Bishop Wooden Preaches // "God is Calling For All of Us"

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[Music] bless us now as we preached a word in Jesus name Amen another way of saying this is that the Lord is not only concerned with our actions as Jewish theology put major emphasis on the actions of a person as to indicate their righteousness the man acted right in Jewish theology the assumption was that he was right but the Lord is not just concerned about our actions but he also is concerned with our thoughts as well a man thoughts the inner man the mind the inner being moral consciousness you remember David said in Psalm 51 and six thou desirous truth in my inward parts he says in my mind in my inward secret the secret parts of me you wanted truth that is fidelity I submit that the last thing the last thing that we surrender to the Lord in many cases is our thought life because our thoughts are private people can't read your mind your spouse don't know what you're thinking your friends don't know what you're thinking or what you think at times your children your siblings don't know a man because it's private I'm glad the world that we live in you know God was thinking and he's a mighty God he's he's genius all-wise almighty aren't you glad that the Lord didn't allow the thoughts of people to be like thoughts are in comic books if you've ever read a comic the the when people when when they when they're dealing with the language the spoken word it's in a circle with a little pointed edge that come from whoever's the the the person is doing the talking there's a round thing pointed at them and it's perfectly round and these are their words but when it's their thoughts it's like look dots dots come from the person and it's like a cloud it's not perfectly round that they're thinking I'm so glad today that I can't read all of the dots and all of the thoughts that are going on even right now I might give it up I said Lord I quit but the Lord is concerned with us in fact our Lord said this to the scribes and the Pharisees of Matthew's Gospel chapter 23 would you turn to appease the Lord says this in Matthew's Gospel chapter 23 in verse 25 he says woe unto you scribes and Pharisees and then he called them hypocrites often people read this particular verse it says that the Lord says woe unto you scribes Pharisees and hypocrites know there was only two groups he was talking to and he called both hypocrites the scribes who were the scholars of the law a man the word Pharisees excuse me literate means separated ones the righteous ones who were more righteous than anyone else they were the religious authorities the scribes were the keeper of the law they part of that job was to make sure the scribes constantly because the paper and the things that people wrote on aren't like what we are accustomed to they constantly rewrote the law of Moses it was constant because the paper the papper us would dissolve so that job was to protect the law they were the major interpreters of the law and yet Jesus said to the scribes and to the Pharisees he called them hypocrites he says woe unto you scribes Pharisees hypocrites for you make clean the outside of the cup and of the dish King James says platter but within a full of extortion and excess he says and he used the metaphor of a platter and a cup he says the Pharisees had been occupied with external religion instead of that internal the inner person because they were making the outside of it cling but leaving the inside of the cup dirty a man the basic guarantee to cleaning out the outside is to clean the inside of the cup a man within they were filled with greed and self-indulgence but on the outside the Pharisees were dressed quite properly they were the picture of holiness and righteousness everything fitted the way that it was supposed to the dresses the the gowns the outfits they were not too long they were not too short they were all proper there they wool their liturgical gear religiously and they had all of that going right for them and they paid attention to that stuff they made sure those things were just just right nothing nothing could could could go wrong it was just right and they gave no attention to the self-indulgence and the greed that was in their hearts that's like dressing up a person without giving them a bath praise the Lord clean on the outside but dirty on the inside amen Jesus says in verse 26 thou blind Pharisee cleanse first that which is within the cup and platter and the outside of them may be clean that the outside of them may be clean also and in verse 27 he switches metaphors he goes from the metaphor of a cup and a dish to the metaphor of a gravesite and so he says woe unto you scribes Pharisees hypocrites for you are like the whited sepulchres which indeed indeed appear beautiful outward ly but are but are within full of dead men's bones and all on cleanness just before Passover each year it was customary to whitewash the graves with lime to clean up all of the grave sites and the suppo priests and the purpose for doing this was so that they would be identified as such nobody wanted to just before Passover accidentally come in contact with a grave site or a corpse because if you did then you would be disqualified from participating in the Passover so the beautifying the cleaning of the support Greece was not a matter of aesthetics it was so that they would be recognized for what they are so that people would not inadvertently come in contact with them as a matter of fact if you inadvertently