says let if you're sick among you let him call for the illness the church bomber says he that would love life and see good days let him dodge evil and bridle his tongue let it speak no guile and Bible tells you how to enjoy your sojourn here the emphasis here is on God's truth and the truth that I'm talking about because there are various kinds of truths the truth that I'm talking about tonight is that which is true for everyone listen to this everywhere and at all times and is not compatible with any opposing system of beliefs a truth that is true for everyone everywhere at all times and is not compatible with any opposing beliefs God's truth it's true for everyone everywhere all the time that's what Jesus said about the Bible Jesus said in John 17 and 17 the because he said thy Word is truth it's true for everyone everywhere at all times and is not compatible with any opposing belief system absolute truth is that which is true at all times and in all places for every one whatever is true for one person is true for all persons when you're dealing with absolute truth because absolute truth doesn't change Amen Jesus said I am the way the truth and the life and then he said this no man cometh to the Father but by me he says I'm the way for all people at all times everywhere and you can't and I'm not compatible with any opposing doctrine I'm the truth for all people everywhere all the time and you cannot compare me with any opposing doctrine I'm the life for all people everywhere at all times and the life that I want to give you is not compatible with any opposing doctrine that's grand a bishop what about in Muslim countries and and what about in indonesian countries and what about in hindu countries and what about in all people everywhere at all times prays alone that's what Jesus claimed to be see the Christian you got to understand we're not we're not in Jesus didn't come to be the way truth and the life for Christians you won't find that the Bible he's not the way the truth and the life for Christians he said no man cometh to the Father but by me so I'm the way the truth and the life for all people everywhere at all times praise the Lord now if you accept me that makes you a Christian that's how you become a believer you accept me well what if you don't accept me that then he's claiming there is no other way for any people anywhere else at any other time and if they have accepted a way that is a an opposing system that is not true you can't you lose a loved one your loved ones a Muslim Jehovah's Witness on something something other than a born-again Christian you can't try to put them in heaven but you know they they might not have served the Lord the way we did but they did it that way I am the way the truth and the life for all people everywhere at all times and I'm not compatible with any other belief system what Bishop I don't know if I believe that to be a Christian you gotta believe it do you know you can't you can't be a follower of Christ and disagree with Christ's doctrine you can't claim to be a follower of Christ and then and then do not believe or you haven't accepted the claims that Jesus makes for himself how you gonna do that praise the Lord I think about it you can't you can't holler be that and be a member here now you said that's a saying to yourself no I'm the pastor no no no it ain't no work well you work there is order there is regimentation and you are whatever they've hired you to be but but if you're not the CEO or whatever if you have someone who is over you you can't you can't just disregard their position disregard that claim and expect to continue to work there I don't care what they say that I I don't I don't go by that what are they gonna show you to do security come get this person and and send them on their way Jesus is absolute truth it's true for all people everywhere at all times amen and our doctrine is not compatible with any opposing beliefs it's I like including that because see that that that that that tells you these these churches that's trying to mix that church you you mix in your church with Greek life you mix in your church with Mason's and you mix it in your church with Eastern stars you got these opposing belief systems Jesus is not Lord in the Eastern style doctrine Jesus is not Lord in the book of of the mace of Mason's he's not Lord amongst a moment's praise oh he's not Lord in the kappa doctrine that's not why it was founded it wasn't started praise the Lord when finally to obey obey Jesus follow Jesus what they do many good good community works a lot of people do good community works Ethier's who do community work but we tell them i going to heaven and serving the lord now and we're talking about whether or not absolute truth is compatible with opposing belief system the truth is it is not somebody said what about that scripture what Jesus says other sheep I have that are not of this fall I have no problem with that at all he said other sheep I have so what's your point he said other sheep I know that Jesus is sheep aren't you Jesus's sheep praise the Lord matter of fact you won't see other sheep Jesus have just look around everyone in here who saved is the part of Jesus and there are people in other churches other denominations who are saved and love the Lord if they're reading their Bibles if they're reading their Bibles then are saved if they're going by the moment because that is an opposing belief system then are saved through if they're reading the Holy Scriptures of the Jehovah's Witness that's an opposing belief systems you know the witness exists to defend and and to to defend and to get revenge restitution for the name Jehovah I guess they didn't read that Jesus is Lord to the glory of God the Father house of God how does God the Father feel about Jesus's lordship it's to the glory of God the file or files God the Father somebody tells you all the witness it glorifies God the Father he's happy about that want to make God the