Celebrating the Life of Jean Walkes

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so so [Music] [Music] good afternoon everyone shall we all stand none of us lives to himself and none of us dies to himself if we live we live to the lord and if we die we die to the lord so then whether we live or whether we die we are the lords for to this end christ died and lived again that we might be lord wolf of the dead and of the living blessed be the god and father of our lord savior jesus christ by his great mercy we have been born anew through a living hope through the resurrection of jesus christ from the dead and to an inheritance which is imperishable and unfading the eternal god is your refuge and underneath are the everlasting arms as a father pities his children so the lord pities those who fear him as one whom his mother comforts so will i comfort you he will feed his flock like a shepherd he will gather the lambs in his arms and he will carry them in his bosom we would not have you to be ignorant brethren concerning those who are asleep that you may not grieve as others do who have no hope for sins who believe that jesus died and rose again even so with jesus god will bring with him those who have fallen asleep blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted and i am sure that neither death nor life nor angels nor principalities nor things present nor things to come nor powers nor height nor depth nor anything else in all creation will be able to separate us from the love of god in christ jesus our lord amen we remain standing as we saying they aim oh lord my god when i in awesome wonder consider all the works thy hands have made i see the stars i hear the role in thunder thy power throughout the universe displayed [Music] oh [Music] i see the stars i [Music] to thee how great is [Music] then sings my soul my savior god [Music] oh [Music] [Music] and forests [Music] sing sweetly in the trees when i look down from a lofty mountain a gentle breeze [Music] my savior god [Music] oh [Music] it sings my soul my favorite [Music] to thee [Music] is [Music] and when i think [Music] that god hates sun not spirits [Music] i can't take [Music] that corner the cross my burden gladly buried he believed [Music] my songs [Music] [Music] my soul my send your god [Music] [Music] when a crush shall come [Music] with the shelf of our clothing [Music] and take me home what joy shall fill my heart [Music] then i shall [Music] proclaim [Music] then it sings my songs [Music] to leave [Music] my send your god [Music] weep our heads in prayer we turn along and happy father we gathered here lord with heavy hearts and with sad reflections oh god we come in your presence of father that you will comfort us as we come with these hearts of god to plea unto you that you will comfort your people here and now father god we ask so god that whatever we do in this act of worship will be to the honor and glory of your name though at times of god we may feel pain and experience the anger and perhaps the aftermath of what comes but father god we pray that you will be in our presence that we o god will find within the sanctuary how great you are to all of us so father god we pray that you will bless this act of worship bless us as we continue to reflect on your mercies and on the life you've given to us and that as a people god that we ourself will understand that you are here in the midst of our tragedy in the midst of our sadness and that we yourself can be comforted in the presence of almighty god so be with us oh lord we pray in christ jesus we pray and all god's people say amen amen he may be seated my friends in christ let me at this time greet you all as we are gathered here this afternoon let me first just introduce a few persons who will be taking part in this act of worship i'm just sitting to my right is the reverend movie kelman who is the associate pastor for the sharon and the dunscombe moravian church leading your service this afternoon is the reverend delroy burley the associate pastor for the calvary moravian church and sitting to my left is the senior pastor the reverend dr adrian smith who will give this the message later on this afternoon also but not least we have also the song leader who will be taking part in our act of worship which is sister son gina curtin and we pray that as we continue to give god thanks that we ourself will be encouraged in these times we also want to recognize and acknowledge those persons who are streaming our service live on our webpage whether or facebook or our youtube channel and we pray that you will be comforted this time and we offer our sincere sympathies to you for those of you who are not able to be here in this act of worship you want to recognize those persons and also to acknowledge you for those persons who come to share your last respect to the family and to the deceased at this time we want to acknowledge you at this time on behalf of the leadership of this church we want to offer our deepest condolences to the family who are grieving and we pray god's blessing upon you as you experience this time in his presence my brothers and sisters as we continue with our act of worship we will now invite or with your sister to share with us the tribute that his sister kim walks who will share with us the tribute after which we'll have the auditory hymn which will be played for us which is just a rose we have the tribute at this time my tribute to aunt jean when i was asked to pay tribute to anjin i was a bit apprehensive at first because i could not figure out how i would tell everyone what aunt you meant to me in such a short time i figured if i had to really express how good she was to me we would all be here well past curfew anyway i have decided to give you all a glimpse into my second mom's life auntie raised me from six months until i sat the eleven plus examination during that time i practically lived a hundred and i only went home with my mother on weekends and jean took the time to nurture and care for me like her own she even told everyone i