Bishop Robert G. Rudolph Jr. - The Danger of Distorted Vision

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everybody if you would just begin to put your hands together and bless the name of the lord [Music] if you would i'd like for you to hold someone's hands and just begin to intercede for that person after all this is a sanctified church and i want you to begin to intercede for that person you don't know what they're going through you don't know what they're dealing with but just begin to intercede saints wherever you are come on don't be afraid to pray [Music] thank you thank you [Music] thank you thank you thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord [Music] thank you lord move by your power in the name of jesus thank you [Music] thank you thank you now come on put those hands together and just begin to bless the lord [Music] the heavenly father i thank you for this opportunity the opportunity to come and to minister to your people at the international holy convocation of our beloved church of god in christ father i ask that you would touch me i ask that you would strengthen me on this morning and the word that you have helped me to prepare privately father i ask that you would allow me to preach publicly with authority and with boldness in jesus name we pray thank god amen put those hands together [Music] now before you take your seats let me tell you this when i was growing up my dad was a district evangelist and we would travel all over the state of arkansas and in arkansas there are a lot of places that are dark and this was before gps this was before navigation systems and so we would go into a town and when we would go into that town we would ask where the calvary church of god in christ was nobody knew the name of the church and then my dad got frustrated he said boy just ask them where's the sanctified church i just want to know this morning i know it's early but i just want to know are there any sanctified people in the house oh come on don't fool me now don't don't fool me now if you're sanctified you ought to show some sign come on give the lord some praise amen you may be seated first and foremost on today i give honor to god who has allowed me to be here before you on this morning i want to thank god for this opportunity i'm giving honor and all deference to the presiding bishop of our great church come on brothers and sisters let's hear it for presiding bishop charles e blake he has been a mentor and a friend i thank god for the first assistant presiding bishop bishop p.a brooks who was here with us on this morning amen the second assistant presiding bishop bishop j.w macklin members of the general board who are here they didn't have to be here but they're here on this morning and i thank god for them the board of bishops to my jurisdictional pilot bishop frank j anderson jr thank god for him his lovely companion lady anderson i do thank and praise god for mother barbara makuu lewis and uh all of the other individuals that i need to honor and thank right now but i want to thank you for being in this place i want to thank god for my family and i want my family to stand there here on this morning i thank god for them i appreciate them i have my mother and aunt and a couple of aunts and my sister who is here on this morning and then most importantly you all you got to understand before i uh present this lovely young lady i want to thank god for the calvary church of god in christ davis memorial new day district arkansas second jurisdiction arkansas third jurisdiction but i want to thank god for the national agency are there any adjutants in the house amen y'all better give the abstinence a hand come on [Applause] and then i want to thank god for just being god for being here and the opportunity to be here brothers and sisters i want to thank god for my wife [Applause] the lovely michelle pam rudolph i got to brag on my wife before i preach on this morning y'all just a few months ago she was given the opportunity to be inducted into the miss arkansas hall of fame and most recently she was selected as the first african american to be on the board of directors of the miss arkansas pageant i believe that deserves a hand it's time for the word it's time for the word we're going to the gospel or excuse me we're going to the old testament i'm going to look at the book of first samuel the 15th chapter if you have your bibles i ask that you would stand for the reading of the word if you don't have your bible please look on with someone this morning samuel 15 and i'm going to begin with verse 10. first samuel 15 and i'm going to begin with verse 10. the word of the lord tells us then came the word of the lord unto samuel saying it repenteth me that i have set up saul to be king for he is turned back from following me and have not performed my commandments and agreed samuel and he cried unto the lord all night and when samuel rose early to meet saul in the morning he was told samuel saying saul came to carmel and behold he set him up a place and it has gone about and passed on and gone down to gilgal and samuel came to saul and saul said unto him blessed be thou the of the lord i have performed the commandment of the lord and samuel said what meaneth then this bleeding of the sheep in mine ears and the lowing of the oxen which i hear and saul said they brought them from the amalekites they brought them from the amalekites for the people spared the best of the sheep and of the oxen to sacrifice unto the lord thy god and the rest we have utterly destroyed then samuel said unto saul stay and i will tell thee what the lord have said to me this night and he said unto him say on and samuel said when thou wast little in thine own sight was thou not made the head of the tribes of israel and the lord anointed the king over israel when thou was little in thine own sight close your bibles and if you would grab hold of somebody and i want you to look at them and ask them this question or tell them this come on and help me say neighbor the danger of distorted vision come on turn to somebody else and say come on neighbor the danger of distorted vision i am proud to be a member of the national agency i am proud because i have the opportunity for many years since 1988 for roughly 30 years because before becoming adjunct general and serving the previous adjunct general general board member bishop matthew williams i am proud to become an adjutant or to be an adjutant in our national church one of the main reasons is because i have the opportunity of serving the presiding bishop and serving the leaders of our great church but there are some good things