Father man happy just love Jesus you want to make God the Father man cross Jesus no man jesus said it's coming to the Father but by me now there is other truth as a relative truth I'll give you a relative statement this glass is on the right side of this podium and that's true but it's relatively true it's on the right side if you're standing behind it and you're right here but depends on where you are is on the left side it's relative there's some relative things but I'm not talking about relative I'm talking tonight I'm talking about overarching truth y'all don't like what I'm saying relative truth some truths are time bound time bound relative truth a good time bound all true statement is that President Obama is President that was true from 2008 to 2014 and is that right that's time bound it's not true now but it was a perfectly true statement for a set period now on the other hand there are some absolute statements that's true all the time such as Jesus Christ the same yesterday today and forever that's not time-bound praise the Lord true to all people all the time in all places and not compatible with any other opposing belief system and this is why the Hebrew writer you know when he says Jesus Christ the same yesterday today and forever let me show you something and notice what he says that's that's hebrews 13 and verse 8 he goes on to say in verse 9 the very first very first Clause verse 9 says be not carried about with divers and strange doctrines since Christ is the same yesterday today and forever then it does no point you getting caught up and whatever the latest little fad is that's going through whether it's the Israelites or whatever these movements but people get caught up in one of the things I'm proud of in our church upper room is not a faddish Church we don't we don't do that we don't get caught up in whatever has a church now you may have some individuals in here who are in Spanish it's all get up that's the way you want to be then that's up you but you your church isn't because part of what makes a church strong is its ability to not get caught up in the world and not to be moved about with every wind and doctrine by the sleight of men we're about Paul says they lie in wait to deceive said in Ephesians you that you hints for no longer be carried about with every wind doctor it's not the will of God for us to get every whatever the flavor of the month if that's what we do whatever the word the the the buzzword is the catchphrase that's what we're doing now to show that we'll with it and we will woke and we're we're up to date with him know by God's truth God's truth and sell it not one of the accusations about believers is that we are we accused and I've been called this so many times saying I imagine you've been since you attend here you know you have to really love this church to be a member you can be a member of most churches in Raleigh and people not say anything one way or other you tell me I go to upper room as a reaction it's a reaction good bad or indifferent you know either I love wouldn't hate you know and then just someone else I've been going it are you steer that they ain't got no job they want to come back but you know father they follow the losers went on out there and got in trouble and sometimes pride pride wonder I want to say to you come on back all we're gonna do is embrace you and that's so we're loaded by pride won't let you come back a man but you let try talked you into leaving you don't like that do you so often they call us a close minded but I want to read something to you that I agree with wholeheartedly the name of this is you Christians are so closed minded open-mindedness has become a self-evident virtue in our society as a matter of fact when I was studying this I actually sent this particular what I'm reading to you tonight to a friend of mine in [Music] the the state of Michigan who in a nice way but they accused me of just being said I'm just I'm too close-minded I'm not close-minded said he's close you need to be more open-minded and so I've read this I said I'm gonna send this to my friend in the Lord because we're not we're not close-minded in my opinion where we shouldn't be closed-minded because I believe that there's some things you ought to be closed-minded about I believe that if you are open-minded towards some things you're walking in disobedience such as the inerrancy of Scripture the truth of God's Word you know what I'm closed mind there is nothing in me I leave no area in my thinking that the Bible isn't true and one of the reasons I'm like this is I had a closed-minded pastor eternal set us down this one is about an 8 o'clock class and different things you all know why I got that from him does it set us down and taught us the word now you know he could preach what I'll get out but what what a lot of people didn't get a chance to experience was just his ability to just lay that word out there and make you love it I mean about you said that it's like cake and ice cream like you hate it mother you hate it when the lessons within and he taught us to love the word love the hyphens the commas the colons and the semicolons of the Bible everything about the bottom the stuff the stuff that I until he taught me thought was the boring part no almost young man there's nothing boring about this and then you you grow to just love it and and you lock in so let me read this it says one open my open-mindedness has become a self-evident virtue in our society and a closed mind a sign of ignorance and depravity however this thinking is based on half-truths surely it is good to admit the possibility that one might be wrong and never good to maintain a position no matter what the evidence is against it also one should never make a firm decision without examining all the evidence without prejudice that is the half truth that ropes us into this view see when you fail to examine evidence without prejudice that is what ropes you into believing that