was her second daughter aunt gene instilled good moral values such as respect kindness patience humility courage forgiveness generosity honesty hard work and relationship with god she prepared all my meals whatever i wanted she would do that even my mother said that she had me spoiled she did devotions with me at night she took me to the beach every saturday morning and she also taught me how to manage money after i started primary school and gene began to sell snacks at the bottom of the hill through kimberly everyone came to know aunt jean students teachers and even parents so much so that parents would tell their children to wait by aunt jean until they came to collect them after school aunt jean continued this venture long after i left charles at broome memorial primary school auntie was well known in the neighborhood and everyone knew she was very disciplined once school was over and you came home on evenings it was a shower dinner and straight to homework no tv watching until that homework was complete however it better be done before 7 p.m because it would be time for the evening news and angie will be watching the news when i decided that i was going home with my mother i went to aunt jean and i said to her i'm going to go home with my mommy now and she said it's okay sweetie i know you have to go home that is your mother but i will miss you even after this i will still visit and spend time with aunt jean aunt jean was a loving selfless wonderful woman but she was also a no-nonsense woman and we all know that very well the members of calvary can attest to her love and dedication to her church as well as her no-nonsense attitude all that i am today i owe to aunt jean's love and devotion i love you auntie and i will miss you rest well until we meet again [Music] do [Music] do [Music] bye [Music] [Laughter] [Music] bye bye [Music] take [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music] bye [Music] do we gave god glory for the gift of music as we continue with our act of worship we will now have our offertory hymn which will be played for us just a rose um the ushers will pass around as they will collect the offering as we remain seated as we sing well if we would like to sing but we will listen to the recordings as it were played for us just [Music] when arose shall come [Music] don't spend your money on [Music] [Music] just [Music] reach so true [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] i need nobody [Music] [Applause] [Music] don't spend your money [Music] [Music] i invite you please stand let us as we bar heads in prayer and so heavenly father we pray almighty god that this gift that we give to you at this time that your god will bless it and that you enable it to the lord to be used for your furtherance of your gospel and for your work here on earth we pray almighty god that you will comfort those of us who mourn at this time and for those of us who come with a heavy heart that you will god will grant them peace in your presence may these words of comfort be to us o god in christ seeing me pray amen amen amen you may be seated at this time we take comfort in the scriptures as it comes to us from psalm 23 after which we have first corinthians chapter 15 reading from verse 50 to verse 58 that's psalms 23 after which we have first corinthians 15 reading from verse 50 through the 58 first lesson reading psalms 23 the lord is my shepherd i shall not want he may give me to lay down in green pastures he leadeth me beside the still waters he restored my soul he leadeth me in the path of righteousness for his name said ye though i walk through the valley of the shadow of death i will fear no evil for thou art with me thy rod and thy staff comfort me they thou prepare for table before me in the presence of my enemies though anointed my head with oil my cut running over surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life i will dwell in the host of the lord amen the word of the lord thanks be to god our second lesson comes to us from first corinthians chapter 15 reading from verse 50 through verse 58 after which we will invite sister sanjina curtains who will lead us in some items of praise first corinthians 15 50-58 what am i saying brothers and sisters is this flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of god nor does the parish travel inherit the impression in perishable listen i will tell you a mystery we will not all die but we will all be changed in a moment in the twinkling of an eye at the last trumpet for the trumpet with song and the dead will be raised imperishable and we will be changed for this parish of a body must put on imperishability and this smarter body must split on immortality when this spiritual body puts on aim perishability and this mortal body puts on imma immorality then the saying that his written will be fulfilled death has been swaddled up in victory where all death is your victory where or death is your sting the sting of death is same and the power of sin is the law but thanks be to god who gives us the victory through our lord jesus christ therefore my beloved be steadfast immovable always excelling in the word of the lord because you know that in the lord your labor is not in vain this is the word of the lord thanks be to god we now invite sister sanjina curtains who will lead us in some courses after which the next voice you will hear is that of the reverend dr adrian smith who will give us the charge for this afternoon you are the god of miracles you are the god of wonders you are the god all-powerful i believe i believe let us sir please [Music] i trust in you oh lord jehovah i trust i believe i believe in you i trust in you oh lord jehovah you i trust in you i believe i believe you are the god of miracles you are the god of one [Music] i believe i believe i believe jehovah [Music] i trust in you i believe i believe you are the god of miracles you are the god of wanderers you [Music] i believe i believe i believe [Music] i believe i believe so long bye bye [Music] goodbye to my pain and my sorrow so long