Bishop Wooden - "The Impossibility of Neutrality"

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[Music] bye i want to preach from this subject the impossibility of neutrality the impossibility of neutrality amen more neutrality is m possible one of the things i love about the upper room congregation is you're brutally honest if i read a text and give a subject that you understand you really say amen and get happy if i read a text and give give a subject that you don't get you say nothing but but the doctor the phd sitting behind me he got it right off the bat he said see i see where he's going father bless us now as we minister the word of the lord in jesus name amen the impossibility of neutrality neutrality and our texts and i need you to follow me closely here because i have some things to say uh brethren i want you to cue the tape about the the choir from san francisco and have it ready when i call for it but in our text we see jesus speak to two opposing situations matthew covers one mark covers the other luke covers both matthew is jesus dealing with the pharisees mark covers jesus um dealing with a lone worker luke um covers both uh situations all right so our lord is speaking to two situations to one group who opposed him and their opposition to him was resolute and it was so permanent that according to jesus's own words he knew that they would never be saved and he concluded his words of the uh resolute opponents by saying this in matthew 12 and 32 he says whosoever speaketh a word against the son of man it shall be forgiven him but whosoever speaketh against the holy ghost it shall not be forgiven him neither in this world neither in the world to come isn't that something on the other hand mark covers a lone worker who was so committed to jesus christ that the lord declared to his disciples leave this man alone and jesus said the reward that i have for him can never be taken away mark 9 and 41 we find the lord saying this for whosoever shall give you a cup of water to drink in my name much less than casting out a devil if he just gives you a cup of water to drink in my name if he's assisting in the cause of christ by giving you a cup of water jesus said to his disciples because you belong to christ verily i say unto you that giver of the cup of water and in this case the man was casting out devils shall not lose his reward one group will not be saved the other lone worker won't miss heaven and jesus addresses both situations the first group was not with christ as you can read again in verse 30 of chapter 12 it says he that is not with me is against me you see that the second group or the second incident that lone worker was for christ for uh mark tells us that this man jesus says for he that is not against us is on our part so one group opposed jesus the other man was for jesus and there's a lot today that we are going to learn from our texts and these other adjoining passages if it's the lord's will but the salient point the main point that i wish to make today is that i really that when it comes to our relationship with jesus christ there can be no neutrality none let me tell you something for the most part as i look at the people who are here today and especially those whom i know um satan knows that for the most part pastor that's practically a zero percent chance that satan has of getting you and the minister to denounce christ mother william you know you're not going to denounce jesus mother frazier back there 94 years young do you think satan would even waste his time mother how many years have you been saved she was 12 years old when she met jesus and uh 94 years later 96 years she's walking with the lord so he knows there's zero chance zero in getting you her and others in here to denounce jesus christ and to be honest with you because i'm a seer i know these things i know these things i'm not always right but i'm never wrong about these things crystal satan knows that he's not going to get you to denounce christ he's not going to get my wife to denounce christ we we we uh we love the lord we love the lord but she does my wife don't have pastor salvation she's saved on her own she has a prayer life of her own jesus knows her voice amen amen when she get on her knees she don't get on me saying lord this is bishop wooden's wife she gets on the knee saying lord i'm your child and god knows her voice amen and so satan knows that she's not going to denounce jesus and that's not satan's goal upper room i don't think satan thinks that we're going to denounce jesus as a church but the goal of satan is not to get us to denounce jesus but if he can his goal is to get us to sink into neutrality and many if not most in the body of christ neutrality not supporting or helping either side in a conflict or war neutrality the absence of decided views expressions or strong feelings about a thing many of us have taken the position i don't judge nobody i don't have anything to say the lord knows my heart if them people over there want to live like that who am i to tell them that they can every man has to do what's what he think is right and i just i just love everybody and i'm not going to say anything there's a word for that it's called neutrality subjects is making a little more sense now right and it's a little convicting because uh we find that more believers are becoming neutral than our warriors for christ neutrality um i was in a conversation last week with a friend of mine from california he's a good man loves jesus christ and we were talking about various social issues a hot one is critical race theory and critical raise blm all that and uh he asked me my thoughts and i gave them to him one thing about brother wooden now if you want to know if you don't want to know what i think don't ask me and if you do want to know what i think just listen long enough it'll come out i don't know if that's good or bad but but it comes out and i talked to him about these things and i'm going to throw something out and i want to tell you something the critical race theory crowd the blm crowd those who are pushing socialism and communism and annoying stuff they're not concerned about black folk they got you thinking that they're concerned about you if they were they would tell you the truth you'll never get from the critical race theory crowd that the majority of african americans in this country are middle class they'll never tell you that