Bishop Wooden Preaches // "Everything is Going Down But the Word of God"

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[Music] father may I do no damage to the word would preach that which become of sound doctrine and gospel in Jesus name Amen as I repair prepared as I prepare to receive what the Lord had for me to give to you from these what turns out to be apocalyptic messianic and eschatological passengers I couldn't help but hear the words of our Lord as I prepared the word of Matthew 24 and 35 what Jesus says heaven and earth shall pass away but my words shall not pass away this this this last and final message that the Prophet Haggai gave us that he preached to us is loaded it's loaded matter of fact it's so loaded and it's so full that I don't I struggle with knowing where to stop it was in the month of December and it was on the 28th and 24th day of that month the year was 520 BC it is as though this prophet who already had a brief career hair got only preached for three months with this brief career and for the senior citizens by the time God called Haggai he was senior citizen Hague I lived when the Jews were taken into exile into Babylon by the time he wrote this book some 86 years prior he'd lived through the 70 years of captivity they've been released to rebuild the temple and the the work stoppage had taken place for 16 years and this man of God lived through it all and in his senior years the Lord called him to preach isn't that something that goes to show that no matter who you are if God has something for you hey man the best is yet to come don't let the devil talk you out no don't let the enemy convince you that's time for you to just go sit on the shelf somewhere you have nothing else to offer when the Lord is through with you the law will take you home until then work serve in the church amen find a niche find somebody to help don't stay home and sit in those four walls all day you'll die before your time studies show that retirement is not all that it's cracked up to be many executive is retired and within a year they're gone you know they find out that going fishing loses its novelty in a few weeks they find out that they have more time to spend with the kids and the grandkids only to find out that the kids and the grandkids built an entire life based on them being at work so they don't have but so much time for you all right the wife if she's still living oh the husband whichever the executive is share growing accustom them being gone all day after a while all he hears are questions like don't you ask somewhere to go life is funny in think about life is it has to be lived and so you have to you have to follow God my point you you can't you you have to you have to work a man jesus said that and Jesus said in John chapter 9 and verse 4 he said I must work the works of him that sent me while it is day the night cometh when no man can work this elderly preacher was running out of time our Lord said this just one day before his crucifixion John 13 and 1 when Jesus knew that his hour was come that he should depart out of this world and go to the Father it was then that he had the last supper in the upper room with his disciples and it was there that he washed their feet literally hours from the crucifixion if the Prophet didn't know that he was running out of time certainly God knew it Ecclesiastes 8 and 8 says there is no man that hath the power over the spirit to retain the spirit neither have he power in the day of death and there is no discharge in that war neither shall wickedness deliver those that are given to it what does the scripture mean when the Lord gets ready you got to move when your time is up amen you can't you can't retain the spirit when the spirit of life when the Lord says I'm taking you home are you with me amen this time the reason I'm mentioning this is that something interesting happens at this point in the prophet's life on this day the 24th day of the month God gives a guy two visions amen verse 20 says again the word of the Lord came in the four and twentieth day of the month so what month was it was it what verse 10 tells us that it was in the toy it was in the four and twentieth day of the ninth month verse 18 you see where he he tells them verse 18 consider now from this day upward from the four and twentieth day of the ninth month so in the ninth month according to our reckoning it was the month of December on December the 24th god gives this man two visions the first vision I preached about it last Sunday on verse 10 he gives them a vision and shows them that holiness is not contagious but evil is that's why the Bible says that we got to be careful what company we keep Bible says evil communications corrupt good manners parents teach this to your children parents used to it used to do it black community we we want to know that when you see a child first thing you ask who it is who their parents what kind of family do they have praise the Lord who are your people child come from a family full of love crazes parents tell you right then you can't play with them they're all messed up and the likelihood that this was going to be messed up it's very hot so I don't want to risk my child being messed up but that was back in the day when parents wanted to be their children and not necessary