you should always be open-minded it says I let me go on the read says that is the half truth that rules us into this view but a half truth is a whole lie are we still to remain open-minded when all reasons say that there can be only one conclusion are you are you are you are you open tonight Saints to the fact are you open to the possibility that God didn't raised Jesus from the dead I'm closed to that there's no body there's no remains praise the Lord all of the evidence show that Jesus rose again are you open are you open to the possibility that Jesus did he die on the cross all that Jesus never lived at all are you open to that are you open tonight to the possibility that there's no such thing as the baptism in the Holy Ghost I'm closed so that those kind of things see be careful be careful when you both I'm open I got to open mine don't let it be open all the time and to everything some things you got to shut down y'all don't like me tonight praise the Lord uh-uh in fact in fact openness is as a doctrine are the most closed-minded position of all because it eliminates any absolute view from consideration see when people even when people and we started this in our 8 o'clock class when people make statements that there's no such thing as absolute truth they've just made an absolute statement they just made an absolute claim when you said there's no such thing as absolute truth that statement is an absolute claim so you just contradicted yourself what if the view there what if the absolute view is true isn't openness taken to be an absolute in the long run openness cannot really be true unless it is open to some real absolutes that cannot be denied open mindedness should not be confused with empty mindedness one should never remain open to a second alternative when only one can be true when skeptics as Brooks and Jesslyn now speaking of a war never being open to an alternative when only one can be true let me read some things that we should not be open to show how the devil trying to mess with our mind see and you can apply this to everything a man I'm going to give you some absolutes Genesis chapter number 1 verse 27 but times sake I'll just read it someone told me though they said pastor sometimes we get lost because you go so fast well I have a very little time plus since everything knives posted is out there you can go and pull it up again and go over the whole sermon so I'm trying to get it in because I know you know you're ready to go after certain hours so Genesis chapter 1 and verse 27 I want to give you something that's absolutely something that it's a so God created man in his own image in the image of God created he him male and female created he them not a question is that not absolute true oh are you open to the possibility that there may be a third gender a fourth gen 200th gender or are you close to the point that you just believe what the Bible says Genesis chapter number 5 verse 1 and 2 says this is the book of the generations of Adam in the day that God made man in the likeness of God made he him male and female created he them and blessed them and called their name Adam human race in the day when they were created I'm close to that from close Matthew's Gospel chapter 19 verse 4 Jesus is talking and he says and he answered a said unto them have you not read that which that he which made them in the beginning made them male and female notice I have to drive on this point intentionally reached out and grabbed a male/female construct why because this is one of the pillars one of the absolute truths in society now that is being challenged and if we fold on this one will fold on all of them I'm smart enough to see it imma say I told you I must see I see things and I know sometimes you are wish that I would spend more time to quote Bishop wood on hotdogs sermons but that's not what the Lord showed me the Lord showed me I see how the devil is gunning for your mind and I preach that God will bring you out you know that we see God bring us out all the time but the battle is for you man and for you the battle the true battle is your belief system where the place that that book in your lap holds down in your soul not the place that it holds in you why are you sitting in here with us Kauai we you know always anything together you almost scared not to save me but when you're by yourself when you're challenged at work when you're in the classroom when you at home visiting loved ones when you're out in the street as you watched TV as you see commercials and all this stuff we will be God it's being challenged we're today we're a man and one thing about Buddha judge rules judge they trying to fool nobody Buddha Jones talks about his husband and every stop now did you ever believe that a man a man a man could be married to a man by the way he said the other day the president this president think that we're a bunch of suckers I thought that was an unusual choice of words but anyway a man could be married to a man I said what the man said a man could be married to me and get crowds and I look at the girls taking pictures of him and they're just so dreamy-eyed and I want to tell them young ladies he think you stink what do you what you're doing what you're doing taking a selfie with a man if a man marries a man what is that telling you woman about what do you think of you you don't have anything he wants nothing and there you go grinning and you notice you notice don't want nobody to bring that up even as his opponents they call they won't bring that up I bring it up because I understand what they're taught the devil is doing in this he's trying to get you to doubt this book and its major areas because if you cave on foundational issues you will cave if they ask you to take the mark of the beast oh oh you're using okay we're getting something caved already we were cave because we don't have any stand-up in us the devil systematically took us apart he convinced us that I have my truth you have