they'll never tell you that the richest people of african descent on earth live in america they built their wealth in america they made their money in america america the america now that they're teaching us to be angry at the america whom they say uh is so systemically racist and yet for every act of redress we've ever gained in this country what we turn to for the redress were the very founding documents that made america a country in the first place yeah we're we're going in a direction where they teach i have the excerpts from books where they actually teach our people to be angry to employ anger and um to to affect you uh that way praise the lord i thank somebody on the phone praise god as a first and so um oh boy but if you look at what they they're pushing these people are pushing things well they're not really aimed it's not really aimed at rescuing us because we're doing better than we've ever done what are they aimed at biblical christianity give an example the the police movement run polls show that most african-americans are not for defunding the police polls show that because black folk know what we're going to get when you defund the police you're going to get another fur crawling in your window or caught your car going to get jacked you see what happened the other day last night in d.c trying to play a baseball game they had to cut the game short for gunfire gun play but in an area where the police budgets have been severely cut they've been defunded but the bible speaks to cashless bail and letting criminals out and treating criminals as though they are aren't to be punished or are heroes the bible says now i'm talking about you know i'm not talking about the fact that there are times when the innocent people get convicted no system is perfect but some of the solutions that they're offering are solutions that go against scripture and as a christian you can't go against scripture if you're going to be a christian now if you're not going to be a christian you do what you want to you're going to go to hell for it but if you if you're going to be a christian you have to agree with scripture the bible says in ecclesiastes chapter 8 and verse 11 because sentence against an evil work is not executed speededly therefore the hearts of the sons of men are fully set to do a foolish set in them to do evil now this is bible are we going to dismiss this as that's ecclesiastes 8 and 11. and then romans chapter 13 the bible says this about law enforcement let every soul be subject unto the higher powers for there is no power but of god the powers law enforcement that are that the the powers that be are ordained of god read your bible whosoever therefore resisted the power resisteth the ordinance of god now if we have a rogue cop deal with him if we have 10 rogue police officers deal with them but you can't do away with law enforcement because law enforcement is ordained of god you are not saying amen it says now let me finish reading and it says this for they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation most people who get in trouble get in trouble resisting arrest so well he had both hands on the steering wheel but you're leaving out he was trying to pull off for rulers are not a terror to good works but to the evil but to evil will thou then not be afraid of the power do that which is good and thou shalt have praise of the same for he the law enforcement officer is the minister of god to thee for good but if thou do that which is evil be afraid for he beareth not the sword in vain for he is the minister of god a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil that's bible that's bible and so as my friend and i had our conversations he looked up some of the things that i said and he texted me back and said i looked up the things that you said and i found every one of them to be true see you have to ask yourself who is the audience what is the ultimate goal i've been accused of being too hard on homosexuals you know he just wouldn't don't lack a homosexual that's not true i love everybody i don't have a personal uh beef against a homosexual i have a personal beef against anyone i'm a gospel preacher i want all men to be saved i want all men to be saved and come into the knowledge of the truth and i but i but now but now i will be honest mother hunter while i'm at it i do however believe in that brand of salvation that when you get saved you come out of sin now i do believe that now and i believe that i don't believe you can get saved and stay as you were now i believe and come as you are but some of these come as you are churches are really saying stay as you are as long as we can keep bodies in the church stay as you are but the bible teaches if any man be in christ he's a new creature old things are passed away and behold all things are become new amen but the bible teaches that we put we put off the old man and his deeds and put on the new man who was after the image of christ now i do believe that so i believe that when you get saved you have to change you have to come out of that stuff what stuff all of it that's not like god that's bible paul said wherefore come ye out from among them and be separate saith the lord and touch not the unclean thing and god says i will receive you now i believe that that's bible but we've been accused of being hard so um and uh and so now i i i tell you if you don't believe me and my assertions of what the goal of the lbgtq plus i don't know all the letters they add a new one every day and i've just i quit trying to keep up uh i got other things to do you know what i'm talking about if you don't believe me for what they say they want to do let's see if you believe them roll the tail as we celebrate pride on the progress we've made over these past years there's still work to be done so to those of you out there who are still working against equal rights we have a message for you you think we're sinful you fight against our rights you say we all need lives you can't respect but you're just frightened you think that we'll corrupt your kids if our agenda goes unchecked funny just this once you're correct stop right there okay now now apologize to me apologize to me i i want when you see this one call me and say you know wooden was right you hear what the guy said and ain't gonna play the whole thing cause he's not a good singer anyway uh but he says you think we will correct your children