of their children's friends hey man many of you were saved like the Bible says and we allowed the wrong company to corrupt us that was the first message that he gave on the 24th day of December 5:20 but verse 20 tells us that God speaks again and the reason we know that it's the ninth month is because of what I've just going over verse 18 it's the ninth month verse 10 is the ninth month but in verse 20 it says in the four and twentieth day of the month that's that that means the same when dealing with proper Bible interpretation so he'd given that this was in the month of December and he and and and and if my study it correct that this is the only time this was the only time that he gave two visions on the same day in the same prays alone so again reminiscent of our Lord our Lord 18 months just 18 6 months excuse me from the crucifixion six months I Jesus knowing that in six months he will be dead takes his disciples to Caesarea Philippi he stands in a location where behind him would be cleaning glistening images of false gods he stands at a time where the sunlight would greatly magnify these images six months out and he says to his disciples he asks them oddly enough to questions that day just as the Lord gives hegai two visions that day he says who do men say that I am that was the first question the second question was who do you say that I am what was he doing gauging the effectiveness of the ministry who whose God who understands this because in six months I've got to leave all of this at least for three days in these men's hands so who do you say that I am who do men say that I am you can read it respectfully Matthew 16 and 13 the last Clause and verse 15 to be close in our texts we see two visions on the same day the book of hair guy begins on a discouraging and on a depressing note but it ends with an uplifting and promising one the first it began if you recall on a note of indictment chapter one verse two says they'll speak if the Lord of hosts saying this people say the time has not come the time that the Lord's house should be built verse four is it time for you oh ye to dwell in your sealed houses and this house like ways it was disappointing and depressing that they would go there and let the enemy stop them from building God's house and then the preachers I've talked about this began to preach that it wasn't time to build God's house and here God checked them with the guard first message he says but is it time for you to go build your house your palatial palaces with your nice lawns and you you into your world why are you leave the work of God undone where is the Lord on your list of priorities what does your time say about God on your lists what does your checkbook say about God on your list of priorities what does our prayer life say about the Lord on our list of priorities most of us today are too busy for God what you're busy you know we'll have time for the Lord enough time for church would have time to spend all day before the Lord and there is a relaxed a apathetic approach we've seem to have lost our sense of urgency so the Prophet rebukes them and they began to they responded favorably favorably I must add this but this last one is the grape is of a great and blessed future this last last message for the people of God amen now we all know that the fulfillment was much farther away than either Haggai or saruba veil fall so let's look at this last message the first thing we notice is that the last message is for the entire body of Christ it blessed saw Israel it blessed the kingdom of the world it deals with governments it deals with world leaders present and future but it is to Zerubbabel notice the scriptures carefully verse 20 says again the word of the Lord came unto haggai in the four and twentieth day of the month saying speak to subha bare governor of judah the message was to him why saruba velak number one he was the leader any time God gets ready to speak to a people God speaks to the leader first the direction of the church comes through the leader others who are appointed to assist assists but they're not the ones who promote the vision or the toes or the Tanner dinner or the temperature for the church that is the responsibility of the leader the Ruby Belle was the governor praise the Lord and at the time when he wrote to him are you praying for me the Rubel secondly was concerned about the community about the neighborhood about neighboring nations their governments and what would become of these few and feeble Jews and how such a poor prince such as himself could keep his ground and serve his country Sir Reuben Bell had great feelings of inadequacy a man that's another reason why he spoke to him and also I add that Zerubbabel was a direct descendant of our Lord if you look at Matthew's Gospel chapter one you will see that Zerubbabel was in the descendants in the family line of our Lord it says in 1 Matthew 1 and verse 11 and Joshua began Jeconiah and his brethren josiah began Jeconiah and his brethren and about the time they were carried away to Babylon and after they were brought to babylon jeconiah began she jillyfell which is the Greek translation of the Hebrew she'll tell transliteration and jillyfell began saruba Baal who was saruba Bell so this man was in the direct family line of our Lord a man