Celebrating the Life & Legacy Of Bishop Nathaniel Wells Jr.

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Good morning, saints. God bless everyone this morning. us. probably the greatest gift that we will receive in this day. That gift is the gift of life. So, let's thank god that he woke us up this morning. in our minds and I get it with me. Activity of our life. Can I get another? We have a double determination. Everybody excited about that? Do you like the lord? We'll be starting here in a few moments this morning and there is just one simple order today and that order is to let go and let god have his way today. Do I have any praises? Can I see the praises? Say, do I have any praises in the house this morning? I hear the praises and the choirs this morning. the ladies of the lord, my heavenly The scripture says, let everything that. breath. Praise the lord. So, that's what we're going to do this morning. We're going to praise god and we're going to remember one of the greatest men that has ever walked the face of this earth. to some he was father to son. He was pastor to others. He was Bishop but he meant something to each and every one of us that did and we may not be able to stand at the microphone today. each and every one us and share our love for him because I know that Bishop Wells touched all of us in an extremely profound way but we can't let him know how much we appreciate him being in our lives by making sure that this service is full of praise all day long. Amen. Amen. Come on. let's let's practice one more time. Give god another hand of praise. The jurisdiction is here. The National Church is here. The local congregation is here. but most important, Jesus is here. Somebody said I can feel it in my hand. I can feel him in my feet. I can feel him all over me. Are we ready for the possession of gentlemen at this time, I invite everyone to stand to your feet as we receive the clerics of the Western Michigan jurisdiction. as a visiting Clarence from around the world. My brothers and sisters, the church of God in Christ leadership is here today. Let's give them a hand as they come in. Normally, I wouldn't have a problem of calling their names but it's hard to know who it is behind the mask. So, let's just celebrate god for our pastors and our elders as they're coming in. of the Western Michigan jurisdiction. and the superintendent. of the greatest jurisdiction on the face of this earth. The men who have stood tall with Bishop Wells that ministry was at its highest level. here in this Western Michigan region. and my brothers and sisters. of the jurisdiction. from the very end. Houston Wells. Let's appreciate her this morning. Come on y'all. We can do better than that. jurisdiction would not be as I have the winner. It's the pastor. Institutional Church. the past Nathaniel. Can you say to me? God? Hey, y'all. Can I have silence for just a moment When I count to three, I would like us to thank god for giving us the wells family. 123 for the Wells family. say with me. We love family. as the family continues to come in. We thank you family for sharing Bishop Wells with us. You had all of them but the piece of us that we enjoy has made our lives so much better. Thank you Wells family. And now we shall all prepare to receive the bishops of the grand opening. Church of God in Christ. My assistant adjectives of the West Michigan jurisdiction, elder Anthony Lackey, It's the bishops are making their arrival. Let's praise god for the executive leadership of the church of God in Christ Auxiliary Bishop Cunningham Bishop. Bless you. God said, Colombia. Hayes. and second in succession of the Western Michigan jurisdiction. Bishop Melvin Burton the East Coast. Bishop. Bishop roars with us this morning. That's it. Get started. My brother Andre Johnson is our special guest of the day. as well as a board member Bishop, Sedgwick Daniels. is in the house. for the greatest journey. That's all. I worship and adore I'll make you How much do you Let it ring out this morning. Western Michigan. It's Celebration that this afternoon. We have one order of business and that business is to give god our praise. all day long. Our invocation this morning will come to us from the president of the Western Michigan jurisdictions. Pastor Elijah Thompson following him will be the reading of My elder Quincy and the reading of the epistle by elder Brian Houston. and then the song of Celebration. other the direction of elder Lamont Mccoy and the Western Michigan Jurisdiction Mass Choir my soul. Yeah. Come on, Zion. My soul. my soul. Hallelujah. Let's call his name. One more time. Lift your saints. We love you. We thank you lord. We praise you today. We glorify you oh god. We magnify you oh god. Thank you Jesus. Thank you Jesus. Thank you Jesus. Thank you oh god. We praise you. We glorify you. We magnify you. We lift you up. We honor your name. Such a great god. Such great God. Such an awesome god. Come on in. Holy spirit. moves Revive us. Do it again. Oh god. we bless your name. We bless your name. Thank you for our leader. Thank you for our leader. You've been good to us. You've been merciful to us lord god. We thank you We ask you to help us today. Help us today. Help us today. Give us your anointing. Give us your anointing. in the name of Jesus. Touch our hearts oh god. Touch our spirits oh god. name of Jesus. We're broken. We're broken today. but tell us more. We're hurting today. but tell us some more. Revive us, oh god. wipe away the tears. So our hearts and we'll praise your name. We'll glorify your name. We'll magnify your name. You've been good to us. You've been good to us Lord. You gave it. Lord, you take it. Blessed be the name of the lord. We bless you. We don't understand but we bless you. We can't fathom it but we bless you. We magnify you. Look down upon other Wells. Touch the lord in special a way in the name of Jesus. Look upon the children in a special way. Holy spirit. need you. Holy spirit. we need you. Holy Spirit revive us. Do it again and we'll bless you and we'll glorify you and we'll magnify you. Yes, lord. lord. Yes, lord. Yes. Oh god. Thank you Jesus. Thank you Jesus. Let's bless him saints. Let's glorify him. Thank you lord. Thank you lord. We don't understand what Lord, we're broken but thank you lord. You did it for us. You brought us here. You gathered us here. We said thank you. We come against every attack of the devil. We bind you in the name of Jesus. We come against depression. We come against low self esteem. Now, raise us up. Raise us so we can bless you. Raise us up so we can glorify you now. Come on Saints with one Sound. Let's bless him. Open up your mouth and let's glorify him. Amen. Go ahead and praise him. Oh, go ahead and praise him. Man, I'm just reading the scripture but I know Bishop would want us to have church Hey. Amen. Give the lord a praise Clap. Oh, give the lord a praise Clap. Hey, Amen. John fourteen verse one. let your heart be troubled. Excuse me. Let not your heart be troubled. You believe in god. Believe also in me in my father's house are many mansions. If it were not so, I wouldn't have told you. I go to prepare a place for you and if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you unto myself that where I am there you may be also and whether I go, you know, and the way you know, may god have a blessing to the readers and do of god's word. First Corinthians. chapter fifteen. We're reverses. Fifty. through fifty-eight. First Corinthians fifteen verses fifty. Fifty-eight. Now, on this I say brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of god. Neither do it. corruption inherit in corruption. Yes. behold, I show you a mystery We shall not all sleep but we shall all be changed. in a moment in the twinkling of an eye. At the last Trump for the trumpet sound and the dead shall be raised. incorruptible. and we shall be changed for this corruptible must put on in corruption and this mortal must put on immortality so that when this corruptible shall have put on in corruption, and this mortal shall have been shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written. death is swallowed up in victory. Oh death, where is thy sting? Yeah. Oh grave. Where is thy victory? The sting of death is sin and the strength of sin is the law. but thanks be unto god which has given us the victory through our lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast unmovable. always abounding in the work of the lord. for as much as you know that your labor is not in vain in the lord. May the lord add a blessing to the hearers, readers, and doers of his word. Come on. Let's give god some praise in the house. Hallelujah. Come on. let's give him praise. Jesus. He brought me out and I've got a reason. When I was and I had no but then I got Jesus. He brought me out of my and then What's right by my side. I'm out, I said he brought me out. when I was down and out. I've got a and I had no always be my god. when I was down and out I said he brought me out. for he's given me the When I was got Put your hands together. We came Thank you, Jesus. I praise him. I said I'm going to I said that's my with my hands. with your boy. Praise him. with my boys. I said my choice. I'll praise him. if you're there. Praise him. with our voice. said we need to him. I'll Praise him. Yes. Praise him. You've been good to me. I got you. it good to me and I got a got the camo I'm about to get it before it I got to get it before I got to get it. when I was in the house. he brought me out. This is and I had no with it. Come on and put your hands together. Yes. I'll praise him. I'll. I give him I gotta give him glory. I gotta give him glory. I gotta give him glory. He gave me joy. a time of sorrow He gave me hope. I was born born the magnifier born to glorify him. I gotta give some praise. When I found out I want to give him praise. Y'all better clap your hands and give god the glory in it. Man. How many have a right to praise the lord? We can't carry on like we want to but just point to three people and tell them you're looking at somebody God Been real good to Come on. Everybody clap your hands and give god the best praise you've given him all day today. as we continue in this great afternoon of celebration, god has given us one of the best to encourage us from the word and we want Bishop Daniels to have Prime Fresh Thyme this morning. Amen. with these masks, you really can't tell who's who and who's where. and of course, that happened to me this morning and I would say, count it to my head and not my heart. The supervisor of the Western Michigan jurisdiction is here, Mother Martha Nichols. let's appreciate her and honor her with praise this morning. It is now time for the local church to honor and pay tribute to Bishop Wells. his life and his legacy and members of the Holy Trinity Institutional Church of God in Christ will come and share tributes at this time. Those persons are elder Quincy Crump whom Bishop mentored and