your truth he has her truth if she has her truth and everybody truths are equal and then God has is true but well I can disagree with God have my own truth Oh see in that you've been destroyed see because at that point there's no opportunity for the believer the Bible is the arbiter it is the thing on which we weigh everything is what we compare our ideologies to when you're going through when you're going through your return to the Bible when you're going through sickness you all to think scripture when you're going through lusts when you're going through marital problems when you're dealing with boredom when you're dealing with depression whatever you're dealing with God wants you to learn to think scripture first [Applause] mothers the true feels now sometimes we think script your lies we're saying so your elturtle was brave you way ahead of his time and y'all think I pay attention I'm a pipsqueak you'd say you tried everything and everything is failed try Jesus alternate God said that's not a good song to say when you tried everything and everything why he said why you gonna save Jesus for like you save yourself a whole lot of trouble if you try them first I said money good that makes sense that makes sense do you know what kind of shape you in after you tried everything and everything is fat what's left to you is to try Jesus he you didn't give him nothing to work with if I everybody said God first try him first amen praise the Lord now this is absolute truth the absolute truth is when God made the human race God made the human race with only two sexes male and female well pastor what about those people that's born with two sexes no one's born two sexes that nobody's born with two sexes people are either male or they're female people may have abnormalities with all games I got you thank you that's that's Bible study but people aren't born where to sit God God didn't make a he she that's why I never you know that's why I've never taught that you know when God made these guys you know when God made even the woman ain't nothing but a man with a woman's priest that one time you know I told him as a man maybe you married a man with a woman I tell my to marry a man with anything not Patrick wouldn't Patrick wouldn't married a woman that ain't no man with no wound that's a walk now you might American brothers if you go call your wife a man with the womb but now I understand you acts about the amorphous apes you know they've changed that name where today we're in Adele labels it's not what a thing is anymore it's what you call the new name for hermaphrodites is intersex intersex now about 1 in 1,000 babies according to a study researcher at Istanbul University in Turkey said that one and one thousand babies are born with a physical anomaly call intersex a male is a physical abnormality a physical abnormality and anomaly an abnormality something that is different from what is normal it is a physical abnormality it is not a spiritual abnormality it is not a new gender it is a physical abnormality praising all people are born with one foot people are born with one arm people are born with lower parts of their bodies missing they are still either male or female they don't fit into any other category state of male y'all don't hear me all female now this is the car this is according to Friday May the 3rd 2019 such a recent case case in which a newborns genitalia is what Robert Perez said I probably missed it mr. Nimmo don't feel bad Robert they mess up mine cases in which a new bones genitalia genitals make it unclear whether the child is a boy or girl maybe more common than once believed according to researchers one example of what's known as an ambiguous genitalia is a baby girl with an enlarged clitoris that looks more like a small penis the study says in some cases is infants infants have external sex organs that do not match their internal reproductive organs for example a female infant can have an external sex organ that resembles males male genitals but have the typical internal female organs ovaries and a uterus that is a physical abnormality in these so called intersex a muffin i'ts cases look at this treatment may be delayed until puberty or adulthood so that the parents and the doctors can can can make shared decisions according to the study's author they can decide what to do as time go on just watch the baby let the child grows love your child let the child grow the child will tell you what type of correction what needs to be done that's a physical we live in a fallen world we live in a sin cursed world we live in a world where because of wickedness all kinds of things happen and then there are there are there are other birth defects that children have won in in 33 infants are born in the United States of course this is a 20-17 study with a birth defect and contributing factors are lack of folate folic acid drinking alcohol smoking cigarettes using drugs medications infections obesity or out of control diabetes exposure two things in the environment all of these things can lead to a physical abnormality in the child are you following but none of these things change the absolute truth of the scripture that God made them male and female are you following me so I'll take you somewhere see because you got to as believers and see the young folk they really listen to this and some of the some of the some of their own the Saints they won't you move on and because we know that don't don't nobody talk about that nobody in your world but in their word they talk about all the time in their world their buddy Oh John whom they've known for years of John showed up the other day and decided to be called Jackson and they don't know what to do see that's endeavour the world of maybe an older person or senior citizen you may not see these things and everybody's got to be equipped they got to be armed with something to come back with that's my job as your leader praise the Lord let me just finish this a