Bishop Carl A. Pierce - The Danger of Lost Savor

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every head is bowed every eye is closed i got our father we're just grateful to know you as lord you've availed yourself to us as the mighty god that you are not like you know where none to come you're one of a kind god and all of your majesty your splendor your glory done so much for us unsaved and you saved us [Music] sick and you healed our bodies down and you lifted us out and you brought us in you've been a good god and we give you praise you've allowed us another opportunity to enter these gates and courts with thanksgiving and to give you praise we ask you now have your way walk up and down these aisles move all in between these rolls throw your weight around if you will be the mighty god that you are you call the shots and we'll just say yes lord saving this place heal and displace delivers set captives free break yolks and destroy fetters and we'll give you the praise we'll give you the honor and we'll give you the glory i thank you now for another preaching opportunity pray that you would arrest the attention of these your people that they may have a receptive ear to hear what the spirit said to the church let self be denied let self be crucified using me as an oracle that will speak your truth a vessel for your use and i promise you i won't take any credit for anything that you do but even now we give you the praise the honor and the glory in jesus name and the church said thank god come on somebody shout amen before you go to your seat will you clap your hands and give god great praise come on there's a blessing in every hand handclap so you determine how blessed you're going to be tonight come on there's a blessing in every now don't just clap your hands but shout unto god with the voice of triumph come on there's a shout in this house hallelujah you may be seated in the presence of the lord under the spirit of christ and of course we give deserved honor and due deference to he of whom i call the greatest christian leader in the world our presiding bishop the honorable bishop charles e blake senior i know we've celebrated and appreciated god for him but would you help me appreciate god for our presiding bishop god bless you bishop bishop blake to the first and second assistant presiding bishops the bishop philip aquila brooks bishop jerry wayne macklin members of the presidium the general board bishop john henry chairman of the board of bishops and to my colleagues members of the board so honored to be one of you the quorum of national officers chairman thuston and all of the other national officers of our great church in particular to our general secretary the bishop joel harley lyles jr jurisdictional prelate of greater maryland first ecclesiastical jurisdiction of which i have had the privilege to be a part for a number of years we bless god for you bishop lyles to our sainted mother mother barbara makuu lewis supervisor of the department of women and of course mother lewis it is with great anticipation that we look forward to you and the international women's convention converging on our city in just a few months god bless lady mae blake lady bae my wife loved you so much and if she was here tonight she would be doing what she did best uh serving she loved to serve our first family i want to appreciate you for the love and the support you've been to us would you help me again celebrate lady lady maybelline surprise emeritus mother willie may rivers god bless you mother rivers and of course to any number of sainted uh women of the lord i can't call everybody's name my member remember the church i passed the mother sylvia law god bless you of the law mother freddie joy is here i'm sure somewhere mother hurley russell the one and only dr diana chandler banks god bless all of you love you all so very much a remnant of my carter family is here i want to do this quickly god bless you where are you saints god bless you [Music] i consider carter to be one of the greatest churches if not the greatest church on the face of the earth i love you all so much thank you for uh yes thank you so very much god bless um members of my family are here amen my sister stood with me last year at the request of my wife who was in the hospital little did i know that returning from convocation she would go to be with the lord but i want my sister to know that i am so pleased and uh thankful for you um and my niece my brother is here god bless all of you amen come on praise god if you will for my my family and of course uh lastly um my son and my daughter carl tiffany would you stand god has blessed my life would you help me appreciate god for my family and i know this may be a bit unorthodox but i would that you would just help me appreciate god for the gift of my wife for almost 30 years who's with the lord she sleeps in the silent city she would be so proud the opportunity extended me tonight would you help me appreciate god for my wife lady candice tears there is a word from the lord i whether you were turning your bibles to first peter chapter two thank you bishop blake i know of no one other honor that could be more honorable than to stand and proclaim the gospel in the greatest church in the world the church of god in christ [Music] first peter chapter 2 verse 9 there you will find these words that you are chosen generation a royal priesthood an