if our agenda goes unchecked he said this time for once you're right the goal is to turn out your boys and girls our children somebody turned him out now now uh i'm be honest with you i'm glad they made the tape because was it my angelo said would people tell you who they are believe them all right believe them so for those preachers out there who say that we should say nothing that we shouldn't be so hard leave them alone they're not bothering anybody well let me tell you let me tell you the bible teaches that the children of the world is much wiser than the children of the light notice what he said the question he asks what are you afraid of even that for those warriors in here you you defenders of the faith and eight o'clock cause you you already know where i'm going the rest of you i'm gonna help you catch up today those are tested tried terms and in their testing the terms it came acro it would they discovered that if you accuse people who disagree with them of being afraid of them then it makes those of us who disagree with them appear to be operating from uh the standpoint of fear rather than simply disagreeing on a biblical basis so they will ask you after it's been test marketed and try they'll say what are you afraid of see because he's asking a question but he's making an accusation and he's making an accusation that you can't improve how do you unprove that you're not afraid so your answer is i'm not afraid of anything but he just labeled you with being afraid by the simple question uh are you afraid that if we go unchecked no we're not afraid of anything i tell you what we're all concerned about we're concerned about our children we're concerned about our grandchildren and i'm going to tell you something i'm going to tell you something now jesus said that if a man will smite you on one cheek to another that's if he smite you it's a different game altogether they try to mess with your children all that go out the window when it comes down to protecting your children ain't no from a biblical standpoint there's no other cheat to turn so now if you're gonna try to to do to somebody's child what don lemon of cnn admitted happened to him what what uh uh uh was an ellen degeneres another these people were abused into that wicked lifestyle and they're singing about what they want to do to your children now let me ask you a question what should the preacher say what should we do i mean help me out you're smarter than i am help me out do do we literally uh say nothing do we walk in neutrality and do not express any strong views of our own [Music] the same holds true with these vaccines whether or not you get the shot is your business i have the only person that i've ever asked on this planet if they're going to get the shot was my 85 year old mother now if you got a problem with me asking my mother see me after service i'm going to solve your problem cause that ain't your business and she's my mother i ask my mother anything i want to ask my mother [Applause] oh well what does she answer she'll be here tonight ask it yourself but for the i'm one of the few preachers in raleigh if not the only i'm one of you who have not said to the congregant do it or don't that's your call you you didn't ask me about the last shot you took did you okay so that's that's your call but that ain't that's not the problem the problem now is we're in an america different from anything that i've ever seen in my life where all of a sudden segregation is all right again they are now trying to shame people and segregate people based on whether or not they've had the shot and and all of all people our sitting vice president who by the way made history the other day in june she made history the vp economy harris is always making history she she made history again she's the first sitting u.s vice president to march in the homosexual pride parade let's give her a big hand the first one think that something now a woman who do not believe the bible had the nerve the other day to say taking the shot is like obeying the bible where the bible says love thy neighbor now let me tell you something you're not qualified to quote bible to anybody because you ignore the bible what about what the bible says about killing the unborn what about what the bible says about perversion that's some other question i could bring up but i'm not what about the bible what the bible says see these people want to use the word of god y'all don't like my preaching today they want to use the word of god when it's convenient and then try to socially shame americans for exercising their right but i told you this would happen i told you when they said the goal is to get as as as many vaccines for people who want them i told you that they were going to drop for people who want them i told you that and they did now it's for everybody and they say follow the signs what they told us for years not for a year for months that children aren't affected [Applause] by the virus and then all of a sudden on a dime without any explanation whatsoever now they're saying we need to vaccinate the children first they warned the uh pregnant mothers not to take the shot nine they're running trials on her and they give no explanation and then uh they have come up with a new condition they made one a new one they just created one a new condition it's called vaccine hesitancy you have vaccine hesitancy you have vaccine hesitance you have a condition you need to see you need to get your head examined because you have vaccine hesitancy oh that i would or someone would have paused about putting technology in them that doesn't have fda approval that was rushed to the market in nine months rather than the customary six to ten years um and it's the only thing that according to them don't have any side effects i used to i'm a weird person i won't be preaching too long but let me let me give you one of my idiot secrets i i like god live all so i used to take card liver oil about 11 years ago you know the thing tell you to take a teaspoon right i liked it so i i take me a tablespoon full of stuff stupid i know and uh one i began to notice because it builds your immune system so i began to notice that my joints are getting stiff hair is falling out i thought it was just aging and i went to pennsylvania john was working up there and he and crystal and john patrick john patrick was a baby they were in pennsylvania and so we went up