and so the message comes to him and when the Lord says to him it will come together in just a minute I'm going to shake this world this message is on the heels of the former message and the former message concluded with a powerful word of blessing the last Clause of verse 19 says from this day well I bless you now what is the point because he tells him in verse 19 I'm going to bless you then God speaks to a head guy again and tells him that tells the ruble Bell I'm going to shake the whole earth my heavens and the earth what is the message then he was sending he was telling us a ruble bell loosely hang on to the perishable things of this life I know that I just told you that I'm going to bless you and I am matter of fact get ready for a bumper crop get ready for me to give you things prepare for me to bless Judah hallelujah because you're obeying me gone are those days where you'll put money in your pockets but it'll be like bags with holes in there because you're going to obey me Gold other days of me blowing on the money that you managed to get home because you're going to obey me there's a reversal you will eat and get full clothed and be warned I'm going to bless you but with my blessing you the new message says you have to watch your association with the blessings you can't grab hold to the things that I'm about to give you and hold them to close some of us clean too closely to the things of this life prays alone you won't say Amen some of us are Christians but we're carnal all we think about is the hearing all we think about are things that pertain to this life oh my your day the Bible says to be carnally minded is death but to be spiritually minded is life and peace praise Lord the carnal Christian is dead that is the Christian who is worldly the Christian who lacks the ability to put things in their proper place Colossians chapter 3 and verse 1 says if you then be risen with Christ seek those things which are above where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God not only seek those things and set your affection for those who took English you know that the word you is understood and you say your affection see you got to God your affections well I'm not interested in spiritual things make yourself injured prays alone you got to know how to grab your own self in the car what scene it to me passing those things don't come to me as easily as they come to you number one you don't know whether they come to me easily or not but number two if they do don't come to you easily then you've got to be adult enough and spiritual enough have grown in Christ enough to put spiritual things first some of us our affection is on homes cause money suits dresses relationship children grandchildren all careers oh those kinds of things you just eat up with that stuff praise Allah it occupies all your time I'm preaching better then you're saying Amen it up it occupies all your time praise the Lord it's what keeps you up late at night but last time you woke up praying for souls when's the first time you woke up saying Lord draw me nearer oh no you have your career oh no you have your relationships oh no you are entangled with the affairs of this life the Bible says and let us lay aside every sin let us my brilliance are every weight and the sin that does so easily entangles us or trip us up instead of these things aside we're taking these things online he said something he said shut your fish old things not on things on the earth for you are dead and your life is hid with God in Christ when Christ who is our life shall appear then shall you also appear with him in though that was something in this world we won't be the best step there are some things in this world we won't be number one you may not if you make it to the NBA you may not be MVP as many times as your unsaved counterpart whose ability is no better than yours but you may not get it as many times as they will get it because you can't set all of your affection oh that because you you know that that that the Lord don't want you to go but so far because once you cross a certain line it becomes idolatry that thing becomes your God all right you won five NBA title but we were the last time you went to prior meeting it's coming through yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah you're the best in the world but but to get that good you had affection that should have been given to God to those things so when Christ who is your life appears you don't get you won't get MVP then oh no that's for the man who decided that he wouldn't become an idolatry to be the best or this thing is something see not now know the truth that I'm preaching now will dawn on some of you six months from that that that see the Lord requires and demands certain amount of our time amen and and and it's a highway it's your heaven and that's certain certain things you can't do if you want to go to heaven certain lines you won't cross so you may not get the TV commercial you may not get the notoriety and while the world is applauding that person you got to be all right with you got to be joyful with you've got to be happy with I could have done that had I been willing to go that far but that was a governor in me that was a keeper in me and while I was out there training one day training the Holy Ghost said