holy nation of peculiar people you should show forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvelous light which in time past were not a people who had not identity as a people the new living translation says but are now the people of god which have not obtained mercy but now have obtained mercy and then matthew chapter number five verse 13 yield the salt of the earth but if the salt have lost his savor wherewith shall it be salted it is thenceforth the good for nothing but to be cast out and to be trodden under the foot of men and then just as an embellishment to the text the first eight words of revelations trap chapter three verse two be watchful and strengthened the things which remain ye our chosen generation a royal priesthood a holy nation a peculiar people you're the salt of the earth but if the salt have lost his savior wherewith shall it be assaulted the next few moments that we shall share together i want to preach from the simonic thing the danger of lost savior the danger of lost savor would you just look up at your neighbor and say neighbor oh neighbor whatever you do don't lose the savior would you just look at the other side find you somebody on the other side and say neighbor o neighbor don't lose the saber but strengthen that which remains because the world needs your salt that's what i want to talk about for the next few fleeting moments my brothers and sisters i opened confessing that i i pondered my assignment and study for this preachment and was prayerful concerning this preaching moment it would it kept willing in my spirit the significance and appropriateness of the theme the church seasoning the world the refrain of which as a denomination we have massed under and been guided through these past months and as i pondered on it and recited the notion of the seasoning it kept resonating within me the significance of it even with regard to certain of the marks and identifying features that have codified over the years the church to be who in fact she is which i dare say it would seem that the idea and or notion of seasoning then is and has been over time one of the identifying qualities and their attributes of who and or what the church is and of course i say that now because suffice it to say that no other entity nor institution brothers and sisters on the face of the earth has been relegated to such distinction in both purpose and call as say the church of the living god and of course that is now not so much uh as such about denomination as it is designation the church of god that is in christ jesus the bride of christ the called out assembly the body of christian believers but then two on the other hand our place of worship not to mention what it is that we do when we get here which allows for then what i call the trichotomy of the church's essence whereby at least in the context of our whole this movement and as holiness pentecostals the church comes to church to have church without a confusing or compromising of the role of either but it is there that i approached my assignment this evening because having been reared in the church even when i dare say the church was not necessarily in me because unlike many of you i was not always saved nor have i always had the church in me but even then i understood however certain of the the nuances of the church i understood certain of the distinctions that denoted one's affiliation with the church regardless to say whether or not one was at church as such or not because as i can remember as as a lad in in particular on yesterday the saints beloveds did not pull off and put on who they were as children of god but rather were a people suffice it to say noted for their consistency i mean because their seasoning now of who they were dictated a level of consistency in them and so much so my friends that they were not now a people as i can recollect prone towards the inconsistency of say dressing up for church and then dressing down in lifestyle demeanor and behavior once they left the house of god i mean because there there were certain attributes and characteristics that that distinctively yes governed who who they were help me holy ghost and no matter when or where you saw beloveds a seasoned saint in fact i dare say that when the old church mother stepped outside of her door for a short stroll or a quick trip to the mailbox or even to the supermarket or to make groceries as they used to say but she went now cloaked in the religiosity of who she was i mean because the mark was upon her and it testified of certain things about her in every facet of of her life are you going to pray with me tonight the mark of the believer's identity my brothers and sisters there were certain distinctions that testified to who the saints were particularly on yesterday and particularly now as born again believers in the lord jesus christ even i dare say certain features that denoted unarguably who they were and of course suffice it to say that a certain seasoning now was one of those one of those marks it was like a maturity it was like a fragrance that was upon the believer likened unto no other for the saints possessed yes something on the inside that worked on the outside and then they process the things in their minds differently and weren't so quick to readily be receptacles of negativity yet nobody could pull rank on a seasoned saint uh yes even nobody oh god uh yes uh could pull rank on