tutored and he's now one of the world's premier telecommunications executives, mother Huntington. whom Bishop transferred his vision for Total Man Ministry into and the Kocher became one of the stellar organizations in this country. Sister Kim Lavelle who worked side by side with Bishop during his two brother, Cottrell Malone, who's the executive behind the television ministries Deacon Crockett Moore Bishops go sister Anna. Crockett. who worked side by side with Bishop and was an administrative genius. in this ministry. and Bishop had a dream to do housing outside of the four walls of this sanctuary. God gave him an angel and miss Judith and assisted him in building that work and then last in the tributes will be mister Glenn Gray Jr. Who was Bishop's Ride or Die and he helped him in so many unique areas of life. Receive them in that order at this time. Amen. On behalf of Holy Trinity, elders and ministers, I would like to say something about our beloved leader, Bishop Wells. It was an honor to serve him in this ministry. No greater example. we could have ever had His shoes were and will be hard to feel One thing I can say about bishop Bishop had special love for ministry and compassion for the saints, for the people He would say I love the life I live because I'm living the life I love you. Remember that. Saints Bishop lived. We need to give him a celebration fit for a king. Preachers remember what Bishop Wells have taught us over the years. as he tried to clone us. I know some of you didn't want to be cloned but I didn't mind being cloned by the right person. He was the right person. so I didn't mind being cloned and he imparted the teachings of Jesus Christ and he follows very tightly by the word of god Today, I do not say goodbye. I said see you Bishop because Bishop believed if you died with the Holy Ghost. He believed this. It goes with you in the grave and he's listening for the Trump of god. We know the scriptures Those that are sleeping in Jesus will rise first. Well, this is cutting in and out. So, saints, we shall see him again. May god bless you. I'm going to take a little liberty for just a second There are eight tributes, 2 minutes each. We should be done with this segment in 16 minutes. Let's say amen for 16 minutes. Good afternoon. I'm going to try to get through this stuff. If I stumble, please forgive me. Bishop. Natheniel, Wyoming Wells Jr. Life is the sum of your choices. I would like to share briefly with you someone in my life who has influenced me greatly. Bishop Natheniel, Wyoming Wells Jr is a sacrificing man who is authentic in all his dealing with others. because of his example, I carefully consider the choices I make as an adult. knowing that it dramatically affect the lives of others. bishops characteristic of sacrificing his time and energy for others was quite authentic and he was never trying to gain anything for himself. I know I wanted to. If I know I wanted to talk to him about anything, he would give me his full attention and I would begin to discuss whatever was on my mind that day. but believe me, always and I mean always take you to the Bible for the word. That's right. I like to end this with James one and Twenty-six. If any man among you seem to be religious and brightest, not his tongue but deceives his own heart. This man's religion is vain. Thank you. On behalf of the mother's board, I came to Holy Trinity in 1979, told Bishop, I worked in the Sunday school at the other church and I wanted to just be a member. He told me, I don't believe a real saint can be a **** member and he put me to work. I think like the second week I was here working with Mother Brewster. then we moved over here with um uh mother Juanita Harris working in the childcare and when she got sick, uh and had to leave and he said, oh Mary can do that and I said, I can't do that and he never let you say you can't. He has kept saying, yes you can. All you got to do So, that's where I came from. 40 years ago with Bishop Wells. So, on behalf of the mother's Board, I don't want to be on the mother's board either but he said I could I want to remember and honor our pastor, our Bishop Wells for these many, many years that we have known him and that god has blessed us to know him and to be taught godly knowledge and principles from god's word with the great anointing that he had. He always wanted us to know what and why we believe and what we believe and what we talked about and back it up with the word of god and uh we will always know he anytime he was preaching or teaching, he could quote scriptures, book chapter, and verse from anywhere in the Bible from Genesis to Revelation and he always did. Alright, we as a mother's board, thank god for giving us such a positive, strong, and anointed leader as Bishop Wells back in the uh early 1980s, we had a revival by uh elder and he prophesied to Bishop and it goes like this. So that's so thou shalt know say it the lord thy god that I have made the a pillar among men, a leader among men. Yea, I have called you to be a prince among creatures. My hand has shaped our life. Yea. the lead men. thou shalt lead men and lead them in new places. Say it the lord and I will take thee a new way. Say it the lord god. Yey. I have built the mind and the spirit to say that which I the lord thy god shall do. Yey Thou shalt lead them and it shall be say it. the lord. for many shall be joined unto you and there shall come from uh uh and they shall come from all directions and they shall seek you out. Say it the lord and I shall them. Many shall come unto thee. saith the lord thy god and it was so be blessed mother Wells. I love you. Amen. I thank the lord. I just thank god. Bishop Wells. Bishop was a man of faith. He was not afraid to fail and he was not afraid to try anything more than once. He was a visionary and he saw things before they even came into fruition. A motivator, He encouraged us to expand to our full potential Bishop Wells set the standard. He was not a person in the early years working with Bishop He was Stewart he was there He was very adamant about closing the office and we had to be a noonday prayer. We had to go into uh every service Sunday, Sunday evening, uh Friday services and working in the office on a Sunday. That was a Cardinal Senate but like most parents, when Kim came along and Destiny and Jackie, some of the other ones who work for him, he became uh a little bit more lenient uh because Bishop Wells had a different personality special personality, some of the uh workers gave him names Uh someone called him the tidal wave because he would come into the office and he would turn things upside down being someone called him the big key because he would come in and he would not say a word not speak but just start giving us instructions. We're going to do this. We're going to do that. We're going to do that another. So, he wanted us to implement these these uh visions or ideas that he had. So, there was No2 Days the same in the office. So, his agenda became our agenda. He did not wait for things to happen. He made things happen. Uh he was pretty funny from time to time. he had this big black spider rubber spider. He would throw it on our desk and then walk away and then he had this here um mask or bohemian ugly mask with long dreads. He would put that on. He will walk throughout the office. So, he really had a sense of humor but on the flip side of that, everyone that worked with Bishop Wells experience his wrath We all have stories that we can tell but most of us survived them and we're able to move on. I was often asked, how can you work with Bishop Wells? Well, I learned one thing that he went high. I went low. It didn't mean that I was a young person but what it meant was I knew when I could go back into his office, we could talk, we could talk about that situation and we learn to agree to disagree and because of his responsibilities, he was gone an awful lot. So, we had to manage the office and so even now, sometimes it's like he's just He's going to be back in a few days but then reality sets in and I know that he's gone and he's not coming back but I do know because He would never be forgotten. He will always live on. His legacy will live on, and he will always be in our hearts. Amen. one thing have I desired of the lord and that will I seek after. Hallelujah. that I might dwell in the house of the lord all the days of my life to behold the beauty of the and to inquire in his temple. I thank god for this time. I thank god for you sister Wells for thinking of me during this time and I thank god for my time with Bishop. I went back and I started reflecting on uh what I could say I started working for him back in 1990 when I uh came back to Muskegon and I started working over in the gym area and then, you know, how Bishop had he sees something for you and he knows how to pull something out. You don't even know what's in you but he sees it in you and he said, you're going to do this. He didn't ask. He just, you're going to do this and then you're going to do this and I need you here to be this and so the answer for me was yes but what I found out during that time is that he pull something out of me that I didn't even know that was in me that god had already placed in me. So what I'm saying is. I did with Anna said because we had some good times in the office and I want elderly. No disrespect but this is for Butch. They would they would jump on me so bad. you guys. They we would have a lookout for Bishop. So him and the Otis. I'm not kidding you. Him and the Otis will watch out for Bishop and they will uh one of them in there. Go get him. Go lock it in the door. lock it in and then and it's so scary you guys. I said Anna be on this. Got me Leave her alone. Leave her alone. She back in the office watching and then here come Brenda Sprawl. Here he come. Here come the big chef. But we had a ball when Bishop got into that office. It was no, he wouldn't know. the people have been going on. I do that. They had to drag me all through down the hallway and everything but we had a good time under Bishop Wells and I learned so much. So, when I was thinking all the things that he has shown me everything that I have learned from him. So many messages came up. so many um areas of my life that he had impacted from my children to the way I lead my staff to my own business, to just how I manage money to how I ask for the person or online, how I look at somebody in the eye. I remember what he said to me about those times and everybody knows that that Bishop had a strong side to him but there was a side of Bishop that you had to know him to to know this side of him. I Remember, he and sister Wells were eating dinner at my godmothers house and I had just came back into town with three little kids and he looked at me and I was over there with them and he must have looked out of the window and saw my car and I stayed right across the street but this is what I'm I'm telling you that his