where's the last time you visited me I cut my running show to spend time before the Lord while I was preparing for whatever it is the Bible said last time you read me so I had to walk away from that and go to the word because you see if I don't watch myself my affection my affections would take me and into all one trying to preach it praise the Lord now amen your factions can take you place that you have no business go you can go deep praise the Lord let's mess around get lost in drugs I'm told my lost in accounting lost in physics physicist physicist and lost in trying to be praised or whatever it is to be the best lawyer to be the best doctor to be the most successful you you pursue it so much that you when you miss you don't even feel guilty you don't even feel conviction you have allowed your affections to pull you so deep your isn't it poured you away from Christ and you don't even know it my dear friend super to the John McLaughlin told me that he was with the late super tender Otis Lockett one day he saw this publicly and he's that superintendent Lockett was having some custom suits made and McClurkin was with him and supertintin Lockett said to him hey man let me have a couple of shirts made for you and McLaughlin said that he looked at Lockett and said I have two kids in college I have this that and the other that I'm working on right now he said there's no need for me to let you do this for me to put me in a position where I can get used to the feel of something like this when I'm not your parentage when when I'm not in a position where I can keep that going he said so oh he was so wise he said so I turned this down I turned this down because it's not time yet for me to walk in this because my affection my affections will get locked up in that stuff prays long it's like it's like the guy who goes into preaching because he sees the preachers because he didn't see the hooptie that the preacher started with you just see what he's driving after 40 years of preaching your section are in the wrong place you know what that stuff could disqualify you I'm getting ready to do a seminar with the pastor's the ministers and elders and evangelists when they come some of you you disqualified God can't let you start small because you've got yourself to be Bible said let he that minister wait on his ministry waiting you you train for what God is doing you can get ahead you get ahead of your schemes the Lord called me and said Kenda I could start there it was smart I could start there because of us I was small myself and I wouldn't be here if I hadn't have been able to start that but it would be difficult being here to go they're not you got to control your affection you got to know when to say no thank you say man gotta know when to say you know what this is above me what y'all do this is above me praise the Lord I can't let my heart and my mind get into this because it will pull me away from the Lord look at your neighbor and say you said your affections you see the Lord said to the Ruby bet yes I'm going to bless you but don't clean too tight to what I'm going to give you because I have something else to say I'm getting ready to shake this whole world I'm gonna shake up everything see the blast sing got to keep a relationship with that blessing while they can serve the Lord if the Lord takes the blessings away you UK you came let you can't let the comforts of your blessed state spoil you know Paul meant when he says I learned to preach for the Lord full and I've learned to preach for the Lord hungry I've learned to preach for the Lord where you all were paying me and I learned to preach for the Lord where you wasn't I can do all things through Christ that's stripping of me that is I can preach for the Lord in any situation whether I have an amen : not well if I get paid right or not I've positioned myself well whatever I can do the wheel of the law don't you cling too close don't don't hold too closely to what God have given you yes sir some of us we've grown so accustomed to central air every church is a little too warm or just a little too high or low to coo you can take you know pointing to loss sending you all know evangelism trip you know you know this is we bought might advantages you know certain folk and are you taking them they can't separate they can't separate from the fineries they can't even function without fake lashes they can't function without foundation they can't function without they got there you got to be a diva or debutante on a missionary journey praise the Lord in some of these journeys you don't have deodorant you got to be able to function and not at your best praise the Lord you got to have a word from the Lord amen without having all these other things that you got to help and day will come when the Lord will test it praise the Lord I remember when I got my first Lincoln years ago they don't need you falling out you didn't pay for it years ago a black Lincoln Town Car with a red stripe down the side with reddish burgundy crushed velvet interior and in those days the town car was the preacher collar they not I believe you call to preach unless you're out of town and I got me a nice useful hey man you know how I got the Town Car the marquee I was driving it broke down on the lot right in front of the Town Car so I