during the month of uh december it's beautiful just all of the christmas lights and everything and you know in in in raleigh in december it gets cool in pennsylvania in december it gets cold and it was good and cold and so this was during the time where they were afraid you know you couldn't you couldn't travel with any kind of any liquid because of 9 11. so i didn't want to be accused of being a terrorist so i left mine called liberal home and stopped by cvs to pick up some more but they had a different brain it was nature made and on the nature made brain guess what they had listed on that side effects i read all the conditions that was going on in me had just running backwards i mean i've come to terms with it i mean hey hey you know and joints oh my lord i had stopped doing push-ups just everything's so stiff and as i read it that morning i had just i had just just drunk something too i really wanted to you know but i threw i stopped using it because even on the bottle of card liver oil they listed the side effects my problem was i was taking in too much vitamin a now how is it with this thing there are no side effects and if there is any discussion of side effects it's all labeled misinformation notice they never tell you what part is misinformation they never tell you where it's wrong they just say misinformation so now there's an agreement between the government and big tech to remove they might move take me down for this to remove all misinformation so unless you are speaking the party line what you are saying now is labeled as misinformation is this still america do we still have free speech rights and if it's if it is indeed misinformation we all are born with brains let people hear both sides people are intelligent we're not stupid people can hear and people can decide for themselves but when you hide one side and only allow one narrative to prevail for patrick wooden that's a big red light that's not a caution that's that's a big red light for why can't i be allowed to hear it all for myself [Applause] and then i i can make a decision on my own and that decision is my business just like your decision is yours i don't have a clue who in here have or haven't taken the shot that's not my business but what i am and i'm not saying do no i'm not saying do not but what i am saying what is this where you stymie voices and you only allow one side of a thing to be heard and then if you don't agree with it you are labeled as a either a anti-vaxxer or you have vaccine hesitancy or you or there must be something wrong with you brothers and sisters that's not right that's not right our first amendment right is free speech we are encroaching on people's rights to say you let me tell you something that you don't have a right to you don't have a right to be heard but you have a right to speak we're not offering the the constitution the bill of rights doesn't offer you the right to be heard it offers you the right to speak you see and what they're what they're doing is that they're robbing us of both and only allowing one thing now what if what if uh they're wrong then what so the church is being silenced i saw where a school teacher i'm on my way back to matthew but i'm talking about neutrality i saw where a school teacher the other day said if your anti-equality anti-lgbt anti-vaxxer anti-this anti-that the school teacher said let everybody let those people die now that was the conclusion of a school teacher and uh as i was watching her give her a speech i had a bad thought because i was looking at her thinking to myself she's an entire gym what about that what about that and and and and what does the science say about that the science says that covert is harder on people who are heavier than it's not she wasn't going by that now now should somebody let her die i wouldn't if she was about to die around me i'd do everything i could to save her life i'd pray for it uh try to give her you know cpr you know try try to help her because you want people to live y'all don't like my preaching today we're living in a strange time a strange time but when you follow these ideologies when you're listening to these people see they they are they're coming against the bible the bible teaches this the bible teaches that if a man doesn't work neither shall he now why are we allowing the government to get us used to free money why you know people are saying why should i go to work when i can stay home and make more they ask that question as though it is a rhetorical question there is an answer to that question that's a good reason why you should go to work first of all there's a dignity in working number one number one secondly when as you work you gain experience you when you're home and you're on the sidelines and everybody else is out there working the boss is going to remember the people who showed up who gets the job are the people who are in the groove who have worked their way up the ladder who have been out there on the job sites and everyone else and when you look now and you see on these work sites you see all kinds of people but you don't see us so i'm home waiting on my check that's part of the problem that's part of the problem i would rather work and earn less than to sit around and let somebody give me more men work women work the first the first thing god did with adam was he put him to work gave him a job and gave him a big job too so i want you to address the garden my god if you just do a study on the geographical location of the garden of eden it ain't it wasn't that garden in your backyard that garden stretched from the euphrates down to havala which is on the horn of africa all of this he was to keep and to heal and to work you don't like me they don't want you to trust the bible if you believe that a man can turn himself into a woman you can't believe that and believe the bible because the bible teaches that god made them male and god made them female so they come up with these terms uh you you if you don't accept uh your uh what a sign assigned gender now nobody has no assigned at birth gender see even that that's that's a lie you're either born male or female you know a sign that the doctor assigned no that's a let me look at that's a boy or that's a girl and uh and it's small what two percent or less of the percent of the percentage of the population there's the amorphous who is born with a uh physical defect that if you just watch them and