ministry for the total man was in his heart. It was he looked at my car and he told me he said, He said. meet me in the office Monday. He said, you need some tires for your car. Don't drive your kids around in that car like that. So, he didn't not only tell me what to do but he provided the means for me to get it done. That's ministry to the total man. Those are stories that you don't know unless you know him. So, you saw the man behind the preacher but he really lived the life that he was talking about and he lived it in each individual and we would see it. People would come into the office all the time and ask for help. He didn't have to do it but he did. He always gave him vision and he always instilled is instilled with us to walk by faith not by what we see. So, we thank you Wells family for sharing him with us. We thank you sister Wells for allowing him to us the way he did because we know that it was a sacrifice on you all's part as well. Thank you. We love you. God bless. Hello. And uh we couldn't we couldn't do this without talking a little bit about housing because that was where it was very high on bishop's agenda. It was it was bishop's vision of creating affordable housing which led to the formation of Trinity Village nonprofit housing in 1990. I came there in 1991 as a consultant that I actually have been there ever since we we were we were talking a little bit in the back row there about uh the time how long we've all been at at uh Holy Trinity and I think Anna and Kim and I can add up to almost 100 years all together Bishop Bishop saw the need to provide affordable housing and to provide services to the total man and woman That was his concept. He was very much uh believed in the passage from Matthew when I was younger You fed me when I was naked. You clothed me. Bishop knew that it was necessary to address people's physical needs for food, clothing, and shelter. along with addressing their spiritual needs. Bishop's vision led him to the creation of over 600 units of housing hundreds of families and senior citizens in Michigan and other states across the country now live in decent housing because of Bishop's vision Bish vision for what could be as opposed to what currently exists. Let him to be a bold leader in Michigan for housing and for economic opportunities for young people and for all people. He served on a lot of statewide and national boards and Governor Graham in particular always call them and conferred with him on statewide. uh statewide issues and asked him to serve on committees II do have one Very quick story. 1 day when he was governor. there she was having a was having a Christmas event at her house for for African-American clergy and actually didn't want to go to this uh event and so he said, well, Judith, why don't you go? So, I said, Okay. so II went over there and uh it was it was a nice event. The governor was very gracious and she came around shook hands with everybody and so then she said to me, uh she came to me and I said, well, I'm Judith. I'm I'm here representing Bishop Wells and she said, oh and you just like him with without batting an eye. but it was bishop's vision that inspired hundreds of other dozens of other pastors throughout the country to think about housing and we can't, I can't tell you the number of people who came through here, People who talk to us uh people who came to look at the housing that we did and um and went back to their their home areas and said, I'm going to try to do this myself. It was it's We didn't, we weren't always able to do all the things we wanted to do but but it inspired throughout the church. I think it inspired dozens of other uh pastors and people in the church of God in Christ to try to to try to create housing Bishop was a visionary and that the visionaries among us that make change. We miss him as a person. We need his vision. I don't to end this without a personal note Bishop are also very human as we all know and had a very imperfect sense of humor. sometimes in and among the work, the meetings, and talking to bankers and lawyers who are not real cheerful people. um involved in the housing development Bishop preserved a sense of play. I remember 1 Day, he handed me a small box. He said, open that Judith and so I don't know. I don't know what it was but I said, okay. So, when I opened it, something jumped out at me and I screamed and so, Bishop Bishop just cracked up and laughed and so did I. We miss Bishop. We miss Bishop a lot and we'll always will. Thank you. Hello, saints. My name is brother Cottrell Malone. For those that don't know, I'm normally up in the balcony behind the camera. This is probably my second time in the 20 years I've been here that I've ever been asked to speak I mean, I don't have a lot to say if we get to the video, I let the video share but I was over his television broadcast. I came here in 2003. We've been out ever since until he passed We reached millions of people. We was in 147 countries. We had people calling from Africa, South Africa, Ghana, and he was well known all across this country. and so as I sit here today, I just want you to know that filming someone twice a week for 20 years You see this struggle? You see what's behind them? You see how hard things get. and so when you're out there and if you don't know everything, Don't spread rumors. because it weighs on a person. I filmed Bishop. He joked around. to cover a lot of the hurt and pain that he was feeling of. Just loving this church, loving this community. loving his family, and loving this jurisdiction and so I sit up here today letting you know that I was close to Bishop and I got to see the other side the sleepless headaches of what he wanted for this community and what he wanted for this church. and the strong men that he had by side and I'm very blessed for the Wells family and for Bishop Wells to have me among those men to be by your side and so that's all I have to say and we get to the video. Just remember, as you see the videos, if you see the pictures, just remember that It was nothing but love that Bishop Wells no matter how hard he was on you. he was a man, Nothing more, nothing less but when he needed somebody by his side and he didn't know everything, he called people that was experts and we helped him get where you need to be and because of that, I got my beautiful wife. I got a television ministry that I've been a part of for the last 20 years. and we have over 800 YouTube videos of Bishop Wells that if you need to get a word. Go to YouTube. Type in Bishop Natheniel Wells and you can get a word Uh first giving honor to god who's the head of my life. That was my man. That was my guy. Everything that I'm doing now is because I've seen it. for us. before I seen it. My father died in 2003. and uh Bishop wrapped his arms around me. I just sit right there. as a You just be sleepy in a mug. like Bishop. It's 230. It's time. But what I took for granted it was instilled in me. I thank god for Bishop Wells in his life. to chastising the fussing out. He told my mom, if you allow me to raise this boy, I will make a man out of him. to my ups and downs. my brothers out there. Alex Clint, uh Justin, We are set up here. AJ Courtney. We all set up here on Thursday nights and Friday night services. learning from the great man of Bishop Wells. uh in the last 5 years, I was his PR um within the last 2 hours traveling everywhere with him. Bishop saying something to me that I didn't necessarily see in myself with my gifts of graphic designs, marketing, and media now which is taking me across the world. I go in front of 15 thousand people in this great city of Atlanta, Georgia to put on one of the biggest events, secular events. Unfortunately, but I honor god with that Bishop said, if you take your money, you bless it. make sure you pay your tithes and offer I'm going to take it. and Bishop. Sure did. He seen something in all of us, not just me but all of us in that office. My TT Anna, the many days that you put in, I've seen you stressing and calling me and making sure everything was right that we had to do. uh inside of that office, you made that thing work and I watched the foundation of a lot of stuff that you did manifesting to the church. So, I honor you to stick inside Bishop for all these years and I just thank the whole Holy Trinity family. Mama Wells, you know I'll I'll do anything for you. I love you from the bottom of my heart to the top of my heart. Thank you for being here and be an example of a wife sticking to the side. Thank you aunt Bishop for loving on me in many ways. I ask you guys to continue to pray for me and my strength in the lord. Amen. The We thank god for those heartwarming tributes and uh there's another recovery that I need to make this morning, this afternoon as well and of course, we celebrated the pastor of this church, pastor Natheniel Wells the third but uh I omitted his uh wonderful wife and now the first lady lady of this Holy Trinity Ministry and community Lady Trina Wells. Let's appreciate She's done already. We thank god for you and god bless you. an expression of Bishop Wells is excellence could never be captured. in uh these comments and these expressions but the local church has been the incubator of everything that Bishop has done. nationally and globally and there's a brief video that uh Brother Malone has put together that will give us a brief snapshot of the excellence that god placed in the life of Bishop Natheniel, Wyoming, Wells Jr and his Total man ministry. Receive that now at this time, to bring the lost to Jesus for membership and his family to develop them into Christ like maturity, to equip them for Christ's ministry on earth to improve their quality of life, to be a ministry, to God bless you today. Today's service is quite a unique one. It's an experience of 57, of ministry that I've never experienced but god had to reveal himself to us as a church, as believers. So, come to invite you my brothers and sisters. Those of you that are in the greater Muskegon area, come and worship with us. You will find that we are a bible Based church. We are a full Bible church that believed in the manifestation of the spirit of god. We believe so very truly about the gifts of the spirit that works alive in the lives of a believer. It is a transforming. life changing Ministry. We want you to come and be a part. Share with us and I'm sure you will be blessed and we will be blessed for having you. Enjoy the anointed choirs and gospel singers and filled with the Bishop Wells and I were talking even this morning at breakfast. because we have had the privilege as young men growing up in the church. seeing those who as they went up they left behind. that which really was most essential. It's a wonderful thing to have a pastor who has a vision for building but brick and mortar alone. does not make for a successful on this occasion. week of dedication. and holistic Trinity and institutional I want to say to Bishop Wells