came in contact with one of the supporters one of the graves and it disqualified you and where you could no longer participate in the Passover then that beautiful thing to you would be an object of disgust it would be something that is to be shunned so because the scribes and the Pharisees put so much concentration on the couch side and did not work on the inside Jesus was saying that they are now actually people who should be avoided they're people that you need to stay away from even though they are the religious leaders even though they're considered to be religious authorities said but because of what's on the inside of them and they allow their inside to go unchecked instead of allowing them to feed you the word of the Lord he says from them they are to be avoided at all costs because if you stay in contact with they will defile you and they will disqualify you I don't want to be an instrument of defilement to another believer to another believer I want to you you want to live where you are a blessing in someone's life am i right and so he said due to their preoccupation with him they are they are people who need to be avoided look at this and I'll move on from this he says even so verse 28 even so ye also outwardly appear righteous to me but within a full of hypocrisy and iniquity he severely rebuked them our text shows is showing us that sin is both doing and being sin is both doing and being the wicked man must stop doing sin and the righteous the unrighteous man must stop being sinful in his thoughts and just as an aside have you noticed fewer and fewer preachers now preach against sin fewer and fewer preachers now even talk about sin most preachers today preachers though America and the world doesn't have a sin problem but sin is our enemy sin is public enemy number one sin not poverty not lack not lack of self-awareness nor your haters sin is the greatest mentis menace to society not global warming but sin praise the Lord human beings have a sin problem just think of all the broken marriages of all the broken marriages the broken homes the broken hearts the derail derailed careers the disease's the wars the sicknesses and all and suchlike all of the things that exists because of our sin because we lost the war on prohibition and alcohol industry worn out just look at the number of lives that our laws yearly annually due to drunk driving all we have a drug epidemic in our country in our country drugs are pouring into our country and people are dying and there are those who say that there is no crisis at the border I find it odd that for 21 years both on both sides both parties for 21 years said that we have a crisis at the border we have a port a problem at the border we just didn't have any leaders who were brave enough to address the problems that we have at our southern border and then when we get one who will address the problem at the southern border all of a sudden now there's no problem at the southern border but for 21 years it was a problem at the southern border for the panthenol and various drugs are pouring in and they are we have we have a crisis going on all of this because of sin a man the other day forgive me for not knowing his name this was sent to my attention the brother decided that brother he decided that he the gentleman no longer wanted to live a binary lifestyle now we've been told all the time that people have no choice but he said you know what the LBGT community have thrown me away they treat me like I don't exist it says so I went from being a a biological male to becoming a female and I had the operation but he wasn't a fool he saved certain things and so you know he praised the law he says so then I decided that I would be a woman and then I went from there to being binary I decided to be a it and the way that they have treated me this is this is the story we'll call me I'll send it to you the Jaime Jaime shoot look him up Jeremy said the way that the community have treated me I'm going back to being a biological male and no wonder people are so messed up people don't even know how to speak to people anymore cuz you're an what are you today are you a man are you a woman are you a it well how to praise the Lord one of the pastors in our in our district said one of his members not now okay I see people putting their coats on y'all alright I'm not going to ask because if I send out one person is putting a coat on and another person is Fanning but some visitors I don't know what to do well maybe maybe I could preach a little faster that might get us out but one-one a school teacher came to her for her pastor the other day I won't mention the pastor because I don't want to mention the district so that someone could possibly get in trouble but she's ready to resign because she has at least four children in her class who are being raised to be it's they're called they now you know that that's a sin father that that's the same problem and and that was a time that that that that wasn't that that was a a legal term that describes such idiocy it was called child abuse you couldn't you couldn't do that to a child or to a little boy or a little girl but now because we've descended so in sin in sin now we have C sin makes you crazy elder Carter said sin and he was right makes you foolish it is utter idiocy it is ludicrous it is all by the heights of stupidity on society's part to think that it is a noble thing to disregard all common sense to suspend all rational thinking and to assume that in raising a child that you gotta raise that