let them live praise the lord it can be easily corrected but god made them mail and god made them female now if you believe this stuff that they're telling you then they can sell you a bill of goods and get you to distrust the bible somebody asked me whether or not i someone else asked me whether or not i believed in a critical race theory i told them no that's why i said because critical race theory tells me i shouldn't believe it they don't call it critical race fact you need to go home and look at the word theory it's a theory it's a theory so why are you teaching a theory as though it's fact that's the same thing they did with the theory of evolution they began to teach it as a fact but you know what call me dumb call me whatever you want but i still believe that in the beginning god created the heavens and the earth i take god's word over darwin's word any day [Music] any day every day and twice on sundays but if you can't trust god with creation and if you can't trust the bible with creation what can you trust the bible with if you can't trust the bible when it comes to human sexuality what good is it if you can't trust the bible when it comes down to whether a man should uh be with a woman or a man if you can't trust the bible when it comes down to the sanctity of human life born or unborn then what can you trust it for and that's satan's approach if we can through the school system and through these other systems teach the children doctrines that are opposite the bible because we're going to have them eight hours a day five days a week the preacher will get them for a couple of hours on sunday if you bring them that's another whole sermon that's another whole sermon i'm going too long on this so uh so we we dropped him off in these places where they are deprogrammed deprogrammed taught to respect authority talk to respect the principle talk to respect the teacher and then they get up and they teach the children they unteach what the sunday school teacher just taught and you wonder why at 18 or 19 what comes out of their mouth is i don't know if i'm a christian anyway and you look at them you where'd it come from i tell you where i came from that's cool and and and the fact that many churches their youth ministries are just games play and we're not teaching the doctrine we're not teaching people how to cope and how to think well you don't like my preaching today i can look at your tale but i got you thinking see the devil do not want us to trust the scriptures and many have assumed the positions of neutrality because we don't trust the scriptures and that is why we don't have strong feelings about these things like we used to have that's why we don't express them one of the reasons we don't express them is because we don't have them and we're trying to put people up mother and make them say stuff they don't believe it some people are expert at being new neutral they make no definitive statement oh i pay attention to you when i'm in a battle and i see all of you i know which of you i can trust when i'm going to war i'm not stupid and i know the ones you can't they'll say man when there's no wall but when there's a wall oh just eerie silence won't won't make a stand won't make a pulse won't say anything because they don't want to incur the wrath of the world and that is by definition the meaning of the word falling away the bible said that that day shall not come except there come a falling away first to fall away literally means to stand aloof to stand away from biblical christianity so as not to reap the rest of the world so you're still a christian but don't nobody know it you're still a christian but you don't bother nobody ain't got nothing to say about anything i'm just saved myself and if that's what someone else want to do that's up to them you're refusing to take sides but jesus said if you are not for me jesus said you're against me jesus said if you're not actively gathering together then you are actively spreading abroad jesus doesn't allow for neutrality let me get ready to go home because i feel like i'm preaching to a church that's stingy on their amens today give me some love uh facebook y'all give me some hand claps and all that praise the lord you know i'm telling the truth perhaps neutrality is possible and even wise regarding some issues and some people but in the great struggles of life neutrality is impossible every one of you who are gonna every one of you here and you it you're gonna have to choose whose side you're on for christ demands it and so will the world the demands of the kingdom of of god the demands of christ are so excluvistic that to be indifferent or apathetic to him is to be on the side of the enemy see jesus is calling us to exclude any and everything that that's not like him praise lord when he calls us to serve him you got to let other things go praise the lord you can't have your foot in the church and in the world christ won't allow it praise the lord that's why you pledgers you can't do both you don't like my preaching you don't like my preaching today can't do both you can't do both jesus is saying you either got to believe me and come over here on my side or ah even if you're indifferent the lord says oh you're not saying anything you're speaking for the devil the lord says oh you don't have strong uh convictions you're speaking for you're on the enemy side see you gotta you gotta stand up be counted today oh it's a different day and i'll be honest with you i love it i love it because the real christian is going to stand up the true believer is going to stand praise the lord it's going to stand see some of you you are facebook lions and you you you write more against the church than you do against the devil you don't rebuke the devil you don't rebuke sin you rebuke the church well the death the church was made by jesus christ christ said upon this rock i will build my church christ said the gates of hell shall not prevail against the church what do you mean being a member of the church [Music] and attacking the church well i'm attacking you with your neutral self you you're walking in neutrality you're the problem god is looking for y'all don't like this preacher god is looking for men and women who will take a stand [Applause] who will say something let me close here we find in matthew see because the time has come where we either believe that the bible is right or we do not or we either