said what this must be God Oh amen so we got blowed up in front of the Town Car I said well I guess the Lord want me to have this town car and and I want your worked out turns out the dealer had used the town call for hauling and all that but it but I listened I enjoyed it I was so thankful so I'm in my town car and one day I went somewhere preaching and on the way back a young lady drove through an intersection and she we wrecked the car and I'll never forget the the devil spoke to me and said aha you're the devil stupid and he said I got you now said because you don't have that preachers car I said to the devil I had this wisdom in my early twenties I said to the devil Satan before I got that car it was just a car when it became my car that's what made it a preacher's car and devil I was preaching when I was walking and if I have to walk now I'm still a preacher because the car don't make the preacher the preacher makes the car don't you like what God has given you define you you define it and you give glory to the giver of all things who is the Lord God Almighty the Lord of Hosts the Lord strong and mighty the Lord mighty in battle somebody lift your hands and give praises to the king of kings to the Lord praise the Lord your greatest title all will be that of being a saint I'm a saint of God I'm a movie star I'm a saint of God I'm an elected official but I'm a saint of God I'm a lawyer yeah but I'm a saint I am a saint of the Most High God good God Almighty I'm a professional athlete good for you but I'm a saint of God there's nothing like being saved and nothing like having a relationship with the king of kings and the Lord of lords so he tells Zechariah I'm getting ready to shake up everything I'm gonna shake up the heavens and I'm gonna shake up the earth and Danny and then and then verse 22 he gives him a verse that's filled with I from verse 21 to verse 23 God uses the word six times other words what's getting ready to happen is by divine power good God Almighty I want to tell somebody today divine power of the Lord is in your life and the things that the devil has said thing that Satan said wouldn't get better things as Satan said wouldn't move things that Satan said are impregnable I want you to know that when the Lord is on your side God is able to do what the devil said couldn't be done don't you limit yourself to the diagnosis of the doctor don't you limit yourself by the preset goals and standards of other people they may tell you that you'll never be anything that you'll never amount to anything you got to learn how to shake that off you got to learn how to ignore that stuff and decide that you're gonna go for God because we serve the one who determines the outcome of all things I want you to know that when the God of the Bible is your secret weapon you have an advantage over the enemy you have an advantage over the adversary I challenge somebody to team up with God let the Lord be at a key partner let the Lord be your leader let the Lord show you the way yes my leader yeah somebody praise him if you will [Music] why don't you Jim why don't you just thank the Lord as I'm getting ready for my shaking I'm getting ready for my shaking yeah it's a Reuben Bell he was discouraged because he had little power he had a small military he had a little help thank God for the tag-team partner oh the Hagar who was the Prophet Zachariah this is why Zechariah spoke to the ruble Bell and said not by might not by power but by my spirit saith the Lord no I don't have the money no you don't have the know-how no you don't have the ability but you don't need mine you don't need power all you need is the Spirit of the Lord [Music] happen about here who can say the holy God [Music] thank you Jesus thank you Jesus he shook him up and then and then when he spoke to him in verse 22 verse 22 is filled with what I call word word bombs word bombs bo MBS explosions in verse 22 he said and I will overthrow the throne of the kingdom when he threw out the word overthrow the recipients of the letter knew that he was describing using this same word that God used to bring down Sodom and Gomorrah he destroyed those cities with an overthrow he said I'm gonna overthrow the kingdoms of the world the throne of the kingdoms I want you to know that all kingdoms all nations the Russians the Brazilians hallelujah the Venezuelans the United States all nations are in his hands he's still in charge he said I will destroy the strength of the kingdoms of the heathen and I will overthrow the chariots and then he gave a reference to how he drowned Pharaoh's army and he said those that rise in them the horse and the riders so come down you remember when God drowned Pharaoh's army Moses begin to sing that the horse and his rider that's ride in the sea I wanna tell somebody I'm just like the soul they said all Mary don't you weep and tell Papa not to moon because pharoh's army got drowned in the sea other words if he's got enough to drown Pharaoh Pharaoh's army then he's got enough to take care of Mary and Martha and if he's able to take care of Mary and Martha he's able to take of you and me so sweet don't weep don't move Bubba same dog who drowned Pharaoh's army still today yeah [Music] [Music] somebody shout he's the same God the same God [Music] hmm and I had him say he ball