child to be neither male nor female and raise the child in the real world with other children who won't have a problem at all telling them what they are then the other kids get in trouble they get expelled because you got the Adams some crazy people trying to be in folks wheel into accepting crazy wicked evil behavior and yet mostly every candidate who is running to be the president to in 2020 who's running endorse this babe check out their websites don't believe me ask them I was in DC the other day and maybe others had it but I didn't see anybody else I was over there where the Senators are and in front of Kamala Harris's her front door is a large flag of the state of California because she represents California and then there's Old Glory United States of America and in the Miss and and and and and the biggest flag of the three was a big rainbow flag for LGBTQ craziness and this is being endorsed by people who want our support that's sin we are we are turning America into Sodom and Gomorrah and every time you read about Sodom and Gomorrah the story is the same way God destroyed Sodom angle we have a sin problem the Lord says concerning our sin problem he's given us a remedy let me move on he says come in Isaiah chapter 18 a chapter 1 and verse 18 come the Lord says let us reason together say if the Lord though your sins be as scarlet whoa they shall be white as snow though they be red like crimson though they be dyed red they shall be as wool I'll make them white as wool you know something and then the Lord says and if you if ye be willing reading from the King James and obedient if you come willing and obedient I will not man today a willing and obedient if you are willing and obedient you shall eat the good of the land but if you refuse if you're unwilling and rebelled and you're defiant and look at the defiance in society today two biblical standards look at the defiance to the Word of God look at how people with a straight face defy the God of the Bible I was reading in a book one time the book was entitled Rich Dad Poor Dad and I was enjoying the book of the demands of financial genius and he said in the book but they say that the love of money is the root of all evil and he says no it's not the love of money it's the lack of money well the they who say that the love of money is the root cause of all evil is the Bible God said the love of money is the root cause of all evil bless you sister god bless you want me I'm God God said that well and now if you go rebelled against God don't want to react you know what I didn't read the next sentence I said well that's it closing this book because he's defiant now what is he going to say when he stands some day before the God who made everything I hope before that day comes he repents of his sin but if you are if you are unwilling and defiant he says you shall be devoured with the sword for the mouth of the Lord has spoken oh man look at Isaiah chapter 53 I want to show you something a little progression here as we serve a God who said this he says Isaiah 53 and one who hath believed our report and to whom is the arm of the Lord revealed well the arm of the Lord and I'll show you in just a moment is Jesus Christ Bible says in Isaiah 59 and verse 16 says and when he saw that there was no man and wondered that there was no intercessor therefore his arm brought salvation unto him and his righteousness it sustained him this this particular passage is about this the first advent of Jesus Christ and when God saw that there was nobody that could solve the sin problem he said his arm the arm of the Lord brought salvation isn't that wonderful then Matthew 1 and 21 says and she shall bring forth a son and thou shalt call his name Jesus for he shall save his people from their sins and if you follow me to John's Gospel chapter 12 and verse 37 says John 12 and 37 says but though he had done so many miracles before them yet they believed not on him that the saying of Isaiah the prophet might be fulfilled which he spake Lord who have believed our report and to whom have the arm of the Lord been revealed therefore they could not believe because Isaiah said again he hath blinded their eyes and hardened their hearts that they should not see and their eyes and with their eyes nor understand with their hearts and be converted that I should have healed them one of the greatest judgments one of the worst forms of judgment that is passed that is meted out to people who refused to believe is when God assigns them to unbelief hits the urgency of verse six of our text that says seek ye the Lord while he may be found call ye upon him while he is dead when you refuse to hear refuse to know refused to adjust adjust what God gives is a spirit of unbelief now you can't believe now you can't believe and you don't want that accept the Lord as he's tugging at your heart don't just sit there and endlessly say I'm not ready I don't want it I don't want to give up my fun I don't want to do this I don't wanna do that no when the Lord is tugging at you that tug at your heart won't last forever and if the Holy Spirit stops tugging you lose the ability to believe he can work miracles before you and you still won't believe he could heal your grandmother and you still won't believe he can make he can make a way for you out of no way and you still won't believe because you can see now the greatest sin is the sin of unbelief and without belief you can't repent this is why you don't want to be the person who says they ain't but one thing I've done wrong I