bye bye so long bye so long bye bye [Music] [Music] you are the god you are the god of [Music] miracles i believe i believe i believe i believe i believe i believe [Music] you are my strength when i am weak you are the treasure that i seek you are my all in all [Music] you are my son when i am weak you are the treasure that i see you are my own seeking you as the parents just you love to [Music] see jesus jesus lamb of god [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] rising again i bless your name you are my own [Music] when i fall down you pick me up when i am dry you fill my cup you are my all in all see jesus [Music] worthy [Music] jesus christ [Music] is [Music] is [Music] worship his majesty unto jesus be our glory honor and praise jesus who died now glorified king of all kings [Music] much you see [Music] worship his majesty [Music] unto jesus [Music] closed captioning [Music] come glorify christ jesus [Music] worship his majesty [Music] jesus [Music] one [Music] worship his majesty [Music] jesus [Music] slowly [Music] [Music] come glorify [Music] worship his majesty jesus [Music] jesus is [Music] jesus you love me too much hope your love is kind your love is patient you fill my heart with so much peace and joy you're amazing [Music] you're amazing [Music] your love is kind your love is patience [Music] you fill my heart with so much peace [Music] you're amazing you make my life feel brand new you're amazing you make my life feel brand new jesus should love me too much too much too much excess love [Music] jesus you love me too much oh too much too much your excess love jesus should love me too much oh too much too much so excess love jesus you love me too [Music] love me too much [Music] too [Music] too much too much your excess love on love me too much too much oh too much or excess love on [Music] hallelujah maybe seated in the presence of almighty god before i share with us from the word of god there are number of pastors who would have loved to be here but cannot for one reason or the other and they've asked me to convey to the family their prayers and sympathies so we have condolences coming from the reverend dr jeremy francis a reminder to the family that god is your refuge and strength condolences from the reverend roslyn hamlin a past pastor of this congregation she says i express sympathy to the walks family on the passing of your loved one sister jean who gave willingly of her service to her church and her lord may she be enfolded in his warm embrace and may you the family be comforted by the love of god and then from the reverend dr vanell roberts first john 3 18 my little children let us not love in word neither in tongue but in deed and in truth she says if you paid attention to aunt gene's mouth you would keep far from her but if you are patient enough to get to know her you would realize that beyond and gene's words there was a kind hearted caring and loving person as one of my closest neighbors while i lived in welch's terrace i have found memories of anjin as an elder and jean told you exactly what she meant to say at the elders meeting it was the hardest thing to get her to tone down her language as a devoted member i remember when she offered herself along with sister joy cox to clean the church if you passed over her mopping pastor or no pastor you won't hear the end of that as a good auntie she would bring a pack of mints for me every sunday and i got some before she couldn't give me any more i must confess not only that but when she cooked something special like sea eggs she would be sure to share some with me and my family reverend vanell continues my most precious memory of aunt jean was when kimar was born you would think that kimar was her son she had him everywhere she went and even took him on the cruise with her he was her pride and her joy for a long time and jeanne was waiting on some husband to come to make her mistress but we can say with confidence that now she is with the best husband god on behalf of the doctor mikey roberts and our family i extend condolences to sheldin kimar lisa and all the other family members children-in-laws grandchildren great-grandchildren nieces nephews and the entire extended family loved ones and the calvary family may her soul rest in peace and light perpetual shine upon her the reverend daughter curtin roberts brothers and sisters i invite you for a few moments to reflect with me on the passage first corinthians chapter 15 verse 50 through to 55. as was chosen by the family first corinthians chapter 15 a reading from verse 50 through to verse 58. i declare to you brothers and sisters that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of god nor does the perishable inherit the imperishable listen i tell you a mystery we will not all sleep but we all will be changed in a moment in the twinkling of an eye in a flash at the last trumpet for the trumpet will sound and the dead will be raised and perishable and we will be changed for the perishable must clothe itself with the imperishable and the mortal with immortality when the perishable has been clothed with the imperishable and the mortal with immortality then the saying that is written will come true death has been swallowed up in victory where or death is your victory and where or death is your sting the sting of death is sin and the power of sin is the law but thanks be to god he gives us the victory through our lord jesus christ therefore my dear brothers and sisters stand firm let nothing move you always give yourselves fully to the work of the lord because you know that your labor in the lord is not in vain the word of god for the people of god sister sheldin and family here's the theme that god has laid on my heart to share with you from this word and it is simply this thanks be to god thanks be to god let us pray gracious god i pray that she will speak to us in accents clear and still allow the words of my mouth the reflection and meditation of all our hearts to be acceptable unto you for god you are our strength and you are our redeemer