down gave him the word bomb overthrow he talked about the riders and then he mentioned the sword cuz in verse 22 is the last clause he says I'm the horse and their riders shall come down every one by the sword now remember the Jewish people they knew their history and when he mentioned the word sauce that man went back to the mighty mighty man of God Gideon who destroyed the enemies with the sword you got to know how to hear the word of dog you got to know when the Lord he's getting ready to move he's getting ready to move he's telling us to get right with him and then I heard him say in my clothes he said in that day saith the Lord of Hosts I will take thee o zerubbabel and I saw enough she'll tell and I will make you my signet ring the ring the signet ring of a leader was the same as a crown the same as a robe the same as a scepter he said I'm gonna give you a robe and cloud I'm going on aunt you and make you special I'm glad that the promises that he gave the ruble bail will connect it to the promises that he gave to David which will connect me to the promises that he gave the Abraham and the New Testament tell me that when we get saved we become children of Abraham we become heirs of the same promise so the same signet the same power the same authority the same authenticity that God gives a ruble bail the Lord has given to you in me oh we got to do is stand on the word declare our power good God Almighty don't have anybody here who will spend on the Word of God while I'm preaching and just begin to rebuke and by whip you can bind the devil right now just begin but tell him to get your hands off man get your hair out of my family get your hand out of my get loose loose loose loose loose loose [Music] [Music] thank you Jesus thank you Jesus gonna get your praise brother thank you Jesus you gotta get free thank you Jesus you gotta get free because I come to tell you that all this stuff it's not worth it because everything it's going down but the Word of God everything you gonna shake up I haven't landed so it's time yeah oh Jesus Oh it's going down grab somebody by the hand and tell them it's going down doc are you riding in not home you're living in that suit you're wearing deep in your body it's going down yeah but the Word of God gotta grab your Bibles wave your Bibles but I'm standing the promises of God I believe from Genesis to Revelation because everything everything [Music] hallelujah it's going down what a preacher my whole life my whole life is tied in my wonderful marriage it's going down cause we live loaner what are you going to everything when the Lord says I will shake the heavens and shake the earth let me tell you something I said in the opening that these words were apocalyptic messianic and eschatological apocalyptic dealing with the last days messianic because actually these things will be fulfilled not in the humans of Rubel but in Christ whose family line he was a part of an eschatological deal with last days last days last things so so hecka them went beyond this day he that old man looked past us and saw what God is going to do and is yet doing and yet to do but he gives us all the warning even though he's gonna bless you he's gonna bless you don't clean - time do you remember the people I think was Gideon they made Gideon an ephod I think it was Gideon am i right and the Bible teaches was a Gideon or Jeff talk the Bible teaches that the thing became a hinderance - who was that praising all let me see if I can it was a Jeff ja it was a blessing but it became a hinderance what I think so the book go to the book of Judges [Music] this one oh my Oh if one of my fine scholars finally before me that'd be fine it became a hindrance it got in the way I think was Gideon 8 and 22 is that way is that where it is 8 and 207 listeners and Gideon made an ephod their own and put it in his City even in Oprah and all Israel went there a whoring after it which thing became a snap under Gideon and his house don't let God blessing you to be physically attractive to be a snatcher you don't let the Lord's blessings of giving you finances let that become a snatcher you don't let a testimony of how the Lord healed your body become a snare to see how does it become a snare when we began to worship and pay more attention to that fame then the giver of that thing hallelujah way becomes a snap then it's a problem we don't worship anybody but the God of the Bible and and you came worship what He has given you enjoy what he's given you but you can't make a shrine out of it I just love this chair this is my favorite chair this is my favorite chair it ought to be your favorite chair there ought to be your favorite chair but doing doing Church time your favorite chair ought to be empty cause you were you your you'll be sitting in your first favorite chair and that's anywhere in the service of the Lord you don't let it become a snare to you you don't let it become what it shouldn't be in a relationship I come between you and the Lord you got it you can't you can't keep that you had to cut that because you it will become a snare and what if hadn't snared yet stay with it because Samson would not do away with his relationship with Delilah his relationship with Delilah did away with him so even in the Lord's blessings and and with the anointings