stayed in sin a little too long because too long can be a disaster a man the Lord is concerned about our conduct we the the wicked must forsake his way are you with me but I also want you to understand that the God of the Bible and you probably won't you probably give me will give me fewer amens and you're giving me now it's also concerned with our conduct how a conduct but with our thought line how we think what's on your mind what's on my mind what we think Matthew's Gospel chapter 15 verse 10 and down you don't mind if we let the Bible do the preaching to you the Bible says and he called the multitude and said unto them hear and understand not that which goeth into the mouth defileth a man but that which cometh out the mouth this defileth the man verse 12 then came his disciples and said unto Him knowest thou that the Pharisees were offended after they heard this saying this is verse verse 12 is after he had spoken he's no longer in the company of the crowd he steals away with the disciples they go to him and say they come to him and say do you not know that when you said that that which enters a man is not what defiles him but what comes out said do you not know that you offended the Pharisees and see your understand the weight of their comment they at that time respected the Pharisees they were the authorities they were the muckety-mucks they were the ones to whom everybody look to for religious teachings Jesus crossed them I'm a preacher of message one in one day have you offended anybody lately he offended them in this day where we were we don't want to offend anyone whatever you do preacher don't offend anybody Jesus offended them because he he would against their teachings if you read verse two they asked Jesus the Pharisees and the scribes why do thy disciples transgress the tradition of the elders for they wash their hands when they eat bread why don't why they don't do the ceremonial cleanings like the rest of us well Jesus said I'm gonna tell you why tell you why you know you know he said because it doesn't matter that which he says that which goeth into the mouth defileth not a man but that which cometh out so they said how do you do not know that you've offended them but he answered and said are you following me verse 13 he answered and said every plant which my Heavenly Father hath not planted shall be uprooted now what's this point point number one is he says they're out there dead don't look to them for your religious teachers anymore they're dead that the times up my heavenly father had me planted there so of course they're offended they are offended because they're being up now they wouldn't have been uprooted if they would accept my teachers but since they are offended by my teachings then it shows that the Heavenly Father never planted them anyway some of you will never plan listen to me Facebook some of you you get mad when the preacher preached God's truth and you get offended and no you posts your rebuttals and all your stuff post all you want but I'm here to say to you that unless you get right with God your candlestick will be removed and you will be uprooted you can take the people whom Christ have planted or people who agree with Christ [Applause] amen don't matter to me how large your church is doesn't matter how much money you have I don't care about how listen it doesn't matter how many followers you have doesn't matter what rate you hold if you disagree with Jesus if you preach against the Bible if you go this biblical teachings then that's proof that you have not been planted by the Heavenly Father and every plant that my heavenly father hath not planted Jesus said shall be up rooted and then he said since they're out they're not planted he says verse 14 let them alone who cares whether or not they're offended let him alone leave them alone don't attend their service any more let them alone why they are blind leaders of the blind and if the blind lead the blind both shall fall into the ditch so there's no point in following them because if they reject me if they reject my teachings if they reject the biblical standard then they are blind and then answered Peter and said unto Him the where unto us this parable Lord teach us so we can understand and Jesus says are ye also yet without understanding do you not yet understand that what interest in at the mouth goeth into the belly and is cast out into the drought that is into the toilet that's what happens with the human body with the normal digestive process he says so but those things which proceeded out of the mouth come from the heart word heart there's also translated mine they say and they defile the man the man defiles the main the thoughts of what defile the man and notice what he said the first thing he mentions four out of the heart out of the man proceeded look at number one evil thoughts look at this evil thoughts and and then look at what happens as a result of evil thinking murders adulteries fornications thefts false witnesses blasphemies you know listen listen all of these things began with the thought all adultery nor dull tree starts in real life by the time the act of adultery have been performed thoughts of adultery have been alive and well for a long time by the time acts of fornication have been performed thoughts of fornication have been active in the person for a long time I must be preaching to a dead church [Music] praise the Lord I can't get it I can't get much help maybe I need to go back to Houston you preach all this mother day it won't say much they wonder