little bit this study we're gonna move on for that study back in this study by dr. Hadden this Istanbul University in Turkey for their study the researchers analyzed data on nearly fourteen thousand two hundred newborns of those eighteen of the fourteen thousand two hundred eighteen had ambiguous genitalia that is a rate of one point three in 1,000 births much higher than the rate of the rate of one in 4500 to 5500 reported in previous studies so it seems that there may be a growth in this but I've given you factors that can lead to preeclampsia leads to a lot of birth defects and these anomalies with children so if you're pregnant you will make sure you keep your blood pressure I'm gonna I'm not a doctor but I'm telling you you want to keep your blood pressure down I don't know your blood pressure if your blood pressure but I understand anybody's blood pressure problems and you just still just love all the pork you can love and all that kind of stuff you just chew it down chop it down you know they listened oh you ought to want to live that high blood pressure is high is bad on your kidneys it can shut you down you're not to say man I know I know you've got that pop pork chop waiting waiting for you on the stove when you get home but I'm telling you I'm telling you you were eating ourselves into an early grave if a thing don't work for you you're not eating praise the Lord and if you've got certain problems you got certain problems going on certain problems ought to say to stay away from certain things that's just that's just good old discipline praise the Lord that's the weakest a man I got tonight a man that's the weakest one but these these babies that that are born with this condition they tend to be smaller they tend to have a lower birth weights investigators found in addition to preeclampsia if I'm saying that right and pregnancy complications like high blood pressure and other things like that a common in these things that lead to these abnormalities but none of these things change the fact that God got it right now we are living in a day where people are asking you to join into an argument that you are not join in to see I'm not I'll argue with sister wooden I can't I'll chop it up with friends and go back and forth on some things some fights that may not concern me if it's a word the call I might jump in it but I'm gonna fool some things Patrick wouldn't don't get it well what do you what'd you hit I don't argue with God now where are you headed with that Isaiah 45 Isaiah chapter 45 and verse 9 and 10 says woe unto him that strive with his maker oh I'm in the Bible Wow under him that strive with his maker whoa beans impending doom said let the Parcher strive with the parches sea let the clay pots argue with the clay pots it says shall the clay say to him that fashioned it what make its down or thy work he has no hands woe unto him that said to his father what began is done or to the woman to his mother what hast thou brought forth now peep today arguing with God and they want you to join in on it they're getting around here a man will call himself a woman arguing with God I'm in the wrong body I am transgender you are striving with your maker and what do you mean Christian well you know I kind of I kind of understand what they say when that case then you're not as close in your thinking well I'm teaching goodness I'm dropping at home I'm driving at all I'm litigate you're not close and you're thinking as you say you are if you're open to arguing with your maker now now check this out the context of this scripture was Israel arguing because God chose wicked Cyrus to bring them because God ain't never use no wicked man to do nothing God in every little cussing man guarding he used Cyrus and our if God chooses somebody won't be there who argues with his maker so be careful and I don't get on the wrong side of God but I'm back to this these people are arguing that the point of Isaiah 45 913 is that it is absurd to force son to say to his dad what are you fathering or say to his mother what have you given birth to a man the point is that a baby does not question his birth any more than a pot questions its creation now children are questioning their creation on The Ellen DeGeneres Show Dwyane Wade was on there I got to bring it up anytime you make it public it's fair game I found out the people won't people won't privacy when they won't promise it but when they want to come out public and say something then they don't want you to say anything or if you say something in people's but that ain't your business well is if its own television it's everybody's business say everybody's business who saw it or read about it cause you know why it is because you put it out there but see everybody is not that messed up audience that Ellen attracts sanctified folk hereby stuff sanctified preachers who have an opinion and then especially if you then say I'm going to use this to further an agenda that is against God so there should the church say nothing pretend that it didn't happen because he's a famous basketball player and married a famous movie star praise the Lord now this is what happened you saw the show I heard about it in red I don't watch Ellen but it says on The Ellen DeGeneres Show Dwyane Wade opened up about his twelve-year-old non-article says 12 year old daughter he opened up about his 12 year old son now if you call her daughter you're lying oh you got that open mind in areas way it ought not to be open now open it we're not to be open but you don't open it where it ought not to be open because I've told you God didn't make four to two sexes God made them male and it made them female has to move on you you're going too slow I got to go slow because it's so easy to be misunderstood so I got to walk you through this and and this is good Bible study so he says opened up about his 12 year old son a man he tells how the child how the child coming out transformed him as a parent now I can spend