you like a seasoned saint good yes at least in the village of my wearing nobody could sit you down and care less how you felt about it like one of the seasoned saints that had been rooted and grounded in the way of truth oh god help me here i mean because they're seasoning now although nothing that they particularly took pride in flaunting yet it was a kind of natural trademark that they possessed as it would seem that had the power medeas in search to pull down strongholds and cast the devil out of the mines and let the devil know who they were by reason of whose they were a child of the king but they had a mark on them and that mark was oh god a maturity that they possessed as children of god but that was a mark of who they were and i dare say that they defied any adversary even the devil to try and take who they were as a child of god nobody nobody nobody could snatch it from them god hit me here i mean in no circumstance a situation that they confronted in life and living our god had the power to snatch from the believer who and what they were in the lord jesus christ yes they have something on the inside and the marks signify now who they were and what it was that they had in them as believers and followers of the lord jesus christ a heavenly treasure in an earthen vessel a heavenly treasure in in an earthen vessel that allowed them to hold it together no matter what uh and if i was back home that would really be a good place yes uh to do some neighbor talk in fact if you don't mind just look up at your neighbor and tell your neighbor say neighbor i'm operating in this world yes even at convocation with a heavenly treasure in this earthen vessel i need you to talk to somebody tell me it's an unbreakable treasure in this breakable vessel and if i didn't have it on the inside oh god i won't have to go by myself if i didn't have it on the inside after all i've been through god i would have become unglued a long time ago but because there's something on the inside that's working on the outside it does it now to the glory of god the father and to the edification of the people of god oh i wish i could stay there but i've got to move on but now they're smart brothers and sisters and of course i wrestled uh a bit with this instead because as much as i wanted to be true to the text i also wanted to highlight in this presentation the significance church of god in christ of our not forgiving who we are lest we lose hold on who and what god has called us to be and that is the seasoning ages in this present world will notice my friends that in defining now this idea or notion of the mark of the believer's identity well mark now is an identifying quality or feature in fact even an attitude of mannerism or a certain demeanor a behavior that uniquely sucks a person or group or a specific thing apart from the other and then it connects you down then to their specific assignment yes an identifying quality of feature i'm going somewhere and noticing studying the notion well what you find is this identity thing throughout the bible particularly in the old testament whereby particular bloodlines and tribes have their own features in in fact scripture and the bible is replete in identifying the unique customs the qualities and characteristics that each possessed that that distinguish the various groups of tribes say from each other even uh the various nations one from another for there was something unique about each of them that separated them now from others like them in in fact in various passages of scripture you you find god in his omnipotence being specifically concerned as it would seem about protecting the customs of the children of israel and he made it clear the bible records to the kings the rulers and the leaders of israel he made it clear now his desire concerning his people and that was now that as leaders they not impart that they not divulge or bring into israel's culture stuff that didn't belong there that that they not introduced to israel the customs qualities and traditions of other nations and tribes in an effort toward avoiding the spirit of contamination god hit me here for god's desire for them one can conclude was that they not be so impressed by outside forces to the extent that they mix cultures that they use beliefs and blend philosophies to to the detriment of the potency of the uniqueness of each in fact as it would seem it would seem that the attitude of god was to the leaders was hey y'all just be who you are cut out all of the huff and puff all of the fluff and be who i called you to be here in fact it would seem i feel my health creeping yeah it would seem uh that the voice of god to the people word just stick to the script of my calling upon your life because i'm not interested now in you being a clone i'm not interested in you being a duplicator or an emulation of anybody else yes because what i placed in you is specific to who you are and for the purpose to which i have called you to be in the earth oh god help me here and i don't know but i guess that's where my grandmother yes i guess that's where my grandmother got that saying from that she said to me one time and i'll never forget she said boy no matter what comes at you in life ah she said just be the be god's called you to be here and god will get you through whatever whatever it is i'm beginning to feel a little bit of something here but would you just look back today