believe christ's truths claims or we do not they brought a man to jesus he was messed up when jesus got through with him he was fixed up yes sir when jesus got through with him he was sane sighted and could hear and i think that the people gave the right response the regular folk folk who had no authority folk who had no positions folk who had praise the lord they were just regular people when the regular folk saw that man yes delivered the bible said they were amazed and said this got to be the son of david that is this has got to be the messiah that we've been looking for we've heard that the messiah would come and the way he healed this man cast this devil out and and most of y'all don't know this but you see jesus was not the first one to perform an exorcist exorcisms were performed long before jesus came they perform exorcism in solomon's day but the difference between jesus's exorcisms and their exorcisms is that they would have to use some type of enchantment they would have to use some type of uh dust they would use some type of trickeries to get the devil to come out of the man but when jesus got ready to cast the devil out jesus didn't have a little bag jesus had no goober dust jesus didn't have any roots jesus just had power and jesus looked at that devil and said come out of the man come out and that devil came out he didn't have to lay a trap for him see the people saw real power and when they saw how jesus did it they said now this man has got to be the messiah that's what the people say but then came the pharisees the religious leaders the authorities the marketing monks all the ones who are up and in the ones who had the power the ones who supposed to have known better and instead of them calling jesus the messiah they called jesus a fellow oh this fellow oh yeah they're gonna put him down see well he ain't nobody this fellow now we can't deny that he cast out the devil it's evident but he cast out the devil by the power of beelzebub who was beelzebub he was the prince of devils he was the lord of flies the elizabeth the lord of filth so instead of them recognizing that jesus was operating by the spirit of god they attributed jesus's power to the the prince of devils and when jesus heard them say that jesus told them and listen america jesus said every kingdom divided against itself ah is brought to desolation he brought in the argument of the divided kingdom because jesus knows that when a kingdom is divided the power goes out of the wonder did you hear about the silly decision that the nfl just made they're going to start having two national anthems the national anthem and the black national anthem at some of the games now you want to see fights break out what if the white folk decide they're going to take a knee doing the black national anthem and the black folk decide they're going to take a knee doing the national anthem and all now throw in that beer liquor and all the drinking that they do at the game [Music] somebody's not thinking it's the dumbest thing in the world and i will i always thought that we were one nation under god indivisible with liberty and justice for all the civil rights movement was not for us to pray the lord to have two anthems but for america to live up to its creed that all men are created equal and look at us now we're trying to reverse all of that it's not a good formula because the devil know that if he can divide us he can destroy this country and jesus said any kingdom that is divided against itself is brought to desolation and he said every house divided against itself shall not stand and i want to say to you keep your households together don't let the enemy come in and divide you and jesus said and if satan cast out satan then his kingdom is divided and his kingdom won't stand either but he said but if i by the power of the holy ghost if i by the spirit of god cast out devils then i want to know pharisees who gave your students power to cast the devil out and then he gave the what's called the burglar argument and verse 29 he said or else how can one enter into a strong man's house and spoil his goods except he first bind the strong man and then spoil his goods you know john a man can't break in your house he first he got to get past you so i'd imagine that the burglar if you see you out there cutting the grass it'll come to his mind rob the next house cause there's a great big strong man over there and you can't break in you have to worry about that little wife all five feet one interest five whatever it is but the problem is the strong man jesus said i've come down here and i've broken into the strong man's house and i bound the strong man the strong man was the devil but jesus had was able to bind him and cast the devil out of that man and then jesus said something to us he said now that he that is not with me is against me and he who do not gathereth spreadeth abroad that was jesus way of telling the pharisees you're on the wrong side of this issue you should be with me and you really messed up because i'm actually operating by the power of the holy ghost and you've just blasphemed the holy ghost you've just attributed the power of the holy ghost to the devil and you're told you've told the holy spirit i don't want you and jesus said when you tell the holy ghost not now and if you die and you never said yes to the holy spirit he said you won't get the forgiveness in this life and you won't get forgiveness in the world to come you see no man can say that jesus is lord but by the holy ghost every one of you who got saved you got saved because the holy ghost was tugging at your heart but if you would have died and you didn't tell the holy ghost yes then you didn't get forgiveness in this life and if you don't get forgiveness in this life you can't get forgiveness in the other and those pharisees were so hard-hearted and they resisted jesus to the point where jesus said these folk are not even going to get saved they they are so against me that they will never be for me and i want you to know that those pharisees are in hell right now burning saying i wish i would have given my heart to jesus but they didn't do it and they messed up and uh in my clothes the story switches the disciples and they were a motley crew the disciples here they uh saw a man casting out devils now what's interesting brother kevin is that they saw a man doing something that they couldn't do themselves because in