they want to hear me preach about the haters and destiny and log error to make you richer look listen there are rich people with messed up mind amen all done in Florida at the massage parlors prayers are all kinds of being as being as a tree you never Z&M but their but their thoughts are not right can I get a witness verse 20 says these are the things which defile a man to eat with unwashed hands external religion the file of the file if not a man see let me tell you we can dress the part but until we let the Lord work on our hearts a man we are not right I said he's calling for all of me can I get a witness way ways are our actions but the thoughts are deal with the mind our plans schemes of the heart thank you Jesus that which come from the mind that which comes from the mind and that which comes to me need to be checked by the Holy Ghost because all kinds of things come from them all kinds of things come to mind and we've got to learn to challenge our thoughts preoccupied with loss preoccupied with ambition preoccupied Minds dominated with thoughts of jealousy in this strife wickedness perversion homosexuality thefts liars adultery these things are in our minds why we have all I'll turn back on our liturgical garb praise the Lord while will same preach preach men of God sometimes the mind is saying something totally different but I won't award all of us God reads the mind and he weighs the thoughts hmm can I get a witness or you know the Bible the Bible is right this is why we're talk that we've got a God I'm I gotta protect my mind proverbs chapter 4 tells you plainly keep thine heart with all diligence for out of the heart throws the issues of life everything comes from your mind amen the expositor says the heart there is the mind the issues of life issues excuse me literally means a border an extremity an endpoint it may refer to the endpoint - or to the extreme reach the heart or the mind is the starting point of all activities of life everything starts in the mind the mind determines how far left we go the extreme extremities or when it starts that sometimes it starts with a glance sometimes it starts with lon sometimes it starts with a conversation sometimes sin starts with a fragrance the my issues of life the mind is why I got a guard your man that's why believers gotta be careful as to our choices of entertainment I'll choice choices of television shows some of you you're not you you'd be you'd be closer to God if your cable package was smaller but you have them all HBO Showtime Cinemax star all of all of them all of them there you go all late at night when and when you can't find what you want on them you get on demand pull that up when that don't work you get the fire stick pull that up and there you go feeding feeding the mine praise the Lord it determines the course of life whatever the heart whatever the man loves let me preach to you whatever the mind love the eyes will see and hear people who loved he was spot a restaurant no matter what L Amen there's one bad one they don't need the GPS they know what a restaurants are they learning so that eyes will see it and their ears will hear it people who love coffee know where all the coffee shops are in town raise the Lord you know more you know I'm all I'm not gonna call it in the name of the show cause any I'm not I'm not selling your coffee but we you know all of them what occupies the attention of your heart praise the Lord out of it spans the issues of ah can I get a witness if we pollute that wellspring you pollute let the devil pollute your fault the infection will spread before too long hidden appetites will become open sins and public shame this is why you got to let the Lord deliver you can't keep that hidden appetite because they won't stay there it won't just stay in your mind sooner or later later that thing will manifest itself now is gold from an appetite to a behavior to a tendency and you know pride goeth before destruction and I remember the devil make you think that you you got it you got it this is something you can do and you know what happens you you become a slave to it it becomes your slave master now the thought has become a behavior a sin that controls you and once that phase is finished the next thing it goes from controlling you to exposing you and destroying you this is why sin has to be dealt with on the the fault left somebody lifted my hands and say God work on my mind are you getting it now y'all made me work but let me tell you something we've got to make sure that we let the Lord clean up our minds this is what David said in Psalms 51 and 10 create in me a clean heart praise the Lord don't just change my clothes Lord I got to get my heart right when Jesus got through with the maniac of Ghaderi he was found clothed sitting but in his right man see that's the thing that's the thing see you want to be your right mind praise the Lord that sums 12 and 2 warns us to a vine to avoid a double heart or double mind James tells us that the double minded man is unstable in all of his ways proverbs 28 and 14 warns against a heart don't you harden your mind but you said that while I'm preaching and argue back with me in your mind I don't care what you're saying I'm gonna do like I do I don't care what yourself I'm I'm Who I am I'm grown I know I know no no you got a hard hard you got a hard man you don't let the word of God touch you and let me tell you something a hard man will make for a soft bottom because when win win - none of us are bigger than life none of us none of us are