and say neighbor be who god has called you to be and just burst your way through whatever comes out you to overthrow you where israel the bible says had 12 tribes and each of these tribes it is said possess the characteristics and traits that set them apart from the other reason now is not now so much about whether say one was better than the other as much as it was about their own individualized identity about the safeguarding of that that was a sacred unto them for despite their likenesses and i come to talk to the church of god in christ to tell you tonight that despite our likeness with even those around us but there is something unique to who we are we have our own dna which gives us thing in our own identity even in likeness now of how yes all of us up in here although members of the same body call church yet each has its own specificity his or her own individualized identity that uniquely now sets you apart from even everybody else on your road it's something unique to who you are oh god focus sitting on your row in your section it's going to be all right y'all yes wearing the same hat somebody may even be sporting the same god in fact here you are some of you the first day of holy convocation and some of you sisters have already seen yourself somebody already has your dress on your shoes but despite all that i'm trying not to get ahead of myself but despite all that i wish i could get about 50 folks to look at somebody and tell them but i'm still a one-of-a-kind specific handiwork of the master's hand is anybody hearing me today look over at your neighbor and say neighbor that's a perfect depiction a unique composition of mind matter and substance i'm a unique product in the mind of god i need you to look at somebody and tell them i didn't just get help from eternity past to eternity future you ought to tell somebody i've always been here because him god is the god that we say he is you've always been in the mind of god i've got to move on we're going to go a part of this human race even i got to say a member of the body of christ but despite what the naysayers may say there's something about even you churchill that singles you out from all the others around you it's a fragrance it's an aroma even a seasoning i wish i had a church of which only god could place in you for his glory is anybody here tonight oh god yes i'll be through here in just a moment but we see this flow yes we see it also i'm trying to go somewhere with this we see this flow even in reformations and in movements and denominations we see this floor yes and there are many churches that do what they do many believe us do what we do but there's always been something unique about us you know some people by the way they dress by the way they dance by the way they do what they do you know them by that manner of preaching you know them by their manner of speaking you know them by their manner of songs and many other attributes hashtag the kojic sign that sounds like noah yes many members of the body yet we all didn't church alike back in the day because while little zion and beulah land down the street didn't dance and shelter and speak in tongues like we do yet they had their own uniqueness yeah but we were the noisy poker we were the pentecostals we were the holy rollers oh god help me here yes and i'll never forget oh god how even just the song would break yokes and destroy feathers because when we sung and sing songs back on yesterday that was an aroma and a fragrance even on the inside of the sun is there anybody here i feel my health come in is there anybody here and of course i'll never forget the songs we used to sing jesus brought me out all right brought me out of darkness into the marvelous fighter jesus promised our all right does anybody remember jesus i'll never forget what you've done for me is there anybody here and remember my soul says yes yes my lord yeah something on the inside working on the outside and any song would be acceptable in my sight oh lord that's the words of my mouth the meditation of my heart be acceptable in our sights oh lord but then the seasons sound when i lose yes yes so many have tried to emulate it but none have been able to duplicate it but the yes the answer of our church the yes that somehow has gotten confused over time because today we use the yes to reel things in to settle things down with a season yes it's like putting wood on a hot fire my god i'm there even in the midst of this preaching moment i dare around 50 folk to open your mouth and say yes to the lord oh god hold on is there anybody here that can reach beyond where you are and type in on a yes if 50 folk would show yes from the pillar of that spirit i decree and declare that yours would be broken feathers would be destroyed you waiting for somebody to lay hands on you but oh god i feel it now [Music] god wants to hear is a yes say yes say yes my brothers and sisters are upon a personal privilege but i'll never forget the time when my brother i'm going somewhere with this i'm just about there but i remember the time that my sister and my brother and i went to grandma minnie and papa john's church down that little zion church of another affiliation in the pinot community of franklin texas there was no hammering organ there were no tambourines there were no drugs just a capella singing and an old deacon got down on one knee and prayed and sang to that little church