the rest of the night talk about this statement because the last time I checked the job of the parent was to transform the child and my right parents let me let me hear those who raise children say man see children I mean this Linda let me tell you the tail is wagging the dog six six six six men talking about how a child transformed him a twelve-year-old cause we heard that from someone else and why I said I didn't believe in same-sex marriage and I talked to my children what I mean come on come on I've never formed a doctrine by talking to Crystal and jr. but they for most of their doctrine talking to me and their mother that's the way it works that's the way it work you know what it says that scripture train up a child know where you go that scripture written to parents there's no Bible I said to child train up the parent the Bible for that man there's no Bible for that so they said the child transformed him as a parent I was under the impression that it was supposed to work not as me my only note to myself so let me get back see Patricia didn't do it every let me get back here so the child came out and he was transformed and the child says the child's name is Zahra z AE ye twelve year old came home originally named Zion Zion this is a conscious story born as a boy that's not true Zion was not born as a boy there's not a man in here who was born as a both you was born a boy you know as in it boy man try don't ask praise Lord like you in disguise like you born as you born a boy the girl born a girl my my granddaughter was a girl a boy a girl when she was born my daughter was a guy with you boy my son was a boy when Dawn has no boy it's a boy notice how the world slip that stuff in that like us in a change of God made them and what you gotta do to buy the truth sell it now I'm not gonna I'm not here tonight to attack a twelve-year-old that's not my fault but I want to show you that the world is working on us came as a boy came home and said hey so I want to talk to you guys talk to his parents so I want to talk to you guys I think going forward it's Webb yo I'm ready to live my truth let me I want to give you a word to the wise if we ever talking whatever we're conversating about don't say to me well pastor that's my truth pastor that's your truth when I get through rebuking you light you up because you'll end the world that's the world that's the world that's the world ain't no six and eight million truths in this world praise alone so I'm ready to live my truth which the truth is the boy is ready to lie dr. B because if he's beginning to claim that he's a girl that's a lot and and that's what dad should have say so I'm ready to live my truth and I want to be referenced as she and her I'd love for you guys to call me Zaya Wade recalls the past what would you have done well when a child would have woke up next month from that coma they would have been delivered come to call you in Jesus name because I loved a few years ago this would have been considered child abuse child and it is the new name was the easy part Wade said he and his wife Gabrielle Union now listen to this set out to educate themselves about the other aspects of supporting Zion in whatever look at the line she needed that's a boy so now the parents look at this this is a quote that's our job to go and get information to reach out to every relationship we have look at this my wife reached out to everybody on the cast of poles peel si Wade said referring to the FX series about New York City's ball coach in the 1980s and in 1990 so what his wife went was two people doing a play a play a movie about transgenders and freaks she goes to them that's why she go she don't call me they'll call the pastor you know they don't turn to a doctor like a doctor McHugh of Saint John's hospital who stopped performing transgender operations of not Johns Hopkins Hospital and you know what he said he says transgendered men do not become women no after the operation nor do transgendered women become men all including Bruce Jenner that's I'm reading as quote become feminized men and masculinize women they become counterfeits or imposters of the sex which they are dinner find in that lies their problematic culture and in areas like Sweden where they are considered to be trans gender friendly and where they treat it like it is nothing the suicide rate is still 20% higher then that of the natural the rest of the population you know why because it's a demon and the worst thing you can do is then take a person who is obviously psychotic and going through who needs love attention and correction the worst thing you can do is then began to play the game had he called me out I said brother wait love your son and embrace that boy and tell him young man you can't argue with your maker God made you above we'll work through these other things we'll be patient with you will stand by we will put you out but don't argue with your maker you'll lose that argument God made you a book you are never in your life be a girl you will be a girl in this life knowing the life to come that's not possible praise law and now with me personally I believe that the Creator got it right how many of you believe that the Creator got it right when he made you the way that he made you no arguments about that thank you lord thank you so they went and they went to polls he went to a play went to a movie said it I'd be shame to tell that we just tried to figure out as much information as we can to make sure that we give our child the best opportunity to be got her best self now I got to represent my times right now and how do you give me at all - but I want to quote read a quote from Zion Zion aka Tsar Ziya za wise ayah yet sire but I want to read a quote I want to read a quote and and and you know she does he see that they will make sure you listening he makes my point he preaches my entire presentation tonight he says this coal be true to yourself what's the point of being on this earth