beyond the laws of nature and the laws of God and you the devil make you go to the well one time too many and you'll pay for the rest of your days this is why you need to guard against a hard heart Bible says in proverbs 21 and 4 he warns against the proud heart humble yourself humble yourself doesn't matter who we are nobody's above the Word of God nobody's above the Bible don't even bother me with your degrees I don't want to have a conversation about your accomplishments keep your money your money perish with you let me tell you something all of us we have to stand before the Almighty God the Bible warns against an unbelieving heart and Hebrews 3 and 12 and then in Matthew 24 and 12 the Bible speaks against a cold heart and I heard David in Psalm 139 and 23 he says search me O God and know my heart I wonder than anybody here who want the law today to such them thank you Jesus huh I know Lord that I came dress the pot yes sir I know I got that part right I came I look like a preacher uh uh uh you and if you know I was at the airport and somebody walked up to me and said hello Bishop and I spoke to the brother and I said he said what Reformation are you in because he knew that this was not just jury he knew that it signified something but you can you can wear the chain that signifies something but that doesn't mean your heart is right Oh Lord we look the part this morning well that ain't enough God said I want your mind some of us look straight but we're sis's in the man some of us act reasonable but will wick it in the mine whoo somebody act holy but you are hole in your mind [Music] what cold my mind do I have anybody here that's gone to touch their faults thank you Jesus deliver me from a carnal mind the carnal mind is that carnal carnality carnality is not necessarily adultery carnality is not necessarily fornication it's not necessarily acts of evil the carnal minded person is that believer who's always fleshly minded when the Holy Ghost moves they don't know what to do have you ever been around somebody and even in the midst of a Holy Ghost service they're still telling jokes they're still trying to be funny they're still laughing at people they find comedy in the way you shout that's a carnal person and one of the worst things on earth to be is carnal for the Bible said to be carnally minded is death that's an equation that's not a formula it's not saying if you're calm minded it'll lead to death no sir it's an equation to be carnally minded is death while you're walking in carnality you're walking in death but I heard him say but to be spiritually minded is life and peace do you want joy do you want to have a good life all odd then learn to give your mind over to the laws notice what the text says the text says let the the wicked forsake his way and the unrighteous his faults where the word forsake the word forsaken applies both to the wicked and the unrighteous the word forsake applies both to the way and false good God Almighty some things you gotta tell yourself I'm not gonna fake that way anymore yes I'm guilty of faking that way only yesterday but I gave it up I forsook it I put it into the blood and if somebody run into you and they try to pull you back into that way of thinking you tell them I won't go back I won't go back my God has been good to me Jesus has set me free Wow I will go back My Mind's in trance pleasure somebody said yes I used to think like that yes I used to let my mind run away with me but I told the Lord take over my mind I told the Lord give me a clean heart renew a right spirit within me I change yeah somebody play's a me for your man where's Emma for your new bouncer say he'll say yeah [Music] let your hands say I'm not the way you should be thank you let me close here let me let me close there but notice that large when he begin in our text to deal with himself and how he operates the prophet Isaiah well this are you a close Bible student the prophet Isaiah flipped it he flip it when he was God talking when it was God talking to me he told man clean up your way and get your thoughts right dealing with man but when God began to deal with himself he invested it wasn't ways first but it was thoughts first so he reversed it and said for my thoughts are not your thoughts neither are my ways your ways why did he reverse it he's showing us that's what we got to do some of us we spent the money and we bought the clothes we bought the uniform we got the habit we got the Class A and the Class B but we didn't change our minds God said before you get the rain before you change your clothes let me change your mind let me clean up your thinking for my clean up your thoughts then you will clean you may have my own the same old holes but you're not the person that you used to be because Jesus change your man he said man thoughts are not your thoughts and my ways are not your ways I can faint thoughts that you cannot think and I can do things that you can't do but if you let me clean you up and I will pardon you what a deal what an alpha what a Papa somebody anybody everybody out for the loan your ways your thoughts for he's calling me he's calling Papa I want you to walk right but I wanted a fake right I wanted a shot wide yeah [Applause] [Music] somebody praising somebody praising ah I judge mother say got a mind to leave my Oh Lord got a mind to live right every day since Jesus save me sanctified me holy to live right every day we need to bring back some of those songs because they make the point they make the point they make the point