became almost uncontrolled ladies started screaming and falling down and fainting as the ushers got dizzy fading and trying to subdue them pulling out of their usher aprons little bottles of smelly sauce in an effort to bring them back around that was their uniqueness oh lord which was different now from the church of my weary because back at smith temple in china texas if a sister started falling out and screaming back in the village of my rearing the season says which set by god its own i mean because a seasoned center knew the difference and they had spiritual discernment between a holla and a victory shelter coming to tell somebody i just got to be me i come to tell somebody church if we are a seasoned church we know the difference between a holla yes i do but i come to tell you and i didn't come to bash the church tonight but i did come to tell this waiting congregation this first night of holy convocation saints of the most high we're living in a new day would you look at your neighbor and say neighbor we're living in a new day and a time whereby it seems that in many facets even of church life somebody has lost their favor and i didn't come to meet anybody in a home but we're living in a day whereby it seems that almost any and everything goes didn't come the best but i did come to sound and alone and say say to the church of the most high god that in view of this new wave of current religiosity we dare not lose the salt look at somebody and said neighbor we dare not lose the song we we dare not cease to be who god has called us to be thank you holy ghost because of proper exit jesus undetection prize don't lose the savior oh lord because he's quiet as he is killed there is a difference between soul and savor for if the salt has lost its savior wherewith shall it be insulted which prompts the question near to of what good is salt if it has no flavor ask your neighbor send it what good is salt if it has no flavor sound but no saver like having a pretty dance but no break no breakthrough like having a praise break but no victory like having a good home but no oil a good change but no power a wonderful building but nobody is being delivered i got to get out of here but the question becomes because the soul-searching question to be posed to the church today is despite the bugles and the whistles i wish i had a church despite the rights and the rituals despite the processes and the procedures but where's the song and don't tell me that all souls insulted because jesus said in the text what good is salt if it's lost his savior may as well throw it out and allow it to be trampled under the feet of me i'm closing y'all to which i say this first night a holy convocation lord help us tonight to not lose the flavor shake somebody's hand and tell your neighbor send him i'm praying to god that we don't lose our savior because the world needs our seasoning i'm trying to close but i don't know about you but i know my name is there anybody here that knows your name i said is there anybody here that knows your name i know you know your title but i wonder do you know your name well let me tell you who i'm not i'm not bill caesar so i refuse to be weighed in the balances huh that fell into a stale state i don't want a pastor a once was church what's a lively stone what's a city of refuge what's a haven of deliverance but now it's it's a bomb a once was satisfied with somebody was a church that was wrong even upside down that needed to be right right sided up the state and conditioned of a people that don't bring glory and honor to god but i stopped to tell you church of god in christ that's not who we are that's not the season we're here but it's hard time even now for signs and wonders yes yes somebody said to me i'm bringing it in bishop but somebody said to me just a few days ago huh they said brother bishop for believing my church to which it wailed in my spirit be because you have all the bugles and all the whistles but where's the salt is anybody hear me i think i see my exit but last night just last night mr wales after i finished my assignment here in this center i went to the hotel god help me to close this i went to the hotel stopped by the restaurant to get me something to eat yes i ate my food i paved the table gotta believe i was minding my business and leaving everybody's business alone but as i was about to walk out one of the cooks behind the counter a young lady behind the grill she said hey she flagged me down up later i've been flagged down quite a lot of times are you hearing me what i said but i said and my guard went up i said yes she said hey mister how are those fries how was the seasoning on those fries i almost broke out in a shelter oh lord because it weld in my spirit i didn't need no steak sauce didn't need no condiments didn't need no atoms because they came from the kitchen season to the palate i go to roost chris they ought to pay us a sponsor fee i go to ruth chris because when i sit down at the table ain't no salt and pepper no a1 steak sauce because the steak comes from the kitchen season to the palate church of god in christ we've got to be careful how we the steak is already seasoned to the palate god has already called us to feed who we are you're putting sauce a1 sauce you can't even taste the steak for all the stuff you put it over top oh god i feel it i stopped on my way to glory to tell your church that the world is