in jesus name we pray and the people of god see amen i read to you brothers and sisters from the latter part of paul's letter to a church in corinth and as he writes this letter to the people the saints who are in corinth he's writing to a people some of whom doubted the resurrection some of whom had questions and queries some of whom were still trying to work through this faith in jesus christ they were still trying to make sense of the lord and savior who said that he was going to prepare a place for you that where i am you will be also but time was passing by and he had not yet returned it is at this juncture that the apostle paul writes to them about the foundation of our faith and that is the resurrection of jesus christ from the dead as the apostle writes to them he reminds them that as we live our lives something will happen some things will take place and one of the realities that he makes them aware of is that there will be a change i am often told brothers and sisters that the only constant in life is change and so the hymn writer pens some powerful words through all the change in scenes of life in trouble or enjoy the praises of my god i'll sing my heart and tongue employ and so paul picks up and and and jumps on this when he says behold i i tell you a mystery we shall not all sleep but we all shall be changed i'm sure that as i look at many of you this afternoon you will tell me that the person i am seeing now is not the person you were 20 years ago true or not i'm sure that many of you would tell me pastor i was a lot slimmer come on praise the lord hallelujah some people will say pastor i was better looking than that oh lord let's not go there pastor i've gone through some changes and so paul says to them hey brothers and sisters we will all go through some changes and the greek word change suggests some things will cease and something else will take its place here is why then sister shaldeen i want to offer to us this afternoon that we must all respond and resound thanks be to god for these changes what are these changes that paul says to the church that he now says to us even as we lay our love beloved and gene to rest he reminds us thanks be to god because this perishable must put on imperishable this perishable must put on the imperishable this sense of being perishable gives us the english understanding of that which is likely to decay that which is likely to spoil that which is likely to go bad that which is likely to get injured that which is likely to start to not work and i'm sure that as i talked to all of us this afternoon you if you had the opportunity will tell me all the parts of your body that don't function the way they used to come on talk to me church you will begin to tell me all the parts of the body that seem to be getting stiffer or the parts of the body that tend to change all the parts of the body that are no longer there some of us had here but we ain't got to hear no more the parts of the body that are decaying and the apostle was quick to tell the people hey we got to thank god because what we see now in this life as a decaying body as a body that stops functioning as a body that rocks as a body that goes back to being dust but when it comes to jesus we gotta bless the lord because he takes this perishable and he makes it imperishable that is why we grieve as a people who have hope because through jesus christ we all can put on the imperishable robe hallelujah thanks be to jesus for this perishable and if you're sitting before me and you won't convince me that your body indicating you're in denial because all the dye you use all the products you use can stop the aging process and so the writer in the old testament says human beings we are like the grass and the flower which blossoms at the noonday we peak we shine we are radiant exquisite we attract we are the center of attention but alas my family we will all decree and die the writer then cautions us don't let that cause you panic don't let that cause you fear don't let that intimidate you but give thanks to jesus for this perishable must put on the imperishable thanks be to god secondly for this mortal must put on immortality not only must this perishable put on the imperishable but this mortal must put on immortality this is so profound brother andrew because we must remember that our god the asian of days is immortal he is eternal from everlasting to everlasting he is god alpha omega beginning and the end he's perfect in all his ways and therefore to be with god forever we cannot be mortal but jesus says hey i'm going to prepare a place but there will be a change there will be a transition there will be something that must take place for you and i to spend eternity with god this mortal must now put on immortality i know for some people the thought of this reality seems so far-fetched but let's think about this a little deeper the apostle paul writes to them and he says hey flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of god we are kingdom citizens not by virtue of flesh but we are kingdom citizens by virtue of the spirit of god so how does he wrestle with the people who might say to themselves i got time how does he respond to a people who say but i do it well nothing can happen and won't happen but these people are living in a denial because the truth be told change comes quickly i used to hear everybody says life begins at 40 and when i got to 40 all of a sudden i start conceivable i said no jesus the devil is a lawyer in a moment in a twinkling of an eye you used to be able to jump off the bed no you gotta ease up come on talk to me somebody you used to be able to bend down quick nowadays you gotta be careful or you're bending and if at all your bend you can bend but you can't come on talk to me somebody in a moment in a twinkling of an eye and we here in barbados have now adopted a culture where every sunday when we bite the people for some of us the first and only section of the paper we read is the death announcements because in a moment we see them in town we see them in