as I know that Let's thank heaven. for the life and the legacy. of Bishop Natheniel, Wyoming Wells. also, as Bishop Wells began to increase in responsibilities and he would have to leave home and travel around the country and around the world The national Church assigned him what's known as a national adjective and that adjective is supposed to keep up with him and be with him everywhere he goes. and uh Church of God in Christ gave us one of the best and that's adjective. Leonard Bell. He's here today. Doctor Bell, would you stand? I thought I saw you here today. Let's thank god for him. but he quickly realized that with all the bishop's energy, one man can't keep up with him and so, the late general board member, bishop Frank White saw a group of men travel with him all the time that look like Chicago gangsters and so he labeled us the Michigan Mafia and I want you all to see the Michigan Mafia if you're here in the room, Michigan Mafia stand so everybody can see the mob that makes sure Bishop didn't have no problems. I saw some of them here. Michigan Mafia y'all here y'all up, man? Stokes. All y'all. We the Michigan Mafia Andre Now, one of us ain't had a gun but we scared the living daylights out of everybody who act like they want to do something crazy to Bishop at this time. the song of celebration is coming from elder Lamont Mccoy and the Michigan Jurisdiction Mass Choir. Praise the lord. We're still celebrating. Amen. The song just simply says, come thou almighty king help us by name to sing. Come on Church. Put your hands together. and if you know it, can you help us sing on today? Hallelujah. Somebody just lift up your voice and give him praise in this place. I don't hear anybody. 123 lift. Hallelujah. Help us. Come on. Help us. everybody. Help us. Help us. now. almighty. Come to praise and worship you. We adore Help us. Come on over. Over the building everybody. Lift it up. Come down. Come on. Let's bless them. Help us. To come. we've come to you. We've come to adore One more time. we come to everybody. You are victorious. To come. Call it one more time. You're He gives us the victory. You're come to praise him. these people and shout we come. Come to we come to come to you. give you all the glory. salvation. in the name of Jesus. the name of Jesus. you. We love you. out here like you. get the glory. Can we lift our hands? we lift our voice. just so we come to him. We've come to Come on somebody. Let's give god praise for the Western Michigan Jurisdiction Choir under the direction of the elder Lamont Mccoy. At this time, we shall move. into one of the greatest achievements and shining stars in the life of our Bishop. The Western Michigan Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction and I will take an administrative privilege and I will call them in this order. First will be the state executive secretary administrative assistant, Dwayne Bennett after him, the supervisor of the Department of Women, mother Martha Nichols, and then in succession and the new president of the Western Michigan jurisdiction Bishop Melvin Burton received them in that honor. giving unto god. to our jurisdiction of Bishop to our to our general board member, to all of the bishops, to all of those that are here today. to other whales, I'm going to read the resolution from Western MI Jurisdiction and if you allow me, I'll have a few comments and god shall wipe away all tears from their eyes and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain for the former things are passed away. Revelation chapter Twenty-one verse four. God almighty has seen fit to transition from our midst. our beloved Bishop Natheniel, Wyoming Wells Jr on Tuesday, March, 24th 2000, 2020, Western wants the Wells family. loved ones, and friends to know that it is with deep sadness and a sense of great loss that we all share with all of you during this time. Whereas Bishop Natheniel, Wyoming Wells the second junior has been called home to rest the Western Michigan jurisdiction offers our sincere condolences, love, and prayers of comfort to the entire family. Your sorrow is our sorrow. Your loss is our loss and your pain is our pain. Whereas Bishop Wells has been an inspiration to the community. Reaching out. as a visionary man of god, instilling holiness in our lives. he touched and encountered uh administering to the Total Man Ministry and women of god. Therefore, be it resolved Bishop Natheniel, Wyoming Wells Jr has completed his assignment here on this earth and his grain has gained his crown to be with our Heavenly father, be it for the resolved that a copy of this resolution be given to the family. and a copy will be placed in the Western Michigan jurisdictional archives submitted this tenth day of September. 2021 Bishop, Melvin Burton Western Michigan jurisdiction churches of God in Christ Who is Bishop Wells? He was a man that evolved over time. I can recall when I was growing up, Bishop Wells was always busy. We could be in church and if it's took somebody too long, he said, okay, come on, come on, come on, come on, let's move on. Let's move on. and what most of us didn't realize at that time, he was teaching us lessons on how church should and could be operated. He didn't believe that you just waste time in church When you came to church, you came to have church and then you gave you left and you went home or wherever you are going. Most of us didn't understand the lessons that Bishop was teaching us until Bishop was gone. and we started to reflect. and then those in those moments. I'm not going to say. excuse me. That's right. Because we're in the heart. comes out. He taught us that nobody was any better. than we were. That's right. They might be larger. but they weren't better. Somebody said he taught excellence. and he did. after I joined the jurisdiction, I had many opportunities to be mentored. and nurtured. I thought I knew a lot about the church. until some of those teachable moments when I sit down with Bishop Wells and he'd start to teach and I grew up and I thank god for it. I gotta take my seat but I've got to say this. Children of Bishop Wells. Thank you. Nobody knows the sacrifice. that you gave. That's right. for your father to lead holy Trinity, to lead Western Michigan. to become a general board member Nobody understood those those sacrifices like his family. Pastor Butch. I'm sure there were times that you wanted daddy to be there for you. But daddy was going on Church business. and it was just expected that you understood. So you had to go to it. Mother whales. You shared him with everybody. the man. the women. the church. and I say thank you. because you've helped to teach us What a life should be like. Thank you. for this opportunity. but just being here. Thank you, sister Wells God bless you. We thank god for the life and legacy. of Bishop Natheniel, Wyoming Wells Jr Say go from our presence. but never from our hearts. I was greatly honored and blessed. to have known and worked with this great man of god. out of the 20s some odd years that I served with him. we never had a crossword I remember one time when I called him and was telling him something that I wanted to do in the women's department. Bishop said to me, mother, whatever you want to do, I trust you. He said, that's why I chose you to walk by my side. I believe you're going to do the right thing. because at that time, he was going running a lot for the church and I said, alright, it. but today, we are saddened. on that night or that morning when I got a call saying he was gone, it was quite a shock but I thank God for knowing this man. Hallelujah. He was not just any man He was a Bible man. I said he was a walking Bible. because you can stop him anywhere and ask him anything about the Bible. He can give you the chapter verse in line. I said another thing I knew about Bishop Wells was that he knew this church He knew everything from the laws of the church to what's supposed to be done and how it's supposed to be done. So, I thank god for this great man of god. We thank god today for all of our leaders that are here. All of the bishops that came and all of the first ladies that are here. We thank god for Michigan jurisdiction. We're going to every woman that is a part of West Michigan. If you would just stand at this time, and remain standing until I have finished reading this resolution. A man that is born of a woman. is of a few days and full of trouble. He come at forth like a flower. and it's cut down He fled also as a shadow and continue with not job fourteen one and two whereas we deeply be well, the demise of our great leader Bishop Nathaniel Wyoming Wells Jr. Who was Summons March the Twenty-fourth 2020. to transition from his earthly home to the place god had prepared for him. Today, we pause to remember and celebrate the legacy and the life of this remarkable man of god. Whereas we that in this situation. there is no adequate way. to express our deepest heartfelt sympathy to the family. Mother, Mary Ann Wells Houston and the Wells family. We want you to know that we have been continually and we'll continually on praying for you. We know that god is able and keep you. lift up your burdens. Comfort your souls at this time of grief and solitude, in times like this earth has no sorrow that heaven cannot heal Be it for the result that the supervisor of the Martha Nichols and the Western Michigan Department of Women expresses our love and appreciation to you and your family. Just know that we are lifting you up before the lord today and in the hours of despair, Hallelujah. We bow in humble submission to the will of the heavenly father. But the scripture said, it is appointed unto man to die. but after that, the judgement Therefore, we want to encourage you that the lord who is uh the only one that can help us and who can destroy both the body and the soul he's here right now when everyone else has gone he is the one who will be able and will be with you in the days, the weeks and the months and years to come. resolve that a copy of this resolution be given to the family and a copy kept in our vows humbly submitted Mother Martha a Nichols supervisor of women Bishop Melvin Burton, jurisdictional. God bless you. I was going to tell y'all a little story that my husband said I thought about him as I was sitting on the seat. And he's said what was tell this story about a man on a train? said the man would go on the train and the train would care. people here, there, and everywhere and the man noticed that every time they got to the graveyard, that the train was stopped and a lot of people would get off the train So, the man decided 1 day after he done rode this train so many times and people getting off. So, he said, I'm going to get off to see what's going on. There's so many people is getting off here. So, he decided he was going to get off the train when he got off the train, walked through the graveyard There was a great city. on the other side of the graveyard. So, I