some of us want promotion but we don't want the mind some of us want to be seen but we don't want God to work on our minds some of us want to be recognized but we don't want to give him the mind the Lord's been dealing with me he's been dealing with me I said your thoughts so your thoughts got to be right your deliberations got to be right your schemes got to be right your purposes have got to be right yes you can look holy y'all don't hear me you didn't look the part the Saints can believe you what I know the hot rain oh yeah yes Oh look at the person next to you and tell them I want to give you an A+ you got the outside right you looked upon but only God knows your thoughts only God knows what's on your mind only God knows I'll cut a bow see told you we're seeking him he's calling us to higher heights and deeper then how do you bar said to preach I will the Lord have a found in the word today there's ever been a Sunday where when you're not to care about what people think it's this one I don't care what they thought I'm coming to the altar because I want my thought life to be right with God I want my thought life I've got I got a lot of things right but Lord there's some lingering thoughts [Music] some of them are thoughts of resentment some of them of uh of a lustful nature some are struggling with identity crisis sexual identity crisis hey man you might have all kinds of muscles and and yet the forces of speaking to your head that's the devil some of you struggle with thoughts of inadequate see amen so you the devil have magnified himself soul in your eyes that he's intimidated you he's got you so got you're too afraid even try to do any better others the devil has lured himself in your eyes so much that he he's got you thinking you got it going on and he's getting ready to trick you both are bad a man Satan wants us to dismiss him huh oh I've got their son oh please the Lord huh I got this I'm in charge oh he's got your way he wants you now now your whole career getting ready to come tumbling down Oh the mountain is so big that you're scared to even start either way it's not true he's a liar the God of the Bible is concerned about our thought life it is not the will of the Lord for you to hate or resent people who's not your color it's not the will of the Lord for you to hate or resent people who are not even of your religion you can't win a person Haiden them that man who shot those Muslims over in New Zealand that wasn't the work of Christ that's not the work of the church man what Christians do we try to win souls through persuasion through prayer and through living the life no way in the Bible in New Testament Christianity where we were told to go in and shoot up a synagogue hey man that's not Christian no that's not what we what we believe I prayed that through the massacre that Jesus somehow get to the hearts of these people and this is why these these killers are so bad because many times they try to do this stuff I don't think this guy did but it try to do it in the name of the Lord and then and now when the media gets through with it the media which I hate at times because they have an agenda they don't just report the news they will make it where you can't even say it's Lomb is wrong without calling that hate speech now that's that's the goal that's the goal see use this tragedy to silence debate and a differing opinion no did a Muslim get say to going to hell that's that's that's true as it's still true it was true before the massacre it's true now everybody's going to be lost who don't accept Jesus that's biblical teaching past I don't agree with that you dismissed as a teacher Pharisee scribe hypocrite close I want to pray my mind my thoughts my thoughts I bring we bring to you today Lord our endure most being Oh God our privacy on a level that is unmatched we bring it to you we bring when your worst spoke of hidden parts in inward parts literally in the Hebrew law I talked about secrets there are secrets that people hold that they had shared with anybody God today we bring those secrets to you we bring those things that are not like things that we would not be able to articulate that we wouldn't dare say we bring them to you O God and that we bring she cuttable so we bring those counterfeit thoughts I'm praying and teaching counterfeit thoughts because Satan studies you and learned your thought patterns and he knows how to interject certain thoughts and deliberations and make you think that it's your mind when it's not you it's him he whispers to a boy and Tails a boy at a vulnerable time he whispers softly at first and says your girl before long that boss is going to scream in it we're come against those spirits we come against those spring demons of pedophilia the devil trying to make you look at a child that the devil is a liar in the name of Jesus we come against those thoughts of that pornography we will buek it right now give up that pawn give up that pawn give it up give it up give it up give it up give it up give it up give it up it's destroying your mind it's putting images in there that only the blood of Jesus can get out whoa give it up give it up I know it's easy to access now it's on the cell phones it's on the eye patches everywhere but give it up it's gonna destroy your marriage don't let the devil fool ya oh give it up in the name of Jesus thoughts of jealousy envy and strife give it up forgive your mother and forgive your father forgive that person that hurts you let that resentment go it'll mess up your mind in the name of Jesus