the shop we passed them at church we went to school with them we hear them and all of a sudden we miss them and now we hear they are no more but this mortal must paton immortality because we serve a god who is eternal and everlasting and he offers to us the opportunity to spend forever with him and so the songwriter says forever with the lord amen so let it be because what god does is that he gives us a wonderful opportunity to grab hold of the greatest gift ever given to humanity it is the gift of eternal life but how then do i close what this paul writes as we say thanks be to god and as we think about aunt jean's own life and her own journey her own story i believe that we say thanks to god because this perishable must put on in perishability and this mortal must put on immortality but finally brothers and sisters i wish to submit to us thanks be to god because our battles will lead us to victory thanks be to god because our battles will lead us to victory every sunday sister gene used to sit close to them doors right where the casket was every sunday and i told the congregation after i finished the benediction and i walked out there to greet the the carving guns as they were leaving since eugene will want to be the first people who come to me and when she shake my hand and she thanked me for the service what a good service and if the singing was to her liking she would say she liked it if it wasn't she was saying but you know pastor anyhow we won't discuss that no but then she would say pasta i have a knee here you see and she would hice up the dress sometimes they would get a little scared cause but she heisted up enough for me to see a swollen knee and then like good old people you know how your people is doing is clapping you know but beloved in christ i'm standing here to tell you that god has given her victory over the knee and over every single pain and illness because we believe that death is now swallowed up in victory we thank god for the victory because through jesus he has conquered sin hallelujah death hallelujah the grave has no power for no grave could keep his body down and the struggles you go through in life if you hold on to jesus you will have a victory so the apostle paul then says thanks be to god who gives us the victory through jesus christ it is because of jesus that the struggles of life are one it is because of jesus that the wrestling and the wranglings we go through in life are no more it is because of jesus that the fights that we have within and without and gene wasn't perfect i mean you know that and i know that and if you ever got on her wrong side you surely would have been knowing and she ain't rolling back whether she went church or not you could see what he wants and she can tell you what she gonna tell you be vexed or be pleased but even with the fightings within she held on to god and the fightings without she held on to god so as you hear my voice today beloved whether you struggling whether you're fighting whether you're barely getting through hold on to god because it don't matter for her it was a knee and other illnesses for you it might be something totally different for her there was stuff that weighed on her heart but she said pastor i will take it to the lord in prayer because she was persuaded that if she kept holding on to jesus that god will give her the victory so now we stand and sit here today and in a few moments the reverend moable kalman will come and lead us in prayer and one of the prayers will tell you that for her all sickness and sorrow has ended and death itself is no pass our light momentary afflictions lead us to a far greater glory so when this young man sang a song he says his name i think is todd delaney he says victory belongs to jesus he asks the question he says who will stand against the lord and that's why if you ever pay attention to the processional sentences that preachers read and we don't read these sentences because we ain't got anybody to do you know we read them because they're part of a theology or understanding about life and death and so we declare to you brothers what shall separate us from the love of god shall tribulation shall hardship some of us going through that right now shall peril shall nakedness or even sword no in all these things we are more than conquerors through christ who loved us and gave himself for us and therefore we can declare that i am persuaded that neither death hallelujah nor height nor angels nor principalities or nor things happening now or even things that it happened yet for i am persuaded that nothing in all god's creation will be able to separate me from the love of god will be able to separate you from the love of god in christ jesus our lord so you know what church all i could tell you is thanks be to god no more must and gene travel in this robe of flesh no more mushy bear the pain of sickness in a body but she has shed this robe of flesh she heard the master calling we love her but what do we say god love her best and now we must release her into the arms of her master but the funeral sermon is not for the dead the funeral sermon is for the living so the question to you is will you be able to say thanks be to god as you acknowledge this perishable must put on imperishability it's going to decay it's going to rot it's going to start work it's going to get worse arthritis and headaches and you name it it will come but god says i will never leave you and i will not forsake you hold on to god for god holds on to us this mortal must put on immortality so that forever we will be with the lord and i assure you this afternoon as bleak as it may seem as dark as your tunnels are as overcast as your life is jesus gives us the victory in the name of god the father god the son and god the holy spirit and the people of god say bow your heads with me even if you're streaming this service because sometimes what affects one affects all we are witnessing a plethora of illnesses a manifestation of sicknesses across the earth that we have not seen we are in the midst of a pandemic