verse 18 and 19 of the same chapter the man said he brought his son to jesus's disciples and they could not cast the devil out of him see they had positions but they didn't have power and instead of learning to get power those men walked around according to verse 33 and they begin to argue amongst themselves wanting to know according to verse 34 which one i mean mark 9 now which one would be the greatest in the kingdom and jesus took a little child and hugged the child why did he pick a child he picked the child because the child had no status the child had no rights the child had no power and jesus said y'all trying to argue about a seat and to see who's the greatest jesus said but you got to love people not just the great ones but even people who are like this little child he says you got to put your arms around them and love them and so while jesus was teaching them an object lesson on loving folk whether they have status or not being nice to people whether they're rich or poor respecting people because people are people while teaching them john was reminded of a young man that he saw and he said master we saw a man casting out devils but he didn't follow us otherwise the parochialism got involved and parochialism is when someone is not of your group it's localism it's what you do when someone is not of your group or your denomination or your color because they're not in your group even if they're doing the work of the lord you won't help them you'll stand back and let them suffer or you'll try to discourage them this is why we had to help the baker up in denver colorado no he's not black no he's not a member of our church but he's standing on the word of god so therefore we put some money behind him and we put some prayer behind him to help him because he's our brother fighting the good fight of faith the disciples said because he's not following us we shut him down but jesus said oh no you should have left him alone said do not forbid him let's go home with this now said do not forbid him because for there is no man that shall perform a miracle in my name that shall likely speak evil of me otherwise jesus said you should leave him alone because if he's able in my name to cast out a devil then that means that the man got to love me and said you shouldn't have stopped him because he that is not against us he is for us on our side he's on our part he's one of us saints when you see a believer standing you may not know them they may not be your color they may not be from your denomination but if they're standing for jesus we ought to encourage them if they're standing for jesus we ought to get involved in the fight if they're standing for jesus well to give him amen i know what it's like to have to stand alone and you look around to see who will stand with you but i wonder today do we have anybody here who will get in the fight and say to the lord if you've been neutral say to the lord i've been neutral long enough now it's time for me to let my voice be heard i want everybody to know that for god i live and for god i'll die i want everybody to know that i'm on the lord's side he's my savior and i have an opinion i have something to say about these things the things we see in society the things we see in the world you can't hate somebody because god made them white you can't hate somebody because god made them black you can't hate somebody because god made them asian or hispanic that's akin to hating god when you get saved you love god's creation you love people and you want to see folks save you want to see people delivered and there's a there's something in you that causes you to pray that god will save everybody now the devil don't want us to think this way because he's trying to divide us but i wonder how many will you name under the banner of jesus christ regardless to your race regardless to your color regardless to your gender there's only two regardless to that you will stand and say i'm on the lord's side i thank god hallelujah i thank god i thank him for medicine i thank him for money i thank him for all of the modern things that we have but ain't nobody my savior no one it's my deliverer no one that brings me out will see me through lift me up my faith is in jesus and in jesus alone he is the bright and morning star he is my keeper and i'm on the lord's side say yeah yes let him hear you praise the lord let him hear you praise the lord [Applause] you ought to look at somebody just wave at him and tell him i'm on the loud side i have an opinion i have something to say i have strong feelings when it comes to the word of god the bible is still right the bible is the written infallible and aaron holy word of god it is true it is truth and i stand on the word whatever anyone says if they go against the bible i can't follow them because the word of god is going to last forever say yeah say yes [Applause] lift your hands and praise the lord ah lift your hands and give him praise right now whoa i had in my clothes i had moses ask the question in exodus chapter 32 he said who's on the lord's side i'm asking that same question who still believe i want to see you praise him if you still believe that god is able if you still believe that the church is essential if you still believe that he is a keeper let me hear you praise the lord [Music] i still believe it i still believe he's been keeping me down through the years every day watches over me oh lord i had somebody sing all night all day angels keep watching over me my lord how many believe that still how many know that he is a keeper okay i'm hooked on that he is a waymaker he is he's the one oh lord that healed you if covet got you he allowed it but didn't he bring you out tell him thank you if he's kept you from it tell him thank you if he's watched over you kept you from the thief kept you from the robber kept disease away healed you when you got sick picked you up every time the lord is looking and the lord is asking who is on my side [Applause] [Music] [Applause] who's for me who's for me who's for me who is on my side and i'm not just asking who is on my side when you're in church and see some of you are neutral in church [Applause] you don't have to say amen because you scared the camera might catch you so wooden was saying that stuff and we saw you saying amen is that the way you feel so you've learned how to be neutral but i want you to know in the eyes of jesus if you're neutral