hungry father living prayer help me prove this i see my exit thank you bishop blake the world is hungry we just shake hands with somebody shake that hand like you're glad to see him and said neighbor the world is hungry for the living bread we gotta live jesus for all to see he said [Music] i was driving the other day and it dropped in my spirit the day in which we live yes yes dropped in my spirit that the enemy has unleashed an attack on the house of faith yes the pride of christ i feel it in my spirit the pride of christ the church is the pride of christ and bishops and pastors you got to be careful that you're not in love with the church and your wife is at home y'all did you hear me what i said because you can be in a spiritual adulterer making love to the church and your bride oh lord i can't get no help but the lord said to me he said pierce mr macklin the lord said pierce you all have to understand what satan is doing in this day he's trying to snatch her from the bride of christ all of her reproductive parts he's trying to render her non-productive so that she can't be fruitful she can't multiply but i can't declare it that the devil is a liar i found your neighbor and said they will come the devil is alive even when and as the devil tries to dilute the potent power of your seasoning capabilities trying to snatch from you who you are but i close with this you've got to know who you are shake somebody's hand and said never come you've got to know who you are and then god who you are well who are you peers a child of the king a servant of a master tell somebody i know who i am a chosen generation a royal priesthood a holy nation of peculiar people the light of the world the salt of the earth that's who you are so i'm saying to old snatch you've got to go did you hear what i said that's the enemy of your soul [Music] [Music] here that can testify i've been to the storm in the rain but i've come through still got my salt still got enough seasoning let me close i'm trying to close bishop lake i've been dealing with i've been dealing with and i stand before you tonight mixed emotions [Music] because ever since i've been here i've been reminiscing every moment this time last year [Music] the enemy has challenged who i am even as a child of god [Music] and i've been dealing with it's not in my nose but i've been dealing with bishop what do you do when your reality takes a swipe at your theology i don't have time for you all to be slow tonight i said what do you do when [Music] your reality takes a swipe at your [Music] i've just about completed my book the title of the book is the baptism of experience the bap the baptism of that experience i wondered why bishop mr blake i wasn't able to finish that book ahead of everything that i've gone through but i found that the most difficult chapter in the book bishop porter is this chapter this is the chapter that i've had to be totally transparent because i've had some problems you can judge me if you want to it doesn't matter [Music] but i had some problems trying to digest the fact how it is that i could pray for a sister in our congregation that [Music] was stage four cancer four years ago if you've ever seen one of our streaming services that's the lady that runs around the church every service i've been another place i still on a sunday morning and i looked at her i wondered how is it that you still here [Music] what do you do and i've had to minister i'm going to stop i've had to minister and grieve in public when most folk get to grieve in private but i've had to stand and preach and encourage the saints and have the saints leave bishop macklin saying brother pastor i think i can make it when i got in my car headed home by myself and i wondered if i could because my heart was so heavy the lord spoke to me and he said my approach to you those i love at times is character over comfort i don't have time for you to be slow look at somebody and tell them character over comfort even if he leaves town i preach that sermon what do you do when god leaves town somebody said to me he doesn't leave town i said that's not what the text said the text said when jesus heard that john was in prison he whipped you to galilee [Music] what do you do when god leaves town it wells in my spirit and i'm closing bishop but it dwells in my spirit pierce the enemy is after your savior [Music] he wants not only your salt but he wants your favor [Music] a whole lot of us have salt but [Music] and we can't season the world if the salt has lost it's safer would you just lift your hands [Music] that's not the way i plan to preach this [Music] but just lift your hands [Music] they say with me lord whatever you do [Music] help me to maintain the calling you placed on my life if that had just a little bit higher say lord i don't want to be salt with no savor [Music] with that hand lifted for just a moment with that hand lifted for just a moment [Music] just a moment i'm gonna close with this this is our prayer
Channel: Albany's Internet Mall
Views: 622
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Bishop Carl A. Pierce, The Danger of Lost Savor, 111th Holy Convocation, Church of God in Christ, COGIC, The Church Seasoning the World
Id: SLti-6T938U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 5sec (3305 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 10 2021
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