to being an adjunct and there are also some bad things to being an adjutant let me not just say that they are bad things let me just say that when you are an adjutant when you are a servant if you will when you are a slave you learn a lot about folks in the grand old church of god in christ one of the things that i used to think when i was growing up is that everybody was saved but then i began to realize that there are some saints in our church but then brothers and sisters there are also some people who have some very unique situations i just can't say that they are not saved but i have to say that they're not fully delivered whenever i see attitudes within the church i know that the person is not fully delivered whenever i see people fuss and fight over where they are going to sit i'm understanding that people aren't fully delivered and whenever i can see you shout in the church and you go outside of the church and you quit shouting and begin to curse or you begin to do some things that you should not do i know that you are not fully delivered and so i have seen that up close i have seen that from a personal perspective and i begin to say to myself lord what happened and i would just submit to you on this morning in my short discord discourse i would submit to you on this morning that there might be some folks that you are sitting next to there might be some individuals in this particular area there might be some folks in st louis who have paid money to come here who have paid money to make sure that they are dressed to the nines who have paid money to make certain that they make an impression with everybody else but i have seen that these individuals are in a dangerous situation because they have what i call distorted vision come on look at somebody and say distorted vision so this morning i have three questions for you as i look at the gospel as i look at the book of first samuel i want to ask this question why was it so important that these individuals be destroyed secondly why did disobedience occur and then lastly why is there such a danger of what we call distorted vision well let me tell you that it is very important for you to understand that these individuals will be were to be destroyed because the bible tells us that saul was ordered to destroy the amalekites but according to what he did he did not carry out the order he disobeyed god and he brought great sorrow on his life and his family to understand this story you must understand who the amalekites were and why god wanted to get rid of them are you with me this morning the amla kites were the descendants and the grandson of esau you all know you do remember esau right he was the brother of jacob esau sold his birthright for a bowl of red beans but according to the scripture and according to what the bible tells us in the old testament is that he loved the world and the flesh and his descendants became what we call symbolic of the world the flesh and the devil it was the amalekites that attacked god's people as they traveled from egypt to the promised land it was the amalekites that had slipped in behind the traveling israelites and they attacked the old and the young who were trailing along with the larger body of travelers and god swore that he would eventually bring judgment on the amalekites well he didn't do it immediately he didn't do it the next week as a matter of fact it took him 400 years 400 years has pas had passed since god promised that judgment would come on the amalekites god's patience had run out and it was time for judgment i would submit to you this morning church of god in christ that we have to understand that god's patience is only so much with us we have been saved we have been sanctified we have been holy ghost field but there are some things that we need to do so that god's patience will not run out over 400 years had passed and saul was to be the tool of god in this judgment but saul failed to carry out the orders of the lord instead saul did things his own way he spared the king of the amalekites and much of their flocks and herds as well that was the main problem it was because god wanted to destroy those individuals who had done something wrong to his children god made a promise to his children that i will bless those who bless you i will curse those who curse you and so god you don't mess with god's people and i want to tell each and every one of us on today let's be careful of how we treat each other let's be careful of how we talk to each other let's be careful of how we deal with one another because we are god's children and god does not allow his children to be in a situation where they will be hurt or that they will behold so tell your neighbor watch out i'm god's child so god wanted to get rid of the amalekites god wanted to destroy the amla kites because they were in the way of the promised land for the children of israel now why did this obedience occur well i will submit to you that the reason why this disobedience occurred from saul was because that he in his own way began to rebel against the god that got him to that place brothers and sisters the last time we heard from saul he wasn't even supposed to have been considered as a matter of fact he was running around with donkeys before they told him that he was going to be the king he was doing some things that he really should not have done being the king over israel but the bible tells us that he rebelled against god and he rebelled against the things of god the word rebellion comes from a root word that means bitter and god states that we are acting in bitterness toward him when we partially obey his word he did not obey all of the word of god but he partially obeyed the word of god and he even had the nerve the gall and the audacity to push his thinking and to push his way and to push his determination against the great god of almighty it's a dangerous thing tell your neighbor it's a dangerous thing when you turn against god tell them it's a dangerous thing when you rebel against god it doesn't matter what your position is it doesn't matter what your title is it doesn't matter who your family is it doesn't matter where you are in the church it doesn't matter what you have on it's a dangerous thing a dangerous thing to rebel against god because you are getting into self oh i wish i had somebody here this morning the bible tells us that there is a danger in what he was doing because another agenda emerged i want to tell you that saul once had the agenda that he was going to do what he was told to do but because he got lifted up in pride because he got lifted up in himself nobody can tell me what to do