want y'all to know today, that is a great city. That Bishop is already rejoicing. He he went through the graveyard. Hallelujah Saints of the lord. We gotta go through the graveyard in order to make it to the city. Not yet. Let's save it. Let's say that. It saves it. Thank you, Ella Lamont. We'll we'll be shouting in a little bit. Okay, Andre. I'm a part of holy Trinity too. The late Wells. and our Bishop Natheniel, Wyoming Wells. Make sure when I was attending college, just a few miles to the northeast here, along with my mother. that I made it the Holy Trinity on Tuesdays and Friday night for church. If they could catch me So, I feel a part of this family. because they also pastored in Benton Harbor. Community Church of God in Christ. with my sister and I had the distinction of living in their home. for a while. years ago, I'm not going to go through all the things that I can say about my great Bishop. and my leader because he was always my big brother. but I'm telling you something I don't know about the rest of you. but Bishop Wells made me mad. He was hard on me. and I could not understand. Two things kept me though. Number one. I knew he loved me. Number two. I knew he was destined for greatness. Psalms Thirty-seven and Thirty-seven says this, Mark the perfect man. Behold the upright. for the end of that man. is peace. and I knew from an early age, mother Wells from the projects I knew Bishop was going places We watched him grow up even though he was born here, he was reared in Benton Harbor. came back to his beloved city, Muskegon Heights, but time and the intimacy. of standing and watching him. and seeing the things that he accomplished He was rougher on me, I believe than any of the other people in Western Michigan. jurisdiction. There was some times I would be crying with my fist. I didn't understand what he was trying to show me. years later, he began to me and we got closer to each other. There was some times that he and I spent alone in his latter years took me to Trinidad with him golfing and he took part with Bishop. um Johnson, I administrator Alfred and some of the rest of us going to Columbia and I saw how god used him and saw him build literally build a nation of churches. and the people come from all over the country. to see and hear him. minister to the people of god. I want to say to you, the family, the mother Wells to his son, elder Wells, We all know that you will miss him the most but we're celebrating as well as reminiscing The late Samuel Clemons better known as Mark Twain said these words that the two most important days in a person's life is the day that he's born. the day that he finds out why he was born. I believe that there came a time in our late bishop's life. that he knew what his purpose was and why he was born. in every fiber. every part of his being and his strength. He took it and he used it. He knew where he came from and he knew where he was going. I want to leave you with these words from Daniel. This is what I believe. about my leader. and many of them. They sleep in the dust of the earth. shall awake. some to everlasting life. in Psalm shame and everlasting contempt. and they that be wise. shall shine. as the brightness of the firmament. and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars forever. and ever. Bishop is a star. He's going to receive his reward. We thank god for those Western Michigan tributes and I'd like to at this time, Bishop's life touched so many men around the world and some of our global leaders, are jurisdictional. Bishops have traveled to be with the Wells family and us on this afternoon and from the city of Detroit. the jurisdictional newly appointed of Ontario is here with us today. Bishop Charles Would you stand sir? So that we might acknowledge you. then from Connecticut Bishop Charles Brewer, Connecticut. First is with us today as well. Will you stand so that we might acknowledge you that one of his sons from Grand Rapids, the administrative assistant, Robert Dean is here as well and we want to acknowledge you and praise god for you. and again, these masks don't allow me to see everyone but if someone else is here visiting from another jurisdiction or reformation, would you stand at this time? so that oh my goodness, how can I forget my brother? Amen. And I got his name right here just as plain as he want to be right here. We thank god for auxiliary Bishop Cunningham go. So, we might see you there. Thank you all for helping me out. I sure appreciate it. His name is just as big and letters right here as it want to be. What can I say at this time, we will have Special family tributes. his sister, Doctor Patricia Wells will come at this time and then representing the children, the the grandchildren, and the great grandchildren is Doctor Frazier. Let's receive them both. Thanks. friends and family. I am so sorry that I can't be with you in person for this memorial service. I wanted to say some words about my brother, my oldest brother, Bishop Nathaniel Wells. As most of you know, my parents had four children and he was the oldest of the four. He followed my father in ministry and we were all very proud of him. when he was elevated to the office of Bishop. it gave me great pleasure to honor him by calling him Bishop and he would look at me and he would smile and my father before him. the Bible. and Bishop. Love teaching the word of god. He loved teaching the word to me. He was amazing. He was intelligent. He loved reading. He loved being informed on historical as well as current events. Another thing about him he was very perceptive and he was a student business. He was very disciplined and he loved dignity. He wanted things to be done decently and in order and then he wanted them done in a very timely way. That's right. Another thing about him was he was a visionary. He had a lot of faith. Great faith, and before he became a popular cliche, I can remember hearing him say, you gotta see it. before you see it. and those words to hold in my spirit and I'm sure it did and many of you and it cost us to live by faith and just know that god can do anything. Another thing about Bishop was he was resilient. even in the face of adversities. sickness, and health challenges. He always seemed to endure and bounce back. He didn't let that get him down even when he had to the brain surgery he went right back and gone at years to his life. but then I remember last year that faithful when I was watching. the broadcast. and one of the elders said, Bishop left the morning service and he wasn't feeling well. He said, you all know that's not like Bishop. Pray for him. and something within me said, call So, I hesitated but then I heard it again. So, I went to the phone and I called and if he didn't feel like talking, I was just going to leave a message but he answered, I could hear in his voice. I said, do you really don't feel well? do you? And he said, no. and I said, let's that prayer So, I prayed for him. and at the end of the prayer, he said, thank you and it was so beautiful. We had such a beautiful fellowship I didn't know at that time That would be the last conversation that we would have but we had closure and a beautiful fellowship and I began to think sometimes when you have a designer or a manufacturer and they have a product when the product is unable to withstand when the pressure is too hard, Uh the stress is too much. when diseases are too ravaging. then often the manufacturer has to do a recall and so it was with you. god was his desire. God is all of our creator. and between night and morning. god didn't recall and that's what we're all waiting for Someday, we're going to be recalled to our creator and our maker. So, we have to work on We have to have faith and we have to trust god. and hope to see each other on the other side. God bless you. Good afternoon. Good afternoon. So, that was Patricia, Patricia, Patricia And I'm Patricia Joyce better known as PJ To those who know me, I often joke, I was having a conversation with my sister. I said, well, I'm the new baby and Ronnie was like, no, you're not. Daddy said I was the new baby. She didn't want to share a knee with me y'all. So, I just said, well, I'm daddy's favorite child. as kids, teens, and adults. we had the opportunity to see our father operate on various levels as a father and a leader We have seen him operate as a transformational leader working with teams, bringing about change to create a vision We have seen him operate as a change agent servant leader, visionary, He had the ability to see the big picture of where the church he led was headed and what it capable of and what it would take to get there. He motivated and he inspired others to engage with his vision to build the Total Man Ministry. He was a risk taker and innovative leader. a man with value ethics, and integrity He was transparent inspirational, Daddy had the strong ability to convey his vision to others and get them excited about it. He maintained a positive yet realistic presence within the church. You knew what you were working for and that was souls and it was ministry He was very strategic and a critical thinker responsible and dependable Daddy took his role as father, pastor, and leader very seriously. He was an interpersonal interpersonal communicator. He was able to interact with people from all walks of life in a way that was very genuine. He never let his title make him. He made the title He was authentic. open to the ideals and ways looking at uh ways to improve the ministry and to and to create um different avenues to where others could be blessed Daddy was a man before his time. An influential anointed leader and great father who was there all the time. to us. If you knew my dad whenever he was speaking at someone's funeral, he would always go into the Bible and find a character that depicted that person and so I was talking to mama and Ronnie and Tiffany and I was like, well, you know what? When I think about it, daddy hits a lot of these characters in the Bible. and so some of the different characters that came to my mind was Abraham because daddy had great faith David because daddy was a fighter. Yes, he was. He was not afraid to go toe to toe with any individual when he saw they were wrong or doing wrong to someone else. He was a Daniel. He persevered through the trials and hardships brought to him through his faith in god. If it wasn't right, daddy wasn't. daddy was not conforming. He would, he would stand on what he believed based on the word of god. God found favor in our dad and gave him knowledge and skills in every aspect of the Bible and wisdom When I My father teach It's like he had a computer going on in his brain like like everyone of you say it. He knew that word. He knew the verse. He, I mean, he just would break it down and it's like when he would be teaching, it's like the word would just be coming. Let me move move you on over to Matthew. Let's go down the revelations. Let's go over the job. I