and all the things that God is doing he says now don't don't get too too attached don't get too attached don't don't get too too attached because I'm telling you right now I'm going to shake everything you know tells me that if it's God when he's giving it to you putting it on long to you it still got to be God when he shake it away from hey man hey man the Lord have given and the Lord have taken away blessed be the name of the Lord so he tells us don't get too attached because everything is going down let me let me close with with with this particular passage I want to show you something that that just submits this case I couldn't do this part in high gear 2nd Peter chapter 3 they had in the discernment I'm closing now this is my closing no mm glory second Peter chapter 3 verse 8 says but beloved be not ignorant of this one thing that one day with the Lord is as a thousand years and a thousand years is as one day the Lord is not slack concerning his promise I know that I promise this back in here God hadn't happened yet but I'm not slack concerning my promises as some men count slackness and the word slack that it's not blackness is literally tardiness the Lord is not late he's not talking but long-suffering toward us not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance but the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night in the which here it is the heavens shall pass away with a great noise and the elements shall melt with fervent heat while I was studying this I looked I called a Patricia in my office and had her to look out the window and my my car was sitting there no I was talking to rock rocky well that we've talked about that you and I said look at the cars in there it's got a date with destiny sitting there shining on his way to melting with fervent he look at it look at these clothes oh if it the best I can get him to fit but they got a date with melting with fervent can I get a witness then law took me one father said your body it has a date that's not your favor and in my body I do what I want my body is your body for nine and depending upon how you treat it and how you do with God you might not have it for long all of it you'll melt look at this with fervent heat the earth also now we talk about the heavens the earth also and the works that are therein all of the we are building go to the room you go to carry Raleigh in New York we're building like we're here to stay forever you see all of these monuments that suggest permanence all have a deal the works that are therein shall be burned okay seeing me notice that see the scriptures depending on people having conversations so so scripture says seeing them that all these things shall be dissolved not Mike I hate to throw this in but this building your mama's house seeing them that all these things not maybe but shall dissolve I mean this seems common sense bothers me I'm just holding out I'm not ready seeing thing that all these things shall be dissolved what manner of persons ought ye to be in all holy conversation thank God since you see everything going down but the Word of God what's right there holy father why are you out there selling drugs why are you still drinking why are you still so wrapped up in your career that has become a god to you why are you so tired up and stuff that's temporary you spend more time on your hair we do then in the scripture just sit there all day four hours later they still burning straightening or or breathing and you don't spend you know spend a modicum of that time in the scripture you gonna lose at half anyway how do you know cuz you're gonna die and go go dig up all dead bodies the hair is still in the casket yes it does it doesn't go with you in the next life I'm using extreme examples to show how silly people how mixed-up we and how the scripture reasons with us and expect us to be just apply a little common sense his common sense seeing me that these things shall be dissolved what manner of persons ought you to be in a holy conversation and godliness what you're looking for looking for and hasting looking for and hastening unto that is hastening the coming of the day of God you you you won't you're looking forward to this shaking wherein the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved and elements shall melt with fervent heat nevertheless we according to his promise look for new heavens and a new earth wherein wherein dwelleth righteousness ever beloved seeing that you look for such things new heaven new earth you know what's gonna happen you know that everything's gonna be dissolved right what he says be diligent be diligent make every effort be diligent that you may be found of him in peace without spot found of him in peace without spot and without blame now that is what we should be working on with everything that we got in us Lord I'm working on myself so I can be found in you I won't be found in you with peace between you and me I want to be found without spot spot that stain stain represents moral failures garments soiled by the flesh stain without spot and without look at this and blameless bear in mind and account bear bear in mind that the long-suffering of our Lord is salvation even as our beloved brother Paul also according to the wisdom to the wisdom given unto him have written unto you he