nobody can determine for me what i'm going to do upon myself i am going to do what it is that i want to do as a matter of fact the bible says that saul was so disobedient that he had just left carmel and he had a monument erected in his honor oh that's deep y'all that's deep because he only had just a few battles and he was victorious only because god made him victorious and he decided it's time for you to worship me it's time for you to praise me it's time for you to give me some honor and glory but brothers and sisters how many people know this morning that all of the glory all of the honor all of the praise belongs to the lord and whenever whenever you start taking god's glory whenever you start taking god's praise whenever you start taking what is rightfully god's you better look out because you're going to be destroyed yourself come on look at your neighbor and say neighbor watch out don't take god's glory oh come on somebody ought to praise god right there [Applause] all right so yes yes he messed up yes he did something that he was not supposed to do yes his agenda had emerged in another direction but brothers and sisters let me tell you why there is a danger in distorted vision are you ready this morning there is a danger in distorted vision because whenever your vision is distorted whenever your vision is not where it needs to be whenever you can't see what god is trying to show you whenever there are things in the way of what god wants you to see your vision begins to get destroyed and when it is distorted you no longer remember holiness you do know what holiness is you do know what sanctification is the bible tells us in hebrews 12 and 14 for i am the lord your god you shall therefore sanctify yourselves and ye shall be holy for i am holy the bible says follow peace with all men and holiness you do know that without no man shall see the lord the bible tells us in second corinthians 7 and 1 having therefore these promises daily beloved let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit perfecting holiness in the fear of god come here romans 12 and 1 i beseech you therefore brethren man i wish i had two or three people up in here i beseech you therefore brother by the mercies of god that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice holy somebody help me say holy acceptable unto god which is your reasonable service come on tell somebody thank god for holiness [Music] so now i have given to you the answers to the question why in the world why was it important that these individuals be destroyed they needed to be destroyed because god had said so and they were in the way of doing what god wanted them to do why did this disobedience occur because they were in a situation where if they disobeyed god once again the god would have a continuation of his back being turned on them why was there such a danger in distorted vision it's because they begin to forget holiness and brothers and sisters that's a very dangerous thing we've got to remember what it means to be holy we've got to remember what it means to put ourselves in a messed up situation we cannot be drunk with success the narrative tells us that he left where he was and the bible says he left and went to carmel he set up a victory monument in his honor he thought that because of the wars and the victories he hoped to magnify his own personality he began to be totally ignorant of his haughtiness the bible says the bible says that when he came to a certain area when he came to a certain area the bible says that god had already sent the prophet to have a conversation with him you know every now and then i said every now and then you need to have somebody that can tell you what thus saith the lord the bible says the bible says that samuel came to him and while samuel was out in the distance the bible says that saul said i have already done what the lord commanded me to do i have already done what god wanted me to do but samuel you know you can't fool the preacher let me say it like this you can't fool a sanctified preacher you can't fool a holiness preacher you can't fool a holy ghost filled preacher oh help me somebody samuel said if you did what the lord wanted you to do then why am i hearing the oxen why am i hearing the sheep and he said those people those people he began to deflect the blame off of himself and he began to put it on the people he said those people those individuals they have decided that they're going to take everything that's good and they're going to use it for the honor and glory of god but the prophet said that's not what i told you brothers and sisters oh help me somebody help me somebody brothers and sisters it's time for you to quit being in yourself it's time for you to quit messing up on your own and you've got to say lord lord whatever whatever whatever you want me to do i'm willing i'm willing to do it look at your neighbor and say neighbor neighbor whatever whatever the lord wants me to do i'm going to do it whatever whatever god wants me to pray i'm going to pray it whatever whatever whatever god wants me to do i'm going to do it come on put your hands together and bless the name of the lord come on and bless the lord so i'm here to tell you this morning that when you were little you had you have distorted vision now but when you were little there was no problem for you to come to church and praise the lord have you gotten too big to praise god in the sanctuary tell somebody when you were little when you were little you had no problem coming to church as a matter of fact it you just were in a hurry don't you remember when you first got saved come on don't you remember when you first got saved you were in a hurry to come and praise the lord but over a period of time you got just a little bit too big you got too big to praise him you got too big to magnify him there was a time when you didn't have custom-made suits but you can't praise god in what you have on now there was a time there was a time when you only had two or three outfits in the closet and you can't praise god with a closet full help me somebody there was a time there was a time there was a time when you had any kind of car with do as a matter of fact you would get on the bus and you would come to the house of prayer and thank god for the bus ride now we have all kinds of cars and we can't get to church on time you've gotten too big you've gotten too big you've gotten too big you've gotten too big god has a way god has a way god has a way of bringing us down come on somebody and say god god don't bring me down god let me keep on praising let me keep on magnifying let me keep on thanking you thank