mean, he would just spit it out and have you so engaged in He was a Nehemiah. He was a builder, not just a builder of buildings but a builder of men. He believed in building you men who walked with him and served with him. He saw the greatness in you and wanted to see you take your ministries to the next level because that's called kingdom building. He was a Moses always had an ear open to listen for the lord. Daddy had a strong will and was determined to follow god making him a prime leader in god's eyes. He was a job too because daddy experienced a lot of loss because see as leaders, you experience a lot of hurt You lose some things and that's what daddy did but yet god and he but he never excuse me but he never lost his faith in god and he never wavered in the in anything. He stood firm on the word of god. He was a Jeremiah. He was a preacher, a prophet who traveled preaching throughout the world and he was a Samuel worked in many roles as a preacher, a father, a Bishop, established the jurisdiction comprised of awesome uh wonderful women and men of god. He was a seer and a discerning of spirits. Daddy didn't play just like he ran the church. He ran his home this way. he would get up and he would not spare the rod and at home, he wouldn't spare it on us if we were wrong, he would shoot from the hip with us and sometimes we didn't like it but we knew we had to take it. Yeah. So sometimes we agreed to disagree too. So, we took our weapons but we kept on ticking but it was it was the same leadership that we saw in our dad that he instilled in one of his children. We all may have different personalities but the bottom line, we love the lord and service is what our parents put in us and if you watch our lives, our lives also depict our mom and dad. So, finally y'all, I'll just give you a few little laughs here. Um you guys are right. Daddy was a jokester. We saw the jokester. We we uh saw the we we call daddy the the monster daddy would come home late from work sometimes and this is before he began began preaching. Daddy is the monster He come in. We hear his voice. We'll be yelling out. Daddy is the monster daddy. up in there and tickle us and we just all just fall out and you know, our dad also love music. So, music was all in our house. We'd be singing one of our favorite songs. I don't know if teacher and but remember um and we'll go sweeping through the city. We, you know, papa. Well, let me go this week and through the city. because we used to sing. We used to have church y'all. We used to have altar Butch used to be the preacher. the the uh choir director We'd be in the house singing and we're going to the city and then we get all up in it. We leave the city and go to the kitchen. No more pots. No more pans. We just go on with the song and daddy be like, what? What? So, we we used to just have fun in the house and even though daddy was busy, he would take time out to plant seeds into us. If we were playing sports. Boy, it was funny. Some of our friends would say, Patty, I see your dad coming. Is that your dad? And you know, it was daddy because daddy had that walk. He's pigeon toed and bow legged. He had that hat on crossing that field boy. of pride would just step in just to know that your dad took time out to come to the track field and see you run or to see you play football, baseball, um play in the band um because music is Chi Chi's thing. Um so, you know, we we just have some very fond memories of our dad that we will never forget and um the the great times for us is uh was dinner time 5 o'clock you better be at that table because When we had our conversations, that's when daddy was checking in Thanksgiving time. be at the table sharing stories, laughing, playing, and we'll continue with the traditions and just finally because um I do respect time just finally just III know you all are encouraging us but we want to encourage you as well. Stand strong. come together, know the you. work the vision. and this jurisdiction in church will continue to stay strong. Daddy didn't plant the seeds for no reason. So, let's not let it fall to waste. Let's be builders. Let's be leaders. The word is in you. Your Bible church. You know the word Okay. Thank you. Let us stand and praise god for this great Wells family and those family tributes. Not only was Bishop Wells accomplished in ministry, he was also recognized and celebrated in the civic professional in the business world. We have two tributes this evening from the Civic community We have brother Eddie Gardner who is the executive director of the Western Region of the Small Business Administration. He's going to come and make a presentation at this time and then follow him will be the mayor Marcus Muhammad from the city of Benton Harbor, Michigan received them at this time. Good afternoon, saints and give honor to god. It's kind of hard coming after a family tribute like that. I appreciate just a few minutes that I have to recognize the contributions of of Bishop Wells. I think we all know that Bishop love the lord love this church and it's all love. this family as you just heard, but also, you've also heard in a few of the comments how he loved the community and this community as well. So, you may ask me, you may say brother Ed, Well, how do you know that? How do you know that he loved his community? Well, you know that by the time that he put in and work on the efforts that he did, the talents that he gave, the inspirations and innovation that he gave to this community to help improve the human condition both inside the church and outside the church as well. We received a number of resolutions and tribute to the civic service. and a couple of resolutions put it this way. So, I'm going to just read a snippet. These are just snippets from the resolution First coming from resolution of respect from Holy Trinity That resolution said that Bishop Wells were very independent as you may have heard and would perform any task and it's still in his family or his personal family church family. I'm including them as well to follow in his example of inside and outside the church also said he loved his family with a gentle get stirred combination of only which he could possess. So, those coming from that resolution, a second resolution coming from the uh uh judiciary board of Ink references. Bishop Wells served in any capacity that he could and did any work that his hands could do. and thirdly, from a resolution from Senator Gary Peters said that Bishop Wells continually fought for what was right and what was just And so, how do we know we love this community? because of all this time, all this effort, all these things he's doing to improve the human condition, to make things better. So much so that he gave back that the city of Muskegon was so inclined to rename the street after him. So, if you haven't noticed when you go out, you'll see a sign that now causes this Bishop Natheniel. We're at Wyoming Wells Jr way notice sizes. But here's the bigger question. The question is, why would a man put so much effort in trying to help his community? What was his motivation to do something? What kept him going day after day after struggle to try to make things better? I happen to be here at the church yesterday and I had an opportunity to stop in to uh pastor Wells Office was in and so I stopped by and uh and we're talking about this and I said, why don't you think your dad gave so much time and effort back to his community and I answered the question like this to him. I said, I believe your father, not only loved god, not only loved the church and the family but he also loved people and he really just wanted things to be better for folks. He wanted better housing for people, better places to live. He wanted kids to get a better education. He wanted people to have better jobs. He wanted people to have better transportation. All these things were the driving forces of why he did what he did because he loved not only god but he loved me. That was the right motivation That what keeps him going up. That's what what kept me moving forward. So, you see there's a number of boards and stuff. I can't mention them all. There's some mentioned in your program and there's also some of the awards that he's won over the years for some of the service that he has done. It's many and if a man is known by his deeds in the name of Bishop Natheniel, Wyoming Wells Jr is known throughout the and it's known throughout this country and the world by the deeds that he's done. I'll leave you with this final remarks from one of the resolutions and this is the one of the resolution of respect from the coaching center here Only Trinity coaching. It says, we are placed in this world for a limited time and with the breast of the infant begins to race to the a race. We must run. but no matter what your trials are and how big the mountains seem, the lord is there to see you through and he will go on to go all extremes. So, I'm happy that the lord saw fit to be behind Bishop Wells to put so much in him to want to give back to so many in this community. both inside and outside the church as well. I want to stress that it wasn't just church folk. He was a dear soul to all of us and many and we just want to recognize him on this day for his years of service. Thank you. I like to first give honor to god who is the head of my life. uh to the presiding bishop bishop Sheer Bishop Daniels General Board to his beloved wife. and family. I didn't want to be on the program because I wanted to surprise you. I had talked about giving a key to the city to Bishop Wells. but I wanted to do it from the seed of power. which he was a man of power at city hall. but the evil accident of time. got in the way. but I gave him my word. that he would receive a key to the city. and I'm here today. to present that to his wife. and to his family. It reads key to the city. presented to Bishop Natheniel Wells Jr The eternal Bishop. of the city. of Benton Harbor presented by Mayor Marcus Muhammad and the city commission. and have a proclamation here as well. but I'll just say that. I believe in Christian. Um The first Bishop. was Peter. You're alright. And Peter is a peculiar word. that derives from the Greek Petra which means some say stones, some say but in order to establish something now, especially the church. It was going to take a very special type of rock. because it's different types. and a diamond is a rock. but in order to really see a diamond in the value and the worth, you gotta hold it up in the light. Otherwise, you may see something that you may not even recognize. because some diamonds are yellow. Some are pink. No, I ain't. I ain't going to get no help today. but he was the first in the western First Bishop. not to be the last. but he set the bar. So, all who come behind and come under. have a standard I'm going to read this here. City of Benton Harbor Proclamation and with me is Mayor Pro Tem Dwayne. Seats and just by the way, for those who