be careful what you listen to hallelujah good God Almighty you don't have a husband you don't have a wife but you got all of Beyonce's records and you're listening to all that junk you're starting fires in your own spirit that you can't biblically put out why would you do it and give it up the name of Jesus give it up today let God clean your mind hallelujah won't you to work on Lord what comes from my mind and what comes to mind in the name of Jesus I want my mind pure I want my heart cleanse I wish I had a pre internship Oh too many for me to lay hands on you so we got the brain is every man for himself but we got to pray every woman for himself the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus fill me with the Holy Spirit Wow take away take away take away bouts of lying take away lush take away fornication take away a car trip take away the appetites for sins take away that lush four-round that lasts for the cloud that cravings for drugs take it away take it away in the name of Jesus give me to the fight with the whole ago says the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds and the casting down imaginations hobbies bring it down everything that excited itself against the knowledge of God my heart Wow do it in Jesus name Jordan Jesus name to it in Jesus name do it in Jesus name good in Jesus name in Jesus name my mind my mind my mind my heart my soul in the name of Jesus come on clap your hands come on clap your hand look at mother Marshall so good to see you so glad you're back somebody praise the Lord for hallelujah we're just excited I've God brought you up and he's bringing you out give me some oil going through with you yet in the name of Jesus somebody shout glory I want some folks who let the Lord work on their minds to praise him just like he worked on your minds in the name of Jesus the Lord finish the work the Lord finish the work the Lord finish the work the Lord finish the work finished finished finished finished finished finished yes Lord somebody plays and somebody praise him he's a mighty God he's a mighty God he's a mighty God oh Jesus Jesus Lord see you through brother the Lord heal your heart we love your man we thank God for you thank God for you sister you're hard workers in the church you serve with distinction and the Lord give you strength the Lord gave you power yes Lord come on Saints praise Him come on Saint sir magnify him give him y'all give him y'all you can have my actions and you can have my mind if you get my man you'll have my actions Oh Lord if he gets my actions before he get my mind that I'm just going through the motions it ain't real it's real it's real there yeah [Applause] [Music] why don't you hopefully people knows that that's when it becomes real [Music] where he gets my man that's when it becomes a real word of instruction word of instruction word of instruction that's a part that you must play with what the Lord has set in motion today well the one thing God won't do he never does for us he seldom does for us but he tells us to do I preached it to you his word said the you is understood the you is understood guard your heart with all diligence you guard your heart with all diligence now you got to do your part you can't have a move of God like this then then go back to the same old ways now turn on the same old shows practice the same old behaviors get on the same old phone and talk the same old jive no I can't do it that means you enjoyed me and you got you got you got a good feeling but you didn't buy you got to guard your heart and through the process you don't happen through the process of God in your heart that is it's a filtering Kenya it's a filtering process because as you're forsaking things and you letting them go what happens is as you unload that creates a gap for a minute see because some of the things that we've been thinking and entertaining we've thought them and entertaining them so long that it's become a way of life it becomes you it becomes who you are so now you're under the you're under the jurists process of becoming somebody different but not just different better you get preached prayed saying minister clean on the inside with a clean heart and a clean mind you can go to the mall and not just standing there and lust all day everybody that come back cuz we forgot that the Bible warns against an evil eye if we forgot we forgot that well I just look I won't do that's true but that won't last long since everything is designed it is everything these little sayings like that they're gateways in that that one tendency is actually designed to wreck your career it just make it may take 15 years for it to do it all these years later boom you fall someone said well what happened okay it came on all of a sudden no 15 years ago the Lord said watch that evil eye watch that lust watch it watch that Envy watch that strife but no you didn't you didn't you didn't let you didn't heed and years later you fall on your face and it looked like you fell overnight when actually there was a process that took years because you wouldn't let it go today Lord we come hallelujah and help us Lord to stay committed to having forsaken the thoughts that you have told us to for say in Jesus name they may praise him in the bill [Music] you
Channel: God First Official Channel
Views: 2,795
Rating: 4.8490567 out of 5
Id: PqkNCODxnyM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 5sec (4685 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 02 2019
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