wreaking havoc not just in barbados but across the world we have watched and witnessed as even the attempts to bring closure to the death of our loved ones is impacted can't have more than this number and alas if they die with kobe you can't even see them anymore it means then my brothers and sisters we must make the most of every opportunity that we have the people we see now there's no guarantee that you can see them tomorrow so be kind tenderhearted speak to them thank them for who they are and what they've done in your life celebrate with them their milestones and achievements and may god help us to live as better human beings with each other spirit of god with heads bowed in the sanctuary and all across the virtual world we say thank you again for sister gene walks thank you god that we met her for those who were blessed to be nurtured by her for those to whom she sold but the selling god was not just the issue she became a parent figure she became a guardian she became one who helped others so that their lives could be better we ask you almighty god that as we sit in the sanctuary and across the virtual world that you would help us to come to grips with the changes in life change is hard change is scary change is sometimes painful so god i pray that you will anoint each of us from the crown of our heads to the soul of our feet that you would grant us the grace even with a decaying body that you will grant us the strength to be able to handle the negative changes in life and may all honor the sound of my voice be impacted so much by the word declared today that there is fulfillment of your word that your word will not return to you void but it will accomplish what you send it forth to accomplish here are prayers in the name of jesus the son of the living god and the people of god saying amen and amen i invite you therefore to stand with me as we sing a testimony for those who are still journeying in this land the lord's my shepherd i'll not want he makes me down to lie in pastors green he leadeth me the quiet waters by but the verse that i love and i draw your attention to yeah though i walk in this dark veil will i fear no ill for thou art with me and thyroid and staff me comfort still let us stand and sing with the assurance that we have as we thank god for his victory [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] is [Music] me [Applause] is [Music] is is [Music] [Applause] foreign [Applause] foreign [Music] [Applause] amen for free lord have mercy upon us lord have mercy upon us by your human birth by your obedience and faithfulness by your praise and tales by your identity and passion by your dying words by your reconciling death by your rest in the grave by your triumphant resurrection by your abiding presence most holy and merciful god the refuge and strength of those who put their trust in you beside you for the multitude no one can number whom you have received into your eternal joy we praise you that you have forgiven them all their sins and that they dwell with you beyond evil and sour forever we thank you also for all to whom amid the trials of this mortal life you give the faith that overcomes the world who have peace in you and rejoice in hope of your glory through jesus christ our lord eternal god before whose faith the generations rise and passed away be blessed and praise your name for all who have departed this life in faith and especially for gene yvonne waltz for all your kindness to worry throughout her earthly life we give you thanks we thank you that for her our sickness and sorrow are ending and that death itself is passed almighty god may be inspired by the example of your saints run with patience the race that is set before us looking to jesus the author and perfecter of our faith so that when this mortal life is ended we may be gathered with those whom we have loved in the kingdom of your glory when there shall be no more death neither sorrow nor crying neither shall there be any more pain for the former things have passed away through jesus christ our lord father of mercies and god of all comfort you make nothing in vain and love all that you have made look intend mercy on your people in their laws enable them to find in you their refuge and their strength a very present help in trouble sustain them and deliver them from bitterness despair and doubt of your love comfort them in their sadness uphold them with your strong love help them to face the future without fear knowing that their and all whom they love are in your hands and that nothing in life not even death itself can separate any one of us from your love in jesus christ our lord or god or father by whom we are led to the changes of time to the rest and blessedness of eternity be near us to comfort and whole make us to know that your people are precious in your sight and that they live ever more with you as we thank you for jin yvonne walls whose life we share may we trust you at this time of partying oh god give us of your strength that we may take up our lives more bravely and seek to be more faithful and duty and more loving and helpful to others following those who are no longer with us here on earth and may we in our turn find in your great mercy the perfect and unending rest of god through jesus christ our lord amen let us commend your sister to the mercy of [Music] jesus god we entrust jesus in the faith of jesus christ again and he might enjoy your surpasses life human understanding keep our guard your hearts and minds in the knowledge and the fallen of the son jesus christ our lord [Music] jesus sing his mercies and his grace [Music] [Applause] now [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] so [Applause] [Applause] yes [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign
Channel: Calvary Moravian Church
Views: 1,475
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: Pl48fTPBKOs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 25sec (5125 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 14 2021
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