may not know, I come out of peace Temple Here he comes out of Flake Temple. but Elder Flake came under. Who I didn't hear you. So, he's at city hall today. Whereas, Bishop Natheniel Wells Jr was a significant leader that advocated for the people and whereas he served in various capacities on a local and national level to include the senior pastor of the Holy Trinity Institutional Church of God in Christ for 44 years and whereas Bishop Wells established programs and education housing, transportation, and child care that to his total man ministry which was adopted by, excuse me, adopted nationally by Church of God in Christ and whereas he was a founder of the Trinity Nonprofit Housing Corporation and Tri Valley Academy Charter School and whereas Bishop Wells built and operated affordable housing developments in various communities to include the city of Benton Harbor and whereas Bishop Wells received numerous awards to include but not limited to the N AA C Man of the year award and now therefore, be it resolved that I'm Marcus Muhammad on behalf of the city of Benton Harbor. Do humbly express our gratitude for his endless efforts and accomplishment to society and be it resolved that Bishop Natheniel Wells Jr is hereby recognized as the eternal Bishop of the city of Benton Harbor and be it further resolved that the the city of Harbor proclaims June 16th as Bishop Natheniel Wells Junior Day. in the city of Benton Harbor County of Barren, State of Michigan and furthermore, this proclamation will be filed as an official record of the city of Benton Harbor. Marcus Muhammad, mayor of City of Benton Harbor. Thank you. Let us thank god again for those verifying tributes. I said, let us thank god again for this tributes. It is time for the word of god and the introduction of our speaker for today. I'll also say that before our speaker comes the shamanic selection will come from one of the sons of Bishop Wells, the elder Curtis Gull, and the Western Michigan Jurisdiction Mass Choir and to this Wells family, thank you for this privilege of serving in this capacity. It was the last March. 1992. I was sitting in my desk in my office. and someone says, Reverend Wells would like to speak to you and said, what Bishop doing? calling me on my job. He never calls me. He says, hey, Mighty Mac, how you doing? There's a church in Grand Rapids, Michigan that's in trouble. Real real bad and uh we've got a meeting tomorrow, Saturday. you'll pick up the keys and Uh We're going to lay hands on you tonight. This will be your last night with Holy Trinity. and you'll be preaching in your pulpit uh on Sunday morning. I don't know what's going to happen but this is why you've been with me all of your life Talk to you. See you tonight. Mighty Mac up Little did he know Gene and I and our children at that time had already made preparations to relocate to Charlotte, North Carolina. and we were scheduled to go there 2 weeks from that phone call that was 29 years ago on August 22nd. of this year and I made a vow made a vow to serve Bishop unto god said different and in this 29 years, I have been recruited and offered opportunities. within the church of God in Christ and I said, no. I've been recruited and offered opportunities outside of the Church of God in Christ in ministry and I said, no, because in my heart, I made a commitment to serve Bishop Wells unto God said differently and so for the 29 years as a senior pastor, and the age of sixteen with the ink still wet on my driver's license. he said Mighty Mac, take us on in and that big pretty Chrysler New Yorker. He turned the keys over to me and say drive and so the past 44 of my 62 years on the face of deaths of this earth, I have spent serving Bishop Wells in one capacity or the other and so to this family, I because when you call me this week, it was a fitting end to the commitment I made to Bishop Wells to serve him until god said different. So, thank you so much and to introduce our speaker will be the bishop Charles Brewer from Connecticut who will do that. God bless you. Do me a favor. Can you just lift your hands and shout glory to god. The Bible declares that heaven and earth shall pass away. but god's word shall stand forever. We have come down to the pinnacle of this moment No service is complete. without the word of the lord. I am humbled and honored. to be asked to introduce such an incredible man. a man whom like my mentor, Bishop Wells is a giver. A man who has the well being of god's people. at the center of his heart. a man that opens doors and creates opportunities for young preachers. a man who simply loves the people of god. He's a member of the general board of our illustrious Church. He is the president of the the first jurisdiction of Wisconsin. He's the pastor of the Holy Redeemer. Church of God in Christ and most of all, he is saved sanctified, ghost filled. Fire baptized and anointed to preach the word of the lord, right after the demonic solo. we ask that you would stand and receive god's man of faith and power Bishop Cedric Daniels. God bless you. It's good to be home. Sherika says she loves you, mama. that lets me come back home. So, Bishop would say, Curtis. come sing this song. He taught me all the hymns and I didn't even know him on the spot but I got so much out of everything that everybody said. I'm grateful to have raised three children because of the leading that I got from Bishop Wells. For those of you that don't know me, I'm the baby of Western Michigan. I was the youngest state choir member in 1985. I counted a privilege to have experienced the life that I did under all of the Wells because I was a pop Bishop and a butcher but I love my family. The song says When you've done all you can. It seems like it's never enough. What do you say? when your friends What are you doing? When you You can and it seems like it you. to the word and everything that's been through because it made it this far. I'm You've done. your time. I know you can. Gotta trust god. You and see it before you see it. So lord, we give you the glory, the honor, and praise. We thank you dear heavenly father that you are our god. and that in you, there is no failure. after we have done everything within our capacity to stand we will stand in the liberty wherewith Christ has made us free and we will not be entangled again in the yoke of bondage. You've been kind. so wonderful. so merciful to us. You brought us all the way. You've carried our burdens and the heat of the day. You're such a wonderful savior. and we shall forever glorify you and magnify you. You are too wise to make mistake or error. So we realize that promotion is never a punishment and that to be absent from the body is to be present with the lord. So lord, Now, this Wells family Wells pastor the daughters to this church jurisdiction. All of your people, community at large, may I decrease and you increase. Give a word lord for your people that will encourage and inspire and we will bless your name always in the wonderful and matchless name of Jesus. We pray. Thank god Amen. bless you. Please be seated. Let me say to you. so that you have fair warning. I am not a long winded preacher. and you should be glad about that. It is proper and befitting that I extend to this family on behalf of a grateful church, the church of God in Christ for one of our generals revered generals who served at the highest level in the church of God in Christ with the distinguished office of a diocese of jurisdictional Bishop and general board member I want to extend to you on behalf of the offices of church, the presiding bishop of the Church of God in Christ, the first and second, a former emeritus presiding bishop and all of the members of the board to our general supervisor to all of the members of the various bodies within the church of God in Christ where Bishop Wells has served. we extend to you warm greetings. you have our prayers, our love, and our support. to the of this jurisdiction, The visiting bishops, those that have come, the clerks that have come from far and near our supervisor to the mayor's political individuals To all of the individuals that are present in the house of the lord. I greet you in the name of Jesus. I want to say to you as an introduction to my experience with Bishop Wells is that I found him to always be an exceptional a person and phenomenal leader. I want to say to you that there's much gratitude that many of us that we have for the Wells family, the tradition of the Wells enlightened and inspired communities all across the nation and the world the Wells family and it's totality and so many of you all across the nation are connected to or some kind of way related to the Wells and I want to that they are phenomenal academics and they have displayed intelligence that is far excellent. I want to say that the Wells family has contributed to Christian them to society and to community and a phenomenal way and how honored and humbled I am to be included in a moment of celebration, reflection, and remembrance of such a giant of a man I want to say to you on a personal note that Bish Wells and I had many things in common. in the 80s. We both. well, I started housing projects in the state of Wisconsin and charter schools and public schools and choice schools and Christian schools. Five schools and Bishop Wells would come and visit and even to this day, we celebrate one of the Wells family members was providing in services just the other day to our academic staff I want to say to you in a very real way that Bishop Wells was one that was committed. Yes, sir. And from a personal perspective, at the transition or actually of leadership in Wisconsin about 21 21 years ago, Bishop Wells as a new member of the general board, his very first assignment was the state of Wisconsin. and that's where I reside. though. Our family is from Alabama and I must never forget and the folk in Alabama remind me. never forget. but our family moved to Wisconsin in 1953. So, I think I can also say Wisconsin but that when our bishop, bishop Dennis Flakes, the the brother of what you just heard of Flakes Temple here in uh Michigan Bishop Flakes had decided to become emeritus and Bishop Wells was sent to Wisconsin to provide direction transition, and leadership. a new presiding Bishop. GE Patterson and he had entrusted the state of Wisconsin Bishop Wells came to Wisconsin as our interim Bishop and served there for a few months and navigated the polling process and all that would acquire uh the leadership in Wisconsin Initially, I was not even considering being included. I had all kinds of things on my mind and still do and I want to say and suggest that Bishop Wells had come there with the mind of appointing he had someone in his mind He wanted to be the bishop of Wisconsin. but he had not really come in contact with Daniels yet. And so when Bishop Wells had come to fast forward, there were eleven individuals that had offered themselves for candidacy for the uh Bishop