says and consider that the reason that the Lord have not come back yet don't assume that he slack concerning his promises but just know that he's patient trying to give all of us time but time is running out it ran out on hey guy is going out on you it's gonna run out on me we need to make sure that our priorities or what it should be don't spend you remember we said and I said why spend your money buying that which is not breathe see I said come back said you spent all your time on temporary things relationships ain't gon last no way praise the Lord uh mother Kindle she's in heaven now I know you were related to mother Kenda the grade on from time to time I know who have lived they don't hear this well from time to time I Drive by the house what mother Kendall used to live if there you will let me rephrase this you had been hard-pressed to find a operating room that was cleaner than Mother Ken desires stayed spotless and everything stayed nice and mother came to kept a yard right even the flowers slanted in the right direction she was just that way and she loved the Lord and she loved the Lord until the Lord took a home and no one could imagine in those days that that house would look like it looks now you didn't think it would be possible the difference is mother's gone those things that you so cherished today that you can't live without you know mother Canada huh it's yawn yeah am i right all these things that we just selling our souls over we're gonna leave those things Solomon said you don't know where your children are gonna take over and keep to keep the company going or not and the whole thing go in the ground and that's all of your works because you put it put the wrong priority on those things I want to pray for some people in my time is that I got to go to ask for you I got four hours ahead of me then I'm gonna go up there and preach where some things I want to pray today today for people who want prayer that God would help them set their affections on things that I both lord i I don't come today for things I'm not praying today for material things i won't i won't prayer that my heart and my mind is in the right place that since the things that are going to happen are going to happen i want to be in the right spiritual place hallelujah i went to the house where i used to live the grass had grown up and covered up the door someone from across the street said I know who we see we said they they don't live then I went to the church where I used to cold the preacher was still there and he met me at the door he said I know who you are and I know who you're looking for he said they they don't come here anymore [Music] he said they are somewhere God they are somewhere so I'll keep searching and searching till someday but there's some we have a destiny Lord God this earth has a destiny every stoplight every community every therapy hallelujah every path Mount Rushmore the Eiffel Tower the Rock of Gibraltar Lady Liberty Stone Mountain yes lo the Golden Gate Bridge your Sears Tower the Empire State Building Oh 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue my home my city my town my nation we all have a date with destiny my body my life my family all Jesus all these things will be dissolved God give us to be thankful for all of your provisions but to worship none of them be thankful for our careers but only go as far as been faithful to you will allow us to go God give us to represent you to love you and to hold with a loose grip all that you've given us for we know Lord that it's all along and it will all be taken away the Lord giveth taketh away but blessed be the name of the Lord God keep our heart and our minds in the right place everything is going down but your word so God give us strength to set our affections set our affections your thoughts all that sits on your mind your thoughts your inclination inclinations the things that we long for lost of redirect you do it redirect in the strife jealousy lust and the bus read directly you do it you do it set your affection set your face you do you do it you you you you you today decide today I'm not thinking like that anymore I'm not going that way I'm just not you do it set your face all things that are above prays alone you ought to let everything be taken well well who who who bought my time who took my place the Lord did set your face some of us I'm praying and preaching I tend to do that we are guilty of the cares of this life all that in the world is the lust of the world the lust of the eyes and the pride of life we're so proud of what we've done in this world was so proud of who we are in this world we're so proud of our statute in this world but what are you in God's kingdom where are you in Christ I know where we are in the world but one last time you want a soul with last time you spoke in tone why are you in Christ hog where are you no that's the question in my mind where am i in you lord [Music] so Lord keep us cause your face shine upon us in Jesus name Amen that's it that's it that's it [Music] you
Channel: God First Official Channel
Views: 7,021
Rating: 4.8509316 out of 5
Id: K2AgAUr35DE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 0sec (4980 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 05 2019
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