if you're not going to try to be some if you're going to try to be someone you're not let me start over again be true to yourself what's the point of being on this earth if you're going to try to be someone you're not it's like you're not even living as yourself end of code and that's the point Zion when you try to live as Ziya you're not living as yourself you you're not being true to yourself this is actively in this is how you argue with your makeup your makeup made you a boy the rest of the world is trying to get us and people ask get us to bodies to pasture why do you talk about this so much because they're talking about it so much but the way they talk about it they talk about it in movies in plays in dramas and commercials it's all around is designed to get you almost without notice to believe I pray that we that men brothers in the church by the scriptures it's the time for all the brothers to grow up see some of making flunking mistakes you're always messing up you're always messing I asked the other day demands made I said why is it that brothers always many brothers always many brothers many brothers throw their life away why do so many brothers do that and while I was talking one of the brothers he had one of Apple got one of them things I don't want anywhere watch he got one of Apple watches and you know when I asked the question do you know that his watch spoke up and said I'm trying to find the answer today am i right but am i right brothers I'm making it up for the man who in there how many heard that see you know what that means that means they're listening so in case you're listening God's truth is true to all people everywhere all times in every place God's truth has never not been true and what did he tell us to do with this truth he said that is you put forth every effort you can to learn it then once you learn it you live it you apply it go home and be a Bible husband young men go ahead like you haven't been told gonna be a Bible why big Bible young lady don't behave like you haven't heard it some people ever learning but never able you gonna mess up one time too many and and the Train is going to leave the station and it ain't gonna come back it ain't coming back and you're gonna be lost gonna lose everything and then you wish to God that you had not everybody's standing I've run out of time I've run out of time I didn't I didn't I didn't run out of Scripture hallelujah God's truth is worth the price no Tommy ran over tonight it's worth the price just to get it a man and and this is applicable in every area in every area in every area in every area of life where God's truth carers collar is being challenged you hold to God's truth young people your whole to God's truth you young folk in high school and stuff you're becoming an increasing shrinking my minority the whole world around you is changing right before your eyes but as it changed just remember Jesus Christ is the same yesterday today and forever moon and Jesus Christ and the teachings of Christ will never never let you down Jesus never fails I said Jesus never fail heaven and earth may pass away but Jesus never never fails father we praise you for your word tonight we're buying this low we buy this and not only do we buy but we're not going to sell it we're just like the five wise virgins who said to the foolish who ran out of all the foolish said to them give us some of your all the five why I said no go to them that see cause see if we give you some of our might run out hallelujah so I'm buying this stuff and I'm not selling idiot not gonna sell out I'm not giving in to the devil but we believe the Bible is the Word of God and while we trust you and in these areas and every other area shape us now shape us tonight shape us shape us God's truth will not conform to us we must conform to God's truth shape us and make us who and what you'd have us to be god I pray for Dwayne Wade I pray for Gabriel Union ah I pray for Sian and all of the other science out there all the little boys and girls the men and women those whom the enemy has attacked and not just with this transgender God the enemy is coming against our homes and coming against our marriages oh god oh god the devil is attacking but God you're moving by your spirit and your word is right your word is right your word is right we hold to your word tonight in the name of Jesus now father me the word sink deep in our hearts heal the sick that are amongst us tonight those who are going through problems some of the things have nothing to do with what I said tonight and yet they set and took the word in and I hear the Lord saying when you take in what I'm saying I'll fix what you're thinking okay chef oh ha glorious check on the boys you may come with a worry whether that word address that worry directly or not if you're taking what God said that means he's fixing whatever that thing is because God knows in Jesus name thank God a man praise the Lord before I take my seat before I take my seat brother technician y'all put that picture on their own let's see now this is why look at Gabriel running look at what they're doing to Zion that's a disgrace the little dog skin boy is that the yeah am i right and that's gaper is that that's what it is I could tell with all that hair they're doing this they're letting this boy Zion at 12 shows his Jude Wayne wheeze boy he's gonna end up being 6 6 6 7 and messed up like that that see when you see it not you understand what the little boy don't even know that he's doing the mama all don't know but she's a dummy if you turn into polls that is what it looks like when you argue with your maker don't argue with God be who the Lord made you God bless you [Music]
Channel: God First Official Channel
Views: 2,412
Rating: 4.9649124 out of 5
Id: HbomOa1m7wA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 3sec (4683 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 20 2020
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