you're on the enemy side in these here last days god is looking for a few folks who will stand for him who still have strong opinions strong positions praise the lord praise the lord strong positions strong opinions praise the lord strong views and willing to express them the world has strong views they push them down our throat every day you get sick and tired of hearing it and i guess spectrum news is covered crazy uh all they do is but now they didn't have much to say about them democrats the other day in texas who got on the plane to keep from voting and uh they flew to d.c and all of them vaccinated and several of them got caught they have what to say about that but oh let let there be an outbreak at a church now you do know the definition of outbreak the definition of outbreak is if in a setting i don't want to tell you outbreak means if in a setting two to five people are positive that is an outbreak now outbreak when you hear the word outbreak two to five among fifty two hundred three hundred a thousand two to five don't sound like an outbreak but but when you hear the word outbreak what you thinking and and all this stuff is tested oh you envisioned everyone i'm on on a ventilator everybody's dying everybody's sick and look at what happened when none of them may be it's designed to mess with your mind and again again i want you to understand my point completely people can people should do what they should pray get the information that they can and make a conscious informed decision for themselves that that that has always been my dis position this is not a new position for me i'm just not one of them preachers uh these guys getting online and letting their members see them take the shot and all that stuff and there and they're telling their members what to do and and tell them you should come on and do it now now these guys have no they don't know any more about it than you do say they said well i've done my homework why'd you do it from where you you looked up what it just it just hit the country the first of last year or was it this year last year it just hit so now we've been through what about 15 months of this yes what have you been studying and you're a preacher it's not even your field i don't know enough mother to tell you what to or what not to do about that but i do know this i know that god's a keeper i know that you have a brain and i know that a decision you grown and whatever decision you make as an adult that's your decision you didn't tell me about the last shot you took did you all right so i don't need to know about this one but but what people are being they're being coerced and the same people same people now they get mad with me because i personally don't trust the populationists bill gates all them he's a depopulation all the people believe that the planet has too many people the world health organization believes that there are too many people on the planet most of those people who who have taken a particular belief but also believe that there are too many people so now if you believe that too many people on earth and you bring me some grits what did you tell me you believe yes there's just too many people and the thing that gets me about these depopulationists and and trying to figure out what to do about the population they never offer themselves as a solution i say if you think that there are too many people vouchers you go yeah let them go let them let them help solve the problem but no they're not doing that those people are doing everything they can to live some of them when they die they try to freeze the cryogenics they try to freeze the body hoping that they come back later on you know freeze the head and stuff no you gonna die and i don't care if you were 300 you could be worth 20 trillion you live in here and you're gonna stand before god and you're gonna die like you're gonna die and uh you're gonna be just a dead and in that funeral home a little homeless man body gonna be landing same little thing same morgue you know one or two doors down and both are you equally dead amen yeah that's right see that's that's the that's the great equalizer that's why you want to be saved bible teaches this about our lives and i'm done bible teaches that we're all like grass and we're all like flowers we all come forth we all hit our peak then you begin to fade the bible says what shall i say the bible says say this all flesh is grass the grass withereth the flower has its day but it's fading but the word of god abides forever that's why you want to get in god and stay there because the word of god abides forever now with your bad self with your good looking self with your strong self with your hands himself you're fading ain't nobody gonna keep it i'm looking at you all night and can't hold see [Applause] i just don't have a problem with it you know it's what it is say amen am i right preacher it's what it is everybody that happens to everybody that's why you want to get in christ and stay there stay there because ain't nobody gonna maintain anything but for so long who is on the lord's side who will stand with jesus today and say lord i just want to be on the god side of history a friend of mine told me he said man i just don't want you to be on the wrong side of history you know i told him so i'm not worried about being on the wrong side of history i just want to be on the god side of history that's the only side i want to be on i want to be on that side where history will record that i stayed safe and true to my religious other than that i could care less other than that nothing else matters nothing else matters if we're against christ we're not form if we're for christ we're not against him who is for christ who is on the lord's side moses said everyone who's on the lord said come and stand by me let them levites move so fast because when you're on the lord's side there's no time to waste there's no time to waste hollywood is against us the world is against us this way we stop trying to carry favor with them they don't want our favor they want us to capitulate they want us to acquiesce they want us to bow down to them never [Music] never
Channel: God First Official Channel
Views: 2,668
Rating: 4.9263802 out of 5
Id: mh9MMInSTfA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 19sec (4999 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 21 2021
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