Rick in Wisconsin and I was nominated by the brothers and when they had taken the polling in all things had ended, we thought there would be multiple polling. There was one polling and they just told us all to go upstairs. Then they said by the end that there were five of you that offered yourself and one gentleman received five times more votes than all of the others recommendations rather than all of the others put together and Bishop looked over at me and said, you're the man. Bishop Wells worked with me for a few months and uh doing that transition of leadership as well as our revered Bishop bishop Dennis Flakes and I want to say to you that he and I had many discussions. Now, there are those of you that have suggested and said that you all have had all kinds of frontal attacks. If I can say it like that with a good Bishop come to say to you that I never had an argument with bishop Bishop Wells. I had many arguments with Bishop Webber We respected one another and we had great joy and conversation and dialogue and because I served in various spaces uh at that time in the church, I was responsible for the agenda and Bishop Wells if he had committed to someone that an item would be on the agenda or that he would address a matter. no matter how sensitive that matter was, the courage to address that matter and so many times, he would call me and you know, I served at that time with a lot of older men and so what would happen uh uh Bishop uh Bishop Haynes and and and Bishop uh uh Owens and uh Bishop Winbush and uh well I don't want to call him all because he's might be watching right now but uh Bishop Green and a number of the uh Bishop Hamilton and a number of the older men and many times when I had come to the board member a meeting, I thought that they would be, you know, here I am and I thought they'd be woke and alert and engaged and they were all napping and sleeping and there were those who wondered how I got so many assignments because they were asleep and somebody would wake up their eyes and say, send Daniels Daniels There was one time when I move swiftly because I don't want to be long. I, hope you're there was one time that Bishop Wells and Bishop Wells would always call me and he would say, Daniels, I'm just giving you warning. This is what I'm going to say. and then he would give a few expressions and uh one of the words would say start with an end but I won't tell you what that word was. and I will briefly address that you people can say whatever you want to. That wasn't quite the way he said it. Here's where I'm going to go with it. Are you with me or not? And we would dialogue and debate and I would ask him of the reasons and the rationale behind uh his position Bishop Wells if he believes something, he would let no one sway him from his belief. he stood on principle. He stood on integrity. He stood on the word of god. He stood for the underdog It was not, it didn't matter to him whether it was a popular position or not. If he felt it was right, he stood right where he was and let no one sway him. You know, there's some people that are sell outs and there's some people who have hidden agendas and there are some people who change their position and their whole disposition by a position and title but Wells was not one that was going to change if he believed that something was right. He stood for it and so I have come and now I ask of you for just 3 minutes. and I will take my seat So now I ask of you. as we come now to celebrate this man. I want to suggest and say to you that when this date was set, a number of people in Wisconsin passed and in order for me to be here today, I had to have three funerals on Saturday and one funeral on I thought I was going to be able to take the ferry last night from Wisconsin to get here in Michigan. They said the last ferry left at 1230 but my word was out and I was committed because I wanted to be here with mother Wells who is a wonderful jewel that has stood by her husband faithfully. That's it. Give it to her. and all I could hear was Bishop Wells saying to me, Daniel, something happened to me. This is when he had had a surgery. You make sure you look after Butch and you take care of Mary Ann. I said that was your job. You ought to have insurance for her to take care of her. We had that kind of relationship. If you're going to get along with Bishop Wells, you have to come back. So, when I couldn't take the ferry, and then when I couldn't take the plane, I said in my car, in my garage, I have a car I'm going to do what? Wells. Did many times coming over to Wisconsin. I snuck in my house packed my things, walked to the car, got the keys, drove myself over here. so I could be here with the Wells family. and in closing, if I were to use a scripture, And that's 413. It says now, when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they will unlearn and ignorant men they had to marvel and take knowledge of them that they had been with Jesus. If I could rephrase it, I would say now, when we saw the boldness of Natheniel Wells and that he had been with Jesus. We now Marvel and take knowledge of him. I want to use for a thing as now, I take my seat a total man whose name was Wells. There are many men who have come this journey Toes and Plato's, Socrates and other individuals. Hallelujah. to Jesus There is a Shakespearean sonnet that says no. for me when I'm dead but then you shall hear the su bell and give warning to the world that I have fled but there's a better man that gives a better scripture. that says, I have fought a good fight. Hallelujah to god and I have kept the faith. I want you to know that we celebrate a man, a man who build, who build houses. A man who built empires, A man who educated children, a man who preached the gospel, A man who executed the scripture and after all that he had done when I was in Atlanta, Georgia, just a few days before he left here, I on a cart and he was going to Connecticut. and I was going to Virginia He saw me and he started running to me and he said, Daniel, Daniel, Daniel, and I stopped the car. He said, I just want to tell you two things that I really love you and I don't tell people that and that I really trust you. Well, other day after that, he went home to be with the lord and he was on a car but then the lord said, Nathan, your house We love you. I really trust you and I've got a home where the wicked will see some troubling and the weary shall be arrested. He made it home. and I hear the lord saying, well done. thy good and faithful. good and faithful servant. Welcome home. Let us receive the senior pastor. of the Holy Trinity Institutional Church of God in Christ and the community Church of God in Christ. It's in his DNA and it's shown up in his spirit Pastor Natheniel Wells the third. Come on y'all. We honor the lord on today. want to. I wasn't expecting to get up. but I want to honor my mother today. I just I just have never felt long. like I have Just things to talk about. I always will call him. just to get some feedback. Daddy, what you think? You're following the right the right steps. That's what he would say. or that's exactly how I would have done it. but to not have that anymore. is a lonely feeling. but however, god has been faithful. and I want to say to my family on today, Daddy left us. So many wonderful powerful. elements. and I'm just eternally grateful. II wasn't expecting to get up here. My sister Pj. She She told it. she put it all out there and there's really nothing else I can say. Uh daddy's Life spoke for itself. for itself. Some people never understood him. But if you were going to deal with deal with daddy. you had to deal with him and the word and II would pick with him though. You know II would do things on purpose. just to get a rise out of them. and then I would double back. and then I would hit him in the word and he'd look at me and he couldn't do nothing but just laugh and shake his head. but that's who daddy was. That's how you had to deal with him. You had to just deal with daddy in the word. If you believe something, you weren't going to change him. That was just him. That that was just him. If he loved you, he loved you. He didn't throw the word around. He showed his love in different ways. That's how he was but uh I'm miss him. I think about him every day. Think about it. and uh just a great guy. He was just uh just a great guy. real good man. He was the best. and if I could uh live up to him. I think uh I'll be alright. I want to say to holy Trinity, thank you all so much. for receiving just not me but receiving Trina. and I'm here to tell you the ministry has not missed a beat. has not missed. a beat. but I'm very grateful for the Holy Trinity Church family for receiving us and working along with us as we go on this journey. This is a new journey for all of us but I want you all to know that daddy had been preparing me for this for quite a while. I'm being honest with you. He was preparing me for this for quite a while especially the past three to 4 years. it almost with me. Our conversations. started getting to a point. where I would be cutting him off because I would be like, man, you ain't going nowhere. What do you mean? I'm I'm going to be pushing you around in a wheelchair. You you ain't going nowhere. you know, but however, life happens. Am I right about it? And daddy was always ahead of time. So he would, he was always planning always putting things in motion. and talking and telling me, giving me instructions and things of that nature. and so, I'm just very grateful to my dad Just very grateful mama. you know, I love you. crazy about my mom. crazy about them. So, I think I've said enough. It's time to go y'all. Is that alright? Can we go? Can I put it to you like this? Is that cool? Alright, Bishop McMurray. I'm going to just put it back in your hands and let you send us home. Thank you all so much for coming out. God bless you. Wells. a there be a recession of the bishops? as you will come at this time and he will have recession of the bishops and the clerics and special guests and then the bishop of Columbia Place where Bishop Wells has planted many seeds. Bishop Lester Johnson will give our final words and our benediction We're in the hands of adjective Taylor that thereafter in the hands of Bishop Johnson. I'm rejoicing. What a day. of rejoicing. What a day. After a while. After a while. dark clouds. Hallelujah. you. What a day. The lord bless you.
Channel: Be Revived with Pastor Keith Martin
Views: 4,679
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Keywords: bishop nathaniel wells funeral, bishop nathaniel wells praise break, bishop wells, bishop wells funeral, church of god in christ, church of god in christ preaching, cogic praise break, praise break at funeral
Id: x63nZ1-NquU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 175min 55sec (10555 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 13 2021
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