you thank you thank you thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord i'm still little come on tell somebody i'm still little i'm still little i don't have distorted vision i'm still little i still praise god like i've lost my mind i'm still little i still come into the house of prayer and act like i'm going crazy i'm still little in mine own eyes i'm going to praise him i'm going to thank him i'm going to thank him i'm going to thank him thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord you've been so good you've been so good you made a way out of no way thank you thank you you've been good you've been good you'll be good thank you lord thank you lord oh come on put those hands together come on and bless him come on and bless him come on and bless him come on and thank him come on and thank him come on and thank him come on put those hands together i want you to remember when you first got saved i want you to remember the the fire on the inside i want you to remember the great joy you had at one time and begin to think about what god has done and begin to praise him come on and praise him praise him praise him praise him on bless your name bless your name bless your name bless your name bless your name been so good been so good i can't tell at all you've been so good you saved me you turned me around you gave me a new lease on life thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord as a matter of fact come to this altar and just put your hands together from wherever you are and just begin to praise god come on from wherever you are come on come to this altar this morning come on come to this altar and just begin to thank god come on don't be scared come come right now come right now come right now lord i thank you lord i thank you lord i thank you thank you lord for making a way out of nowhere thank you lord for making a way out of the way thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord oh come on somebody you're the praise god he healed your body he healed your body he healed your body come on and thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord now come on and tell him take me back lord take me back lord take me back lord how many people want to go back to how it used to be come on and thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord come on and praise and praise it come on and praise it come on and praise him come on come on and praise it come on and praise him come on and praise him come on come on come on come on come on and praise him come on and thank him come on and thank him thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord are you too big to praise him are you too big to praise him thank you lord [Music] hey hey hey hey hey hey thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord come on and thank him thank him come on and thank you come on and thank him come on and thank him come on let thank him come on and thank him come on and thank him thank you come on thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you lord come on come on thank you thank you thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] thank you come on come on thank you come on in thank you thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord come on and thank him saints come on we got just a little bit of time come on thank him thank him thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord come on somebody help me pray come on somebody help me pray thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you god i pray for our church right now in the name of jesus god i pray for our church i pray for our church lord thank you for the church thank you for the holy ghost field church thank you for a sanctified church thank you for a bible believing church thank you lord thank you lord god touch our leaders right now in the name of jesus god touch our presiding bishop touch members of the general board in the name of jesus touch right now in the name of jesus come on saint john help me to intercede help me to get a seed for the church come on come on thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord god you touch our leaders now in the name of jesus god you help our leaders now in the name of jesus god you watch over each and every one of them now in the name of jesus god we come against the devil right now in the name of jesus god we speak peace we speak peace over our church right now in the name of jesus peace in the house peace in the house peace in the house in the name of jesus peace in the house in the name of jesus god don't let us destroy each other don't let us to tear down each other peace right now touch us right now in the name of jesus help us right now devil we rebuke you now we come against you right now by the power and by the authority that the lord has given to us we come against you now we rebuke you now we do have the victory we do have the victory in the name of jesus we are not defeated but we are victorious come on somebody put your hands together hallelujah [Music] holiday with every head bowed in every eye closed hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah every head bowed every eye closed you might be dealing this morning with distorted vision you've been dealing with it for a long time you haven't been able to see like you needed to see when you were little in your own eyes you praised god you gave god glory but now you've gotten too big in your own eyes we've gotten too big but we need to go back to fasting we need to go back to praying we need to go back to seeking the lord not seeking positions not seeking titles but going back to seeking the lord if there is one person here today that is not saved i know this is a convocation but there might be somebody here today that you don't have the lord as your personal savior the bible says forgot so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life god sent his son into the world not to condemn the world but that the world through him might be saved if you want to be saved just come right now right now lord forgive me lord forgive me lord forgive me of my sins oh thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord god we have extended the invitation
Channel: Albany's Internet Mall
Views: 472
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Bishop Robert G. Rudolph Jr., The Danger of Distorted Vision, 111th Holy Convocation, Church of God in Christ, COGIC, The Church Seasoning the World
Id: UGgZkWeFkmI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 38sec (2498 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 06 2021
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